Memorandum Dep. Du. ADD Adm. ADD nv. Asst. Dir; Adm. Saws. Grim. lnv. CJIS Info. Mgmt. Insp. lnteH, Lab. Legal Coun. Tech. Servs. Training Off. of EEOA Mr. Baugh 1/11/94 - OH. Of PuOhc I Cong. Arts. me J. Kevin O?Brien Director's Office wwem FREEDOM OF ACTS (FOIPA) SECTION RELEASE OF DOCUMENTS TO COLEMAN YOUNG. FORMER MAYOR OF DETROIT, MICHIGAN PURPOSE: To advise of the release of documents to Coleman Young on January 27, 1994. RECOMMENDATION: None. For information only. DETAILS: By letter dated April 13, former mayor of Detroit, Michigan, 1992, Coleman Young, the submitted an FOIPA request to FBIHQ for material in our files concerning himself from May of 1982 to the present. Mayor Young has received FBIHQ material dated prior to 1982 pursuant to a previous FOIPA request. b6 Enclosure 1 Mr. Kennedy, Room 7176 1 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 Mr. Potts, Room 4260 1 Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 1 Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7176 1 Mr. J. Bucknam, Room 7176 1 annm 717: 1 Room 7176 1.- IRD Front Office, Room 5829 i1?- Mr. O'Brien. Room 6296 6387 1 - 780 6780 ?f?tjmr (14) {x b7C I MEMORANDUM FROM J. KEVIN TO MR. BAUGH RE: FREEDOM OF ACTS (FOIPA) SECTION RELEASE OF DOCUMENTS TO COLEMAN YOUNG, FORMER MAYOR OF DETROIT, MICHIGAN The current release of material consists of four volumes of a file concerning a Hobbs Acts?Corruption of Public Officials investigation code?named in which several of Mayor Young's associates were tried and convicted. Mayor Young was not indicted, but was named in court as an unindicted co?conspirator by the prosecution. This investigation and the subsequent trials received widespread publicity in the media (see attached news articles). In addition, the current release of material includes files regarding six other Hobbs Act~Corruption of Public Officials investigations, a Civil Rights investigation and a Fraud Against the Government?Department of Housing and Urban Development investigation. These investigations were preliminary in nature and none proceeded beyond the investigative stage. id . gr Sewage I con tracts probed Ctty aide siiegedly got $8.000 payoff By Su? Writ" A laden! grand jury in mm- 31- u: e?qed theme in which all: a! Detroit's Wile! cdi)? it: put $8.000 tn?Mb-Icts uterine hmthe city?a hda- ??tment phat The grind - mm 2 ?mgr; an 3.7? ?.5mm30? 4 1 contact i Int-dad by 1 Mayor Cait- A Young in fat etude: imam-rd {mm the In! . I gasp.? resist-un?t helpa ezp'u'm the nitr- rou?d?lg In FBI bugging dew? Emmet made: I tab}: In Crag?! LHELL nun. viz-tutu"? FY. tracta?robed tha'v'uubispgl} {Hi timid it 13.3. 399: WM ?nd? land I minim: ??r?vhg' t'downnt theubh lamb, That i shunt-be entree FBI hdwa'plein puhlh?y that 'Detmlt 'dsvia. FBI mkhnuthm'ym- teeth; rdme?town?rmordenythet some. BECIHAM. W30 WAS not. ??ght-eta: math-anthem en by?epem? M.the {was-?d? . try-the . The an WMMTu?-dnytOprE?W ?1 toV?hqup-oeal. mug-maid. {W?tommemmy?this zqnie: mad the record: but not yet - Managid ?vo?p?n crinmtiutton glass mbpo-emed 1nd Appeared on Twenty. It in not hue-mayhem: quatmne?by tdmu?nd thither-z 0 Misha! .1. Examine a; Durblom. president a! Dawn} new which is the 055% giddy-removal gummy with a watt-d with the city. What: the Vista Disposal must! :ppmved, the dw can- treat um: may? mm tar attache rewi- Jan-cpl: Vitamin! Qeubotn H'iihtl; eo-ownu of ?dirt?nae DB- pmal Int. I nudge tuna-n! cum . which ?ve: not hrs-e I mm In the city. - 83.9.43! Cmnn'no of Plymouth. the other was: of Du 1m .- . Garb J. Cat-m of Biwm?etd Hiih. I hwy? who basin-d hi3 [?153 {a tea of the ?112?! ELL?fibFB??1ii??: A fu?h nth-poem. um Easwi, the _m aid. wt wt named. It Emmi-5 ,Dm?dyn C- Borer: at beam. 8h: jl?d her habitati- Francis, agent: ?30931 Rulty and lament m. an 5:922an in Detroit. Nam of thou tuned in that an In nt?fbh f?'mmbt yester- Ya named byt'ormet Pruident Cater to ?he board of the_FedtzaE ham ,6 M05515: Amh?m. the {?ag-y chained mutation that i the - to m, Mrs. Egan ??tdly helped at tar: Vat: Drew the other: and delivered the to Bodkin. it: fun cure-hid incident but Sep- temlxr! I company hill anthems: that Mn. Bowen PM 3 pitta} on him after he 61'me the in It be: Filmer Wand: home he- cnus-I 0! $1372.95 unpaid hi]. The caller-Ia, Melt-?in Coot, said a Yam. who In: no: wmed by ft"! mm' THE MAYOR WAS must I genitive perm by Chic! 'oden} Judge Juhn to dun up the It the tang! tantrum: pint in awthm Detroit and to meet federal dun ?tn Yon; nut-ted the Vista Diana! :59an M17, 1mm at}: am: the iride?nitefy tamed its (human on the tuner. - At time. Young cited the ?imminent need? to inure-an: this: ?react-A! attention It pan: to mp9.)- Iith fedenl Count-?rm: Jack Hailey and retired We: Billy Rog-ell yaurdsy eg- yelled the hat: they ted t1: the V131: mm The contrast, they Hid, ?Ila! {at I 8035203 aim to let up the but- an: end buy equipment; ?uff wri?m lie Bohr. Arlene Gary"? at! light! A. Tucker mama-? ta 11mm!!- - i i? 52;? ?aw I and state.) ,nameof? newspap?f. CRY (Indicate page Title: l9/ Sumn?nq Ot?ce: 3 Character: or Classi?cation: hdexlng: (Mount (zipping in Space Below) a1n?dpral to: most of hit 9 ?8 Ej?ct o! is A fede? . 3 C35 r3" 4 't'Ors" . .r . Vl? rosecu' 1p The vista'case' Ina un?MW-i FBI agentVirgil Woolley,who used electin- demos to monitor the conversations. .It wasone of dozens of minus when tin Mammy ?Itjraa a public corruption case. and it's Mofour allegations of wrongful conduct lend a, Il'regoingtopumle.? -: bk to late 1980.1rhen the president of a "1 aswiyformedaludgeha? ?rmtoldthe fBlahoutaplanhe withDarrahm tract. Earlier, in en: for cooperating in hderal investigation, iats President Jerry 1 Owen: had been given a reduced sentence after pleading guilty to defrauding a federal food program in Mississippi. Although he 1 alsomindicted fo'rbankfraudinan! gee later were dropped. - There were six Vista defendants and each eventually pleaded guilty or was convicted of at least one of six charges - bribery. conspir- acy, racketeering, extortion, mail fraud or misprision of felony. plus Owens, conspired in illegal wayato ass-tire asludge hauling contract worth as arch on 87.5 million These charges indul- I Bribing mayoral aide Beckham with about $16,000 and clothing to help secure approval "of the contract. - . A Submitting a'contract proposal with false information. Failing to reveal his. Bower-3? hidlen I Failing to disclose the whiteparticipqm minority contract. it was known that Ll: city grim to do luminess with minority A as. . The Vista episode began in October 1980, when Beckham, director of the city?s Water and 9merage De nt, submitted the proposed Vista alu hauling contract to the City Council .Beckham identi?ed Owens as Vista's sole owner. But mapscting there were more. aer- tain councilmen demanded Beckham divuhe additional information. ?governrnent. - .- ?ll a?orthegan toshrfaceJuticeDeparunen agents agonised over ihether to. indiet Young, and decided against it. faring "pit don?t go on it.? homApriltquatennhintsal,FBl hipedphone some 7 dwhich'e- between Young and Ms. Bonn, and van-d hpoliticalgoaaip,aomeea-y. casual. in bomber 1931 ms Keithgl'. charged. Corbett alleged that Young never repaid MaBowersfor ?mom downplay.- exchange for favorable consideration for tie Vista contract. Ms. Bowers was Young?s reel eatatesgmt . . us 13de macaw deniedtbernotion. t. notto manydatailsoftheY-taeag. says: 'Tbere wasnoconapiracy (on myput} - . "3 Densonwithmisdemeanors for conspiringto inJuly forinsufl?icient evidence. echham was convicted in the Vista aomeagninst Ms.Bowera. - Young saysthejLn-ydecision againsthis aide?waglike aomeone kickedmeinthe . Beckham. who denies ever taking-the 816.000, is appealing the convictions; his cause is popular with many in Detroit's black night before he was sentenced to a three-year prison term Beckham was cheered atia fund-raiser on his behalf at the Northwest Recreation Center at Curtis and Meyers. ?Charr-lee, Chan-lose. Chart-leaf clust- ed some 300 hackers as television camel'ss i?panned the auditorium. Prominent black . era. induhnx Tom Turner. presidentof l0, took the stage to reclaim 'a innocence and to call the racist Some declared Beckham a 1" that a racist federal systan that seeks to politically pow-arm blacks. a Beckham'a brother, William, a former aide to Young and to President Carter, said aloud that many in the group were thinking about the federal investigator-5' goal in the Vita ease: .. ColemanYomg.? Dep, ADD Adm. Memorandum :01? .3. 