efile GRAPHIC Form990 ~ Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Serv1ce rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN:93493135119777 47-1480453 % CTC MYCFO LLC Domg ness as In1t1a I return E Telephone number F1nal return/terminated (650) 210-5000 !Amended return I Open to Public Inspection D Employer identif1cat1on number Address change Name change 2015 Under section 501(c), 527, or4947(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (except private foundations) II> Do not enter soc1al secunty numbers on th1s form as 1t may be made public II> Information about Form 990 and 1ts 1nstruct1ons 1s at www IRS qov/fotm990 B Check 1f applicable I I I I OMB No 1545-0047 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Appl1cat1on pend1ng C1ty or town, state or prov1nce, country, and ZIP or fore1gn postal code PALO ALTO, CA 94303 G Gross rece1pts $ 475,000 F Name and address ofpnnc1pal off1cer ELON MUSK 2200 GENG ROAD SUITE 100 PALO ALTO CA 94303 Tax-exempt status lv 501(c)(3) I 501(c) ( ) adastraschool org J K Form of organ1zat1on lv Corporation I Trust I Assoc1at1on I M State of legal dom1c1le CA Other II> 1 Bnefly descnbe the organ1zat1on's m1ss1on or most s1gn1f1cant act1v1t1es THE PRIMARY EXEMPT PURPOSE OF THE ORGANIZATION IS TO MEET THE SPECIFIC EDUCATION NEEDS OF CHILDREN WITH EXTRAORDINARY ACADEMIC POTENTIAL 2 Check th1s box ll>l•fthe organ1zat1on d1scont1nued 1ts operations or disposed of more than 25% of 1ts net assets 3 Number ofvot1ng members of the govern1ng body (Part VI, l1ne 1a) 3 2 4 Numberof1ndependentvot1ng members ofthe govern1ng body (Part VI, l1ne 1b) 5 Total number of 1nd1V1duals employed 1n calendar year 2015 (Part V, l1ne 2a) 6 Total number of volunteers (estimate 1f necessary) 7a Total unrelated bus1ness revenue from Part VIII, column (C), l1ne 12 b Net unrelated bus1ness taxable 1ncome from Form 990-T, l1ne 34 8 ~ 9 ~ (j; 10 > "' c: ~ Contnbut1ons and grants (Part VIII, l1ne 1h) Program serv1ce revenue (Part VIII, l1ne 2g) Investment 1ncome (Part VIII, column {A), l1nes 3, 4, and 7d) 11 Other revenue (Part VIII, column {A), l1nes 5, 6d, Be, 9c, 10c, and 11e) 12 Total revenue-add l1nes 8 through 11 (must equal Part VIII, column {A), l1ne 12) 13 Grants and s1m1lar amounts pa1d (Part IX, column {A), l1nes 1-3) 14 Benefits pa1d to or for members (Part IX, column {A), l1ne 4) 15 Sa lanes, other compensation, employee benefits (Part IX, column {A), l1nes 5-10) 16a Professional fundra1s1ng fees (Part IX, column {A), l1ne 11e) V'> ~ ~ b Total fundra1s1ng expenses (Part IX, column (D). l1ne 25) 11>0 17 Other expenses (Part IX, column {A), l1nes 11a-11d, 11f-24e) 18 Total expenses Add l1nes 13-17 (must equal Part IX, column {A), l1ne 25) 19 Revenue less expenses Subtract l1ne 18 from l1ne 12 ~<"!! 20 Total assets (Part X, l1ne 16) -2! ~~ 21 Total liabilities (Part X, l1ne 26) 22 Net assets or fund balances Subtract l1ne 21 from l1ne 20 ~~ tl2! ~C'C 1nclud1ng grants of$ ) (Revenue$ 538,761 Form990(2015) Form 990 (2015) ·:F.Til~l·· Page Yes 1 Is the organ1zat1on descnbed 1n sect1on 501(c)(3) or4947(a)(1) (other than a pnvate foundation)? If "Yes," complete Schedule A a, No Yes 1 '!iJ . '!iJ Yes 2 Is the organ1zat1on requ1red to complete Schedule 3 D1d the organ1zat1on engage 1n d1rect or 1nd1rect pol1t1cal campa1gn act1v1t1es on behalf of or 1n oppos1t1on to candidates for public office? If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part I 3 Section 501(c)(3) organizations. D1d the organ1zat1on engage 1n lobby1ng actiVIties, or have a sect1on 501(h) election 1n effect dunng the tax year? If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part II 4 No 5 Is the organ1zat1on a sect1on 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5), or 501(c)(6) organ1zat1on that rece1ves membership dues, assessments, or s1m1lar amounts as def1ned 1n Revenue Procedure 98-197 If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part II I 5 No 6 D1d the organ1zat1on ma1nta1n any donor adv1sed funds or any s1m1lar funds or accounts for wh1ch donors have the nght to prov1de adv1ce on the d1stnbut1on or Investment of amounts 1n such funds or accounts? If "Yes," complete Schedule 0, Part I 6 D1d the organ1zat1on rece1ve or hold a conservation easement, 1nclud1ng easements to preserve open space, the environment, histone land areas, or histone structures? If "Yes,"completeScheduleO, Part II 7 4 ScheduleofContnbutors (see 1nstruct1ons)7 2 No '!iJ . 7 '!iJ . 8 No No D1d the organ1zat1on ma1nta1n collections of works of art, h1stoncal treasures, or other s1m1lar assets? If "Yes," complete Schedule 0, Part II I No '!iJ . 9 D1d the organ1zat1on report an amount 1n Part X, l1ne 21 for escrow or custodial account l1ab111ty, serve as a custodian for amounts not listed 1n Part X, or prov1de credit counseling, debt management, credit repa1r, or debt negot1at1on serv1ces 7If "Yes," complete Schedule 0, Part IV No '!iJ . 10 3 Checklist of Required Schedules D1d the organ1zat1on, directly or through a related organ1zat1on, hold assets 1n temporanly restncted endowments ' permanent endowments, or quas 1-endowments 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule 0, Part V 10 No '!iJ . If the organ1zat1on's answer to any of the following questions 1s "Yes," then complete ScheduleD, Parts VI, VII, VIII, IX, or X as applicable 11 a D1d the organ1zat1on report an amount for land, bu1ld1ngs, and equipment 1n Part X, l1ne 107 If "Yes," complete Schedule 0, Part VI '!iJ . lla Yes b D1d the organ1zat1on report an amount for Investments-other secunt1es 1n Part X, l1ne 12 that 1s 5% or more of c d e 1ts total assets reported 1n Part X, l1ne 16 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule 0, Part VII ~ . llb No D1d the organ1zat1on report an amount for Investments-program related 1n Part X, l1ne 13 that 1s 5% or more of 1ts total assets reported 1n Part X, l1ne 167 If "Yes,"completeScheduleO, Part VIII llc No D1d the organ1zat1on report an amount for other assets 1n Part X, l1ne 15 that 1s 5% or more of1ts total assets reported 1n Part X, l1ne 167 If "Yes,"completeScheduleO, Part IX~ . lld No lle No llf No 12a No 12b No '!iJ . D1d the organ1zat1on report an amount for other liabilities 1n Part X, l1ne 257 If "Yes,"completeSchedule 0, Part X '!iJ f D1d the organ1zat1on's separate or consolidated f1nanc1al statements for the tax year Include a footnote that addresses the organ1zat1on's l1ab111ty for uncertain tax pos1t1ons under FIN 48 (ASC 740)7 If "Yes," complete Schedule 0, Part X '!iJ 12a D1d the organ1zat1on obta1n separate, Independent aud1ted f1nanc1al statements for the tax year? If "Yes," complete Schedule 0, Parts XI and XII ~ . b Was the organ1zat1on Included 1n consolidated, Independent aud1ted f1nanc1al statements for the tax year? If "Yes "and rf the organrzatron answered "No" to lrne 12a then completrng Schedule 0 Parts XI and XII rs optronal ' 13 ' ' Is the organ1zat1on a school descnbed 1n sect1on 170(b)(1)(A)(11)7 If"Yes,"completeScheduleE '!iJ ~ 14a D1d the organ1zat1on ma1nta1n an off1ce, employees, or agents outside of the Un1ted States? 13 Yes 14a No b D1d the organ1zat1on have aggregate revenues or expenses of more than $10,000 from grantmak1ng,fundra1s1ng, bus1ness, Investment, and program serv1ce act1v1t1es outside the U n1ted States, or aggregate fore1gn Investments 14b valued at $10 0,0 0 0 or more? If "Yes," complete Schedule F, Parts I and IV No 15 16 D1d the organ1zat1on report on Part IX, column (A), l1ne 3, more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to or for any fore1gn organ1zat1on? If "Yes,"completeSchedule F, Parts II and IV 15 No D1d the organ1zat1on report on Part IX, column (A), l1ne 3, more than $5,000 of aggregate grants or other ass 1s ta nc e to or for fore1gn 1nd1v1dua Is 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule F, Parts I II and IV 16 No 17 No 18 No 19 No 20a No 17 D1d the organ1zat1on report a total of more than $15,000 of expenses for professional fundra1s1ng serv1ces on Part IX, column (A), l1nes 6 and 11e7 If "Yes,"completeScheduleG, Part I (see 1nstruct1ons) 18 D1d the organ1zat1on report more than $15,000 total offundra1s1ng event gross 1ncome and contnbut1ons on Part VI II, l1nes 1 c and 8 a7 If "Yes," complete Schedule G, Part II 19 D1d the organ1zat1on report more than $15,000 of gross 1ncome from gam1ng act1v1t1es on Part VIII, l1ne 9a7 If "Yes," complete Schedule G, Part I I I 20a D 1d the organ1zat1on operate one or more hos p1tal fac 1l1t1es 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule H b If"Yes" to l1ne 20a, did the organ1zat1on attach a copy of1ts aud1ted f1nanc1al statements to th1s return? 20b Form990(2015) Form 990 (2015) I:F.t.IIM Page 4 Checklist of Required Schedules (contmued) 21 D1d the organ1zat1on report more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to any domestic organ1zat1on or domestic government on Part IX, column (A), l1ne 1? If "Yes,"complete Schedule!, Parts I and II 21 No 22 D1d the organ1zat1on report more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to or for domestic 1nd1V1duals on Part I X, column (A), l1ne 2? If "Yes," complete Schedule I, Parts I and I II 22 No 23 D1d the organ1zat1on answer "Yes" to Part VII, Sect1on A, l1ne 3, 4, or 5 about compensation of the organ1zat1on's current and former off1cers, directors, trustees, key employees, and highest compensated employees? If "Yes," complete Schedule J 23 No 24a No 24a D1d the organ1zat1on have a tax-exempt bond 1ssue w1th an outstanding principal amount of more than $100,000 as of the last day of the year, that was 1ss ued after December 31, 2 0 0 2? If "Yes," answer lrnes 24b through 24d and complete Schedule K If "No," go to lrne 25a b D1d the organ1zat1on 1nvest any proceeds of tax-exempt bonds beyond a temporary period exception? 