X INVESTIGATIONS OFFICER, Claimant -v- AFFIDAVIT AND AGREEMENT PHILIP TORTORICI, Respondent. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) ) SS. : ) PHILIP TORTORICI, being duly sworn, deposes and says, and agrees as follows: 1. The Investigations Officer/ Charles M. Carberry, appointed pursuant to the Consent Order entered March 14, 1989 in United States v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters. 88 Civ. 4486 (DNE) (SDNY) (the "Consent Order")' has filed charges against me pursuant to the Consent order (the "charges"). A copy of the charges is annexed as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. 2. I make this affidavit and agreement (the "agreement") to resolve the charges. This agreement does not constitute an admission or denial of the charges. 3. I represent and agree to the following: (a) I am a member of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (,,IBT,») and a member of IBT Local Union 531? (b) I am a Trustee Local 531 Sick and Welfare Fund and employed as Administrator of the Local 531 Sick and Welfare Fund. (c) I currently hold no other elected or appointed offices of any kind, paid or unpaid, in the IBT or any of its affiliated entities including Local 531, or with any pension, health and welfare or other benefit plans or other such entities (collectively "IBT Entities"); (d) I currently receive no salary, allowances, or remuneration of any kind from any IBT Entities other than for the positions described in Paragraph 3(b); (e) I shall resign, effective on the day this agreement is approved by the district court, as (i) a member of Local 531; (ii) as a member of the IBT; and (iii) from all positions as a member, officer or employee of any IBT Entity including those described in Paragraph 3(b). (f) From the effective date of my resignation forward/ I will not hold, seek or accept election or appointment to any office, paid or unpaid, in any IBT Entities nor will I hold, seek or accept any employment, consulting or other similar relationship of any kind with any IBT Entity; (g) From the effective date of my resignation forward, Local 531 or any other IBT Entity shall not make, nor shall I accept, any contributions on my behalf to any pension, health and welfare, severance or other benefit fund. I will receive no other benefits, gratuities or gifts of any kind from the Local. (h) This agreement is permanent. 2 4. I have entered into this agreement on the understanding the investigations Officer agrees he will not pursue the charges. 5. I understand the Investigations Officer's agreement is limited to the charges annexed as Exhibit A and he expressly reserves the right to pursue charges against any other officer or entity of the IBT or Local 531, arising out of the allegations contained in the charges or any other investigations. 6. I agree this agreement will be submitted to the Independent Administrator for his review and approval. If approved by the Independent Administrator, 1 understand he will submit it to the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York for review and approval and, if approved by the court, to be entered as an order. 7. I understand the Investigations Officer makes no representation as to the determination of the Independent Administrator or the court with respect to this agreement. 8. I make this agreement af^er consultation with my attorney and I fully understand its terms. 9. I have authorized my attorney to transmit this agreement, signed by me, to the Investigations Officer, when it 3 is signed by the Investigations Officer, he will submit it to the Independent Administrator for approval. PHILIP TORTORICI Sworn to before me this„ day of August, 1991 NOTARY PUBLIC ^.^STEPHEN H. GELB T Q S M t t * " 1 " Charles M. Carberry Investigations Officc IRA DPTOGIN, ESQ/. Attorney for Philij/Tortorici August 1991 Approver: 1991 Frederick sderick B. Lacey > f Independent Administrator SO ORDERED: David N. Edelstein United States District Judge August , 1991 X INVESTIGATIONS OFFICER Claimant^ - v PHILIP TORTORICI, Trustee, Local 531, Yonkers, New York, Respondent CHARGE X SIR: You are hereby advised that the Investigations Officer has charged you with the violations listed below in accordance with the powers granted to him pursuant to Section F. (COURT APPOINTED OFFICERS), Paragraph 12(A) of the order entered in united States v. International Brotherhood of faamsters. et al.. 88 CIV. 4486 (DNE) (SDNY) on March 14, 1989. A copy of that order is enclosed. Charge One You are charged with violating Article II, section 2(a) and Article XZZ, subsection 