efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS A For the 2006 I I I I I I Under section • The calendar B Check 1fapplicable Name change In1t1alreturn Final return 501(c), organ1zat1on 527, or 4947(a)( 1) of the Internal Revenue benefit trust or private foundation) may have to use a copy year, or tax year beginning ofth1s 01-01-2006 return to satisfy Code (except 0MB state reporting and ending 12-31-2006 D Employer identification NATIONALPETROCHEMICAL& REFINERSASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION (202) City or town, state or country, and ZIP+ 4 WASHINGTON, DC 20036 457-0480 F Accounting method I .. • I Other (specify) • p- • (insert no) I Organization K Check here 1fthe organ1zat1on1snot a 509(a)(3) supporting organ1zat1onand its gross receipts are normally not more than 25,000 A return 1snot required, but 1fthe organ1zat1onchooses to file a return, be sure to file a complete return L 4947(a)(l) or ..... •:.t gifts, and Changes grants, Contributions to donor advised b D 1rect public C Ind I rect pub I 1c sup port (not inc I uded on 11ne 1 a) d Government e Total (add lines contributions la through service 3 Membership 4 Interest revenue D1v1dends and interest Gross rents b Less rental C Net rental Sa Gross er: other b income investment amount than noncash cash Net income Group M 1fthe organ1zat1on1snot required to Check attach Sch B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) I Exemption • or (loss) subtract from sales of assets (attach direct le ) $ (from P a rt V I I , I In e 9 3 ) expenses 6a • ) (A) Securities Sb 339,844 Sc (A) and (B) Sd If any amount schedule) 1s from gaming, I events Subtract Management services iii .. 15 Fundra1s1ng LL.I 16 Payments I 9c I 10a I 17 Total expenses 18 Excess 19 Net assets 20 Other 21 Net assets and allowances 10b 10c P a rt V II , I I n e 1 0 3 ) (from and general (from •1 line 9b from line 9a sold Add lines Program here 9b Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory (attach schedule) Subtract line 10b from line 10a 14 less returns expenses 9a C 13 check 339,844 of than fundra1s1ng from special of inventory, 1,254,532 ',!;I line Sc, columns other Sa sales "' ~ 528,830 (B)Other 1,594,376 cost Total revenue 3,466,226 7 Less 12 3 6c Gross 0 the r rev e nu e (from 5,884,049 I b 11 2 4 line 6b from line 6a and act1v1t1es (attach of goods r' • P- 5 schedule) Combine or (loss) Number {See the instructions.) investments Gross revenue (not Inc lud Ing $ contributions reported on line lb) C No I 1d fees and contracts inventory events Less Is this a separate return filed by an organization covered by a group ruling? Yes 6b (describe Net gain or (loss) b H(d) from securities income Gain or (loss) 10a (cash$ 1nclud1ng government Less cost or other basis and sales expenses Special No le on line 1 a) I d a I lb expenses C 9 Yes Are all affiliates included? • la (not included and temporary 6a Other I H(c) dues and assessments on savings 5 7 ld) No or Fund Balances on I 1ne 1 a) (grants) r' If "Yes" enter number of affiliates received funds sup port (not Included Yes Is this a group return for affiliates? H(b) 11,478,991 in Net Assets and s1m1lar amounts a Program • 6b, Sb, 9b, and 10b to line 12 Expenses, Contributions, 2 a; Add lines Revenue, 1 ~ iii receipts I H(a) 1527 •I Gross • (If "No," attach a list See instructions) J SOl(c) (6) P-Accrual Cash H and I are not appltcable to sectton 527 orgamzattons httpwwwnpraorg type (check only one) number 53-0115970 E Telephone number Number and street (or PO box 1f mail 1snot delivered to street address) Room/suite 1899 L STREETNW No 1000 Section 501(c)(3) organizations and 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts must attach a completed Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ). G Web site: 1545-0047 Open to Public Inspection requirements Amended return Application pending No 2006 black lung C Name of organization Please use IRS label or print or type. See Specific Instructions. Address change DLN:93490318006327 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Form990 De pa rtme nt of the Treasury Internal Revenue Se rv 1ce As Filed Data - le, 11 2, 3, 4, 5, 6c, 7, 8d, 9c, 10c, line 44, column 12 (B)) 10,224,459 13 (from line 44, column line 44, column and 11 5,510 (C)) 14 (D)) 15 Cl. 1"' "' "'-. 7G 2 to aff1l1ates (attach Add lines schedule) 16 and 44, column or (def1c1t) for the year Subtract or fund balances changes 1n net assets or fund balances For Privacy Act and Paperwork 16 Reduction (A) line 17 from line 12 at beg1nn1ng of year (from line 7 3, column or fund balances (attach at end of year Combine explanation) lines Act Notice, see the separate (A)) ',!;I 9,818,362 18 406,097 19 8,402,598 20 18, 19, and 20 instructions. 