up e' 'lmmu sump. J'Iuamum and cm The freedom movement's secret weapon isn't a secret anymore! -- STATE POLICY NETWORK Stat: 50mm Havana! Impact Jlnte LZOIS Dw- Oursecretisout. A few years ago, Slam Policy Network flew radar' oflhe pro-Big Gmmn'nenl crowd. We were in many ways a "secret weapon' steadily advancing a freedom agenda in the states while most eyes were on the natioml letels But those on the Left have become increasingly aware ofui'al SP8 is doing in If: flats is paving the hay for larger victories for frmdam at the Italic/Dal level. They have watched in frustration in we have -- quietly and palicnll)' used our carefull) developed tactics to empower our memork to achieve significant Ian spending. and education reforms. And. even worse from their perspective. tho hate salt us "in ma'or \ictories our govemmenl unions and other entrenched fortcs of Big Government tint no one "001d hate though! possible just a few years ago -my name is Tncie Sharp, and 1 am the President and CEO or 5m: Policy Network or SPN as our friends call us. [write today to ask for your help -- and to unite you to help us take ad'anlage ofan hisloric npponunuy to push policies and idm inm ml legislation benefiting millions or Americans in slates across the nation 7 bringing about a genuine freedom HEVIIJS America As you will see. SPN today stands on the front edge oftlle greats! opponmtin' to advance freedom in the slalcs in the last I00 years. We know iL And no" lhE organized Left knows who we are and who! we 're thing. And they ginning hysterical Allow me to share with you a few sections ofa spezclt Sen. Elinbetl "inure a leading darling oflhe Ith delivered on the floor ofthe US, Senate in April: Page 2 ?Censider the State Pelicy Netwerk. SPN is an umbrella alliance ef ever 60 manizatiens cevering nearly every state in the United States. . .. ?The geal ef the State Pelicy Netwerk and its myriad af?liates is te trick the public inte thinking that they are genuine. unbiased think tanks researching public pelicy issues instead ef right-wing. billienairc?funded greups dedicated te hijacking every legislature in America. Altheugh it fecuses en state pelicy, the State Pelicy Netwerk?s agenda can have natienwide effects. Just leek at the Supreme Ceurt case Jeans v. AFSCME. which will determine whether public seeter uniens that represent teachers and nurses and ?re?ghters and pelice ei?ccrs in states and cities areund this ceuntry will actually be able te cellect fees frem werkplaces they represent. . .. ?The State Pelicy Netwerk?s attack en werkers is just ene preng ef a much larger campaign te hand gevernment ever te the rich and p?WEl??ll.. .. State Pelicy Netwerk alse werks te gut envirenmental pretectiens that prevent big cerperatiens frem peisening eur water, eur feed, and eur air dismantle Medicaid and ether health care pretectiens that prev ide vulnerable, lew-inceme individuals with basic health care slash inceme and ether taxes that previde critical funds fer basic gevernment services and weaken public pensiens that previde gevemment werkers with ?nancial security in retirement." Wew! She did get ene thing right: Our state selutiens ere having natienal impact! In additien te this tirade frem Senater Warren. we?ve alse been attacked in the pages ef Britain?s leading Left-wing publicatien. The Guardian. And cable televisien ?rebrand Ed Shultz dedicated an entire episede ef his shew te ?expese? us. and he centinues te rail against us en his radie talk shew. And en May 2nd ef this year, SPN and ene ef eur newest af?liates in New Jersey were attacked in the pages ef USA Tedey fer suppesedly ?advecating fer disenfranchising minerities. privatizing educatien. gutting envirenmental pretectiens, eradicating werkers' rights and impesing a tax system at the expense ef the middle class.? I did say they were grewing hysterical! We are being attacked because we are effective. In fact, Vice President Mike Pence has recegnized the werk ef State Pelicy Netwerk. He sees hew freedem is rising in the states! As he has said: think a let ef what?s happening in America teday. a let ef the call fer referm er return te the principles ef limited gevernment and ?scal discipline, is a result ef' the seeds that have been planted all acress this ceuntry by State Pelicy Netwerk affiliates ever the last 20 years.? Page 3 Yen may be interested te knew that Vice President Pence a fermer U.S. Cengressntan and fermer Geverner ef Indiana is alse the fenner head ef an SPN af?liate, the Indiana Pelicv Review Feundatien. Yes, a fermer leader in eur state af?liate netwerk is new the Vice President ef the United States and he thinks eur efferts at SPN have changed and will centinne te change the ceuntry fer the better. I agree! What?s mere. we are determined te succeed. And we are ready. Ready fer the eppertunity and the challenge this year will present. In 1992., a small grenp ef sephisticated pre-liberty deners set ent en a missien te establish free-market think tanks in each of the 50 states. Since then. SPN has grewn inte a ceast?te-ceast pewerheuse. fully prepared te seize this mement. I was privileged te be a pieneer in this netwerk by helping te fennd the Cascade Pelicy Institute in Oregen. We were ene ef just a handful ef state-based freedem centers te first jein