Case 1:17-cr-20648-RNS Document 49 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/12/2018 Page 1 of 11 UM TED STA TES D ISTRIC T C O U R T SO U TH ERN D ISTRIC T O F FLO R ID A CASE NO. 17-CR-20648-SCO LA (s)(s) UM TE D STA TES O F AM ER ICA V 5. Gc V M ZLERIU S, Defendant. / PLEA A G RE EG N T TheUnitedStatesAûom ey'sOffcefortheSouthem DisG ctofFloddaC%hisOffce'')and Ga1Valledus(hereinaherreferredtoastheçtdefendanf')enterintothefollowingagreement: 1. Ihe defendant ap ees to plead guilty to Cotm ts One and Tw o of the Superseding Inform ation,which counts charge the defendnnt w ith C onspiracy to Possess w ith the Intentto D istribute Conkolled Substances,in violation of Title 21,U nited States Code,Section 846,and ConspiracytoIaatmderM oney,inviolationofTitle18,United StatesCode,Section 1956(h). ThedefendantisawarethatthesentencewillbeimposedbytheCourtaRerconsidedng the advisory Federal Sentencing Guidelines and Policy Statements (hereinaAer ttsentencing Guidelines''). The defendantacu owledgesand understandsthatthe Courtwillcompute an advisory sentence tm der the Sentencing G uidelines and that the applicable guidelines will be determ ined by theC ourtrelying in parton theresultsofapre-sentence hw estigation by the Court's probation office,w hich investigation w illcom m ence aAerthe gtzilty plea hasbeen entered. The defendnntisalso aw are that,tm der certain circllm stances,the Courtm ay departf' rom the advisory sentencing guideline range that ithas com puted,and m ay raise or lower thatadvisory sentence tm der the Sentencing G uidelines. The defendantis further aw are and understandsthatthe Court Case 1:17-cr-20648-RNS Document 49 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/12/2018 Page 2 of 11 isrequired to considertheadvisory guidelinerangedeterm ined underthe Sentencing Guidelines, butis notbotm d to im pose a sentence within thatadvisory range;the Courtisperm itted to tailor the ultim ate sentence in light ofother statutory concem s,and such sentence m ay be either m ore severe or less severe than the Sentencing Guidelines'advisory range. Know ing these facts,the defendantunderstandsand acknowledgesthatthe Courthastheauthorityto impose any sentence within and up to the statutorym axim um authorizedby1aw fortheoffensesidentifed inparap aph 1 and thatthe defendantm ay notw ithdraw the plea solely as aresultofthe sentence im posed. 'I'he defendantalso tmderstandsand acu owledges thatthe Courtmay impose,asto CountOne,a statutorym aximum term ofimprisonm entofup to 20 years,followed by a term of supervised release of at least three years but no m ore th% life. In addition to a term of imprisonm entand supervised release,theCourtm ay impose a fme ofup to $1,000,000 and may orderforfeitureand restitution. 4. Asto CountTwo,thedefendantalsounderslndsand acu owledgesthattheCourt m ay imposea stamtory maxim um term ofimprisonm entofup to 20 years,followed by aterm of supervisedrelease ofup to3 years. Inaddition to aterm ofimprisonmentand supervisedrelease, the Courtmay imposea fme ofup to $500,000 ortwicethevalue oftheproperty involved in the offense and may orderforfeittzre and restitm ion.Furtherm ore,the Courtm ay also impose a civil penalty in thep eaterofthe value oftheproperty,fnnds,ormonetary instrumentsinvolved in the offenseor$10,000. The above sentencesofim prisonm entm aybe zun consecutively fora totalsentence of40 yearsim pdsonm ent. 2 Case 1:17-cr-20648-RNS Document 49 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/12/2018 Page 3 of 11 6. The defendantfurthertmderstandsand acknowledgesthat,in addition to any sentence im posed under parap aphs 3 and 4 of tllis ap eem ent,a special assessm ent in the am otmt of $100 percount($200 total)willbe imposed on the defendant. Thedefendantapeesthatany specialassessm entim posed shallbepaid atthe tim e ofsentencing. Ifthe defendantisfnancially unableto pay the specialassessm ent,the defendnntagreesto presentevidenceto thisOffceand the Courtatthe tim e ofsentencing asto the reasons forthe defendant's failure to pay. 7. TM sOfficereservestherightto inform theCourtand theprobation office ofa11facts pertinentto the sentencing process,including a11relevantinform ation concerning the offenses comm itted,whether charged or not,as w ellas concenling the defendant and the defendant's backpotmd. Subjectonlytotheexpresstermsofanyagreed-upon sentencingrecommendations contained in thisagreem ent,this O fsce furtherreservesthe rightto m ake any recom m endation as to the