Filed 04/26/18 Case 18-11651 United States Bankruptcy Court feline: EASTERN DESTRICT OF CALEFORESIA Case number (ifknown) Chapter you are ?ling under: [3 Chapter 7 El ChapEer i?i ChapEer 32 Chapter 13 Check if this an amended ?ling Of?ciai Form EOE Voiuntary Petition for ineividnels Filing for Bankruptcy was The benkreptey forms use you and Debtor ?i to refer to a debtor ?iing same. A met-?ed couple may file a bankruptcy case together?sailed a jeinf ln joint cases, these farms use you to ask for freer both dawns. For example, if a farm asks, ?Do you own a car the We: would be yes if either debts? earns a car, When infannation is needed about the spouses separately, the farm uses East?s? 1 ans Mr 2 to distinguish between Elm. in joint cases, one ef the spouses must report information as Delete: 1 ans are other as Debtor 2. The same person must as ?ebEei? 1 ln all of the farms Be as- eernpie?e and accurate as possible. if two mam people are ?ling Enamel?, both are eeualiy responsibie for supplying correct infennetion. if snare sense a assess, attach a separate sheet to this form, On the of any pages, eras your name and case number (if known). Answer eveiy question. 7' 5 identify Yourself 1. Vaur full name Write the name that is on Mary your government-issued Fifstname A First name pieEure identi?cation (for example, your driver?s Jam llcense er passport). Middle name Middle name Bring your picture identi?eation to your ieVeide - .3 ii ill meeting with the trustee. Last name and Suf?x (Sn, Jr., ll, Last name an L, . dbe Gd Ee Veide Bairy 2. _Ail other names you have used in the East 8 years 3:3 Eainclude your marrled or . maiden names. Edna Wiliow Creek {Delay 3. iny the last 4 digits of your Sonia? Security number or federal individual ?E?axpayer 595 identi?cation number (mid) Official Form 10? Voluntary Petition for Individuals Filing for Eenkruptey page 1 DOE Filed 04/26/18 Case 18?11651 Explain. (See 28 U.S.C. 1403.) Debtor 'i Grogory John ?e Voioo Case number (ifimown) 4. Any business names and i ha - Empioyer identi?cation ve not used any ousmess name or Ele. Numbers (Elia) you have dba 63 to Volde 3333? used in the iast 8 years dba Pacific Rim Dairy . dba Lost Valiey Farm i have not used any busmess name or foba; Creek Dairy inoiude trade names and Business nameis) Busmess namo(s) doing business as names EiNs ms 5. Where you live if 33m? 2 lives at a different addross: 5850 Avenue 169 ?i?:gston, CA 93272 Number, Street, City, State 8: Zip Code Street, City, State Code ?More county Coonty if your address is different from the am if 23 mailing aodroos is di?omni from yours, ?li it above, it is: here. Note that the court Wit! send any an here. Note ihattiie oouri will send any notices to this notices to you at this address. maaimg address Number, PO. Box, Street, City, State Code Ember, PO. Box, Street, City, State 832-5?? Code 8. Why you are ohmiog Check one: Check one: $353 diso'ics to ?ie for bankruptcy Over the iast 180 days before ?ling this petition, Gvor the last 180 days before ?ling this petition, i have lived in this district longer than inany have iived in this district longer than in any other other district. districi. have another reason. i have another reason. Explain. (See 28 13.3.8. 1408.) Of?cial Form 101 Voluntary Petition for Individuals for Bankruptcy page 2 Doc: 1 Filed 04/26/18 Debtor ?l Greggry John te Veicle Case 18?11651 Case number (ifknown) Tell the Court About Your Bankruptcy Case 7. The cbapter of the Check one. (For a brief descriptica of each, see Notice Required by 11 0.8.43. 342(b) for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy Bankruptcy Code you are (Form 2010)); Also, go to the rep of page 'i and check the appropriate box. choosing to ?le under [3 Chapter? Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 8. How you will pay the fee lwill pay the entire fee when 1 ?le my petition. Please check with the clerk?s office in your lecai court for more details about how you may pay. Typically, if you are paying the fee yourself, you may pay with cash, cashier?s check, or money order. if your attorney is submitting your payment on your behalf, ycur attorney may pay with a credit card or check Witt: a rare-printed address. E3 i need to pay the we in inetallmenb. if you choose this optian, Sign and attach the Application for Individuals to Pay The Filing Fee in installments (Glacial Form 133A). [j teem: that my fee be waived (Yen may request this option only if you are ?ling for Chapter 7. By law, a judge may. but is not required to, waive your fee, and may (lose only ifyour income is less than 150% of the of?cial poverty line that applies to your family size and you are unable to pay-the fee in installments). itycu choose this optio?n, you must ?ll out the Application to Have the Chapter 7 Filing Fee waived (Of?cial Form 1835) apd ?re it with your petition. Q. Na. [3 Yes. District When Case number District When Case number District Men Case number in. Are any El Ne 2-2: or being by a?spotbe who is Yes. not fume this case with you? or by a Mime W, or by an Debtcr? Relationship to you Bletrict Men Case number. if known Debter Relationship to you District Men Case number, if known 11. Do yon; rent your No. Go to line 12. ms'demg? 5 Yes. Has your landlord obtained an eviction judgment against you and do you want to stay in ycur residence? No. Go to line 12. Yes. Fill but initial Statement About an Eviction Judgment Against You (Form 101A) and file it with this bankruptcy petition. Of?cial Form 101 Voluntary Petition for individuals Firing for Bankruptcy page 3 Doc 1 Filed 04/26/18 Debtor 1 Gregory dohn ta Vaide 12. Are you a sole proprietor Case 18?11651 Case number (rrknown) Report About Any Businaoses You Own as a Sole Proprietor of any fuii- or part-time [3 No. Go to hart 4. business? 51:] Yes. Name and location of business A sole prop?atorship is a business you operate as See Attachment an individual. and is not a Name of business, if a?y separate regal entity such as a corporation, partnership, or LLC. if you have more than one sola proprietorship, use a . separate sheet and attach Number, Street. City, State 8: ZIP Code it to this petition. Check the appropriate box to describe your business: Haaith Care Business (as, de?ned in 11 USS. Singie Asset Root Estate (as ae?ned in 11 191(518? Stockbroker (as de?ned in 11 use. Commodity Broker (as defined in tt 1917(6)) None of tha above 13?, Ara you tiling tractor ifyou are ?ling under Chapter t1 the man must know nhatheryou are a small business debtor so that it can set appropriate 1 1 of the deadlines if you indicate that you are a snail dahtor you rmsist attach your mag raoent instance sheet statement of -- i Code and are operations. cash??ow statement and federai' momma tax rattan or ii any of these documents do not exist follow the procedure youasn?lboamess No. For a definition of smaif hashress debtor, sea No. U.S.C. 101(510). {3 Yes. 14. mammoorhavoany [jug MMWME - mmposaathraat Ems. otmnimand math or aaraty? Gr do you own any proparty that needs immediate attention? A For example, do you own perishable goods, or livestock that must be fed, Or a building that needs urgent repairs? Where is the oroperty? i am not ?ling under Chapter 11. i am ?iing under Chapter 11, hot i am NOT a smail ousinaas debtor according to the de?nition in the Bankruptcy Coda. I am tiling under Chapter 11 and i am a small bushross debtor according to the de?nition in the Bankruptcy Coda. Report it You Own or Have Any Hazardous Property or Any Property ?that hearts Immediate Attention What is the hazard? 40.9% head oftivaatiock if immediate attention is Fead 3W milking ?5333? WW3 needed, why is it needed? Lia-Eng coltaterai Located in Tiptorr and Corooran, CA and Boardroom 0R Number, Street, City, State 8. Zip Code Official Form 101 Voluntary Petition for individuais Filing for Bankruptcy page 4 Dog; 1 Filed 04/26/18 Debtor 1 15. Tait the court Whether you trays received a brie?ng about credit The ion: requires that you receive a briefing about credit counseling before you his for bankruntcy. You must truthfully check one at the foilowlng choices. if you cannot do so, you are not cilgible to hie. it you fiie anyway, the court can dismiss your case, you lwii toss whatever fee you paid and your creditors can begin a?vities again. Case 18?11651 Gregorydohn te Velde I