6(b) of the IBT constitution, by conducting yourself in a manner to bring reproach upon the IBT and by violating your oath, TO WIT: While being a member of the Teamsters and the Administrator of the Local 531 Sick and Welfare Fund, you were a member of and knowingly associated with members of La cosa Nostra including Anthony Salerno, Sammy santora and Vincent Cafaro. Charge TWO You are further charged with violating Article II section 2(a) and Article XIX, subsection 6(b) of the IBT constitution, by conducting yourself in a manner to bring reproach upon the IBT and by violating your oath, to wit: while both a Business Agent of Local 918 and a Secretary-Treasurer of non-Teamsters Local, through fear of physical violence and threats of illegal strikes, you extorted money from an employer. This conduct was the basis for your federal criminal conviction in 1971 in 70 CR, 286 (S.D.N.Y.). Dated: New York, New York June/,?, 1991 Very truly yours, C Investigations orricer 30th Floor 599 Lexington Avenue New York, New York 100022 cc: Frederick B. Lacey, Esq James T. Grady, Esq. Edward T. Ferguson, Esq INVESTIGATIONS OFFICER, Claimant -v- AFFIDAVIT AND AGREEMENT LOUIS DEANGELIS, Respondent. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) ) SS. : ) # LOUIS DEANGELIS, being duly sworn, deposes and says, and agrees as follows: 1. The Investigations Officer, Charles M. Carberry, appointed pursuant to the Consent Order entered March 14, 1989 in United States v. International Brotherhood of Teamstersf 88 civ. 4486 (DNE) (SDNY) (the "consent order") has filed charges against roe pursuant to the Consent Order (the "charges"). A copy of the charges is annexed as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. 2. I make this affidavit and agreement (the "agreement") to resolve the charges. This agreement does not constitute an admission or denial of the charges. 3. I represent and agree to the following: (a) I am a member of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters ("IBT") and a member of IBT Local Union 531; (b) I am a member of the Executive Board of Local 531, and hold the offices of President of Local 531, Trustee of the Local 531 Pension Fund, Administrator of the Local 531 Pension Fund, Trustee of the Local 531 Joint Industry Fund, Administrator of the Local 531 Joint Industry Fund, Trustee of the Local 531 Employees Pension Trust Fund, and am employed by the Local 531 Sick and Welfare Fund. (c) I currently hold no other elected or appointed offices of any kind, paid or unpaid, in the IBT or any of its affiliated entities including Local 531, or with any pension, health and welfare or other benefit plans or other such entities affiliated with the IBT (collectively "IBT Entities"); (d) I currently receive no salary, allowances, or remuneration of any kind from any IBT Entities other than for the positions described in Paragraph 3(b); (e) I shall resign, effective on the day this agreement is approved by the district court, as (i) a member, officer and employee of Local 531; (ii) as a member of the IBT; and (iii) from all positions as a member, officer or employee of any IBT Entity including those described in Paragraph 3(b). (f) From the effective date of my resignation forward, I will not hold, seek or accept election or appointment to any office, paid or unpaid, in any IBT Entities nor will I hold, seek or accept any employment, consulting or other similar relationship of any kind with any IBT Entity; (g) From the effective date of my resignation forward, 2 Local 531 or any other IBT Entity shall not make, nor shall I accept, any contributions on my behalf to any pension, health and welfare, severance or other benefit fund. I will receive the normal severance from Local 531 for a Local 531 officer, not to exceed $9900, which is my current accrued entitlement under the Local 531 severance policy and accrued vacation pay, not to exceed two weeks pay. X will receive no other benefits, gratuities or gifts of any kind from the Local. (h) After my resignation, I may provide factual information, directly and solely to the attorney for Local 531, and only as necessary for (i) negotiations of collective bargaining agreements being negotiated at the time of my resignation; (ii) completion of collective bargaining agreements that have been agreed to as of the date of my resignation, but not yet reduced to writing? (iii) completion of minutes of previous benefit fund meetings; (iv) completion of the Summary Plan Description currently being prepared for the Local 531 Pension Fund; and (v) processing grievances about which I have necessary factual information. If required to do so, I may testify at arbitrations or other proceedings related to such grievances. (i) 4. This agreement is permanent. I have entered into this agreement on the understanding the Investigations Officer agrees he will not pursue the charges. 