quality and quantity ofp lnishm ent. 8. ThisOffice and thedefendnntap eethat,although notbinding on theprobation office orthe Court,they willjointly recommend thatthe Courtmake the following'fmdings and conclusions asto the sentence to be im posed: CountOne (1) Ouantitv ofdruzs:Thatthe quantity ofthe conkolled substancesinvolved in the offense,forpurposeofSection2D1.1(a)and(c)oftheSentencingGuidelines,isasfollows: (a)Heroin:morethan 90kilograms; (b)Cocaine' .morethan450kilograms; (c)Cocainebase(crack):morethan 25.2kilograms; (d)M ethamphetamine:morethan45kilogrnms; Case 1:17-cr-20648-RNS Document 49 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/12/2018 Page 4 of 11 (e)Oxycodone:morethan 13.5kilopams; (9 Ritalin:morethan 900ldlopnms;and (g)Fentanyl:morethan 36kilopams. CountTw o (2)ThatpursuanttoSection2S1.1(a)(1),thedefendantcommittedtheunderlyingoffense and the offense levelforthatoffense can be determ ined. (3) Thattheunderlyingoffenseinvolvedthedrugqllantitieslistedabove. (4) Thatpursuantto Section 2S1.1(b)(2)(B),thedefendnmtisconvictedunder18U.S.C. 5 1956. (5) That pursuant to Section 2S1.1(b)(3), the offense involved sophisticated laundedng. TotalO ffense Level (6) Role in the offense:Thatthe defendantshould receive atkee-levelincrease asa m anager and supervisorofcrim inalactivity thatinvolved five orm oreparticipantl,pursuantto Section 3B1.1ofthe Sentencing Guidelines. (7). AdiustedOffenseLevel:n attheapplicableadjustedoffenselevel,beforeacceptance ofresponsibility pursuantto Section 3E1.1(a),undera1lofthe circllmstancesofthe offenses com m itted by the defendantis Level42. 9. ThisOffice apeesthatitwillrecomm end atsentencing thatthe Courtreduce by two levels the sentencing guideline level applicable to the defendant's offense,pursuant to Section 3E1.1(a)ofthe Sentencing Guidelines,based upon the defendant'srecognition andafGrmative and tim ely acceptance of personal responsibility. lf at the tim e of sentencing the defendant's 4 Case 1:17-cr-20648-RNS Document 49 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/12/2018 Page 5 of 11 offense levelis determined to be 16 or greater,this Ofsce will file a motion requesting an additionaloneleveldecreasepursuantto Section 3E1.1@)ofthe SentencingGuidelines,stating thatthe defendanthas assisted authorities in the investigation orprosecution ofthe defendant's own m isconductby timely notifying authorities ofthe defendnnt's intention to entera plea of guilty, thereby perm itting the government to avoid prepadng for trial and pennitting the governm entand theCourtto allocate theirresourceseftk iently. TllisOffice,however,willnot berequiredtomakethismotionifthedefendant:(1)failsorrefusestomakea111,accurateand com plete disclosure to theprobation office ofthe circllm stances surrounding the relevantoffense conduct;(2)isfoundtohavemisrepresentedfactstothegovernmentpriortoenteringintothisplea agreement;or(3)commitsanymisconductaRerentezing intothispleaapeement,includingbut notlim ited to com m itting a state orfederaloffense,violating any term ofrelease,or m nking false statem ents orm isrepresentationsto any govem m entalentity or oftk ial. 10. ThisOffceand thedefendnntagreethat,althoughnotbiningon theprobation offce orthe Court,they willjointly recommend thatthe Courtimpose a sentence of'the situtory m aximum foreach countand thatthe Courtallow the sentences to ran concurrently. Although notbinding on theprobation office orthe Courq tllisOfficeand thedefendantfurtheragree that, exceptasotherwiseexpressly contemplated inthisPleaAgreement,theywilljointlyrecommend thattheCourtneitherdepartupwardnordepartdownward undertheSentencing Guidelineswhen determ ining the advisory sentencing guidelinerange in tlziscase. Furthermore,neitherparty w ill recom m end the Courtvary eitherupwardsordow nw ardswhen determ ining the sentence. 