24b c D1d the organ1zat1on ma1nta1n an escrow account other than a refunding escrow at any t1me during the year to defease any tax-exempt bonds? d D1d the organ1zat1on act as an "on behalf of" 1ssuer for bonds outstanding at any t1me during the year? 24c 24d 25a Section 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), and 501(c)(29) organizations. D1d the organ1zat1on engage 1n an excess benefit transaction w1th a d1squal1f1ed person during the year? If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part I 25a No 25b No D1d the organ1zat1on report any amount on Part X, l1ne 5, 6, or 22 for receivables from or payables to any current or former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, highest compensated employees, or d1squal1f1ed persons? If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part II 26 No D1d the organ1zat1on prov1de a grant or other assistance to an off1cer, director, trustee, key employee, substantial contributor or employee thereof, a grant selection committee member, or to a 35% controlled ent1ty or fam1ly member of any of these persons? If "Yes,"completeScheduleL, Part III 27 No 28a No 28b No an off1cer, director, trustee, or d1rect or 1nd1rect owner? If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part IV 28c No 29 D 1d the organ1zat1on rece1ve more than $2 5,0 0 0 1n non-cash contributions? If "Yes," complete Schedule M 29 No 30 D1d the organ1zat1on rece1ve contributions of art, historical treasures, or other s1m1lar assets, or qual1f1ed cons e rvat1on c ontri but1ons? If "Yes," complete Schedule M 30 No 31 No D1d the organ1zat1on sell, exchange, dispose of, or transfer more than 25% of1ts net assets? If "Yes," complete Schedule N, Part II 32 No D1d the organ1zat1on own 100% of an ent1ty disregarded as separate from the organ1zat1on under Regulations sect1ons 301 7701-2 and 301 7701-37 If "Yes," complete ScheduleR, Part I 33 No Was the organ1zat1on related to any tax-exempt or taxable entity? If "Yes," complete ScheduleR, Part II, III, or IV, and Part V, lrne 1 34 No 35a No b Is the organ1zat1on aware that 1t engaged 1n an excess benefit transaction w1th a d1squal1f1ed person 1n a prior year, and that the transaction has not been reported on any of the organ1zat1on's prior Forms 990 or 990-EZ? If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part I 26 27 28 Was the organ1zat1on a party to a bus1ness transaction w1th one of the follow1ng part1es (see Schedule L, Part IV 1nstruct1ons for applicable f1l1ng thresholds, cond1t1ons, and exceptions) a A current or former off1cer, director, trustee, or key employee? If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part IV b A fam1ly member of a current or former off1cer, director, trustee, or key employee? If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part IV c An ent1ty ofwh1ch a current or former off1cer, director, trustee, or key employee (or a fam1ly member thereof) was 31 D1d the organ1zat1on l1qu1date, terminate, or dissolve and cease operations? If "Yes,"complete ScheduleN, Part I 32 33 34 35a D1d the organ1zat1on have a controlled ent1ty w1th1n the mean1ng ofsect1on 512(b)(13)7 b lf'Yes'to l1ne 35a, did the organ1zat1on rece1ve any payment from or engage 1n any transaction w1th a controlled ent1ty w1th1n the mean1ng of sect1on 512 (b)(13 )? If "Yes," complete ScheduleR, Part V, lrne 2 36 37 38 35b Section 501(c)(3) organizations. D1d the organ1zat1on make any transfers to an exempt non-charitable related organ1zat1on? If "Yes," complete ScheduleR, Part V, lrne 2 36 No D1d the organ1zat1on conduct more than 5% of 1ts act1v1t1es through an ent1ty that 1s not a related organ1zat1on and that 1s treated as a partnership for federal 1ncome tax purposes? If "Yes," complete ScheduleR, Part VI 37 No D1d the organ1zat1on complete Schedule 0 and prov1de explanations 1n Schedule 0 for Part VI, l1nes 11band197 Note. A II Form 990 f1lers are requ1red to complete Schedule 0 38 Yes Form990(2015) Form 990 (2015) l@lj Statements Regarding Other IRS Filings and Tax Compliance Check 1f Schedule 0 contams a response or note to any lme 1n th1s Part V la Enter the number reported 1n Box 3 of Form 1096 Enter -0- 1f not applicable . b Enter the number of Forms W-2G Included 1n l1ne 1a Enter -0- 1f not applicable I I la ~~--------------~ lb L-~--------------~ c D1d the organ1zat1on comply w1th backup w1thhold1ng rules for reportable payments to vendors and reportable gam1ng (gambling) w1nn1ngs to prize wlnners7 2a Enter the number of employees reported on Form W-3, Transmittal ofWage and Tax Statements, f1led for the calendar year end1ng w1th or w1th1n the year covered by th 1s return L-2_a_.L.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ b If at least one 1s reported on l1ne 2a, did the organ1zat1on f1le all requ1red federal employment tax returns7 Note.Ifthe sum of l1nes 1a and 2a 1s greater than 250, you may be requ1red toe-file (see 1nstruct1ons) 3a D1d the organ1zat1on have unrelated bus1ness gross 1ncome of$1,000 or more during the year7 b If"Yes," has 1t f1led a Form 990- T for th1s year7Jf "No" to /me Jb, prov1de an explanation Schedule 0 1n 4a At any t1me during the calendar year, did the organ1zat1on have an Interest 1n, or a s1gnature or other authority over, a f1nanc1al account 1n a fore1gn country (such as a bank account, securities account, or other f1nanc1al account)7 b If"'Yes," enter the name ofthe fore1gn country " " - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - , - - , - - - - - , - - - See 1nstruct1ons forf1l1ng requirements for F1nCEN Form 114, Report ofFore1gn Bank and F1nanc1al Accounts (FBAR) Sa Was the organ1zat1on a party to a proh1b1ted tax shelter transaction at any t1me during the tax year7 b D1d any taxable party not1fy the organ1zat1on that 1t was or 1s a party to a proh1b1ted tax shelter transactlon7 c Sa No Sb No If"'Yes," to l1ne Sa or Sb, did the organ1zat1on file Form 8886-T7 Sc 6a Does the organ1zat1on have annual gross rece1pts that are normally greater than $100,000, and did the organ1zat1on sol1c1t any contributions that were not tax deductible as charitable contributlons7 No 6a b If "'Yes," did the organ1zat1on Include w1th every sol1c1tat1on an express statement that such contributions or g1fts were not tax deductlble7 7 a 6b 1------1----+---- Organizations that may receive deductible contributions under section 170(c). D1d the organ1zat1on rece1ve a payment 1n excess of$75 made partly as a contribution and partly for goods and serv1ces prov1ded to the payor7 b If"'Yes," did the organ1zat1on not1fy the donorofthe value ofthe goods orserv1ces prov1dedl c D1d the organ1zat1on sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose oftang1ble personal property for wh1ch 1t was requ1red to f1le Form 82827 d If"'Yes," 1nd1cate the number of Forms 8282 f1led during the year e D1d the organ1zat1on rece1ve any funds, directly or 1nd1rectly, to pay prem1ums on a personal benefit contracP f D1d the organ1zat1on, during the year, pay prem1ums, directly or 1nd1rectly, on a personal benefit contracP 7a Yes 7b Yes 7c No 7e No 7f No g If the organ1zat1on rece1ved a contribution ofqual1f1ed Intellectual property, did the organ1zat1on f1le Form 8899 as req u 1red 7 h If the organ1zat1on rece1ved a contribution of cars, boats, airplanes, or other vehicles, did the organ1zat1on file a Form 1098-C7 8 Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds. D1d a donor adv1sed fund ma1nta1ned by the sponsoring organ1zat1on have excess business holdings at any t1me during the year7 7h 1------1----+---8 1------1----+---- 9a D1d the sponsoring organ1zat1on make any taxable distributions under sect1on 49667 9a b D1d the sponsoring organ1zat1on make a distribution to a donor, donor adv1sor, or related person7 10 f--7-'g=--t---+--- 9b Section S01(c)(7) organizations. Enter a ln1t1at1on fees and cap1tal contributions Included on Part VIII, l1ne 12 b Gross rece1pts, Included on Form 990, Part VIII, l1ne 12, for public use of club I l1oa lOb fac1l1t1es 11 Section SOl( c)( 12) organizations. Enter a Gross 1ncome from members or shareholders lla b Gross 1ncome from other sources (Do not net amounts due or pa1d to other sources aga1nst amounts due or rece1ved from them ) llb 12a Section 4947(a)(1) non-exempt charitable trusts.Is the organ1zat1on f1l1ng Form 990 1n l1eu of Form 10417 12a b If"'Yes," enter the amount of tax-exempt Interest rece1ved or accrued during the year 13 112b I Section S01(c)(29) qualified nonprofit health insurance issuers. a Is the organ1zat1on licensed to 1ssue qual1f1ed health plans 1n more than one state7Note. See the 1nstruct1ons for 13a add1t1onallnformat1on the organ1zat1on must report on Schedule 0 b Enter the amount of reserves the organ1zat1on 1s requ1red to ma1nta1n by the states c 1n wh1ch the organ1zat1on 1s licensed to 1ssue qual1f1ed health plans 13b Enter the amount of reserves on hand 13c 14a D1d the organ1zat1on rece1ve any payments for 1ndoor tann1ng serv1ces during the tax year7 b If "'Yes," has 1t f1led a Form 7 2 0 to report these payments 7If "No," prov1de an explanation 1n 14a Schedule 0 I I No 14b Form990(2015) Form 990 (2015) l@ijl Page 6 Governance, Management, and Disclosure For each "Yes" response to lmes 2 through 7b below, and for a "No" response to lmes Sa, Bb, or lOb below, descnbe the Circumstances, processes, or changes tn Schedule 0. See mstruct10ns. Check If Schedule 0 conta1ns a response or note to any l1ne 1n th1s Part VI . [1 Section A. Governing Body and Management Yes la Enter the number of vot1ng members of the govern1ng body at the end of the tax year la 2 lb 0 No Ifthere are matenal differences 1n vot1ng nghts among members of the govern1ng body, or 1fthe govern1ng body delegated broad authonty to an execut1ve committee or s1m1lar committee, explain 1n Schedule 0 b Enter the number ofvot1ng members Included 1n l1ne 1a, above, who are Independent 2 D1d any off1cer, director, trustee, or key employee have a fam1ly relat1onsh1p or a business relat1onsh1p w1th any other off1cer, director, trustee, or key employee7 3 D1d the organ1zat1on delegate control over management dut1es customanly performed by or under the d1rect superv1s1on of officers, directors or trustees, or key employees to a management company or other person7 4 D1d the organ1zat1on make any s1gn1f1cant changes to 1ts govern1ng documents s1nce the pnor Form 990 was flled7 2 3 No 4 No 5 D1d the organ1zat1on become aware dunng the year of a s1gn1f1cant d1vers1on of the organ1zat1on's assets7 5 6 D1d the organ1zat1on have members or stockholders7 6 7a D1d the organ1zat1on have members, stockholders, or other persons who had the power to elect or appo1nt one or more members of the govern1ng body7 a No 7b D1d the organ1zat1on contemporaneously document the meet1ngs held or wntten act1ons undertaken dunng the year by the following The govern1ng body7 Sa b Each committee w1th authonty to act on behalf of the govern1ng body7 9 No Yes f-7_a_+----+--N_o_ b Are any governance dec1s1ons of the organ1zat1on reserved to (or subJect to approval by) members, stockholders, or persons other than the govern1ng body7 8 Yes Yes Sb Is there any off1cer, director, trustee, or key employee l1sted 1n Part VII, Sect1on A, who cannot be reached at the organ1zat1on's ma1l1ng address7 If "Yes," prov1de the names and addresses 1n Schedule 0 No 9 Section B. Policies (This Sect/On B requests mformat10n about po!JCJes not required by the Internal Revenue Code.) Yes lOa D1d the organ1zat1on have local chapters, branches, or aff1l1ates7 lOa No No b If "Yes," did the organ1zat1on have wntten pol1c1es and procedures govern1ng the act1v1t1es of such chapters, aff1l1ates, and branches to ensure the1r operations are consistent w1th the organ1zat1on's exempt