Gangrene at the Huiteh 59mins Washington, EC 20515 May 13, 2013 The Honorable Scott Pruitt Administrator US. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Avenue, NW. Washington, DC 20460 Dear Administrator Pruitt: We write in regards to recent reporting that Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) staff were involved in the suppression of the release of a Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) draft assessment evaluating the adverse human health effects of per?uorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). This assessment concluded that PFOS and PF 0A can cause human harm at a much lower level of exposure than previously acknowledged by EPA. We were particularly concerned by reports that the release of this HHS study was withheld for political reasons, on the grounds that it would create a ?public relations nightmare.? If true, this constitutes a clear violation of the public trust. Your agency is currently evaluating whether to promulgate a legally enforceable Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) regulation establishing a Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for PF OS and PFOA. Such a decision should be guided by science and free from political interference. Too many communities across the nation are plagued by ongoing, serious questions regarding the threat the contamination may pose to their health and that of their loved ones. Some also doubt the commitment of the federal government to address this issue in a manner that prioritizes and adequately addresses their health concerns. Many of us represent these communities. Studies on PFOS and PFOA have indicated links to cancer, thyroid disease, immunological effects, hormonal impacts, increased cholesterol, fertility issues, and negative effects on growth, learning, and behavior of infants and older children. For decades, these chemicals have been used in hundreds of industrial applications and consumer products such as carpeting, apparels, upholstery, food paper wrappings, metal plating and ?re-fighting foams. Aqueous ?lm-formin foam (AF is a water-based foam used to ?ght Class (fuel-related) ?res. The US. Department of Defense has identi?ed [26 facilities whereFF, testing of nearby water supplies found the chemicals in exceedance of current safety guidelines. The American people have a right to see taxpayer~funded research on the human health effects of exposure to PFOS and PFOA. Moreover, any such research should guide actions to effectuate its mission of ensuring all Americans have access to clean, safe drinking water. We demand your explanation for these repotts and, most importantly, the immediate release of the HHS study. Sincerely, Brendan F. Boyle Brian K. itzpatri Peter T. King Member of Congress Member of Congress Member of Congress PRINTED UN PAPER g, o' :1 a( /j nth. '1 Peter Weleh Paul D. Tonko Member of Congress Member of Congress Richard E. Neal Dan el EQHM Member of Congress Member of Congress . ?1 . "If? rf, (L I William R. Keating Ted W. Lieu Member of Congress Member of Congress Cathy MoMorris Rodgers Member of Congress CC: Cm. mew Carol Shea-Porter Member of Congress an Patrick Ma; Member of Congress I 7 '1 .f (If: '6 Diana DeGette Member of Congress Denn Heck Member of Congress Secretary Alex M. Azar U. Department of Health and Human Services Director Patrick Breysse, CIH, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry