Texas Workforce Commission Labor Law Section Payday Documents to be Image-1 Claim No. User ID - Chapter. 1, Investigau'ons 2. Speck] Hudngs 3' Commission Revicw 4i 5. Judicial Ravicw Type of Document: Stubs/ Payroll Rccord Company Policy Manual Conuacl/ Agreement on Pay Commission/Bonus Agreement AuLhorizauon for Deductions Descripu'on: Documcms Special Heating Documcms Commission Appeal Documnis Judicial Review Documents Orher (ans) I/s/zuln 242 PM Tens Workforce Commission Labor Law Section Wag: Clan-n No: 17-058943--2 (21mm: Nam: Rubenn Tones Employet Account Number Invesn'gnro: Name: User ID: - junisdicn'on: Signed/Sworn: WC I'osvmark/ Faxed/ Received Date: 9720717 Inromnon Semi. (check off items reviewed) I i - IZI Payday System (Name Search) Payday (Empiuyu Notes) Payday System (Bankruptcy)" 505 (Filing History) 505 (Puma/Officer Infomurion)' Texas Compuolier' As Amounts Claimed: Regular Vacation Deductions Ovcmme Sick Min. Wugc Commission Holiday Other Bonus Tom| 59 hr Period in Dispute: 9-2-17 lo 9-7-17 Numbex oi Hows Disputed: hmpiuycx Respons: Infmmauon (According Employu Response Received? Claim Disputed? IX Claimant Paid? Check Received? Rm of Pny: Method ofl'aymenl: Checklj CashD (mm 1 Bankruptcy: Case Noi PACER Printouts Amched: (rm 5) Mama 2 oz PM Texas Workforce Commission Labor Law Section Missing Facts: DATE INFORMATION USER ID 1 2-20- 1 7 Verify eoneer ER Ind send wuge claim-L Veril' ir'piid. EEM Name, SSN, and Address Vcrifiarions: Claimant's Le Nan-re: Robeno Perez Toms SS- Veu'lied By )1an Peru Torus Employer's L: Name: Weleo sreel LLC Address: FEID or SSN: Number of Employees: Verified By Al Wells, Owner Informadun Search Printout Included: If yes, source: TX 505 lfno, why nor: Mcrhod or riymenn Verified By Conucls or Informed Rights: Claimant: Employcr: DATE INFORMATIO USER ID 11-20-11 Called ER II -- and provided appeal righls. ER erured CL has never worked for end no record cilled runner office manager, Melinda Brown, at _dnd she exphined Welco Sieel bid a coniruci wilh LSDG but when ihey refined to mm in limcsheeis '0 Al Wells, he pulled all empluycns ofthe job rile riuce he could nol bill wilhoul riruesheers, Al the lime, ihey asked all employees in record lire huurr rhey worked Ind rhey would he paid by Welco Sleel. Brown urared some employees did nor have rheir lirnerheei hecoure LSDG did nol wum lo relrlse them eo mey did nor provide any lime ro Welcu Sleel and rim-e Iww Welco sroel suyo rhey lruve no record or employee. Work week Friday io Thursday. Blown confirmed rhur Roheno forms worked {or Welco sieel and sulad the doles provided ro wrge oluim ire eorrecr. Mailed copy ofwag: claim in ER. EEM 1-5-13 Called CL "a provided ippe-l rlglur. CL sluled he worked for Welcn Smel nod [Ind mud on Io elindai Slaled he has no! been paid. The eed rule of 0T. Confinned on fimcshee18:30 am . meow 0T. EEM biw Violation: \1 El Codes: DATE INFORMATION LLriOfll/LLrJ (om) llsanlli 1 41 PM USER ID Texas Workforce Commission Labor Law Section CL is requesting an unknown amount for work performed on 9-2-17 to 9-7-17. CL confirmed his pay rate was OT. Timesheet provided 59 hrs; $ OT. CL statement provided he worked for ER and turned in application to Melinda. Work week Friday to Thursday. After calculations, timesheet provides for 40 his and 16.5 OT his. 1-5-18 EEM ER stated no record of CL working and failed to respond to letter. However, ER response from LSDG stated that CL was hired by Welco Steel not LSDG. Additionally, wage claim has a letter attached from Welco Construction Services, which is a DBA of Welco Steel, LLC, to CL stating they do not have his timesheeLs and should be requested from LSDG so CL can receive payment. The letter states CL should infotm LSDG he worked for Welco Construction Services and email timesheets to Melinda. Melinda Brown, former office manager, stated CL was an employee of Welco Steel LLC. Brown stated Welco Steel had a contract with LSDG but when they refused to turn in timesheets to Al Wells, pulled all employees of the job site since he could not bill without timesheets. At the time, they asked all employees to record the hours they worked and they would be paid by Welco Steel, LLC. Brown stated some employees did not have their timesheet because LSDG did not want to release them so they did not provide any time to Welco Steel, LLC and that is how Welco Steel says they have no record of employee/employees. However, Brown stated CL was an employee of Welco Steel, LLC and stated the period in question, 9-2-17 to 9-7-17 is correct. ER has a history of paying OT. Therefore, statement from LSDG that CL was never their employee but of Welco Steel LLC and the statements provided by CL and Brown gives more ; credence than that of ER. Therefore, CL is owed the wages. CL worked 40 hrs x ross pay. 16.5 OT ; for a total of Code C040 Code Code Type C040 02 Code Type Amount 0 Amount Type 01 Type Amount Code Amount Amount Penalty Amount Type Amounts Awarded Computations: DATE INFOR.bLA'I'ION USER ID 1-5-18 EEM Quartcr/Ycar Quarter/Year 03/ 2017 $ / $: Quarter/Year / $: Quarter/Year / $: Employer Styling Justiflcation Employer Account No: 1 Registered Entity: Y ® N ❑ End Date: 7-25-17 Effective Date: 11-16-17 FOCP: Y® N ❑ Sole Proprietorship/General Partnership: Y ❑ N® INFORMATION DATE 1-5-18 WELCO STEEL LLC (ER and TX SOS verified) LL-5000LL-3 ( 0715) 1/9!2018 11:44 AM USER ID EEM Texas Workforce Commission Labor Law Section Penalty Warning Warranted: Y ❑ N® Y®N❑ Penalty Warranted: Worksheet Attached: YZN❑ Y ❑ N® Bond Warning Warranted: Justification: INPORINUITION DATE 1-5-18 Justification Corrected Order (Prior to Mailing/Scanning): DATE INFORMATION LL-500L/LL-3 (0715) USER ID EEM Prior violations with a warning. 1152018 2:42 PM USER ID ens Workforce Commission Labor Law Section PAYDAY LAW BAD FAITH PENALTY ASSESSMENT EVALUATION FORM Penalty assessed against (check one): >2 Employer Claimant one): El Factual Suppax! for Did Faith Finding: Was drew a prior violation with a winning? IX Was then: a prior yiolnrinn wirh a penalty? Prior claim number. [3--060l48-0 Prior violation bacime final: 11-26-13 Earliusl dim wagcs ware owed for on current claim? 97247 The dalmant in rhis chins wis nor paid in accordance wirh the paydiy law. 