purposes7 lOb lla Has the organ1zat1on prov1ded a complete copy ofth1s Form 990 to all members of1ts govern1ng body before f1l1ng lla Yes 12a Yes nse to confllcts7 12b Yes D1d the organ1zat1on regularly and consistently mon1tor and enforce compliance w1th the pollcy7 If "Yes," descnbe Schedule 0 how th1s was done 12c Yes 13 D1d the organ1zat1on have a wntten wh1stleblower pollcy7 13 Yes 14 D1d the organ1zat1on have a wntten document retention and destruction pollcy7 14 Yes 15 D1d the process for determ1n1ng compensation of the following persons Include a rev1ew and approval by Independent persons, comparab1l1ty data, and contemporaneous substant1at1on of the del1berat1on and dec1s1on7 the form7 b Descnbe 1n Schedule 0 the process, 1fany, used by the organ1zat1on to rev1ewth1s Form 990 12a D1d the organ1zat1on have a wntten conflict of Interest pollcy7 If "No," go to l1ne 13 b Were off1cers, directors, or trustees, and key employees requ1red to disclose annually Interests that could g1ve c 1n a 15a The organ1zat1on's CEO, Executive Director, or top management off1c1al 15b b Other off1cers or key employees of the organ1zat1on Yes If"Yes" to l1ne 15a or 15b, descnbe the process 1n Schedule 0 (see 1nstruct1ons) 16a D1d the organ1zat1on 1nvest 1n, contnbute assets to, or part1c1pate 1n a JOint venture or s1m1lar arrangement w1th a 16a taxable ent1ty dunng the year7 No b If "Yes," did the organ1zat1on follow a wntten pol1cy or procedure requ1nng the organ1zat1on to evaluate 1ts part1c1pat1on 1n JOint venture arrangements under applicable federal tax law, and take steps to safeguard the organ1zat1on's exempt status w1th respect to such arrangements7 16b Sect1on C. Disclosure 17 L1st the States w1th wh1ch a copy ofth1s Form 990 1s requ1red to be f1ledll> 18 Sect1on 6104 requ1res an organ1zat1on to make 1ts Form 1023 (or 1024 1fappl1cable), 990, and 990-T (501(c) (3)s only) available for public 1nspect1on Ind1cate how you made these available Check all that apply CA I 19 20 I I Own webs1te Another's webs1te ~Upon request Other (explain 1n Schedule 0) Descnbe 1n Schedule 0 whether (and 1f so, how) the organ1zat1on made 1ts govern1ng documents, conflict of Interest pol1cy, and f1nanc1al statements available to the public dunng the tax year State the name, address, and telephone number of the person who possesses the organ1zat1on's books and records II>CTC MYCFO LLC 2200 GENG ROAD SUITE 100 PALO ALTO, CA 94303 (650) 210-5000 Form990(2015) Form 990 (2015) i@ijfi Page 7 Compensation of Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, Highest Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors .[1 Check If Schedule 0 conta1ns a response or note to any l1ne 1n th1s Part VII Section A. Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees la Complete th1s table for all persons requ1red to be l1sted Report compensation for the calendar year end1ng w1th or w1th1n the organ1zat1on's tax year • L1st all of the organ1zat1on's current officers, directors, trustees (whether 1nd1V1duals or organ1zat1ons), regardless of amount of compensation Enter -0- 1n columns (D), (E), and (F) 1f no compensation was pa1d • L1st all of the organ1zat1on's current key employees, 1f any See 1nstruct1ons for def1n1t1on of"key employee" • L1st the organ1zat1on's f1ve current highest compensated employees (other than an off1cer, director, trustee or key employee) who rece1ved reportable compensation (Box 5 of Form W-2 and/or Box 7 of Form 1099-MISC) of more than $100,000 from the organ1zat1on and any related organ1zat1ons • L1st all of the organ1zat1on's former off1cers, key employees, or highest compensated employees who rece1ved more than $100,000 of reportable compensation from the organ1zat1on and any related organ1zat1ons • L1st all of the organ1zat1on's formerdirectorsortrusteesthat rece1ved, 1n the capac1ty as a former director or trustee of the organ1zat1on, more than $10,000 of reportable compensation from the organ1zat1on and any related organ1zat1ons L1st persons 1n the following order 1nd1V1dual trustees or directors, 1nst1tut1onal trustees, off1cers, key employees, highest compensated employees, and former such persons I Check th1s box 1f ne1ther the organ1zat1on nor any related organ1zat1on compensated any current off1cer, director, or trustee (A) Name and Title (B) Average hours per week (l1st any hours for related organ1zat1ons below dotted l1ne) (C) Pos1t1on (do not check more than one box, unless person 1s both an off1cer and a director/trustee) ,-,.=, ::J ::.. @-;: ~ C:. c:: 0~ ~ 2 - :J ::: ~ •:· 0 - ~' -:;< •I· ;: :t:" •I •T ~ 0 :!: ;x: .~ ot> 3 "'=' ot• I 3ri:i n --' ~~ ~ ot• 0 •t• 0 'I> •D v ·~ "TI ~ (D) (F) Estimated amount of other compensation from the organ1zat1on and related organ1zat1ons (E) Reportable compensation from related organ1zat1ons (W- 2/1099MISC) Reportable compensation from the organ1zat1on (W- 2/1099MISC) :J ~ C• 3 •t• ::J "Q <1:' C:. ( 1) ELON MUSK 10 PRESIDENT 00 10 ...................................................................... ................. (2) JARED J BIRCHALL ...................................................................... ................. SECRETARY & TREASURER (3) JOSHUA DAHN 00 40 0 HEAD OF SCHOOL 00 ...................................................................... ................. X 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 130,417 0 0 X Form990(2015) Form 990 (2015) lifil?h Page 8 Section A. Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees (continued) (A) Name and Title (C) (D) Pos1t1on (do not check more than one box, unless person 1s both an off1cer and a director/trustee) Reportable compensation from the organ1zat1on (W2/1099-MISC) (B) Average hours per week (l1st any hours for related organ1zat1ons below dotted l1ne) ~ ::J :;- @-;: ~ 0~ ·:· ~ <.) ::.. :P,c.:. >C:: 2 ~' :t:" •[• "' ~ - :;I <:: ::;. •[ •[• ~ 0 :!: ~ •[• ·-:: 3 1'] 0 ·~ '[> •D 1 3 D1d the organ1zat1on I 1st any former off1cer, director or trustee, key employee, or highest compensated employee on l1ne 1 a? If "Yes," complete Schedule J for such mdlv!dual 3 No 4 For any IndiVIdual listed on l1ne 1a, 1s the sum of reportable compensation and other compensation from the organ1zat1on and related organ1zat1ons greater than $150,0007 If "Yes,"completeScheduleJforsuch mdlv!dual 4 No 5 No Yes 5 D1d any person listed on l1ne 1a rece1ve or accrue compensation from any unrelated organ1zat1on or 1nd1V1dual for serv1ces rendered to the organ1zat1on? If "Yes," complete Schedule J for such person No Section B. Independent Contractors 1 2 Complete th1s table for your f1ve highest compensated Independent contractors that rece1ved more than $100,000 of compensation from the organ1zat1on Report compensation for the calendar year end1ng w1th or w1th1n the organ1zat1on's tax year (A) (B) (C) Name and busmess address Descnpt1on of serv1ces Compensation Total number of Independent contractors (1nclud1ng but not l1m1ted to those listed above) who rece1ved more than $100,000 of compensation from the organ1zat1on II> 0 Form990(2015) Form 990 (2015) @ijljhi Page .lv Check If Schedule 0 conta1ns a response or note to any l1ne 1n th1s Part VIII Federated campaigns la b Membership dues lb E c Fundra1s1ng events lc .:::: ..... ·~ C-':: d Related organ1zat1ons ld ~ VI._ e Government grants ( contnbut1ons) le 0 f All other contnbut1ons, g1fts, grants, and s1m1lar amounts not Included above lf g Noncash contnbut1ons Included 1a-1f $ h Total. Add l1nes 1a-lf ~~ = = ~ = ..... (A) (B) (C) (D) Total revenue Related or exempt function revenue Unrelated business revenue Revenue excluded from tax under sect1ons 512-514 0 c..:~ (I) la 9 Statement of Revenue ... ~ J, c > ~ E ro 0> TUITION I I 335,000 140,000 140,000 d e f All other program serv1ce revenue g Total. Add l1nes 2a-2f 0 &: I Bus1ness Code 2a b ...:> I l1nes :]., ~ I 335,000 3 Investment 1ncome (1nclud1ng d1v1dends, Interest, and other s1m1lar amounts) 4 Income from Investment of tax-exempt bond proceeds 5 Royalties (1) Real 6a b ... ... ... ... 140,000 0 0 0 (11) Personal Gross rents Less rental expenses c Rental 1ncome or (loss) 0 d Net rental1ncome or (loss) 0 (1) Secunt1es 7a ... 0 .... 0 ... 0 (11) Other Gross amount from sales of assets other than Inventory b Less cost or other bas1s and c Gam or (loss) sales expenses d Cll Sa = a; $ :> Cll ofcontnbut1ons reported on l1ne 1c) See Part IV, l1ne 18 a: ... - Net ga1n or (loss) Gross 1ncome from fundra1s1ng events (not 1nclud1ng a Cll ..:::: 0 b Less c Net 1ncome or (loss) from fundra1s1ng events 9a b d1rect expenses Gross 1ncome from gam1ng act1v1t1es See Part IV, l1ne 19 a b Less c Net 1ncome or (loss) from gam1ng act1v1t1es lOa b d1rect expenses 0 ... Gross sales of1nventory, less returns and allowances a b Less cost of goods sold c Net 1ncome or (loss) from sales of Inventory M 1scellaneous Revenue b ... 0 Bus1ness Code lla b c d All other revenue e Total. Add l1nes 11a-lld 12 Total revenue. See I nstruct1ons ... 0 ... 475,000 140,000 Form990(2015) Form 990 (2015) lffllf:J Page 10 Statement of Functional Expenses Sect1on 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organ1zat1ons must complete all columns All otherorgan1zat1ons must complete column (A) Check If Schedule 0 conta1ns a response or note to any l1ne 1n th1s Part IX ~ Do not include amounts reported on lines 6b, 7b, 8b, 9b, and 1Db of Part VIII. (B) Program serv1ce (A) Total expenses expenses 1 Grants and other assistance to domestic organ1zat1ons and domestic governments See Part IV, l1ne 21 2 Grants and other assistance to domestic 1nd1V1duals See Part IV, l1ne 22 3 Grants and other assistance to fore1gn organ1zat1ons, fore1gn governments, and fore1gn 1nd1V1duals See Part IV, l1nes 15 and 16 0 4 Benefits pa1d to or for members 0 5 Compensation of current off1cers, directors, trustees, and key employees 0 6 Compensation not Included above, to d1squal1f1ed persons (as def1ned under sect1on 4958(f)(1)) and persons described 1n sect1on 4958(c)(3)(B) 7 Other salaries and wages 8 9 0 287,505 13,312 13,312 Other employee benefits 17,499 17,499 22,326 22,326 11 Fees for serv1ces (non-employees) a Management b Legal c Accounting 0 0 2,852 0 2,852 31,740 0 31,740 0 d Lobby1ng 0 e Professional fundra1s1ng serv1ces See Part IV, l1ne 17 0 f Investment management fees 0 g Other (Ifl1ne 11g amount exceeds 10% ofl1ne 25, column (A) amount, I 1st l1ne 11g expenses on Schedule 0) 0 12 Advert1s1ng and promotion 13 Off1ce expenses 14 0 0 0 500 500 I nformat1on technology 0 0 15 Royalties 0 0 16 Occupancy 0 0 17 Travel 2,030 2,030 18 Payments of travel or entertainment expenses for any federal, state, or local public off1c1als 0 0 19 Conferences, conventions, and meet1ngs 0 0 20 Interest 0 0 21 Payments to aff1l1ates 0 0 22 Deprec1at1on, depletion, and amort1zat1on 