nun-yawn: ?in Vlost ot the elect?cal power tumlshed by rural electric cooperatrves ls produced by cool ttrod power plants. that also be true for the foreseeoole tuture this than raises a concern (about oil of the on glow wamlng and costly trteasures being advocath to control 002 emissions. REA currentty wchoses 94% of ma power from my tnergy. ot whicr. a significant portion Is cod? ?red. in addition. we me 0190 MW patner with xCel in thelr 750 MW Comanche 3 power plant, ls currently under construction. plant will dtow comderable trom gas-?red generation. We protect that when Comanche 3 comes online sometime ir? 2009, we wit be able to implement a rate decrease ondthentteeze ratestor 010-15 year period. Acabontax are mandatory qeenhouse cos regulatory system would erode m, It not all. at the bene?ts of the coal-?red generation. the negative impacts of a carbon tax or a mandatory cop and trade progtom wodd affect almost all 81 T's and distrloution cooperotwes. The CO2 globd warmng issue hosthroe components as we see it the science. information disacminatton. atd politics. Al Gore md others state that the scienti?c community has reached consensus and that the debate over. that is simply not true. Disputing this contention are cumatologists. meteorologists and like Richard William Gray, Fred Singer, Roy Spencer, Pa?rtck Mlchoets. Robert Eating and Craig Idso and the signatories to Dr. Arthur Roblnson's Project whom ot? the Kyoto Accord, "there is no convincing aclentt?c ewdence that human 'etecse 0t canon dioxtde. methane or other greenhouse gases is causing. or wit in the foreseeable We. cause cotoswopnlc ot the earth?s atmowhere and disruption of the earth's ctimate.? In an mtcle that was pnnted by the Canada Free Pres on Monday. June 12. m. noted scientists from Canada Australia Pniono. Sweden and 'ne U.K. took issue with the conclmions reach In the An Inconvenient Truth. Vladimir Shardurov or the man Academy of Sciences. and othet atmospheric scientists. noted that the effects of other gases releaed by humm INTERIOUNTAIN RURAL ELECTRIC an. as ?1 3m coma Ins rm {303 memo 2 Weaecuectoamxtor. Dr Mtc'toesncaooen sauces. Dr Michoeh'stheWodoS'ote Ciimatdogbt?osoach?ofm of Erwirom'ton'd Sciencesctmotlnh/ers?y nfwunnom Feuowinunvironner-td Institute Womington DC ?n rectum 0! this you, REA atone commuted memo to Dr Michaela. In oddl?on,?we have contacted on oftno a. the Untied Stc'os and as ottho group. lamendomgofoctmm mmwocmcmatcos. Wedontocontoc'mome' Its costs corporahonunctuding AEPOMMW Compuw. hum. Kochha Assoco?on 01? Mawfocmm. Enterpme Is?tute CElhcso WehavemtwanodL Mostlmesta-ownedumareloolmofor Ananwotscien?stsw nilondo?otspuorto 1990to$1.7bllimdolorstodav. Publc?yonthobwonightwecfa pol?cd corset ?mutlon concemkn mmofoolashpomoolcon?mom. mometofdonvironmentascaes. AW Senators McCain. bottom-non. Jo?orcts Bingomcn. and norm-Not propose a canon to! these ptoposda '290 Barton has questioned data pteoentod by oomo cumatotogim and Son. Jam ?nhofo, of the Swat. Environment and Mic Works Comma, no. mbnod to 3 matinee! "the greatest hoax evet potpovrofodoniho deveiop renewwbresouces. dbcon?mmemedwm. anacozaumcomnbu?mwosmm. vodm?onntemevatuowowbe?mndom itdoosnotgoforcnouoh. Mommelm?ho Kyoto of30%fvom effocvonmus ccmomy. Canyou duveyoucamm? Wemmunemm? Paym-w'lamoreforcvemringfran automobiles to zppem And mot but 0 down payment w'm more soc?fces to come Iota.? Tom motcomplvonoe with Kyoto ?woutd note e?ectmwobd average required nmocous. memofCongos). I mmaulndomusroem. 