'ihs wages sirnsd 9.2.17 lo 9~7-l 7. Penalty Amount Factms: of the violation This emplaycl hiya claims filed against them fol: {allure in pay wages. The findings of continued violau'ans of I'nyday Liw shows i fax Law, 2. Hismry oiprryions violmjons The Lnbox Law section has previously received one or rnme wage claims that were determined to b: in violation or the Payday [aw 2nd were ruled in inner of ihr employees. The majorily of these wage claims were for nonpayment of wagcs earned. 3 Amount necessary to 1.1:th future violations Due in the knowledgeable disregard to the Texas Payday Law and Ruks, the: full penalty amount a|lowcd by law should be Th: maximum penalty :llowcd hw is the lesser of the amount ofwages owed or 510mm. The total amount in qursiion is-. uir him-hum penalty allowed hy law is-. 4. Other appropriate matters, including mitigation Com lewd Review (yum; Tirl lameawInvesligawr Tide:Mam ni 0 Data: [anuzry'LZOIE _1)th" 6,7113 lousy lmols ll '5 AM CUPIA PARA EL REELAHANTE Texas Workforce Cunmission Labor Law Dept, Room IZLT 101 East 15th Street TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION Austin. Tx 78778-0001 ORDEN DE DETERMINACION PRELIMINAH DE SUELDO LEV LABORAL January 10. 2018 ROBERTO TORRES . n5 . noxms mm a. usurmnamuw la: such '7 0539' Human: de 'aanfiilcac'nn -- HELCO STEEL LLC Hahiendnse una investigacian. sa asianta la siguienle orden conform: el Capitulu 61 de la Ley Laborau de Texas: HALLAZGDS Nuestra investigacion ha delerminado que el reclamante liens deracho a FOR salaries . 5a na proporcionaao avidencla d: due 5: na proporcionado emplao durante todo a parts pariado reclamado. Nuastra Investigacion hi determinado que el reclamanle Liene derecha a FDR sobretienpa . Se na proporcianado evidencia da que se ha proporciunado empleo durante tcdo parte del periodo roolamado. 5a na determinado que a1 patron actuo con male is can relaeion a este reclamo. Adsmas de cualesquiera sueldos que se datarminan se dehen. al patron tambien ss le :asa una penalidad adminfistratlva por unuzu El Patron NELCO STEEL LLB Esta ardanado a pagar para el use 7 beneficial del ROBERTO TORRES hicizndo el mondo nsto del desembolso pagadero a la Cum on de Fuerza Laboral de Tejas. Adams, siando encontrado en violacwon Capitulo 61 del Codigu Labaral de Tejas. cl patron nombradc asu detevmlnada una pena amenistrativa en la cantidad de cual debe ser reminds a Is Comlslon de Fueza Laboral de TeJas. Represent": Asignado: -- (VEA EL REVERSO PARA INFORMACIDN ADICIONAU LL-ZEIA (Mlle) APELACIONES Usted tiene el derecho de apelar esta orden de determinaci6n. Debe apelar por escrito. Se tiene que radicar a no m3s tardar de los 21 dias del la fecha an que esta determinac16n fue enviada para preservar los derechos administrativas de la apelaci6n. Si mando su apelaci6n por fax. La TWC tiene que recibirla no mas de 21 dias despu6s de que la resoluci6n fue enviada por correo. La TWC usara la fecha an que se recibi6 el fax para determinar si su apelaci6n as oportuna. Si radica su apelaci6n por fax, debe usted conservar su confirmaci6n de fax como prueba de la transmisi6n. Si ninguna de las partes radica una apelaci6n oportuna. esta orden de determinacl6n se convierte an la ORDEN FINAL de la Comisi6n. Las apelaciones se deben enviar por correo a: Audiencias Especiales Texas Workforce Commission 0 Usted puede apelar usando el formulario de apelacion en linea de TWC. Vaya a www.texasworkforce.ore/paydavappeal 101 East 15th Street Austin, Texas 78778-0001 Fax#: 512-463-9318 GRAVAMEN ADMINISTRATIVO La seccl6n 61.081 de la Ley Laboral establece que "una orden final de la comisi6n an contra de un patr6n endeudado con el estado por penalidades o sueldos, a menos que sea apelado oportunamente a un tribunal, as un gravamen administrativo sobre toda la propiedad que le pertenezca al patr6n. El gravamen para una deuda no pagada se anexa an el momento de que la orden de la comisi6n se convierta an orden final". PAGOS Un patr6n que solicite una audiencia para refutar esta determinaci6n no debe enviar pago. Si su decisi6n de la apelaci6n afirma que se deben sueldos, siga las instrucciones de pago proporcionadas con la decisi6n de la apelaci6n. Un patr6n que no solicite una audiencia para refutar la orden de determinaci6n pagar5 a la Comisi6n el monto ordenado no mas tarde del vig6simo primero (21) dia despuAs de la fecha de envio por correo de la orden. Un patr6n har8 sumetir el pago an cantidad neta (saldo despuAs de las retenciones validas tales como impuesto federal sobre Inbesos y seguro social) pagadero a la Comisi6n. Para todos los prop6sitos, el pago a la comisi6n constituye pago al patr6n. Para asegurar el procesamiento apropiado favor de enviar la nota de pago adjunta con el pago. PENA Si la Comisi6n determina que un patr6n/empleador ha actuado de mala fe al no pagar los sueldos como lo requiere este capitulo, la Comisi6n, ademSs de ordenar el pago de los sueldos, puede tasar una pena administrativa contra el patr6n/empleador cual debe ser remitido a la Comisibn. Si la Comis16n determina que el empleado ha actuado de mala fe a] presentar el reclamo de sueldos. la Comisi6n podr5 tasar una pena administrativa contra el empleado cual debe ser remitido a la Comisi6n. FIANZA La Comisi6n puede requerir que el patr6n/empleador deposite una fianza si se le encuentra culpable al patr6n/empleador de dos infracciones de este capitulo o de la orden final de la Comis16n an contra del patr6n/empleador de pagar sueldos y dicha orden queda insatisfecha despu@s del d@cimo. DIA despues de la fecha an que se haya vencido el plazo para apelar esa orden final y no hay ninguna apelaci6n pendiente. Por favor proporcione aviso por escrito de cualquier cambio de domicilio al Seccion del Ley Laboral Labor Law Section Texas Workforce Commission 101 East 15th Street Austin, Texas 78778-0001 1-800 832-WAGE (9243) Fax#: 512-475-3025 LL-25A-BK (0913) TEX--W cum: I: Lunar an - Bank Mouse '01 15m sworn Ausun. Yang 731157000' "moan-524: (sulanama in 1ax-s) I (511) "7-5559 (Deana Fun 691 Eaudo) recm- dnnunry 201A Incumn a. sumac: Na: .7 osasas-a an mun LLC Numero as Fur n/Emnlandor Es! made/a Reclamanta: La Ley as nu ma Page as Texas nernne we 59 emua un Avlso ae Voroslaafl/Cungelamlenlo Avlso as com um fauna ae Douro ae pane snya. cuanao un DarrOn/ampleaflor so ancusntra mrnsu an a! page as "was este process nernne que la oomiswn ae Fuerza Laboral as Yexas noNHque a Ia(s) Hnanclerau) ae su patren/empleanor. atros negpcios a gunman; gubernamemales as aulenes este natmn/emveamr notencvameme recme <FILE COPY DETERMINATION CODES: COM) COLD POI TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION PRELIMINARY WAGE DETERMINATION ORDER Labor Law January 10. 