Texas Workforce Commission Labor Law Section Payday Documents to be Imaged Claim No, 17-058854-1 Date December 22 2017 - Chapter: 1, Investigations 2, Special Hearings 3, Commission Review 4, Collections 5, Judicial Review Type of Document: Check Stubs/Payroll Record Company Policy Manual Contam/Ayeement on Pay Commission/Bonus Agreement Authorization for Deductions Description: A Collection Documents Special Hearing Documents Commission Appeal Documents Judicial Review Domimenls Other urn/2017 Texas Workforce Commission Labor Law Section INVESTIGATION DOCUMENTATION WORKSHEET Clninmnlene: Abinadi Hernandez Wage Claim Na: 17-058854--1 DATE INFORMATION USER ID 1242-17 RMER: A address, --has EEM returned, The A address ER had provided and stated is his home address. However, had irovided the new office address, -- hat was added as 0 address That address has not returned as undeliverable the return 11.60516) Printed: 7:40 AM Y Texas Workforce Commission Labor Law Section Payday Documents to be Imaged ClaimNo: User ID: 17 058854 1 EIN Date: 12/13/2017 Chapter: 1, Investigations 2, Special Hearings 3, Commission Review 4, Collections 5, Judicial Review Intake: Additional information for the claim. (Not rebuttal or ER response) Claimant ❑ Employer ❑ Returned Mail• CLAIMANT - RMCL -Correspondence PWDO Other Investigator: ❑ ❑ EMPLOYER - RMER Correspondence PWDO ❑ ❑ Other ❑ EEM Notes: 900 LG5001(0216) December 13, 2017 EMPLOVER COPY Texas workforce Commissipn Labor Law Dept. Room 1sz 101 East 15th Street TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION Austin. Tx 78778--0001 PRELIMINARY WAGE DETERMINATION ORDER Labor Law December 3, 20W CLAIMANT ABINADI HERNANDEZ Io Lossnoum "maze PAGE or 1 PAGES Determination Number: -- Wage claim Number: 17 ossasu-i iaemimemn Number: -- WELCO STEEL LLC An investigation having been completed, the following order is entered pursuant to Chapter 61 of the Texas Labor Code: FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The claimant is not entitled to - for unpaid wages . The employer does not provide payment of these amounts during hours or days when work was not performed. ORDER Based on the FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS shown above. the wage claim filed by AEINADI HERNANDEZ . and naming the empIayer WELCO STEEL LLC Is dismIssed. Assigned Representative - (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) LL-ZSD ("393) APPEALS T. ^ You have the right to appeal this determination order. Your appeal must be in writing. It must be filed no later than 21 days from the date this determination order was mailed in order to preserve administrative appeal rights. If you fax your appeal TWC must receive it, no later than 21 days from the date the determination was mailed. TWC will use the date we receive the fax to determine whether your appeal is timely. If you file your appeal by fax, you should retain your fax confirmation as proof of transmission. If neither party files a timely appeal, this determination order becomes the FINAL ORDER of the Commission. Appeals should be mailed or faxed to: Special Hearings Texas Workforce Commission 101 East 15th Street Austin, Texas 78778-0001 Or You may appeal by TWC's online appeal form Go to www.texasworkforce.org/paYdayappeal Fax#: 512-463-9318 Please provide the `Labor law;,Section written notification of any change in your address. Texas Workforce Commission Labor Law Section 101 East 15th Street Austin, Texas 78778-0001 1-800 832-WAGE (9243) -- Fax#: 512-936-3364 t... :^.