2 3 Sincere?. MAW, 24. Stanley R. Lewondowski. Jt. Gene?: Manager Enctoues OBAL WARMING CHARTS QUOTES I. CAUSES OF GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE A. PRIMARY 1. Cyc?cd verbo?on in me sun's energy oth. 2. Eccent?c??es In eom? 's oroa'r. 3 The in?uence of nude tectonncs B. SECONDARY 1 The so?colled effoct' caused by atmospheric gases such as gaseous water vapor carbor dioxide. mam, and nmoas oxnde, WhaCf? he?p to ?op rudbom heat which might omerwise escape intc space. ll. RELATIONSHIP OF SOLAR OUTPUT TO TEMPERATURE I lntorgovommomal Panel on Climate Change UPCC) Northern Hemiapnem Tompomtum Hmory 7mm Don-nu. (I- an A Russba'w scionmt. Kabiouto Absudor'wcfov, p'edicfs ho? a decrease i" the sun?: 'odc?on bognn ng in 2012 Mr cause temporam'os to caciine info he m-dc?o of the 21" cenwry (based or Cycles of soar whom-w - su'xspov activity) CYCUCAL VAPIATIQN OF US. TEMPERAIURES 3M QIO 1010?m10301mc0501m 1.7. 1000 mo 2000 20'. You Gobol 'empcvoturos Increased about a Half-09990 cotcius oo?ween 1850 and 1040 and anothet 0.3 degrees ance the". In the u?nneo Slums. me average from to ?he o'esen? "as stayed the me. Except we 05! year, ?he *empe'ufura nod Dee? Oecxeosng to: six-year penoc. IV. GREENHOUSE Anthropogenic (man-made) Contribution to the "Greenhouse Elfect." II ?i of Total (including water vapor) .8500 on concentnnom (wot ?1 of AH 33:31:34 mum?. 91$er 9; 53.1qu :1 Man-made Water vapor 95.00096? 94.9999? 0.0011 - Cuban Dioxidt: (C01) 3.618% 3.502%: 0.117% Methane (CH4) I 0.350;; 0.29mi 070;]: Nitrous Oxide (N20) 0.9509; i 0.903%] 0.047% 1 Ewe. gases atml 0.072991" 0.025% 0.047% "rm-1 100.00% I 99.72 0.23% Global Warming; A closer look at the numbers by Monte Hicb ?so UN. spomored Imeroovemmemd Ponei on Ciimme Change estimates human of votoi oi 157 omen tons released omnliy. That?s just 4 5 petcem. with 5/ Demon? cot?ng from oceans. 19 porcom Rom decaying veoefa?on one 19 percent ftorr pimt ond orimal Wro?ia?. Viodimit of the Rowan Academy of Sciences. notes tho? the effects of Disputing alarm on: em Woloosts. memoiogsts and miroohysicim like Richad Lindzen. William Gray, Heo singer. Roy Sperm. Pulliek Mchoeis. Robed Bdlno. (no Crdo idso aid the 1711!) Wodes to Dr. Anna Goonson's Petition Projnm who said of the Kyoto Accord; ?There is no convincing scienti?c evidence that 0t and demotion offhe emh'sctnote omivrty hose V. CAIZBQN REQUQIIQN IMPACTS ON TEMPERATURES 'Thereisno (the Kyoto ?rotocoi) would have on imporcop?bio offec' on We imahxes - one Mordieih of degee by 2050.? - Dr. 3 Free ?nger, crnosphedc physicisf Pram Ememus of Environmental Sciences 09 the University of Virginia. om! foam diode! o?he U.S. Wemher Somme Service. Appearing betore me Comm on Erwitwmem mo Swidnobie Developrremmyoa. Corieron univemw pdeociirmrocow Profesornm century'smodeuwom?g' TomWigiey. oserioucien?siaiheNa?ondCenfei focAtmoapheric QeaeorcthAR) has orientated moi convicncc with Kyoto ?woud have 0.11 - (0.20 - 0.38?0 erect or global ove'ooe temperatues by 2100: Po: the recovd. Wigiey favors Kyoto. out believes mom "we: are reamed. VI. TH HIG Costs to comply mm the Kyoto Protocoa of to 2% 0! 