17 21 Cat No 11282Y -45,087 8,763,608 Form 990 (2006) Form 990 (2006) lffii•i Statement Functional of Expenses column (A) Columns and section 4947(a)(1) Do not include amounts reported on line 6b, Sb, 9b, 10b, or 16 of Part I. 22a Grants paid from donor advised (cash$ noncash funds Other grants and allocations 24 Benefits paid to or for members (attach schedule) 25a Compensation of current officers, directors, etc Listed In Part V-A (attach schedule) • ' • ' ) 22b 23 24 key employees 25a 512,148 Compensation of former officers, directors, etc listed In Part V-B (attach schedule) C Compensation and other d1stribut1ons not 1cluded above to d1squal1f1ed persons (as defined under section 49 58 (f)(l )) and persons described In section 4958(c)(3)(B) (attach schedule) 25c 26 Salaries on lines 26 2,290,372 27 Pension plan contributions lines 25a, band c 27 415,049 28 Employee 25a - 27 28 303,056 29 Payroll 29 171,027 key employees 25b not included not included on on lines taxes 30 Professional 31 Accounting 32 Legal fees 32 33 Supplies 33 23,195 34 Telephone 34 34,081 fundra1s1ng Postage 36 0 ccupancy 37 Equipment 38 Printing 39 Travel 40 Conferences, 41 Interest 31 and sh1pp1ng rental and maintenance and publ1cat1ons conventions, and meetings Deprec1at1on, 43 Other depletion, expenses See Add1t1onal etc (attach not covered above 35 8,349 36 409,688 37 61,184 38 77,949 39 95,663 40 2,464,190 42 schedule)~ 142,094 (1tem1ze) 43a Data Table b 43b C 43c d 43d e 43e f 43f g 43g expenses. Add Imes 22a through 43g (Organ1zat1onscompleting columns (B)-(D), carry these totals to Imes 13-15) Joint Costs.Check 1f you are following SOP 98-2 44 24,977 41 42 a 30 fees fees 35 (D) Fundra1smg 22a b not included (C) Management and general schedule) Spec1f1cassistance to 1nd1v1duals (attach schedule) benefits (B) Program services ) (attach and wages of employees 25a, band c (B), (C), and (D) are required for section nonexempt charitable trusts but optional Schedule) $ (cash$ noncash $ If this amount includes foreign grants, check here 23 (A) Total (attach If this amount includes foreign grants, check here 22b 2 Page All organIzatIons must complete 501(c)(3) and (4) organIzatIons for others (See the instructions.) Total functional • Are any Joint costs If "Yes," 44 9,818,362 I from a combined educational campaign and fundra1s1ng enter (i) the aggregate amount of these Joint costs$ (iii) the amount allocated to Management and general$ _______ sol1c1tat1on reported In (B) Program services? , (ii) the amount allocated to Program services$ , and (iv) the amount allocated to Fundra1s1ng $ • I Yes ______ I No _ Form 990 (2006) Form 990 (2006) Page iiifi•Oi Statement of Program Service 3 (See the instructions.) Accomplishments Form 990 Is available for public InspectIon and, for some people, serves as the primary or sole source of 1nformat1on about a particular organIzatIon How the public perceives an organIzatIon In such cases may be determined by the 1nformat1on presented on its return Therefore, please make sure the return Is complete and accurate and fully describes, In Part III, the organ1zat1on's programs and accomplishments What Is the organ1zat1on's primary exempt purpose? • -Promoting the general welfare of its members by gathering and d1ssem1nat1ng historical and sc1ent1f1c 1nformat1on and statIstIcs relating to the petroleum ref1 nIng and petroc he mIc a I manufacturing Ind us tries Serving as an effective channel of communIcatIon of the industry 1nformat1on among members,other assocIatIons, the government and the public All organizations must describe their exempt purpose achievements in a clear and concise manner State the number of clients served, publications issued, etc Discuss achievements that are not measurable (Section 501(c)(3) and (4) organIzatIons and 4947(a)(l) nonexempt charitable trusts must also enter the amount of grants and allocations to others ) a Serving as an effective channel ofcommun1cat1on assocIatIons, the government and the public of the industry 1nformat1on among members, Program Service Expenses (Required for 501(c)(3) and (4) orgs, and 4947(a)(l) trusts, but optional for others ) other (Grants and allocations$ Ifth1s amount includes foreign grants, check here • 1 (Grants and allocations$ Ifth1s amount includes foreign grants, check here • 1 (Grants and allocations$ Ifth1s amount includes foreign grants, check here • 1 (Grants and allocations$ Ifth1s amount includes foreign grants, check here • 1 Ifth1s amount includes foreign grants, check here • 1 b C d e Other program services (Grants and allocations$ f Total of Program (attach schedule) Service Expenses (should equal line 44, column (B), Program services) • Form 990 (2006) Form 990 •ihiiN Sheets 46 Savings and temporary 47a Accounts receivable b Less allowance Pledges Less cash accounts for doubtful 50a Receivables from current and former key employees (attach schedule) b 52 receivable allowance for doubtful trustees, 1,168,583 68,674 47c 1,490 and (as defined under section 50b (attach 51b 51c 52 Investments-other securities Investments-land, equipment bas Is buildings, Less accumulated schedule) deprec1at1on 56 Investments-other 57a Land, buildings, (attach • schedule) I Cost 54a FMV 8,844,047 p--FMV 54b (attach 56 basis deprec1at1on Total assets (must 61 Grants 62 Deferred 63 Loans from officers, 9,015,353 55c schedule) and equipment Accounts ~ (attach 55b 60 218,976 53 and 57a 1,194,428 57b 878,812 (attach 1nclud1ng program-related • • 1 1 Cost 55a Less accumulated schedule) Other assets, (describe 241,832 charges sec unties eq ua I I Ine 7 4) payable and accrued 391,140 57c ~ 315,616 288,672 58 ~ 358,832 11,589,724 59 11,079,150 1,101,304 60 877,016 investments ) ,,. 46 48c directors, accounts ly-traded 59 1,755,059 for sale or use Pre pa 1d ex pens es and deferred 58 3,073 300 I 51a I I nves tme nts-publ1c b 47b 45 50a and loans 54a b officers, Other notes schedule) 53 55a 4,563 300 49 from other d1squal1f1ed persons (attach schedule) Inventories b 47a End of year receivable Receivables 4958(c)(3)(B) Less (B) (A) Beg1nn1ng of year 48b accounts Grants 51a the descnpt1on 48a rec e Iva ble 49 b within investments for doubtful allowance 4 (See the instructions.) C as h- non - 1n t e rest- be a ring 48a .ti Balance 45 b <:l'. Page Where required, attached schedules and amounts column should be for end-of-year amounts only. Note: ,.,, a: ,.,, (2006) Add I Ines 4 5 through 58 expenses 61 payable 1,813,150 revenue directors, trustees, and key employees 1,106,327 62 (attach I 63 schedule) ,, '' 64a b Tax-exempt a, g rJ ,j (0 u :;:: and other 65 Other 66 Total liabilities 67 Unrestricted 68 Temporarily 69 Permanently Organizations :::; complete Add lines that follow 67 through LL notes payable schedule) (attach 64b ) 60 through 65 SFAS 117, check here 69 and lines 64a schedule) • l1abl1l1t1es (describe Organizations ,.,, bond l1ab1l1t1es (attach Mortgages • p--and complete 70 through • 1 Capital Pa1d-1n or capital .ti 72 Retained 73 Total net assets or fund balances Add lines 67 through 69 or lines 70 through 72 (Column (A) must equal line 19 and column (B) must equal trust earnings, principal, surplus, or current 67 8,763,608 613,879 68 endowment, 70 funds or land, building, accumulated and equipment income, 71 fund or other line 21) 74 7,788,719 74 71 a: 2,315,542 and 70 z 66 69 SFAS 117, check here .ti J 3,187,126 restricted that do not follow stock, 332,199 7 3 and 74 0 a: 65 lines restricted lines ~ 272,672 Total liabilities and net assets / fund balances Add Imes 66 and 73 72 funds 8,402,598 11,589,724 73 74 8,763,608 11,079,150 Form 990 (2006) Form 990 (2006) Page •:ifii@.i a Total b Reconciliation of Revenue the instructions.) revenue, A mounts gains, included 1 Net unrealized 2 Donated 3 Recoveries 4 Other and other per audited Financial Statements f1nanc1al statements a on investments bl and use offac1l1t1es b2 b3 of prior year grants bl through b4 Subtract line b from line a d Amounts included Investment 6b 19,047 b C Other 10,249,617 6,111 b4 2 per Return (See (specify) Add lines 1 With Revenue on line a but not on Part I, line 12 gains services support per Audited 25,158 10,224,459 C on Part I, line 12, but not on line a expenses not included on Part I, line dl (specify) d2 Add lines e dl and d2 Total revenue (Part d I, line 12) Add lines c and 10,224,459 • d •~1.;a1,.e1:• Reconciliation a Total expenses b A mounts of Expenses and losses included per audited per Audited 1 Donated Prior year adJustments 20 Financial Statements f1nanc1al statements With Expenses :>er Return a 9,818,362 3 Losses 20 4 Other bl and use offac1l1t1es reported e on line a but not on Part I, line 17 2 services 25,158 reported on Part I, line b2 on Part I, line b3 (specify) b4 Add lines C d bl through b4 Subtract line b from line a Amounts included 1 Investment 6b 2 Other b C 9,818,362 on Part I, line 17, but not on line a: expenses not included on Part I, line dl (specify) d2 Add lines e dl and d2 Total expenses (Part d I, line 17) • :.,-;1iili_,.,:;;,_•- 9,818,362 e Current Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees (List each person who was an officer, director, trustee, or key employee at any time during the year even 1f they were not compensated.) (See the instructions.) (A) Name and address See Add1t1onal Add lines c and • d (B) Title and average hours (C) Compensation per week devoted to posItIon (If not paid, enter -0-.) (D) Contributions