1013 PAGE I OF I PAGES CLAIHANT EHPLOYER ROBERTO TORRES -- "Emu SYEEL LLC WELCD STEEL LLC An investigation having been completed. the rollovang order is entered pursuant to Chapter 6| of the Texas Labor Code: FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS our investigation has determined that the claimant is entitled to for unpaid wages . convincing evidence of employment has been provided for all or part of the period claimed. our investigation has determined that the claimant is entitled to for unpaid overtime . Convincing evidence of employment has been provlded for all or part of the period claimed. it has been determined that the employer acted in bad faith with regard to this claim. ln addition to any wages determined due. the employer is also assessed The employer. ucha STEEL LL: is onutnzn to pay _-for the use and benefit of the claimant. mama roasts . and shall remit the gross or net amount disbursement payable to the Texas llorltforee commission. In addition. being found in violation or Chapter 6i of the Texas Labor Code. the employer is assessed an administrative penalty in the amount of which is to be remitted to the Texas Horkforce Commis ion. Assigned Representative: ISSESSEDMM Pursuant to the Tex-u Tax Code, uctkm "1.255, It the corporate at a corporation of other tantal- subjoct to the tux Ire tortoltvd by the Ten: Comptroller, each 0!th or director at the taxable II Illble tor any debt at the durlng the parlod at tortolturo. (SE REVERSE SIDE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) LL-ZEA APPEALS You have the right to appeal this determination order. Your appeal must be in writing. It must be filed no later than 21 days from the date this determination order was mailed in order to preserve administrative appeal rights. If you fax your appeal TWC must receive it no later than 21 days from the date the determination was mailed. TWC will use the date we receive the fax to determine whether your appeal is timely. If you file your appeal by fax, you should retain your fax confirmation as proof of transmission. If neither party files a timely appeal, this determination order becomes the FINAL ORDER of the Commission. Appeals should be mailed or faxed to: Special Hearings Texas Workforce Commission 101 East 15th Street Austin, Texas 78778-0001 Fax#: 512-463-9318 Or You may appeal by TWC's online appeal form Go to www.texasworkforce.or¢/aavdavauueal ADMINISTRATIVE LIEN Sec. 61.081 of the Labor Code provides that "A final order of the Commission against an employer indebted to the state for penalties or wages, unless timely appealed to a court, is a lien on all property belonging to the employer. The lien for an unpaid debt attaches at the time the order of the Commission becomes final." PAYMENTS An employer who requests a hearing to contest this determination should not send payment Should your appeal decision affirm that wages are due, follow the payment instructions provided with the appeal decision. An employer who does not request a hearing to contest the determination order shall pay the amount ordered to the Commission not later than the 21st day after the date of mailing of the order. An employer shall make a net payment amount (balance after valid deductions that are authorized by state or federal law, and by court orders; such as but not limited to federal income tax witholding, social security, and child support) payable to the Texas Workforce Commission. Payment to the Commission constitutes payment to the employee for all purposes. To ensure proper processing please return the enclosed remittance slip, and deduction documentation with payment You may contact the Commission for clarification on valid deductions. PENALTY If the Commission determines that an employer acted in bad faith in not paying wages as required by this chapter, the Commission, in addition to ordering the payment of wages, may assess an administrative penalty against the employer. If the Commission determines that an employee acted in bad faith in bringing a wage claim, the Commission may assess an administrative penalty against the employee. BOND The Commission may require an employer to deposit a bond if the employer is convicted of two violations of this chapter or a final order of the Commission against an employer for nonpayment of wages remains unsatisfied after the 10th day after the date on which the time to appeal from that final order has expired and an appeal is not pending. Please provide the Labor Law Section written notification of any change In your address. Texas Workforce Commission Labor Law Section 101 East 15th Street Austin, Texas 78778-0001 1-800 832-WAGE (9243) -- Fax#: 512-936-3364 For more information about the Texas Payday Law Law go to our web site athttp://www.twc.state.tx.us/lobseekers/texas-payday-law LL-25A-BK (0915) .o»M STATE CW TEXAS TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION Lahur Law, Rnom 1le m1 Enst 15m sum Austin, Texas 76773-0"! FILE DDPV AL REEISTERED AGENT DETERMINATION nan: -- WAGE CLAIM Man: 17 "215) STATE, OF TEXAS TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION Lahar Law, Roam 101 Ens! 150! Sheet Austin Texas FILE CDPV DETERMINATIUN NBR: WADE CLAIM NBR: 1M LL15fl (HIE) STAYS .DF TEXAS Labor Law. Roam 12" ml Eas' Sheet Austin. Texas 7577841001 HIE DDPV AL MELLS1 REGISTERED AGENT UETERMINATIDN NBR: WAGE MEN: 17 058943-2 (I215) STATE DF TEXAS TEXAS COMMISSION Lahor Law, Roam 114T 'lfl1 East 15th Shall Austin, Texas 78778-0001 FILE EUPV DETERMINATION NBR: WAEE CLAIM NBR: l7 DEBBIE-2 (1215) "k STATE TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION Lillur Llw, Roam INT Ifll East lim Sm! Austin. Texas 78778410!" FIIGBP DDFV DETERMINATION NBR: -- WAGE CLAIM NBR: I7 canals-2 "115! TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION won LAW SECTION 101 am 13m Street, Room 314 Austin, Texas 73778 1 80078329243 uxlnn- cm 110 (N Welcn LLC c/o A1 Wells 13m. D:cembcx20,2017 RE: Nn: 17-058943-2 EMPLOYER INFORMATION REQUEST we need additional Informnnon the WAGE CLAIM filed <> RnbL-nn Tnms. Plcasc cal] ml: as soon as possiblcb My dim: line 1 or you my us: me (numb hne. am unavailable. please leave message on my x. ice mad. including your nan-m 2nd phum: number. My email in" My fax number n: My office