CONNECTICUT UNIFORM POLICE CRASH REPORT Form nu mv July 2mm Mom Vehitle m: 1 7 I (ZIuNumhz/r. mumsem Vehicle Driver Mnrmatlan "1 (Sampler: One Sheer Per Driver NAMSHLIZVH, MURPHY. JOSHUA fizmgik mm or mm Sm: Addqu Rule -- 99 uan m. "mum. m) BANK mm Ll ENSE 11' 'Ammn 0" mchInN sum-ma msmun mm muvanAcnons (drum: up n; 4; NUMBER Nul Ejacled mm 01, No camiwa mm nz.E4m|ad.Pmiuly uz o: Hjaclsd, name 01 ll amumumanmumy Hm mun mum sum; 0: mm as sncom) man 06 5mm" N, lumulLV "Akita! Dims-<>me KLNuIAwkubl>> nzuxm mm mm as warm.>> .DUFlewlilm mm 9 ucawse cuss a: mum, omu'nun lam-comm 'w 99' mm" Wm 5 DRIVER 1 as In mg": uz Mummyapemllm-n 3; 2:2; flint",th n3. mung an Harm-Pu: Ham Drviu "mama mm; mm: m- Deplwyed as. mummy, puma mm mums: as. human m. No 01 07. 0mm>>: mm: <> 93 5mm: llqud,mury.nch m. 1] lLHuurdnusMfluials n1 mu, n; AMp-xfilfimwd '5 "Imam." n5. mm as no. m. Milieu: v1.01>>; [1 7 mm which! P-hmugu mu: muting Vzhinlu INJukys'rArus TRANsFon-rxn 10 mm NAME 7 Sum, Kramwmy MEchuACIun ny . A smme semmw m. 5mm ms nwnumm Human momma "mm . rmbinsflun amnk NuAm-nurm Injury 0 vamp "a Mamaon:an wow-mu smums ALcououlsT sums TYPE uvALcox-IOL was: Wmnne'hkcn 0|.mm 01min: 33 mmswamwumu 9mm m,musum mum 1m mun 'm-s or unuc TEST (".12me "mm m, 12" 11mm Hum 35 m, m, an. Muir-bl: wumi 910*" CONNECTICUT UNIFORM POLICE CRASH REPORT Form REV July 2014.01 Case Number I 1800056218 Crash Summary (Back) DOT Identi?er: For DOT use only [3 Vehicles were moved prior to police arrival NARRATIVE Of?cers Narrative: Describe any unusual circumstances associated with the crash, including officer's observations. Refer to each by motor vehicle number and/or non-motorist number Vehicle #1 was traveling on Essex Hill Road in the town of Cornwall. Operator #1 lost control of vehicle subsequently exiting the roadway and colliding with the metal wire guardrail located on the left shoulder of Essex Hill Road, approximately one mile east of Valley Road. Operator #1 stated he was traveling westbound on Essex Hill Road, in the town of Cornwall. Operator #1 stated that while negotiating the curve right he lost control of vehicle #1 subsequently exiting the roadway and colliding with the metal wire guardrail located on the left shoulder of Essex Hill Road. Operator #1 stated he was not injured and appeared uninjured at the scene. Operator #1 stated he was wearing his seat belt at the time of collision. Operator #1 stated he was traveling approximately 35MPH prior to the collision. Physical evidence observed on scene consisted of vehicle #1 front end and undercarriage damage, consistent with the collision with the guard rail. I observed vehicle #1 to be on top of the metal wire guardrail. I observed vehicle #1 to have good tire tread depth. Vehicle #1 sustained disabling damage, therefor was towed via Sharon Auto. I observed that portion of Essex Hill Road to be downhill, with turns, and no clear indicators of the posted speed limit. observed no defects on the roadway. Prior to the time of the crash heavy snow conditions were noted, Related Incident Number Officer First Name Of?cer Last Name Badge Number Police Agency