60? when Wes 1051,26)- $2400 pet Vunly. pet yea. whle reaming in a temperature reduction of only wete piedcted by Pves?dent cunfon?s Energy lnfocrno?on mummy. mo Austrolcn Buteou of Resource and Aq?cwuoi Econowic; 0nd Worton Associates Economls? ?om Lanoorg, auma 0? ?me Skep?cd concudod that "molemen?ng Kyoto wit cost 5?50 oar-on to $300 onion every year. to n'sovevy expemivoway toocnaveverv Met The hterncmond Counci to: Central Famo?on (ICCF) concluoed mot Kyoto-Ike John McCa?n. R-AZ to ?coomdtrode'us greenhome-gosemwons wouid reduce nchorol Dr. Pohick Michoeis. Research Profane! of Ervironmentd Scumces the Urwedw of Vig?nio and the Virg'nfo State Ctimatoiogis? states Who? audios show a tremendous expeme fa madmecy no diaeomobio reduction In piano'cxy warring Certanoy it makes more some to save our money for investment future, more ef?cient @an to'her that Who It in mom! *0 s?oo wonnhq It condemned to fclune.? VII. QLOBAL IMEAQIS - EAQI QR FIQTDN behave 316: oppropdoioto havomovomeorow?c?on of factual ~NGow ?We have to offer up scuy scenarios. make s'mpi?od. droma?c adamant: and make Immen?onofalyva/omyhave. -Tlm \Mrth, mus. SenmafquaodoWWed Na?omUndel-Secrefay Foundation. demedbyTeo umet ?Nlo manor :f the science is of! phonv. there are cotic'arCI er?vurom'urua wrue?n ctmde change provides: me greatest shame to bring 000;) yus'Jce arc ecucMes the wond' - Cmis?ne S?ewo't. Minster of an ronma'w c? 'Scbeur-sts who wan? to 01"oc? a?on?or. to Themselves, who war? to c?tcc? 3'90? funcmg to ?hemse'ves, Have to (?nd a) way '0 scare he pga?b ond this you 30"] acmeve OPSY Cy rvzuldl 9- things mgger and ?wore congelous ?f?cr- they 'ocl are - Petr Professo: of cr~c Afmospherc So once. Ddhcusie University. Harcx Nova 5cm.) ?In the ox: un. the reolocemem of me ore-me and oscupi-"ec Iaguoge 0? scarce ov the 'orguoge of l?go?o" 'nov be one of he more imponnm sowces 52? damage *0 sooew In rre Cur'en' 090019 over gacoou worming - Dr. Pirhard s. A'Ired P. Ssocn Droiesscr o! A?mcsoheT Seance 0' MIT MISLEADING INFORMATION - ONE EXAMPLE Because of numerous nur'coneo in 2005, gloom IS ec as me Culom We near ho' dobd wamhg eoc to mote s'o'ms war: ngwe' menswes i? deer that ?he 1C year span from 1005 1111:)th 2&5 nos beer acme, here are other active periods s.:ch as the 3C year soor? 'Tom 1940 Wough '970, TOWCOW Mi5 i5 0 pedod tho? had much lower 'enperrjm'm and CO: OCCmeOf?onsll?: Iii'fllI 2 . 17w yearly number of named 510m: . r3). hurricanes (green bars; and major hurricanes. (,?ateogory 4. and 5 (red bars; the Norm Atlantic (.source; A'anona.? Humcane Center web site: I000 - igag zass?? 1 90' . 5:52:25sz 5. '92, '30 - - - - 'n models are correct. globd wom?ng reduces me fempetature dmerences between modesmdmaequota Nuanfod,modelrunssapponm stamina? from ocean! dam mama ovopom?ontod?w'ropocal 31am: ?Ilium? ONVOOWWOS. but orebosedonthere being more more nominee: -Dr.RIcnords.Unazen