5 Case 1:17-cr-20648-RNS Document 49 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/12/2018 Page 6 of 11 11. Thedefendnntapeesthatheshallcooperate fully withthisOfficeby:(a)providing truthftzland com plete inform ation and testimony,and producing docum ents,records and other evidence,when calleduponbytllisOffce,whetherin interviews,beforeagrandjury,oratany trialorotherCourtproceeding;(b)appeadngatsuch grandjuryproceedings,hearings,trials,and otherjudicialproceedings,andatmeetings,asmayberequiredbythisOfsce;and(c) ifrequested by thisOffice,working in an undercoverrole tmderthe supervision of,and in compliancewith, 1aw enforcem entofscers and agents. In addition,the defendnnt ac ees thathe w illnotprotect any person orentity through falseinformation oromission,thathewillnotfalsely im plicate any person orentity,and thathewillnotcom mitany furthercdmes. This O ffice reserves the rightto evaluate the nature and extentof the defendnnt's cooperation and to make thatcooperation,orlack thereot hlown to the Courtatthe time of sentencing. IfinthesoleandunreviewablejudgmentoftlzisOfficethedefendnnt'scooperation isofsuch quality and signifcance to theinvestigation orprosecution ofothercriminalm attersas to warrantthe Court's dow nward departure from the advisory sentencing range calbulated under the Sentencing Guidelinesand/orany applicable minimum mandatory sentence,tllis Ofscem ay make amotion pdorto sentencingpursuantto Section 5K 1.1ofthe Sentencing Guidelinesand/or Title18,Urlited StatesCode,Section 35534$,orsubsequentto sentencingptlrsuanttoRule35of the Federal Rules of Crim inal Procedtlre,inform ing the Court that the defendanthas provided substmntial assistance and recom m ending that the defendant's sentence be reduced. The defendnntunderstands and av ees,how ever,thatnotiling in tllisagreem entrequirestllis Office to file any such m otions,and that tllis Office's assessm ent of the quality and significance of the Case 1:17-cr-20648-RNS Document 49 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/12/2018 Page 7 of 11 defendnnt'scooperation shallbebinding asitrelatesto the appropdatenessofthisOffice'sfiling ornon-filingofa motionto reducesentence. 13. Thedefendantunderstmndsand acknowledgesthattheCourtislm derno obligation to p anta motion forreduction ofsentence filed by tllisOffke. In addition,the defendantfurther tm derstxnds and acu ow ledges thatthe Court is under no obligation of any type to reduce the defendnnt's sentence because ofthe defendant's cooperation. The defendantis aw are thatthe sentence has notyetbeen determ ined by the Court. Thedefendnntalsoisawarethatanyestimateoftheprobablesentencing rangeorsentencethatthe defendantm ay receive,whetherthatestimatecom esfrom thedefendnnt'sattorney,thisOffice,or theprobation office,isaprediction,notaprom ise,and isnotbindingon thisOffce,theprobation office orthe Court.The defendanttmderstandsfurtherthatany recom mendation thattltisOffice m akesto the Courtasto sentencing,whetherpursuantto tllisap eem entorotherwise,isnotbinding on the Courtand the Courtm ay disregard the recomm endation in its entirety. ' l'he defendant understands and acu owledges, as previously acu owledged in parar aph 2 abbve,that the defendnntmay notwithdraw hispleabased upon the Court'sdecision notto accepta sentencing recommendationmadebythedefendant,thisOffice,or a recommendation madejointlybythe defendantand tllisOffce. The defendant further agrees to forfeit to the United States volune ly and imm ediatelya11property constim ting,orderived from proceedsobtained,directly orindirectly,as a result of the Conspiracy to D istribute a Controlled Substance charged in Cotm t One of the Superseding lnform ation,and any property used,orintended to be used,in any m annerorpart,to com m itorfacilitatethe com m ission ofsuch offense. Furtherm ore,the defendnntagreesto forfeit e Case 1:17-cr-20648-RNS Document 49 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/12/2018 Page 8 of 11 to the United States voltmtarily and imm ediately a11property,involved in the Conspiracy to Latm derM oney charged in CotmtTwooftheSuperseding lnformation,andany property traceable to suchproperty. Theproperty subjecttoforfeitureislimitedto: One (1) Snmslmg (M odel NP270E5E) Notebook Computer, Sedal Nllmber JDFB91LD 400133Y ; Approxim ately 99.98947177 Bitcoin;and Approximately 121.94805811Bitcoin Cash. The defendnntap eesto consentto the entry ofordersofforfeiture for such property. The defendnnt admits and agrees thatthe conductdescribed in the Indic% entand FacmalProfer provides a sufscientfacmaland statutory basisforthe forfeiture ofthe property soughtby the Govem m ent. The defendantalso agreesto fully cooperate with the Governm entin al1proceedings, whetheradministativeorjudicial,involvingtheforfeituretotheUrlited Statesofal1rights,title, and interest,regardless oftheir nature or form ,in the above. Tltis assistnnce includesproviding a11necessary passwords. 17. The defendant knowingly and voluntnrily waives a1l constittztional, legal and equitable defensesto the forfeiture ofthe assetsin anyjudicialor adminiskative proceeding, including any claim or defense tm der the Eighth Am endm ent to the United States Constitution; waivesany applicabletimelimitstotheinitiation ofadministrativeorjudicialproceedings,and w aives any rightto appealthe forfeittlre. 