mem Yo APPEAR um. 1 Juvenile Referral Regan BovmoN BEACH POLICE new, 3417773707 cum-me 1 my a: Manama-nu: a om"- wsmw'm mm 2 mm", a cm: mm, 3 Laumuvmu> USA "mm- mm 2- Damn a: W, Bum. 3 8- mmmumnun-WM. Dom-v Mm. mu: (can my my Euswnm mm Jam. 1 mamuamm zYmesmvs 2 Wm." 3mm.>> 5 "mm (mm lama-a . mum a. w. mammyM-mmuu um ., (Nam) um (W, mum at 57mm VIM :71 may mm ma 3 mummy SW. flaw-w Mun-aw- arm when 11mm>> mman Hum-hat ummn cum-I. . mm a m" com-um." m. ammw unwavan Manslaughter 1 me: 732.07 Mum-y mm. Mum: wryquwa 17-73107 1--m "Dom-nsz 5m. WNW Wmmakn- a Elva. nun mme mm. mm mg.- Mummy--NW mu Wuvmm "mm. 2 Ic [Iva nun 1mm", mm. mum-WW hum (minimum mm mm. um Wm mm mum, memm mm. mm 1 mm wmmancm scum mung Courthouse' 200 West Atlantlc Ave' Delvay Beach, FL 33444 a mum 2 WWMuumm. m, m: m. um +7--th "mm. winiswsm Mm "gm . 59mm us mzum mm uLLva 5 mm 5mm mum Asnmulnzn av 0115 Imme m. orcouwumA mama. mm" Sm as vssuEn Squiumuwam?mmflumfl?umflculwml 5mm: w. Nauru-mom.-- Nm < arm-=1 remote .rriowvrr . Momma 1 we more mm FLO a 11 a BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPT, 34 >1 7-73707 33m do, fl) mm. Us new some [11 so," D4 .3. 0M 11/11/95 mi mam." Manslaughter me amid Momma." as M, e. map. Dlpietmi Kelly Ann 2/23/1958 teamed .. moi iw ism, in, .s. M. 1041 45m ,West Palm ,Fl ,33407 FL ID seal on one a. mum keen" mammam mm. "am a- DWIMNW mm minim-unmanned purl-1' awn-mm: Dom-mi. rem-no n-mrnrimaihelimrulpnn um.21st ouoiDecember N17 .305 .o Us" BBPD officers responded [0 Hanan Memorial Park l11o NW 5th 51. in lefevehce to a female ioond lying in the bushes unresponsive. The iemale, who was decomposed, was pronounced deceased by responding officers Detectives and crime scene icst and CSI Eichorstl responded to the scene to conduct further investigation, The iemaie was located partially the bushes on the saulh west end olrhe park The decedent was umy a couple feel inside of the bushes: however, it would he dimcult to see her body lrom me common area ol she park The decedent was (dung the bushes but i was able to see idennlying tattoos (a flower and the name on the lower back uf me deceased was also able to observe blond coagulation on the females back which, along with the position the body was found. indicated that the female possibly died on her back and was moved to the current locanon.l irirnally did not notice any significant iniury to the deceased but dire to the condition or the decomposed body 1 was not able to confirm this, Detectives also noticed tire tracks in the dirt near the decedent. The Palm Beach Cot/my Medical Examiner's Office was contacted and responded to the scene. The Forensic Investigator processed the scene and after checking the body confirmed that there was no major external iniury to the body; there/ore the decedent was then transpaned 10 me Palm Beach County Medical Examinev's Olfice. As Detectrve's where about to clear the scene, a male, larer identified as BAVOSA, Mark (008 03/25/64) arrived on scene at 11:53 hours and frantically advised detectives that the lemale, who had not been rde yet, may be his fiancee. saves>>: was transported to BBPD and completed a sworn taped inrervlew EAVOSA advised that his fiancee had specific tartoos that matched what was on the decedent and subsequently positively identified the decedent to be fiancee, DIPIETRO, Kelly loos 02/23/le BAVOSA stated that he reported DIPIETRO as a missing person on 12/13/17 to the Palm aeach Sherlfl's omce aher she lets her Job herfriend, STOOPS. (ailelgh (DOB 1 1/1 1/951 and swovs' BAVOSA informed detectives that DIPIETRO was in treatment lor a Hemln addiction and relapsed swaps