Weber County Prosperity Plan Introduction Over the last 50 years, Weber County progressively lost much of its economic competitive edge when compared to the other counties along the Wasatch Front. At one time, Weber County was at least second in most categories of economic growth and wellbeing. It is simply a reality that such is not the case today. It is not the objective of the Weber County Prosperity Plan to dwell on past and present shortcomings. There is already enough ongoing dialogue and debate about failures and misfortunes from without and within the county. Much of it has been counterproductive and too often self-fulfilling. It is now time for Weber County to look to the future with hope, confidence and bold expectations for prosperity. It is time to identify audacious ways of what can and should be done to help Weber County reclaim its competitive edge. It is time for a 10 year prosperity plan—a plan to focus on the best in Weber County, identifying how it can be secured and improved upon, while discovering new economic opportunities for residences and business. It is time for Weber County to help build an economy that will provide increased prosperity and a better quality of life for all of its residences. 1 The Weber County Prosperity Plan seeks ways to accomplish all of that, while respecting the interests and way of life of the residences wherever they may live throughout the county. It seeks to account for political necessities and business interests so the county can create an environment that will satisfy those needs and interests at the same time marshall resources and opportunities to help improve the lives of every resident, including those living in poverty. With those imperatives in mind, one-on-one interviews were conducted with mayors throughout the county to understand their perspectives on where the county is today and where it should head in the future. The mayors identified and discussed some of the challenges their communities are facing and what the county might do better to assist them to be successful. A series of meetings were held with business leaders from inside and outside of Weber County. These meetings were helpful in identifying economic opportunities and barriers preventing those opportunities from being exploited. Business leaders identified two important areas of focus for the Weber County Prosperity Plan. They advised that a new, dynamic and competitive county economy must be both “innovative and interactive.” In addition, a series of meetings were held with residences throughout the county. Residences discussed their geographical 2 interests and what they want secured going forward. They emphasized that the county is very diverse with urban, suburban, country, and mountain living. They made it clear that one size approach cannot fit all of Weber County and they wanted county officials to better recognize that reality in their planning. Lastly, individual interviews were conducted with random members of the public in each of the four counties along the Wasatch Front—Utah, Salt Lake, Davis and Weber counties—in an effort to better understand how Weber County is perceived— both positively and negatively, and what would make it attractive for people to live and work in the county, or visit it. Altogether, these interviews and meetings were insightful and helped to better understand where Weber County is today and where it needs to progress into the future. They helped shape goals and action items designed to create greater prosperity over the next 10 years for all of Weber County. For example, an overriding goal of the Weber County Prosperity Plan is to acknowledge and respect the taxpayers’ ongoing contributions to the wellbeing of the entire county. This 10 year prosperity plan is designed to fortify and expand the Weber County economy in such a way as to prevent mandated tax increases that are seemingly necessary to compensate for a lack of economic growth and prosperity. Weber County can no longer afford to fail the taxpayer because it failed to grow its economy and create prosperity. 3 With that overriding goal in mind, the Weber County Prosperity Plan is designed into four separate parts, but when executed properly, each part will support the others to create comprehensive, prosperous outcomes for the benefit of all. The four parts of the Weber County Prosperity Plan are: Part 1: Prosperity, Part 2: Political, Part 3: Poverty and Part 4: Publicity. Part 1: Prosperity Within the American capitalistic economic system, the creation of prosperity depends on two dominant factors: capital and labor, or in other words, investment and population growth. If steady growth in investment and population does not occur, the economy will first stagnate and then begin to fail. Population and investment growth is required for prosperity. Weber County has lost its competitive edge because it has failed to grow at similar rates as the other counties along the Wasatch Front. Slower growth in investment and population eventually forces the government to raise taxes just to maintain services required and expected by its citizens. Of course, when taxes are raised to compensate for a lack of private investment, it simultaneously depresses the economy and raises the cost of doing business and living, which further discourages private investment and population growth. Eventually, the cost of living and doing business becomes too burdensome for residents and private investors, resulting in even slower growth. 