., . < • • • l IIEOW:lll!Otl Nlllllell _n_4_«~"-"-' ....,.,_, SOLICITATIONICONTRACTIORDER FORCOMMl!RCIAL ITEMS \f"{\Uf$,az';! •--.... t#'t l'AGE Ill' PR--0,\·"1J'-0013;;:;. 0'1'1flt01! n::,COMl'U!TI! aLOC:ICS If, 17.1l, 24, & )f IIW1'1ltli i lKlil1(;1lA1'1CII NlJl.lll£1l i.'''l tC 1rvt t;l/'1r0111,1'ATll;l!'I CMJ. · __ ..1.._________ ..Jr_J_o~n_r_ ,;_,_o_,;_h_'!'_ , ___ ,_ ______ ,4 t:'»:'UA't:U:\"I' G¢~. "'1"~-f::-:f."'."!li~l'lN/iiU (IUAll l!\ISIM;!S,'I, 1rcntlCttt.-:JJ ,-~y'i >li\l r.mk: l'CH1 t J<\fferhori c1·1nton tu i\venuu, .l'Hlrn t-L k:. n i;r:, '.; r.m•P • i1: ?.T? rf tkn1cc c.ont ..-::r· US. Envi l'Olllf.C R'!'P- fl l.'hdlC'C ni :, lex;,nde: On ·:e I(b)(4) ~\.1l ·:~>~1 HJ v>l Jon Agency EHlll www:J . "'tkJ. Dilrhan :'-.1"{·?.ot f,dtiril e;:i)r;.Holr! :re 21111 i; r3ui'~d oHt cu:;c0:mi2a~ion t),HWH:ct.s tlosci:Hmd in p: q;oi ••,~ :l(b)(4) · r., f cfi' d ai ; y cl i.p p,'>ch1HJ07>s b r eaking nnw:; I i"lilt~~,i t,1f , t::l~n vn':r;rnc dC!!h~ribcd (b)(4) in r:opf;St;l b 4 i. T •~TAtAIVARl'.HIMOUNl (Fot Ar:Cnutm,m 11Nl)Ai'l'ROl'R!Atrm1t!ArA 'H.'hr;du Gt1,1 u.,,Only) si:rn,ooo.,;o ti.. 27• ${.:t ICIIAHONmCOfll'OftATH IIV Rl:ftR!!NCE f'A(l $2 Jll•I, 5' 212-1 r111152212·3 Al',/1)$271H MttATTACHE,OAfltll:Nt)A ·:v ;.crm:,,cr,< 1:Jf!O!A::l!; (lHOCfl1r;r,01wo1V\!ESl!YRUER(NCE J'ARS2 ,1,.4 FAilSJ 711,5IS AH,\'\~H!iO .IIOO(:N()A 'I C!'.ltCE5 Max EKpicc 12/06/201S twic~ cu5tOmi:~:ion. con3olt ne ..·s ,,Jcr:::. r, bn~.iking :.o :;pr, fer intcr~,;t ot topics other and to 12/06/20\B 12/07/101"/ of ?erform~nce: Period :.·ori< Date: pnc~ J ~es cl~p ci~1!~ !lq:port ,1n,1ly.:;t ,11,J vr:ilur..c .. , , ~-1 .p lnt'o; Acc·,unlir,g ~FY : l J1-!8-B-11H-1ZZME9-250~-llllH1\040·00l Ef'i: f'unci: !3 !l BudgGt Budge-I. (EOCJ : ?'j04 :zz:-1.:e ! !H i'r:x;ra- org: DC', (!' ": :): :. : :•0. !D: ) 1 ! ! ;; :l r.,iQ-001 Fu~~ : ng Fla g : Co~pletd r $2( :,000.0 rund,~r.l: and Nc~s analysis wo1k and oth~r bc1~f topics ~c,v,c~ focu~:~g ~ ! interest ~o 1a f'unci; 3 !iud'}Ci:. l O lA.-l o 3uciget u rq: . SF'i': . 7-l!!·9·ll-l01AH,-250•l-l"IIJH7i040-00J i::f'Y: on EPA E ~~ !I PrO(jli}IC (B OC ) : 2 '.)04 DCtl - !. ! 1:e ,7 (?~ .C): , ID: 171 !1!";10 .:0-003 ictl? Si~.000.00 Funded: Cot1tir:ued ... l:'3 0U4NTITY Ill COLUlolfli1 IIAS BEEN D IUSl>ECTED 0 TO 111Eco1,1RAC1 E•CEPT AS 1.0TED ACCEP{ED NiOCOtll'CRMS I"· lib Slt,tlATUREOf AUTH~IZED GOI/Elml.l£t1T REPRES( NTAIIVE ~ OATE 11" I.IAll ltj(; AOOAESS O~ Al.ITt10RIZEO COl/1:RWAEIIT REAAESEIIIATI\IE PRIIUEO/l,U.llA/1D IIIIE Cf "-lJTtD Slfl 1/0UCHER NU.l,l~ER <1,C~ID6" 1 C.ERTIF Y h11S ACCOUt.r 19 CORRtCT N;O PROPER FOIII P4VUt; NT • ti> ',,C.llAIURE MIO llflE OF CERlll"TU.C OfflCCfl •~~ RECEl~[D '"""" BY Ub RECH,ro Ill rioc.>10, i 41: DATE •2c OAft: MECO 1TT,M\l1)(JJ AM RICA\J PVERSIGHT 1•lo TOhll ~(lUl/\~,Ul~ EPA-17-0586-A-000002 - SOLICITATION/CONTRACT/ORDER Ft 11.REQUISITION NUMBER JMMERClAL ITEMS r· 13. AWARD/ ,. cm,TRACT NO FOR SOLICITATION 7. INFORMATION CALL: 9, 1$SUEDBY • Donna Dews IHPOD 10. THIS ACQUISITION IS 0 0 HPOD us Environmental Protection Agency William Jefferson Clinton Building 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. w. Mail Code: 3803R Washington DC 20460 I!. DELIVERY FOR FOB DESTINA1<,DISC OUNT TE RMS SMALL BUSINESS • HUBZONE SMALL BUSINESS SERV1CE-0I SABLED