Explain Your Efforts to Receive a Briefing About Credit Counseling About Debt 4 - . .y You must check one: i received a briefing from an approved credit counseting agency within the 180 days before i ?ied this bankruptcy petition, and I received a certi?cate of completion. Attach a copy of the certi?cate and the payment pian, ii any, that you developed with the agency. i received a briefing from an anproved credit counseiing agency within the: toe days hetero! i ?led this bankruptcy petition, butt do not have a; a certi?cate of completion. Within 14 days after you file this . petition, you MUST his a copy of the certi?cate and payment pian it any - cer?iysdiatl asked for credit counseling services from an approved agency, but was metric to warn time services during his days attest made my modest, and exigent circumstances merit a My temporary wahrer of the restatement, To ask for a 3043a}; temporary waiver of the requirement, attach a separate sheet explaining what shorts you made to obtain the brie?ng, any you were unable to obtain it before you ?led tor bankruptcy, and what exigent circumstances required. you to fiiethis case. Your case may be dismissed tithe snort is dissatis?ed with your reasons for not receiving a basting before you fried for bankruptcy tithe court is satisfied with your reasons, you must stiil receive a brie?ng within 36 days after you his You must ?ie a certi?cate from the approved agency, along with a many of the payment plan you developed, it any. if you do not do so, your case may be dismissed. Any extension of the S?oay deadiine is granted only for cause and is limited to a maximum of 15 days. [3 i am not required to receive a brie?ng about credit counseiing because of: Incapacity. i have a mental iilness or a mental de?ciency that makes me incapable of reaiizlng or making rationai decisions about ?nances. Bisanility. My physical causes me to be unable to participate in a brie?ng in person, by phone, or through the internet, even atterl reasonabiy tried to do so. Active duty. I am currently on active duty in a military combat zone. it you believe you are not required to receive a briefing about credit counseling, you must ?le a motion for waiver credit counseling with the court. Case number {ifknown} You must check snarl: 1 - I received a briefing from an approved credit counseling agency within the 186 days before I ?led this bankruptcy petition, and i received a certi?cate of connotation. Attach a copy of the certi?cate and the payment plan, if any, that you developed with the agency. [3 i received a brie?ng from an approved credit codnseling agency within me 130 says before I died this bankruptcy petition. but! do not have a certificate of compietion. V?tnin '14 days after you ?le this bankruptcy petition you MUST tile a copy of tire certificate and payment plan it any I certify diet I asked tor credit counseling services from an approved agency, butwas unabte to chain dimsorvicesdudngtitei?days afterimademy request, and exigent circumstam merit a 30-day mic/cram donor of the requirement. To ask for a 30-day temporary waiver of the requirement, admire separate sheet axoiaining what efforts you made to obtain the briefing, why you were unabis to obtain it before you file: for bankruptcy, and what exigent droumstanoos required you totiie this mas. Your case may be dismissed iftne court Is dosatisiied with your reasons for not receiving a brie?ng before you ?ied for bankruptcy if the court is satis?ed with your reasons, you met receive a brie?ngwiti'lin 30 daysaiter you file. You must his a certi?cate from the approved agency, along with a cosy otihe payment ciao if any. if yon do not do so, your case may be dismissed. Any extension of the scoay deadiine is granted only for cause and is limited to a maximum of 15 days. i am not toquimd to receive a brie?ng about credit counseling because of: Incapacity. i have a mental iilness or a mental de?ciency that makes me incapabie of realizing or making rationai decisions about ?nances. Disability. My physicai disability causes me to be unable to participate in a brie?ng in person, by phone, or through the intemet, even after reasonably tried to do