DECLARETIOH BILLY 1 m0 1, 3211; groan, geclare as fOilu?l 1 CH ?earxary 1978, i ?as returning to Exam Sacraments an a car the fellowlng massengara: Song Stankewitz, Marian Stankawitz, Ragar Stankewitz, Jerry Calzaldo fsic], Teena Topping, and Marlin Lewis. 2. WE were questioned by Manteca police offiCers when we stopped in Mantaca at a convenience store to buy meta: oil. We Were all taken to the palica 5tation and quastioned about who owned 'the car. The officers released us but kept the car. 3. ?aring our questianing, the golice took a gun Larian Stankewitz but raturned it ta her when wa left the statioml i anly saw the gun that aha time, when was raturned to Mariaa Stankawitz. Exit-8*. sp-an?ing ?the night at the Mant-eca bug statian waiting far a bug, Doug Stankewitz, Teena Topping, Marlin Lawis and I decided to to Fresno. We werq able to g9: a ri?e to Madasto, but we 6 cauld not get a ride after that. At that point, decided to get car. taad near teleg?ang heath which was at the 5! .7: {14:9 7 S?F??r?sd A. 1.4 Li; fr 7.9: 4. . gue mumagt. .L away: a norm nann&ng and Teena 4 arcund the viczim?s Lhraat and a knife in his'hand :3 the victim?s throat? The victim wag abated in the middle oi the front geat? Doug Stankewitz wag aeated in the Eran .inje- 3?51 25? 144 ?3 LU gassangar seat Topping was the driver of the car. We drove to Fresno ta the Ciinatown area. At 33mg point; we pickad,up Christina Menchaca at a bar. ?We then went ta 10th ana Vine Streets in Fresno to pick up drugs. Aftar Chriatiwa got ant 0f the car and want ta 3 house nearby, Gang Stankewitz, Marlin Lewis and.1 got out of the car. As I was just getting out of the car, Teena ed me back into the car whera she was atili a 0 1.1. behind the wheel. W?en slid inta the zront seat onto the consale, I heard a gun shot. I looked to the right and $aw Qoug Stankawitz an? Marlin Lewis coming tawar? the car. Teresa Graybaal Wag already an the graund. 7? did not at any time see. 33ng Stankewitz hol?ing a qua. 3 did act sea who pulled the trigger. 8. Wham averybady?was in the car, Marlin Lewis sai? "could We have dropped her or could we have drapped.her." never haard &aythiag about ?dragging her. film Lawis, wha"wa8?alga in the bask saat, with his'a?m four weeks before tie trial, I was ?schooled" by the dieeriet attoreey regarding mv testimony. I remember going to Ardaiz?e office on weekends an that he could go ever my testimony. I wee always De mg tekee out Of juvenile hali by Ardeiz Or one 3f tee lads detectives to go over my teetimony. If I did not gay what they wanted, they would threaten me with homicide chargee. 12. The district atterney promieed me neW'identity end they said they were going to move me out 05 with my mother. My mother Was aware of these premises. 13. ?ri0r'to me testifying, Detective Jim Serelding {sic} gave me mickey of Thunderbird wine to relax my nerves. Areaiz knew that he gave me the wine because he tol?x me to g0 .brueh my 'teeth .becaaee I emeiled. ef alcohel. 14. 1 was usually "buzzed? an the steed. 18. At one point, teetified t0 a fact the way I thought it was, but the district attermey pulled me off 1* .5. v' 2 tee Sp??d end tale went beak and teetified ta that fact. The ?istriet said I weuid be in eteept of court and my immunity weuid be lift?? 1f did not attend the Second trial. qv . n? 13? dam nee upgroeened e3 . ?seq?; 6% StanKeWLtaJs attornev. He never interviewed?me"* I have given this four_page statement of my own free . . v. - w-eneut premise o; ;Eh3?3 uh uEIEdt sf c:e:c10n c: 1-.- ?o a i T. h? any xlnd. i was reaa e3 me and had the suocrturlzv t3 L. F). [n . I swear under penalty of perju-g that this Declaration is entirely true. his 90 day of wfgp7L 1993,at Fresno, CA. Billy Brow Executed