55 . IL: Adm. Sews. Crlm. info Inf-D Inteli. Lab. i Legat Coun. Tech. Servs? To Mr. Baugh Date 4/4/94 Training oi EEOA Off, Lsalson 8. Int. AHs. From J. Kevin O'Brien onorPuoric 8. Cong. A?s. TQM Office Teiephone Rm. Dnrecmr?s Office ?Wen FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE OF DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO THE LEAGUE (ADL) OF TO SCOTT THOMPSON PURPOSE: To advise of the release of documents from the New York Field Office main files pertaining to the ADL on April 18, 1994. RECOMMENDATION: None. For information only. DETAILS: By letter dated February 4, 1989, (actual date of letter is 1990), Mr. Thompson submitted an FOIA request to the New the New York Field Office for material in their files pertaining to ADL. Since that time, cross-references to the ADL in York Field Office files on other subjects have been processed and released to Mr. Thompson. Pursuant to existing policy, three New York main files pertaining to the ADL have been forwarded to FBI Headquarters for processing and release to Mr. Thompson. Enclosure 190?58674 Mr. Binney, Room 7125 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 - Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7126 Mr. J. Bucknam. Room 7126 1 i - Room 7176 IRD Front Office, Room 5829 Mr. O'Brien, Room 6296 1 Room 6387 be 1 :oom 6780 - Room 6780 b7C (13 MEMORANDUM FROM J. KEVIN TO MR. BAUGH RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE OF DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO THE LEAGUE (ADL) OF TO SCOTT THOMPSON Mr. Thompson is a journalist for the Executive Intelligence Review who is currently in litigation with the FBI regarding certain field office records pertaining to the ADL, including these New York Field Office files (Scott Thompson v. U. S. Department of Justice; U.S.D.C. for the District of Columbia; Civil Action No. 93?1219). The current release of material consists of New York Field Office files concerning an Extortion investigation, a Department of State?Inquiry investigation, and a public relations/correspondence administratiVe file. This material clearly documents the liaison between the New York Field Office and the New York office of the ADL, which each field office was required to establish upon the instructions of former Director J. Edgar Hoover. This practice was continued under former Director William Webster. This memorandum is being submitted to advise of the release of this material to Mr. Thompson inasmuch as it will reveal the extent of the liaison between the FBI and the ADL, which included advice and review by Special Agents regarding the security measures at the New York Office of the ADL during February, 1979 (see attached documents). - ?1w? Memorandum mm. ADD Adm. ADD lrw. Asst. Din: Adm. Saws. Cn'rn. lnv. CJIS Info. Mgrm. lnsp. Intell. Mr. Baugh on. 4/4/94 um Legal Coun. Tech. Sen/S. 0 Training me J. Kevin O'Brien 5 Int. Ms. of Public I a Cong. Affs. wwaa . FREEDOM OR INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF GLENN R. SIMPSON, ROLL CALL NEWSPAPER, ?g?gmi REGARDING FORMER CONGRESSMAN SILVIO OTTO CONTE (DECEASED) To advise of the anticipated release of records on 4/18/94 concerning former Congressman Silvio Otto Conte (deceased). RECOMMENDATIONS: None. For information only. DETAILS: By letter dated October 15, 1991, Jonathan Ringel of the Roll Call new3paper requested information concerning former Congressman Silvio Conte (deceased). (Mr. Ringel has since left Roll Call and the request is now being pursued by Glenn Simpson of Roll Call.] b6 b7C 1 Mr. Binney, Room 7142 1 - Mr. Davis, Room 7427 1 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 - Mr. Moschella, Room 7358 1 Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 1 - Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7176 1 Mr. J. Bucknam, Room 7176 1.. 1 Room 7176 1 - IRD Front Office, Room 5829 ?17? Mr. O'Brien, Room 6296 6387 1 - Room 6387 1 om 6387 (CONTINUED OVER) :vyc (15) #1!)nt MEMORANDUM FROM J. KEVIN TO MR. BAUGH RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE TO GLENN R. SIMPSON, ROLL CALL NEWSPAPER, REGARDING FORMER CONGRESSMAN SILVIO OTTO GONTE may, Congressman Conte was the subject of three main files: an investigation of a possible impersonation of Congressman Conte; a correspondence file; and a conflict of interest investigation of Congressman Conte in which his opponent in the 1986 Congressional election made allegations that Conte associated with known organized crime figures, arranged for an upgrade of a military discharge, and arranged for return of revoked Massachusetts drivers' licenses. William F. Weld, Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, by letter dated October 24, 1986, advised FBIHQ that the allegation concerning Conte's association with known organized crime figures did not violate Federal criminal law and that the two remaining allegations were time barred by the statute of limitations. These files consist of a total of 88 pages, of which 84 pages are being released. Deletions have been made to protect the privacy of third parties and the names and initials of FBI personnel. Memorandum Mr. Baugh Due 4/15/94 Cong. Affs. Hm: J. Kevin O?Brien Telephone Rm. Director's Of?ce? mMeu FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF R. SIMPSON, ROLL CALL NEWSPAPER, REGARDING FORMER CONGRESSMAN LEO JOSEPH RYAN (DECEASED) PURPOSE: To advise the anticipated release of records on 4/28/94 concerning former Congressman Leo Joseph Ryan (deceased). RECOMMENDATIONS: None. For information only. DETAILS: By letter dated 10/10/91, Jonathan Ringel of the Roll Call newspaper requested information concerning former Congressman Leo Ryan (deceased). [Mr. Ringel has since left Roll Call and the request is now being pursued by Glenn Simpson of Roll Call.] 190-HQ-1026733 1 Mr. Binney, Room 7142 - Mr. Davis, Room 7427 1 - Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 - Mr. Moschella, Room 7358 - Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 1 - Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7176 b6 1 - Mr. J. Bucknam, Room 7176 . 1 b7C - . Room 7176 IRD Front Office, Room 5829 f1}? Mr. O?Brien. Room 6296 Room 6984 - Room, 6984 MAP 1?a?(14) (CONTINUED OVER) MEMORANDUM from J. Kevin O'Brien to Mr. Baugh RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF GLENN R. SIMPSON, ROLL CALL NEWSPAPER, REGARDING FORMER CONGRESSMAN LEO JOSEPH RYAN (DECEASED) an extortion investigation regarding a threatening letter to Congressman Ryan dated 10/13/77: a correspondence file; and an investigation of the assassination of Congressman Ryan on 11/18/78, by a Peoples Temple (PT) member and follower of the late Jim Jones. The extortion file and the correspondence file consist of 65 pages, of which 64 pages are being released. Deletions have been made to protect the privacy of third parties, and the identity of an individual furnishing information on a confidential basis. The assassination file at FBI Headquarters, captioned consists of approximately 57,000 pages and is being processed for another FOIPA requester. Approximately 10,000 of these pages are now processed and available for review in the FBI Reading Room. As the remainder of this file is processed, it too will be placed in the reading room for public access. Dep. Dir. ADD Adm. ADD Inv. Asst. Din: Adm. Servs. Crim. Inv. C-JIS Info. Mgmt. Insp. InteIl. Lab. Legal Coun. Tech. Servs. To 1 Mr . Baugh Date 421/94 Training Off. of EEOA Off. Liaison int. A?s. om . I - Off. of Public J. Kev1n Brien aww,m TOM Office Tetephone Rm. Director's Office Memorandum Hi mMem FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE TO KENT G. SIEG, DOCTORAL CANDIDATE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO, REGARDING FORMER SENATOR EVERETT DIRKSEN (DECEASED) PURPOSE: To advise of the anticipated release of records on May 5, 1994, concerning Everett Dirksen (deceased), former U.S. Senator from Illinois. RECOMMENDATION: None. For information only. DETAILS: On May 4, 1992, Kent Sieg, a doctoral candidate at the University of Colorado, requested information concerning former Senator Everett Dirksen (deceased) which was generated during the time period of May 1968 through March 1969. 1 - Mr. Binney, Room 7142 1 - Mr. Davis, Room 7427 1 - Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 Mr. Moschella, Room 7358 1 Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 1 Mr. H. Shapiro, room 7176 1 Mr. J. Bucknam. Room 7176 b6 1 - Room 7176 - 3070 IRD Front Office, Room 5829 ?iy? Mr. O'Brien, Room 6296 1 6387 Room 6387 - om 6387 (15) . \4?1 .7 i Ill], MEMORANDUM FROM J. KEVIN TO MR. BAUGH RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE TO KENT G. SIEG, DOCTORAL CANDIDATE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO, REGARDING FORMER SENATOR EVERETT DIRKSEN (DECEASED) During the stated time frame, Senator Dirksen was the victim in three extortion investigations. These investigations consist of 120 pages, of which 118 pages are being released to Mr. Sieg. Deletions have been made to protect information related to internal rules and practices; protect the privacy of third parties and FBI employees; and to protect the identity of confidential sources providing information to the FBI. One document consisting of two pages, which originated with the U.S. Secret Service, was referred for review and direct response to Mr. Sieg. Dep. Dir. ADD Adm, ADD lnv. Asst. GIL: Adm. Saws. Crim. Inv. CJIS Info. Mgmt. lnsp. Intell. Lab. Memorandum Training OH Liaison . . . 