It16-2?12267?1, SEA. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY WASHINGTON STATE FEDERATION OF GARDEN CLUBS, a Washington Nonpro?t Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST TO JEFFERSON PARK IMPROVEMENT and ANY AND ALL OTHER PERSONS. AND ENTITIES HAVING AN INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 2336 15TH AVE. SOUTH, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, Defendants. NO. 16-2-12267-1 ORDER or DEFAULT AND - . DEFTEULT JUDGMENT QUIETING 1. REAL PROPERTY JUDGMENT SUMMARY Grantors: 7 Jefferson Park Ladies? Improvement Club. . - Successors I Granteesz? . I Washington State Federation of Garden Clubs Abbreviated Legal: Lots 1-3 Block 7 Walker?s Addition Tax Parcels: 912200?0345-08 Judgment Surnr'nary: Restrictive covenant. restricting sale to nonpro?t purposes declared null and void. References 7712190533 ORDER OF DEFAULT AND DEFAULT JUDGMENT QUIETING TITLE - PAGE 1 OF 3 BURNS LAW, PLIJC 524 Tacoma Ave. S. Tacoma, Washington 98402 Telephone: (253) 507?5586 Facsimile: (253) 507-5713 16?2<12267?l. II. ORDER QUIETING TITLE THIS MATTER coming on regularly before the above-entitled court and based upon the motion of the Plaintiff for DEFAULT and DEFAULT JUDGMENT and the court having reviewed the record and ?les in this matter including, without limitation; the complaint to Quiet Title and the Declaration of Service by Publication and the court being otherwise fully informed in this matter, the court ?nds that service was properly accomplished that the complaint pr0perly noti?ed unknown parties'and successors given the May 31, 1983 dissolution of the Jefferson Park Ladies? Improvement Club, a Washington nonprO?t corporation, that the covenant at issue is invalid as an unreasonable alienation on land and is an improper covenant as there is no identi?ed bene?t party, accordingly it is ORDERED, ADIUDGED, AND DECREED that the Plaintiffs MOTION FOR DEFAULT is granted and all of the defendants are in default, it is ?rrther ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Plaintiffs MOTION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT against all Defendants is granted and the condition in the Quit Claim Deed dated November 15, 1977 and recorded under King County Auditor recording number 7712190533 insofar as provides: (2) that the property described herein and the proceeds there?'om shall be maintained as an historic site and that said property shall not be used for commercial or purposes insofar as such purposes are incidental to the programs and functions of the Washington Federation of Garden Clubs, its successors and assigns, as a nonpro?t organization; that in' no event shall the real property nor proceeds from sale, lease or other transfer thereof be used for other than nonpro?t pquOSes. . is hereby declared to be null and void and of no further effect; it is further ORDER, ADJUDGED and DECREED that this order resolves all remaining issues in this litigation and therefore the case will be closed and the parties are relieved of all onnsn or DEFAULT AND DEFAULT JUDGMENT QUIETING TITLE - PAGE 2 OF 3 BURNS LAW. PLLC 524 Tacoma Ave. S. Tacoma, Washington 98402 Telephone: (253) 507-5586 Facsimile: (253) 507-5713 SEA further obligations under the court?s case scheduling order. 16-2?12267-1, SEA DONE-IN OPEN COURT this day of 411% 2016 Rage/Court Commissio?er Presented WSBA No. 23412 may for Plainti?' Washington State Federation of Garden Order ORDER OF DEFAULT AND DEFAULT JUDGMENT QUIETING TITLE - PAGE 3 OF 3 BURNS LAW, PLLC 524 Tacoma Ave. S. Tneoma, Washington 98402 Telephone: (253) 507-5586 Facsimile: (253) 507-5713