^._. _ r . For more informaf:ion 'about the , Texas Payday Law Law go to,^ qur web site at: bttp:l/www.twc.state.tx.ets/jobseekers/texas-payda'y:=lavu LL-25D-BK (0915) P0750R IMPORTANTTWC DOCUMENTS: OPEN IMMEDIATELY DOCUMENTOS IMPORTANTES DETWC: ABRIR #NMEDIATAMENTE ^ Ey BOWES PXCEIVED Q.J US POSI'AG3 oUF U) DEC .s a^^ Q.u. , kn^ ' ZiP. Q00752 ^ 21 3005172 1o$1 Q wN a25 DEC 13 2017 LAB oA.LAW 1, i 797 Ir 200 IC AY4YIAF3 -eet E"» ; ,^r RETURN TO SE.ND5R ,. 'E .^ '^::E ^!^-== J 1!^!= tRS`.^a ^ ... FE 12.T 0 ttld 11Ft i^^T'Cf c anwn^ -SE ^3i2 S^ic^_^.i'S ^ ._ .f s,7.^:^o^'al * r^r ^^-0f.13Y-s,g--2Z 1^y1iFr7tllii')l^lilil:ls11}^1^^;ly1 1 1f;3t!j ,#x7s1^ !lL^^ I ;. 1. .^ Texas Workforce Commission Labor Law Section Payday Document! be lunged Claim No. 17-058854--1 Um 11) - Chipmzz 1, Investigations IE 2. Hum-lugs 3. Ru law 1: 4' Collections 5. 11mm Type of Document: Record Company Policy Manual Conncunn Ducumcms Special Hen-mg Documents (Sentinel/Agreement (m I'zy Appeal Documem. Commission/Bonus Agreement Judicial Rain>> Documcms Authorization fur Deductions ()Lher Description: mus; 11"!an In Iq AM Texas Workforce Cnmmission Labor an Sectlon Claimam Name: Abimdi Employer Accoum Number, Invest-Agile: Name: L'scz Il): - Junsdicnun: Signed/Sworn: 3 WC Dan: v-zs-n Informadon Search (check off hem: Wage Clam No: l7-058854-1 Payday ?}smm (LI Nous) System 905 (Film; History) '05 (Winner/Officer Tm; Comptrollcx' As needed Amumm Claimed: Regular Vacanon Deductions 0mm: Sick Min. Wage Commission Holiday 0am Bonus Sumnc: Tuml - Dispute: 9-1-17 |n 9-6-[7 umployu Respons: lnfunnsuiun (According LL-2): Employer karma: |j Number of Houls Dispumd: Mug/16,30 0T Chock Received? Claim Disputed? Claimant Paid? Rm: of Pay: Mcthod of Paymm: Check Cash Duecr Deposit Other Bankruptcy: (2m No. (on PACER I'mmuts Attached: xz'mm IO AM Texas Workforce Commission Labor LIW Section Missing l'acrs DATE USER ID nos-17 Verify houn md days worked and mum. LEM Name, 5551, and Addxess Vcdficadans: Claimant's [46" Name: Abimdi Hemandr: SWF Vgnfimi By Abmldi Hm; Employex's Le Nama: WELCO STEEL LLC Addms: FEID in SEN: Numbex of Employees: Verified By Al wnii, om Information Snatch Printout Included: YE :1 Ifyes,suurce: 1x sos lfno,why non Mulmd of Payment: Verificd By Comm a Informed oprpeal Rights: Claimni, IX Employex: DATE USER ID [2416-] 7 mined CL .i and appul ngll's. CL smidd his ply ml: agimneni was or hn. CL humibegn plidnnd worked rm". 