5 Int. A115. From J. KEVILD O'Brien O?.ofPuth Cong. Affs. TOM Of?ce Telephone Rm. amen FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE OF mmwawm Legal Coun. To Mr. Baugh Date 5/25/94 Tech.SeN5. Off. of EEOA DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO RALPH DAVID ABERNATHY TO JAMES EARL RAY PURPOSE: To advise of the release of documents from two FBI Headquarters (FBIHQ) main files pertaining to the late Reverend Ralph David Abernathy to James Earl Ray on June 6, 1994. RECOMMENDATION: None. For information only. DETAILS: By letter dated April 20, 1990, James Earl Ray, the convicted assassin of Martin Luther King, submitted an FOIA request to FBIHQ for material in our files pertaining to Ralph David Abernathy. The late Reverend Abernathy was a close 190?6998 1 Mr. Binney, Room 7125 1 Mr. Potts, Room 7116 1 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 Mr. R. Buckman, Room 7126 1 Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7126 1 Mr. J. Buckman, Room 7126 Room 7126 b6 IRD Front Office, Room 5829 Mr. O'Brien, Room 6296 b7C :0m 6387 1 >m 6780 1 Room 6780 i?gf?gmr (14) . Ill 1H1 Memorandum from J. Kevin O'Brien to Mr. Baugh RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE OF DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO RALPH DAVID ABERNATHY TO JAMES EARL RAY associate of King and succeeded him as President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) upon his assassination. The current release of material consists of documents concerning an Extortion investigation of a threatening letter received by Abernathy and a Racial Matters investigation of the activities of Abernathy from 1961 to 1975. The Racial Matters investigation contains potentially controversial information concerning possible extramarital affairs by Abernathy and speculation upon the possible and emotional condition of Abernathy. This information was received by the FBI through electronic surveillance of SCLC members. Some of this information has been previously released and is currently available in the FOIPA Reading Room under the subjects of COINTELPRO, Martin Luther King, Stanley Levinson, and SCLC. However, some of this potentially controversial information is being released for the first time. Memorandum To Mr. Baugh Date 5/27/94 Tach._8ervs. Off. of EEO . . off. 1.1 ison me J. Kev1n O'Brien mnine Off. of Pubhc Iffs._ Telephone Rm. Director's thce Wmen FREEDOM OF ACTS (FOIPA) SUPPLEMENTAL RELEASE OF INFORMATION PERTAINING TO MARK STEVEN PUTNAM Reference is made to Memorandums from J. Kevin O'Brien to Mr. Baugh dated 3/16/93 and 11/15/93, captioned FOIPA RELEASE OF INFORMATION PERTAINING TO MARK STEVEN PUTNAM. PURPOSE: To advise of the anticipated supplemental release on June 10, 1994, of material from FBI files pertaining to Mark Steven Putnam. RECOMMENDATION: None. For information only. DETAILS: By letters dated May 17, 1993 and December 3, 1993, a total of 1,193 pages from FBI files were released to Mark Steven Putnam, a former FBI agent who was convicted in the death of an l90mHQ?104819l - Mr. Binney, Room 7125 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 b6 Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7126 b7C Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7126 Mr- Rnr'knam Room 7126 Room 7126 (b - IRD Front Office, Room 5829 Mr. O'Brien, Room 6296 - 6387 - Room 6387 rm 6387 RWT (13) var/M 7 Memorandum from J. Kevin O'Brien to Mr. Baugh RE: FREEDOM OF ACTS SUPPLEMENTAL RELEASE OF INFORMATION PERTAINING TO MARK STEVEN PUTNAM (FOIPA) informant. b6 b7C Memorandum To Mr. Baugh 6/14/94 Hm: J. Kevin O?Brien Subject PURPOSE: RECOMMENDATION: None. For information. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUESTS CONCERNING THE INVESTIGATION OF THE DEATH OF WHITE HOUSE COUNSEL VINCENT W. FOSTER, JR. AND RELATED MATTERS ADD Inv. Asst. Dir.: AmhLServs. Crim.1nv. Ident. lnfo.Mgnt. lnsp. lnteli. . Lega[ Com. Tech. Sen/s. Training Cong. Affs. Off. of EEO Off. Liaison Int. Affs. Off. of Tetephone Rm. Di rector's To advise of the status of FOIA requests concerning the captioned matters and that one page, an contained in a report on the Foster "suicide" note, will be released to members of media and other requesters seeking such information. 190-HQ-1070836 - MrMr. Binney, Room 7142 Davis, Room 7427 Collingwood, Room 7240 Moschella, Room 7358 R. Bucknam, Room 7176 H. Shapiro, Room 7176 J. Bucknam, Room 7176 Room 7176 - IRD Mr. - Mr. GMR:crw Front Office, Room 5829 O?Brien, Room 6296 Kelso Room 6975 - loom 6941 Room 6941 (15) (CONTINUED - OVER) b6 b7C Memorandum from J. Kevin O?Brien to Mr. Baugh Re: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUESTS CONCERNING THE INVESTIGATION OF THE DEATH OF WHITE HOUSE COUNSEL VINCENT W. FOSTER, JR. AND RELATED MATTERS DETAILS: The Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Section has received requests from the following members of the news media for information concerning the circumstances surrounding the death of White House Counsel Vincent W. Foster, Jr. and/or the Whitewater Development Corporation and Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan Kerry Marash, Day One, ABC Beverley C. Lumpkin, ABC News Brooks Jackson, CNN Thomas R. Lilleston, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Rita Braver, CBS News Michael Tackett, Chicago Tribune Sam Meddis, USA Today Michael Isikoff, Washington Post William Neuman, New York Post Robert Barocci, World News Tonight, ABC News Joe Davidson, The Wall Street Journal Jane Sims Podesta, People Magazine John A. Farrell, The Boston Globe Christopher Rudy, New York Post David Brock, The American Spectator Paul O?Donnell, Newsweek In addition to the above requesters, Robert L. Bartley of The Wall Street Journal filed an FOIA lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice in the Southern District of New York, 94 Civ. 0527 (SS), to obtain the U.S. Park Police report concerning Foster?s death and the FBI report of the circumstances surrounding a handwritten ?suicide" note found after the death of Vincent Foster. In support of the Notice for Cross-Motion filed by Assistant United States Attorney Steven I. Froot, in the above lawsuit, Independent Counsel Robert B. Fiske, Jr. advised the Court in his declaration dated May 13, 1994, that release of information concerning the Park Police and FBI reports would be detrimental to the investigation being conducted by his Office. However, Mr. Fiske also advised that release of a photocopy of the handwritten note and the typed transcript of it, which is an FD-302 in the FBI report, would not have an adverse effect on his investigation. A redacted copy of the FD-302 was filed with the Court on June 10, 1994. (CONTINUED - OVER) Memorandum from J. Kevin O?Brien to Mr. Baugh Re: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUESTS CONCERNING THE INVESTIGATION OF THE DEATH OF WHITE HOUSE COUNSEL VINCENT W. FOSTER, JR. AND RELATED MATTERS Based on the Independent Counsel?s decision and consultations with representatives of the Department of Justice Office of Information and Privacy and the FBI Government Fraud Unit, letters are being prepared to advise all of the requesters that the information in the FBI investigative files regarding Vincent Foster is being withheld at this time to protect information the disclosure of which "could reasonably be expected to interfere with [law] enforcement proceedings." The will be released with the single redaction of the name of the Special Agent who prepared it. His name is being withheld to protect his privacy. The photocopy of the handwritten note is being withheld in its entirety to protect the privacy of Vincent Foster?s family. The proposed disclosure date will be June 17, 1994. In addition to the Foster matter, the Whitewater Development Corporation and Madison Guaranty we have received requests for related FBI investigative files concerning the Rose Law Firm, James McDougal and other publicly named individuals. As all of the above subject matters are within the scope of the investigation currently being conducted by the Office of the Independent Counsel, FOIA requesters will be advised that the information concerning these subject matters cannot be released at this time because disclosure could interfere with law enforcement proceedings. Currently, there are 25 requesters seeking information about the above matters, several of whom have not identified themselves as media representatives. We anticipate receiving additional requests, especially upon completion of the investigation by the Office of the Independent Counsel. Memorandum Mr, Baugh D?e 6/28/94 Hm! J. Kevin O'Brien Dep. Dir. ADD Adn. ADD Inv. Asst. Dir.: Adp.5ervs. Cr1m.Inv. 1mm. Info.Mgnt. Training Cong. Affs. off. of EEO Off. Liaison 5 Int. Affs. Off. of Telephone Rm. Director's 0f?1ce smnu FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUESTS OF MYRON A. FARBER ON BEHALF OF SHARON PERCY ROCKEFELLER FOR INFORMATION PERTAINING TO DECEASED SUBJECTS, FREDERICK JAMES MALCHOW, LEO RUGENDORF, NELLO SAMMARCO AND GLENN T. WILSON PURPOSE: To advise of the proposed release pertaining to James Frederick Malchow, Leo Rugendorf and Nello Sammarco to Myron A. Farber, author and journalist. A cost letter will be sent on July 11, 1994, and the release will be made upon receipt of the requested fees. Material pertinent to Glenn T. Wilson is currently being processed and will be made available to Mr. Farber at a later date. RECOMMENDATION: None. For information only. 190-HQ-1045072 Mr. Binney, Room 7142 - Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 - Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7427 Mr. J. Bucknam. Room 71 6 Room 7176 I - IRD Front Office, Room 5829 - Mr. O'Brien, Room 6296 - Mr. Kelso Room 6975 com 6941 JHM:crw (13) Room 6941 (CONTINUED - OVER) b6 b7C Memorandum from J. Kevin O?Brien to Mr. Baugh Re: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUESTS OF MYRON A. FARBER ON BEHALF OF SHARON PERCY ROCKEFELLER FOR INFORMATION PERTAINING T0 DECEASED SUBJECTS, FREDERICK JAMES MALCHOW, LEO RUGENDORF, NELLO SAMMARCO AND GLENN T. WILSON DETAILS: In August of 1991, Sharon Percy Rockefeller approached then Director Sessions with an oral request for documents pertaining to the September 18, 1966, murder of her sister, Valerie Jeanne Percy. The Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts Section received a written request from Mrs. Rockefeller for this information in June, 1992. Mrs. Rockefeller designated Myron A. Farber to reformulate and refocus this request upon learning that the FBI would not release any investigative information at the request of local Illinois authorities due to the pending nature of their case. Mr. Farber has focused on all the activities of certain individuals whom he contends