VETERAN-OWNED SMALL SUSI NESS MARKED SEE SCHEDULE 15. DELIVER TO CODE HPOD us Environmental Protection \•/i 11 iam Jefferson Clinton Avenue, 1200 Pennsylvania Mail Code: 3803R Washington DC 204 60 17a. C0NTR/ICT0RI CODE OFFER0R !HPOD DEFINERS CORP At t n : (b )(4) 1500 Wilson Blvd #5 VA 22209 Arlington I OFFER DUE DATE/LOCAL TIME I • • • UNRESTRICTED OR SET ASIDE: %FOR: WOMEN•OWNEO SMAU BUSINESS (WOSB) 1:1.IGIIII..EUNDER THE WOMEN-OWNED .i-:;MAII ~ll~INl=~~P~A'AM 0 5 4182 0 NAICS: EDWOSB lljA) THIS CONTRACT IS A RATED ORDER UNDER DPAS (15 CFR 700) 16. ADMINISTER£ SIZE STANDARD: 14. METHOD OF SOLICITATION • RF0 • BY HPOD Environmental Protection William Jefferson Clinton 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, 3803R Mail Code: Washington DC 20460 FACILITY CODE 01f8 CODE us Agency Building N. w. 076234313 SOLICITATION SSUEDATE $15.0 13b, RATING Ona. TION UNLESS BLOCK IS 0 Ix] r· r· (NoCOlllfolo,,;,,g.-. eopie•al.,....,.-,i;(II) lly ~ ,-lptoflllla....,._.,.._.,.,.,.,.,_ _Mlfflihd_ot{CI By -.,,drMIII_,._FAII.URltOFYOUR~v.ucaeM!HTTO .,_ __ not,..._ . II : (&)lly"""111111ing Bl!.AECEIVEDAT 1'41! Pl.Act: O!SICNJ.lE> fDR THI! Rl!UIPT OF Ol'fE.FtSPRIOATOTHEHOUR""D 0.-.TESPECFIEDMAYRESU~TINl'IEJEC1ION OF YOUROFFERII tor _,,,,...,~l'l"lc1onnlodunlll•••~-ac:1."""'1-,.,....,..,.,,_ll)'~ori.ic...in-.iudl...,._w_.,.. -l•-•1e1•.,,......--ff!C'!i!JIAOPRIATIONDATIIIII~ see Schedule C lNIS SUP~EHTAL"GIIE.EMEM" X 16 ENTEIIIE0llfl0 PUR$UAH1" TO AU~llY O.OT11ERf-in-ot,,_ __ .....,,,,,, Ur.llateral FAR52.212-4 HodiClcatian, \4 . DESCRIPTIDNOF AMENtlMl!NTINODIFICATION DUNS Number: 076234313 The purpose of this unilateral ____ Decrease: !ll Tercin~tion .. -$120, 000. 00 Of · !or the Covarnou?nt•s convenlence !F~ll Temlna:lon ~aI.F0AM ~ [~ -1,fll&-I FU iQ C1W•Sl 110 A\/1 YICA\J PVERSIGHT EPA-17-0586-A-000029 "1£FER.ENC1! liO . OPDOCUMl!HTBEING CONTINUED OF CONTINUATION SHEETE:P-1B-H-00002S /POOOO l 7 NAME01' o,,e,i01t ORC0ffTRM:l0ft DEFINERSCORP ITEMN0 . IUPPIJESIIIEIMCE& (A) (Bl AMOUNT QUANTITY~ fC) ~DI (F) CANCELLED:News analysis and brief service focusing on EPA work and other topics of interest to EPA. Total Amount changed from $15,000.00 to $0.00 Obligated Amount for this modification: -$15,000.00 CHJI.NGES FOR DELIVERYLOCATION:HPOD Alnount changed from $15,000.00 to $0.00 CHANGESFOR ACCOUNTING CODE: l7-l8-8-ll-303099-2504-1711H11040-006 .P.mount changed from $15,000.00 to S0 . 00 Percent changed from 100 to O FOR LINE ITEH NUMBER: 6 Description changed from News analysis and brief service focusing on EPA work and other topics of interest to EPA. to CANCELLED:News analysis and brie! service focusing on EPA work and other topics of interest to EPA. CHANGES Total Amount changed from $15,000.00 to $0.00 Obligated Amount for this modification: -$15,000.00 CHANGESFOR DELIVERYLOCATION:HPOD from $15, • 00.00 to S0.00 Amount changed CKANGESFOR ACCOUNTING CODE: 17-18-B-ll-401CD6-2S04-1711H?l040-007 Piraount changed from $15,000.00 to $0.00 Percent changed from 100 to O CHANGESFOR LINE ITEM NUMBER: 7 Description changed from Hews analysis and brief service focusing on EPA work and other topics of interest to EPA. to CANCELLED:News analysis and brief service focusing on EPA work and other topics of interest to EPA. Total Amount changed from $12,000.00 to $0.00 Obligated Anlount for this modification: -$12, 000. 