FRED PALMER, GENERAL MANAGER ?n CEO: A MEASURE OF WESTERN SUCCESS IS HOW WELL WE PERFORM OUR PRIMARY TASK. AT THE RI.F CLUE-ET OUR UTILITY PLANTS. WE DID THAT JOB WELL IN Iggu BY INCREASING DELIVERY VOLUMES BY NEARLY A MILLION TONS TO AN ANNUAL TOTAL OF 33,742.46] TONS. BUT THAT I5 NOT THE KERN I21. OF OUR OPERATK3NAI. SUCCESS. WHEN WESTERN GOT START. EVERY TON CCIIAI WF DEI WAS PRODUCED BY ELSE. WITH TIIF. CREEK YEARS Atit'}, RESPONSIBILITY (hu' (it: .ll Hal FOR PRODUCING OUR OWN COAL. TIIE L4 MILLION TONS OF WESTERN PRODUCTION DOUBLED T0 2.8 MILLION TONS PER YEAR WHEN WF STARTED OUR UN (IPFRATIDN AT WESTERN DESFRADO MINI: IN COLORADC). START-UP OF TIIF. DRY FORK IN WHICH THIS A A. SURFACE MINE. BAZANT. OF DIRECTORS: WE ALREADY MEET ark. OF OUR MEMBER NEEDS WITH OUR OWN COAL PRODUCTION. NEXT YEAR. IT WII I. BE CLOSER TC) BY PARTICIPATING IN THE ASSOCIATION. OUR MEMBERS HAVE '1 HF. I'll-151 POSSIBLE INSURANCE PAY THE LOW- COST FOR COAL BECAUSE THEY OWN AN organization that mint-5.; u, buys It and ships It. Nn one has hettvr understanding of the (Twit structure and pitfalls. With beta-r than of Association purchases cuming nut nf the Powder River Basin. I?t?l?l?l- be . tly bent-Titling fro-I11 Dw lion In assure runs-authors; would pay the lowest [M)551l)lt' for In firl- [ha-In. It's. hard tn- hitting that target and then hut-inc: Inld its; tintv- In start charging I'aur ('nnl fired rit'ity hecau?-e (1f 1-: perceptiun that hurtling cue-:1 global. ('ha nee. Iurtivv rnpar - rive nthv-r? nun 1hr- Snrne art-n. his is what I ratarg envisioned i?ll'lt??t Supply urg? ni zen - ()ur Efforts Are Untjerway to Make Coal the Most Expensive Fuel (If ('nurse (??l'l?bthl?l dioxide- during final is; an external (-nvirnn- Inr-nlnl rust not included in the price pay fur electricity that shuuld my I'nr it. BAZANT: The Board doesn?t amt-e with llIi-IT. put-iitiuul?l. The way can put a price tag on envi- rnnment?l exter? nalities is if they have a I't?nsnn ably gun-(KI Idea 0| what effect Ill er plants gun-t who sup 1* pic: lru?ily fr'nrn nut??I h" kinda ?ul' plant-n [Inn .unnt'lg I HS 1' I1 Hf'l1?it 1 l-?uels Has No Chou-e But In Enter the Fray (Jun Global Warming. {1 In wiIl l' l'tl?i? nrnlu Ije Ihv pru'l- lhc- inn .It?i. tl'it'ity. In. t-I'l il (it-hun- sun I. [ml I-AI MIR (If: l'lu- H11- rtfar fl." 1 tlu- Inurkt-I. HAZANI: Sunni .1 why Flu-Is. (u Ho .u'tlvc' ?In [n Iq?u the Edward. fur ?ll1l' l'ilsl In It: 1-.1 llu- Ara-.1? iill iurl'h guulh In highlight. Ing ulunnl 1: ?lt?l)un ?Ill?l' ntIu-I' fl'l'h A I: n1 l. I'l?c] 51? unt'rgy (Irhlh It: 1? il I l-Iitl .Wu-nn-rn fut-hi (If hurplua l'll?i It) [Jill'lh of tho Inn-nun the- hnqu" and "t-xlI-rnul My" tIu-ur'lvh lug ll'nuhlt- lur ntilil it's-u burn. runs-II furl?? and In: aurtn-r? rt?ly upon hue-i nu tray We (all n? our dl'lvvl?l by IH Inn hlgl'l