hours arc7AM to 3:30 11b un sly! mug Please provide and dams nn wage am. Copy ofcndurscd check 0: am deposit voucher number. Please come: me widlin seven dayg {mm um {1151 based on (hc the case file. Thanks for your Thanks for your cnoperanon. bar I. Invc dgatox my mum. IEVNW and come! mlamlalmn TWO mllucls about {ha Individua/ by vmailing Ix us a, lo Open Records. Rm, 20a 1m East 19" Austin, rx 78776-0001. LL76 (0617) mg. at - m. mm mm mama ulnw m: "mum(at urn-mu. um uw Wage claim In; Not Conn - emr mmxm: um Law. <(Bug- 1: a! - m. pxuu: Made: an be changed u-ulq m: prune-4:: kw - m. mm. mm to: 2mm: mam-nu ,13-momvrl FAVDRDE ESCRIEIR CON TINTAVEN FORMA LEGIBLE. Null El mum-z mama a. Begum ul man an Indulm puadl my un quo on <> alga-I llu can cl d. ludmr a! "9 n' yum I: an: alumni man pm mm? En can ammo. (am a. mum. "9 (EIGUE AL DURSO) mucus") in. Na cam ( 16 of ( Page 14 - 11:0:1709-70-1017 This print header can be changed using the printHeader HTML tag - see the vlewOaE HTML manual for further infoxmatio. e189n51e 3 ( CN.,nninnul.f/nlwnlnnnrln/,.l,In,MlwrlwnM.wnwN„ww,.n.w,d,v..w..nnw,.nr1.,/..\.,I,.n,.,^n.wnln.w..1^,1:wn.,Jw1^^.,,rnJ.., 1^] ^.......... ^ ^ ,.^^., .^,.^ .,..^..^, w,,...w,. , 54i ho Y'r^ TOTAL DE LOS SALARIOS ATRASADOS QUE SE t2ECLAMAN $ " Los 8nhms aenancros adkfanales qua pueden reclamerse son !os sigu(ane+s: pago par vacaciones a dlas fsdados, indemnizacrdn por despido, pennlso por oNbrmodsd, pemtlso pare of cuidado de niBOs menores, flempo fibre pagado a dles Bbres pagados. Para poderrecfanrar, astos 6eneBcios tendr2n qua ha6erse otorgedo med/Hnte un acueMo o pollaca esciffa der empleedor. P5 13, LEn que fecha deb16 haberse pagado el salarlo quo so recfame? g'eOfi tvn)a rP de 14. En caso de reclamar un satarlo regular, setarto portlempo extra, ylo salaria m(nimo, tcuales son las fechas an qu0 Ud. al de trabaJd sin recibir el sarado? Del de Favor de expicer c6mo calcul6 las eumas que reelema. (Por ejemplo, 20 horas all salado regular a raz6n de $5.00 po hora ^JIA m3s 5 horas de 9empo extra a $7.501a hora. Otto eJemplo: 30 articulos a razOn do 75 centavos par plaza.) A Slrvasa adJuntar los talones de cheques a Is dectaracibn do ganancias. 15. En caso do rectamar comis(ones, Ldurante que: perlodo as gan6 el satarlo que se recleme? rJ It. . FavordeexpllcarcOmocalcul6Iae Dal de el de sumas que reclama. (adjunte Informacl6n an apoyo de all rectamo, teles como constanclas de ventas, telones,de cheques, etc.). 16. En caso do reclamar un gratiftcacldn, Indique si 6sta correspondla at acuerdo laboral a sl era un simple regalo. Si Is gratiflcaci6n se pagaba a basa del desempeFlo de su trabajo, l,en qu6 perlodo so gan6? al Del de y adjuntar copla. ,Favordedardetallesdelsgra0ficacl6n da N hk 17. En caso do reclamar cobarture par una prestaclbn, favor do Indicarque prestaci6n(es) a beneficio(s) reclama y par que tiene derecho a tel salarlo. Favor do calcu(ar c6mo calcul6Ia sums qua so debe a adjuntar cop(a del acuerdo escrlto o norma !tJ Il^ oficial del patr6n ret'erente al tipe do prestael6n(es) que reclama. 15, En caso de reclemardeducclones, Indique sl 11nn0 alguna autodzacldn para deducciones aparte de las que normal enta se descuentan del salado. 0 SI p No En caso afirmallvo, favor de explicar (adJuntar copla. 19. ZEftusted en qulebra? O SI eNo En easo afimtativo, Zen que fecha so radicd de deoiaracibn de qutebra? Capitulo: Caeo Ndm: _Lugar on quo se redc6Ia decleracion: Indlque at nombra, Is dlrecci6n y at tel8fono del abogado qua Is represents an su caso de quiebra. 20, &Tiene usted conoclmiento do algdn aurerdo (tei coma arbitreJe, acuerdo do negocl0ci6n colecOve,,eontrato alnd(cai, ERISA, Accidn de Servlelo Contratado, etc.) qua so haya concertado entre usted y at patrOn? 0 SI ®' No En caso afirmativo, strvase adjuntar oopia do dlcho acuerdo. N! h 21. Otres observaclones: 20. Comentarlos adicionales: ENTIENDO QUE EN CASO DE DETERMINARSE QUE ESTE RECLAMO FUE INICIADO DE MALA FE QUEDAR6 • SUJETOI'A A LA IMPOSICION DE UNA SANCIbN ADMINISTRATIVA. re o e d h o a a u Para ser eonsidarudo v6ixio, sy rgtla ^,elarial deber2 r-eminab addrtygmisda e e v Mi nombre y apatlido son f^Spp_e (_ r o _ r 2 ve ng. Nambro y ml dlreccidn es (Caso) ml fecha de naclmiento es ---rlcwkdr IEUadol WMEW y (Cad.poeWl) iPatn Declaro bajo pena do perjurio quo Is tnformaci6n preoedenta as verdedera y eorrecta. CelebradoenelCondadode 00M CQ_ - Estado.de_174^ Declararda (firma) .alos 1-0 diasde q (Mae) ae 201-7(AS 9 Fommhdosconlpkn/a,pmaunfadconocr7onesa to (nhnnedOn MdhAfusloMfMBfe nnesre rannufarlaserAn envfados N Leyde trebyo do fiYGUn ImlrvldyOlalU^an'64y npasar6lnlanaacfOn quo7WCrarneemn/aspotlaadaalndvfmmlmrvPondoene•msaeneen.rernNx,muvesesle.h.uxoescnolendoaTWCCpente`xoltr^I^y^1101Easf rSihSL AueM, 7XTa7Ta40m, 7 6 • ^A Thu rm"hummer u. \uzvm luau-I mm mumtxv m: ma 9 9 42!: Milan Sin 1am: Dear sapumbar 9. 1017 We do nan-m any reported hauls laryuu on nurume xhu mm a now nfynur <>: an - - Les pedlmm amhruna :onli a: all pin: a: hurl: - nuchtque s: emlufl al perhda de pay- despues dc qua reclharnas sus horas. Gracia: d: amermno nor an lvuda. "anus marque naked "ah-la pm da dc w-Im en 1197 enadn uneven 361 Imulde. Texas I an Extmded Slay Haul. El perioda vie page :uhre vlernasl d: sapllembre de 2017 muesu'o primer at: an a! 5ho jams, 07 a. sayllemllve de 2017. Suludm, war: I: construcdan a: wm -- $5 - haw--5 Nam: Oh G. '2 n1.) Texas Workforce Commission Labor Law Section Payday Documents to be Imaged Claim No: User ID: 17-058943-2 EMR Date: 11/6/2017 Chapter: 1, Investigations 2, Special Hearings 3, Commission Review 4, Collections 5, Judicial Review Intake: LL-2 Employer Association ❑ Acct # ASSOCIATED Class Code: S Status: 220 Claim Review: Check if Claim's Review completed and accurate ^ Wage claim signed-verified ER name search in PAYDAY ❑ Pseudo created? 