to employee benefit plans & deferred compensation plans (E) Expense account and other allowances Data Table Form 990 (2006) 5 Form 990 (2006) • ~111•,..::::r•• 75a Page Current Enter the total Officers, number Directors, of officers, directors, Trustees, and Key Employees and trustees permitted to vote (continued) on organ1zat1on employees directors, listed contractors employees listed contractors listed d or II-B, a statement that that A, Part II-A are related a statement that listed related or highest and other through at board listed 1n Form 990, compensated receive the 1nformat1on of interest Part V-A, professional compensation described or business the relat1onsh1p(s) or highest and other 75b No 75c No 75d No compensated independent from any other See the 1nstruct1ons compensated independent family 1dent1f1es the 1nd1v1duals and explains or II-B, conflict Part V-A, professional to each other to the organ1zat1on? includes have a written 1n Form 990, compensated or key employees A, Part I, or highest 1n Schedule Does the organ1zat1on • ~lill-•.CI:• A, Part II-A trustees, 1n Schedule tax exempt or taxable, organ1zat1on" attach attach directors, or key employees A, Part I, or highest 1n Schedule If "Yes," Do any officers, trustees, 1n Schedule listed relat1onsh1ps? If "Yes," business organ1zat1ons, whether for the def1n1t1on of "related .• 1n the 1nstruct1ons policy? Former Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees That Received Compensation or Other Benefits (If any former officer, director, trustee, or key employee received compensation or other benefits (described below) during the year, list that person below and enter the amount of compensation or other benefits in the aoorooriate column. See the instructions.) (A) Name and address l:r-Rilll''• (C) Compensation (If not paid enter -0- ) (B) Loans and Advances Other Information (D) Contributions to employee benefit plans and deferred compensation plans (E) Expense account and other allowances (See the instructions.) Yes No Did the organization make a change in its act1v1t1esor methods of conducting act1v1t1es? If "Yes," attach a 76 detailed statement of each change 77 Were any changes If"Yes," 78a attach made 1n the organ1z1ng or governing a conformed copy documents but not reported to the IRS? has 1t filed a tax return 76 No 77 No 78a No of the changes Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year covered by this return? b If "Yes," 79 on Form 990-T for this year? 78b Was there a llqu1dat1on,d1ssolut1on,termination, or substantial contraction during the year? If "Yes," attach a statement 80a 79 No Is the organization related (other than by assoc1at1onwith a statewide or nat1onw1deorganization) through common membership, governing bodies, trustees, officers, etc, to any other exempt or nonexempt organization? b If "Yes," enter the name of the organ1zat1on • NPRA Pol1t1cal Action and check 81a Enter 6 No .•13 meetings b A re any officers, C Yes d 1rect or Ind 1rect pol1t1c a I expend 1tures b Did the organ1zat1on file Form 1120-POL for this Yes Committee whether (See line 81 1nstruct1ons) year? 80a 1t 1s I exempt or . I s1a I P- nonexempt 81b No Form 990 (2006) Form 990 •~1.;a,M 82a (2006) • Page Other Information (continued) Yes Did the organIzatIon receive donated services at substantially less than fair rental value? or the use of materials, equipment, or fac1l1t1es at no charge No or 82a No b If "Yes," you may indicate the value of these items here Do not include this amount as revenue I 82b I in Part I or as an expense in Part II (See instructions in Part III) 83a Did the organIzatIon comply with the public b Did the organIzatIon comply with the disclosure 84a Did the organIzatIon b If "Yes," InspectIon sol1c1t any contributions did the organIzatIon include requirements requirements for returns relating and exemption 83a appl1cat1ons? 84a or gifts that were not tax deductible? with every sol1c1tat1on an express statement that such contributions 501(c)(4), 84b If "Yes," received make only in-house 162(e) e Aggregate f Taxable lobbying all dues nondeductible expenditures of$2,000 was ans we red to e 1the r 8 5 a or 8 5 b, do not complete a waiver for proxy tax owed the prior year c Dues assessments, d Section a Were substantially (5), or (6) organizations. b Did the organIzatIon and s1m1lar amounts lobbying amount h If section amount of lobbying g Does the organIzatIon 8 5 c through 8 5 h be low unless from members of section 6033(e)(l)(A) dues notices and pol1t1cal expenditures elect to pay the section 6033(e)(l)(A) dues notices estimate of dues allocable reasonable year? by members? or less? and pol1t1cal expenditures nondeductible No or gifts were not tax deductible? 