5. I understand the Investigations Officer's agreement 3 is limited to the charges annexed as Exhibit A and he expressly reserves the right to pursue charges against any other officer or entity of the IBT or Local 531, arising out of the allegations contained in the charges or any other investigations. 6. I agree this agreement will be submitted to the Independent Administrator for his review and approval. If approved by the Independent Administrator, I understand he will submit it to the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York for review and approval and, if approved by the court, to be entered as an order. 4 7. I understand the Investigations Officer makes no representation as to the determination of the Independent Administrator or the court with respect to this agreement. 8. I make this agreement after consultation with my attorney and I fully understand its terms. 9. I have authorized my attorney to transmit this 4 agreement, signed by me," to the Investigations Officer. When it is signed by the Investigations Officer, he will submit it to the Independent Administrator for approval. 1 LOUIS DEANGELISVJ Sworn to before me this day of August, 1991 L NOTARY PUBLIC STEPHEN H.GELB Qualified in New Yorkfountv~ ^.^inn Expires November 30,ltLL Charles M. carberry Investigations officei IRA DROGXN, ESQ. Attorney for Louis/DeAngelis August1991 Approved: 1991 Frederick B. Lacey Independent Administrator SO ORDERED: David N. Edelstein United States District Judge August 5 , 1991 X INVESTIGATIONS OFFICER, Claimant, - v LOUIS DE ANGELIS, President, Local 531 Yonkers, New York Respondent. CHARGE cj:' SIR: You are hereby advised that the Investigations Officer has charged you with the violations listed below in accordance with the powers granted to him pursuant to section F. (COURT APPOINTED OFFICERS), Paragraph 12(A) of the order entered in United States v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters, et al.. 88 CIV. 4486 (ONE) (SDNY) on March 14, 1989. A copy of that order is enclosed. Charge One You are charged with bringing reproach upon the IBT, aiding the embezzlement of Local 531 monies in violation of IBT constitution, Article II, section 2(a) and Article XIX, subsection 6(b)(1),(2) and (3) and breaching your fiduciary duties to the Local's members. TO WIT, on September 17, 1984, Joseph M. Biasucci, secretary-Treasurer of Local 531 was indicted by a federal grand jury for, inter alia, embezzling over $100,000 of the assets of the Local 531 Pension Fund and taking bribes in connection with his duties at the Fund, on September 19, 1984, you and your then Local 531 board members voted a pay increase of $75.00 a week retroactive to July 1J* 1984 for Biasucci. On December 19, 1984 you and your fellow Local 531 board members voted to give Biasucci a Christmas bonus of $4,925. On April 19, 1985 Biasucci was convicted on three counts of violating the federal RICO statute and remanded to prison, on June 3, 1985 Biassucci was sentenced to a term of incarceration of seven years and fined $75,000. On June 19, 1985 despite Biasucci's proven gross betrayal of the members, his criminal conviction and allegations of his involvement with organized crime, you and other members of the Local 531 executive board voted Biasucci severance, totalling $25,610, which he had not even requested. Charge Two You are charged with violating Article II, section 2(a) and Article XIX, subsection 6(b) of the IBT constitution, by conducting yourself in a manner to bring reproach upon the IBT and by violating your oath, TO WIT: While an officer of Local 531, you knowingly associated with members of La cosa Nostra including Anthony Salerno, Sammy Santora, Vincent Cafaro and Philip Tortorici. Dated: New York, New York June^j , 1991 Very truly yours, Charles M. carberry n Investigations Officer ^ 30th Floor 599 Lexington Avenue New York, New York 100022 cc: Frederick B. Lacey, Esq. James T. Grady, Esq. Edward T. Ferguson, Esq. INVESTIGATIONS OFFICER, Claimant -v- AFFIDAVIT AND AGREEMENT THOMAS BARON, Respondent. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) ) SS. : ) THOMAS BARON, being duly sworn, deposes and says, and agrees as follows: 1. The Investigations officer, Charles M. Carberry, appointed pursuant to the Consent Order entered March 14, 1989 in United States v. International Brotherhood of Teamstersr 88 Civ. 4486 (DNE) (SONY) (the "Consent Order") has filed charges against me pursuant to the Consent Order (the "charges") . A copy of the charges is annexed as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. 2. I make this affidavit and agreement (the "agreement") to resolve the charges. This agreement does not constitute an admission or denial of the charges. 3. I represent and agree to the following: (a) I am a member of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters ("IBT") and a member of IBT Local Union 531; (b) I am a member of the Executive Board of Local 531, and hold the office of Trustee of Local 531. (c) I currently hold no other elected or appointed offices of any kind, paid or unpaid, in the IBT or any of its affiliated entities including Local 531, or with any pension, health and welfare or other benefit plans or other such entities (collectively "IBT Entities")? (d) I currently receive no salary, allowances, or remuneration of any kind from any IBT Entities other than for the positions described in Paragraph 3(b); (e) I shall resign, effective on the first day after this agreement is approved by the Independent Administrator, as an officer of Local 531, and from any other positions as an officer or employee of any IBT Entity. I may remain a member of Local 531. (f) From the effective date of my resignation forward, I will not hold, seek or accept election or appointment to any office, paid or unpaid, in any IBT Entities nor will I hold, seek or accept any employment, consulting or other similar relationship of any kind with any IBT Entity; (g) 4. This agreement is permanent. I have entered into this agreement on the understanding the Investigations Officer agrees he will not pursue the charges. 5. I understand the Investigations Officer's agreement is limited to the charges annexed as Exhibit A and he expressly 2 reserves the right to pursue charges against any other officer or entity of the IBT or Local 531, arising out of the allegations contained in the charges or any other investigations. 6. I agree this agreement will be submitted to the Independent Administrator for his review and approval. If approved by the Independent Administrator, I understand he will submit it to the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York for review and approval and, if approved by the court, to be entered as an order. 7. I understand the Investigations Officer makes no representation as to the determination of the Independent Administrator or the court with respect to this agreement. 8. I make this agreement after consultation with my attorney and I fully understand its terms. 9. I have authorized my attorney to transmit this agreement, signed by me, to the Investigations Officer. When it 3 is signed by the Investigations Officer, he will submit it to the Independent Administrator for approval. 1 o> THOMAS BARON this day of August, 1991 1 • • «i — NOTARY PUBLIC j' • ' STEPHEN H GEIB NOTARY PUBLIC. Stat? m»» No. 31483760" QoaHfied in New Yorn u . , — E x p i r e s November .i ^ " f 1 1 IRA DR6GIN, ESQ. Attorney for Thomas Baron Agreed: Charles M. Carberry Investigations Officei August ( 1U^dai- ^ 1991 h Approved: Frederick B. Lac*fe?y j Independent Administra&or f 1991 SO ORDERED: David N. Edelstein United States District Judge August 4 , 1991 X INVESTIGATIONS OFFICER Claimant. - V - THOMAS BARON, Trustee, Local 531; YonXers, New York, Respondent CHARGE SIR: You are hereby advised that the Investigations Officer has charged you with the violations listed below in accordance with the powers granted to hia pursuant to Section F. (COURT APPOINTED OFFICERS), Paragraph 12(A) of the order entered in United States v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters, et al., 88 CIV. 4486 (DNE) (SDNY) on March 14, 1989. A copy of that order is enclosed. Charge one You are charged with bringing reproach upon the IBT aiding the embezzlement of Local 531 money in violation of IBT constitution, Article II, section 2(a) and Article XIX, subsection 6(b)(1),(2) and (3) and breaching your fiduciary duties to the Local's members. TO WIT, on September 17, 1984, Joseph M. Biasucci Secretary-Treasurer of Local 531 was indicted by a federal grand jury for, inter alia, embezzling over $100,000 of the assets of the Local 531 Pension Fund and taking bribes in connection with his duties at the Fund, on April 19, 1985 Biasucci was convicted on three counts of violating the federal Rico statute and remanded to prison. On June 3, 1985 Biassucci was