0 Association completed and verified . Q Claimant address updated with current address-verified ER-response information updated in Pa da Rebuttal letter sent Notes: LL,5001 (0216) November 3, 2017 mxAs WORKFORCE COMMISSION Labor Law Date: OCTOBER 6 2017 101 East 15th Skeet, Room 124T Austin, Texas 78778-001 WAGE CLAIM: 17-058943--2 ROBERTO TORRES CLAIMANT REBUTTAL NOTICE As previously on use the Texas \Voxkfoxrc Con-mission (Two) LoboeLow Section is in of you payday wage elsiiu and his sull in th: ioromseiou gsmeougsuge. Do not lile uuoolieewuge eluiui as this will only cause delays. You In ullowesl l0 smeod you chum to odiusnlle umoum claimed and lndudc sddiu'ooul pay pcn'uds Pleuse uudemoud that your wage claim bis Ll" been assigned to an we have Itsponx: {mm cmpluyu and \kuId like [a provide you wilb ibe uppommily so miw the offer dill: would be helpfuiin winking you: mge elsios mole efficiently. We at: uouble to pmvide ebe eloie you: eloioo will be useigueol foe investignion Attache/J yauwill find copy orilie iuroouoliou pmvidcd lo us by your employer. Iryou disagxcc with the response, pleas: ieply and pxovidc you: <>: We; Lg 3.. muses; flow. sum mg; WW Indirilimlr my mviw and ilgfizmliml lbol TWC m/Iem about illdiuidwlb} mm; to ar 1071'}ng In 117C 0M Remix, 101 E. 1511, In, Rm. 255, Ami", TX 7377847007, (0617) 11/3/2017 3:38 PM Texas Workforce Commission Labor Law Section Payday Documents to be Imaged Claim No: User ID: Date: Chapter: ,i'), -5- e 9V3^ DS4 1, Investigations 2, Special Hearings 3, Commission Review 4, Collections 5, Judicial Review ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ MAIL: 1, Employer Correspondence 2, Claimant Correspondence 3, Other claim related info ❑ ❑ Notes: LLrS00I (0216) October 18, 2017 i- TEX LFIBUR LAW, WI EAST 15TH STREET. AUSTIN, TEXAS PH 800--332--943, HEARING IMPAIRED PHONE 1-800~735-2939, FAX 1-512-536-5864 RECEN Ex: RESPONSE To WAGE cLAllvl \9 DATE MAILED "a '13" 10/05/17 Cl 'muye ROBERTO TORRES LABORLAW A ldentlriaa 'en Nbr: Wage cla .2: this notice was mailed (see ooshnarit). as Please use the above Wage Claim Number ior all inquiries regarding this wage claim in accordance with the Texas Labor Code. chapter all the individual named above has tiled a sworn wage claim ter unpaid wages (copy enclosed). This notice is an opportunity for you to respond Failure to respond may result in a decision iaveraltle to the claimant orderinn you to pay the amount claimed Please coinplete all sections oi the form lSsN'a are nail. By responding to this iorin. you are not filing an appeal. Please submit relevant supporting documents such as true copies oi related pay records. copies oi canceled checks (front and back), employment agreements, contracts. aioned euthoriutiohs Job descriptions and handbooks or written policies relevant to the wages or benefits during the periodcsl claimed. information sent may be made available to the claimant so don't send private intorrnation (ssN's) to other single ass This tnve iigation Will result in a Determination Order being issued to both parties It you disagree vvith the Determination Order you receive. you may file an appeal by ioliowing the instructions on the reverse side of the Order. li subsequent to [he wzga elalm belne tiled, you paid this ind nal all oi the claimed wages: Complete the EMPLOYER INFORMATION section and use question 16 to write the gross amount paid the datelsi paid, and check humbefls). Enclose copies of endorsed checks ltronr and back). cash receipts. elc. EMPLOYER INFORMATION 1. i. Two (rec) mam Nim..a_ we a in "when! 7 2. it ooh han the bove Iddras addre do wan es ondenoe me it noernino this cla 3. What a the iuil Ie aI name and hlarne city A. if business is a Sole Proprietorship, provide your full legal name and ress oi your bus ass? state Zip S. a) Is your business a Me i No it yes, speeity type of partnership Go to Sc below and list the General Partners' Names, Social Security Numbers. Phone Numbers and Addresses (omit the Service pates rieidl. b) Is your business incorporated? )Ves lNo If yes, incorporated in what statei Corporate crorter Number counted to do ousiness in Texasi iyes We List below I 01 ca Names, Sucizl Sacu Number Addresses and Service Dims. Name List 4 dig": SSN Phang Address "r - Service Dates Nan-is Last 4 digits ssu Address Service Dates Name - Last 4 digits ssu Phone Address Service Dates sz5 Last 4 digits SSN Phana Address Service Dates (ll necessary, use additional sheets) 6. Is the business still operating? )No is the business in Bankruptcy? has H4: If in Bankrupte Eanhruptey no plate Case No. Where Filed Bankruptcy Attorneys Name. Address and Phone Number 7. List any other businesses operated by the employer tL-a mom icon-riuuso on new ion. (i n, 2. Beginning due oi claimant's employment Jab title and Current employment status (cornpiete one): still employed-- cult Date Termination Dele lei-Weekly i 1 Dlher . claimants rate of pay . Cialmanl's Pay Schedule Dally i Wee Scheduled Raydaytsi i check i 1 Cash i Other 1nt Did you deduct Sec Security and Withholding taxes rr the claimants paycheckislv i 1 V53 1 No ll. Wes clnirnint's employment covered under the overtime provis ot lhe Fn'ir Leoer Standards Act? i )Ves lhlo )Don't Know If you don't know. a Does your business have an annual gross volume oi sales or husines oual to or greater than $5Do,oou,ooi Was 1 )No b. is your la ess or this employee engaged in interstate commerce, producing goods tor interstate commerce, or otherwise working on goods or materials that have been moved in or produced tor such commerce? Plnass explain WAGES CLAIMED The claimant provided a brourdown oi the types of wages claimed. Please fill in the items oolow. giving lhe gross wage amounts you believe are currently due and owing to the claimant lor each wage type cleimed nFringe penetits Pay Deductions Regular 5 Com 6-- Unp WAGES DUE To THE at The only fringe henetits that he claimed are vacalion hey, holiday pay, severance. sick leave or parental leave (these penelits cannot be claimed unless provided far in a written agreement or a written policy at the employer). l2," lringe benefit was claimed, do you have written benelits policy/agreemena i )Yas )No If yes, please attach a copy. 13. If harm was ed, was the bonus hand on periorrnence. or was it a gift? ol the humus agreement, 14. If wages were deducted er Withheld, did the claimant sign any dncuments authorizing the deduction7 )Vas )No it yes, please attach copy of the authorization. I5. Are you aware at any lgrvament that exists that would preempt the Commissiun from ruling on this wage claim (8.9. arbitration. collective eargaining egreement, union contract, ERISA. Service Contract Act)? it yes, please . copy at the agreement Isl The section below is for your explanation Di why you believe the Wage clairn i incorrect zlgase be sgeci For instance, it you are disputing vacation pay, label your response "vacation par, and indicate why you disagree with the claim. Use this specs to