Patented Aus. 24, 1948 2,447,717 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE FLUORINATION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Joseph H. Sfmons, State College, Pa., ~dsnor to Minnesota Mining & Manuh~cturing ~a~mp~ny, St. Paul, Minn., a eorpol~tion of Deh~ware No Drawinz. AppliestI0n ]Dec,ember ~, 1948, Serial No. 714,918 S ~]ahus, 1 This applieztion is a contlnuation-in-par~ o! eopending application Ser. No. 562,5~0, ~d November ~, 1944, now abandoned. This ~nven~on rela~es to a method of ~rec~]y ~uo~natl~ organic com~s by reaction el~menta~ fluorine in a liq~d solvent diluent. The fluorination of orga~c compo~ds in an inert liquid v~hicle by means of e]ementa~ fluorine h~ ~rcviouslY been ~ropesed. Sec the Calco~ and Bcnn~ng Patent No. ~,013.030, Se~t. 3, 1935, w~[ch mentions anhydrous ]i~uld hydrogen fluoride, fluorsulfonic acid, and fluo~ rinated hydrocarbons as suitable. ~ese are r~pre~enta~ive of acidic and neutral liq~ds. I have found that p~idine, which is readily available at a reasonable cost, h~ marked vantages owr ~he acidic and n~ut~l liquids ~o~ly proposed. ~ridine is basic. Elementa~ fluo~ne ~ the most chemically ~ctive element known. ~uorinatlon Is somewhat sIml]ar to oxi~tlon, but is an even stronger ~ction. ~uorlne reacts ~olentl~ with most organic compounds, even a~ reduced temperatures, causing a dest~ctive decomposRion or degradation, ~less the reaction is controlled. Obviously a ~i~uid cannot be used as a diluent vehicle, tn which the orga~c compound to be fluo~nated is disgolved, if the vehicle is itself unfavorably reactive to the clemently fluoEne. I~ would natur~ly be supposed that p~ldine wo~d reac~ v~o]cntl~ wi~h fluorine, as d~es benzene. ~ have discovered, contm~ to execration, that pyrid~e has ~It~le reactlvi~y to fluo~ne at temperatures below 0~ C. and h~ other prope~ies ~ch mak~ i~ ~gh]y suitable f~r use as ~ fluorination ’diluent. ~en elementa~ fluc~ne [s in~uced into pyr~Inc a~ r~duced tom,futures, a molecular c0mpl~ is fo~ed, wherein fluorine atoms are loosely held ~ the ~y~dine molecules, and this complex can act ~ a fluo~ating agent. ~e complex tra~fers fluorine to the orga~c compound solute ~o ~ to ca~e fluo~na~on th~eo1 in a moderate an~ controlled fashion w~ch ~voids the ~olen~ and dest~ctive or degrad~tive action characteristic of direct fluo~tion. ~e effec~ Is ~ different from tha~ resulting whcn fluorine is dissolved as a simple solution In an ine~ solvent vehicle which does no~ form complex. Moreover, the py~e absor~ relativel~ much larger quantities of fluorine t~n do solvents w~ch do not form such a complex. A f~ther adv~tage of p~ i~ that it ~ capable of a~rbi~e small ~o~ts of hy~ogen which may be evolved in the fluorination process, without the vehicle being rendered acidic, owing to the basic nature of pyridine. It has been found advantageous tv maintain a basic -~ehicle as such vehicle ls more favorable to the desired fluo5 rination reaction In many cases, Pyridine is an excellent solvent, a large number of organic coml~unds being highly soluble therein. PYridine can react with fluorine to form a 10 fluorinated pyrldlne, such as fluoropyridine (wherein a fluorine atom replaces a hydrogen atom and is directly bonded to a carbon atom by a covalent bond), as distinguished from the di~ive complex previously mentioned. However, 15 the fluorinated pyridine thus produced ls itself a highly stable and insert solvent diluent material. The fluorinated pyridtne is basic, forms addition complexes with fluorine, and functions similarly to pyrldine. Hence the effect of fluorination of 20 the pyrldine solvent is not to decrease the molecular ratio of the inert fluorine-transferring solvent relative to the organic solute being fluorinated, but merely to consume some of the fluorine, making it unavailable for fluorination 25 of the organic solute. ¯ At reduced temperatures, below 0° C., the rate of fluorination of the pyridine solvent diluent employed in the process is quite slow, so that for practical purPoses the diluent remains essentially 30 a pyridlne solvent and can be recovered as such with little loss. Even at higher temperatures, the rake of fluorination of the pyridln~ will be slow when the solvent contains an organic compound solute 35 which is readily fluorinated. In such case the tendency is for the fluorine atoms to fluorinate the solute as against fluorinating the pyridine. Since fluorinated pyridine is itself an effective Inert solvent diluent, it can be recovered and 40 used as the diluent