BWC REPORT 2018 Q1 The Saint Paul Police Department is committed to delivering trusted service with respect—every day, without exception. Trust is the foundation on which our department is built, and an unwavering commitment to transparency is one of the most important ways we build trust with our community. In January 2018, all of our police officers were equipped with body worn cameras, which are an incredibly important tool in our efforts to hold ourselves to the highest standards of accountability and pull back the curtains on how and why officers do their jobs. To ensure that we are following our Body Worn Camera Policy, the department established a Quality Control Process, which describes two types of deliberate and detailed quality reviews that the department will conduct on a quarterly basis. Body Worn Camera Review Committee and members of our Technology Unit review videos as an ongoing process to ensure that cameras are being used properly and disseminated to the public in accordance with state law and department policy. The Body Worn Camera Review Committee Reviews 24 randomly selected videos each month. All body worn camera videos captured by sworn employees, regardless of rank or assigned division, are subject to review. The Technology Unit is responsible for ensuring that the Body Worn Camera Program is operating within policy and statutory requirements, with a specific focus on making sure videos are being recorded, saved, categorized, retained, accessed, managed and deleted properly. The following is the Body Worn Camera Report for the first quarter of 2018: Total Videos: 87, 544 Total Hours Recorded: 19,781.43 Categorization of Videos: * Note: some videos have more than 1 category 60,000 55,170 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 27,530 11,105 3,297 10,000 2,318 2,190 1,122 0 Videos Properly Categorized: 99.64 percent of 87,544 videos 316 Videos (.36 %) 87,964 Videos (99.64%) Total Videos Missing Category 324 97 316 Videos by Division and Unit Operations Division Major Crimes Division UnitNarne #ofVideos UnitName Hof Videos ACOP 1110 AUTO THEFT 5 CANINE 2611 BURGLARY =15 CENTRAL CODE ENFORCEMENT 21 CAPERS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 169 CENTRAL DISTRICT 181319 CAPERS CRIMES 38 CITY WIDE MOTORS 59D COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 16 CITY WIDE TRAFFIC 13D?r CRIMES AGAINST ELDERS AS CITY WIDE SERVICES GANG UNIT 3?53 DOWNTOWN BEAT 1152? 52 EAST CODE ENFORCEMENT 93 HUMAN TRAFF VICE 11 EAST INVESTIGATIONS 52 MAJOR CRIMES ADMIN 2 EASTERN DISTRICT 285M MN CRIMES AGAINST CHILDRE 18 FORCE 1296 NARCOTICS ?166 MOUNTED POLICE 330 PERMITS AND EVENTS 9 OPERS ADMIN 2 POR 196 SPECIAL OPERATIONS UNIT 35 PROPERTY CRIMES UNIT 59 TRAFF ACC 98 S.I.U. 232 WEST CODE ENFORCEMENT 13 SAFE STREETS 9 WEST INVESTIGATIONS 162 YSS JUVENILE 53 WESTERN DISTRICT 2552A YSS SCHOOL RESOURCE OFF 292 Support Services Division Chief's Office Unit Name it of Videos Unit Name ii of Videos EAP 8 OFFICE 13? FORENSICSERVICES UNIT 25 INSPECTION 21 MENTAL HEALTH UNIT 631 INTERNAL AFFAIRS 9 PROPERTY ROOM TARGET RANGE 29 TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT 82 TRAINING 124 VIDEO MANAGEMENT 83 OFFICE 13? INSPECTION 21 Body Worn Camera Quality Control Review Information The Body Worn Camera Review Committee reviewed a total of 72 videos during the first quarter of 2018. The videos were recorded primarily by the rank of police officer, assigned to the Operations Division. Employee Rank Officer 58 Sergeant 10 Commander 2 Sr. Commander 2 80.56% 13.89% 2.78% 2.78% Employee Division 1 Chief's Office 66 Operations 3 Major Crimes 2 Support Services 1.39% 91.67% 4.17% 2.78% There were 72 videos selected for review that were created by 64 individual employees. Of these 64 employees, six had two videos selected and one had three videos selected. All of the employees with more than one video selected were police officers and assigned to patrol in the Operations Division. Given the nature of the