3,487 3,487 23 Insurance 2,563 2,563 24 Other expenses Item1ze expenses not covered above (L1st miscellaneous expenses 1n l1ne 24e If l1ne 24e amount exceeds 10% of l1ne 25, column (A) amount, I1st l1ne 24e expenses on Schedule 0 ) 2,854 a PENSION FEES 2,854 b PAYROLL PROCESSING FEES 1,265 1,265 c SCHOOL SUPPLIES 41,344 41,344 d OUTSIDE CONSULTANTS 123,314 123,314 e All other expenses 25 Total functional expenses. Add l1nes 1 through 24e 26 Joint costs.Complete th1s l1ne only 1fthe organ1zat1on reported 1n column (B) JOint costs from a combined educational campa1gn and fundra1s1ng sol1c1tat1on Check here II> l1ffollow1ng SOP 98-2 (ASC 958-720) expenses 0 Pens1on plan accruals and contributions (Include sect1on 401(k) and 403(b) employer contributions) Payroll taxes (D) Fundra1s1ng 0 287,505 10 (C) Management and general expenses 20,762 20,762 573,353 538,761 34,592 0 Form990(2015) Page 11 Form 990 (2015) 1@1:1 Balance Sheet ·I Check If Schedule 0 conta1ns a response or note to any l1ne 1n th1s Part X (B) (A) Beg1nn1ng of year 1 41,543 Sav1ngs and temporary cash Investments 0 2 0 Pledges and grants receivable, net 0 3 0 4 Accounts receivable, net 0 4 0 5 Loans and other receivables from current and former off1cers, directors, trustees, key employees, and highest compensated employees Complete Part II of Schedule L 0 5 0 6 Loans and other receivables from other d1squal1f1ed persons (as def1ned under sect1on 4958(f)(1)), persons descnbed 1n sect1on 4958(c)(3)(B), and contnbut1ng employers and sponsonng organ1zat1ons ofsect1on 501(c)(9) voluntary employees' benef1c1ary organ1zat1ons (see 1nstruct1ons) Complete Part II of Schedule L 0 6 0 7 0 Cash- non-1 nteres t- be a nng 2 3 (/) ,J\ (!) I and complete lines 27 through 29, and lines 33 and 34. ~ r:; 27 U nrestncted net assets 27 al 28 Temporanly restncted net assets 28 ~ 29 Permanently restncted net assets r:; 29 ~ ~ Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117 (ASC 958), check here II> jv and ~ - complete lines 30 through 34. 0 ,J\ ( !) ,J\ ,J\ - <( ( !) z 30 Capital stock or trust pnnc1pal, or current funds 0 30 31 Pa1d-1n or cap1tal surplus, or land, bu1ld1ng or equipment fund 0 31 0 0 32 Reta1ned earn1ngs, endowment, accumulated 1ncome, or other funds 151,001 32 52,648 33 Total net assets or fund balances 151,001 33 52,648 34 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances 151,001 34 52,648 Form990(2015) Form 990 (2015) lffll31 12 Page Reconcilliation of Net Assets .I Check If Schedule 0 conta1ns a response or note to any l1ne 1n th1s Part XI 1 Total revenue (must equal Part VIII, column (A), l1ne 12) 2 Total expenses (must equal Part IX, column (A), l1ne 25) 3 Revenue less expenses Subtract l1ne 2 from l1ne 1 4 Net assets or fund balances at beg1nn1ng of year (must equal Part X, l1ne 33, column (A)) 5 Net unrealized ga1ns (losses) on Investments 6 Donated serv1ces and use offac1l1t1es 7 Investment expenses 8 P nor penod adJustments 9 Other changes 1n net assets or fund balances (explain 1n Schedule 0) 1 4 7 5,000 2 573,353 3 -98,353 4 151,0 01 5 6 7 8 9 10 Net assets or fund balances at end of year Comb1ne l1nes 3 through 9 (must equal Part X, l1ne 33, column (B)) l:l'Ti.:UI 52,648 10 Financial Statements and Reporting I Check If Schedule 0 conta1ns a response or note to any l1ne 1n th1s Part XII Yes 1 I No lv Accounting method used to prepare the Form 990 Accrual Cash !Other If the organ1zat1on changed 1ts method of accounting from a pnor year or checked "Other,"' explain 1n Schedule 0 2a Were the organ1zat1on's f1nanc1al statements compiled or rev1ewed by an Independent accountant? 2a Yes If'Yes,' check a box below to 1nd1cate whether the f1nanc1al statements for the year were compiled or rev1ewed on a separate bas1s, consolidated bas1s, or both lv Separate bas1s I Consolidated bas1s I Both consolidated and separate bas1s b Were the organ1zat1on's f1nanc1al statements aud1ted by an Independent accountant? 2b No If'Yes,' check a box below to 1nd1cate whether the f1nanc1al statements for the year were aud1ted on a separate bas1s, consolidated bas1s, or both I c Separate bas1s I Consolidated bas1s I Both consolidated and separate bas1s If"Yes," to l1ne 2a or 2b, does the organ1zat1on have a committee that assumes respons1b1l1ty for oversight of the aud1t, rev1ew, or comp1lat1on of1ts f1nanc1al statements and selection of an Independent accountant? 2c Yes If the organ1zat1on changed e1ther 1ts oversight process or selection process dunng the tax year, explain 1n Schedule 0 3a As a result of a federal award, was the organ1zat1on requ1red to undergo an aud1t oraud1ts as set forth 1n the Single Audit Act and 0 MB Circular A-1337 3a b If"Yes," did the organ1zat1on undergo the requ1red aud1t oraudlts7 If the organ1zat1on did not undergo the requ1red aud1t or aud1ts, explain why 1n Schedule 0 and descnbe any steps taken to undergo such aud1ts 3b Form990(2015) efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS SCHEDULE A (Form 990 or 990EZ) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Serv1ce As Filed Data - DLN:93493135119777 OMB No 1545-0047 Public Charity Status and Public Support Complete if the organization is a section 501(c)(3) organization or a section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust. ~Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. ~ Information about Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) and its instructions is at www.irs.gov /form990. Name of the organization 2015 Open to Public Inspection Employer identification number AD ASTRA SCHOOL 4 7-1480453 Reason for Public Charity Status (All organ1zat1ons must complete th1s part.) See 1nstruct1ons. The organ1zat1on 1s not a pnvate foundation because 1t 1s (For l1nes 1 through 11, check only one box) 1 1 A church, convention of churches, or assoc1at1on of churches descnbed 1n section 170(b)(1)(A)(i). 2 ~ A school descnbed 1n section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii).(Attach Schedule E (Form 990 or 990-EZ)) 3 4 1 1 5 I 6 I I 7 8 9 10 11 a b c d e g I I I I A hospital or a cooperative hospital serv1ce organ1zat1on descnbed 1n section 170(b)(1)(A)(iii). A med1cal research organ1zat1on operated 1n conJunction w1th a hospital descnbed 1n section 170(b)(1)(A)(iii). Enter the hosp1tal"s name, c1ty, and state An organ1zat1on operated for the benefit of a college or un1vers1ty owned or operated by a governmental un1t descnbed 1n section 170(b)(1)(A)(iv). (Complete Part II) A federal, state, or local government or governmental un1t descnbed 1n section 170(b)(1)(A)(v). An organ1zat1on that normally rece1ves a substantial part of 1ts support from a governmental un1t or from the general public descnbed 1n section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi). (Complete Part II) A commun1ty trust descnbed 1n section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) (Complete Part II) An organ1zat1on that normally rece1ves (1) more than 331/3% of 1ts support from contnbut1ons, membership fees, and gross rece1pts from act1v1t1es related to 1ts exempt functions-subJect to certain exceptions, and (2) no more than 331/3% of 1ts support from gross Investment 1ncome and unrelated bus1ness taxable 1ncome (less sect1on 511 tax) from businesses acqu1red by the organ1zat1on after June 30,1975 Seesection 509(a)(2). (Complete Part III) An organ1zat1on organized and operated exclusively to test for public safety See section 509(a)(4). An organ1zat1on organized and operated exclusively for the benefit of, to perform the functions of, or to carry out the purposes of one or more publicly supported organ1zat1ons desc nbed 1n sect1on 50 9 (a )(1) or sect1on 50 9 (a)(2) See section 509(a)(3). Check the box 1n l1nes 11a through 11d that descnbes the type ofsupport1ng organ1zat1on and complete l1nes 11e, 11f, and 11g Type I. A supporting organ1zat1on operated, supervised, or controlled by 1ts supported organ1zat1on(s), typically by g1v1ng the supported organ1zat1on(s) the power to regularly appo1nt or elect a maJOrity of the directors or trustees of the supporting organ1zat1on You must complete Part IV, Sections A and B. Type II. A supporting organ1zat1on supervised or controlled 1n connection w1th 1ts supported organ1zat1on(s), by hav1ng control or management of the supporting organ1zat1on vested 1n the same persons that control or manage the supported organ1zat1on(s) You must complete Part IV, Sections A and C. Type III functionally integrated. A supporting organ1zat1on operated 1n connection w1th, and functionally Integrated w1th, 1ts supported organ1zat1on(s) (see 1nstruct1ons) You must complete Part IV, Sections A, D, and E. Type III non-functionally integrated. A supporting organ1zat1on operated 1n connection w1th 1ts supported organ1zat1on(s) that 1s not functionally Integrated The organ1zat1on generally must sat1sfy a d1stnbut1on requirement and an attentiveness requirement (see 1nstruct1ons) You must complete Part IV, Sections A and D, and Part V. Check th1s box 1fthe organ1zat1on rece1ved a wntten determ1nat1on from the IRS that 1t 1s a Type I, Type II, Type III functionally Integrated, or Type III non-functionally Integrated supporting organ1zat1on Enter the number of supported organ1zat1ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I Prov1de the following 1nformat1on about the supported organ1zat1on(s) (i) Name of supported organ1zat1on (ii)E IN (iii) Type of organ1zat1on (descnbed on l1nes 1- 9 above (see 1nstruct1ons )) (iv) Is the organ1zat1on listed 1n your govern1ng document? Yes (v) A mount of monetary support (see 1nstruct1ons) (vi) A mount of other support (see 1nstruct1ons) No I I Total For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990EZ. Cat No 11285F Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2015 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2015 Page 2 liblfl Support Schedule for Organizations Described in Sections 170(b)(l)(A)(iv) and 170(b)(l)(A)(vi) (Complete only 1f you checked the box on lme 5, 7, or 8 of Part I or 1f the organ1zat1on failed to qual1fy under Part III. If the organ1zat1on falls to qual1fy under the tests l1sted below, please complete Part III.) Section A. Public Support Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in)~ G1fts, grants, contributions, and 1 membership fees rece1ved (Do not Include any unusual grants) Tax revenues lev1ed for the 2 organ1zat1on's benefit and e1ther pa1d to or expended on 1ts behalf The value ofserv1ces or fac111t1es 3 furnished by a governmental un1t to the organ1zat1on Without charge 4 Total. Add l1nes 1 through 3 The port1on of total contributions 5 by each person (other than a governmental un1t or publicly supported organ1zat1on) Included on l1ne 1 that exceeds 2% of the amount shown on l1ne 11, column (f) Public