303 72949016 BENCH WARRANT SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF PRESENT DOUGLAS E. HOFFMAN. J.S.C. PART 44 ZOHAR ABIKZER COHEN, INDEX NO. 303729!2016 Plaintiff, . - BENCH WARRANT ASHLEY KANDEL, Defendant. GREETINGS: TO THE SHERIFF OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK OR ANY SHERIFF OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK WHEREAS: 1. A hearing for contempt of ZOHAR ABIKZER COHEN was noticed by Order to Show Cause for March 12, 2018 at 2:00 pm, seeking to hold ZOHAR ABIKZER COHEN in contempt of court pursuant to Judiciary Law for his failure to comply with this Court?s orders, including the October 27, 2017 order entered on February 9, 2018; and That Order to Show Cause for March 12, 2018 at 2:00 pm stated in a font at least 14 points high: YOUR FAILURE TO APPEAR IN COURT MAY RESULT IN YOUR IMMEDIATE ARREST AND FOR CONTEMPT OF and Counsel for the Defendant has provided this Court with proof of service of said Order to Show Cause, and ZOHAR ABIKZER COHEN, who was pro so at that time, reached out to the Court and other counsel and requested an adjournment from March 12, 2018, stating that he will be out of the country that week, Retained counsel for ZOHAR ABIKZER COHEN then appeared in this action and consented to an adjournment to March 21, 2018 at 9:30 time certain; Counsel for ZOHAR ABIKZER COHEN appeared in Court on March 21, 2018 at 9:30 but ZOHAR ABIKZER COHEN did not himself appear; With all counsel present and on consent of all counsel, Court selected April 17, 2018 at 10:00 am. time certain as the adjourn date for the contempt motion and hearing, and issued a Stayed Warrant for ZOHAR ABIKZER COHEN to appear on that April 17, 2018 date, copies of NOTICE OF STAYED WARRANT ORDER was issued on March 29, 2018 and provided to all counsel and plaintiff; On or about April 12, 2018, attorney for ZOHAR ABIKZER COHEN reached out to the Court and other counsel and requested an adjournment of the April 17, 2018 date, but there was no consent and no adjournment was granted; On or about April 12, 2018, attorney for ZOHAR ABIKZER COHEN reached out to the Court and other counsel and requested a visit with the parties? child for ZOHAR ABIKZER COHEN for Sunday, April 15, 2018 in the New York area; EW YORK NEW YORK COUNTY Pagqtalz anlod 303721312015 BENCH a 10. On or about April I6, 2018, ZOHAR ABIKZER COHEN, although he was represented at that time, reached out to the Court and other counsel and stated that he is traveling internationally and is unable to appear due to his travels, and was then advised by the Court that there has been no adjournment, the case is still on for April 17, 2018 and there is a stayed warrant for him to appear; 11. On April 17, 2018, at 10:00 am, Defendant, counsel for Defendant, and Attorney for the Child appeared in Court, but ZOHAR ABIKZER COHEN did not appear as required by the Court; 12. Counsel for Defendant af?rmed on the record that ZOHAR ABIKZER COHEN has not fully complied with outstanding orders that are the basis of the contempt, NOW, THEREFORE, FOR JUST CAUSE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT A WARRANT IS ISSUED FOR ABIKZER COHEN WITH A BAIL AMOUNT SET AT $120,000; and it is further NOW, THEREFORE, WE COMMAND YOU, as the Sheriff of the City of New York or Sheriff of any County of the State of New York wherein plaintiff ZOHAR ABIKZER COHEN may be found, that, and bring him forthwith, or if not available, then before a Justice of the Ex Parte Term of Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York County for a hearing as to the nature of his contempt and appropriate punishment therefore, together with other and ?lrtber relief as to the Court may deem just and proper pursuant to the Judiciary Law. THIS WARRANT may be executed at night: if the above named person is apprehended when the above court is not in session, they may be detained in the CIVIL JAIL of the City of New York until they can be produced forthwith by the Sheriff for the next session of the above captioned court. ENTER: :1 2? HOFFMAN JS 0U us . HON. DOUGLAS E. HOFCFMAN RETURN I HEREBY CERTIFY that I executed the at Apprehending at the time of apprehension, purpose for which he/she was being taken into custody of day of named herein and brought said person to the above Court. 