so. Active duty. I am currehtiy an active military duty in a combat zone. it you seiiove you are not required to receive a brie?ng about credit counseling, you must ?le a motion for waiver of credit counseling with the court. Official Form 101 Voluntary Petition for individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 5 Filed 04/26/18 Case 18-11651 Certi?cate Number: g; 092 98 030937979 0r COUNSELING I CERTIFY that on April 25, 2018, at 3:55 o'clock PM EDT, Greg 5 Te Velde received from Consumer Education Services, Inc, DBA Start Fresh Today/DEA Affordable Bankruptcy Course, an agency approved pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 111 to provide credit counseling in the Eastern District of California, an individual [or group] briefing that complied with the provisions of ll U.S.C. 109(h) and 111. A debt repayment plan was not prepared. If a debt repayment plan was prepared, a copy of the debt repayment plan is attached to this certi?cate. This counseling session was conducted by internet. Date: April 25, 2018 By: lslAngela McMillan Name: Angela McMillan Title: Counselor Individuals who Wish to file a bankruptcy case under title ll of the United States Bankruptcy Code are required to file with the United States Bankruptcy Court a completed certi?cate of counseling from the nonprofit budget and credit counseling agency that provided the individual ii the counseling services and a copy of the debt repayment plan, if any, developed through the credit counseling agency. See 11 U.S.C. 109(h) and 521(1)). Doc 1 I Filed 04/26/18 Debtor 1 16. What kind of debts 00 you have? Gregory John to Veide Case 18?11651 Case number (inmown) Answer These Questions for Reporting Purposes 165. Are your ciebts primarily consumer debts? Consumer 00th are de?ned in 11 U.S.C. 161(8) as "incurred by an individual primarily for a personal, famiiy, or household purpose.? No. Go to iine 105. Yes. Go to line 17. 180. Are your debts primarily business debts? Business debts are debts that you incurred to obtain money for a business or investment or through the operation of the business or investment. 1] :00. Go to iine 10:. 1% Yes. Go to line 17. 160. state the type of debts you owe that are not consumer debts or business debts Are you thing under No. i am not ?ling under Chapter 7. Go to line 18. Chapter Do you estimate that yes, i 001 under Chapter 7. Do you estimate that after any exempt property is exciuded and administrative expenses are paid that tunes wilt be available to distribute to unsecured creditors? aeer any exempt 2 2. 7. is exciuded and 2::2 . expenses :1 N0 are paid- that funds will new for Yes 13. 1-40 10005000 25001-00000 5000 000140000 50001-100000 100.2100 1:1 10001-25000 More 2 200-900 1-9. :1 $0 - $50,000 $1,000,001 2- 010 miilion $500,000,001 - $1 billion $50,001 - $100,000 13 $130,000,001 2 $00 :1 .. $10 $100,001 - $500,000 $50,,000ui - $100 mitiion 010000000001 $50 0000:: 0000.001 $1 million $000,000.00: .2 $500 million :1 More; than 000000011 2,6. Hm much do you meme your to be? :1 $0 - $50,000 :3 $50,001 2 $100,000 :1 0100.001 2 $500,000 :1 $500,001 2 $1 million $1,000,001 - $10 $10,000,001 050 million :1 $00,000,001 .. $180million $100,000,001 - $500 million :1 $500,000,001 ., $1 00000 3 $10 :l 010000000001 .. $00 billion 3 More than $50 Sign Below $005001: 1 have examined this petition, and declare unser penalty cat-perjury that the intoneetion provided is true and correct. it i have chosen to file under Chapter '17, i am aware. that i may proceed, it eiigibte, under Chapter 7, 11,12, or 13 of titre 11, United States Code. i understand the relief avaiiebie under each chapter, and i choose to proceed under Chapter lino attorney represents agree to pay someone who is not an attorney to help me fit! out this document, 1 have obtained and read the notice required by 11 11.5.0. 342(0). 