Code PAWEL PORCZAK 1238 Case Status Officer Signature-?RP PA WEL Supervisor: WWJW I .. Date Time: 02/04/201 8 04:33 Date Thne:02/05/2018 01 Z28 r? This report is a revision to a previously submitted report CONNECTICUT UNIFORM POLICE CRASH REPORT Molnr Vehicle ID: 1 Number of occupants In Vehicle: 1 {mum m. Mme!) Farm m4 July mam Motor (Front) Completl 0712 Sheet Mam Vehicle Wm. I van PM, mm. mm MAM: TOYOTA new: GREEN ms." Mum: LAND CRUI w- 2001 "Mufti?" snowmen: op Emu-s 1cm): Mu w/w, in My: mmymum V1..Fua/Exvlaxian lumen gym-Minn mum: 0K. Run mummy mm m. on mam In, Class Mom 1 I . ow 6mm)" 11. Downhill Rummy 13. fins/mm mm mm Vuiuvk MY mum-x mm mm 1:1 mm 0th usv emu Cullmun Coukhm wun PenumMu'nt Wk. "Nun-Mun! 0mm 17 Fedemkn u. mu Lynwuqcm 21. 22. Mam: whiz}: in "man 23 mm 74. by 1"".ch Ema um Sum mm mm 7.5 Wurk Mm." 5.4mm," 2n, mm Non-Mud mam Cullinw wm. l'imd Din-u Bn'dg- Gvubud 5mm: 29. mm: mm suppm in. mm, 3|.Cablcfilnicl 32. mm 33, on 34' mm. 5mm": )6 Gunman Fm. 3rd 37 OuudmlEm 3! Enamel: mm: mm 39 mun-m: sum 40 Tm: may-dine! 42 mm: sign mm 43 mm: lull snuwn nmm' a. Penn: os. Mull>>: m. nv NolAvpliubvu msuumcu, CommMasl Emu 35 o7. 0am mm was: (mil, bull El Essex Hm Road 0R VEHIC LIL RASH INFORMATION Number: rupormawb manusezxs mum. [1 "mm mm hm n. mam-y. Vanda NJ Mama mu nunv'nm mm: macvaam in upznum m, Negumlmg Curve .22 (Evan) mm, mm 1:1 mm Mum vzmu: "my" 03 mm; Vmulmcm "that: <> WW m, Nu mum gift?" 10'0anmyul: - - mm MM . Cunumlmu Ian: ,1 squsnmm . :3 5er Mg" m, Wny, mm, uwm 0mm we." magnum?" 15mm Wny IS. mm mm. mm "4 16.5mwnm "alumni" W. 05. Imam lb(mm: mommy cum; (More am In ovwm m, 14ch m, one: 01. Uphill "mam cmcumanm05.5.1; [button] 04 W- "m mm: mums on nomwAv mnumm' oz, 5m" 8mm 5mm nz,,nm I a" 03 $5331" 83 06 swam coN'an mmc'mm'm u2. Pusan mm, 0'1""th "8 cmuiulwud' 1 09. was (m4, ".mumu 0) Mg MM 5w if mfwm'm'" nu, 1mm m'mdf 5.."ch k; MW mm>> . . xx . 1mm vmuuw sm-umxy mm mm 15 Undue-mun 15 mm". "um lG-Cugnlufl um um." a 0' in. 55,41. 65 1075.50. xx; 25 '5 mm vuucnoum mum 0' 86 mm" as, Amman]: y" m. Tawed Due ninmlinz mm: 55 a: Mun: nzv'l'awedJu'NulDM to warm NnIAwIw-no. mam mg: Sharon Autn INSURANCE INFORMAT msmuucu mucus Numm msuuncz lxl'lRA'nDn mm CONNECTICUT UNIFORM POLICE CRASH REPORT mm mm: Mm (mm mm. MEMIA. Suffix) Murphy, Tammy 8 11mm REV Mny 24mm Mutnr (BadK) Cumplele One Sheet Per Motor Vehiclz NI INFOR lufarmnlim mm: :1 am: CmNumlm: 1800056218 ammuw 49V Ida-77mm" Emma>>! mm summing um 1m cuy Sim/rm mm mm cm Bank NJ 07701 Emu'l Mum: top/rm" mm ramiamzu SPECIAL VEHICLE FUNCTION EMERGENCY vaman nus us]: 0|.anpsculfilmlm o1 as "mm m: VW m' which mvmmumm Unduunu mummy 01mm "cumin." ns' 0mm 9mm uumum n' NATURE AND EXTENT OF DAMAGE 10 PROPERTY I Ona wooden posl with metal wire guardrall' NAME on OWNER or mommy 1 DOT NATUREAND or mosz NAME or OWNER OF mommy 3 CONNECTICUT UNIFORM POLICE CRASH REPORT Number of Motor Vehicles: Automobiles, etc. 1. Form PR-I REV July 2014.01 Case Number: I1 80005621 8 I Number of Non-Motorists: (j Crash Summary (Front) DOT Identifier: 21% Pedestrians, Bicyclists, etc. . i For DOTuse only CRASH DATE, TIME SEVERIT Y, AND LOCATION Date of Crash (Y Time (0300-2359) Town Name Town Crash Severity 20180203 06:34 Cornwall 031 0 Fatal 0 Injury Latitude Crash occurred on (street name or route at its intersection with (street name or route 41335595728155 Essex Hill RD at Valley Road . If not at intersection: distance S, E, name of nearest intersecting road, (own line or mile marker Longitude Feet - . 