Thursday, May 31, 2018 at1z19246 PM Eastern Daylight Time anl: mu; Turnzr Inuultoxurlls 5m Thursday Mayil 20m Dunn Kathy Subject: 521ml Frances Saint Frances Academy is a Catholic, college-preparatory school that intentionally seeks to serve those who otherwise would not have access to a Catholic education. Founded in 1828, our original mission was to "teach children ol color to read the Bible", an illegal act in the slave state ol Maryland at the time. For 190 years, we have stood as a beacon ol hope lor those trapped by poverty, despair, racial injustice and lack ol educational opponunity, With the help and support ol a diverse cross-section of the greater Baltimore community, we are a thriving little school that constantly defies the odds, perseveres in the lace ol hardship and, by the grace of God, overcomes any obstacle. Sadly, at the same time, for the past 190 years, elements of our society have been opposed to our noble mission and opposed to our very existence. Reading the recent statement from Mount Saint Joseph High School and Calvert Hall College High School about our athletic league in general and Saint Frances Academy in particular has exposed a rift in the Baltimore community that many of us know exists, but lew ol us are willing to address. My community was angered and hurt by the insinuation that we don't share the same values as other members. This is particularly harmlul coming lrorn other Catholic schools. The Maryland Interscholastic Athletic Association is comprised ol schools that are big and small, religious and secular, old and new, It's strength is in its diversity. With the exception of our social- economic demographic, we resemble any other private school in Baltimore, But it is that diflerence that is driving the current dynamic in the league. The majority of our students live at or below the poverty-line. Our school drastically changes the trajectory ol their lives lor the better, Our students leave here with a luture that was unimaginable lor many ol them before matriculation. We operate two dormitories because some of our students are lrorn cities plagued with the same ills as Baltimore but, there is no Saint Frances Academy to serve them And lor our students lrorn Baltimore who live on campus, they are experiencing the safety and stability that allows to excel academically a spiritually. This year's graduating class will attend schools like Duke, Georgetown, Michigan State, Tuskegee and Maryland. Our 41 graduates have earned approximately $4.1 million in merit-based scholarships. And lurthermore, we complete is a league where that average tuition is nearly $20,000, Our tuition is less than hall of that, The lact that our students excel and compete on the highest level, despite these challenges, should be applauded, not criticized. It should be noted that Saint Frances Academy is the oldest Catholic school in the Archdiocese ol Baltimore. Il anything, historically, we should be credited with setting the standard by which a Catholic school in Baltimore should be measured. Instead, these nelarious elements seek to destroy rather than build. They seek to divide rather than unity. In lact, it is our uniqueness that makes us a great In lor the league and an assest to the City 01 Baltimore. We are deeply saddened that others will not see that. In the prayer for the canonization ol our loundress, Mother Mary Lange, we say, "Mother Mary Lange's love lor all enable her to Christ in each person, and the pain ol prejudge and racial hatred Page 1 of 2 never blurred her vision," Followmg Mother Lange's example, We will not allow hatred and anger to consume us. Rather, we invite those elements to visit the school and experience its history and spirit lirst hand. Our hope is that they Will and that they Will see Christ in us as well, HoWever. it they persist in their ellorts to isolate us, Saint Frances Academy is a resilient community. We have a long history ol overcoming insurmountable odds and We never backing down lrom a challenge, We Will compete in lootball and other sports. We will continue to prepare our students lor college and beyond. And most importantly. we Will continue to graduate laith-lilled young men and women, In Providence, Deacon Curtis Turner, Principal Saint Frances Academy Pagez of 2