1 exhibited the appended warrant and informed the person of the same. mi FILED Deputy Sheriff Signature and Shield No. APR I 8 2013 Print Deputy Sheriff Name: cares ornc new YORK 411820 5! COMPLAINT - WARRANT . . 1 T. THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY 1008 2018 000045 VS. court? cone YEAR SEQUENCE No. ZQHAR AB I 2 ER EAST WELL JOINT MUNICIPAL CT ADDRESS 1070 202 29 DOLSON ROAD RINGOES NJ 03551-0000 908?782-6855 coumwop; HUNTERDON MONSEY NY 10952-0000 or CHARGES P6005 CASE 0: inroemit'non h? 1 3339380071 WW, SEX: EYE COLOR: BROWN 003: 12/16/1988 COMPLAINANT MICHAEL GRAMICCIONI 802 0 05 0 5 0 UL STATE: PA NAME: new cranes? STATE POLICE SOCIAL SECURITY 8 TELEPHONE #z .., LIVESCAN PCN 2 3 .0 (3 5 I 71.0; 1 By certification or on earth, the complainant says that to the best of his/her knowledge, information and belief the named defendant on or about EAST AMWELL HUNTERDON County,NJ did: WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THIS COURT, ISSUED FOUR CHECKS FOR THE PAYEMENT OF MONEY IN THE AMOUNTS OF $300,000, $500,000, $500,000, AND $3,000,000 $4,300,000) KNOWING THAT THEY WOULD NOT BE HONORED BY THE DRAWER, TD BANK, SPECIFICALLY BY ISSUING FOUR CHECKS PAYABLE TO MARK ZIEGENFUSS (VICTIM) KNOWING THAT THE ACCOUNT AT FIRST REPUBLIC BANK NUMBER 80003251188} WAS CLOSED AND CHECK #1030 FOR $300,000 WOULD NOT BE HONORED BY DRAWEE, KNOWING THAT THE ACCOUNT AT WELLS FARGO BANK NUMBER 7825699486) WAS CLOSED AND AS AN AUTHORIZED SIGNER DEFENDANT KNEW THAT CHECK NUMBERS 0006 AND 0008 FOR $500,000 EACH WOULD NOT BE HONORED BY THE DRAWEE, AND KNOWING THAT THE ACCOUNT AT U.S. TRUST OF AMERICA ACCOUNT NUMBER 381041092246) CHECK 2036 FOR $3,000,000 AS AN AUTHORIZED SIGNER WOULD NOT BE HONORED BY THE DRAWEE DUE TO INSUFFICIENT FUNDS. in violation of: Original Charge 1) 2C: 21?5 2) a) AmendedCharge CERTIFICATION: certify that the foregoing statements made by me are true. i am aware that if any afthe foregoing statements made by me are willfully false. I am subject to punishment 3.9m; MICHAEL GRAMICCIONI Date, 04 119 /2018 You will be noti?ed oiyour Central First: Appearance/cap date to be hetd at the Superior Court in the county of HUNTERDON at the following address: HUNTERDON COUNTY COURT COUNTY cosmos course 65 punt avenue anzuglro? NJ 00322?0000 gate of Arrest: Appearance Bate: Time: PhonePROBABLE CAUSE DETERMINATION AND ISSUANCE OF WARRANT CI Probable cause is NOT found for the Esauence of this complaint. Signature of Court Administrator or Deputy Court Administrator "mm "Date Signature oi Judge Dale Probabie cause ls found for the issuance of this complaint. EDWARD MARTIN JUDICIAL OFFICER 04/ 19 2018 Signature and Title of Judicial Officer issuing Warrant Date TO ANY PEACE OFFICER OR OTHER AUTHORIZED PERGON: PURSUANT TO THIS WARRANT YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO ARREST THE NAMED DEFENDANT AND BRING THAT PERSON FORTHWITH BEFORE THE COURT TO ANSWER THE COMPLAINT. Bali Amount Set: by: (If diiferent from judiclei oitlcer that issued warrant) Related Traffic Tickets Cl Serious Personal Injury! Death _or Other Complaints Invoitred Ci Domestic Violence - Confidential .c Special conditions of release: No phone, maii or other personal contact wlvictlm ORIGINAL El No possession El Other (specify): Page