0 Va 6 Roa I 7332552689320 1-00 TenthsofMlle For all nume?c?elds: 99 CRASH FACTORS AND CONDITIONS TRAFFICWAY OWNERSHIP LOCATION OF FIRST HARMFUL EVENT FIRST HARMFUL EVENT MANNER OF IMPACT 01, Public Road 01. On Roadway Non-Collision: (Applies to: mum-vehicle crashes) 02. Private Road 01 02. Shoulder 04 01. Overturn] Rollover 01? Fm, to Rea, 88.NotAppiicab1c 03'Median 02- Fire I Explosion 02. Front to Front 88 TRAFFICWAY CLASS 04- R?ad5id? ?31 Immr?m 0? Partial 29 03. Angle 01. Tm?icway, On Road 0 1 32' g: gekk? . Lo Shift 04. Sidcswipe, Same Direction 3?80 ?Wm? 55 or 05. Sideswi 0 osim Direction 33 :zg?cijzt ?n Rm 07. In Parhng Lane or Zone 06. Fell/Jumped from Vehicle 06. Rm ,0 2:33: 04. Parkiu 11)! 08. Off-Roadway Location Unknown 07, Thrown or Falling Object 07' Rear [0 Rear 09. Outside Right-of?Way (ma?icway) 08. Other Non-Collision 38 A :31 LIGHT CONDITIONS 91 Other 97Dawn 05 CRASH SPECIFIC LOCATION all?!? 121?? gem?? 03' 01, NonJuncuon or hon-F _ed bject- CONTRIBUTING CIRCUMSTANCES 04' Dill: Lighted 02. Intersection 09? Pedestrian . up to 3) 05- Dark. Not Lighted 03_ humcc?owemd 97 10. Pedal cycle/Pcdal:cyc1ist 06. Dark- nlcnowu Lighting 04. Entrance Exit Ramp 11. Other Non-Morons: 00. None . . 00 97' Other 05. Entrance I Exit Ramp-Related 12. Railway Vehicle (train, engine) 01. Weather Conditions 06. Railway Grade Crossing 40. Doc: 02? Visual Obstruction(s) 07. Cmssovcrekclatcd 13. Animal Other'l?lmn Deer (live) 03. Glam 88 WEATHER IONS ?p 2) 08. Driveway Access 14. Motor Vehicle in Operation 04- in Roadway 01 Ct 09. Driveway Access-Related 15. Parked Motor Vehicle 88. Not Applicable 88 02' 0:23), 10. Shared-Use Path or not 16. Struck by Falling, Shifting Cargo or 97, om 11. Through Roadway Anything Set in Motion by Motor Vehicle 33' Smog, Smoke 01 12. Acceleration Doceieration Lane 17. Work Zone/Maintenance Equipment . I3. Bridge 13. Other NonJ-?Ixed Object 05. Slcet or Hall 14 HOV Lon 00. None 06. Freezing Rain/Drizzle 88 . Collision With Fixed Object. 01. Backup Due to Prior Crash 15. Semce or Rest Area - . g; 16 Weight Station 19. Impact Attenuator/Crash Cushion 02- 1}:ng Duo ?0 inf: . owmg now . . 2 . on- courting not en 09. Severe Cm swinds 17. Conn locanon Not Listed Above 2? ?333: 3:311:21 - 03. Backup Due to Regular 05 10 BI . an Interchange Aron . pp C0 . . owing Sand, Sol], Dirt . . 22. Bridge Rail ngestlon 8 . (median, shoulder and roadude) 8. Not Applicable 97. Other 23- C?ble Barrier 04. Toll Booth/Plaza Reiatod 88 97- Other 24' Culvert 05. Road Surface Condition 25. Curb (wet, icy, snow, slush, etc.) TYPE OF INTERSECTION O?rDebris 38 TRAFFICWAY SURFACE CONDITIONS 01- Not an Interscc?on 7? 07- Rum Bumps 01. 