1 request relief in accordance with the chapter of this 11, United States Code, speci?ed in this petition. i understand ing a false statement, conceaiing property, or obtaining money or property by fraud in connection with bankruptcy . can rose! in ?nes; to 0, 009 or imprisonment for up to 20 years, or both. 18 U. S. 152 1341 1519, and 3571. Eli/5 227/4? z/Zi Gregory Jel?in to de Signature of Debtor 2 Signature of Debtor 1 Executed on V/Zg/l Executed on Officiai Form 101 Voluntary Petition for individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 6 D00 1 Filed 04/26/18 Debtor 1 Gregory 30hr: te Veide Case 18?11651 Case number (t'fknown) DOC: 1 For your attorney, if you are represenied by one if you are not represented by an attorney, yau do not need t0 file this page. (335320? Bate Signatur? 1f Attorney ?it? Riley C. Wal?er 91839 Pirated name Waiter Wilhem Law Gmuip Firm ?ame A Profes?onal Semara?m 205 E. River Fark $13313, Ste. 410 Fresno, CA Number, Street, City. State ZIP Cede Contac! phone (559.) 435~9308 91 839% Bar number ?tate Email address ?leywaltemgcm Of?cial Farm 101 Voiuntary Petition for individuats Filing for Bankruptcy page Filed 04/26/18 Case 18?11651 Bebtor 1 Gregery John ?e Velde Case number (ifknown) Debtor 1 Gregory Joke te Velde First Name Mledie Name Last Name Debtor 2 (Speuse if, filing) First Name Middie Name Last Name United States Bankruptcy Court for the: EASTERN OF CALIFORNIA Case number (if known) Check ifthis is an amended ?ling FGRM VQLUNTARY FETETIQN AWACHMENT Additional Sage Preprieierehi?e) 3.3 ie Veiee Dairy ?ame 5? business, if any 53% Avenue 160 '7 SA 93272 City, State 21:3 Code cued the appropriate hex to describe yeur business: Heeiih Care Business (as defined in 11 ?3.80. Singie Asset Real Estate (as de?ned in 11 C. 101(518? El Stackbreker (as defined in 11 S. C. Ci - "-hsaiiy Broker (as de?ned in 11 U. C. 101(6)) Rene ef the above ?eci?e Rim Dairy Name ef business, if any 24 Cemezen, CA 93212 Namber, Street, City, State Code Check the aepropriete box to describe your business: Heaiih Care Business (as defned In 11 S. (3 Single Asset Rea! Estate (as de?ned 11 101(518? Stockbroker (as defined in 11 Commodity Broker (as defined in i1 U.S.C. 101(6)) None of the above LII El Cf?ciai Form ?01 Voluntary Petition for individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 8 Filed 04/26/18 Case 18-11651 Bebtor 1 Gregg); John 1:3 Valde Case number {Ifknewn} Willow Creek Dairy Name of business, if any 73959 Homesteas Lens Beasdanan, QR 97818 . Number, Street, City, State ZIP Code Check the appropriate box 10 describe yeur business: Healih Care Business (as defined in 11 Single Asset Real Estate (as de?ned in 11 {35.6. 101618)) Stockbreker (as de?ned in 11 U.S.C. Commodity Broker (as de?ned in 11 U181). 101(6)) Nana of the abevs Lest Vaiiey Fem Name of business, if any 575% Teggsres Lane seam, 8 16mm, Street, City, State 8: Code Check the to describe your business's: 'Hsai?h Cars Business (as defined in 11 U.S.C. Single Asset Real Estate (as de?ned in 11 101613)) Stockbreker (as de?ned in 11 Cemnmdity Broker (as de?ned ii?! 11 191(6)) Mme of the above Of?cial Form 101 Voluntary Petition for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 9 "Dof' Filed 04/26/18 Case 18-11651 Debtor 1 Gregory John te Veiee First Name Middie Name test Name Bebtor 2 (Spouse if, tiling) First Name Middle Name Last-Name United States Bankruptcy Csuri for the: EASTERN DISTRECT OF CALEFORNBA Case number Check if thisis an amended ?ling 104 Ear indivtdnai ghaeter 1 Cases: List at Creditors: Whe Have the 29 Largest misstated claims Against Yen and Are Net tnsieem tat-is if you are an individual thing tor under Chapter '31,an must ?ii otrtti?iis term it yet: are ?ling under Chester 1' 12 or cm 13, tie net?tt eutthisfehn ho netihtln'de claims by anyonewhoisanheitter them hastens yourreiatiyee; any general partners; Mass stany general partners; efwhich you ate; a when. . .efwhith yon steer; etheer,? theater. andany - .11 Atso no not include chime; bysmed tenure states the creditor amen; the holders otthe 20 iargest Hand accurate as mien. If two married peepte? are thing together. hath ass reepensthie to: suppiying comet See Attach eciare that the intennstion arevi?dett in this term is has and comet. 8mm Jehnt?/Velde Signature of Debter 2 Signature ef Bebtor 1 Date ?If/151,17) Bate 3194 (Official Form 104) For Individual Chapter 11 Cases: Listof Creations Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Ciaims Page 'i Software Copyright 1996?2017? Best Case, LLC - Best Case Bankruptcy Do?