sentenced to a term of incarceration of seven years and fined $75,000. on June 19, 1985 despite Biasucci's gross betrayal of the members his criminal conviction and allegations of his involvement with organized crime you and other members of the Local 531 executive board voted Biasucci severance, totalling $25,610, which then he had not requested. Charge Two You are charged with bringing reproach upon the IBT in violation of Article XIX, section 6(b)(1), (2) of IBT constitution and Article II, section 2(a) of the constitution and breaching your fiduciary duties to the Local 531. TO WIT, On or about June 19, 1985 following Biasucci's conviction and public allegations of his involvement with organized crime, you and other board members of Local 531 appointed Philip Tortorici, as sick and Welfare Fund Administrator, despite both his being convicted of extortion for activities while a union official and his being a member of La Cosa Nostra. You failed to investigate his background and to act appropriately. Dated: New York, New York June tn , 1991 Very truly yours, Investigations Officer 30th Floor 599 Lexington Avenue New York, New York 100022 cc: Frederick B. Lacey, Esq. James T. Grady, Esq. Edward T. Ferguson, Esq. X INVESTIGATIONS OFFICER, Claimant -v- AFFIDAVIT AND AGREEMENT RICHARD HEILBRUN Respondent, STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) ) SS. ) RICHARD HEILBRUN, being duly sworn, deposes and says, and agrees as follows: 1. The Investigations Officer, Charles M. Carberry, appointed pursuant to the Consent Order entered March 14, 1989 in United States v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters. 88 Civ. 4486 (DNE) (SDNY) (the "Consent Order") has filed charges against me pursuant to the Consent Order (the "charges") . A copy of the charges is annexed as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. 2. I make this affidavit and agreement (the "agreement") to resolve the charges. This agreement does not constitute an admission or denial of the charges. 3. I represent and agree to the following: (a) I am a member of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters ("IBT") and a member of IBT Local Union 531; (b) I am a member of the Executive Board of Local 53i, and hold the offices of Secretary-Treasurer of Local 531, Trustee if ' >V •>•/>->,.•'•'•» I of the Local 531 Severance Fund and Trustee of the Local 531 Prepaid Legal Services Plan; (c) q^i. I currently hold no other elected or appointed offices of any kind, paid or unpaid, in the IBT or any of its affiliated entities including Local 531, or with any pension, health and welfare or other benefit plans or other such entities (collectively "IBT Entities"); (d) I currently receive no salary, allowances, or remuneration of any kind from any IBT Entities other than for the positions described in Paragraph 3(b); (e) I shall be suspended, effective on the first day after this agreement is approved by the Independent Administrator (the "effective date"), as an officer and employee of Local 531 and the other positions described in Paragraph 3(b) (the "suspension"). The suspension shall be in effect for a period of three months from the effective date. I may continue to pay dues and maintain my membership in Local 531 during the suspension period. (f) During the suspension period, I shall not attend or participate in any manner in any of the activities or affairs of Local 531, or any other IBT Entity, including but not limited to meetings, discussions, consultations, negotiations, votes, or any other business or activity of the union. I shall not enter or call the offices of Local 531 or any other IBT Entity. I shall 2 not discuss with any other member, officer, business agent or employee of Local 531 or any other IBT Entity any union matter and shall refrain from any other involvement in the affairs of Local 531 or any other IBT Entity, provided however, I may (i) provide factual information directly and solely to the attorneys for Local 531 as necessary for negotiations or grievances; and (ii) testify if required to do so in arbitrations or other proceedings. (g) During the suspension period, I shall receive no salary, allowances, gratuities, accrual of pension benefits or any other remuneration or compensation of any kind from Local 531, or any other IBT Entity. I may continue to be covered by my health insurance from Local 531, but shall pay the cost of such insurance coverage during the suspension period out of personal funds, with no contribution by Local 531. (h) I shall not take or accept, for a period beginning August 1, 1991 and ending one year after the expiration of the suspension period, any compensation or remuneration in money or other things of value to replace the compensation or benefits lost pursuant to Paragraph 3(g) above. For a period of one year after the expiration of the suspension period, any increase in my salary, benefits or other compensation as an officer- or employee shall be submitted for prior approval to the Independent Administrator and shall not be implemented unless and until such approval has been given. 