02. Four-Way 23' Guarani? Face 1 03. Work Zone 02 Wet o3. T-Intersection 01 29- Guardrail End . (com-Irnotion/maintenance! utility) 03. Snow 07 o4_ Y~Intersection 30. Concrete ?I?ra?ic Homer 09. Worn, Travel-Polished Surface 04' Slush 05' bmlemwtion 31- 031?? 331?? 10. Obstruction in Roadway 06 Traf?c Circle 31 Treet'?andmg) 11. Traf?c Control Device Imperative, 05. Ice/Frost 33. Utility Pole/Light Support Missing, or obscured 05- Movmg Water con :1 on 34. Traffic Sign Support 2 Sh uld . 03 FiveaPoint or More 1 - 0 6f (none, low, high) 07. Sand . 35. 'l?ra?ic Signal Support 13 on-Hi ghwa Work 08. Mud, Din, Gravel 36. Fence . 09. on SCHOOL BUS RELATED 37. Mailbox . 88- "what"6 10. Standing Water 91' N0 01 38. Other Post, Pole or Support 97- Other 97, Other 02- Yes, a 5011001 bus was 39. Other Fixed Object (wall, building. tunnel. etc.) directly involved 03. Yes, a school bus was indirectly involved WORK ZONE CRASH INFORMATION Complete allfor crashes occurring in a Work Zone TYPE WORKERS PRESENT ENFORCEMENT PRESENT 01.1398 Closure 01.1510 0LNO 02. Lane Shift I Crossover 03. Work on Shoulder or Median 02' Yes 02' Yes For ali numeric ?eldsz99 'Unknown? WORK ZONE LOCATION 01- N0 01. Before the First Work Zone Warning Sign 02- Yes 02. Advance Warning Area 033m iti Area 04' ActilfityDXIea 04. or Moving Work 88' N0: Applicable 88- N01 Applicable . 88. Not A licablc 0 1 05. 'I?ernunation Area 88 97_ Other pp 8 8 88. Not Applicable CONNECTICUT UNIFORM POLICE CRASH REPORT For DOT rue only leaving the roadway covered with sand and snow/slush. The collision occurred during late night hours, with no daylight available. I observed one guardrail wooden post to be detached. Based on the evidence at scene, the collision was caused by operator #1 exiting the roadway, subsequently colliding with the guardrail. Operator #1 was found at fault for the collision, and issued an infraction for violation of C.G.S. 14-218a* traveling too fast for conditions. POLICE DEPARTMENT RECORD OF 300me SOMEvale E, PLEASE PRINT CFLL NUMBER "(1551' NUMBER ATF. TIME OF BOOKING NCIDENT BAILED 50151017041555 11/01/2017 01:05:19 17006780 LAST NAME FIRST MIDDLE NAME AGE SN MURPHY JOSHUA TRUE NAME MAIDEN NAME OMB PHONE JOSHUA MURPHY SJREH mama Am ummw 5W PHONEMOIKI SOMERVILLE MA 02144 (CELL) RACE HITE HAIR SKIN BLACK BROWN LIGHT ETHNICITV CARS OF man UNKNOWN PLACE or BIRTH mm? I NORFOLK VA I . OTHF NAMF AME EMPLOYER UNEMPLO VED ADDRESS or 1F CUT VISIBLE ON PERSON, DESCRIEH: KIND LOCMIDN w1|r TTENDING PHYSICIAN I CONDUCT (272 553 LIQUOR, FERSON UNDER 21 POSSESS c138 WHOM . I .- 2 mm)an ADVISED or mum: YE: loco UNDERGL CHAP 27533.4 EoqumA I-Iom mm! 3 VCO OVEN CONTAINER SOMERVILLE FINGERPRINTS TAKEN YES Ir PRISONER mm Mum; run OPERA "Na m: A 1er ner, nu. IN an my ADVISED or RIGHTS UNDER 5 I cum-v 26; 5A RFADING ARREST UN r'I BV WHOM ARRAN NUMBER I rm: hm mm ofmnd undzmand I0 rem-n us: a [Elephant IL) all a In have on: Draw-am II) have my mm [<51 fur alconm I ARRESIED PERSON HAVE P0511 IDENTIFICATION ARREST NG OFFICER BOOKING OFFICER UNIV PI) moan 030mm," \55 I No TVPE DRIVER) LICENSE COMPLAIN-ANT mum UNIV PD [060 DEDLIVEIRA NAME OF PROBATION NOTIFIED Is ARRESTEL AJUVENILE was NAME PARENT