8 Case 1:17-cr-20648-RNS Document 49 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/12/2018 Page 9 of 11 18. The Defendantap eesnotto m akearequestundertheIntem ationalPdsonerTransfer Prop nm untilsuch tim e ashiscooperation,pttrsuantto paragraph 11ofthisagreem ent,iscom plete ortllreeyearsfrom thedateofhisarrest,whichevercom esfirst. 19. The defendantunderstandsand acu ow ledgesthatthe Intem ationalPrisonerTransfer Prop nm isdesir ed to relieve som eofthe specialhardshipsthatfallupon offendersincarcerated ,u ï in aforeir country,andtofacilitatetherehabilitation oftheseoffenders. ThisOftkeapee- kx ' r 6 kttkm m tkà'b &k4ntàykt1)L?;4Mt#h ùfçtm 'bptAvé ' thedefendant'srequestunderthisprogram shouldheabidebya11theconditionsoftllis ' ' agreem ent. 'I'he defendant understands and acknow ledges how ever, that this O ffice has no authority to grantordeny the defendant'srequesttmdertheprogram . 20. ThedefendrmtisawarethatTitle28,United StatesCode,Section 1291and Title 18, United StatesCode,Section 3742 afford the defendantthe rightto appealthe sentence im posed in this case. A cu ow ledging this,in exchange for the tm dertakings m ade by the Uztited States in thisplea agreem ent,the defendanthereby waivesa11rights conferred by Sections 1291 and 3742 to appealany sentence im posed,including any restitution order,orto appealthe m nonerin which the sentence w asim posed,tm lessthe sentence exceedsthe m axim um perm itted by statute oristhe resultofan upw ard depart ure and/oran upward variance from the advisory guideline range that the Court establishes at sentencing. The defendant further understands that notlling in this agreem entshallaffectthe governm ent'srightand/orduty to appealassetforth in Title 18,United StatesCode,Section 37421)and Title28,United StatesCode,Section 1291. However,ifthe Urlited States appeals the defendant's sentence pursuantto Sections 374209 and 1291,the defendnntshallbe released from the above w aiver ofllisrightto appealhis sentence. 9 Case 1:17-cr-20648-RNS Document 49 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/12/2018 Page 10 of 11 21. The defendantfurtherhereby waives a1lrightsconferred by Title 28,United States Code,Section 1291to assertany claim that(1)the statutesto which the defendantispleading guiltyaretmconstitutional;and/or(2)theadmittedconductdoesnotfallwithin thescopeofthe statutes ofconviction. 22. By sir ing this ap eem ent, the defendant acknow ledges that the defendant has discussed the appeal w aiver set forth in this agreem ent w ith the defendant's attorney. The defendantfurtheragrees,togetherw ith thisO ftk e,to requestthattheCourtentera specific finding thatthe defendant'sw aiverofhis rightto appealthe sentence im posed in thiscase and hisrightto appealhisconviction in the m annerdescribed above w as know ing and voluntary. The defendantrecognizesthatpleading guilty m ay have consequencesw ith respectto the defendant's im m igration status ifthe defendantis nota citizen ofthe U nited States. Under federal law , a broad range of crim es are rem ovable offenses,including the offenses to w hich defendantispleading guilty.Indeed,because defendantispleading guilty to narcotics traftk king and m oney laundering,rem oval is presum ptively m andatory. Rem oval and other im m ip ation consequencesarethesubjectofaseparateproceeding,however,and defendanttmderstandsthat no one,including the defendant'sattorney orthe Court,can predictto a certainty the effectofthe defendant's conviction on the defendant's im m igration status. The defendant nevertheless affirm s that he w ants to plead guilty regardless of any im m igration consequences that the defendant's plea m ay entail,even if the consequence is the defendant's autom atic rem ovalfrom the United States. 10 Case 1:17-cr-20648-RNS Document 49 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/12/2018 Page 11 of 11 24. Thisistheentireap eem entandunderstandingbetween thisOftk eandthedefendant. There are no otheragreem ents,prom ises,representations,ortmderstandings. BEN JA M W G .GREEN BERG UN ITED STATES ATTO RNE Ilate:I z /g By: J oate: ,9 9/. 701% EZ,JR . ITED STA TES A TTO RN EY By: - oate, N .G ON S STAN T AC . A LD EN PELK ER TRIA L ATTORN EY ylgysy, x v NA TA IRE ATTORNEVFoRDE/ENDAXT Date: J 1% By: f/fr ws G A L VA LLER IU S D EFEN DA N T 11