4. I have entered into this agreement on the 3 understanding the Investigations Officer agrees he will not pursue the charges. 5. X understand the Investigations Officer's agreement is limited to the charges annexed as Exhibit A and he expressly reserves the right to pursue charges against any other officer or entity of the IBT or Local 531 arising out of the allegations contained in the charges or any other investigations. 6. I agree this agreement will be submitted to the Independent Administrator for his review and approval. If approved by the Independent Administrator, I agree he will submit it to the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York for review and approval and, if approved by the court, to be entered as an order. 7. I understand the Investigations Officer makes no representation as to the determination of the Independent Administrator or the court with respect to this agreement. 8. I make this agreement after consultation with my attorney and I fully understand its terms. 9. I have authorized my attorney to transmit this agreement, signed by me, to the Investigations Officer. When it 4 is signed by the Investigations Officer, he will submit it to the Independent Administrator for approval. / -1 RICHARD HEILBRUN Sworn to before me this^o day of August, 1991 NOTARY PUBLIC STEWENH.GBLB IRA Attorney for Richard Heilbrun ComiSKlSSKS®^ Agreed: Charles M. Carberry Investigations Offic( August J* 0 ? 1991 Approved: 1991 Frederick' B. La! Independent Administrator SO ORDERED: David N. Edelstein United States District Judge August 5 1991 // x i ' INVESTIGATIONS OFFICER, Claimant, £ - v RICHARD HEILBURN, Secretary-Treasurer, Local 531 Yonkers, New York Respondent. CHARGE Z SIR: You are hereby advised that the Investigations Officer has charged you with the violations listed below in accordance with the powers granted to him pursuant to Section F. (COURT APPOINTED OFFICERS), Paragraph 12(A) of the order entered in united states v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters, et al.. 88 CIV. 4486 (DNE) (SDNY) on March 14, 1989. A copy of that order is enclosed. Charge one You are charged with bringing reproach upon the IBT, aiding the embezzlement of Local 531 money in violation of IBT constitution, Article II, section 2(a) and Article XIX, subsection 6(b)(1), (2) and (3) and breaching your fiduciary duties to the Local's members. TO WIT, on September 17, 1984, Joseph M. Biasucci, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 531 was indicted by a federal grand jury for, inter alia, embezzling over $100,000 of the assets of the Local 531 Pension Fund and taking bribes in connection with his duties at the Fund, on April 19, 1985 Biasucci was convicted on three counts of violating the federal RICO statute and remanded to prison. On June 3, 1985 Biassucci was sentenced to a term of incarceration of seven years and fined $75,000. On June 19, 1985 despite Biasucci's gross betrayal of the members, his criminal conviction and allegations of his involvement with organized crime, you and other members of the Local 531 executive board voted Biasucci severance, totalling $25,610, which then he had not requested. Charge Two You are charged with bringing reproach upon the IBT in violation of Article XIX, section 6(b)(1), (2) of IBT constitution and Article II, section 2(a) of the constitution and breaching your fiduciary duties to the Local 531. TO WIT, On or about June 19, 1985 following Biasucci's conviction and public allegations of his involvement with organized crime, you and other board members of Local 531 appointed Philip Totoricci, as sick and Welfare Fund Administrator, despite both his being convicted of extortion for activities while a union official and his being member of La cosa Nostra. You failed t» investigate his background and to act appropriately. Dated: New York, New York Junej^J, 1991 Very truly yours, Charles K. Carberry Investigations Officer 30th Floor 599 Lexington Avenue New York, New York 100022 cc: Frederick B. Lacey, Esq. James T. Grady, Esq. Edward T. Ferguson, Esq.