DR GUARDIAN NOTIFIED OFFICER MAKING NUTIFICATION Ml: DAILCOMMISSIONFR MOUNT or HAIL ATE AND TIMF. nr BAIL PEGGY WEEKS DISPOSITION Fax Server 2/14/2018 4:24:11 PM PAGE 5/003 Fax server Mt. tron-sue}, pone. Emit-n: - Maze Pass" 1 mun ion era-men vmcen-i- a 601m Raf: Hum--8mm On Wednesday, November 1, 2017, at approximately 0040 hours, I, Officer Vincent Goiernme, was assigned to Medford Sector 1 on the Tufts University Medford/Somerville Campus in fully marked Tuns Police Cruiser Unit 3668. I was travelling down Professors Row in Somervllie, MA in the direction at College Avenue from Packard Aw. I noticed 3 Individuals, two females and one male, walking in the street (marked crosswalk) at the intersection of Latin Way and Professors Row. While driving past this group of individuals, the male party, who was dressed in a bright plnkunesle, holding a beverage, leaned across the two females and pointed in the direction of my cruiser and screamed loudly "Fuck you." it was loud enough that i could hear It clearly over my radio, and startled the two females that he was with. Noting this unusual behavior and concerned that there may be an issue, I reversed my cruiser and Stopped and asked the group if everything was alright. They did not respond, and began walking away- I stepped out of my cruiser and asked again if everything was okay. I noticed the male individual drinking out of a clear cup with no cover or straw. Through my experience this is indicative of a person consuming an alcoholic beverage. I then asked what he was drinking. The male individual was later identified as Tufts University Student MURPHY, Joshu-- Wllen I asked about the beverage, MURPHY tossed the beverage over his shoulder and discarded the cup right beside a tree In front of Meccalf Hall. I told MURPHY to stop and speak with me. and identified myself as Police. MURPHV ignored this request. A Somerville Police unit saw me attempting to speak with MURPHY, and got out of his cruiser to assist. The Officer asked MURPHY again what was going on, and told him to speak with me as he was still away from me MURPHY attempted to evade the Somerville officer, which 15 when we both caught up to MURPHY and finally managed to stop him. i notified Tufts Communications that I was out with a disorderly Individual with the assistance of Police. I again asked MURPHY what he was doing and why he was screaming in the Intersection. MURPHY ignored my questions and began to ask why we were blocking him and attempted to use his phone. I noticed a strong smell of an alcohallc beverage emanating from MURPHV's breath. I then asked MURPHY what he was drinking, and MURPHY denied drinking anything approximately three times, and then said he was drinking water. MURPHY asked what he did wrong and i told him that he was littering and acting in a disorderly caught my attention, and told him to walk back with me to retrieve the discarded cup. MURPHY then said that he was not drinking anything. i told MURPHY that hejust told me he was drinking water, and MURPHY said that was true. I asked MURPHV to identify himself and asked if he was a