in performing the process. upon other occasions. The invention embraces the use of fluorinated pyridine asan inert solvent diluent, and in some cases it may be desired to employ it exclusively, without making use cf 45 pyrldine. Thus the invention is not restricted to the use of stmpl~ pyridine, but includes pyridine derivatives which likewise form addition complexes with fluorine but are relatively insert to fluorina50 tion (i. e. valence bonding of fluorine) when employed as solvent dlluents for fluorlnatoble organic compound solutes. A further example methyl pyrldine. Other compounds COnt~tnin~ the pyridine ring may be employed as equlvalentz, 55 such as quinoline; and other _~dne ring ccm~ STATE 07524645 1005.0001 3 pounds containing more than one nitrogen atom in the nucleus, such as diazines. The reaction vessel may be of copper or silver construction to render it corrosion-~esistant, pro* vlded with a cooling Jacket for temperature control, and with mechanical stirring means. The fluorine gas stream preferably enters into the vessel below the liqUid surface and in the form of small well-dispersed bubbles. Inlet and outlet ports may be provided for continuous operation. Where the reaction product is removable as a vapor, further additions of the organic reactant may be made from time to time, or continuously, without further addition of solvent diluent. A reflux condenser may be provided. The fluorine gas may" be diluted with an inert gas, such as nitrogen, in order to retard the reaction and permit of better control of heat in the reaction vessel. A catalyst may be employed but, in general, ¯ there is no need for catalytic assistance in view of the fluorination activity. ~’he reaction of pyridine and fluorine is flinstrated by an experiment in which pyridine d~ssolved in 2-fluoropyridlne was treated at 0° C. for four hours with fluorine gas diluted with nitrogen, resulting in the conversion of 40% of the ~yridine into fluoropyridlne. In this case the Euoropyridine served a~ an inert solvent diluent. The absence of a different fluorinatable organic solute to preferentially react with fluorine explains why the pyridtne was fluorinated to this extent. When such a fluorinatab]e organic solute is ~resent, the rate of fluorination of pyridine is made much slower, so that it is possible for the pyridine to behave ~s a highly inert (non-rea~tire) diluent. The following examples further serve to illustrate the invention. All parts are by weight, ccpt as noted. A reaction vessel was charged with 19 parts of toluene dissolved in 79 parts of l~ridine. Fluorine gas diluted with nitrogen (1:25 ratio) was passed through the solution, the temperature being about m20° C. After purfflcation and distillation of the resulting reaction mixture, two fluorinated tohienes were obtained. One di~tilled at 100-110° C. at a pressure of 19-0 ram., was more dense than water, and contained by analysis 46.4% fluorine. The other bored at 93-103" C. at atmospheric pressure and contained 18-20% fluorine; ~luorlne diluted with nitrogen was through a solution of 30 parts acetophenone in 79 parts pyrldine at a temperature of --25 to --40~ C., resulting In fluorination of the acotophenone and the production of difluoroacetophenone. A solution of 90 co. of dry, refractionated benzene (B. P. 80° C.) in 160 co. of dry, refractionated pyridine (B. P. 115-116° C.), was treated with 0.75 reel of fluorine, which was diluted wi~h nitrogen in a l:10 ratio. The nitrogen had been treated with alkaline pyrogailol to remove any o~Tgen and then dried with phosphorous pentoxide. The reaction temperature was --15" C. The reaction proceeded smoothly. White fumes were evolved and the solution became dark and somewhat viscous. The reaction products were poured onto icecold dilute hydrochloric acid and the resUlting 4 black slurry was ether-extracted. The ether solution was separated, washed with water, dried over solid NaOH, and fractionated through a small five-plate column. Cuts boiling from 8086° C., t~talling 23 grams, were refraction~ted through a small metal-packed column having an estimated 30 theoretical plates. Decailn was u~ed to back the distillation. The follow~ng fractions were obtained: lO B.P. Cut (co.) ................................. 15 2 ......... : ....................... l 3 ................................. Weight Refractive Inde~ 68-79 79-800 l 1.~ 13. 