support. Subtract l1ne 5 6 from l1ne 4 (a)2011 (b)2012 (c)2013 (d)2014 (e)2015 (f )Tota I (d)2014 (e)20 15 (f )Tota I Sect1on B. Total Support Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in)~ 7 Amounts from l1ne 4 Gross 1ncome from Interest, 8 d1v1dends, payments rece1ved on securities loans, rents, royalties and 1ncome from s1m1lar sources Net 1ncome from unrelated 9 business actiVIties, whether or not the business 1s regularly earned on 10 0 ther 1ncome Do not Include ga1n or loss from the sale of cap1tal assets (Explain 1n Part (a)20 11 (b)2012 (c)2013 VI) Total support. Add l1nes 7 through 10 Gross rece1pts from related actiVIties, etc (see 1nstruct1ons) 11 12 I I 12 First five years.Ifthe Form 990 1s for the organ1zat1on's f1rst, second, th1rd, fourth, or fifth tax year as a sect1on 501(c)(3) organ1zat1on, 13 check th1s box and stop here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -~ C Section C. Computation of Public Support Percentage 14 Public support percentage for 2015 (l1ne 6, column (f) d1v1ded by l1ne 11, column (f)) 15 Public support percentage for 2014 Schedule A, Part II, l1ne 14 16a 331/3% support test-2015.Ifthe organ1zat1on did not check the box on l1ne 13, and l1ne 14 1s 33 1/3% or more, check th1s box and stop here. The organ1zat1on qual1f1es as a publicly supported organ1zat1on ~I b 331/3% support test-2014.Ifthe organ1zat1on did not check a box on l1ne 13 or 16a, and l1ne 15 1s 33 1/3% or more, check th1s 17a b 18 box and stop here. The organ1zat1on qual1f1es as a publicly supported organ1zat1on 10°/o-facts-and-circumstancestest-2015.Ifthe organ1zat1on did not check a box on l1ne 13, 16a, or 16b, and l1ne 14 1s 10% or more, and 1fthe organ1zat1on meets the facts-and-circumstances test, check th1s box and stop here. Explain 1n Part VI how the organ1zat1on meets the "facts-and-circumstances" test The organ1zat1on qual1f1es as a publicly supported ~~ organ1zat1on 10°/o-facts-and-circumstancestest-2014.Ifthe organ1zat1on did not check a box on l1ne 13, 16a, 16b, or 17a, and l1ne 15 1s 10% or more, and 1fthe organ1zat1on meets the "facts-and-circumstances" test, check th1s box and stop here. Explain 1n Part VI how the organ1zat1on meets the "facts-and-circumstances" test The organ1zat1on qual1f1es as a publicly ~~ supported organ1zat1on Private foundation.If the organ1zat1on did not check a box on l1ne 13, 16a, 16 b, 17 a, or 17 b, check th1s box and see ~I 1nstruct1ons Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2015 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2015 Page 3 MifilhM Support Schedule for Organizations Described in Section 509(a)(2) (Complete only 1f you checked the box on lme 9 of Part I or 1f the organ1zat1on failed to qual1fy under Part II. If the organ1zat1on falls to qual1fy under the tests l1sted below, please complete Part II.) S ect10n A P u bl"IC S upport Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in)~ G1fts, grants, contnbut1ons, and 1 membership fees rece1ved (Do not Include any "unusual grants") Gross rece1pts from adm1ss1ons, 2 merchandise sold or serv1ces performed, or fac111t1es furnished 1n any act1v1ty that 1s related to the organ1zat1on's tax-exempt purpose Gross rece1pts from act1v1t1es 3 that are not an unrelated trade or bus1ness under sect1on 513 Tax revenues lev1ed for the 4 organ1zat1on's benefit and e1ther pa1d to or expended on 1ts behalf The value of serv1ces or fac111t1es 5 furnished by a governmental un1t to the organ1zat1on Without charge 6 Total. Add l1nes 1 through 5 7a Amounts Included on l1nes 1, 2, and 3 rece1ved from d1squal1f1ed persons b Amounts Included on l1nes 2 and 3 rece1ved from other than d1squal1f1ed persons that exceed the greaterof$5,000 or 1% of the amount on l1ne 13 for the year c Add l1nes ?a and 7b Public support. (Subtract l1ne 7c 8 from l1ne 6 ) (a)20 11 (b)2012 (c)20 13 (d)2014 (e)2015 (f )Tota I Sect1on B. Total Support Calendar year (a)2011 (b)2012 (c)2013 (d)2014 (e)2015 (f )Tota I (or fiscal year beginning in)~ 9 Amounts from l1ne 6 Gross 1ncome from Interest, lOa d1v1dends, payments rece1ved on secunt1es loans, rents, royalties and 1ncome from s1m1lar sources Unrelated bus1ness taxable b 1ncome (less sect1on 511 taxes) from businesses acqu1red after June 30,1975 c Add l1nes lOa and lOb Net 1ncome from unrelated 11 bus1ness act1v1t1es not Included 1n l1ne 10 b, whether or not the bus1ness 1s regularly earned on Other 1ncome Do not Include 12 ga1n or loss from the sale of cap1tal assets (Explain 1n Part VI) Total support. (Add l1nes 9, lOc, 13 11,and12) 14 F1rst f1ve years.Ifthe Form 990 1s for the organ1zat1on's f1rst, second, th1rd, fourth, or f1fth tax year as a sect1on 501(c)(3) organ1zat1on, ~ check th1s box and stop here C Section C. Computation of Public Support Percentage 15 Public support percentage for 2015 (l1ne 8, column (f) d1v1ded by l1ne 13, column (f)) 16 Public support percentage from 2014 Schedule A, Part III, l1ne 15 Section D. Computation of Investment Income Percentage 17 Investment 1ncome percentage for 2015 (l1ne lOc, column (f) d1v1ded by l1ne 13, column (f)) 18 Investment 1ncome percentage from 2014 Schedule A, Part III, l1ne 17 19a 331/3% support tests-2015.Ifthe organ1zat1on did not check the box on l1ne 14, and l1ne 15 1s more than 33 1/3%, and l1ne 17 1s not more than 33 1/3%, check th1s box and stop here. The organ1zat1on qual1f1es as a publicly supported organ1zat1on ~I b 331/3% support tests-2014.Ifthe organ1zat1on did not check a box on l1ne 14 or l1ne 19a, and l1ne 16 1s more than 33 1/3% and l1ne 18 1s not more than 33 1/3%, check th1s box and stop here. The organ1zat1on qual1f1es as a publicly supported organ1zat1on 20 Private foundation.Ifthe organ1zat1on did not check a box on l1ne 14, 19a, or 19b, check th1s box and see 1nstruct1ons ~~ ~~ Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2015 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2015 IHfN Page 4 Supporting Organizations (Complete only 1fyou checked a box on l1ne 11 of Part I If you checked 11a of Part I, complete Sect1ons A and B If you checked 11b of Part I, complete Sect1ons A and C If you checked 11c of Part I, complete Sect1ons A, D, and E If you checked 11d of Part I, complete Sect1ons A and D, and complete Part V ) Section A. All Supporting Organizations Yes 1 Are all of the organ1zat1on's supported organ1zat1ons l1sted by name 1n the organ1zat1on's govern1ng documents? If "No," des en be 1n Part VI how the supported organtzattons are destgnated If destgnated by class or purpose, descnbe the destgnatton If htstonc and conttnutng telattonshtp, explain 2 D1d the organ1zat1on have any supported organ1zat1on that does not have an IRS determ1nat1on of status under sect1on 509(a)(1) or (2 )7 If "Yes," explain tn Part VI how the otgantzatton detetmmed that the supported otgantzatton was des en bed tn sectton 509(a)(1) ot (2) 3a D1d the organ1zat1on have a supported organ1zat1on described 1n sect1on 501(c)(4), (5), or (6)7 If "Yes," answer (b) and (c) below No 1 2 3a b D1d the organ1zat1on conf1rm that each supported organ1zat1on qual1f1ed undersect1on 501(c)(4), (5), or (6) and sat1sf1ed the public support tests under sect1on 509(a)(2)7 If "Yes," des en be tn Part VI when and how the organtzatton made the determtnatton 3b c D1d the organ1zat1on ensure that all support to such organ1zat1ons was used exclusively for sect1on 170(c)(2)(B) 3c purposes? If "Yes," explain tn Part VI what controls the organtzatton put tn place to ensure such use 4a Was any supported organ1zat1on not organized 1n the Un1ted States ("fore1gn supported organ1zat1on")? If "Yes" and tf you checked 11a or 11b 1n Part I, answer (b) and (c) below 4a b D1d the organ1zat1on have ultimate control and d1scret1on 1n dec1d1ng whether to make grants to the fore1gn supported organ1zat1on? b 4 If "Yes," des en be tn Part VI how the otgantzatton had such control and dtsctetton desptte bemg conttolled or supervtsed '---'------''---by ot tn connectton wtth tts suppotted organtzattons c D1d the organ1zat1on support any fore1gn supported organ1zat1on that does not have an IRS determ1nat1on under sect1ons 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(1) or(2)7 If "Yes," explain tn Part VI what controls the organtzatton used to ensure that all sup port to the foretgn supported organtzatton was used exclustvely for sectton 170(c)(2)(B) purposes Sa D1d the organ1zat1on add, substitute, or remove any supported organ1zat1ons during the tax year? If "Yes," answer (b) and (c) below (tf appltcable) Also, provtde detatltn Part VI, tncludtng (t) the names and EIN numbers of the sup pot ted organtzattons added, subs tttuted, or removed, (11) the reasons for each such actton, (111) the authonty under the organtzatton 's organtztng document authonztng such actton, and (tv) how the act ton was accompltshed (such as by amendment to the organwng document) Sa b Type I or Type II only. Was any added or substituted supported organ1zat1on part of a class already designated 1n Sb the organ1zat1on's organ1z1ng document? c Substitutions only. Was the subst1tut1on the result of an event beyond the organ1zat1on's control? Sc 6 D1d the organ1zat1on prov1de support (whether 1n the form of grants or the prov1s1on ofserv1ces orfacll1t1es) to anyone other than (a) 1ts supported organ1zat1ons, (b) 1nd1V1duals that are part of the charitable class benefited by one or more of 1ts supported organ1zat1ons, or (c) other supporting organ1zat1ons that also support or benefit one or more of the f1l1ng organ1zat1on's supported organ1zat1ons? If "Yes,"provtdedetatltn Part VI. 6 7 D1d the organ1zat1on prov1de a grant, loan, compensation, or other s1m1lar payment to a substantial contributor (def1ned 1n IRC 4958(c)(3)(C)), a fam1ly member of a substantial contributor, or a 35-percent controlled ent1ty w1th regard to a substantial contributor? If "Yes,"complete Part I of Schedule L (Form 990) 7 8 D1d the organ1zat1on make a loan to a d1squal1f1ed person (as def1ned 1n sect1on 4958) not described 1n l1ne 77 If "Yes," complete Part II of Schedule L (Form 990) 8 9a Was the organ1zat1on controlled directly or 1nd1rectly at any t1me during the tax year by one or more d1squal1f1ed persons as def1ned 1n sect1on 4946 (other than foundation managers and organ1zat1ons described 1n sect1on 509 (a )(1) or (2) )7 If "Yes," provtde detatl 1n Part VI. b D1d one or more d1squal1f1ed persons (as def1ned 1n l1ne 9(a)) hold a controlling Interest 1n any ent1ty 1n wh1ch the supporting organ1zat1on had an Interest? If "Yes," ptovtde detatltn Part VI. c D1d a d1squal1f1ed person (as def1ned 1n l1ne 9(a)) have an ownership Interest 1n, or derive any personal benefit from, assets 1n wh1ch the supporting organ1zat1on also had an Interest? If "Yes," ptovtde detatltn Part VI. 9a 9b 9c lOa Was the