State Pelicy Netwerk. And new, since I became president ef SPN in 1999, State Pelicy Netwerk has grewn frem 36 think tanks in 34 states with cembined revenues efabeut $15 millien te where it is teday: 66 state-fecnsed think tanks seme states even have twel And with more than 500 staff members and cembined revenues estimated at mere than $80 millien. I am preud te say that SPN and eur netwerk af?liates are new at the ferefrent ef teday's majer pelicy battles in the states. And, tegether, we are achieving BIG wins fer freedem en issues ranging frem tax cuts and budget restraints te educatien referm and scheel cheice te pensien referm and Right-te-Werk. As ene friend recently teld me, because ef SPN. every state in the new has a :iN?rth Star" In guide them. A ?Nerth Star? fer the pelicies ef freedem and free enterprise te effectively guide legislaters, the media, and epinien leaders. especially in the face ef pewerful special interests that are relentless in defending the Big Gevernment status que. Ne wender the Left has ceme nnglued in its hysteria ever These en the Left simply denlt have anything like SPN which is why they are new spending an insane amennt ef meney te develep their ewn Left-wing infrastructure in the states te rival us. Geerge Seres and ether wealthy leftists are peering as much as $500 millien annually inte their Demecracy Alliance, with a tep prierity ef creating a ?Pregressive_States Netwerk.? As yeu can tell frem the name, the Pregressive States Netwerk is being launched in direct and deliberate eppesitien te State Pelicy Netwerk. Its missien? Page 4 Te fercefully advance Big Gevemment Progressivism threugh the states, while ceding ever mere power te the central gevemment in Washington, D.C. Hew'? By tilting media eeverage ef state-based issues to the Left threugh the aggressive use ef websites and media ?watchdeg? grenps smearing pre-market pelitieians, deners, and erganizatiens threugh grenps like their se?called Center fer Public Integrity and identifying, recruiting, and preparing Left-leaning candidates to win electiens, frem lecal seheel beards and city ceuncils all the way up te state legislatures, the U.S. Cengress, and the White Hense. We must net let the Left?s erehestrated campaign against SPN derail enr mementnm er reverse enr wins this year! New is the time In meet this challenge head en and In build npen enr success. Wein SPN in snppert ef enr beld battle plan fer the rest ef this vear and threngh 2021!. The success ef this plan very much depends npen the immediate and substantial snppert yen and ether friends ef freedem entrust te us in this crucial ?rst phase. Our plan begins with leadership What has been the secret ef success why are we winning an many battles in the states? The eemmen deneminater in all car successes is cur eemmitment te grewing leaders. Net just any leaders, but visienary leaders whe are used In ?ghting nphill battles. Whe den?t censider the edds against them as they take en the entrenched ferces ef Big Gevernment. SPN leaders expect te win. And they de! We are recruiting, nurturing, and supperting state-level leaders whe are feree mniripiiers. Threngh their leadership and example, the leaders have a disprepertienately large impact, effecting change far beyend their erganizatien and state. The freedem mevement needs mere ef these kinds ef spit?re leaders. Te de this, we created Leadership Develepment Initiative, a pregram with a talented team ef practitieners in a variety ef disciplines essential te a streng state think tank, ef which leadership is critical. Last year, this team develeped and snpperted mere than 150 highly cempetent, creative, talented mevement leaders, pushing their abilities te the highest levels. This keeps the mevement Page 5 strong and provides the acceleration needed for the most visionary of leaders to win key policy battles raging in their respective states. By 2020, we must be poised to double the number of leaders in the network. increasing exponentially the impact of our movement for freedom! If we don?t do this, it won?t happen. No one else is currently up to the task. But that's not all we do. We also help leaders in each state develop an in?astructure for freedom that is built to last and Therefore, with your support, SPN will continue to work alongside our network partners to continuously improve core capacities in their states, including the ability to: Assemble intellectual ammunition Conduct investigative reporting inspire grassroots efforts Deliver compelling educational messaging Cultivate a pipeline of rising leaders Produce high-quality research Foster strategic litigation Every day, state-based think tanks in every state across our freedom network work tirelessly for the people of their states. Their expertise and understanding of their own state make them the very best people to decide on policy priorities and determine the best tactics and strategies to deploy. This work is incredibly challenging. It is hard work to get a nonpro?t organization up and running. They must ?nd dedicated supporters, meet legal regulations, be strategic and visionary while maintaining day?to?day operational needs. That all makes it even harder to provide sustainability and see results. Because of SPN, our network of 66 state-based think tanks