} Filed 04/26/18 20 Largest nong??8ejr?iljr?ggl?ed creditors Name Overland Stockyard Value 3,000,000.00 Conway Hay Sales 2,866,785.20 Valmont Northwest, Inc 2,271,552.82 Koncrete Industries, Inc 8 2,148,649.50 Environmental Fabrics, LLCW 814,385.29_ Nucor Building Systems .2.-. 744,443,507 Delaval Direct Dist 727,599.53 Buttonwillow Warehouseugo 500,508.92 Cha?ey Sons, Inc 418,876.00 Daritech, Inc 401,856,007 Morrow County Tax Office 353,081.64 Sage Hollow Ranch, LLC 350,198.00 Penny Newman Grain, Inc 320,915.47 Reyes Trucking, Inc 5 288,528.02 LTI, Inc 275,169.75 Barton Laser Leveling 2.- 262,341.55 CRV USA Holdings, Inc 259,226.77 Northwest Liquid Transport 1, Inc 248,775.91 0.8. Farm Systems 248,582.70 Animal Health International, Inc 245,071.70 Fringe Ranch 236,465.00 Lower Tule River 202,264.30 Doc 1 Filed 04/26/18 In re Case 18?11651 United States Bankruptcy Court 7 Eastern District of California Fresno Division to Velde, Greg Case No. Chapter 11 Disclosure of Compeasation of Attorney for Debtor Pursuant to 11 0.8.0. 329 and Bankruptcy Rule 2010 I certify that i am the attorney for the above-named debtor and that compensation paid to me within one year before the tiling oi the petition in bankruptcy is shown below. The source of the compensation paid to me was: Debtor Other The source of compensation to be paid to me is: Debtor 1 Other have not agreed to share the above-disclosed compensation with any other persons unless they are members and associates of my law firm. . in return for the above?disclosed fee, have agreed to render legai service for all aspects of the bankruptcy case, incioding: a. Anaiysis of the debtors? financial situation, and rendering advice to the debtor in determining whether to fits a petition in bankruptcy; 13. Preparation and filing of the petition, schedules and statement of affairs; 0. Representation of the debtor at the initiai meeting of the creditors and confirmation heanng; d. Services per engagement letter. I have agreed that a reasonabie fee for my services will not be less than the amount of time spent by my law firm, muitiplied by the standard hourly rates in effect when the services are rendered. As of the Petition Date, the Firm?s standard hourly rates are $200.00 to $490.00 per hour for attorneys and $85.00 to $150.00 per hour for paraprofessionals. The foliowing payments were received in the past year: SAEE AMOUNT OF AMOUNT OF PAYMENT AMOUNT OF PAYMENT PAYMENT PAYMENT APPLIED TO FEES APPLIED TO COSTS 05/15/17 $17,162.86 $16,753.00 $409.86 06/01/17 $4,831.25 $4,789.50 $41.75 06/21/17 $13,798.75 $13,623.00 $175.75 07/05/17 $20,839.00 $20,254.50 $584.50 07/17/17 $10,865.98 $10,587.50 $278.48 07/31/17 $15,412.28 $14,946.00 $466.28 08/21/17 $11,900.00 $11,657.00 $243.00 08/30/17 $5,527.00 $5,470.00 $57.00 09/19/17 $12,536.25 $12,397.00 $139.25 Doc 1 Filed 04/26/18 Case 18-11651 United States Bankruptcy Court Eastern District of California Fresno Division In re: te Veide, Greg Case No. Chapter 11 Disoiosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor QATE OF AMQUNT CF AMOUNT OF PAYMENT AMOUNT OF PAYMENT PAYMENT APPLEED T0 FEES APPLIED T0 COSTS 10/13/17 $5,231.73 $5,096.00 $135.73 10/18/17 $9,765.25 $9,625.00 $140.25 11/03/17 $11,273.53 $11,068.50 $205.03 11/27/17 $16,955.62 $16,637.00 $318.62 12/06/17 $7,819.50 $7,622.50 $197.00 12/20/17 $6,512.00 $6,316.50 $195.50 01/04/38 $12,701.70 $12,348.00 $353.70 01/16/18 $6,150.58 $5,978.00 $172.58 01/29/18 $5,337.50 $5,275.00 $62.50 02/20/18 $9,902.48 $9,751.00 $151.48 03/02/18 $6,157.00 $5,922.00 $235.00 04/02/18 $14,122.11 $13,717.00 $405.11 04/20/18 $21,160.67 $20,592.50 $568.17 04/26/ 18 $140,000.00 04/26/18 $75,000.00 04/26/18 $26,876.50 $2,201.40 9. The above fees were related to services rendered as foiiows: Bankruptcy Related 100% Non?Bankruptcy Reiated 0% 10. The retainer on hand as of Petition Date was: $185,922.10 CERTEFECATEON i certify that the foregoing is a complete statement of any agreement or arrangement for payment to me for representation of the debtor in this bankruptcy detecting. Date: 4/25?? 00177542-MKR-04252013 Rii?ay C. for Debtor Doc 1