File With RESERVE FOR FILING STAMP NO. ROHNERT PARK Carmen JUN 27 in? I1 mill giry'Einek-s Since CLAIM FOR MONEY 0R CLERK 130 Avram Avenue DAMAGES AGAINST THE Rohnert Park, CA 94928 CITY OF ROHNERT PARK REMIFD OMB can FILED Deni All claims againsl ma 0in for money or damages nor olherwise governed by lhe Governmenr Ton Claims Acl, California Gnvemmeni Code Seelrons 900 el.seq., or olher siale law (hereinafler "claims") shall be nresenled wilhrn lhe llmeframe and in <10. The name or names of ihe public employee or employees causing ihe injury, damage. or loss, if known. Joseph Huffaker (RP 439) Brandon Tatum (RP 35) David sutter (RP 403) ll amount claimed [Dials less than $10,000: The amount claimed if it halal: less than lien thousand dollars (510.000) as of the dam Of presenialion of the claim. including me estimated amaunl 0' any pruspeclive inlury. damage, or loss. insofar as it may be at the lime 0' me piesenlafion Df the claim, mgelher with the basis of compulmim of the amount claimed. Amount Claimed and basis for computation: If amount claimed exceeds 310,00 amouni claimed exoeeds red lhousand dollars (310.000), no dollar amount shall be included in the claim. However, ii shell whetherths claim would he a nnrired civil case. A limited civil case is one where the recwery sought. enduslve oi anorney lees. inleresl and court oosis does not exceed 525.000. Ari case is one in which lie recovery snught is more man 325.000. (See cop 06.) Lim'flsd Civil Case XX Unlimilerl CMI Case You are required in provide in. requosied above, plus yoursignerure on pago 3 oilhls form, In order in comply with Govemment Code 5910. in addhion, In order to canduct a timely invesugadon and resolution of your clalm. rile oily reducers that you answer the iollowing quesflons. Claimanlis) naie(s) 0f Binh: mam -- Name. address and ielsphone number of any wilnesses to Ills occurrence or transaction which gave lise ID the claim asserted: If Ihe daim involves medical Irealmenl la! a cla'lned injury. please provide the name, address and kelaphone nunlberoi any dociors or hospitals providing tlealmenl: If applicable, please attach any medical bills or or slm/lar documenie suppom'ng your claim. I a ii lire cleim releles in an culcmonile eooloeni: n/a please arisen any repairmils, estimates orsl'milardacumerlls suppam'ng your claim Clair-name) Auto ins. Co: Telephone: Address: Insurance Policy insurance Broker/Agent: Telephone: Adam: Claimam's Veh. Lie. No: . Vehicle Make/Veer Drivers Lic. No: Explralion: Pine 2 a Revised mizms READ CAREFULLV For Ill accldeiil claims, place on following diagram name of sireeis. including North, East, South, and West; place ol zocldenl by and by all no nouse numbers oi illsiancea lo air-eel comers. ll oilyiAgency Vehicle was involved, designate by iemr cation oi Olly/Agency when you lire: saw ii. and by locaiion oi yourseiy or yourvel-licle when you fiist say City/Agancy Vehicle; Iocatlon oi cilylAgency Vehlch al lime of acoliieni by and lunatic" of yourself or yourveiilcla ai the time oflhe aocidem by ~a.1 and Ihe polnt cl impaei by NOTE: If dugnms below do not fit the sllualion, allach hereto a proper diagram signed by clalmam, 41 UL CURB cum: --ARKWAY SIDEWALK er n9: Pmenmiori of 3 false claim with (he inhenl to defraud is a felony (Penal Code Pursuant ID Code oi ivil Procedure 51033. the City/Agency may seek io recover all cosls oi defense in Ihe event an aciion is filed which is leier delen'nined no: lo have been brougnl in good iailli and wilh reasonable cause. All claim shall be veiified by lire claimanl or by his or her guardian. conservator. executor or edminislralor. No claim may he filed on behalf of a class oi persons unless verified by every member of mar class as iequired by Section 244,030 onhe Rohnen Park Municipal Code. SIgnaiure' Date: 9 i Page a at 5 amino Paragraphs #3 and #4 On December 29, 2016, at 1:40 pm, Sergeant Brandon "lacy" Tatum and Of?cer Joseph Huffaker (RP439) "were on duty" "in a marked Rohnert Park DPS Police Vehicle" traveling northbound on Hwy 101, near Cloverdale. The Of?cers observed a vehicle traveling southbound that "moved to the right of its lane touching its right tires on the fog line and touched the fog line a second time." Citing CVC 21658 ("failure to maintain lane?), the Rohnert Park DPS Patrol Vehicle crossed two northbound lanes; executed a sixty-mile an hour U-turn over the grassy medium, and moved into the slow lane to effectuate the stop. Suspecting, then ?nding marijuana packaged in the trunk, the of?cers asked for and were provided doouments identifying the origin of the marijuana [grown under Permit issued by the Mendocino Sheriff] and its destination: a Southern California dispensary, which Of?cer Huffaker con?rmed on the scene. Without consulting a City Attorney, a Deputy District Attorney or Magistrate, Sgt. Tatum and Of?cer Huffaker summarily con?scated the marijuana. Claims: 1. The vehicle did not touch the fog line, and if it did, "touching the fog line [even twice] does not give the of?cer reasonable suspicion to justify the stop." [United States. v. Colin Cir. 2002] 314- F.3d 436, [interpreting VC 21 568[ 2. The detention was prolonged, and the warrantiess search and seizure was without probable cause. [People v. Calvin [2012] 203 Cal. App. 4?11 1029 [medical marijuana grown in Humboldt may be transported to a dispensing collective inSo. California].) 3. Rohnert Park policy makers condoned the pre-textual stop of motorists traveling on an interstate highway, outside the City?s jurisdiction, because the potential revenue from forfeitures of marijuana and US. Currency was substantial. Relief: A. Compensation for the 1053 of the marijuana. B. Declaration from the City that they will not allow its of?cers to engage in conduct outlined above. Of?cer Huffaker and Tatum were equipped with Body Cams that captured the majority of the incident. Tatum prepared a supplemental report. THIS IS FORMAL NOTICE TO PRESERVE THE IMAGES AND AUDIO CAPTURED BY THE BODY CAMERAS WORN BY THE OFFICERS.