80-820 !.49~0 I. 49~1 1.4921 1.4753 Cut 5 had a molecular weight (Dumas gas den20 sity method) of 95.6. It was separated by low temperature filtration through a slntored glass disk, the lower melting fluorobenzene (M. P. --42° C.) being thus sevarated from the l~gher melting benzene (M. P. 50 C.). In order to ob25 tain a pure sample of fluorobenzene, only a 0.2 gram sample was collected in the first fraction. This sample had a melting range of --46 to --42° C.; a refractive index of 1.4698; and a fluorine content of 18.6% as determined by Parr bomb fu30 sion and titration of the resultant fluoride ion content with standard thorium nitrate. The theoretical value for fluorobenzene (C~H~F) is 19.7 %; and the reported refractive index value is 1.4684. 3~ The residues from the first fractionatlon were distilled in a simple distilling flask, and the following, cuts were obtained: A black heavy residue remained as a pot residue. In this experiment only a sma!l amount of fluorinated pyridine was formed, demonstrating the preferential fluorination of the benzene. Exampl~ ~ A glass reaction vessel was filled with 65 grams of glacial acetic acid and 169 grams of dry fractlonated pyridlne. A dry, oxygen-free, fluorine and nitrogen mixture (1:10 ratio) was introduced through a copper tube at the rate of 0.1 reel of fluorine per hour, for a total of 11.5 hours. The reaction vessel was kept at --10 to --25° C. The reaction proceeded smoothly, with the evolution of white fumes. Products containing combined fluorine were obtained. It appears probable that some fluoroacetic acid was produced. Example 5 Fluorine gas was passed into a 10% solution of benzene in. 2-fluoropyrldine, at a temperature of 0° C. A solid reaction product was obtained which, after removal of fluoropyrldine, wa~ found to contain aly~roximately 20% fluorine by weight. A10% solution of butyric acid in 2-fluoropyrldine was treated with fluorine ate° ~. Products containing combined fluorine were obtained, and STATE 07524646 1005.0002 9,447,717 6 substantially inert to the fluorine but form~ a molecular complex therewith acting as a fluorinating agent for the dissolved organic compound to I)roduce fluorination thereof in a ~nooth nonAcetic acid dissolved in 2-fluoropy£1di~e was treated with ~luor~ne at 0° C. The reaction pro- 5 violent manner, and recovering a fluorinated product of said organic compound. ceeded smoothly, without explosion. The prod8. In a process of producing organic fluorine ucts were not analyzed. compounds, introducing elementary fluorine into Having described various embodiments of the a liquid mixture essentially comprising fluoropyriinvention, for purposes of ~]ustratlon rat~er 10 dine and an added organic compound solute than limitation, what I claim is as follows: which is highly reactive to fluorine, the mixture 1. In a process of producing organic fluorine being maintained at a temperature such that compounds, the steps which comprise reacting the fluoropyridine serves as a liquid solvent dilufluorine with a fluorlnatable organic compound ent which is substantially inert to the fluorine solute in a substantially inert liquid solvent diluforms a molecular complex therewith acting ent of the class consisting of pyridine and fluori- 1~ but as a fluorinating agent for the dissolved organic nated py~ldine, and recovering a fluorinated compound to produce fluorination thereof in a product of said solute. smooth non-violent manner, and recovering a 2. A method according to claim 1, wherein a fluorinated product oi said organic compound. reducedtemperature l~ maintained not exceeding JOSEPH H. SIMONS. about 0° C. & A method according to claim 1, wherein said REFERI~NCES CITED organic compoUnd is a hydrocarbon. i~ appears PrObable that some fluorobutyric acid was produced. 4. A method according to claim 1. wherein said organic compound is an aromatic hydrocarbon. 5. A method according to claim 1, wherein said organic compound is an acid. 6. A method according to claim 1, wherein said organic compound is acetic acid. 7. Tn a process o~ producing organic fluorine compounds, introducing elementa~j fluorine into a liquid mixture ea~entially compr~ing pyridine and an added organic compound solute which ~s highly reactive to fluorine, the mixture being maintained at a temperature such that the pyridine sc~ves as a liquid solvent diluent which is The following references are of record in file of thls patent: T~NX’J.’,~J STATES PATENTS Date Name Calcott et al ......... Sept. 3~ 1935 Daudt et al .......... Sept. 3, ~935 Number 2,013,030 2,013,035 FOREIGN PATENTS Number 786,12~ Country Date France ............. JUne 3~ 1955 STATE 07524647 1005.0003