organ1zat1on subJect to the excess bus1ness holdings rules ofiRC 4943 because ofiRC 4943(f) (regarding certain Type II supporting organ1zat1ons, and all Type III non-functionally Integrated supporting organ1zat1ons )7 If "Yes," ans wet b below lOa b D1d the organ1zat1on have any excess business holdings 1n the tax year? (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to determtne whether the organtzatton had excess bus mess holdmgs) 11 lOb Has the organ1zat1on accepted a g1ft or contribution from any of the following persons? a A person who directly or 1nd1rectly controls, e1ther alone or together w1th persons described 1n (b) and (c) below, the govern1ng body of a supported organ1zat1on? lla b A fam1ly member of a person described 1n (a) above? llb c A 35% controlled ent1ty of a person described 1n (a) or (b) above? If "Yes"toa, b, ore, provtdedetatltn Part VI llc Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 201S Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2015 Page 5 1@fi1 Supporting Organizations (continued) s ect10n . B T1ype IS upportmg 0 rgamzat1ons 1 Yes No Yes No Yes No D1d the directors, trustees, or membership of one or more supported organ1zat1ons have the power to regularly appo1nt or elect at least a maJOrity of the organ1zat1on's directors or trustees at all t1mes dunng the tax year7 If "No," des en be 1n Part VI how the supported organtzatton(s) effecttvely opet ated, s upervtsed, or controlled the organtzatton 's acttvtttes If the otgantzatton had more than one supported otgantzatton, des en be how the powers to appotnt and/or temove dtrectors or trustees wete allocated among the supported organtzattons and what condtttons or restncttons, tf any, applted to such powers dunng the tax year 2 1 D1d the organ1zat1on operate for the benefit of any supported organ1zat1on other than the supported organ1zat1on(s) that operated, supervised, or controlled the supporting organ1zat1on7 If "Yes," explain tn Part VI how ptovtdtng such beneftt earned out the purposes of the supported otgantzatton(s) that operated, s upervtsed or controlled the s upporttng organtzatton 2 Section C. Type II Supporting Organizations 1 Were a maJOrity of the organ1zat1on's directors or trustees dunng the tax year also a maJOrity of the directors or trustees of each of the organ1zat1on's supported organ1zat1on(s )7 If "No," des en be tn Part VI how conttol or management of the s upporttng organtzatton was vested tn the same persons that controlled or managed the sup ported organtzatton(s) s ect10n D. A II Type III s upportmq 1 0 rqamzat1ons 1 D1d the organ1zat1on prov1de to each of1ts supported organ1zat1ons, by the last day of the fifth month of the organ1zat1on's tax year, (1) a wntten not1ce descnb1ng the type and amount of support prov1ded dunng the pnor tax year, (2) a copy of the Form 990 that was most recently f1led as of the date ofnot1f1cat1on, and (3) cop1es of the organ1zat1on's govern1ng documents 1n effect on the date of not1f1cat1on, to the extent not previously provlded7 2 Were any of the organ1zat1on's officers, directors, or trustees e1ther (1) appointed or elected by the supported organ1zat1on(s) or (11) serv1ng on the govern1ng body of a supported o1-gan1zat1on7 If "No," explatn 1n Part VI how the organtzatton matntatned a close and conttnuous workmg relattonshtp wtth the su pp ot ted org antzatton ( s ) By reason of the relat1onsh1p descnbed 1n (2), did the organ1zat1on's supported organ1zat1ons have a s1gn1f1cant vo1ce 1n the organ1zat1on's Investment pol1c1es and 1n d1rect1ng the use of the organ1zat1on's 1ncome or assets at all t1mes dunng the tax year7 If "Yes," des en be tn Part VI the role the organtzatton's supported otgantzattons played 1n thts regatd 3 1 2 1.1 I Section E. Type III Functionally-Integrated Supporting Organizations 1 a b c 2 Check the box next to the method that the organ1zat1on used to sat1sfy the Integral Part Test dunng the year (see instructions) The organ1zat1on sat1sf1ed the Act1v1t1es Test Complete line 2 below I I I The organ1zat1on 1s the parent of each of 1ts supported organ1zat1ons Complete line 3 below The organ1zat1on supported a governmental ent1ty Descnbe 1n Part VI how you supported a government ent1ty (see 1nstruct1ons) Act1v1t1es Test Answer (a) and (b) below. Yes No a D1d substantially all of the organ1zat1on's act1v1t1es dunng the tax year directly further the exempt purposes of the supported organ1zat1on(s) to wh1ch the organ1zat1on was respons1ve7 If "Yes," then 1n Part VI identify those supported organizations and explain how these acttvtttes dtrectly furtheted thetr exempt put poses, how the otgantzatton was responstve to those supported organtzattons, and how the organtzatton determtned that these acttvtttes constttuted substanttally all of tts acttvtttes 2a b D1d the act1v1t1es descnbed 1n (a) constitute act1v1t1es that, but for the organ1zat1on's Involvement, one or more of the organ1zat1on's supported organ1zat1on(s) would have been engaged 1n7 If "Yes," explain tn Part VI the reasons for the organtzatton 's posttton that tts supported otgantzatton(s) would have engaged 3 1n these acttvtttes but for the organtzatton 's tnvolvement Parent of Supported 0 rgan1zat1ons 2b Answer (a) and (b) below. a D1d the organ1zat1on have the power to regularly appo1nt or elect a maJOrity of the off1cers, directors, or trustees o 3a each of the supported organ1zat1ons7 Provtde detatls tn Part VI b D1d the organ1zat1on exerc1se a substantial degree of d1rect1on over the pol1c1es, programs and act1v1t1es of each of 1ts supported organ1zat1ons 7 If "Yes," des en be tn Part VI the role played by the organtzatton tn thts regard 3b Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2015 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2015 lifii!J 1 Page Check here 1fthe organ1zat1on sat1sf1ed the Integral Part Test as a qual1fy1ng trust on Nov 20,1970 See instructions. All other Type III non-functionally Integrated supporting organ1zat1ons must complete Sect1ons A through E Section A- Adjusted Net Income 1 Net short-term cap1tal ga1n 1 2 Recover~es 2 of pr1or-year d1str~but1ons 3 Other gross 1ncome (see 1nstruct1ons) 3 4 Add l1nes 1 through 3 4 5 Deprec1at1on and depletion 5 6 Port1on of operat1ng expenses pa1d or Incurred for production or collection of gross 1ncome or for management, conservation, or maintenance of property held for production of 1ncome (see 1nstruct1ons) 6 7 Other expenses (see 1nstruct1ons) 7 8 Adjusted Net Income (subtract l1nes 5, 6 and 7 from l1ne 4) 8 Section B- Minimum Asset Amount Aggregate fa1r market value of all non-exempt-use assets (see 1nstruct1ons for short tax year or assets held for part of year) 1 Average monthly value ofsecur1t1es 1a b Average monthly cash balances 1b c Fa1r market value of other non-exempt-use assets 1c d Total (add l1nes 1a, 1b, and 1c) 1d e Discount cla1med for blockage or other factors (explain 1n deta1l1n Part VI) 2 Acqu1s1t1on Indebtedness applicable to non-exempt use assets 2 Subtract l1ne 2 from l1ne 1d 3 4 Cash deemed held for exempt use Enter 1-1/2% of l1ne 3 (for greater amount, see 1nstruct1ons) 4 5 Net value of non-exempt-use assets (subtract l1ne 4 from l1ne 3) 5 6 M ult1ply l1ne 5 by 0 3 5 6 7 Recover~es 8 Minimum Asset Amount (add l1ne 7 to l1ne 6) of pr1or-year d1str~but1ons C (A) Pnor Year (B) Current Year (optional) (A) Pnor Year (B) Current Year (optional) 1 a 3 7 8 Current Year Section C- Distributable Amount 1 Adjusted net 1ncome for pr1oryear (from Sect1on A, l1ne 8, Column A) 2 Enter85% ofl1ne 1 2 3 M 1n1mum asset amount for pr1or year (from Sect1on B, l1ne 8, Column A) 3 4 Enter greater of l1ne 2 or l1ne 3 4 5 Income tax Imposed 1n pr1or year 5 6 Distributable Amount. Subtract l1ne 5 from l1ne 4, unless subject to emergency temporary reduction (see 1nstruct1ons) 6 7 6 Type III Non-Functionally Integrated 509(a)(3) Supporting Organizations 1 Check here 1fthe current year 1s the organ1zat1on"s f1rst as a non-funct1onally-1ntegrated Type III supporting organ1zat1on (see 1nstruct1ons) I Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2015 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2015 I:F.t.li+a Page 7 - Type III Non Functionally Integrated 509(a)(3) Supporting Organizations (continued) Section D- Distributions Current Year 1 Amounts pa1d to supported organ1zat1ons to accomplish exempt purposes 2 Amounts pa1d to perform act1v1ty that directly furthers exempt purposes of supported organ1zat1ons, 1n excess of 1ncome from act1v1ty 3 Adm1n1strat1ve expenses pa1d to accomplish exempt purposes of supported organ1zat1ons 4 Amounts pa1d to acqu1re exempt-use assets 5 Qual1f1ed set-as1de amounts (prior IRS approval requ1red) 6 Other distributions (describe 1n Part VI) See 1nstruct1ons 7 Total annual distributions. Add l1nes 1 through 6 8 Distributions to attentive supported organ1zat1ons to wh1ch the organ1zat1on 1s responsive (prov1de details 1n Part VI) See 1nstruct1ons 9 Distributable amount for 2015 from Sect1on C, l1ne 6 10 L1ne 8 amount d1v1ded by L1ne 9 amount Section E - Distribution Allocations (see instructions) (i) Excess Distributions (ii) Underdistributions Pre-2015 (iii) Distributable Amount for 2015 1 Distributable amount for 2015 from Sect1on C, l1ne 6 2 Underd1stribut1ons, 1fany, for years prior to 2015 (reasonable cause requ1red--see 1nstruct1ons) 3 Excess distributions carryover, 1fany,to 2015 a b c d From 2013. e From 2014. f Total of l1nes 3a through e g A ppl1ed to underd1stribut1ons of prior years h Applied to 2015 distributable amount i Carryover from 2010 not applied (see 1nstruct1ons) j Remainder Subtract l1nes 3g, 3h, and 31 from 3f 4 Distributions for 2015 from Sect1on D, l1ne 7 $ a A ppl1ed to underd1stribut1ons of prior years b Applied to 2015 distributable amount c Remainder Subtract l1nes 4a and 4b from 4 5 Rema1n1ng underd1stribut1ons for years prior to 2015,1fany Subtract l1nes 3g and 4a from l1ne 2 (1f amount greater than zero, see 1nstruct1ons) 6 Rema1n1ng underd1stribut1ons for 2015 Subtract l1nes 3h and 4b from l1ne 1 (1famount greater than zero, see 1nstruct1ons) 7 Excess distributions carryover to 2016. Add l1nes 3] and 4c Breakdown of l1ne 7 8 a b c Excess from 2 0 1 3 . d From 2014. e From 2015. Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) (2 015) Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2015 lifil!)l Page 8 Supplemental Information. Prov1de the explanations requ1red by Part II, lme 10; Part II, lme 17a or 17b; Part III, lme 12; Part IV, Sect1on A, lmes 1, 2, 3b, 3c, 4b, 4c, Sa, 6, 9a, 9b, 9c, lla, 11b, and llc; Part IV, Sect1on B, l1nes 1 and 2; Part IV, Sect1on C, lme 1; Part IV, Sect1on D, lmes 2 and 3; Part IV, Sect1on E, lmes 1c, 2a, 2b, 3a and 3b; Part V, lme 1; Part V, Sect1on B, lme 1e; Part V Sect1on D, lmes 5, 6, and 8; and Part V, Sect1on E, l1nes 2, 5, and 6. Also complete th1s part for any add1t1onal 1nformat1on. (See mstruct1ons). Facts And Circumstances Test Return Reference Explanation Schedule A Form 990 or 990-EZ 2015 efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS SCHEDULED DLN:93493135119777 OMB No 1545-0047 Supplemental Financial Statements (Form 990) Department of the Treasury As Filed Data - 2015 II> Complete if the organization answered "Yes," on Form 990, Part IV, line 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11a, 11b, 11c, 11d, 11e, 11f, 12a, or 12b. II> Attach to Form 990. Information about ScheduleD (Form 990) and its instructions is at www.irs.gov /form990. Open to Public Inspection Internal Revenue Serv1ce Name of the organization Employer identification number AD ASTRA SCHOOL 4 7-1480453 Organizations Maintaining Donor Advised Funds or Other Similar Funds or Accounts. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, l1ne 6. (a) Donor adv1sed funds 1 Total number at end of year 2 Aggregate value of contnbut1ons to (dunng year) 3 Aggregate value of grants from (dunng year) 4 Aggregate value at end of year (b)Funds and other accounts 5 D1d the organ1zat1on Inform all donors and donor adv1sors 1n wnt1ng that the assets held 1n donor adv1sed funds are the organ1zat1on's property, subject to the organ1zat1on's exclus1ve legal control? !Yes !No 6 D1d the organ1zat1on Inform all grantees, donors, and donor adv1sors 1n wnt1ng that grant funds can be used only for chantable purposes and not for the benefit of the donor or donor adv1sor, or for any other purpose confemng ImpermiSSible pnvate benefit? I I i®jii Yes No Conservation Easements. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, lme 7. P urpose(s) of conservation easements held by the organ1zat1on (check all that apply) 1 I Preservation of land for public use (e g, recreation or education) I I Protection of natural hab1tat I I Preservation of an h1stoncally Important land area Preservation of a cert1f1ed histone structure Preservation of open space Complete l1nes 2a through 2d 1fthe organ1zat1on held a qual1f1ed conservation contnbut1on 1n the form of a conservation easement on the last day of the tax year 2 Held at the End of the Year a Total number of conservation easements 2a b Total acreage restncted by conservation easements 2b c Number of conservation easements on a cert1f1ed histone structure Included 1n (a) 2c d Number of conservation easements Included 1n (c) acquired after 8/17/06, and not on a histone structure l1sted 1n the Nat1onal Reg1ster 2d Number of conservation easements mod1f1ed, transferred, released, ext1ngu1shed, or terminated by the organ1zat1on dunng the 3 tax year II> _ _ _ _ _ __ 4 Number of states where property subject to conservation easement 1s located II> _ _ _ _ _ __ 5 Does the organ1zat1on have a wntten pol1cy regarding the penod1c mon1tonng, 1nspect1on, handling of v1olat1ons, and enforcement of the conservation easements 1t holds? 6 Staff and volunteer hours devoted to mon1tonng, 1nspect1ng, handling of v1olat1ons, and enforcing conservation easements dunng the year !Yes !No ..._______ A mount of expenses Incurred 1n mon1tonng, 1nspect1ng, handling of v1olat1ons, and enforcing conservation easements dunng the year 7 II>$ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 8 Does each conservation easement reported on l1ne 2(d) above sat1sfy the requirements ofsect1on 170(h)(4) (B)(1) and sect1on 170(h)(4 )(B)(11)7 9 In Part XIII, descnbe how the organ1zat1on reports conservation easements 1n 1ts revenue and expense statement, and balance sheet, and Include, 1f applicable, the text of the footnote to the organ1zat1on's f1nanc1al statements that descnbes the organ1zat1on's accounting for conservation easements l®iffi I Yes !No Organizations Maintaining Collections of Art, Historical Treasures, or Other Similar Assets. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, l1ne 8. 1a If the organ1zat1on elected, as permitted under SFAS 116 (ASC 958), not to report 1n 1ts revenue statement and balance sheet works of art, h1stoncal treasures, or other s1m1lar assets held for public exh1b1t1on, education, or research 1n furtherance of public serv1ce, prov1de, 1n Part XIII, the text of the footnote to 1ts f1nanc1al statements that descnbes these 1tems b If the organ1zat1on elected, as permitted under SFAS 116 (ASC 958), to report 1n 1ts revenue statement and balance sheet works of art, h1stoncal treasures, or other s1m1lar assets held for public exh1b1t1on, education, or research 1n furtherance of public serv1ce, prov1de the following amounts relat1ng to these 1tems (i) Revenue Included on Form 990, Part VIII, l1ne 1 (ii) Assets Included 1n Form 990, Part X II>$ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ II>$ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ If the organ1zat1on rece1ved or held works of art, h1stoncal treasures, or other s1m1lar assets forf1nanc1al ga1n, prov1de the following amounts required to be reported under SFAS 116 (ASC 958) relat1ng to these 1tems 2 a Revenue Included on Form 990, Part VIII, l1ne 1 b Assets Included 1n Form 990, Part X For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. ... $ - - - - - - - - - 11>$ Cat No 52283D ScheduleD (Form 990) 2015 ScheduleD (Form 990) 2015 lifilhj Page 2 Organizations Maintaining Collections of Art, Historical Treasures, or Other Similar Assets Us1ng the organ1zat1on's acqu1s1t1on, access1on, and other records, check any of the following that are a s1gn1f1cant use of 1ts collection 1tems (check all that apply) 3 a b c I d Public exh1b1t1on I I e Scholarly research I I Loan or exchange programs Other Preservation for future generations 4 Prov1de a descnpt1on of the organ1zat1on's collections and explain how they further the organ1zat1on's exempt purpose 1n Part XIII 5 Dunng the year, did the organ1zat1on sol1c1t or rece1ve donations of art, h1stoncal treasures or other s1m1lar assets to be sold to ra1se funds rather than to be ma1nta1ned as part of the organ1zat1on's collectlon7 No Escrow and Custodial Arrangements. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, l1ne 9, or reported an amount on Form 990, Part X, line 21. la Is the organ1zat1on an agent, trustee, custodian or other 1ntermed1ary for contnbut1ons or other assets not Included on Form 990, Part X7 If "Yes," explain the arrangement 1n Part XIII and complete the following table Beg1nn1ng balance d Add1t1ons dunng the year ld e D1stnbut1ons dunng the year le End1ng balance 1f b lc D1d the organ1zat1on Include an amount on Form 990, Part X, l1ne 21, for escrow or custodial account l1ab111ty7 1 Yes !No D lf"Yes," explain the arrangement 1n Part XIII Check here 1fthe explanation has been prov1ded 1n Part XIII •:c.Ti•'• la !No Amount b c 2a !Yes Endowment Funds. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 10. (a)Current year (b)Pnor year b (c)Two years back (d )Three years back (e)Four years back Beg1nn1ng of year balance b C ontnbut1ons c Net Investment earn1ngs, ga1ns, and losses d Grants or scholarships e 0 ther expenditures for fac1l1t1es and programs f A dm1n1strat1ve expenses g End of year balance Prov1de the estimated percentage of the current year end balance (l1ne 1g, column (a)) held as 2 a Board designated or quasi-endowment"" b Permanent endowment"" c Temporanly restncted endowment"" The percentages on l1nes 2a, 2b, and 2c should equal 100% 3a Are there endowment funds not 1n the possession of the organ1zat1on that are held and adm1n1stered for the organ1zat1on by b 4 Yes No I 3a(i) I 3a(ii) (i) unrelated organ1zat1ons (ii) related organ1zat1ons lf"Yes" on 3a(11), are the related organ1zat1ons listed as requ1red on Schedule R7 ·I 3b Descnbe 1n Part XIII the Intended uses of the organ1zat1on's endowment funds IHQI Land, Buildings, and Equipment. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered 'Yes' to Form 990, Part IV, l1ne 11a.See Form 990, Part X, line 10. Descnpt1on of property (a) Cost or other bas1s (b) (Investment) Cost or other bas1s (other) Accumulated (c)deprec1at1on (d)Book value la Land b Bu1ld1ngs c Leasehold Improvements d Equipment e 0 ther Total. Add l1nes 1 a through 1 e (Column (d) must equal Form 990, Part X, column (B), l1ne 10(c)) 15,716 4,611 ... 11,105 11,105 ScheduleD (Form 990) 2015 Page 3 Investments Other Securities. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, line llb. See Form 990, Part X line 12 ScheduleD (Form 990) 2015 l@ifHi (a) Descnpt1on of secunty or category (1nclud1ng name ofsecunty) (b)Book value (c)Method of valuation Cost or end-of-year market value (1)F1nanc1al denvat1ves (2)Ciosely-held equ1ty Interests (3)0 ther - ~ Total. (Column (b) must equal Fonn 990, Part X, col (B) /me 12) Investments Program Related. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, l1ne llc.see Form 990, Part (b) Book value (a) Descnpt1on of1nvestment ~ Total. (Column (b) must equal Fonn 990, Part X, col (B) /me 13) •:r.Ti.,J. Other Assets. Complete 1fthe organ1zat1on answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, l1ne 11d See Form 990, Part X, l1ne 15 (b) Book value (a) Descnpt1on . Total. (Column (b) must equal Form 990, Part X, col (B) lrne 15) •:r.u•:• ~ Other Liabilities. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, l1ne lle or llf. See Form 990 Part X line 25 (b) Book value (a) Descnpt1on of l1ab111ty 1. x, line 13. (c) Method of valuation Cost or end-of-year market value Federal 1ncome taxes Total. (Column (b) must equal Fonn 990, Part X, col (B) /me 25) ~ 2. L1ab111ty for uncertain tax pos1t1ons In Part XIII, prov1de the text of the footnote to the organ1zat1on's f1nanc1al statements that reports the organ1zat1on's l1ab111ty for uncertain tax pos1t1ons under FIN 48 (ASC 740) Check here 1fthe text of the footnote has been prov1ded 1n Part XIII I ScheduleD (Form 990) 2015 ScheduleD (Form 990) 2015 lifii¥1 1 Page Total revenue, ga1ns, and other support per aud1ted f1nanc1al statements 2 1 Amounts Included on l1ne 1 but not on Form 990, Part VIII, l1ne 12 a Net unrealized ga1ns (losses) on Investments 2a b Donated serv1ces and use offac1l1t1es 2b c Recovenes of pnor year grants 2c d Other (Descnbe 1n Part XIII) 2d e Add l1nes 2a through 2d 2e 3 Subtract l1ne 2e from l1ne 1 4 Amounts Included on Form 990, Part VIII, l1ne 12, but not on l1ne 1 3 a Investment expenses not Included on Form 990, Part VIII, l1ne 7b b Other (Descnbe 1n Part XIII) c Add l1nes 4a and 4b 5 I 4a I 4b 4c Total revenue Add l1nes 3 and 4c.