85 Yes 83b to quid pro quo contributions? (line 85d 6033(e) less 85e) tax on the amount 85a No 85b No 85g No the orga nIzatIon 85c 3,466,226 85d 748,551 85e 720,929 85f 27,622 on line 85f? were sent, does the organIzatIon agree to add the amount on line 85fto its to nondeductible lobbying and pol1t1cal expenditures for the following tax 85h 86 501(c)(7) b Gross orgs. Enter receipts, 501(c)(12) 87 b Gross sources 88a a In1t1at1on fees and capital included orgs. Enter on line 12, for public a Gross income from other against amounts income 89a 501(c)(3) If yes complete organizations section 4911 Enter Yes 86a 86b 87a due or paid to other 87b own a 50% or greater from the organIzatIon directly or 1nd1rectly interest In a taxable corporation or under Regulations sections 301 7701-2 own a controlled entity 88a No 88b No w1th1n the meaning Part XI Amount • on line 12 or shareholders sources (Do not net amounts due or received from them) b At any time during the year, did the organIzatIon 512(b)(13)? included use of club fac1l1t1es from members At any time during the year, did the organIzatIon partnership, or an entity disregarded as separate and 301 7701-3? If"Yes," complete Part IX of section contributions of tax imposed , section 4912 on the organIzatIon during • the year under , section 4955 • b 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) orgs. Did the organIzatIon engage In any section 4958 excess benefit transaction during the year or did It become aware of an excess benefit transaction from a prior year? If "Yes," attach a statement expla1n1ng each transaction c Enter during d Enter A mount of tax imposed the year under sections Amount e All organizations. transaction? on the organIzatIon managers 4912, 4955, and 4958 of tax on line 89c, At any time above, during reimbursed or d1squal1f1ed persons • • by the organIzatIon the tax year was the organIzatIon a party 89b 0 to a proh1b1ted tax shelter 89e f All organizations. Did the organIzatIon acquire direct or 1nd1rect interest In any applicable insurance contract? 89f No 89g No g For supporting organizations and sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds. Did the supporting organIzatIon, or a fund ma1nta1ned by a sponsoring organIzatIon, have excess business holdings at any time during the year? 90a List the states with which b Number of employees 1nstruct1ons) 9 ia employed The books are In care of Located • at 1899 a copy return Is filed In the pay period that • DC ---------------------~--~----------March 12, 2006 (See Telephone NW DC ZIP +4 b At any time during the calendar over a f1nanc1al account account)? If"Yes,"enterthe See the InstructIons F1nanc1al Accounts 90b includes •---------------------------N PRA L Street Washington, ofth1s no • (202) 30 457-0480 •---------------20036 year, did the organIzatIon have an interest In or a signature or other authority In a foreign country (such as a bank account, securities account, or other f1nanc1al 91b name of the foreign for exceptions Yes country No No •---------------------------- and f1l1ng requirements for Form TD F 90-22.1, Report of Foreign Bank and Form 990 (2006) 7 Form 990 (2006) Page Other Information c At any time 92 during (continued) the calendar year, If"Yes,"enterthe name of the foreign Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt and enter •~1...,.... the amount Analysis 93 did the organIzatIon trusts interest filing otherwise an office outside of the United Form 990 in lieu of Form 1041-C received of Income-ProducinQ unless maIntaIn States? or accrued during No Unrelated business income (A) (B) Business Amount code indicated. • I 92 I (See the instructions.) Activities .• heck here the tax year Excluded by section 512, 513, or 514 (C) ' (E) Related or exempt fu nctIon income (D) Exclusion code 8 No 91c •--------------------------- country charitable of tax-exempt Enter gross amounts Note: Yes Amount P rog ram s e rv Ic e revenue a Meetings 5,781,360 102,689 b Publ1cat1ons C d e f Med1care/Med1ca1d payments g Fees and contracts from government agencies 3,466,226 94 Membership 95 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 96 D1v1dends and interest 97 Net rental dues and assessments income a debt-financed from securities or (loss) 14 528,830 18 339,844 01 5,510 from real estate property b non debt-financed property 98 Net rental income or (loss) from personal property 99 Other 100 Gain or ( loss) from sales of assets other than inventory investment income 101 Net income or (loss) from special 102 Gross profit or (loss) from sales 103 0 ther revenue a events of inventory Miscellaneous Income b C d e 104 Subtotal 105 (add columns Total (add line 104, ... columns ,_,j Relationship of Activities The meetings 93b Publ1cat1ons serve as a channel petroleum Ind us try 94 Membership • :r-T-•• :• permit the assocIatIon to the Accomplishment ReaardiniJ (A) Name, address, and EIN of corporation, partnership, or disregarded entity to communicate of communIcatIon dues and assessments Information 10,224,459 equal the amount on line 12, Part I. of Exempt Purposes Line No. Explain how each actIvIty for which income Is reported In column (E) of Part VII contributed of the organ1zat1on's exempt purposes (other than by prov1d1ng funds for such purposes) 'Y 93a 9,350,275 .