doesn?t have to face that reality alone. Our plan will curb the abuses and undue political influence of government unions, while empowering American workers Government unions remain freedom?s most well-funded and deeply entrenched opponent. They are one of the largest special interest groups in the country, spending more than $1.7 billion each election cycle and blocking any and all reforms that don?t serve to expand Big Government. Worse, their revenue is funded through coercion. They unfairly force workers to pay union dues and fees, robbing families of hard-earned income. This takes money out of workers? paychecks to ?l?d political issues that workers may not support. Page 6 By 2020, SPN aims to empower our interstate freedom network to rescue nearly a million people from forced government unionization. Already, thanks to the generosity of SPN supporters, our network has helped pass more labor reforms in the last two years than the last two decades combined, including: I Right?to?Work laws in West Virginia, Kentucky, and Missouri. (These came on the heels of similar victories in Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin.) I: Paycheck protection in Kentucky and project labor agreement reform in Kentucky and Missouri. I Recerti?cation in Florida, with similar legislation introduced in Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Maine, Michigan, and Idaho. I And opt-out efforts resulting in 700,000+ people opting out of their government unions in the state of Washington. This is incredible progress for freedom! To build on our momentum, SPN has launched a major project to mobilize and support a multi-state effort designed to give government workers a voice and a choice . .. that is, a choice about whether they want to belong to a government union and a voice in how their unions are led. This in turn holds unions accountable to their members and reduces the ability of government union leaders to block reforms like education, pension, and poverty alleviation that could improve the lives of millions of Americans. Our plan is designed to win the story war! For years SPN's strategy was stealth by design. We wanted to be behind the scenes, working to build up a freedom movement in every state. But we got so good at what we were doing that the Left and the media caught on. We are out there now, so it"s time to tell our own story and drive our own message, while also empowering the think tanks to put faces on the human suffering caused by bad government policy and to drive stories of human ?ourishing that comes out of good policy. Between now and 2020, we are building a pro-freedom PR machine for the network that does just that. It all ?ows from our understanding of the need to reach people with emotionally- compelling stories. As you know, this is an area the Left has excelled at for decades, while our pro-market, limited government allies have too o?en failed. But for the past several years, SPN has worked to empower state-based groups with effective communications tools through a robust, professionalized system of message development, testing, and training. Page 7 And new we?re launching a media plan te put mere visibility en the ideas generated frem the netwerk. Mere impertantly, we are cennecting lawmakers, in?uencers, and key audiences to real peeple whese lives have changed fer the better as a result at geed pelicy supported by SPN and eur netwerk partners. In ether werds, we leek te ccnsistently and tenacieusly cennect geed policy refenn te the impact it is having en real peeple. Speci?cally, we will fecus en three key areas: I Message Research: Delivering the RIGHT message, cemmunicated by the RIGHT messenger, tn the RIGHT audience, at the RIGHT time fer maximum impact. I Credible Message Bearers: Identifying, recruiting, vetting, and training ?l?Ierees? whe have been personally affected by bad gevernment er by geed pelicy. I Preective Message Depleyment: Preparing the netwerk fer attacks by preactively previding language te cembat eur eppenents? rheteric. Our plan will defend freedem ef speech by pretecting dener privacy Have yeu heard ef the DISCLOSE Act? It's a big part ef the Le??s effert te ceunter the success cf SPN and the pre?freedem mevement. This act and ether related laws being pushed by Sen. Warren and her ilk are designed te put deners en a publicly-accessible list. Why? Because, as we have seen, there are massive censequences when semeene is publicly expesed fer denatin te a centreversial cause including less ef ieb, harassment, and intimidatien. in additien te this effert by Sen. Warren, the Left is increasingly pressuring state legislatures and state Attemeys General te regulate and require anti-Big Gevemment erganizatiens te repert the names and addresses ef their supperters. This well-ceerdinated, well-funded effert te require pre-freedem nenprefits te divulge private infermatien is all part ef a plan te cheke eff the air supply ef funding. In fact, many greups pushing these measures ceme right nut and say that. The directer ef PregressNew, fer example, unapelegetically says, ?The next step fer us is te take dewn this netwerk ef institutiens that are state?based.? Anether leftist erganizatien, Acceuntable America, teld The New Yerk Times that it ?planned te cenfrent deners te