00 --------•------------------------·•--- CHANGESFOR DELIVERYLOCATION:HFOD Amount changed from $12,000.00 to SO. OD Continued - ------•---------------- •.• Ol'1'10NH.'Olt" llll<._., .,..,_ ... DI'GIi ~ OWi , .. e,Ri,J AM HICA\J PVERSIGHT 110 EPA-17-0586-A-000030 0, Rl!l'l!Rl!NCE NO. OF DOcl&IEfff BEING CQ!ffi'IUED COHTINUATIDN SHEET EP-lB-H-000025/POOOOl 7 MAM!!.OFOfFEROAOf! C0N'T11ACTDR DEFINERSCORP ITl!M 110 0UNffflY IA) !Cl Ut!IT (DI ~ UMTPRICE (El !Fl CHANGESFOR ACCOUNTING CODE: 17-18-B-ll-501E44-2504-1711H71040-008 Amount changed from $12,000.00 to $0.00 Percent changed from 100 to O CHANGESFOR LINE ITEM NUMBER:8 Description changed from ?Jews analysi:i and brief service focusing on EPA wor~ and other topics of interest to EPA. to CANCELLED:News analysis and brief service focusing on EPA work and other topics of interest to EPA. Total Amount changed from $5,000.00 to $0.00 Obligated Amount for this modification: -$5,000.00 CHANGESFOR DELIVERYLOCATION:HPOD Amount changed from $5,000.00 to SO.OD CHANGESFOR ~CCOUNTING CODE: 17-1B•B-ll-ZZZHFB-2504-1711H71040-009 Amount changed from $5,000.00 to $0.00 Percent changed from 100 to 0 CKANGESFOR LINE ITEM NUMBER: 9 Description changed from News analysis and brief service focusing on EPA work and other topics of interest to EPA. to CANCELLED:News analysis and brief service focusing on £PA work and other topics of interest to EPA. Total Amount changed from $15,000.00 to $0.00 Obligated Amount for this modification: -$15, 000. 00 CHANGESFOR DELIVERYLOCATION:HPOD Alllount changed from . SlS,000.00 to $0.00 CHANGESFOR ACCOUNTING CODE: 17-18-C-ll-l01FK6XR1-2504-1711H71040-0l0 Amount ch~nged from $15,000.00 to $0.00 Percent changed from 100 to 0 CHANGESFOR LINE ITEM NUMBER: 10 Description changed from News analysis and brief service focusing on EPA work and other topics of - 1nterest-ro-"EPA-:-~o CANCELLED:News analysis and brief service focusing on EPA work and other topics of interes~ to EPA. Continued •.• OPTICHAI. _,. Jll4-1 5-DrCiSA fAA l&IICFAI5.JIU1 AMf HICAN PVERSIGHT EPA-17-0586-A-000031 REF£R!Nea NO.OF DOCIN!!NT 11Uta eotmNU!O 0, CONTINUATION SHEETEl:'-18-H-000025/POOOOl NAMEOF OFFE- , OR CONTAACTOR DEFINERSCORP IT£MNO . 5UPPLl!$1$!:RI/ICH (A) QUNffl1Y UNII" (Bl (C) o, I/NIT PRICE .woukT (FJ (El Total Amount changed from $3,000.00 to $0.00 Obligated J\roount for this modification: -S3,000.00 CHANGESFOR DELIVERYLOCATION:HPOD 1111\ountchanged from $3,000.00 to SO.GO CHANGESFOR ACCOUNTING CODE: 17-T-ll-501E52-2504-1JllH71040-002 Amount changed fr0111$3,000.00 to Percent changed from 100 to O so.oo Payment: RTE' Finance center us Environmental Protection Agency RTP-Finance Center IM216-0l) 109 TWAlexander Drive www2.epa. gov/ _f inancial/contracts Durham NC 27711 FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 12/07/2017 to 12/19/2017 OPIICIW. ~Oltu m(&.11• "-Nll!'GS" F-"I <'I AMf HICAN PVERSIGHT C>"I"" 110 EPA-17-0586-A-000032 Statement of Work Media Support Contract 11.s. Em·ironmental Protection Agency Background and Purpose: 1-]'A's Oflice of Puhlic Affairs (OPA) is responsihle for working with media to provide !he puhlic ll'ith timely. coherent information on environmental