• (B), (D), and (E)) Note: Line 105 plus line 1e, Part I, should • :r., ... 874,184 (B), (D), and (E)) are integral Taxable 1nformat1on between other concerning to the ab1l1ty to provide Subsidiaries (B) Percentage of ownership interest the petroleum assocIatIons, industry the government, support (See the instructions.) importantly to the accomplishment among its members and the public concerning the and services and Disreaarded Entities (See the instructions.) (E) (C) (D) Nature of actIvItIes Total income End-of-year assets % % % . % Information . . mstruct,ons.) Regarding Transfers Associated with Personal Benefit Contracts (a) Did the orgarnzatIon, during the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract? (b) Did the organIzatIon, NOTE: If "Yes" to (b), during the year, file Form 8870 and pay premiums, directly or 1nd1rectly, on a personal benefit contract? (See the I I Yes Yes 17" No 17" No Form 4720 (see instructions). Form 990 (2006) Form 990 (2006) •@f3• Page Information a controlling Regarding Transfers To and From Controlled organization as defined in section 512(b)(13) Entities Complete only if the organization Yes 106 Did the reporting organIzatIon the Code? 1f "Yes," complete make any transfers to a controlled entity as defined the schedule below for each controlled entity (A) In section Employer Identification Number Description transfer No of (C) (B) Name and address of each controlled entity 512(b)(13) 9 is of Amount (D) of transfer Totals Yes 107 Did the reporting organIzatIon the Code? 1f "Yes," complete receive any transfers from a controlled the schedule below for each controlled (A) entity entity as defined In section Employer Identification Number Description transfer No of (C) (B) Name and address of each controlled entity 512(b)(13) of Amount (D) of transfer Totals Yes 108 Did the organIzatIon have a b1nd1ng written contract In effect royalties and annuItIes described In question 107 above? on August 17, 2006 covering the interests, No rents, Under penalties of perJury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, It Is true, correct, and complete Declaration of preparer (other than officer) Is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge Please Sign Here ~ ~ Paid Preparer's Use Only I 2007-11-14 Signature of officer Date robe rt slaughter Executive Vice President Type or print name and title Preparer's signature • Firm's name ( or yours 1f self-employed), address, and ZIP + 4 Date • Check 1f selfempolyed Preparer's SSN or PTIN (See Gen Inst W) • r EIN • Phone no • (703) 842-1115 Form 990 (2006) Additional Data Software Software ID: Version: EIN: Name: Form 990, Part II, Line 43 - Other expenses Do not include amounts reported 6b, Sb, 9b, 10b, or 16 of Part on line not covered 53-0115970 NATIONAL PETROCHEMICAL & REFINERS ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION above (itemize): (A) Total (B) Program services I. 43a 334,695 43b 517,541 43c 38,963 43d 968,645 43e 2,331 43f 647,130 Bank Charges 43g 52,343 h Dues and Subscriptions 43h 67,492 i Business 43i 156,200 a General b Other C Insurance d Supplemental e Taxes f Consulting g O perat1ng Expenses and Fees Expenses Petrochemical and Licenses Fees Stat1st1cal Expenses (C) Management and general (D) Fundraising Form 990, Part V-A - Current (A) Name and address Officers, Directors, (B) Title and average hours per week devoted to position Robert Slaughter L Street NW Washington, DC 20036 President 1899 35 00 Maurice McBride 1899 L Street NW Washington, DC 20036 General James Ma honey L Street NW Washington, DC 20036 Chairman 1899 1 00 Norman Ph1ll1ps 1899 L Street NW Washington, DC 20036 V1ceCha1r Joel Maness 1899 L Street NW Washington, DC 20036 Treasurer Council and Key Employees: (C) Compensation (D) Contributions to employee benefit plans & deferred compensation plans (If not paid, enter -0.) (E) Expense account and other allowances 334,821 18,085 0 150,323 8,919 0 35 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 President 0 0 0 President 0 0 0 President 0 0 0 President 0 0 0 1 00 1 00 W1ll1am R Kleese 1899 L Street NW Washington, DC 20036 0 00 Kevin Brown L Street NW Washington, DC 20036 Vice 1899 1 