MOSSACK . Declaration Form Source of Funds/Source of Wealth Pursuant to Section Anti-money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Code,2008 NAME OF THE COMPANY (APPLICANT FOR BUSINESS): SOUTH EUROPE CAPITAL Inc. SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT BY THE COMPANY: Capital investments, shares, bonds,.. MAIN COUNTRY (IES) WHERE THE ACTIVITIES ARE CONDUCTED: Bosna and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia ESTIMATED VALUE OF THE TRANSACTIONS THAT WILL BE CARRIED OUT BY THE COMPANY (if it is a recurring transaction, the value on an annual basis): 10 mil. 1. Source of Funds: the origin of the monies being used by the Applicant for Business to execute the specific transaction/activity Cl Personal Savings. Please indicate the specific activities that originate your personal savings: Proceeds of Inheritance/Trust Fund. Please enclose the applicable inheritance or trust .docu mentation: Please indicate the estimated amount of your savings: Borrowing/Loans. Please indicate the purpose of the loans and which institutions were involved: POLE-73.09 . io?c. Please indicate the estimated amount of the loan: 23 M4 ?5 Proceeds from Business Trade. (3) Please indicate the specific trading activities, such as Please indicate the estimated value of the assets inherited/held in trust: Proceed from Financial Investments. Please indicate the specific financial investment activities carried out and the involved ?nancial institutions. 9 HAILES FONA 3990,17,, p/mToai/Ue BERT game/v14? Please indicate the source of funds initially invested: 741w am Please indicate the estimated amount of the profits received: 0,3 4M: 1 [Lu 7.0 riJ Proceeds from Contractual Obligations. Please indicate the specific contractual obligations and what products and/or services are offered in your parties trading involved: activities: Please indicate the amount subject to contractual Please indicate the estimated turnover/net obligation: profit: 2. Source of Wealth: the business, transactions or activities which generated the total net worth of the Applicant for Business. Please provide a detailed description: to ow" ,to yiarHLS WE, EAR/org) Cr?inT/lt. err/mag (N Bog/um? $999399 WE IN Please indicate the estimated value of the net worth: 2 l/We declare that the source of all funds/assets connected with the services for which MOSSFON provides, derives from legitimate sources and are not of criminal origin. I also confirm that the above information is true and accurate, and that you are authorized to provide any or all of such information for due diligence purposes to the Regulators if so requested by them. We also undertake to notify you of any future changes to the above information. 4: 9717 42 . '2 or Authorized Signa7bry Date gale/I?; Print Name Director/ Shareholder/ Beneficial Owner (circle one)