SENATOR CARLOS I. URESTI TEms STATE SENATE DISTRICT 19 (Laurel. ?ll-11:: 5m Aural-nu Damn Elm-c: Arne-c, Thus TH. M235 (511-! 415341119 :110: 932-2563 Eu: i511] PM: E??l 93-2-5?! DuL?l Fa: 1MB prepare fer the E?th Legislative Sessicn. Hclding the special electinn in ccnjuncticn with the chember EDIE electicns 1will save the 1? ccunties and the taxpavers thcusands cf dcllars. lhumblv ask that vcu remember all the gland things that mv familv has dune tc: and help cur ccmmunitv. especiallv cur children and veterans. F'lease ccntinue tn mv brothers, Bexar Ccuntv Tar: Assesscr?Ccllectcr Albert Uresti. and state Representative Tcmas Uresti. During these difficult and trving times. I have been humbled bv true friends and familv have remained steadfast bv mv side. Must I knew that ?nd will lead me and mv familv thrcugh these trcubled waters. With His blessing, in the end. I will persevere. Thank vcu the tc serve vcu. Mav End ccntinue tc bless the children cf Texas and cur great state. Semper Fi! ~43. CARLDS URESTI, State Senatcr, District 19