were knowledgeable of or involved in the murder of Ms. Percy. . Records being released which are relevant to each of the individuals are as follows: 1. Frederick James Malchow a) one file setting forth facts surrounding his conviction for rape, robbery, burglary, escape and subsequent demise: b) one interstate transportation of stolen motor vehicles investigation; c) one interstate tranSportation of stolen property file; Leo Rugendorf a) two national bankruptcy act?conspiracy, perjury and anti?racketeering files; b) three interstate transportation of stolen property investigations; c) one jury panel investigation: d) one file on anti-racketeering - Hobbs Act e) one interstate tranSportation in aid of racketeering?extortion investigation: 3. Nello Sammarco a) one anti-racketeering reference; and b) three interstate transportation of stolen property references. (CONTINUED - OVER) Memorandum from J. Kevin O?Brien to Mr. Baugh Re: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUESTS OF MYRON A. FARBER ON BEHALF OF SHARON PERCY ROCKEFELLER FOR INFORMATION PERTAINING TO DECEASED SUBJECTS, FREDERICK JAMES MALCHOW, LEO RUGENDORF, NELLO SAMMARCO AND GLENN T. WILSON Deletions were made to protect the personal privacy of individuals mentioned or investigated, source symbol numbers and information furnished by those sources. Redactions were also made to protect information relating to the unsolved murder of Ms. Percy. The Kenilworth Police Department and the Office of the States Attorney, Cook County, Illinois which have investigative jurisdiction and prosecutive venue requested protection of this material. The Illinois State Police have advised that they released a microfilm COpy of their records to Mr. Farber subject to a confidentiality agreement. Records pertaining to Glenn T. Wilson require additional review and are not available for release at this time. Upon completion of this review, all information subject to disclosure will be released. Absent any unforeseen circumstances, notification of that release will be made directly to the Press Office. Memorandum To Mr . Baugh Date 7/ 19/94 Hw1 J. Kevin O'Brien Off. Liaison Int. Affs. Off. of Public Telephone Rm. Director's Office ?mkd FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) CONCERNING THE INVESTIGATION OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES SURROUNDING THE FINDING OF A NOTE FOLLOWING THE DEATH OF WHITE HOUSE COUNSEL VINCENT W. FOSTER, JR. PURPOSE: To advise that a redacted FBI report concerning the Foster "suicide" note will be released to The Wall Street Journal by the Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Information and Privacy (OIP) in response to the FOIA litigation of Dow Jones Company, Inc. and Robert L. Bartley, editor. RECOMMENDATION: None. For information. DETAILS: Dow Jones Company, Inc. and Robert L. Bartley, editor of The Wall Street Journal, filed an FOIA lawsuit against the 1 Mr. Binney, Room 7142 1 Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 1 - Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7427 1 - r. J. Bucknam 'Room 7176 1 1 - Room 7176 1 Mr. Room 240 1 - Mr. Moschella, Room 7358 1 - IRD Front Office, Room 5829 - Mr. O?Brien, Room 6296 1 - com 6941 1 - Room 6941 I Room 6941 GMR:crw (14) (CONTINUED - OVER) b6 b7C Memorandum from J. Kevin O'Brien to Mr. Baugh RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) CONCERNING THE INVESTIGATION OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES SURROUNDING THE FINDING OF A NOTE FOLLOWING THE DEATH OF WHITE HOUSE COUNSEL VINCENT W. FOSTER, JR. U.S. Department of Justice in the Southern District of New York, 94 Civ. 0527 (SS), to obtain the U.S. Park Police (USPP) report concerning Mr. Foster?s death and the FBI report of the circumstances surrounding the finding of a handwritten "suicide" note following Foster?s death. To date, both the USPP and FBI reports have been withheld to avoid interference with the investigations being conducted by Independent Counsel Robert B. Fiske, Jr. Following the June 30, 1994, release of Mr. Fiske's report on Foster?s death, the USPP turned their report, with suggested redactions, over to the OIP. The FBI/Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts (FOIPA) Section has prepared a redacted copy of the FBI report for transmittal to the OIP for disclosure to the plaintiffs and/or the Court. It should be noted that maintains that all documents originated or received by the Office of the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General or Associate Attorney General are considered records of the DOJ. Since a copy of the FBI report was located in the Office of the Deputy Attorney General, the final release determination of the report is the responsibility of the OIP. Redactions have been made to protect the identities of FBI Special Agents, U.S. Secret Service Agents, USPP personnel, a U.S. Capitol Police handwriting examiner and third parties interviewed. FBI Numbers assigned to three White House employees have_also been redacted. The OIP advised that a decision on whether to release the identities of White House personnel and the interviews they provided concerning the events surrounding the finding of the "suicide" note will be made by a designee of the Attorney General. In addition, if the report of the Independent Counsel discloses the identities of any of the above persons or the FBI Numbers, that information will also be disclosed in the FBI report. During consultation with the concerning pages of the FBI report which contain information, the FBI referred one page which stated that a employee made certain statements regarding the Foster matter to an FBI employee during a social gathering. The advised that the information appeared to be inaccurate and that their employee denied making the statements attributed to him. The suggested the FBI (CONTINUED - OVER) Memorandum from J. Kevin O?Brien to Mr. Baugh RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) CONCERNING THE INVESTIGATION OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES SURROUNDING THE FINDING OF A NOTE FOLLOWING THE DEATH OF WHITE HOUSE COUNSEL VINCENT W. FOSTER, JR. deny the "inaccurate" information to protect the privacy of the employee and/or to protect the information provided in confidence. The FOIPA Section must provide maximum disclosure and cannot justify the total denial of this document on the basis that it contains allegedly "inaccurate" information; therefore, only the names and identifying information concerning the and FBI employees are being withheld. The report of the Independent Counsel?s investigation to determine if there was criminal misconduct in the handling of Mr. Foster?s documents in the White House immediately following his death is scheduled for release the week of July 18, 1994. The FBI report will then be released by OIP pursuant to the provisions of the FOIA. The proposed release of the FBI report has been coordinated with Ms. Beth Golden of the Independent Counsel?s Office. Memorandum Mr. Baugh Dm: 7/27/94 me J. Kevin O?Brien $Mwn FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF ANDREW MILLER, KANSAS CITY STAR, WASHINGTON BUREAU FOR RECORDS PERTAINING TO CONGRESSMAN RICHARD WALKER BOLLING, DECEASED PURPOSE: To advise of the proposed release of 61 pages of documents on August 16, 1994, to Mr. Andrew Miller, a journalist, concerning the late Congressman Richard Walker Bolling, 5th District of Missouri, which may result in publicity and/or contact with surviving family members. RECOMMENDATION: None. For information. DETAILS: By letter dated December 11, 1992, Mr. Andrew Miller, a journalist for the Kansas City Star, Washington Bureau, submitted a FOIA request to FBI Headquarters for any and all files concerning the late Congressman Richard Walker Bolling, 5th District of Missouri. Former Congressman Bolling, who died on April 21, 1991, served 34 years in Congress. 1 Mr. Binney, Room 7142 1 - Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 1 - Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7427 1 m, Room 7176 1 - Room 7176 1 Mr Pn11innwond. RO 7240 1 PCA, Room 7256 1 - IRD Front orrice, om 5829 Mr. O'Brien. Room'5829 063?9 1 - Module 7 b6 1 - Module 1 - Module WC RRM/rrm (13) Memorandum from J. Kevin O'Brien to Mr. Baugh RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF ANDREW MILLER, KANSAS CITY STAR, WASHINGTON BUREAU FOR RECORDS PERTAINING TO CONGRESSMAN RICHARD WALKER BOLLING, DECEASED Pursuant to Mr. Miller?s request, a search of the indices to our central records system files at FBI Headquarters revealed four main files. Bufile loo-370623 pertains to allegations made in the middle 1940?s and early 1950?s that Congressman Bolling had participated in and was endorsed by Communist?controlled organizations. No FBI investigation was conducted into this matter. Bufile 47~57053 concerns an FBI investigation in 1962 of an individual who called the White House falsely claiming to be Congressman Bolling, demanding that certain legislation be passed. The AUSA in Kansas City, Missouri, declined prosecution in this case due to the fact that nothing of value was obtained by the caller and it would be virtually impossible to identify the unsub. Bufile 94-40621 contains general correspondence between Congressman Bolling and the FBI from 1945-1976 concerning such matters as a letter of congratulations to Congressman Bolling on his re- election and the mailing to Congressman Bolling of advance copies of the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin which contained articles written by Kansas City law