(Thls must equal Form 990, Part I, l1ne 12) I:F.Ti•:u1 1 Total expenses and losses per aud1ted f1nanc1al statements Amounts Included on l1ne 1 but not on Form 990, Part IX, l1ne 25 1 a Donated serv1ces and use offac1l1t1es 2a b Pnor year adJustments 2b c Other losses 2c d Other (Descnbe 1n Part XIII) 2d e Add l1nes 2a through 2d 2e 3 Subtract l1ne 2e from l1ne 1 4 Amounts Included on Form 990, Part IX, l1ne 25, but not on l1ne 1: 3 a Investment expenses not Included on Form 990, Part VIII, l1ne 7b b Other (Descnbe 1n Part XIII) c .I 4a I 4b Add l1nes 4a and 4b 4c Total expenses Add l1nes 3 and 4c. (Th1s must equal Form 990, Part I, l1ne 18) IWI:Ufl 5 Reconciliation of Expenses per Audited Financial Statements With Expenses per Return. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered 'Yes' on Form 990 Part IV l1ne 12a. 2 5 4 Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements With Revenue per Return Complete 1f the orqan1zat1on answered 'Yes on Form 990 Part IV l1ne 12a. 5 Supplementallnformation Prov1de the descnpt1ons requ1red for Part II, l1nes 3, 5, and 9, Part III, l1nes 1a and 4, Part IV, l1nes 1b and 2b, Part V, l1ne 4, Part X, l1ne 2, Part XI, l1nes 2d and 4b, and Part XII, l1nes 2d and 4b Also complete th1s part to prov1de any add1t1onal 1nformat1on Return Reference Explanation ScheduleD (Form 990) 2015 ScheduleD (Form 990) 2015 limll:iiii Page 5 Supplemental Information (continued) ~urn Reference Explanation I Schedule D Form 990 2015 efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - SCHEDULE E DLN:93493135119777 OMB No 1545-0047 Schools (Form 990 or 990-EZ) ~Complete 2015 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" on Form 990, Open to Public Inspection Part IV, line 13, or Form 990-EZ, Part VI, line 48. ~ Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Serv1ce ~ Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. Information about Schedule E (Form 990 or 990-EZ) and 1ts 1nstruct1ons 1s at www.irs.gov/form990. Name of the organ1zat1on Employer identification number AD ASTRA SCHOOL 47-1480453 YES Does the organ1zat1on have a rac1ally nond1scnm1natory pol1cy toward students by statement 1n 1ts charter, bylaws, other govern1ng Instrument, or 1n a resolution of 1ts govern1ng body? 1 Yes Does the organ1zat1on Include a statement of 1ts rac1ally nond1scnm1natory pol1cy toward students 1n all1ts brochures, catalogues, and other wntten commun1cat1ons w1th the public deal1ng w1th student adm1ss1ons, programs, and scholarships? 2 Yes 3 Yes a Records 1nd1cat1ng the rac1al compos1t1on of the student body, faculty, and adm1n1strat1ve staff? 4a Yes b Recol-ds documenting that schola1-sh1ps and other f1nanc1al assistance are awal-ded on a 1-ac1ally nond1scnm1natory bas 1s? 4b Yes c Cop1es of all catalogues, brochures, announcements, and other wntten commun1cat1ons to the public deal1ng w1th student adm1ss1ons, programs, and scholarships? 4c Yes d Cop1es of all matenal used by the organ1zat1on or on 1ts behalf to sol1c1t contnbut1ons? 4d Yes 1 2 NO Has the organ1zat1on publ1c1zed 1ts rac1ally nond1scnm1natory pol1cy through newspaper or broadcast med1a dunng the penod of sol1c1tat1on for students, or dunng the reg1strat1on penod 1f 1t has no sol1c1tat1on program, 1n a way 3 that makes the pol1cy known to all parts of the general commun1ty 1t serves? If"'Yes," please descnbe If'"No," please explain If you need more space use Part II Does the organ1zat1on ma1nta1n the following? 4 If you answered "No'" to any of the above, please explain If you need more space, use Part II Does the organ1zat1on d1scnm1nate by race 1n any way w1th respect to S a Students" nghts or priVIleges? Sa No b Adm1ss1ons pol1c1es? Sb No c Employment of faculty or adm1n1strat1ve staff? Sc No d Scholarships or other f1nanc1al assistance? Sd No e Educational pol1c1es? Se No Use offacll1t1es? Sf No g Athletic programs? Sg No h Other extracumcular act1v1t1es? Sh No 6a No 6b No If you answered "Yes" to any of the above, please explain If you need more space, use Part II 6a Does the organ1zat1on rece1ve any f1nanc1al a1d or assistance from a governmental agency? b Has the organ1zat1on"s nght to such a1d ever been revoked or suspended? 7 If you answered "Yes" to e1ther l1ne 6a or l1ne 6b, explain on Part II Does the organ1zat1on cert1fy that 1t has complied w1th the applicable requirements of sect1ons 4 01 through 4 0 5 of Rev Proc 75-50,1975-2 C B 587, covenng rac1al nond1scnm1nat1on? If'"No," explain on Part II Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. Cat No SOOSSD 7 Yes Schedule E (Form 990 or 990-EZ) (2015) Schedule E (Form 990 or 990EZ) (2015) l®lfl Page 2 Supplemental Information. Prov1de the explanations requ1red by Part I, l1nes 3, 4d, Sh, 6b, and 7, as applicable Also prov1de any other add1t1onal 1nformat1on (see 1nstruct1ons) Return Reference SCHEDULE E QUESTION 3 Explanation AD ASTRA SCHOOL PUBLISHED ITS RACIALLY NONDISCRIMINATORY FDLICY THROUGH THE LOS ANGELES TIMES ON AUGUST 8, 2016 DURING THE PERIOD OF SOLICITATION FOR STUDENTS Schedule E (Form 990 or 990-EZ) (2015) efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS SCHEDULE 0 (Form 990 or 990-EZ) As Filed Data - DLN:93493135119777 Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ Complete to provide information for responses to specific questions on Form 990 or 990-EZ or to provide any additional information. II> Attach to Form 990 or 990-EZ. II> Information about Schedule 0 (Form 990 or 990-EZ) and its instructions is at www .irs.gov /f orm990. Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Serv1ce OMB No 1545-0047 2015 Open to Public Inspection Employer identification number Name of the organ1zat1on AD ASTRA SCHOOL 4 7-1480453 Return Reference 1 Explanation JARED J BIRCHALL, SECRETARY & TREASURER, IS THE rvlANAGING DIRECTOR OF THE MUSK FAMILY OFFICE, WHICH OPERATES FOR THE BENEFIT OF ELON MUSK AND HIS FAMILY Return Reference 2 Explanation THE FORM 990 WAS PREPARED BY THE SCHOOL'S ACCOUNTANT AND REVIEWED BY THE PRESIDENT AT THIS TIME, THE FORM 990 WAS REVIEWED IN DETAIL AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE PRIOR TO THE FINAL FORM BEING SUBMITIED TO THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, A COPY WAS PROVIDED TO ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Return Reference 3 Explanation EACH DIRECTOR, OFFICER AND MEMBER OFA COMMmEEWITH BOARD DELEGATED POWERS SHALL SIGNA STATEMENT WHICH AFFIRMS SUCH PERSON HAS NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST TO ENSURE THAT THE CORPORATION OPERATES IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH ITS CHARITABLE PURPOSES AND DOES NOT ENGAGE IN ACTIVITIES THAT COULD JEOPARDIZE ITS TAX EXEMPT STATUS, PERIODIC REVIEWS SHALL BE CONDUCTED THE PERIODIC REVIEWS SHALL, AT A MINIMUM, INCLUDE WHErHER COMPENSATION ARRANGEMENTS AND BENEFITS ARE REASONABLE, BASED ON COMPErENT SURVEY INFORMATION, AND THE RESULT OF ARM'S LENGTH BARGAINING THE REVIEWS ALSO INCLUDE WHErHER PARTNERSHIPS, JOINT VENTURES, AND ARRANGEMENTS WITH MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATIONS CONFORM TO THE CORPORATION'S WRITIEN POLICIES, ARE PROPERLY RECORDED, REFLECT REASONABLE INVESTMENT OR PAYMENTS FOR GOODS AND SERVICES, FURTHER CHARITABLE PURPOSES AND DO NOT RESULT IN INUREMENT, IMPERMISSIBLE PRIVATE BENEFIT OR IN AN EXCESS BENEFIT TRANSACTION Return Reference 4 Explanation THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS IS RESPONSIBLE FOR STAFF DEVELOPI\ilENT AND COMPENSATION THE BOARD CONDUCTS ANNUAL REVIEWS OF COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS, AND COMPARES COMPENSATION WITH DATA ON COMPENSATION PAID BY COMPARABLE ORGANIZATIONS IT IS THE SCHOOL'S POLICY TO PROVIDE COMPENSATION THAT IS ABOVE THE MEDIAN FOR COMPARABLE ORGANIZATIONS, TO MORE EFFECTIVELY A TIRACT AND RETAIN THE HIGHEST QUALITY EMPLOYEES THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ORA W ON THEIR CONSIDERABLE BUSINESS EXPERIENCE TO APPROPRIATELY EVALUATE A NO COMPENSATE KEY EMPLOYEES Return Reference 5 Explanation ELON MUSK IS A DIRECTOR OF THE SCHOOL AND A SUBSTANTIAL CONTRIBUTOR TO THE SCHOOL HIS FIVE CHILDREN CURRENTLY A TIEND THE SCHOOL THE SCHOOL DOES NOT CHARGE TUITION TO ANY OF ITS STUDENTS HOWEVER, TO AVOID ANY CONCERNS ABOUT PRIVATE BENEFIT, INUREMENT, AND ANY APPEARANCE OF UNTOWARD PERSONAL BENEFIT, ALL CONTRIBUTIONS BY MR MUSK ARE TREATED AS FOLLOWS THE EQUIVALENT FAIR MARKET VALUE OF THE SCHOOL'S TUITION IS DETERMINED BY THE DISINTERESTED MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ON AN ANNUAL BASIS, BASED ON THE A VERA GE TUITION RATES OF SIMILAR PRIVATE SCHOOLS IN CALIFORNIA ALL CONTRIBUTIONS BY MR MUSK ARE TREATED AS TUITION-EQUIVALENT PAYMENTS FOR THE BENEFIT OF HIS CHILDREN THAT A TIEND THE SCHOOL, UP TO THE FULL VALUE OF THE TUITION THAT IS IMPUTED TO HIS CHILDREN THESE TUITION-EQUIVALENT PAYMENTS ARE CONSIDERED PROGRAM SERVICE REVENUE TO THE SCHOOL, AND MR MUSK WILL NOT TAKE A CHARITABLE DEDUCTION ON HIS INCOME TAX RETURN ANY CONTRIBUTIONS BY MR MUSK THAT EXCEED THE EQUIVALENT VALUE OF TUITION FOR HIS CHILDREN ARE CONSIDERED CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS THAT ARE DEDUCTIBLE FOR INCOME TAX PURPOSES THE SCHOOL WILL PREPARE WRITIEN SUBSTANTIATION FOR MR MUSK'S CONTRIBUTIONS REDUCED BY THE EQUIVALENT VALUE OF THE SCHOOL'S TUITION IN THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING 2016, THE SCHOOL DETERMINED THAT THE AVERAGE TUITION FOR SIMILAR PRIVATE SCHOOLS IN CALIFORNIA WAS $28,000 PER YEAR BECAUSE MR MUSK'S FIVE CHILDREN CURRENTLY A TIEND THE SCHOOL, THE FIRST $140,000 OF MR MUSK'S CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SCHOOL ARE TREATED AS TUITION-EQUIVALENT PAYMENTS FOR THE BENEFIT OF HIS CHILDREN THAT A TIEND THE SCHOOL THE BALANCE OF MR MUSK'S CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SCHOOL ARE CONSIDERED CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS MR MUSK HAS BEEN A DV IS ED OF THE RULES REGARDING PRIVATE BENEFIT AND INUREMENT TO THE EXTENT ANY OTHER DISQUALIFIED PERSONS HAVE STUDENTS IN THE SCHOOL, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WILL FOLLOW THE SAME POLICY AND PROCEDURE IN ADDITION, THE SCHOOL HAS REACHED AN ARRANGEMENT WITH MR MUSK THAT SO LONG AS HE IS A DISQUALIFIED PERSON AND HAS CHILDREN A TIENDING THE SCHOOL, HE WILL MAKE ANNUAL TUITION-EQUIVALENT, NON-DEDUCTIBLE CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SCHOOL THAT ARE NO LESS THAN THE FAIR MARKET VALUE OF THE TUITION SAVINGS Return Reference 6 Explanation THE SCHOOL IS CURRENTLY TUITION-FREE IF THE SCHOOL EVENTUALLY CHARGES TUITION, IT PLANS TO AWARD NEEDBASED SCHOLARSHIPS TO STUDENTS ACCEPTED INTO THE SCHOOL, GENERALLY IN THE FORM OF GIFTS THE SCHOOL WILL PUBLICIZE THE AVAILABILITY OF ITS SCHOLARSHIPS THROUGH ITS BROCHURES, ITS WEBSITE, AND DURING THE INITIAL FAMILY TOUR OF THE SCHOOL THE SCHOOL HAS NOT YET PREPARED SOLICITATION OR ANNOUNCEMENT MATERIALS WHEN IT OFFERS SCHOLARSHIPS, THE SCHOOL WILL MAINTAIN ADEQUATE RECORDS AND CASE HISTORIES AS REQUIRED UNDER REVENUE RULING 56-304