ATTACHMENT A: COUNTY COUNCIL VISION AMENDMENTS June 11, 2018 1 PREAMBLE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 WE THE PEOPLE, citizens of San Juan County, value our healthy natural environment, vibrant and diverse community, self-sufficiency, interdependence, privacy, personal freedom, independence, and stewardship of our common resources recognize that these rural islands are an extraordinary treasure of natural beauty and abundance, and that independence, privacy and personal freedom are values prized by islanders. These rural islands are an extraordinary treasure: as a community Being a diverse people bound together by these shared values, we declare our commitment to work towards this vision of the San Juan Islands in 2020 A.D. 9 10 11 12 13 14 COMMUNITY We envision a community that is primarily rural, made up of islands of varying character, each with its own unique qualities. The islands are places of peace and mutual tolerance, where citizens people of differing backgrounds and beliefs respect each other's dignity, privacy, and freedoms. We communicate effectively and openly and work together toward goals identified as being for the common good. We foster a sense of neighborliness, of self-sufficiency, and community pride that has long been a part of our island character. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 GOVERNANCE We are self-governed by informed citizens. We are equally represented by elected officials who conduct the activities of government in an ethical, fair, impartial, responsive and open manner which that recognizes the independent, self-reliant nature of its people citizens. Our elected officials and government institutions lead, communicate and collaborate with regional partners in areas of mutual interest. Our government institutions balance responsibility with resources and costs, consolidate services where practical, manage prudently, provide reliable data, are service-oriented, and perform in a timely manner. 22 23 24 25 26 BASIC HUMAN NEEDS Our islands are places where all citizens people are safe can safely walk or play, day and or night. The drinking water supply is clean, and adequate, and conserved as a vital resource. Health care and help in time of need are accessible and affordable. Making a life here is not limited by lack of access to basic human needs. The supply of affordable housing is adequate to meet the needs of our diverse population. 27 28 HOUSING Adequate, safe, affordable and stable housing helps our community thrive. There are diverse housing types and we use innovative strategies to meet the various housing needs of our community. 29 30 31 32 EDUCATION Learning is a continuing lifelong process which that is encouraged and aided by the community. A partnership of families and community creates a supportive and challenging educational environment founded on academic excellence and artistic expression. This educational environment produces ethical, self-directed, compassionate, responsible world citizens, alive with the love of learning. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Our islands and marine waters have exceptional natural beauty and healthy, diverse ecosystems that are surrounded by pollution-free marine waters. The air is fresh and clean, the water quality is excellent, and the soil is uncontaminated. As careful stewards of these islands and waters, we conserve resources, preserve open space, and take appropriate action to assure healthy land and marine environments. We recognize the integral role that forests play in the stewardship of our air, soils and water resources. The natural environment is central to the ecological health, quality of life, and the economy in the islands. Native plants, and animals, and marine life of the islands thrive, and are identified, appreciated and conserved. 1 Page K : \ P R O S E C U T O R \ D C D S h a r e d \ 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 - 1 2 _ V I S _ C C _ A t t a c h m e n t _ A . d o c x ATTACHMENT A: COUNTY COUNCIL VISION AMENDMENTS June 11, 2018 1 2 3 4 5 6 ENERGY AND RESOURCES Our community is strives for energy independence and zero waste fosters resource and energy conservation. Energy independence is encouraged. We use renewable energy, materials, and natural resources on a sustainable basis. Recycling, sSolid waste, and sewage treatment are managed within the confines of each island in an environmentally sound manner. Renewable natural resources are used on a sustainable basis. Nonrenewable resources are conserved wherever possible and practical. 7 8 9 CLIMATE CHANGE Our community sets an example with its response to climate change. We prepare to address the negative effects in advance before they become crises. Our community encourages voluntary efforts and enacts incentives and regulations if necessary to reduce our carbon footprint. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ECONOMY We support a diverse, resilient, and sustainable economy while respecting the natural world. pattern of economic growth and development which This economy serves the needs of our community, and which recognizes the rural, residential, quiet, agricultural, marine and isolated nature of the islands. Our economy comprises a wide spectrum of stable, year-round activities that provide employment for islanders wages that allow islanders to live, work, and thrive locally. We support and encourage traditional industries including forestry, farming, aquaculture, construction, fishing and tourism without jeopardizing the resources on which they depend. We have home occupations and cottage industries which are compatible with surrounding neighborhoods. We encourage new ideas and new technology for improving the quality and profitability of our goods and services. Value-added activities are encouraged. Environmental conservation and sustainable development are balanced. Communication systems support our economy. 21 22 23 24 25 AGRICULTURE The San Juan Islands have a rich agricultural heritage that remains culturally and economically significant. We invest resources to ensure that agricultural lands are preserved and to maintain and enhance agricultural viability. We recognize the integral role that agriculture plays in the stewardship of our soils and water resources. Diverse agricultural activities are essential to the health and well-being of our community, contributing to the social, economic and environmental fabric of our islands. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 LAND USE Neighborhoods, hamlets, villages, and towns, and other activity centers are clearly defined so as to conserve, rural, agricultural, forest, mineral resource and environmentally sensitive lands and critical areas. These areas define our heritage and sense of place: provide providing for commerce and community activities without losing their small scale and attractive island ambiance. There is housing for people of all incomes. The unique character of our shorelines is protected by encouraging uses which that maintain or enhance the quality health of the shoreline environment. Through innovative land use strategies, our citizens and institutions balance and protect private property rights, public rights, and our natural environment. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION We have water, land, and air transportation systems commensurate with our island culture. On-island circulation is by means of a system of scenic rural roads with automobile, bicycle and pedestrian ways functioning without conflict. In some places, the roads are unpaved, narrow, and winding, and care is taken to maintain a rustic quality in public signs. Transportation plans carefully consider multimodal transportation, and rural character. Expansion or new construction of basic public transportation systems, infrastructure, and facilities occurs only based on the basis of demonstrated local public need. Advanced interactive communication systems are infrastructure is encouraged. 2 Page K : \ P R O S E C U T O R \ D C D S h a r e d \ 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 - 1 2 _ V I S _ C C _ A t t a c h m e n t _ A . d o c x ATTACHMENT A: COUNTY COUNCIL VISION AMENDMENTS June 11, 2018 1 2 3 4 5 ARTS, CULTURE AND RECREATION Our community nurtures the expression of its creative talents and supports diverse cultural and entertainment activities. Our cultural facilities such as libraries, museums, and theaters are focal points of activity and community support. Well-managed parks, trails, and shoreline access, where appropriate, provide islanders with recreation with due regard for both the rights of private property owners and the natural limitations of each site. 6 7 8 9 10 HERITAGE AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION Our community is enriched by a strong sense of identity, tradition, legacy, and continuity, where past and present freely mingle. We recognize the contributions to our rural and maritime heritage made by indigenous peoples, explorers, and island pioneers, and. We encourage the preservation of that our heritage, . We encourage preservation of historic sites, structures, and traditions for the enjoyment of all. 11 12 13 OUR COMMITMENT: AS FORTUNATE CITIZENS OF THE SAN JUAN ISLANDS, WE COMMIT ourselves individually and communally to a future for ourselves and our children that reflects this vision. To this end, we, the undersigned individuals dedicate our time and our talents. 3 Page K : \ P R O S E C U T O R \ D C D S h a r e d \ 2 0 1 8 - 0 6 - 1 2 _ V I S _ C C _ A t t a c h m e n t _ A . d o c x