.. ..-- cm or ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. was A RESOLUTION TO CALLON THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS TO CONSIDER THE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE OF THE OF KAKTOVIK AND THE WILDLIFE ON DECISIONS REGARDING THE OPENING OF THE COASTAL PLAIN OF THE NATIONAL IWILDIJFE REFUGE AND THE BEAUFORT SEA TO OIL AND GAS DRILLING WHEREAS, the arctic coastal plain and the Beaufort Sea have been the home of the inupiat people of ital-ttovik, providing safety, sustenance, and traditional lifestyle, AND for which we have been the rightful custodian and guardian since time immemoriai; and WHEREAS, You have taken from the people of Kalttovilt our lands and our rights to create the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge without our consent and have promised to protect and guard these lands and wildlife {Porcupine Caribou Herd, Central Arctic Caribou Herd, Polar Bear, (Switch,l Bear, Wolverine, Grav lalliolf, Dali Sheep, Bowhead whale, Beluga Whale, Bearded Seal, Hinged Seal, critical ?sh stocks, Snowy Owl, Geese, Eider Docks, and other waterfowl that need these lands to continue to exist} but now threaten both with development; and WHEREAS. While the outcry of the people of Italrtovik mav seem minuscule and nonv existent, we believe our voice to bernore relevant than that of all government or business entities, as the arctic coastal plain and the Beaufort Sea has alwavs ken our home; and WHEREAS. we. the rightful residents of ltaittovik, have concerns regarding the DPEHIHE We will feel the negative Impact of development, the loss of our ill-?3? 0f life, the 0f source of subsistence, and the loss of health due to cumulative negative Impacts of drilling on the environment; and WHEREAS. feel that our future generations will not be able to hunt and gather fund on out now traditional lands; how we harvest a! the coast will be displaced like the carillon: and ong IFFH F..- .. - Em Wm 'm after .ws, .4, my durum: PD Box 2? - 1051 Barter Am, of?ce?o?tvumnovlkug Kaktovik, Alaska 99?4? 901.540.5313 . summons, fax WHEHERS. our people are divided over the opening of ANWR for oil at gas drilling on land, but stand united in strong to any offshore oil 34 gas activityr and development; and WHEREAS, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management?s recent inclusion of subsistence whaling deferral areas {specificallv, the Kaktovik Whaling Areal in its 2019?2024 DES Draft Proposed Program has materiallv demonstrated a complete disregard and disrespect for the due process of protecting the cultural and human rights of the Inupiat community of Kalrtovflr; NDW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Itaktovilr has no choice but to see all arctic oil and gas programs proposed by the US Department of the Interior? offshore and onshore- as a hostile process being imposed for government agencies acting in bad faith. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that our Inupiat cultural rights and human rights issues of land, native allotments, health, and safety must be addressed and resolved as a prerequisite to any oil and gas development plans or actions, and we further require all financial, technical and human resources to mitigate the impacts of such planning and development and to assist in improving the hearth and welfare of our community. The foregoing resolution was adopted on this 13th Day of Februarv, 2013 at a dulv called City of ltaktovik citv council meeting. ATTEST: :7 City of ltaktova Acting Eftv Clerk, Fred Tagarook, Jr. ?ail-J'- l" REED tact LA Al?