explain copies of records (payroll, written pollclea, etc.) that you are aubmitling to support your response, ll necessary use additional sheets ll sueaequent to the wage cleiln lacing tiled, you paid this individual ell oi the claimed wages: Complete the EMPLOYER INFORMATION section and use the space balnw to write the gross amount per the dateisl pa and cheek numberiel. Enclose copies ol endorsed checks llront and back), cash receipts, etc. yard? {Mel--+1 $le mic i thepo 'g'ldfifl Lgkaieirmgoi L0 'Cln .mmp 0i 4: 'EiioCr; goat paid \N'ltgo (31? fut uddco 15'? if (1qu a A Peid Below Minimum Wego 5 Miscellaneous 6 Bonus Ove Please attach a copy 0C1 10 2017 UNDER PENALTIES DF HEREDV CERTIFY THAT THIs XLWM, AND ACCURATE DF THE RELATING Tn THE CLAIM Tn THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND aEuEr fill? 231/] Sit--"mm WT rrinr Entel er Repr teilv 4: Nnmu Empl Title Dilva's stein-u- What Is your direct Phone Number? EXT, Fax Numh THIS DOCUMENT Is AN IanuRV AND Is PAYMENT. HOWEVER, IF you AGREE THAT UAGES ARE DUE, PAYMENT To THE TEXAS RAVMENT TD THE ALL INTENTs AND terms, Inquiries, er eerreeliene to th- in ull intermeuon containee in this term rheli o. sent to the Labwr Law Section, lni e. terh sn, Austln, 1x 7B775c0fl01, iml 475-1570,nlermelien rher TWO collects show the individual ev emailing te agenraeerer-meetetet ue er writing to open fieooldx, lei El" leth 5t.. Austin, rx verve-noon REMITTANCE SL1 CLAIMANT WILLIAM MITCHELL ROBERTO TORRES Identification Number: Employer Account: 00-000000--0 Wage Claim Number: 17 0 Federal Entity ID: (JO-0000000 If you wish to protest ms wage claim. you must mail' fax. or email your reply to the address shown at the top of the enclosed Employer Response to wage Claim Form llama if you agree that the claimed wages are due and wane'ro sum"; payment, please send your cashler's check or u.s. Postal Money Order to: Texas Workforce Con-mission Labor Law Payment Division P.D. Box 684483 Austin, TX 78768--4483 IMPORTANT -- To ensure proper handling enclose this sheet with your payment, put the claimant's name and Social Security Number on the face of the check and complete the information below. List deductions from. the gross amount, if any. Business Name 1'5 2.1 1 LL Owner Name lanes on 1--: Andress Line 2 City. St. Zip RECEIVED Telephone Number OCT 20 2017 THE TAX Account Number LABOR more no In lune -- LAW4 Please provl'de the Labor Law Department nrmen noolflcatlon of any change in your address. Should you have questions the wane elolm process or the Tax Payday Low in general, visit our web page at For more guidance see the Especially for Texas Employers Handbook at Form (0617) roles: TEXAS WORKFORCE GOIVIMISSION r 41% . PHONE 1 -800-832-9243, HEARING IMPAIRED PHONE 1-800-735-2989, FAX 1-512-936-33643 LaborLaw.EmployerResponse@twc.state.tx.us INSTRUCTIONS FOR EMPLOYER RESPONSE TO WAGE CLAIM TEXAS PAYDAY LAW ENCLOSED IS A SWORN WAGE CLAIM ALLEGING THAT YOU FAILED TO PAY EARNED WAGES. PLEASE READ THE WAGE CLAIM AND RESPOND BY FILLING OUT THE "EMLOYER RESPONSE TO WAGE CLAIM" WHICH IS ALSO ENCLOSED. YOUR RESPONSE SHOULD BE FILED BY MAIL, FAX OR EMAIL NO LATER THAN THE FOURTEENTH (14TH) DAY AFTER THE DATE THAT THIS INVESTIGATION NOTICE WAS MAILED TO YOU. AFTER AN INVESTIGATION, A DETERMINATION WILL BE MAILED NOTIFYING YOU OF OUR DECISION. Mail your response to: Texas Workforce Commission, Labor Law Section, 101 East 15th Street Austin TX 78778-0001 LaborLaw.EmployerResponse@twc.state.tx.us Or email your response to: Should you have additional questions regarding the wage claim process or the Texas Payday Law in general, visit our web page at www.twc.state.tx.us/businesses/how--respond-wage-claim-under-texas-payday-law , . , TEXAS PAYDAY LAW INFORMATION Chapter 61 of the Texas Labor Code assigns the Texas Workforce Commission responsibility for administration of the Texas Payday Law. The law provides rules for the payment of wages, a process for determining liability for unpaid wages and avenues for the collection of those wages. Although filed wage claims are not always valid, you need to be aware that the law provides severe penalities for employers that do not deal in good faith with their employees. 1.. After ordering payment of wages the Commission may file an Administrative Lien to enforce collection of wages. 2. An employer commits a third degree felony if at the time of hiring, the employer intends to avoid payment of wages, and if the employer falls, after a demand, to pay those wages. 3. If an employer acts in bad faith by not paying wages, in addition to ordering the payment of wages, the Commission may assess an administrative penalty in an amount not to exceed the amount of wages in question and not to exceed 01,000. 4. If an employer is convicted of two violations of the Payday Law, or if a final order of the Commission against an employer for nonpayment of wages remains unsatisfied for 10 or more days after the date on which the time to appeal from that order has expired and an appeal is not pending, the Commission may require the employer to deposit a bond in an amount approved and considered by the Commission as sufficient and adequate under the circumstances. 1. Employers must pay their employees at least once a month if the employee is not subject to the overtime -provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. All others must be paid at least semimonthly. 2. Emp,lo,yersz,rri)l^1.deslgnate paydays and must post those paydays in conspicuous areas of the workplace. ^ .. 3. Wages paid on a^commission basis or bonuses are due in a timely manner, according to the terms of agreemenli'_between'=elrployee and employer. 4• Employ,ees absent an^payday are entitled to be paid upon request on a regular business day. % 5. If separated from work for a reason other than discharge, an employee must be paid in full not later than the next regularly scheduled payday. 6. Discharged employees must be paid in full not later than the sixth day after termination. 7. Employees may be entitled to unused fringe benefits (vacation, holiday, sick leave, parental leave, or severence pay) only if the employer provides for these benefits in a written policy or agreement. 