/i HOG HOUSION COMMUNITY COLLEGE Final Report: Procurement, Elections, Personnel/ Employment, Facilities Related Financial Matters Dr. Cesar Maldonado E. Ashley Smith Arturo Michel June 14, 2018 if Send Preservation Notice. Respond to TPIA requests. Review the HCC 2016 Internal Audit Report. Perform a forensic review. Review procurement documents. Review existing HCCS conflict-of-interest practices. Respond to inquiries from regulatory authorities. Recommendations for strengthening HCCS Ethics Policy. Recommendations for strengthening HCCS Procurement Procedures and Guidelines. 10. FINAL REPORT (June 14, 2018) Source: as posted on HCC site in August 2017 2 (If Implemented Practices - Evaluators Report any contact by vendor, trustee or employee on behalf of vendor Failure to report results in discipline, up to termination - Vendors Conflict of interest forms required annually (in addition to initially) Unauthorized communication during solicitation renders ineligibility - Subcontractors Subject to same restrictions as prime vendors during solicitation Subject to same reporting requirements as prime vendors Ci of Additional Recommendations from May 2018 Interim Report - Departmental Reporting 0 Report summarizing input by department regarding standards qualifications, criteria or procurement delivery method - Pool ?Based Vendors 0 Identify in writing standard and criteria for Vendor Selection - Procurement Planning 0 Procurement Department shall publish procurement calendar at the beginning of the year for transparency - Human Resources Employee Evaluations 0 Annual evaluation of employee procurement responsibilities 0 Report attempts to influence employment status decisions I Additional Recommendations from May 2018 Interim Report - Additional Vendor Contract Affirmations Ongoing Vendor obligation during term of the contract to make 176 disclosures 0 Joint file for completed conflict disclosures comparing HCC local government officer and vendor filings 0 Vendor obligation to report Trustee contact from pre-bid meeting until after the award is made 0 Vendor obligation to disclose contributions and relationships between family members, consultants, and subcontractors to Trustees Annual Administrative Review 0 Executive Cabinet Oversight of Annual Review of Procurement, Facilities and Human Resources 2: of C2 of Additional Recommendations from May 2018 Interim Report - Procurement Training 0 Procurement Training of all end users and board members Construction Procurement 0 Create a process forjob order contracts Cooperative Purchasing 0 Adopt Procedures for selection of vendors through cooperative purchasing 0 Work assignments must be approved by a procurement officer Additional Recommendations from May 2018 Interim Report Board and Employee Communications 0 Communications between Board members and HCC employees must pass through board services 0 Prohibit contact between Board members and employees during the blackout period 0 Require employees to report contact with Trustees Contribution Disclosure Require Board members to disclose all contributions received from parties associated with a vendor at the time of selection 2: 01? (I of Additional Recommendations from May 2018 Interim Report - Evaluator Meeting and Training 0 Establish a pre-RFP meeting between the buyer and evaluators to train evaluators on disclosure requirements and prohibited communications Evaluator Openness and Disclosure Prohibit evaluators from discussing a procurement without all evaluators present Require certification by each evaluator after the award that no unreported prohibited contact occurred c: of Additional Recommendations from May 2018 Interim Report Written Rationale for Selecting Non-Recommended Vendor Require Trustees to give written reasons for selecting vendors not recommended by procurement - Employee-wide Blackout 0 Expand blackout prohibitions to include communications from vendors to all employees - Approval of Negotiated Contracts 0 Require contract terms to be negotiated and executed by vendor before the Board awards the contract C2 of Final Recommendations from June 2018 Examination Report - Procurement Process 0 Circulate procurement calendar to Board periodically to inform and obtain Board?s input Implement ethics training for vendors Place reporting obligations on vendors and users for procurements - Election Contributions and Conflicts of Interest 0 Notify vendor or Trustee of failure to file disclosure of interested party statement or questionnaire Bar vendor subcontractor, other vendor contractors from employing relatives of Trustees and Employees of mal Recommendations from June 2018 Examination Report - Human Resources 0 Schedule procurement training regularly and on recurring basis with disciplinary consequences for failure to meet training requirements 0 Develop specialized procurement trainings for certain departments such as Facilities 0 Create policy or procedure informing employees and vendors that violations may result in contract termination and debarment THANK YOU