Application of Gerrz Realin - OPD Police Advocate Medical Record Excerpts for Pension Board to Consider Dr. Harding - Patient Health Questionnaire Page 32- ?Fuck ?Fuck City? ?Fuck (Fraternal Order of Police) Veronica White, Page 36- ?They started harassing about health status" ?1 just don?t want to be around any police? ?1 have had so much stress from the police department its worse than my experience at Pulse? Page 41 was on the front page of the New York Times? Yet, he wants to isolate himself because of PTSD Still Photos used in the New York Times Article Red Color of Blood that he cannot stand, yet his wife sits covered in a Red Dress and furnishings are Red for the article. Page 59 ?Client reports another extremely disturbing situation when the Lt. contacted him about obtaining paperwork associated with trauma event? want to end of (on) a positive note.? Date of Service 10/6/16 Less than 4 months after incident he has - already decided he is not coming back to OPD Page 70 ?The bill has been drafted-its been submitted, it?s the PTSD change.? ?Its all over the news.? However, "It makes me upset all over again when I watch it.? Mr. Realin is clamoring for public adoration and support for his cause as well as relishing in the outcome. Yet, Mr. Realin realizes and remembers that as PTSD sufferer have to look the part. Page 77 Client is very frustrated about news media coverage. ?They are just trying to make me look bad.? "Because of that I do not want to be seen.? don?t want my family to look bad? Page 78 Dr. Noel Figueroa Page 82 Page 85 Page 86 Page 87 Page 88 Page 90 Page 91 Who in this room has been contacting the Press to voice their position to the media? Mr. Spouse' have repeatedly done this and not the City of Orlando. am not comfortable with this surveillance- this deformation (defamation) by the media.? Sounds like he is not liking the coverage he is getting to advance his position "He stated that he tried the clinic (UCF PTSD Clinic) and it did not go well?. This suggests that he told Dr. Figueroa that he went through treatment. However, the records from UCF Restores reflect he only attended a meeting on 8/1/16 and never returned for another appointment or treatment Patient talked about recent incident in which his Police superior talked to him and was insistent that he go into the UCF Clinic. He felt his job was threatened. Upset about press coverage. Patient working to get police to not contact him I asked him about that University of Central Florida about PTSD program. He stated that he did go for a few days to the program and that he felt that it was too intensive and intrusive. However, as records reflect he did not go to any treatment or appointments other than introductory meeting. He still does not see himself returning to police work He believes that he will be better off doing something outside police work He mentioned letter to editor of the Orlando Sentinel about first responders He appears to be preoccupied with PTSD related media reports Every time I mention his police job it appears that he already has made his mind about not wanted(ing) to go back or even try. He sees himself doing something related to the fishing industry in the 2 Page 92 Page 94 Page 95 Page 97 Page 107 Page 209 Dr. Herndon Harding Page 253 future. This is from a date of service of 12/12/16 5 months post event Having obsessiveness does not help any because it can potentiate PTSD as well as depressive Patient continues to be involved in a movement to get first responders the right to get benefits for injuries Such actions are counter intuitive to someone who is suffering from PTSD. He is inserting himself into the process yet complains when the process wants something from him. Ongoing PTSD There is an obsessiveness component to it. Patient and wife are actively working in getting PTSD to be approved as disabling condition for firefighters and law enforcement officers. Patient admits that he was contacted by someone from the police and he was very angry and used foul language toward them. Patient is not entertaining going back to the force at all. Patient stated that the police is (are) leaving me alone. Patient wife is one that is communicating with Police Department when needed. Patient is moving forward with seeking approval from Police Pension Board. Patient also complains that his superior officers exposed his refusal to go back to work on the local newspaper. Dr. Figueroa advises that PTSD can be a temporary situation or a long term situation. He is accompanied by his wifewho has his power of attorney and gave history, even more so than Office Realin, in order to ?give his mind a break." Page 253-254 Office Realin describes a numberof years of antipathy towards the Orlando Police Department Spouse&a pos;s Name Exempt under 119.071(4 )(d)(2)(a Spouse& apos;s Name Exempt under 119.071( 4)(d)(2)( a) Personal Information Exempt under 119.071(4)(d)(2)(a) Dr. Noel Figueroa Page 262 Deborah Beidel, Dr. Louise Buhrman, MD His dramatic flopping back in the couch and covering his face with a cap is certainly not behavior seen with post-traumatic stress disorder, per se. The argument against PTSD would be the fact that he does not avoid, but in fact focuses voluntarily on aspects of the trauma and chases to drive by the settled as opposed to avoid The third part of this is how much the role of CPD has contaminated the process of treatment. Patient is excited that at a Federal level there is legislation providing mental health care to first responders Example of his continued preoccupation of things beyond his circumstances gaining notoriety and justifying his actions when Florida law does already provide for mental health care to first responders UCF Restores- Department of Mr. Realin contacted me and said that he was an Orlando police officer and was suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of duties relate to the Pulse shooting. He was extremely concerned about confidentiality. He requested to come to the clinic to talk about ?possible treatment" and we agreed to do that at the initial meeting. At the initial meeting (and only meeting) on August 1, 2016, Mr. Realin completed out our demographic intake form. We described our treatment program to Mr. Realin. At the end of the program, Mr. Realin expressed interest in our program and signed our consent for treatment. However, he never returned for another appointment and no treatment was provided by our clinic. Independent Medical Evaluation on behalf of Pension Board He was afraid of an evaluation by a not of his choo?ng. That is because an objective evaluator could upend his plan to obtain pension benefits. He has violent ideations toward other police officers and superiors. He tends to blame others, for instance other police officers for causing trauma. By playing the victim, he hopes to curry favor on himself and blame others for his actions. In another questionnaire, he left the form incomplete and wrote ?enough questions.? By answering questions, any potential answers provided would serve as potential roadblocks to his e?ort to obtain benefits. With treatment it is likely that he will have some improvement with his post- traumatic stress disorder He found the treatment at UCF for people with post-traumatic stress disorders oveer intrusive and traumatic as it does involve re?experiencing the trauma. As you are aware, his statements involving obtaining treatment with the UCF program are patently misleading. Redaction Log Reason Page (# of occurrences) Personal Information - Exempt under 119.071(4)(d) (2)(a) 4 (1) --- Spouse's Name - Exempt under 119.071(4)(d)(2)(a) 2 (1) 3 (1) --- Description Redaction Log Reason Spouse's Name - Exempt under 119.071(4)(d)(2) (a Page (# of occurrences) 4 (1) Description ---