on 12/13/17. EAVOSA said that he spoke with DIPIETRD on 12/15/17 who said that she was with STOOPS and and [hat they were gem/19 "high". BAVOSA 'd the last (ex! was at approximately 11500 or 1700 hours and he never heard flom DIPIETRO again because her phone was offs rr. mirimn was mom ia ar arrow notde bila- me boom Detective Gleicher Naume < n-vsm-i snows: cAusEAFFle/n ism momma 1 we ommimm ow." FLO a 3 0 BOVNTON BEACH POLICE 34 -1 7773707 2:15am i his" in, ohm.w us is." see-m as mm, [is we mama n. 11/11/95 em. aw." WW Manslaughter cm. humanism on ma ii." e. am.m Dipiesro, Kelly Ann 02/23/1905 is". .o on sun in, m. was 1041 45lh Si ,Wess Palm ,Fl ,33407 FL ID am. Main". sun ism isaisi aw . in." i3: .s. DCIMIIQIIM-fllfimmumt mu E's-aroma. nu" h-mmuemsAimn-pmis Memes aw December .s 17 9.05 BAVOSA was inloimed shas -salleo a hlend as she hallway house on 5/1 7 and Sald shas DIPIETRO was unsonssious and wansed advise on whas so do. BAVOSA ssased shas arsei he repnned DIPIHRD missing swaps gos ih soush wish him and sold him she has informasioh as II.) where DIPIETRO is and would sell him loi 55000. ewes>>: sheh mes wish STOOPS and hes rashes, Kevln smovs was>> ems/I952) as she Maiashon Gas ssasioh, 302 w. Boynton Beach Blvd. cm 12/l9/l 7. CAILEIGH sells BAV05A shas was siisking hessellous lpioshsunonl and was lass seen leavlng wish a Spanish looking guy in a black siusk loia 'dase' as she somei ssoie ol Seasiess and Boynson Beach Daedive Villarl and 1 men wem (0 me vuldence ofCallelgh STOOPS at I21 NW Ave, Eoynmn Beam. Upon anival (here was no answeiso contact was made wish Kevin sTooPs Via cellphone s_ Kevin ssaseo shas he is nos home bus his hiend who is walching me house should be [hell Deleclive explained tha' 'he house was the last olaCe DIPIETRO was lass seen leavmg and Kevln ssaseo shas he does nos ilwe go inso she house and check aiouno rrhe sonsens so n:th she iesioence was recorded and placed into BBPD evidence). Kevln staled [hat he (lean up {he hnuse and file mom CAILEIGH was slaying in after she went In for rehabllilauon, Upon emeling the house I checked loom whith appeared '0 have been {leaned but did Iosase a few purses possihly belonged so DIPIETRO sakenl. As apploxlmalely man hours, Desessivo Villan and wens lo sseo Down in: 14562 Haiilano Dr Wess Palm Beach) which was the Ian iehahilnasion sensei was asl made (omact Wish lesldetho ssaseo sha-- was she one who ieseiveo she call shas DIPIETRO was nos hieashino was (lave on ioays and we would have Io insewiew him when he iesuiheo -ssaseo mas-spoke so hei ahous she (all and he sold- so call 9" immediasely. A phosogsaph orshe found hum sroovs mom was shown so -and she immedlately Vecognlzed one ol she purses so be puise did aowse shas STOOPS and-are suiiensly as Sunnse Desox in rs, Laudeidale in. imam, hummus mm ai .ishiiaa aha somsea mm m. isomo-wanihains.aiionn.ona.ii Detective Glemner %Num Pom moon 01ml: :5 iammnnimmaiimasain. om 04/04/2018 04/04/2015 me on. ml: 2 a; 4 omen-e DECEABLECAUSEAFHDAW ma 1 Taiwan 1 no 5 a a BEACH POLICE DEPT. 34 >1 7-73707 stem 5, m, as Us swim no new as was g. Want Mi as an awn. Stoops. Calleigh 1/95 enema- Manslaughter order? Kelly Ann vii I: 2/23/1988 Wit-1357 'Etwmy ,West Pair? ,5'7'33407" Manama." (sun-l he. ems "nememaseumnmwav. Demosthenmym. mam.