IN THE VIRGIN ISLANDS IN THE MATTER OF THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE (INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION) ACT 1993 AS AMENDED AND COFIPARINTER LIMITED, GLORIA MANAGEMENT EQUITIES INC. WHEREAS in pursuance of section 6 of the Criminal Justice (International Cooperation) Act 1993 as amended, relating to Mutual Legal Assistance, a request for Mutual Legal Assistance has been made to me Baba Aziz, the Attorney General of the Virgin Islands by the Serious Fraud Of?ce of the United Kingdom relative to criminal investigations being carried on in the United Kingdom in respect of Co?parinter Limited 1025630 and Gloria Management Equities Inc. for the offences of corruption, conspiracy to corrupt, conspiracy to defraud, bribing another person, accepting bribe, bribery of foreign public officials, fraud by false representation, fraud by failing to disclose information, fraud by abuse of position, concealing criminal property, facilitating the retention or control of criminal property, possession of criminal property and money laundering against the laws of the United Kingdom. I am satisfied upon a review of the documents accompanying the said request dated the 12th day of April, 2016 that the Serious Fraud Of?ce of the United Kingdom is conducting criminal investigations in the United Kingdom relative to Co?parinter Limited 1025630 and Gloria Management Equities Inc. for the offences of corruption, conspiracy to corrupt, conspiracy to defraud, bribing another person, accepting bribe, bribery of foreign public officials, fraud by false representation, fraud by failing to disclose information, fraud by abuse of position, concealing criminal property, facilitating the retention or control of criminal property, possession of criminal property and money laundering against the laws of the United Kingdom. I am further satisfied that the conduct which is the subject of the investigation would constitute offences if it had occurred in any part of the Virgin Islands. I therefore direct, in accordance with the power vested in me under section 6(7) of the Criminal Justice (International Co?operation) Act 1993,as amended by the Criminal Justice(International Act 2004, Dale Francis, Investigating Officer for the Financial Investigation Agency to make an application to the Magistrate for a warrant in accordance with section 6 (8) to enter and search the premises of Mossack Fonseca 85 Co. (BVI) Ltd. and to seize any evidence found therein including documents, files and all other records (minutes of meetings, financial records, registers) kept in the ordinary course of business by the said trust in respect of Cofiparinter Limited and Gloria Management Equities Inc. and to bring such evidence to the Attorney General for transmission to the Serious Fraud Of?ce of the United Kingdom which requested it. Dated 3, day of 1' 2016 TERRITORY OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS IN THE COURT TO EACH AND ALL OF THE PEACE OFFICERS OF THE TERRITORY SEARCH WARRANT PURSUANT TO SECTION 6(8) OF THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE (INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION ACT 1993] AS AMENDED Evidence on oath has been given by Dale Francis, Investigating Officer for the Financial Investigation Agency, that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that certain property to wit documents, files and records (minutes of meetings, financial records, registers) in relation to Cofiparinter Limited 1025630, Gloria Management Equities Inc. alleged to be connected to a criminal investigation of corruption, conspiracy to corrupt, conspiracy to defraud, bribing another person, accepting bribe, bribery of foreign public of?cials, fraud by false representation, fraud by failing to disclose information, fraud by abuse of position, concealing criminal property, facilitating the retention or control of criminal property, possession of criminal property and money laundering is on certain premises to wit, the offices occupied and used by Mossack Fonseca Co. (BVI) Ltd. I am satisfied that the evidence which has been given on oath establish that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that there is on the premises mentioned above evidence relating to the criminal investigation of money laundering which is the subject of the request and the issue of a search warrant is necessary to seize the documents described above, in accordance with the Criminal Justice (International Co-operation Act 1993) as amended You are therefore hereby commanded, with proper assistance, to enter the said premises by force, and breaking doors, if necessary, and to search the same, and if such property as aforesaid, or any part thereof, be found therein, to transmit to the Attorney General to be dealt with as the law directs. Given under my hand this . .day of ZS .. HWt-r 2016.