4 Fleeing private investment and slowing population growth forces not only Weber County itself to raise taxes but many of the cities, towns, school districts and other government entities in the county feel compelled to do so as well, exacerbating the economic wellbeing of the county. This is where Weber County finds itself today. To regain its competitive edge, Weber County needs to become more hands-on and proactive in growing the economy and creating prosperity for all its residents. First, it must aggressively recruit innovative and interactive capital investment. Second, the county must make itself more attractive to smart population and labor growth. Over the next ten years, to create prosperity and improve the quality of life for all residents, Weber County must grow its population and it must increase its capital investment. These two goals are both measurable and obtainable. The population growth cannot be just any kind of growth. It must be a population growth that attracts smart labor that can sustain an innovative and interactive business environment and a more dynamic economy. The right percentage of capital investment growth must represent what is required to expand the economy and create enough revenue to sufficiently support the county from having to 5 raise taxes. That in turn will lower the cost of living and doing business in the county. A low tax environment will encourage further growth in the capital and labor markets necessary to further expand the economy and make Weber County competitive again. To achieve the right percentage of investment and population growth over the next ten years, Part 1 of the plan recommends that economic development efforts focus on four areas of concentration within the county: A) Prosper by capitalizing on country living, B) Prosper by capitalizing on Hill Air Force Base and associated industries, C) Prosper by strengthening the existing urban core, including Weber State University, and D) Prosper by capitalizing on mountain living. Each of these areas not only represent a geographical diversity but they also can represent and capitalize on a diverse economy that will sustain the overall wellbeing of Weber County. Concentrating on these four areas will be better supported by the creation of an economic development advisory board (EDAB) made up of the three county commissioners and 14 business leaders, who represent various industries, especially those industries that are innovative and interactive, including technology, recreation, manufacturing, agriculture, finance, real estate and development. The objectives of the EDAB will be to: 1) advise the county on economic development trends and opportunities in support of the 6 four areas of economic development concentration; 2) help exploit existing business relationships and establish new ones; 3) help interface with other economic development resources and organizations on the state and national levels to be first to identify and leverage every economic opportunity available; 4) help identify private investors and capital resources; and 5) help forge public/private partnerships to increase public investment in the county. In addition, the county should employ four economic development staff members to adequately manage the four areas of concentration and provide staff support for the EDAB. With the advice of the EDAB, these same staff members should also create a strategy to place business representatives from Weber County on every state level economic development board recruiting businesses to Utah. Today there is no Weber County representation on any of the state level economic development boards—boards with the mandate to recruit businesses to Utah and find sites for them. Absent participation, the county is at a competitive disadvantage. The following are recommended action items for the four areas of economic development concentration. A. Action Items Creating Prosperity in Country Living Study and plan for a new urban center. The residences living west of I-15 expressed a keen interest in preserving the 🔲 7 rural environment that exists today, while also acknowledging there will be growth that will threaten that very environment. To adequately address what seem to be conflicting interests— securing the rural environment for farming and ranching interests and accommodating the anticipated and needed growth—it requires a new urban center located west of I-15 that has a footprint much smaller than Ogden City, but that can nevertheless accommodate a higher concentrated population. The Community and Economic Development Department should begin, in coordination with state and regional planners, to study and identify requisite acreage and location to plan for a new cutting-edge urban center and at the same time make it an important planning priority to address the best ways to preserve as much of the rural environment for agricultural interests as possible on the west side of I-15, including creating new ordinances and legislation that will encourage voluntary innovative ways to preserve land use for farming. In addition, the planners should identify transportation corridors, including pathways that efficiently and effectively connect the new urban center to the rest of the county, including making it accessible to agricultural experiences and resources and making it walkable and bike accessible to waterways and the mountains. As the planning proceeds, the county economic development team should begin to identify and recruit developers and business 8 interests to help with the planning and eventually begin financing and locating housing and business development projects. Together, over the next ten years, they should begin to plan and develop a midsize, model urban center that is second-tonone in North America. A new city that will take advantage of all the technological developments combined with all of the natural environmental resources available to provide a dynamic, quality lifestyle that is innovative and interactive as any community that will be built in 21st Century. Study and Plan the Rocky Mountain Farming Innovation and Bio-technology Research Campus. The location of this campus should be studied and planned. The campus should be designed and developed through public/private partnerships, to provide innovation and technology research laboratories that will support the agricultural and biological sciences and practical applications for farmers, ranchers and health providers alike throughout the Rocky Mountain area. 