enforcement officers. The file also contains material concerning the bombing of a discount store in Congressman Bolling's congressional district, and allegations made in 1964 that in the past Congressman Bolling had participated in and was endorsed by Communist?controlled organizations. Also included in the file is source information regarding the possible takeover of Congressman Bolling's office in the Federal Courthouse Building in Kansas City, Missouri, on June 17, 1972, by a member of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War. Congressman Bolling's office was advised of this information on June 15, 1972. Bufile 94?69248, another general correspondence type file from 1977-1982, contains communications between Congressman Bolling and the FBI regarding the Congressman?s health. Pursuant to the FOIA, deletions were made from the material to protect T-symbols; third party file numbers; third party names and identifying information; and information which would reveal the identity of confidential sources. a of the proposed release package will be forwarded to OPCA, on August 9, 1994. b7C Dep. Dir. Memorandum Staff 011. of Gen. Counsel Asst. Din; Crim. Inv. CJIS Finance Info. Has. - - - Lab. To Mr Banoh one 8/11/94 mm?mm_H Personnel Training . me J. KeVin O'Brien memt a. Cong. - Director's Office .21 when FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF GLENN R. SIMPSON, ROLL CALL NEWSPAPER, REGARDING FORMER CONGRESSMAN CHARLES MELVIN PRICE (DECEASED) PURPOSE: To advise of the anticipated release of records on 8/25/94, concerning former Congressman Charles Melvin Price (deceased). RECOMMENDATION: None. For information only. DETAILS: By letter dated 10/10/91, Jonathan Ringel of the Roll Call newspaper requested information concerning former Congressman Charles Melvin Price (deceased). [Mr. Ringel has since left Roll Call and the request is now being pursued by Glenn Simpson of Roll Call.] 1 Mr. Binney, Room 7142 1 Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 1 Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7427 1 Mr. J. Bucknam. Room 7 76 - 7176 1 - Mr. Coliingwood, Room 7240 1 Mr. Moschella, Room 7358 IRD Front Office, Room 5829 Mr n'nrian 00m 6296 1 6387 Room 6387 - om 6387 (l4) (CONTINUED OVER) b6 b7C MEMORANDUM FROM J. KEVIN TO MR. BAUGH RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE TO GLENN R. SIMPSON, ROLL CALL NEWSPAPER, REGARDING FORMER CONGRESSMAN CHARLES MELVIN PRICE (DECEASED) Congressman Price was the subject of three main files: an investigation of a possible threat or extortion; a correspondence file; and a research matter file. These files consist of a total of 189 pages, of which 187 pages are being released. Included in the material being released from the correspondence file is information pertaining to Congressman Price being supported for reuelection by the Communist Party. Deletions have been made to protect administrative markings, the privacy of third parties and information from and identities of confidential informants. Memorandum 1 William E. Baugh, Jr. - me J. Kevin O'Brien SuMuu FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF ROBIN SILVER, PHOENIX, ARIZONA FOR RECORDS PERTAINING TO AN ALLEGATION CONCERNING UNITED STATES SENATORS JOHN MCCAIN AND DENNIS DECONCINI, REGARDING OBSTRUCTION OF A GAO AUDIT IN MAY, 1990 PURPOSE: To advise of a proposed release of records following receipt of requested duplication fees, concerning an allegation that U. S. Senators JOHN MCCAIN and DENNIS DECONCINI interfered with a GAO audit in May, 1990, which may result in publicity and/or contact with the Senators. RECOMMENDATION: None. For information. DETAILS: By letter dated December 4, 1991, ROBIN SILVER, submitted a FOIA request to the Phoenix Field Office for all records concerning apparent violations of the law by Arizona Senators JOHN MCCAIN and DENNIS DECONCINI occurring during a GAO audit in 1990. Pursuant to our guidelines, by airtel dated December 12, 1991, Phoenix referred this request to FBI Headquarters (FBIHQ) for processing. 190-HQ-1013777 1 - Mr. Binney, Room 7142 1 Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 1 - Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7427 1 - Mr. J. Bucknam, Room 7176 1? - -Room 7176 1 - Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 - Mr. Moschella, Room 7358 1 - IRD Front Office, Room 5829 Mr. O?Brien. Room 6296 1 - PLA, Phoenix 1 - Room 6993 b6 1 - om 6280 1 - Antonio b7C CEB/ceb (15) Memo from J. Kevin O?Brien to Mr. Baugh RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF ROBIN SILVER, PHOENIX, ARIZONA FOR RECORDS PERTAINING TO AN ALLEGATION CONCERNING UNITED STATES SENATORS JOHN MCCAIN AND DENNIS DECONCINI, REGARDING DESTRUCTION OF A GAO AUDIT IN MAY, 1990 The material requested is contained in a Phoenix Corruption of Public Officials-Legislative investigative file initiated on December 6, 1990, when ROBIN SILVER contacted the FBI in Phoenix and provided information concerning Senators MCCAIN and DECONCINI. SILVER described himself as an emergency room physician at Good Samaritan Hospital in Phoenix. He is also a professional wildlife photographer which activity inadvertently drew him into the Mt. Graham Red Squirrel controversy. In May, 1989, the U. S. Forest Service (USFS) had determined the red squirrel population had declined, and recognized that the area affected by the?construction of astrophysical equipment by the University of Arizona would have a detrimental effect on the food source of the red squirrel. The red squirrel is on the Endangered Species list. SILVER stated that Senator MCCAIN had threatened a Coronado National Forest supervisor during a meeting concerning this issue. SILVER further stated that MCCAIN has entered into a "secret agreement" with a USFS official to facilitate and expedite the construction of the astrophysical equipment. SILVER further alleged that Congress had acted on flawed biology when considering the Arizona/Idaho Conservation Act, which authorized the construction of the astrophysical equipment. SILVER also alleged that the biologist for the U. 8. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) had been forced to write a biological opinion which would support the construction of the telescopes. The investigation consisted of interviews of employees of.the USFS, USFWS, and the GAO. Results of these interviews were provided to the Department of Justice (DOJ) Public Integrity Office inasmuch as the U. S. Attorney's office in Phoenix had recused themselves from this matter. By letter dated November 6, 1991, the DOJ declined prosecution of this case and stated "we have determined that no further criminal investigation or prosecution is warranted." Memo from J. Kevin O?Brien to Mr. Baugh RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST 0F ROBIN SILVER, PHOENIX, ARIZONA FOR RECORDS PERTAINING TO AN ALLEGATION CONCERNING UNITED STATES SENATORS JOHN MCCAIN AND DENNIS DECONCINI, REGARDING OBSTRUCTION OF A GAO AUDIT IN MAY, 1990 A total of 657 pages Were reviewed and 247 pages are being released initially. However, 133 pages are being referred to the GAO, USFS, USFWS, and DOJ for consultation and 45 pages are being referred to the same agencies for direct release. It is expected_that most, if not all, of these pages will also be released. Material protected from disclosure consists primarily of the names and initials of FBI employees and the names and identifying data of third parties. Memorandum Chief 01 Star! Off. Of Gen. Counsel Asst. Din: Cr?m. lnv. CJIS Finance Info. Has. lnsp. To Mr. Baugh Due 9/20/94 ?8 Personnel Training . of EEOA "m1 J. Kev1n O?Brien Momma Dep. Dir. I I National Sec. Cong. Arts. Director?s Of?ce ?mhu FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF ALEXANDER CHARNS FOR RECORDS ON THE FBI CONFERENCE LIMITED TO OCTOBER, 1955; MARCH, JULY, AUGUST, 1956; AND APRIL, MAY, JUNE, 1957 PURPOSE: To advise of the proposed FOIA release on the above subject to Alexander Charns, attorney, author and journalist on 10/4/94. . RECOMMENDATION: None. For information. DETAILS: By letter dated 8/11/88, Mr. Charns requested all records of the FBI Executives? Conference that touch upon or concern the United States Supreme Court, individual Justices, law clerks, and/or decisions of the Supreme Court. He specifically 190-HQ-14485 - Mr. Binney, Room 7142 Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 - Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7427 - Mr. J. Bucknam, Room 7176 - Room 7176 - Mr. Room 240 IRD Front Office, Room 5829 Mr. O'Brien, Room 6296 b6 - Room 6941 b7C I U. (13) RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF ALEXANDER CHARNS FOR RECORDS ON THE FBI CONFERENCE LIMITED TO OCTOBER, 1955; MARCH, JULY, AUGUST, 1956; AND APRIL, MAY, JUNE, 1957 cited file number 66-2554. By letter dated 3/3/89, Mr. Charns was advised that all retrievable references regarding the Supreme Court had previously been released to him in response to his FOIA request on the Supreme Court. Following negotiations, he modified his request on the Executives? Conference to encompass all records, regardless of subject matter, limited to October, 1955: March, July, August, 1956; and April, May, June, 1957. For your information, Section 35 of 66-2554 was released to Mr. Charns by letter dated 8/21/86, in response to his FOIA request for information on Edward A. Tamm, former FBI Assistant Director. The FBI Executives? Conference file is a compilation of information relevant to the administrative operations of the Bureau. Deletions were made to protect the personal privacy rights