August 7, 1995 Dr. Robert K. Graham Repository for Germinal Choice P.O. Box 2876 Escondido, CA 92033 Dear Robert: Many thanks for calling The Heritage Foundation meeting to our attention. I'm glad that you had a chance to meet Dr. Lutton; you obviously have a lot in common. Dr. Lutton and I will have some serious conversations about what might be done to breath some life back into the eugenics movement, whether through restarting the American Eugenics Society, or some other means. I hope you will think about it as well. One of the big questions is whether we need to try a new name - some euphemism - or whether we should simply go ahead with the present one and fight the battle for respectability. I'd appreciate it if you would pull together a list of individuals who might be interested in participating. I look forward to seeing you in Atlanta. In the meantime, I enclose one of my favorite genetic horror stories. Cordially, John H. Tanton, M.D. JHT/nlc Enclosure cc: W. Lutton (w/enclosure)