🔲 The innovative campus should be interactive. In part this can be achieved by considering relocating the Weber County Fair facilities as part of the campus, and, in addition, work with Ogden City to relocate its rodeo facilities to join together with it. All of these facilities co-located into one campus will make it more accessible to tourists and local residents, including young children and students to be part of interactive learning, and experience farm life through regularly scheduled fair and rodeo events, and 🔲 9 hands-on experiences such as equestrian training, rodeo training, and crop and animal husbandry research and development, for just a few examples. Adjacent to the campus, study, plan and develop a private/public technology development and manufacturing center. Private farming innovation and bio-technology industries should be recruited to locate their research, development and manufacturing facilities as an extension of the campus. Entering into private/public partnership development and lease arrangements will help expedite the build out the center and provide a shared revenue stream to help finance it and the Rocky Mountain Farming Innovation and Bio-technology Research Campus. It will also provide opportunities for innovative start up businesses evolving out of the research campus to expand into the development and manufacturing center. 🔲 B. Action Items Creating Prosperity from Hill Air Force Base Identify and survey existing Base related business located inside and outside of Weber County. Hill Air Force Base is a significant asset that undergirds the Utah economy. The Base, in many ways, is an untapped opportunity for Weber County to create prosperity. The economic development staff should identify all the existing businesses supporting Hill Air Force Base located in the county to build a relationship with them and to survey them on what would be necessary to further expand their 🔲 10 businesses within the county. They should do the same to determine what it would take to relocate businesses from outside the county. Once those surveys are completed an aggressive strategy should be designed to attract and develop further expansion and relocation. Upon completion of the surveys, with the review and guidance of EDAB, performance measurements should be established to expand the effort to recruit more Base business to the county. Develop Base relationships. EDAB with the help of the staff should proactively establish a more dynamic relationship with both military and civilian leadership at the Base to identify their resource needs that can be promoted by the county and recruited into the county. Progress reports of those ongoing relationships should be regularly reviewed with EDAB to determine their effectiveness. 🔲 Build working relationships with the Utah congressional delegation and their staffs. EDAB should build close ties to Utah’s congressional delegation and their staffs to identify opportunity and plans that would provide early notice of base resource needs that could be recruited to the county. In addition, through the leadership of the congressional delegation, have county representatives seated on national defense boards that include civilian members for base planning, identifying resource 🔲 11 needs that must be supported by industry, and which could be located in the county. Build working relationships with federal lobbyist representing the aeronautics industry. Few people know as much as lobbyist about the federal government, its needs, and the businesses that are part of the military industrial complex. Too often lobbyists are overlooked as an important resource for intel on economic opportunities. EDAB should make relationships with key lobbyist a high priority. 🔲 C. Action Items Creating Prosperity in Urban Living The EDAB should coordinate with Ogden City to support efforts to strengthen the urban core.The vitality of the urban core is critical to the overall economic wellbeing of Weber County. Very few successes will be able to compensate for the economic failure of the urban core. With that in mind, the county should promote and sustain every effort that will significantly increase the number of visitors, the workforce and residential population in the core of Ogden City. This should be a primary objective of the EDAB. 🔲 Study the feasibility of a gondola project from downtown Ogden connecting at the top of the mountain to the Snowbasin ski resort. This is an audacious project that will help meet the objective to strengthen the urban core, by dramatically increasing the visitor population as well as the work force and 🔲 12 residential populations, creating greater prosperity. There will be nothing like it in all of North America. Not only will the gondola project be a game-changer for urban prosperity, it will transform the tourism economy in Weber County and the state of Utah. No other state in America has an urban core, with an adjacent airport and university, that can be accessibly linked to a premier ski resort. It will create more prosperity than any other single project available to Weber County. The gondola project will spawn the construction of more hotels, restaurants, and entertainment outlets in the urban core than could have ever been expected. It will motivate an increase development of new multi-unit housing stock, both rental and ownership. It will make it economically viable to increase the financial investments into the renewal of the old, existing housing stock around the urban core. It will make it very appealing for business relocation and expansion. In short, it will put Weber County on the national and international map. Of course such a project will require the very best work and coordinated effort of the county economic development team and Ogden City, as well as mountain property owners. It is a project that will require the unity of political and business interests throughout the county. The challenges will be significant but the returns will be incomparable, positively impacting every other economic enterprise in Weber County. 