I-94 East Metro Interchange (I-694/494/94 Interchange) Bridge Preservation, Safety and Mobility Improvements Estimated Construction Cost: $30M Construction Years: 2019-2020 10th St 694 OAKDALE Replace and widen north and southbound bridges to improve bridge condition and safety AUXILIARY LANE KEY AUXILIARY LANE The I-694/494/94 East Metro Interchange project is primarily addressing pavement and bridge condition issues. In addition, lower cost safety and mobility improvements are also being made to improve the interchange operations. MnDOT is also conducting a study of the interchange area to determine what additional mobility and safety improvements should be considered at the interchange in the future. Pavement replacement AUXILIARY LANE New southbound auxiliary lanes from 10th to I-94 and from I-94 to Tamarack Road to improve mobility 694 4th St New north and southbound “Buffer Lanes” to improve mobility and safety BRIDGE CONDITION The two bridges were built in 1966 and the bridge decks were replaced in 1984. The bridges will be replaced and widened to address bridge condition, vertical clearance and improve load capacity. BUFFER LANES Rebuild ramp to improve safety 94 NEW BRIDGES AUXILIARY LANE BUFFER LANES PAVEMENT CONDITION The road was last resurfaced in 2010 with asphalt in anticipation of major work on the interchange in 2019. The pavement between 10th Street and Tamarack Road will be replaced with concrete to provide a long-term pavement upgrade. Several ramps in the project area will also be resurfaced. AUXILIARY LANES A southbound auxiliary lane will be added to I-694 between 10th Street and I-94. A second auxiliary will be added to southbound I-494 between I-94 and Tamarack Road to improve mobility. AUXILIARY LANE 494 BUFFER LANES An additional merging and weaving lane will be added to improve flow on and off the loop ramps. The added lane will improve the mobility and safety of the weave section between the loops for both the north and southbound I-494/694 through lanes. RAMP REBUILD There have been several truck rollover crashes over the years on the southbound to eastbound loop ramp. The truck rollovers on the loop can be attributed to heavy truck volumes, excessive speeds and the curvature of the ramp. The planned safety improvement consists of adding a buffer lane and rebuilding the ramp to improve the curvature. The ramp changes will provide more space for trucks to slow and better navigate the ramp. Tamarack Rd 94