8. Employee wages may be withheld only if the employer:, a. is ordered to do so by court; b. is authorized by state or federal law (e.g. payroll taxes), or c. has the employee's written authorization to make deductions. TEXAS PAYDAY LAW REQUIREMENTS ^ ^""^ !;;` s Completed forms, inquiries, or corrections to the individual Information contained in this form shall be sent to the TWC Labor Law Section, 101 E. 15th St., Austin, TX 78778-0001, {512}475-2670. Individuals may receive and review Information that TWC collects about the individual by emailing to o p en.rccords@twc.state.tx.us or writing to TWC Open Records, 101 E. 15th St., Austin, TX 78778-0001. LL25ZB (0817) 4 T ,1L'+''.A:a LSDGx LLC 101 W. Main Street Allen, TX 75013 .J ri ..,. , . ..:....,. ;..^,{ . .I.,. 'a` rs Y^1^,^ wcNK-t)r re cayyIc4,1) ^CL'TVEn Law La vv OCT l O l E. "S-^ ^ 1 x Sl-. ^"$' - ^ 0 z o zo» ^OR^W4 TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION LaborstSeceicn-n 13 I PAYDAY DOCUMENTATION WORKSHEET FOR DATA ENTRY RESOLUTIONS (EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION) Claimant Information First Name MI Last Nme SSN Lust 4* or Dal: ofBinh'" Address 1 Address 2 City Smte ZIP 'fur' "if mm". ]m nu 'nlifimlion only Employer Information Busing; Name owwmmemfix gm ll Employer 2 1mm 9 lb: mm mm mu, "50; mm mm." mm; Mm a My am/almd. Int/0dr ammo" rum/Ar mm": 4154(mum). any now/:1: yr/myimm mam: hymn/m. i; mm LIMHED TO any ONE pamrour. DATE SOURCE COMMENTS USER SEARCHED AtIJChment Clnim SOS (0616) 7/11/20" 8:53 AM Labor Law Translation Wags Claim No. Not ooun Canlfiad - emr TEXAS COMMISSION, LABOR LAW, 101 EAST 15TH STREET, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78718-0001 momma": or d) (PURSUANT To TITLE 2, CHAPTER 61, TEXAS LABOR CODE) PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY IN INK Note: Snclal Securily Number is buI laIling la Include II wIlI dala processing or your dalm. INFORMATION AEDLIT vouR EMFLOVER: Business Nam. LSDG mmars Name JROD HILL Mann MAW STAYHOTEL PLEASE COMPLEYE THE FOLLOWING EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION: 1. WhaIwulk dId yw penarrni DEMOLITION 2. aeglnning dEIe clamnlaymsni 9/2/17 Employment seams wiln San employnfl a nun \'lmlnaflnn an. Reasun savalaflun: ANOTHER COMPANY TOOK OVER THE JOB s. when wan; yum mgulariy scheduled paydays? Wha|was you! an th| was me agreed Walk 8:30 HrstiY. 11 Days/wk, 65 4' Was your compensalinn agmamem l: om Wiillsn (please nit-ell a copy) 5. Were Ihs claimed wages earned in Texas? V55 l:l Nu Ii nnl. was {he Jab cunllaclad in Tam? Yes I: No 6. Wm IaxEs aedumd Irom your paw? Yes I: N6 7. ls <, 13. What was the scheduled payday(s) for these claimed wages? Date(s) 14. If claiming regular, overtime, andlor minimum wage, what were the dates you worked for which you received no wages? Please explain how you de- to From termined each amount claimed. (Example: 20 hours regular pay at $5 per hour and 5 hours overtime pay at $7.50 per hour. Example: 30 items at a piece rate of $0.75 per item.) Please attach the check stubs or earnings statement. N/A N/A 15., If claiming commission, what was the period in which the wages were earned? From to Indicate how you determined the amount due (attach information to support your claim, such as sales records, check stubs, etc.). 16. If claiming a bonus, was the bonus a part of your employment agreement or a casual gift? If based on performance, what was the period In which the bonus was earned? From N/A to Please furnish details of the bonus agreement (incfude a copy). 17. If claiming a covered fringe benefit, please explain which benefit(s) you are claiming and why you are entitled to the wages. Please indicate how you determined the amount due and attach a copy of the employer's written agreement or policy concerning the type of fringe benefit(s) claimed 18. If claiming deductions, did you sign any authorization for deductions other than regular payroll taxes? If yes, please explain jattach a copy) 19. Are you in bankruptcy? Chapter; 0 Yes If yes, what is your bankruptcy filing date? p No Where filed? Case No, What is your bankruptcy attorneys name, address, and phone number? 20. Are you aware of any agreement (such as arbitration, collective bargaining agreement, union contract, ERISA Service Contract act, etc.) that existed between you and the employer? 0 Yes If yes, please attach a copy of the agreement. Q No 21. Additional comments: I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS A SWORN WAGE CLAIM AND THAT I MAY BE ASSESSED AN ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY IF THIS CLAIM IS FOUND TO BE BROUGHT IN BAD FAITH. (Your Wage Claim must be signed below and must be sworn to before a Texas Workforce Commission Representative or a Notary'Public.) Date 9120117 Ciaimant's Signature Claimants signature Before me the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared the above named claimant, who on oath states to have knowledge of the facts set Tonn in tms wage ciaim, ana tnat tne mauer ano tacts set tortn merem are to tne aest or me ciamanrs xnowleoge true ano correct. or Texas Workforce Commission Representative Office No. Notary Public My commission Expires An individual may receive, review, and correct information that TWC collects about the individual by emailing to open.records(aDtwc.state.tx.us or writing to TWC, Information Release, Room 264, 101 East 15th Street, Austin, TX 78778-0001 RECLAMD SALARIAL FAVOR DE ESCRJEHR CON TINTA EN FORMA LEGIBLE. Nuts: Es optafiivo finals! 9! Nflmem as Segura SnciaV. Dem el hechu day no incluivlu pusds causar un alrasu en la tramuaclen de su "edema. DATOS DELIDE LA RECLAM DATOS DEL Namhre comernial 5 Hombre dewde la praplelariala Java, Namnre Apemdo do) Direccion Apanamemo it - Nflmem Ge seguro sodal Telefonn de su residencia L.) Pasha de naclmlento an: Telefonu d2 su trahajn actual a Celular Estado 7" >4 Telefcnu d9! petlfin Ubicanien d5! centre de lrabajo INFORMACION LAEORAL 1. am uabajo hacla um (21 ma la 2. (En quefenha empeza a uabajan a, 2 20 I final as su sIluaclen labora! ahnra, con respeclo a dim palm"? a Sign (rabajandn :1 Kenmore ems 5 52 me el dla LCue! lue e! mum/u de su separanldn as empleo? W5, 3' LCueIes emn sus mas regulares de mayo? LCemn Ie natuulahan su swarm? (par ampxajo, a $3.00 la hara. $1.000 mensuabs' 50 cemavas par plaza] $2.00 par pie cuadrado) LCue| era el horarla da Irabajo oonvenlda? mares Laws par semana, W7 4. LOue clase de/acuemo habla sabre el salariu? Verbal uyecmu (adjuntar mpla) 5. Lus salarius qua reclama. "as ganb en el estado de Tejascase negatlvo, Lse him a: comma de lrahaja en el estado de Tsjas? {5i 1: Nu LABORLAW 6 L55 haclan deduccinnes a su salarlu par cancapto de Impuestos'? 