13 One other positive consequence from the gondola project, that should not be overlooked, will be the preservation of the pastoral environment of the Upper Valley. It will help reduce traffic and relieve development pressure that concern the residents in the Valley community. Instead of forcing commercial development in the Valley against the wishes of the community, the urban core will welcome the commercial development that economically sustains it and the surrounding communities. Support and assist with the expansion of Business Depot Ogden. One of the earlier action items called for the Weber County Fair facilities to be relocated in support of the Rocky Mountain Farming Innovation and Bio-technology Campus. A move that would allow for the expansion of Business Depot Ogden. Business Depot Ogden is a proven success for both the local community and Weber County. Making more land available for development will provide needed revenues to Weber County. It makes practical economic sense to make further development possible while development plans for a new innovation and manufacturing center are being prepared for a site somewhere west of I-15. 🔲 Study and Coordinate with Ogden City to relocate the rodeo facilities. Lifestyle living along the Ogden River will become evermore attractive, particularly coupled with the gondola development. The recreation minded that want to live, work and play in the urban core, while enjoying the natural amenities, will 🔲 14 appreciate a river environment that offers walking, running, biking, fishing and other activities. Undoubtedly, the rodeo arena location will become a prize location for more prosperous uses, including housing, office, dining and recreation facilities. D. Action Items Creating Prosperity in Mountain Living 🔲 Create a home base technology hub throughout the Upper Valley. As a way to create a meaningful economic enterprise, while preserving the pastoral environment, the EDAB should work to remove any barriers prohibiting home base technology development throughout the Upper Valley. More than that, the Upper Valley should be identified and promoted as an unique technology hub seamlessly incorporated into a pristine pastoral community. In support of its development, all the necessary communications systems for technology development should be made accessible to homes. Site four low-profiled technology facilities in support of home base technology hub. To support the home base technology hub, up to four technology facilities need to be developed through public/private partnerships. These facilities should be designed to be unobtrusively folded into the community environment. As needed, they will provide both conference facilities, technical assistance, product development and marketing assistance in support of the home based technology operations. They can be an important resource particularly for 🔲 15 start-up technology business developed from home base operations. These four facilities can also be technology learning centers for Weber State University students under the direction and guidance of technology professors and professionals. They can both learn from and support home base technology operations. Support the development of sustainable recreation resources. Recreation is a key component to Weber County’s economic wellbeing. A tension exist between the existing Upper Valley community and the recreation development interests. Weber County needs to help navigate a way forward that respects the interest of the community to not lose the pastoral environment of their mountain living and the development of sustainable recreation resources. The Upper Valley is an incomparable prize of pastoral living that should not be compromised with over commercialization. Yet, on the other hand, a way should be found to allow for the ski resorts to be developed while protecting that which itself is an attraction. 🔲 Part 2: Politics Weber County is in the political wilderness and suffers because of it. To its economic detriment political action for too long has been neglected by the county, while at the same time other counties are wielding their political power invested in political leaders to enrich their counties. 16 For generations Weber County has had no representation in Congress and no representation in the governor’s office. Today, there is no one from the county that serves in the governor’s cabinet made up of over 22 agencies, and there is no one from the county that holds a leadership position in either the house or the senate of the Utah State Legislature. There is ample evidence demonstrating that Weber County has been seriously disadvantage by its lack of political involvement. Ignoring politics as a priority has impacted not only policy considerations, but even more important, it has negatively impacted public dollars invested into Weber County, particularly when compared to some of the other counties along the Wasatch Front. For example, some counties have received billions of dollars in federal and state public investment in infrastructure and transportation needs, while Weber County has enjoyed far less. It is easy for those in leadership to redirect funding to their home counties and ignore like needs of Weber County, especially when there is little to no political consequence. If Weber County is going to become as prosperous as it can, it must make political involvement a high priority. A. Action Items for Political Development 17 Political office holders in Weber County must become organized and unified for political action. If the county is going to recover from a position of political weakness and disadvantage, it must organize all political office holders throughout the county and become unified around political and economic goals and objectives to make Weber County more prosperous. That unity must start with the Weber County Commission. The commission in turn must help unify the other county office holders, mayors, and legislative office holders. 🔲 Key business leaders must be organized. Business interest can and should play a critical role in disciplining the political system to better serve the economic wellbeing of Weber County—to discipline the political system around those political and economic goals and objectives that will best create prosperity. When organized around those goals and objectives the business community can help intervene with the Governor and other political leaders to better support the needs of the county. 