9--1-17 ll! 9-5-17. CL mind in: would Sign in mi oul every day on Sign in sheet with Jnrod. Called an --md afizrcoupk nngi, busy dial Ioncd Called an "1nd pmvidbd appcai rigmii. ER suled CL was new! .n employce of his company bin 0 0c. ER suled mm i: coup]: filing fraudulcm ellims Again" him um did um work undu hum km in: ac. win go records l0 verify CL was ml and mine 1W mployees he paid em and pmVIde information by 1247-17. ER 1m nol moeived wage cinini. copy mailed mu MW address 12417.17 ER's wilb' Cuolyn lo cmuil mqucs| .nd stain] CL was hired hul ma wnikcd. EEM N0 realm] or him ever working [aw Violation: Ruling/jusnficadon/Dmnninanon Codes: DATE INFORM 12407.17 CL is rcquzslillg- inunpnid was" for work on 9-6-17. CL pmvided and mini ii was agmcd 1.: would be paid Al_ (was CL's fim week. LL-SUWLLJ (unsy imam AM Texas Workforce Commission Labor Law Section ER stated CL was hired but never worked. Therefore. ER could not provide any evidence CL performed any work, credence is given to the ER. CL did not perform any work and no wages owed to CL. Code E100 Code Type 01 Type Amount Code "1'ype Amount Code Amount Code Amount Penalty Amount Type Type Amount Amounts Awarded Computations: INFORMATION DATE USER ID 12-07-17 EE-M No amounts awarded. Quarter/Year / $: Quarter/Year / $: Quarter/Year / $: Quarter/Year / $: Employer Styling Justification Employer Account No: 1 Registered Entity: Y ® N ❑ End Date: 7-25-17 FOCP: Y® N ❑ I:.ffectivc Date: I 1-16-16 Sole Proprictorship/Gcncral Partnership: Y ❑ N® D.1TE 12-07-17 USI::R ID INFOR-MITION WELCO STEEL LLC (ER and TX SOS verified) EEM Not naming officer liability because the period in question is after 7-25-17. Penalt}' Warning Warranted: Penalty Warranted: Worksheet Attached: Bond Warning Warranted: Justification: DATE Y Y Y Y ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ N N® N® N® INFORI`iATION l!Sh:R ID ^lailing/Sc:anning): Justification Corrected Order (Prior to N IN FC)RNi:kTION DATI-: LL-500L'LL-3 (0715) 12r712017 10:19 AM tTSER ID FILE cqu DETERMINATION cones: E100 TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION PRELIMINARY WAGE DETERMINATION ORDER Labor Law December a. 20I7 PAGE I of I PAGES ELAIHIMT EMPLOYER HELCO STEEL HELCO STEEL LLC An Investigation having been compieted. the feIIwIng order is entered pursuant to Chapter 61 of the Texas Labor Code: FINDINGS AND ONS The claimant is not entitled to - for unpaid wages . The employer dues not provide payment of these amuunts durlng hours or days when work was not performed. ORDER Balgd an FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS shown iboVB. the wage cIaim "led by HERNANDEZ and namlng the unployer HELCD STEEL LLC II dismissed. Assigned (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 01353) APPEALS You have the right to appeal this determination order. Your appeal must be in writing. It must be filed no later than 21 days from the date this determination order was mailed in order to preserve administrative appeaE rights. If you fax your appeal TWC must receive it no later than 21 days from the date the determination was mailed. TWC will use the date we receive the fax to determine whether your appeal is timely. If you file your appeal by fax, you should retain your fax confirmation as proof of transmission. If neither party files a timely appeal, this determination order becomes the FINAL ORDER of the Commission. Appeals should be mailed or faxed