3/51 a No 7. LEI negoclo de su palm sign: an ra'sr a No usual es el unmlnilln del paufin su nomera lelelonico? 8. LL: empresa aste en qurehra? @410 9. acuel Is e' nomhre at telelanu de su duranle e] perlado reieriflu en el reclama? 7772" 10' swans algfm lazo iamillar con el patrenfiavorde e! parenzescn, M0 11, gEl paubn le dla alguna ram" para nu pagane? En caso anrmafiva. lavor de 0 (SIEUE AL DORSO) LL-1s(u5u) my, N12, 621775 lulu "hand." an .ll. .04., "mammal . .. TOTAL DE LOS SALARIOS ATRASADOS QUE 5E RECLAMAN 5 54 ha - Los mum neneflclos udlclonwas qua puma mlmaraa sun In: pnga par meadows a was Iamrdas. indamnlzulen par dasplda. Pfirmlsu par pannlaa pam al culdidn a. nine: mamas. 11':me llbra pagndo u/aa films Fara poaanaclamar, 551M bansfiu'as qua habersa momma maulanla un acuardn pomlaa asarna amp/sedan 13. En que lacha aahla haharsa pagado el salarlo qua se reclamn7 laclamar un salurlo regular. salarlo panlampa extra. yla salarlo :cuales son las lama: an qua ua. llabaie sin reoibirel salarln? Dal de a1 d2 Favor da axallaarmma calculc laa aumaa qua raclarna. (Par elempln. 20 horas al aalanoraqular a lam" de $5.00 pa hora ms 5 hares de llampa extra a 57.50 la hura. ejampln: an aninulas a razan ca 75 aamavas par plaza.) all; Sllvasa aalunlar laa lalnnaa lie cheques a la declaraclbn de gananalaa, a 15. En case de Ldulanle qua pellodu aa ganb el salalic qua aa reclamacamocalclm las aumaa qua :aalama, (adjunu lnrarmaulan an apuyo de au leclamn. lalas aomo constanclas as cheques, am). 16' En case da reclamar ull grallficacleandlqua 5] beta al awerdn lateral si era un legalu. Sl la aa aagaba a base del dasempel'ln de su lrabalo, Len que pefiado Se and? Del Favolde dar delalles d5 Ia graulicaclbn adjunlar anpla ll. 11. En caan d2 leclamarcnberlura par una preslaclbn. lavurda Ind'lcarqua praataclanlas) banaflclala) reclamay par qua liene derechna lal aalallo. Favards calcularcama calculi: Ia auma qua sa uaba aadjunlarcopla da aauama escrilo a Mime oflnlal del Damn lelerente al lino aa preslaclemas) qua reclama. 13. En da raclamar deducclones. Ind'qus al firm alguna aulnrizaclan gala daduacianas apana de las qua normal enle _sa desuuerllan dal aalana l: Sl El Na En casn ammallua. favor 'aa explicar (adjumar capla). 19 2k 19. para baled en quiebla? Sl En case aha-name, Len qua iedmseradiw d2 declalaclbn de qulabla? Caplluln:_ Case Nflm' Lugar En que se mdlco la dedaraolon' ludlqua el nombre' la dlreccibn al lelefunu del ahogada que la raprasanla en su case 62 qulalua 20, mane uslau canccimlento da Elgun anueldo llal coma arblvala. acuerdo de naguclaclen colecllva nlralo ERlsAl Acnlfin de Sawlala Cunlraladn. all: qua sa haya cancelled!) anlre usled al palrdn? No En casu afirmaliva. alwasa adlunlar cnpla de dlaho acualdo 21, alms observaclonas: I A 20, camanlarioa adlaloualaa: . ENTIENDD QUE EN GASO DE DETERMINARSE QUE RECLAMO FUE INICIADO DE MALA FE QUEDARE SUJETDVA A LA IMPOSIOION DE UNA SANCIDN ADMINISTRATIVA. A Pam sercmsiflmmu Velldu. damasaolinal deternumhm ann mg b2 [0 fig El" gev'I/He ml fecha de naclmlerflo 43% Numb>> Ill, My 2% yum . a (Fibrin) (Flu) naalara penu da purlurlu qua la lnlarmaclun es vemndam Carmela. Colebl-afla anal canaaua de WU 1C3 assuage a Ins 10 alas a: de 20 MID naalaranla (llrma <11:05:7709-28-2077 1 8889772510 I'ormulario-Adiunto de Reclamo Salaria[ wrw v,11 IFI ^Ci1j4:L4! tlM aa.syt^.rr Ya ..vev..v •w- ..^.^r.w vw,t f•`..... •.. Ingrese Is hora de Inicio en el coiurnna Hora Ingrese los minutos en el columna Min Ingrese AM o pM en el Gokimna AM/PM a a 0 6jempio: Si empezG a trabajar a las 8:30 am, ingrese; AMIPM Hora Mirk 30 8 AM Ingrese el horar9o de interrupci6n para'un tiempo de descanso o periodo de comida en Ia seccion Horario de Interrupcian; siguiendo el ejemplo anterior Ingrese el horarlo de iniclo cuando regresd a trabajar de'spues de un tiernpo de descanso o periodo de comida en Ia seccion i-ior2lrto de Inicig 2 Ingrese el horario de terrninaGian en Is seccion hiorario de Terrninaci6n lrtgrese Is cantidad total de horas que trabaJo en ese dia Ingrese ia cantidad total de horas que trabaj6 en esa semana completa Semarta "t Horarlo cie inicio Hora Min AMiPM .^ ^,^ `..,.^ ^^. ^^ ^ii !';;^k';;^ ^^^ ^j ^/ ^^G` ""• r "a e " ^u^, ,3. ^: 7' „ , - ,R ^' f: Worario de Interru ai6n Hora Min :., AMIPM ^ p.A ,,.g ^.Cc.' •^ij ^'^' ^.^^,yy •^P"., ^.,y^ in^i ,.5 YJ ' , ^ r+ f ^ ^P / ! " ^ . 12 f` <[ t . 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'^...i ^^^ . .L Horas Trabaladas V.: t^ i+:^ie^ia sr*,+s°9 'lh"`a i.;S 4§^^ Q- wr ,r q' jYL y^ w,• .2" ^'^' ^, .^ ..•2'w: • 4 u?^`^^ Total de horas semanales Pregunta Nro.'i 5 y'I 6- Ancilisi$ detalladode Comisiones o Bonificaciones Favor deincluir un an6iisis detallado e informacibn que deje canstancia de comisiones o bonificaciones. (Fjemplo: cllentes/ventas/ruentps X 9& de corrrtsfpn/lronicaGldn = corrtlsion a bonfficacldn par venfa) Favor de inciuir informaciBn que deje constancia de millas recorridas, tal coma hojas de ruta o registros de viajes de ciudad a ciudad. +..f - 5ru. q:.ur 'f^ . ti.•ran.,v '"w4.•F^^ _ F.r^;,:,a' a-•>rh?<:S•^«n>C.^'^' ..r .r^`rq:i' >9ii:;3 ^ y^a,h.^:.:. . 1:':.i::s:'i wVV M A Vr !11 T• i1^^ Y•,^ GX!, 1 ^,V,r.. Dear_ September9. 2017 We as not have any reported hours for nu on aurklme sheen. Pie seer 'fitfifii "flag? send a copy ufynurtlmeshaek In and a check 2 Issue a next pay perlod after we receive your hours. Thank you in advance furyou assistance Let them know you warked fur Welcu Construction Services a' 2737 state Highway 351 Ingleslde. Texas at the main my Extended Stay HateL The pay perind covers Fnday, September 1. 2017 our first day on site to Thursday, September 7, 20174 Regards. Welca Construction Sen/ins No :enemas nxneun divulgados horas para usled en nuesuas hajas de :iempn, Par rem LSDG, Jemd callna en - -Les padlmas enviar una copia de su pane d3 hams a -- un cheque se emkire el preximo perindu de paga despues de qua retlbamns sus nras. Gracia: de anternano parsu ayuda. Hagales saber qua usked Irabaje para SEMEIDS d2 censtrumen de en 2787 25(3ch Carretara 361lngles'de, Texas en la principal Eslancla Extended Stay Hotel. El periodo de page cubre Viemesl 01 de septlEm bre de 2u17 nuestro prlmer dta en el jueves, 07 de septlemhre de 2017, Sa'uflos, servinos para la de Welco 5 - 27, 6 Name 0. 1r. 7 n1;