of individuals mentioned, the identity of confidential sources and information furnished by those sources. Redactions were also made to protect classified national security information. Documents pertaining to the FBI relocation plans in the event of a national emergency require additional review and they are not available for release at this time. Upon completion of this review, all information subject to disclosure will be released. Absent any unforeseen circumstances, notification of that release will be made directly to the Press Office. Memorandum Dep. Dir. Chief a! Staff Off. 0! Gen. Counself Asst. Dir.: Crim. lnv. CJIS Finance Info. Res. I:nsp. To Mr. Baugh nae 9/23/94 mu National Sec. Personnel me J. Kevin O?Brien 8 Cong. Directors O?nce ?Wed FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASES TO LOUIS LAVELLE AND PAUL VAN OSDOL REGARDING FORMER FLORIDA GOVERNOR LEROY COLLINS (DECEASED) PURPOSE: To advise of the FOIA releases made on 8/29/94, of FBI records concerning former Governor Leroy Collins (Deceased). RECOMMENDATION: None. For information only. DETAILS: By letters received on 7/8/91 and 10/23/92, respectively, Louis Lavelle of the Tampa Tribune and Paul Van Osdol of 4 (Jacksonville, FL) requested information pertaining to Leroy Collins, former Governor of Florida and former head of the Community Relations Service. and 190,72130 Mr. Binney, Room 7142 Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7427 Mr. J. Bucknam. Room 7 76 - Room 7176 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 Mr. Moschella, Room 7358 1 IRD Front Office, Room 5829 Mr. O'Brien. 1 - 3m 6387 Room 6387 Room 6387 CJ :jmr (14) AWNU L. b6 b7C (CONTINUED-OVER) Memorandum from J. Kevin O'Brien to Mr. Baugh RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASES TO LOUIS LAVELLE AND PAUL VAN OSDOL REGARDING FORMER FLORIDA GOVERNOR LEROY COLLINS (DECEASED) Main files identifiable with Leroy Collins consist of three extortion/threat investigations wherein Governor Collins was the victim; a special inquiry pertaining to Governor Collins being considered for a Presidential appointment; and a miscellaneous file pertaining to contacts with Governor Collins. These files consist of a total of 577 pages, of which 564 pages were released. Included in the material released from the miscellaneous file was information pertaining to an allegation of Collins being a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Deletions were made to protect classified information; the privacy of third parties; and the identity of and information from a confidential informant. In addition, information from telephone surveillance logs pertaining to Dr. Martin Luther King and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference was withheld pursuant to United States District Court for the District of Columbia order dated 1/1/77. Memorandum To Subject PURPOSE: Mr. Baugh J. Kevin O'Brien Due 10/5/94 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE OF DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO MADY CHRISTIANS TO LEE ISRAEL To advise of the release of documents from one FBI Dep. D?rr. Chief of Stan 011. of Gen. Counsel Asst. Dir: Cn?m. lnv. CJS Finance Info. Rest nsp. Lao Nationa?n Sec, Personnel Training Cr?. of EOA OH 0! Public 3- Cong. i i Director's Of?ce Headquarters (FBIHQ) main file pertaining to Mady Christians to Lee Israel on 10/21/94. RECOMMENDATION: DETAILS: By letter dated 5/15/91, None. Lee Israel, For information only. a journalist and biographer of Dorothy Kilgallen, submitted an FOIA request to FBIHQ for material in our files pertaining to Mady Christians, a stage and film actress who died in 1951 at 51 years of age. 76 Room 7176 Enclosure 1 Mr. Binney, Room 7142 1 Mr. Potts, Room 7116 1 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 - Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 1 Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7427 1 Mr. J. BucknanL Room 71 1.. l_ IRD Front Office, Room 5829 Mr. O'Brien, Room 6296 Room 6387 1 oom 6780 om 6780 (CONTINUED-OVER) b6 b7C Memorandum from J. Kevin O'Brien to Mr. Baugh Re: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE OF DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO MADY TO LEE ISRAEL Mady Christians is best known as the original actress in the role of Mama in the popular Broadway production of-I Remember Mama in the 1940's. Ms. Israel states that she intends to use any FBI material in an article for Theaterweek magazine. Ms. Israel has also written a letter to Congressman Jerrold Nadler of New York regarding her FOIA request (a copy of this letter is enclosed) in which she states that Mady Christians "died rather young, probably because she was blacklisted in the 1950's". Mady Christians is the subject of an investigative file captioned "Security Matter - Communist" in which an investigation was conducted into her association with and membership in various organizations of the 1940's which were considered to be front groups for the Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA). Mady Christians was never a member of the CPUSA. The investigation was limited in nature and consists primarily of one field office report and a Correlation Summary of cross-references to her in files on other subjects. One significant incident is contained in this file in that Mady Christians died of a cerebral hemorrhage approximately one month after she was interviewed by the FBI in her home regarding her association with various CPUSA front groups. Three weeks after her death, a reporter from a neWSpaper entitled Compass contacted FBIHQ and inquired as to whether Mady Christians was ever interviewed by the FBI. No comment was made regarding this matter to the reporter. On the memorandum reporting this incident, former Director J. Edgar Hoover wrote "Right. The "Compass" would intentionally distort the situation. Lee Tarzan] b6 b7C July 12, 1994 Congressman Jerrold Nadler 1841 Broadway New York, NY {0033 Dear Congressman Nadler: I am the author of several biographies, among them the New York Times bestseller Kilgallen. When I was re?earching that book, I had some *difficulty obtaining certain FBI documents under Freedom of Informa- tion. Bella Abzug intervened and expedited the release papers. Now I am writing a piece for TheaterWeek magazine about the actress who created the role of Mama in I Remember Mama. Her name was Mady Christians and she died rather young, probably because she was blacklisted in the 19505. For three years, I have been trying to obtain her file from the 081. Despite several reminders from me to them?there is nothing yet, save their boilerplate special reminding me that they are terribly backed-up. Can you help me or suggest someone who might? The request number is FOIPA 347559- 001. Cordially - 517/? Le srael Thank you. . Dir. :68 ADD Inv. Asst. Din: Adn.Servs. CrimJnv. Ident. Info.Hgnt. Insp. IntelI. LegaI Com. T0 Mr. Baugh one 10/13/94 Ithewa?"" Training Memorandum Cora. Affs Off. of EEO Hm: J. Kevin O?Brien ??p9??fg Off. of PLblIc Telemone Rm. . Director's OffIce__ FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF KAREN HORTON, A RESEARCHER WITH A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION FOR RECORDS PERTAINING TO CONGRESSMAN SAM RAYBURN, DECEASED. PURPOSE: To advise of the proposed release of 150 pages of documents on or about 11/4/94, concerning the late Congressman Sam Rayburn, to Ms. Karen Horton, a researcher for Essential Information, which she describes as a non-profit organization and publisher of Multinational Monitor magazine. RECOMMENDATION: None. For information only. DETAILS: By letter dated 11/18/92, Ms. Karen Horton requested copies of all records in the possession of the FBI pertaining to Sam Rayburn, a former Congressman and Speaker of the House, who died on 11/16/61, at the age of 79. The biographical directory 1 - Mr. Binney, Room 7142 Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7427 Mr. J. Bucknam, Room 7176 Room 7176 b6 Mr. collinqwood, Room 240 IOPCA, Room 7256 b7c IRD Front Office, Room 5829 Mr. O'Brien. Room 6296 Module Module Module (CONTINUED - OVERMemorandum from J. Kevin O?Brien to Mr. Baugh RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF KAREN HORTON, A RESEARCHER WITH A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION FOR RECORDS PERTAINING T0 CONGRESSMAN SAM RAYBURN, DECEASED. of the Congress reveals he first served in the 63rd Congress having commenced his service on 3/4/13. He was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for 48 years and served as Speaker for 16 years. Pursuant to Ms. Horton?s request, a search of the indices to our Central Records System files at FBI Headquarters revealed two main files responsive to this request pertaining to Congressman Rayburn. Bufile 62?80181 contains general information and correspondence between Congressman Rayburn and the FBI from 1943-1961. Examples include: Congressman Rayburn?s office in 1951 asked for and the Bureau agreed to conduct background investigations of the then thirteen House employees known as official reporters stenographers) as well as ten other House reporters employed by private reporting companies: in 1954, Congressman Rayburn began to register with the FBI his concern and embarrassment over allegations concerning his possible involvement in a bribery case; in 1956, it was reported to the FBI that a cross had been burned on the lawn of Congressman Rayburn?s Texas residence: in 1960, information was received that a third party had written a bad check using Congressman Rayburn?s name; and information concerning the death of Congressman Rayburn in 1961, letters of condolence and information concerning the dedication of The Rayburn Memorial Library. The file also contains newsclippings concerning Congressman Rayburn. Bufile 9-719 concerns the 1935 report of a clerk with the Interstate Commerce Commission that a menacing letter had been mailed to Congressman Rayburn. The writer threatened Congressman Rayburn's life because of Congressman Rayburn?s support of certain legislation. The FBI Laboratory conducted an examination of the letter itself and reported its findings to Congressman Rayburn. Pursuant to the FOIA, deletions were made from the material to protect third party names and identifying information, the disclosure of which could constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, and to protect information which could reasonably be expected to reveal the identity of confidential sources. A .nnv of the ETC osed release package will be forwarded to OPCA, on 10/27/94. 