to: Special Hearings Texas Workforce Commission 101 East 15th Street Austin, Texas 78778-0001 Fax#: 512-463-9318 Or You may appeal by TWC's online appeal form Go to www.texasworkiorce.org paydlapappeal Please provide the Labor Law Section wrltten notlfication of any change In your address. Texas Workforce Commission Labor Law Section 101 East 15th Street Austin, Texas 78778-0001 1-800 832-WAGE (9243) -- Fax#: 512-936-3364 For more information about the Texas Payday Law Law go to our web site at: htto://www.twc.state.tx.asl lobseekers/texas-pavday-law LL-250-BK 109151 ""'' STATE HF TEXAS TEXAS WURKFURQE COMMISSION Labor Law' Runm I241 Ifll Eli! l5"! Smut Austin Texas 787787|lflul FILE DUPV AL UELLS1 REGISTERED AGENT DETERMINAYIGN NER: wm CLAIM NBR: 17 0588544 (1215) STATE OF TEXAS TEXAS CUMMISSIDN leor Roam 11" Im Em mu sum Austin. 19an FILE CAROLYN DETERM NBR: WAGE CLAIM NBR: 17 flillil-l (IZIS) STATE DF TEXAS TEXAS Labor Llw. Room 12" E151 150- 317.9! Analin. THIS 78773-0001 FllE COPY IIJELCO DETERMINATION NEH: -- WAGE CLAIM Maw 17 LLZil'l Ullfi) TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION LABOR MW SECTION lists! lilh Stmel, Room 314 Austin. Texas 78778 \Vclco Steel, .C Wells Date: December 6, 2017 RE: Wag: No.: 1741588544 EMPLOYER INFORMATION REQUEST We need additional information eoneeming are WAGE CLAIM filed against your com an b~ rlre elalrn. ant(s)' Abrnadi please call me as soon as My rlrreer lure umvnilablc. please leave a rnessrge on my mice maiL includr lug your name and davnme phone numbu. My email address isfily (ex number IS: My office hours He 7 AM to 3.. a, Kong 1 Please review wage elarrn(hit date, my duermlniu'on will be bascd on (he infoxmauon case file. Thanks for you: cooperm'on, Thanks for your coapcmn'on. sincerely, Labor Law ln mall/mat: my mm. mm and ms: immauon ma! oar/act: am we mammal Dy Malling lo cyan slzl- ur us or muting la Open Ram Rm 256. "11 East 15" 31' Aumn. TX 7s77wnol LL-6 (0617) my I. tmnmo 3- 1 . . 333333.33 331,332 . I 3 3 TEXAS commisson. LABOR LAW SECTION WI PAH 15TH AUSTIN, TEXAS 76778-000! I'daphau xmaxmm o: 1.5114752 a mun mammal-5124154625 (numum'm 'r 321 H. Tam mam. c9911.) Esta formulado'cace disponibie en espafinl 0.5mm>>! m2. Nun: Soflflawd Nam-3 33pm>>. 533.3 Mud: ind" dda)' mummy arm: gum, within an In) 5 qmqm'rwc-ubmm 17:! SI MD Addml: - "33; 0mm FuuNam (nun 2mm comma scum/ma x. um 3393333133: in: I Employmnx mm: widqu Inhelayan Cl Sal; amp! ni Mum .W'gmmw in am .. Mm lap-mienyam: ms of (Fan-331m n/mnm woman. izlxq. Wm" :iu aw wurkluhzdulr? Hn. 17c: 95:33:13.- _oshux_ 3. Wu Wu: upumnx On! El Wn'gun (plane muchu um. a, ca 11.39:, m. am Indam-ad (tam yum my: a a Na Dm'l 5.3 1.3 mmloyuudflia bum-n 1 5 What in an amiigfls hum: addnm and phuu 33 53393. Mum dza and phw: number arm: mun--VLF" rdpxing mu puma mayquuan': Knew A3: you hhnhupmy? cn'a END If ya. <yum Mm momma 1n. Chum: mewm) utunpml wagi- balaw :lm hum; lhegmsumuumufmgu dun. Mum-amumu. macaw" claim. and mm mun-mm unpunwngen, mung w. <>: me__ nwpyusspegkwuusma u. :bnduybudhum uvatim: pay I: Hen-e uphh haw yen dawn-dud an uncut chin: <10;09 30 09-25-201 7 i 3 i 8889772 5 