issues. and El'A actions and poli-:ics. \1/hcthcr providing the media with press announcements: responding to media inquiries: or reacting to puhlishcd stories. OPA works to achieve articles that accurately represent EPA's perspective. In order to accomplish this goal. OPA must constantly monitor media coverage and respond to inaccurate or incomplete stories. OPA may choose a number of methods to address these stories. including contacting reporters and editors to request corrections. OPA's ability to successfully address inaccurate or incomplete stories before the stories influence other reporters or are widely read is largely dependent on its ability to identify tlmse stories shortly after publication. and OPA requires contractor support in order to do so. Scope of Work El' A rcqui res four ha sic scrv ices: delive1:·. via emuil und in near-real-time. of media stories involving relevant events. announcements and issues. with trend :malysis included: dclivc1:·. via cmuil. of a once-daily (Monday through Friday) compendium of news coverage of EPA and environmental issues. including a trend analysis: dcl ivery. ,, ia email and in neur-real-ti me. of media stories on high-priority issues and/or media outlets as determined through ongoing discussions between Ol'A and 1he vendor dclivc1:·. via searchable database. of all past media stories gathered under the other assigned tasks The selected l'endor shall be responsihle for ohtaining the necessa1:· licenses (via Factiva Lcxb Nexis or similar service) to provide this service to OPA. Accompanying these deliverables. selected vendor shall provide exceptional customer service. including24'7 access by EPA to contractor's account managers. analysts.. and senior managers. to ~rmit las1-rninute changes to topics. deadlines. and speci fie guidance from OPA to the contractor regarding stories to be included and the extent of coverage desired. Deli\'erahles shall: include articles and broadcasts from major U.S. newspapers. national television and cahle news. news weeklies. relevant magazincsandjournals. biogs. specialty press. etc.: 1 AMERICA\J PVERSIGHT EPA-17-0586-A-000033 - rellcc1 understanding of EPA's mission and interests: characterize, when requested. the coverage such that EPAofficials can quickly gel a sense of how widely various story dcmenls were run and what the general lone is: and provide links within the coverage to the original rull-text versions and lo streaming video of important television as originally broadcast. A11content is to be provided as described within the task descriptions. with the exception of the observed legal holidays below: - New Ycar'~ Day Martin Luther King's Birthday Presidents' Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day (two days: Thanksgiving Day and the day alter Thanksgiving) Christmas day ( two days: These days wi II vary ha~ed on which day of the week Christmas falls and will be worh:d out betwt-cn EPA and the contractor.) Inauguration Day (when applicahk) Al a minimum. the followingoutlets shall be included in the contractor's search for media clips: AP Agri-Pulse Argus Media Axios Independent JournalReview LA Times Morning Consult NPR Bloomberg Bloomberg BNA NY Times Boston Globe The Oklahoman NTK Network Breitbart PJ Mc