2 b6 b7C Memorandum To Mr. Baugh Due ll/23/94 me J. Kevin O?Brien' mmnm: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (FOIA) REQUESTS OF DAVID L. SOBEL ON BEHALF OF ELECTRONIC PRIVACY INFORMATION CENTER (EPIC) FOR RECORDS CONCERNING AN CONCERNING WIRE SURVEILLANCE PROBLEMS PURPOSE: To advise of the release on or about 11/23/94 of a document concerning an "informal survey" which was made public during testimony of Director Louis J. Freeh on 3/18/94 before a joint hearing of the Technology and Law Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Civil and Constitutional Rights Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee and on 5/19/94 in a speech before the American Law Institute. RECOMMENDATION: None. For information only. DETAILS: On 3/18/94 during testimony before the aforementioned joint hearing, the Director testified that the FBI had conducted 1 - Mr. Binney, Room 7142 1 - Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 - Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7427 1 - Mr. J. Bucknam. Room 7176 1 - Room 7176 1 - Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 - Mr. Moschella, Room 7358 1 - IRD Front Office, Room 5829 b6 Mr O?Rripn com 5296 1 - Quantico b7C 1 - Room 6992 1 - 3m 6975 1.- 3m 6975 om 6975 ?PJA:dnt (16) -, National Sec. Personnel Training - Off. 01 EEOA 0H. 01 Public 3. Cong. Director?s Office Memorandum from J. Kevin O'Brien to Mr. Baugh RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (FOIA) REQUESTS OF DAVID L. SOBEL ON BEHALF OF ELECTRONIC PRIVACY INFORMATION CENTER (EPIC) FOR RECORDS CONCERNING AN CONCERNING WIRE SURVEILLANCE PROBLEMS. a survey to identify recent technological impediments which precluded electronic surveillance. Then, on 5/19/94 while giving a speech before the American Law Institute, the Director stated that the survey had been updated. EPIC is a project of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR). CPSR is a nonprofit, educational organization of computer scientists that publishes a quarterly newsletter that is available to the general public. CPSR has a history of litigating their FOIA requests with the FBI. David Sobel, a member of EPIC, submitted two separate FOIA requests dated 3/21/94 and 5/20/94 to FBI Headquarters on behalf of EPIC for this "informal survey". On 8/9/94 EPIC filed a complaint in U.S. District Court, Washington, D.C., demanding that the survey which was responsive to its two FOIA requests be processed and released. On 10/4/94, the court ordered that these requests were to be processed and that an index to justify any deletions be prepared with all matters to be released on or about 11/23/94. The document responsive to these requests is an "informal survey" consisting of IQ pages. This document is a compilation of information that the Advanced Telephony Unit, Engineering Research Facility at Quantico compiled to show problems that law enforcement as a whole is encountering in conducting authorized electronic surveillance. All lg pages are being released in part, with all applicable exemptions being asserted to protect classified information, privacy of third parties, a sensitive investigative technique, and pending investigations. Appropriate FBI field offices were contacted to determine the status of each FBI investigation identified in the survey. Sixty of the 77 FBI cases listed in this survey are active pending investigations. Any information which would interfere with enforcement proceedings is being withheld. Information which was provided by state and local law enforcement to the FBI with expressed confidentiality has been denied to the requestor in its entirety. During the processing of this document, information that originated with other federal government agencies was referred to those agencies for consultation. Both the U.S. Customs Service and the Drug Enforcement Administration have requested that their information contained in this document be denied to the requestor in its entirety to protect their sensitive investigative technique, their file numbers for their investigations, and the location of the investigation. The release of this material was coordinated with the Engineering Research Facility's Advanced Telephony Unit at Quantico. Memorandum T0 Mr. Baugh Dme 12/16/94 me J. Kevin O'Brien Ewan FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF CHARLES H. WILBANKS, STATES NEWS SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D.C., FOR RECORDS PERTAINING TO SENATOR MILTON R. YOUNG, DECEASED PURPOSE: To advise of the proposed release of 61 pages of documents on or about 1/06/95, concerning the late U.S. Senator Milton R. Young, to Mr. Charles H. Wilbanks, States News Service, Washington, D.C. RECOMMENDATION: None. For information only. DETAILS: By letter dated 12/7/92 Mr. Charles H. Wilbanks, States News Service, Washington, D.C., submitted a FOIA request to FBI Headquarters for any files concerning the late U.S. Senator Milton R. Young, Republican of North Dakota. Former Senator Young, who served on the Senate Appropriations Committee, died on May 31, 1983, after serving nearly 36 years in the U.S. Senate. 190-HQ-1052238 - Mr. Binney, Room 7142 Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 - Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7427 Mr. J. Bucknam, Room 7176 Room 7176 - Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 OPCA, Room 7256 IRD Front Office, Room 5829 Hrdkawrdhaprd Mr. O?Brien. Room 6296 Module 1 Module 56 1 Module b7C TP/tp (14) (CONTINUED - OVER) Memorandum from J. Kevin O'Brien to Mr. Baugh RE: FREEDOM ON INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF CHARLES H. WILBANKS, STATES NEWS SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D.C., FOR RECORDS PERTAINING TO SENATOR MILTON R. YOUNG, DECEASED Pursuant to Mr. Wilbanks? request, a search of the indices to our central records system files at FBI Headquarters revealed three main files. Bufile 62?92941 (42 pages) consists primarily of correspondence between Senator Young and the FBI from 9/7/50 through 3/17/80, and includes among other things: A note indicating Senator Young had on 2/28/61 requested telephonically to know if the FBI "still maintained a list showing how many communists there are in each state", and that in reply he was "told-the Bureau does not keep such a list and has not for many years"; several thank-you type letters for the Senator's assistance and support of the FBI's annual appropriations request; and an invitation to sit on the speaker?s platform at the dedication on 9/30/75 of the J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building (which was declined for "press of business"). Bufile 9-57204 (300 pages) contains the results of an extortion investigation wherein Senator Young in 1974 was one of numerous victims, including other political figures, who received threatening type letters from an individual identifying himself as Field Marshal Cinque, a name associated with the Symbionese Liberation Army?s kidnapping of Patricia Hearst. No logical suspects were developed and only those documents (three pages) responsive to Mr. Wilbanks? request for information concerning Senator Young were processed. Bufile 100-0-24516 (16 pages) concerns a communication from Senator Young dated 4/19/50 enclosing six handwritten letters he had received between the period 3/18/49 and 4/13/50, from an individual who lived in New England, North Dakota, and who the Senator opined at least seemed to follow the communist "line pretty well". No investigation appears to have been conducted regarding the writer of these six letters. Pursuant to the FOIA, the proposed release contains deletions which were made to protect the names, identifying data, and information concerning third parties, the disclosure of which could constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. A copy of the proposed release package will be forwarded toI OPCA, on or about 12/29/94. b7C Idenxnanduna T0 1 Mr. Baugh 12/27/94 me?i J. Kevin O?Brien FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUESTS OF LEE TIEN, ESQ, ON BEHALF OF JOHN GILMORE FOR RECORDS CONCERNING THE CLIPPER CHIP AND DIGITAL TELEPHONY PURPOSE: To advise of an interim release of documents on or about 12/21/94 which pertain to Digital Telephony.. RECOMMENDATION: None. For information only. DETAILS: By letters dated 4/22/94 and 4/28/94, Lee Tien on behalf of John Gilmore submitted four FOIA request letters requesting access to records concerning the Clipper Chip and Digital Telephony. Mr. Gilmore is a member of the U.S. Privacy Council and a director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). The