9 0 gi ^;ltim amA tachn+rnr Question #14 ilouts Woxl:ad Pcr %SVeattT3rftkdov^n k, Sn^tnt 'n^1 Enrae the date at the scartiug duy of the firat vn)rkwec c Entar the start dwc^t: for the Eust KEay on the time cnr4 o F.n= the srb.rtiag baur in, the Hour catutnn o Enter the rnssiutrt ii1 the 11in. coltxn7n sa 2ttrr AMox PNi ici thti AM/1'NI colurrno ^x^snplr. ^^ y©cx x^u tud wcarking at ^1;3^atn cnkex; ` Hour Miri AM/PM 3D 8 AN Enter the er,ap time for uup brank or Iuncli pudod in it 5tnp Time xnatiutv, £ollasuirg the tompEe n6avc Edl{CC the %L'S!C GF37,C when YeCRrti23g to work ffl]t7S any I7Xe&k of lltncEl tlCrLqLI in the stRCtr iund 2 aacdaa E Uter the or]ing dtn.a in the Qulr Ti.m', ^ccdWI Enter the ixstal tiumhar of bours waxkcd For the dara intar the wral nusubor of hauxx wbtkrd for the tnr.is woxttwcek W^^k x sukxt Tlmb ATvUI?D YY Hatu E3^:12/01/16 S Mio ,r1M/FM' on MI-l^ ^^ 1"1 Sco I•Iaux AM tme NL'u r1M/PM 40 Ph3 l^^^ G'3- 3'^ A? AS A ssucr'riax^ I ON\ i^^ x Hour iMfln 1 E l AAi/PM Houi Min PM 5 00 tl0 c^ €^n\ f^t^^ 4 ti ^M ^ l Hoeucu vvaricid Qautt'Cimr ANt/PU Phi . PM -0 m ^ ^7 ty 3 #3 L,^ IP II IM left 7nta1 Week 1•1cruYs Week 2 blhff DD YY 5wtt Tirum 1-[nur Iv]ia .JiFvUP1l sw Time r1itiE/Pbl Hour Swrz Time 2 Haur 1144i WIPN4 -------- - --- uiMmW Ptour IvFin .LtiC P[ I3aurk VVMt;4d { Total W&4Uly HaU^^ 0,usstian #15 & 16 Gamxraiasion or Bonue br^t^dcs4vn pleasa includc aulapaxdnp infc^smnc'san ;^ttd marhatinui^xl rqinputatioes for caaxtu•nissictrt or bes ^nts. {t:xnt^spte, ^sranic^calealcs/nac^cu^es X (ixt ^tap[ird hy) cnxnrriiasiaa/bantas nt^ = carnmi3tioa ar bokzus due on a$,ile) AS ax log shaC^ az rlry-sa-cir} cups, PSesse include supporuaxs ixtfarm^t•lall for rnil,^et Dear ABINIADI HERNANDE- We da no: have any rammed haurs far you an a send a copy of yqur tlmasham purlod aim we receive vuur hnurs' Thank you In advanca [or you Lei mam you workafl forwalw Consvunt stay mended stay HouL The pay parlod cavers 7' 2017' Regards. Welco Services No mama's 'mngun divulzaflns ficme Sara usrea -Las pedlmas unvlar um capla de su part9 smith-5 el paricda de page despuema' Graclasda anmmanu par su avuda. saber qua ulted trabalfi para serviclos Sepumner a, 2017 llme shunts. plaaififiefisfm. iv and a check will he Issueij "am 1 on Services a! 1757 Stats Highway 361 Ingleslde, 1'1!an a! [he Main Friday, September 1, 2017 aurflm day on site in Septamhar en nuesmi' hula: da Human. Fur 6m.- LSuG,Jeyn"n 'cuuna eh a "has a un chequ: 5a u: reclbamas su's hares. deWelm an 2787 made ralreKeva 361 Inglesidl, Taxes . en la principal Extended Stay Haul. :1 ammo <lv:vy:w vy-z^-zu17 I 5 I 8889T72510 r r« ...... .....-..^...^.. ,. 3xl t7meu, Abi Hern;andez a Welco construc'tlon abi Harnandex 4 To: Abi Hemandez c • Mlorr, Sep 18, 2017 at 14:22 AM Abislsdi Hemandez hour $ Report 912117 Pteakse repatt to 2767 Stats Hlghwty 361 mg ieolda, l^c Aek for joremey Esstan Let home knnw you are teportirtg for work r Valeioa Cnnttructtari. P(ease ecknowEedge thEs texk. ^9V7^^tRI1VC•' ! • ^ • Z.VO^^^^RMS^•.^•.^ nus sown-m: .- nuwmslo FAX Pagas: (findudlng crust an!) Fax: Comments: or Review ease Comment Acknowledge Receipk