duties of police officers in the Operations Division, it is this group of employees that generate the highest volume of BWC videos. Video Category * General Citizen Contact Arrest/Evidence/RRA Traffic Stop (Non-Arrest) Civil/Morgan Plan CSC Squad Accident/AWI Vehicle Pursuit Investigation of a Death/Admin Hold Misc./Equip Maint./Training 25 23 10 6 6 6 6 5 5 * Some videos have more than 1 category 34.72% 31.94% 13.89% 8.33% 8.33% 8.33% 8.33% 6.94% 6.94% Policy Compliance The overwhelming majority of videos reviewed were 100 percent compliant with the BWC policy. There were 61 that required no action to be taken. There were 10 that had very minor policy violations such as incorrect case numbers (usually a typo), an incorrect or missing category, not having a 30 second buffer, or missing the proper BWC header in a police RMS report (stating that BWC exists). These resulted in general roll call training and adding specific training reminders to the department-wide in-service training. There was one violation that required a supervisory coaching session. Review Committee Recommendation Summary * 61 84.72% 1 - No Action Needed 0 2 - Positive Training Video 0.00% 0 3 - Kudos (recognition) 0.00% 8 11.11% 4 - Add to Training Curriculum 3 5 - General Roll Call Training Request 4.17% 1 6 – Supervisory Coaching 1.39% 0 7 - Memo to Assistant Chief 0.00% 0 8 - Memo to IAU 0.00% * Some videos have more than 1 recommendation Data Points Owner is correct Case Number correct Category correct/appropriate Uploaded within policy Activated prior to arrival (dispatched calls) Buffer = 30 Seconds (or proper exception) RMS Report Exists BWC header and proper narrative exist Arrest Made Recording ended appropriately Mute during any portion Mute, correctly documented Reviewed audit log for video If viewed, were post notes added? Yes No N/A 72 68 71 72 63 69 30 24 10 72 1 1 66 2 0 4 1 0 7 3 42 2 62 0 71 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 46 0 0 0 71 0 69 Mandatory Recordings In addition to the videos reviewed by the Body Worn Camera Review Committee, the Technology Unit sergeant conducted compliance checks of randomly selected body worn camera videos related to traffic stops and burglary calls, both of which require mandatory recording. Traffic Stop Videos There were 361 case numbers and 583 instances where BWC was expected. The Technology Unit identified 22 instances where there was missing BWC video: • • • • • 9 videos were not categorized correctly because of the CAD/RMS integration 7 videos involved typos in the case numbers 2 videos were recorded for cases that were not traffic stops and did not require video 2 times the body worn camera failed to operate properly 1 time the BWC had not been synced and the video was not uploaded at the time of the query. This process has continued since this time. The results of the compliance checking have shown a 99.37% compliance rate with BWC mandatory traffic stop recordings. There was one week that resulted in a 100 percent compliance rate. Burglary Calls The Technology Unit reviewed 38 burglary case numbers that should have generated 71 body worn camera videos, and the review revealed that officers activated their cameras 100 percent of the time. Equipment Failure The Saint Paul Police Department tracks all instances of body worn camera equipment failure. Between January 1, 2018 and March 31, 2018 there were 23 instances of equipment failure noted by police officers. Equipment failures ranged from batteries not charging properly to defective cameras. In all instances, the cameras were returned to the manufacturer for service or replacement. Supervisory Reviews In addition to the videos reviewed through the department’s Quality Control Process, another 2,477 videos were reviewed by supervisors and investigators as part of their day-to-day duties. Supervisors and investigators are required to note and report any policy violations they identify related to body worn camera use so issues can be addressed.