Tufts Student. MURPHY said he was an Oregon University student visiting and did not have any identification. I asked MURPHY who he was visiting and MURPHY changed the subject and would not answer this question. Informed him to go back to retrieve the cup again, and it was this time he attempted to push past the Somerville Officer and by turning his shoulder towards the Samerville Officer. We informed MURPHY that he was not free to leave as we wanted him to retrieve the cup. MURPHY began to become more upset, raising his voice and could not stand still as MURPHY tried to again push past the Officers. The Somerville Police Officer and myself grabbed his arms on either side as he began to flail his arms. We informed MURPHY If he did not cooperate that he could be placed in handcuffs. MURPHY began to tense up and attempted to lock his arms In front ofhls chest and tried to kick his legs to get past the Officers. Somewille 7 - 7?5" 7' a? 9? .1 . "63.x. -1. 3.1 rude-em .4. -- . . -..-. .. Server Page: 2 Fax Server 2/14/2018 4:24:11 PM PAGE 6/008 Fax Tufts University Police Department - Medford NARRATIVE FOR OFFICER VINCENT GOLEMME Ref: informed MURPHY that he was going t0 the ground if he attempted to break free again, and MURPHY resisted officers further attempted to Spin out of our control. The Somerville Of?cer and I assisted MURPHY to the ground and attempted to galn control of hands, as MURPHY kept reaching underneath his chest where we "0t see his hands. We gained control of his hands and placed MURPHY into custody. Of?cers Dell?Anno, Fielding, and tW0 more Somerville Of?cers were on arrival. Of?cer Fielding checked the handcuffs for tightness and double locked them for safety. MURPHY was still attempting to break free, rolling from side to side and trying to get his knees underneath his body to sit up. Of?cer Dell'Anno and Fielding secured MURPHY and kept him from getting up. Sergeant Eastman was also on arrival. I went down to where MURPHY had discarded the cup and retrieved it. The cup was laying next the tree surrounded by a large pool of liquid in the dirt with ice cubes. The cup had a strong odor of an alcohol beverage. The cup was secured, bagged, and placed in evidence locker #3 inside the Tufts Police Department Headquarters. Of?cer Fielding searched MURPHY for Of?cer Safety and located a wallet with a New Jersey Driver?s License, an Electronic Cigarette, and a smart cellular phone. I retrieved my police cruiser with prisoner cage, and searched the compartment. A Somerville Of?cer also searched the rear compartment of the cruiser. Of?cer Fielding then placed MURPHY in the back of cruiser 3668. Officer Fielding and myself radioed Tufts Communications Center and informed them of our mileage, and transported MURPHY to Somerville Police Department Headquarters for booking. MURPHY was booked in, the usual manner by Lieutenant D?Olivera in the usual manner. MURPHY was charged with disorderly conduct, mlnor in possession of alcohol, and open container of alcohol in public. The on-call administrator and Deputy Chief Mark Keith was noti?ed by Sergeant Michael Eastman.