🔲 A political action committee (PAC) should be organized. A PAC should be organized with selected business leaders, elected and appointed office holders and other political operatives that can help Weber County steer through the political world in a way that will be productive and to help identify and prioritize public investment needs and establish specific goals and objectives that will marshall political power to help Weber County to become more prosperous. 🔲 18 The PAC should raise funds to identify, recruit and develop candidates capable and qualified to become a governor, lieutenant governor and members of Congress. The PAC should only support legislative candidates that have the potential to be elected to leadership positions in the state house and senate. Meanwhile, the PAC should raise funds to acquire the services of well connected lobbyists on the state and federal levels to compensate for not having representation in Congress and state leadership offices. These lobbyists should help identify and obtain funding sources for increased public investment into the county. This maybe timely with renewed interest in building new infrastructure projects across the nation. B. Action Items for Political Placement Petition for greater representation on government boards and committees. With the county elected and appointed officials and business leaders organized and unified, the Governor should be petitioned for representatives from the county to be placed on key boards and committees, especially those boards and committees that manage economic development, transportation, and education interests. 🔲 In addition, similar efforts should be applied to federal level boards and committees, which would also should include military interests. 19 Participate on private and public policy boards, including “think tanks.” Policy boards and committees, including think tanks, have influence over government policies that can help benefit a prosperity driven agenda for the county. Participating on such boards and committees will help Weber County have a voice in shaping government policy and appropriations to its benefit. 🔲 Part 3: Poverty Weber County is challenged by the consequences of poverty. It is a fact, proven by the data, that poverty in the county is accompanied by higher rates of abuse and neglect, education failure, depression and despair, drug and alcohol use, crime and incarceration, teen pregnancy, suicide and welfare dependency. Addressing all of these consequences combined costs Weber County government a majority of its budget and adds significant costs to the economy. Not only is the county government budgets significantly impacted by poverty, so are the school districts’ budgets impacted. Ignoring poverty or even addressing it in a reactive, maintenance approach is shortsighted and undercuts efforts to create prosperity for the county. It does little good to create greater prosperity and have that prosperity then diverted in a unproductive approach to solving the poverty problem and the attending consequences of that problem. 20 The county should first identify and understand that there are two different kinds of poverty: situational and intergenerational. Situational poverty is that poverty which is the result of situations that arise that are usually unplanned. For example, a downturn in the economy occurs, a job loss, a divorce or death of a spouse, an injury or other health crises occurs impacting the ability for individuals and families to maintain their previous standard of living. When those events happen, it may be necessary for Weber County with the state to intervene on a temporary basis until recovery occurs. Creating greater economic prosperity will help alleviate and shorten the time frame of some of the causes of situational poverty and its consequences. On the other hand, intergenerational poverty is another problem altogether. It is a poverty that may have started from situational event(s) but has metastasized into intergenerational poverty usually associated with welfare dependency. It becomes an intergenerational poverty and welfare dependency cycle that entraps and victimizes succeeding generations of innocent children with devastating affects and costs to the Weber County taxpayers. If Weber County wants to become more prosperous, it must proactively intervene to break the intergenerational poverty and welfare dependency cycle, rescuing victimized children from its immediate and longterm consequences and thereby reducing costs to the taxpayer. Costs savings that can be productively 21 reinvested into the Weber County economy, creating greater prosperity. A. Action Items Reorganizing the County Government Organize a Welfare Reform Commission. To rescue the rising generation of children out of the intergenerational poverty and welfare dependency cycle, there must be a 360 degree coordinated focus on children. Such a focus can only occur if the government is organized in a substantially different way. Every agency of the government touching the lives of children must be organized to coordinate their efforts, starting at the executive level down to the caseworker/teacher levels. 🔲 With that in mind, a Welfare Reform Commission should be organized headed by the county commission and made up of Health and Human Services, Public Education, Juvenile Justice, and Work Force Services. These agencies should meet on a regular basis to coordinate their efforts from the top to the bottom of their organizations, providing productive interventions and efforts that will help lift victimized children, aimed at achieving the goal to end the cycle of intergenerational poverty. The commission should set specific and measurable objectives to end intergenerational poverty and welfare dependency in Weber County over the next ten years. 22 Organize an Intergenerational Poverty Advisory Committee. An intergenerational poverty advisory committee would be made up of poverty experts, helping agency representatives, religious representatives, academics, and government officials. Their role would be to provide expert guidance to the Welfare Reform Commission on data-proven, effective interventions with children to arrest intergenerational poverty. The chair of the committee would hold a non-voting seat on the Welfare Reform Commission to represent the views and recommendations of the committee. 