>> ma mm.we.meammnnaMnm new." "powwow" waist anal December 2a i7 A05 a" At approximately 2000 hours Detectives went to Sunilse Detox 2331 NE 53rd St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33303 ro interview swaps and - Der. Villarr, Det, Loshelder. and made contact STOOPS, who provtded a sworn raped statemenr ipost Miranda warningsi. Durlng her inrenriew smovs stated that she, DIPIETRO and -were using narcotics at hertather's house ti2i NW isr Avel in Baynwn Bearh on said that she and ammo horh ovevdused and went unconsCious; however, a short lime after she woke up lronr the overdose DIPIETRO was still in an overdose state .smons sai that they 'did everything they rould without calling the mpg." Stoops stated that she attempted ro wake DIPIETRO oy puning Ice in her pants, me all oval her body. poured buckets otwarer on her, attempted mouth to mourh, and -atternpted ehest rornpressions so hard they thought he broke her rhest They couldn't wake her so decided to just go to sleep and hoped that she would be fine In the morning, swaps said that the lollowrng day she and - awoke ar approximately PM and noticed that DIPIETRO was dead. swaps stated that she was seared to call the palms when they woke up because they thought the polire would say they lulled DIPIETRO smovs said that she and then wrapped anlErho in the bed sheer and put her In tothe rrunlt olher gold Toyota Solara. STOOPS said that she and drove ro BARTON Memorial oarlt and pulled the vehrrle up close to the bushes on the southwest comer swaps said that she and removed DIPIETRO irorn the trunk and pushed her body into the pushes (lull statement plared into BBPD evidence). relused to make a statement and requested a lawyer be present Dererrives confirmed that the gold Toymd Solara bearing FL Tag Y4OHCR registered to sroons. The yehrrle was subsequently rowed (Berks Towing) From in NW Ave, Boynton Bearh and stored at BBPD lor processing. an a Search warrant for smovs vehlcle rroyota splara) was obtained and signed by the Honorable Judge Cymonie Rowe. On 7 the Search warrant was executed on the vehicle. cs: proressed the vehicle and was able to eollerr hair samples and DNA swabs lrorn inside the trunk (see CSI 5tidhanr's supplementi. 0n 02/l3/18, I received the autopsy report (ME case a 17-2050) (rpm the Medical Examiner's Office in reverence to this ease, The manner of death was ruled an aeeldental overdose rn. Imng mirum was 5m in ar mun-d 2m smamm n. onwi Detective Gleicher 'na adore ckmmoom owvl'ss irriai 04/04/2018 04/04 /2018 led an. oat. 3 or 4 Pkomsli CAUSE Ammvn EOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPT. 34 47--73707 3mm g, MW. ma mm. s-mwm ma 5, mm Wm." si?$?efballelgn 11/11/95 0. We am." Manslaughter nipTelFE'KelE An'n m7 02/33/1988 "mam MM 5 an M. W. 5M. 1041 451% sf" ,Wesl Pa'llzl ,Fl ,33407 FL In mm M, 72., mm MM new." manna." Mummwm Mazlsl a. a, December 1, 17 .7905 On 03/0l/20l E, A semh wallam for _(ell phone camer/remrds (VERIZON, phone was oblarned The search walram was signed by [he Honurable Judge Edward Anau, On 03H MS, I leceived me phone lemma hum phone camel and It was confirmed al zl 22 hours and huh DIPIETRO was no! breathmg and what should he do? On 03/30/'8, the P550 Biology Repon conformed (hat DIPIETR 3 DNA was milde the flunk To Ola Solara Based upon me above lnvesllgallon, STOOPS and -Id unlawlully by hls/hel own an, procurement culpable negllgence, kill ammo due to the fan (ha! (hey were awale max ammo was in an oveldosed slale. STOOPS and -exhausxed several meansm revwe DIPIETRO and lhen nouned- who ad sed xhem conlad 9l an -egleaed to call 91 afler insnmed by-nd left sleep omh her grave swaps and --: fallure plovlde DIPIHRO wl'lh me plupel medical ulnmalely mntlibmed death undev (lltumslances no! estable 0v mumel, cormary MANSLAUGHTER pursuant (o Flonda sme SIBILAIE 752.07 lewlnumlmmem mam wenm "meme: DIM: m. g/lmefllial on Delaclwe Glelcher 55 ml Mm) fiL; Pave 4 or 4 Clemulcmm a