00 Michael Brown L Street NW Washington, DC 20036 Vice 1899 1 00 Larry M Echelberger L Street NW Washington, DC 20036 Vice 1899 1 00 James Vice 1899 1 00 Gallogly L Street NW Washington, DC 20036 Trustees, Past Chairman Form 990, Part V-A - Current (A) Name and address Officers, Directors, Trustees, (B) Title and average hours per week devoted to position and Key Employees: (C) Compensation (D) Contributions to employee benefit plans & deferred compensation plans (If not paid, enter -0.) (E) Expense account and other allowances President 0 0 0 President 0 0 0 President 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B111Finnerty 1899 L Street NW Washington, DC 20036 Vice Paul Eisman 1899 L Street NW Washington, DC 20036 Vice Ric hard Meeks 1899 L Street NW Washington, DC 20036 Vice Peter Huntsman L Street NW Washington, DC 20036 V1ceCha1r 1899 1 00 Ray Wilcox 1899 L Street NW Washington, DC 20036 V1ceCha1r 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 lefile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS I As Filed Data - I DLN:934903180063271 TY 2006 Depreciation and Depletion Schedule Name: NATIONAL PETROCHEMICAL& REFINERS ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION EIN: 53-0115970 Asset Furniture and Equipment Amount 8,594 Computer Equipment 81,857 Leasehold Improvements 51,643 lefile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS I As Filed Data - I DLN:934903180063271 TY 2006 Gain/Loss from Sale of Public Securities Schedule Name: NATIONAL PETROCHEMICAL& REFINERS ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION EIN: 53-0115970 Gross Sales Price: Basis: Sales Expenses: Total (net): 1,594,376 1,254,532 0 339,844 lefile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS TY 2006 Investments I As Filed Data - I DLN:934903180063271 - Securities Schedule Name: NATIONAL PETROCHEMICAL& REFINERS ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION EIN: 53-0115970 Description Book Value Cost/FMV Equity Securities 4,620,964 F Fixed Income Fund 4,270,592 F 123,797 F Cash lefile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS I As Filed Data - I DLN:934903180063271 TY 2006 Land etc. Schedule Name: NATIONAL PETROCHEMICAL& REFINERS ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION EIN: 53-0115970 Category /Item Cost/Other Basis Accumulated Depreciation Book Value Furniture and Equipment 178,429 155,293 23,136 Computer Equipment 566,119 403,124 162,995 Leasehold Improvements 449,880 320,395 129,485 lefile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS I As Filed Data - I DLN:934903180063271 TY 2006 Other Assets Schedule Name: NATIONAL PETROCHEMICAL& REFINERS ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION EIN: 53-0115970 Description Deferred Compensation Una mort1zed Prior Service Cost Beginning of Year Amount End of Year Amount 216,087 296,190 72,585 62,642 lefile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS I As Filed Data - I DLN:934903180063271 TY 2006 Other Changes in Net Assets Schedule Name: NATIONAL PETROCHEMICAL& REFINERS ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION EIN: 53-0115970 Description Net change In fair value of investments Add1t1onal Pension Charge Amount 6,111 -51, 198 lefile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS I As Filed Data - I DLN:934903180063271 TY 2006 Other Liabilities Schedule Name: NATIONAL PETROCHEMICAL& REFINERS ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION EIN: 53-0115970 Description Deferred Compensation Deferred Rent Beginning of Year Amount End of Year Amount 216,087 296,190 56,585 36,009 lefile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS I As Filed Data - I DLN:934903180063271 TY 2006 Other Revenues Included Schedule Name: NATIONAL PETROCHEMICAL& REFINERS ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION EIN: 53-0115970 Description PAC Revenue Amount 19,047 Form Exempt Organization Declaration and Signature for Electronic Filing 8453-EQ For calendar year 2006, or tax year beginning ______ , 2006, and ending ______ 0MB No 1646-1879 , 20 2006 For use with Forms 990, 990-EZ, 990-PF, 1120-POL, and 8868 • Department of tha Treasury Internal Revenue Service See instructions. ame O exempt orgarnzatIon NATIONAL PETROCHEMICAL & REFINERS Employer identification number 53-0115970 ASSOCIATION ltll!l!I Type of Return and Return Information (Whole Dollars Only) Check the box for the return for which you are using this Form 8453-EO and enter the applicable amount from the return If any. If you check the box on llne 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, or 5a below and the amount on that line for the return for which you are filing this form was blank, then leave line 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, or 5b, whichever is appllcable, blank {that is, do not enter -0-). But, If you entered -0- on the return, then enter -0- on the applicable line below. Do not complete more than 1 line In Part I. 