censervative greups, heping te create a chilling effect that will dry up centributiens" by expesing deners te ?legal treuble, public expesure and watchdeg greups digging threugh their lives.? He said they were ?geing fer the jugular.? Page 3 The Le?'s byword for this c?'ort is ?transparency." But it is really an effort to force their changes on society through public intimidation of their opponents. So. when it can't get lawmakers to force donor disclosure. the Left goes straight to voters with misleading and deceptive ballot initiatives. such as ?anti-corruption" initiatives to promote this so-called ?transparency." Let?s be clear: transparency is for govemment; grivng' is for citizens. Forcing charitable organizations to report the names and addresses of their donors to the government will not stop corruption. But it will suppress our rights to free speech and association- The First Amendment to the United States Constitution explicitly protects you and me from any abridgment of our freedom of speech. as well as protects our right to peaceably assemble. The U.S. Supreme Court correctly recognized that these rights are legitimately expressed in the charitable funding of organizations and causes that promote our worldviews and public policy preferences. But the Left is now pursuing every avenue it can. both through the force of government and through the intimidation its minions can bring through mob action. to shame you into silence. By 2020. our goal at SPN is to make measurable strides to protect donor privacy. t_o defend every American?s right to support causes they believe in. To that end. SPN is leading a broad. bipartisan coalition to protect our ever-eroding First Amendment rights. educate state lawmakers. and protect our constitutional freedoms in state and federal courts. it Since l992. SPN has relentlessly endeavored to halt ever?expanding government and restore America as a beacon for freedom and tree enterprise. We ?ght for our country and we fight for you. to safeguard your freedom. to protect your right to choose how you live and work. The Left knows who we are. And what we can do. They are determined to stop us. The success of our plan. like everything we do at SPN. completely depends on the support of friends like you. With you and others like you on our side. we will push through whatever barriers they attempt to place in our path. To reach our aggressive. but eminently reachable and vital goals under our 2020 master plan. we must increase SPN's revenues to $l5 million this year and to $20 million by 2020. These additional resources will go towards our efforts to double the number of leaders in the movement. protect freedom of speech through donor privacy. rescue 1 million people from forced unionization. and build a robust PR message machine for the state-based freedom movement. Page 9 with such a great opponunity and no time to lose, I hope you will join State Policy Network by rushing the most generous possible gift you can today. I promise. your support ofSl00, $250 or $1,000 or more will prove vital to the success of our 2020 master plan, and will be put to immediate use in our light for the future of freedom in America And if you can provide a major gilt of 55.000. $10,000, $25,000 or more, you will play an even greater role in our bold campaign to boost the power of our leadership network to curb the power of Big Government special interests, protect donor privacy, expand health care freedom. cut taxes, curb burdensome regulations. give parents more control over their children's education, and achieve many more long-lasting wins for liberty. Thank you for your urgent consideration oftltis special request The opportunity to defend, secure, and accelerate constitutional, free-market reforms across our nation has never been greater in our lifetimes than it is now. Please let me hear from you right away! Yours for freedom, mow Tracie Sharp President Sen. Elizabeth Warren. George Soros, and others in the Progressive Lefl have watched as State Policy Network affiliates in state after state have sidestepped an increasingly hostile media and developed ways to communicate our ideas directly to everyday Americans fed up with Big Government intrusion into our lives. They have seen us assemble powerful coalitions to win Right~to~Work reforms and big policy clashes over taxes 7 and then maintain and nurture those coalitions to win other battles to advance freedom And they have watched us recmit and develop leaders at the state level that have proven remarkably capable of implementing transformalional changes in states from coast to coastr Now. as the Lefi wakes up to the potential SPN has to revitalize freedom throughout the country. we must vigorously defend all we have accomplished. We must not relent in our fight to advance liberty and protecl American citizens! -your investment orstuo, $250. $1,000, 35,000, 510,000, 525,000 or more in SPN and our 2020 master plan to defend and extend our victories can be a major difference maker for the future of freedom in America. Please let me hear from you today! Thank you! THE LEFT IS IN A PANIC We must keep freedom rising in the states! To: Tracie Sharp, President/CEO From: 1655 North Fort Myer Drive, Suite 360 Arlington, VA 22209 Dear Tracie, I agree! Sen. Elizabeth