CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER i?ur'sua'nt t0- CONTRACT NO. 10529184 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER 30529184?001 . This Contract Change Orcler as Veffe'c?Ve 4/27/2018,, and is issued to medify the Contract re?erenced abeve, and, fig the extent applicable, the: Cantract Change {hat have been} executed t0 between Ehiergy New Orleans, LLC, (?User?) an'd'THE. HA WTHORN GRGUP LC. (?Contractor?). The-Contract is medifled as 'faliows: A. Me?ify the Scope of Work, Descriptian and Schedule of provide all malarial, .labor,- and equipment to provide the foilhwing: - New Orleans City .Cauhcil Uiiliiy Committee meeting 1:0 he heldht (Sill St; ~38 supyo?ers ~An additional IE) pe?hpie'whe will sign to provide ?testimhny. fi?he ln?lviduals will carry handmade signs; ?Have pecple thaw ahead 91? the hearing, anti the speakers will he there at least twe hours in .advahce to ensure they get inih tha room. - - - -~Supp'0rfers- and spsaliers will be recruited fer their support 6f the: the New 'Orieahg . Powar Statieh and their ability to effectively communicate iihat - mThe sighs are usequ to help identify supporters for the Council members. 8. Madify the camhen?sa?en?, fer the additional wm?k as described in item 1A abeve. Fer suhh atidltihh?al work, 33123.11 be .campengated th?. sum of The 'revisad sum 01" the Contract. .refere'ncad abeve that inclades this Contract Change: Order is C. This; Centract Change Qr?cier' Shall. alga 'rh?cii?/ the End Dale of the Ca'htrac?t referenced above t0? be extended to 4/30/18. L32 to the {arms and canditions .c'ohtaihed'hereim the fellawihg "shall apply only to _the performance: ofthe Service's he: fo?h ill-the Centract Order referenced above: E.) Contracth and thca?fracmrs shallahi??' by the" requirements {3f 4} CFR . aha These regnlatiohs prohibit ?iscriminati?h against: qualified individuals base? 'on their status as p?mtected veterans 0r individuals with disabili?es. .. and prehihit - discrimination againgt a?ll'in?ivi?uals based On their race} solar, religion, sex, sexual mientation, gen?er identity. (31' national origin. Mareover, these regulations require that covered prime ?nntract?rs and subcontractors take ma'ffirmatma .actinn "to employ and a?ivance in. emplayment in?ividuals . without regard to race, calm, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gentler identity, na??nai Origin,- pmiect?d veteran. sfatus or disah?ility. To the extent applicable, lhe empleyee notice requirement set forth in .29 CFR. Part ?371, Appehdlx A to Subpart A, are hereby iihcorpomtecl by tin?th ih?s centract. 2) Can?tractor warrants and represeh?is ihai it will not use any retiree: of Company. Af?liates. er Usera t0 perform" any portion 0f the Whrk. as an employee. Subcontracmr' (including as a :1099 worker) '01? is?: any Other capacity, if the ilofm Centract C1021th Order 195215)} 8&091 Revised . . . . . . . . . . - 4527;20l8 mi 7729? individual has not been retired. from Company, Af?liaies, or Users; far at least six consecuiive menths pylm? to performing services far Contractor. 2* Coniracter shall direct any pm} act at technical questic?ns .tG'CharlaS .L Rice .504m6'703620, and any commercial questions; comerning this Change- 017(31er Tanner A 'Guidroz?at 504-576-3845. . . 3. The Complatia?n? dais? all major lniermadlate the project sCh'eduie? the gentract prick: and all other items,-cevenams arid conditims :0f the abeve .I?eferenced (Emmet, eXcept as duly "modi?eci by this arid 'p'mviaus Cantra'ct Change Order'sj (if any) remain in full fame and effect, Execde by the pai?ties harem effective' asst? the day and year ?rst above mentioned. APPROVEE) BY: ACCEPTED BY: 1 w, Tanner A. Guidroz . . . . .. 2018.04.27 CONTRAC 13:40:06 -05*00? .V. Name: Tanner . . . - - - - -- Name: . . a? Title:- _Pr0curement Specialisi . . - - Title: I Date: .. . "Date: I I 10529184+081 Farm (lentaactCiaange Older I .4f2W2018-l?lvM .- Revised