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a • Form 990 check here Form 990-PF check here Form 8868 check here •D •D •D •D I':er1,11Declaration 6 ULJ b b Total revenue, if any (Form 990-EZ, line 9) b Total tax (Form 1120-POL, line 22) .... 2b 3b 4b 5b b Tax based on investment income (Form 990-PF, Part VI, line 5) b Balance due (Form 8868, line 3c) 10224459 1b Total revenue, if any {Form 990, line 12) . Form 990-EZ check here Form 1120-POL check here .. . . . .. . . .. ... of Officer LJ I authorize the U.S. Treasury and Its designated Financial Agent to initiate an ACH electronic funds withdrawal (direct debit) entry to the financial institution account Indicated In the tax preparation software for payment of the organization's federal taxes owed on this return, and the financial Institution to debit the entry to this account. To revoke a payment, I must contact the U.S. Treasury Financial Agent at 1·888-353-4537 no later than 2 business days prior to the payment (settlement) date. I also authorize the financial Institutions Involved In the processing of the electronic payment of taxes to receive confidential information necessary to answer Inquiries and resolve issues related to the payment. D If a copy of this return is being filed with a state agencyQes) regulating charities as part of the IRS Fed/State program, I certify that I executed the electronic disclosure consent contained within this return allowing disclosure by the IRS of this Form 990/990-EZ/990-PF (as specifically identified In Part I above) to the selected state agency(ies). Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I em an officer of the above named organization end that I have examined a copy of tha organization's 2006 electronic return end accompanying schedules and statements and to the best of my knowledge end belief, they are true, C01Tect, and complete. I rurther declare that the amount 1nPart I above Is the amount shown on the copy of the organization's eleclronlc return. I consent to allow my Intermediate service provider, transmitter, or electronic return originator (ERO)to send the organization's return to the IRS and to receive from the IRS (a) an acknowledgement of recalpt or reason for rejection of the transmission, (b) an Indication of any refund offset, (c) the reason for any delay In processing the return or refund, and (d) the date of any refund (J__ __.- • ~~~ A, Sign Here 1f/-t?~o7 Signature of officer !"PPttllJj Declaration Date • VrLE u,:£(._JTnJE -PR_E_SI_D_EN_T ________ _ Title of Electronic Return Originator (ERO) and Paid Preparer (see instructions) I declare that I have reviewed the above organization's return and that the entries on Form 8453-EO are complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. If I am only a collector, I am not responsible for reviewing the return and only declare that this form accurately reflects the data on the return. The organization officer will have signed this form before I submit the return. I will give the officer a copy of all forms and information to be filed with the IRS, and have followed all other requirements In Publication 4206, Information for Authorized IRS a-fife Providers of Exempt Organization Filings. If I am also the Paid Preparer, under penalties of perjury I declare that I have examined the above organization's return and accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, they are true, correct, and complete. This Paid Preparer declaration is based on all Information of which I have any knowledge. ERO's Use Only =-. • ~:,' • Firm's (or yours Ifname sell-employed), address,andZIP code Check ff also paid pr"Aarer JOHNSO -----.......::;,__ T & CO LLP _______________________ 3110 FAIRVIEW PARK DRIVE, Check If selfemployed STE BOO Phoneno. 703-842-1115 Under penalties of per1ury, I declare that I have examined the above return and accompanying schedules and statements, and Declaration of preparer Is baaed on all Information of which the preparer hes any knowledge. Preparer's signature • • Firm's namo(or yours If self-employed), ----------------------------+"E"'"IN;...... address, and ZIP code ---------------------------- LHA ForPrivacy ActandPaperwork Reduction ActNotice, seetheInstructions. 623061 11-10-06 D EIN +:=------------ FALLS CHURCH, VA 22042 Paid Preparer's Use Only ERO's SSN or PTIN I Date to the best of my knowledge end belief, they are true, correct. end complete. I Check Itselfemployed D I Proparer's SSN or PTIN __________ _ Phone no Fenn 8453-EO (2006)