Warren, George Soros, and the Lefi-wing media are growing increasingly hysterical -- because WE ARE WINNING in the states! They know that SPN's steady drumbeat of state victories -- for tax, spending, and education reforms, and over the government unions and other assorted Progressive-Left interests -- is paving the way for larger victories for freedom at the national level, so they are now in a panic! I agree! Because they don't have anything like SPN, the Lefi is now spending an insane amount of money to develop its own Lefi>>wing infrastructure in the states to rival what SPN has built and to silence conservative and libertarian donors who oppose the Lefi's Big Government plans. We must not let their orchestrated campaign against SPN derail our momentum or reverse our wins this year! I agree! To help revitalize freedom across America, I am proud to give my support of SPN and your 2020 master plan to exponentially increase your leadership impact, take on the government union racket, defend the First Amendment rights of pro>>freedom donors, and boost your free-market, limited government message! Please accept my most generous possible, tax-deductible contribution in the amount of: sum $250 5500 $1,000 32,500 _slo.uno _0thcr:S Payment method mlease checl; mm) CI Check (make check payable to: sum- Policy Network) STATE POLICY NETWORK DArr SECURIW tour State Solutions. National Impact. State Policy Network is recognized by the IRS as a non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3). All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent otthe law. FOR TRANSFERRING GIFTS OF SECURITIES Fulani; Norbert: Gill?66.3036 DTC Null-en [ll-?16 F?elity Address: Nation! ?nancial Senicm LLC 10'} Crosby Parkway Cmington. KY 41015 Phase cutter: Betsy Thurs at 703-352-4910 or thratu?gspmorg with any questions regan?ng your gi? to State Policy Network. State PoiicyNetwmit is a?501tc?itnrga11iaatiom gi? to in?rm meieehr?ie as charitable contributions for firmec?statements maybe attained by contacting us at I655 North Fort i-Iyer Driye. Site 350. Ailing-Jun. YA 31209. [7 03) 243?1635. Sirm'hr information is available horn the state of?cm listed below. California: State Policy Network's audited ?nancial steam"; is available upon requ? to State Policy Network. IUJpercenI ofyom gift may be dedomed reader Fatima-I and State moon-1e tat laws- Fl_or_id_a: A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCLAL MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DWISION 0F SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL FREE THE STATE. REGISTRATION DOES NOT ENDORSEMENT. APFROYAL OR RECOBILIENDATTON BY THE STATE. STATE POLICY NETWORKS REGISTRATION 15 H1123- Georvia: Upon request. State Policy Network will protide a full and fair description of this and its other programs. and a ?nancial statement or smmnary. Maryland: A copy of State Policy Neraorlfs cramt ?nancial statement '5 available on request to Sane Policy Network. 1655 N. Fort Myer St. Suite 36-0. Arlington. YA 11209. [$031 2-13-1655- For the cost of copies and postage. registration documents. and other information are available from the Maryland Secretary of State. Minnesota: 100 percent ofyour gi? may be deducted as a charitable conmbution under Federal and state income tax laws. *Mississinpi: The of?cial registration and financial information of State Policy Network may be obtained from the Mississippi Secretary of State's of?ce by calling Registration by the Secretary of State does not imply endorsement. *New Jersey: FILED 1WITH THE ATTORNEY GENERAL CONCERNING THIS CHARITABLE SOLICIT.ATTON AND THE PERCENTAGE OF CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIY ED BY THE STATE POLICY DURING THE LAST REPORTING PERIOD THAT DEDICATED TO THE CHARITABLE PURPOSE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY BY CALLING {9'13} 50-1-6200. AND IS AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET AT REGISTRATION THE ATTORNEY GENERAL DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT. *New York: Upon request. a copy of State Policy Network?s last annual report ?led with the Attorney General is available from State Policy Network or from the New York State Attorney General-is Charities Bureau. Attn: FOIL Of?cer. Department of State, 12!] Broadway. New York. New York 102?]. Carolina: Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at (333} 330?4939. The license is not an endorsement by the state. The of?cial registration and ?nancial information of State Policy Network may be obtained from the Department of State by calling toll-free within Registration does not imply endorsement. *Yirginia: A ?nancial statement is available from the State Division of Consumer Affairs in the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services upon request. ?Washington: For additional information regarding State Policy Network?s activities or financial in formation. State Policy Network is registered with the Washington State Charities Program as required by law and information may be obtained by calling or 360-?25-03?3. *West Virginia: West Virginia residents may obtain a summary of the registration and ?nancial documents from the Secretary of State. State Capitol. Charleston. West 1Fv?irginia 243 05. Registration does not imply endorsement