🔲 B. Action Items to Create Vertical Coordination with Federal and State Governments Interface with state government agencies. The county commissioners should begin to build relationships with the state government agencies to create a support network for the children entrapped into the intergenerational poverty welfare dependency cycle. In particular, the commissioners should develop an ongoing working relationship with Work Force Services and Public Education. Those two state agencies are critical to solving the intergenerational poverty problem. 🔲 Organize county governments throughout the states. The county commissioners should organize their colleagues representing each of the counties that are significantly impacted by poverty to multiply their influence addressing state intergenerational poverty intervention policies. 🔲 23 In addition, they should in a similar fashion help organize the national association of county governments to influence federal policies and support for intergenerational poverty interventions. C. Action Items to Organize Federal and State Poverty Interventions and Funding. Promote a county advisory association as part of the state Welfare Reform Commission. The counties are on the front lines of managing the policies and costs of intergenerational poverty. It stands to reason that they should provide a unified voice advising the state Welfare Reform Commission on policy and poverty intervention appropriations. The counties should insist that the state poverty funding should be managed by them under state oversight and guidelines. This will encourage all parties to coordinate their efforts under the direction of the county Welfare Reform Commissions. 🔲 The national county government association should draft federal intergenerational poverty legislation. The Weber County Commission should lead and encourage the national association of county governments to draft legislation that will more effectively distinguish between situational and intergenerational poverty; to remove federal barriers prohibiting the 360 degree coordination, necessary to effectively rescue the rising generation of children entrapped in the intergenerational poverty and welfare dependency cycle; and better empower the 🔲 24 states and the counties to manage poverty intervention funding to breakup the intergenerational poverty and welfare dependency cycle. Thereby, rescuing the rising generation from the devastating consequences of that cycle, and rescuing taxpayers from its intergenerational societal impacts and costs. Part 4: Publicity Publicity is a critical element in creating greater prosperity for Weber County. While there are some ongoing efforts to publicize and market parts of the county and its activities, and some of these are very effective, such as the marketing of conventions, recreation, culture, arts and entertainment, individual business interests, and Weber State, there is no effective comprehensive publicity effort to shape the image of the county for the purpose of creating greater prosperity. In fact, survey interviews demonstrate that Weber County’s image is basically void of any identifiable characteristics, at least no identifiable characteristics that will advance a more prosperous county. If those interviewed could articulate an image for the county at all, it was either related to just a rural image or negative perceptions of Ogden City, both images and perceptions are representative of the bygone days. Ogden City has effectively improved its community and continues to, and while the county has important rural assets, it is much more than that just a rural community with a single urban center. 25 Clearly, Weber County has to do a much better job shaping and publicizing an image that will inspire and motivate more capital investment and population growth, albeit the right kind of population growth. The image proposed by the business leaders suggest that the Weber County should be known comprehensively as a community that is innovative and interactive. In other words, a publicity plan should have a target audience of those people who have the ability to increase capital and labor in support of the county’s efforts to grow prosperity. The theme to attract investment and population for the publicity plan should be focused on an image of the county that is innovative and interactive, as recommended by business leaders. That audience and theme properly communicated to can make a vital difference in attracting wealth and a productive population to Weber County, making it more prosperous. A. Organize publicity efforts that are underway. Create a publicity committee to shape the marketing effort. Representatives of the various groups that already have marketing efforts underway should be invited by the county to the identify most effective ways to coordinate their messaging with the counties efforts to advance its image as an innovative and interactive community. Where individual publicity efforts will overlap with the county’s effort, they should be highlighted for maximum impact shaping the county’s overall image. Combined, 🔲 26 organized efforts can, in a more efficient way, better penetrate the audiences’ perceptions of Weber County, while at the same time still recognize individual activities and interests needed to be publicized. Combine publicity funding for maxim impact. Not only will organizing through a combined publicity effort be more efficient to shape the image of the county and individual interest, it can maximize the dollars expended by the various interests, including Weber County. Combining funding and messaging though a team approach will significantly magnify the effectiveness, creating a new perception for every part of the county, promoting a comprehensive image of a innovative and interactive county. 🔲 Focus on the four geographical targeted areas for prosperity development. “Part 1: Prosperity,” focuses on geographical areas to promote economic development: country living, Hill Air Force Base, the urban core, including Weber State University, and mountain living. Publicity efforts should also highlight and market those four areas in a way that will attract capital investment for each and every economic development project listed in the prosperity plan. 🔲 B. Publicize locally, statewide, nationally and internationally. Publicity shaping the new image should start locally. The people of Weber County for good or bad are the ambassadors for 🔲 27 the county and its innovative and interactive image and efforts to attract capital and labor for greater prosperity. If they don't know about the effort or if they do not understand it, they will not be effective messengers in the effort to advance prosperity. To create a countywide awareness of the prosperity plan, the county commissioners need to organize an ongoing county outreach to local business leaders, political leaders, education leaders, religious leaders, the media and community members in general. As part of that outreach they must develop the prosperity plan into a presentation in the form of a story. They will have to tell the story over and over again until it becomes widely known and supported throughout every corner of the county. This can be accomplished through media editorials, website and other social media postings, social club presentations, organizing meetings with community leaders of every kind. Presentations at educational settings. Messages through mailings of local community’s highlighting website and other social media outlets promoting the plan. Weber County community members must be well informed before starting the statewide phase of publicity. Publicize the prosperity plan and new county image statewide. After the local community is well informed of the effort to promote prosperity in Weber County, publicizing the prosperity plan and new image of the county on a statewide basis is critical 🔲 28 to not only promoting it throughout the state, it will also be invaluable to the effort of publicizing it nationally and internationally. The state effort should begin with purchasing billboards messages from Provo to Brigham City, and also at Cedar City, St. George and Logan profiling the various initiatives identified in the prosperity plan. The messages should be quotes from well known individuals, whose pictures will be depicted on the billboard. These bill boards will create a buzz along the Wasatch Front and beyond. That buzz will create free media interest by news and program outlets seeking stories about what is happening in Weber County. Media outlets will begin to ask questions of community leaders and others about what is happening in Weber County. Weber County should be well prepared to entertain media inquiries and interviews. After the bill board publicity, followed by free media interests and inquiry, political leaders and business leaders should begin to meet with media editorial boards and sharing with them the plan and effort to create prosperity in Weber County. They also should prepare opinion editorials for the various media outlets that have a statewide reach. In addition, they should prepare articles and encourage the writing of articles for magazines, newsletters and other outlets to 29 highlight projects relative to their interests. For example, the Rocky Mountain Farming Innovation and Bio-technology Campus is a project that might create interest with the Farm Bureau and other agriculture based newsletters distributed in Utah. Each project will have interested organizations that might want to highlight the prosperity projects. While different media opportunities are made available, political and business leaders should begin meeting with other political and business leaders throughout the state. Sharing with them what Weber County’s prosperity efforts are about and seeking investment opportunities in support of individual economic development projects. The congressional delegation, the Governor and legislative leadership should all be made aware of the prosperity plan and invited to help in ways that will support the initiatives through public investment. Capital investors, business leaders, developers and others throughout the state should also be given the opportunity to learn of the prosperity plan and individual projects that they can participate in creating and sustaining. Publicize individual prosperity plan projects nationally and internationally. As the prosperity plan is promoted throughout the state, the awareness will spread and begin to attract inquiries by different media outlets nationally and 🔲 30 internationally. Weber County should be prepared for the many inquiries that will seek out information about the transformative nature of efforts associated with the prosperity plan and individual projects. Where there are not inquiries, national and international media outlets, including magazines should be sought out to inform them of story opportunities. For example, many recreational magazines will be interested in the gondola project, recognizing its impact on both the winter and summer outdoor industry. Inevitably, as different magazines and media outlets focus on individual economic development projects that are part of the prosperity plan, they will want to do articles about Weber County and the transformation that is taking place to create prosperity by profiling its unique approach, including its efforts to grow prosperity while at the same time rescuing children out of poverty. Conclusion The Weber County Prosperity Plan requires a will to succeed and a can-do attitude no matter the obstacles to overcome. It requires dedicated leadership that is second to none. It requires a unity of purpose among both the political and business leaders that is incomparable in the state. It requires a driving desire to make life in Weber County more prosperous for all, including for those in poverty, and especially 31 for those in the rising generation of children facing a life of debilitating consequences of poverty because of no fault of their own. While the prosperity plan is challenging, it is nevertheless doable. With a clear vision and purpose, every goal and action item can be accomplished over the next ten years. 32