EFF is a public interest group headquartered in Washington, D.C., which, among other things, disseminates information about matters involving computers and civil liberties. The EFF publishes several newsletters, including the Networks and Policy". Mr. Binney, Room 7142 - Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7427 - Mr. J. Bucknam, Room 7176 - Room 7176 Mr. Collingwood, Room 240 - Mr. Moschella, Room 7358 - IRD Front Office, Room 5829 Mr. O?Brienl Room 6296 b6 - Quantico cm 6975 b7C - cm 6975 - om 6975 HideawrahaprevJ e; I PJA:dnt (15) (CONTINUED-OVER) Dep. Dir.? Chiaf at Stan of Gen. Counsel_ Asst. Crirn. lnv. CJIS Fmance Info. Res. insp. Lab. National Set Personnel Training Off. ol Off. all Pub?c a. Cong. AH: Directors on Memorandum from J. Kevin O?Brien to Mr. Baugh RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUESTS OF LEE TIEN, ESQ, ON BEHALF OF JOHN GILMORE FOR RECORDS CONCERNING THE CLIPPER CHIP AND DIGITAL TELEPHONY On 6/4/94, Mr. Tien filed a complaint in U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, demanding that FBI documents responsive to his client's FOIA requests be processed and released. On 7/26/94, the Court ordered that the FBI complete the processing of these requests within one year from the date of this order and that the FBI make interim releases at the earliest possible date after it commenced processing these requests. The documents responsive to this portion of these requests are found in an eight section administrative file. Only sections one through four are being released at this time. From these four sections, 637 pages are being released with deletions being asserted to protect classified information, privacy of third parties, FBI Agents and support personnel, sensitive investigative techniques, file numbers, ongoing Title and PISA investigations, and commercial data information. During the processing of these sections, information that originated with other federal government agencies was referred to those agencies for consultation. The release of this material has been coordinated with the Engineering Research Facility's Advanced Telephony Unit at Quantico, Virginia. Memorandum To 2 Mr. Baugh 9&6 1/3/95 me J. Kevin O?Brien FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF MR. DAVID HATCHER FOR RECORDS PERTAINING TO CONGRESSMAN WAYNE NORVIEL ASPINALL, DECEASED. PURPOSE: To advise of the proposed release of 23 pages of documents on or about 1/13/95, concerning the late Congressman Wayne Norviel Aspinall, to Mr. David Hatcher. RECOMMENDATION: None. For information only. DETAILS: By letter dated 2/19/93, Mr. David Hatcher requested copies of all documents and files in the possession of the FBI pertaining to former Congressman Wayne Norviel Aspinall, Democrat, 4th District of Colorado, who died on 10/9/83, at the age of 87. Congressman Aspinall was first elected to the Congress on 11/2/48, and served to the 92nd Congress. Pursuant to Mr. Hatcher?s request, a search of the indices to our central records system files at FBI Headquarters revealed two main files responsive to this request pertaining to Congressman Aspinall. 1 Mr. Potts, Room 7142 Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 - Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7427 Mr. J. Bucknam, Room 7176 Room 7176 b6 Mr. Collinqwood, Room 7240 IOPCA, Room 7256 b7C IRD Front Office, Room 5829 Mr. O?Brien. 00m 6296 1 Module 1 - Module 1 Module AEC:aec (14) (CONTINUED - OVER) Memorandum from J. Kevin O'Brien to Mr. Baugh RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF MR. DAVID HATCHER FOR RECORDS PERTAINING TO CONGRESSMAN WAYNE NORVIEL ASPINALL, DECEASED. Bufile 94?40618 (13 pages), is a general correspondence?type file, spanning the period 1949-1965. According to the file, inter alia, Congressman Aspinall voted against the McCarran Act and during a re?election bid had been charged by his opponent with being a Communist. According to other information in this file proposed for release, Congressman Aspinall had an "antagonistic and hostile attitude? toward the FBI and Director Hoover, inferring Director Hoover?s position and respect "are overrated." Additionally, the file indicates Congressman Aspinall considered Director Hoover to be an "egotist" due at least in part to certain personnel actions (firings) Mr. Hoover had taken in the Denver office (details not spelled out). Some years later (1961), an aide to Congressman Aspinall inquired whether it would be possible for Director Hoover or one of his "top assistants" to come to The Hill and "make a tape with the Congressman for use in Aspinall?s home district in Colorado." That request was turned down ostensibly due to Director HooVer's "extremely heavy schedule of advance commitments" and his top assistants? "previously scheduled engagements." In a 1965 letter addressed to The Attorney General, Congressman Aspinall commends the excellent work performed by the FBI in an applicant?type investigation and commented: "Of course, we have all for a long time come to expect the best and sometimes the from J. Edgar Hoover." Bufile loo?408155 (12 pages), concerns information received by the FBI in Denver from Congressman Aspinall in 1953, _regarding a rumor that an acquaintance of his was a Communist. He expressed his willingness to furnish the identity of this individual if the Congressman and the individual would be advised of the results of the FBI investigation. He was advised that the results of security investigations could not be disclosed and Congressman Aspinall said he would "think it over and decide whether he would disclose the name of the individual in Washington". Pursuant to the FOIA, deletions were made from the material to protect third party names and identifying information, the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy; to protect information which could reasonably be eXpected to reveal the identity of a confidential source; and information properly classified pursuant to Executive Order. Memorandum 3:533?" 11 061.1; Gen. Counsa! Asst. Dir: Crim. lnv. CJIS Finance Info. Has. Insp. To 1 Mr. Baugh Date 1/12/95 Personnel Training on. o! EEOA From . Kevin 0 Brien Dimmers Of?ce FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST REGARDING FORMER SENATOR JOHN GOODWIN TOWER PURPOSE: To advise of the proposed FOIPA release on January 25, 1995, of documents concerning former Senator John Goodwin Tower. RECOMMENDATION: None, for information only. DETAILS: By letter dated April 8, 1991, Mr. Lloyd Grove submitted a FOIPA request for records concerning the background investigation, conducted by the FBI, on John Tower in connection with his nomination to be Secretary of Defense. Eight additional requests for these documents have subsequently been received. b6 1 - Mr. Potts, Room 7142 b7C 1 - Mr. Esposito, Room 7116 1 - Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 - Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7427 1 Mr. J. Bucknam, Room 7176 1 Room 7176 1 IRD Front Office, Room 5829 Mr. O'Brien, Room 6296 - 30m 6387 - Room 6387 1 Room 6387 (14) (CONTINUED-OVER) 11 1 Memorandum from J. Kevin O'Brien to Mr. Baugh RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST REGARDING FORMER SENATOR JOHN GOODWIN TOWER Responsive material consists of one main Special Inquiry file totalling 17 sections, approximately 5,000 pages. Due to the volume of this file, all requesters agreed to limit the scope of their request to the same material that Mr. Tower received in his 1989 FOIPA request. These records were investigatory summary reports sent to the White House during the background investigation and consist of 858 pages, of which 512 are being proposed for release. Deletions have been made to protect classified material kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy; internal rules and practices of the FBI, such as symbol source numbers; an ongoing investigation the personal privacy of third parties and information provided by confidential sources. Mr. Grove and seven of the subsequent requesters are journalists and/or reporters who plan to release parts of their requests to the public; and one requester is a lawyer representing certain defendants engaged in litigation with the estate and survivors of Mr. Tower. . '1 Memorandum Mr. Baugh Due 1/18/95 Training Off. of 016! Public From J. Kevin O'Brien ma?a? mmhu FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE CONCERNING THE APRIL 19, 1989, EXPLOSION ABOARD THE IOWA TO CHARLES C. THOMPSON II OF NEWS 60 STEVE GOLDBERG OF MEDIA CHRIS POORE OF PLAIN ROWAN SCARBOROUGH OF WASHINGTON THOMAS B. WHITTLE OF FREEDOM KATHLEEN M. KUBICIANA, SISTER OF AND MARK S. ZAID PURPOSE: To advise of the anticipated release of FBI Laboratory and Disaster Squad records concerning the April 19, 1989, explosion aboard the QSS lowa and suspect Clayton Hartwig, who died in that explosion. RECOMMENDATION: None, for information only. DETAILS: Captioned individuals made FOIA requests for access to the FBI's records concerning Clayton Hartwig and the explosion aboard the USS Iowa. 190?37842 b6 1 Mr. Potts, Room 7142 b7C 1 Mr. Esposito, Room 7116 1 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 - Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 1 - Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7427 1 - Mr. J. Bucknam. Room 7 76 1 - Room 7176 - IRD Front Office, Room 5829 r. O'Brien Room 6296 '1 - .oom 6959 1 - Room 6927 1 - Room 6927 {1a) (CONTINUED-OVER) @710,? M4 Memorandum from J. Kevin O?Brien to Mr. Baugh RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE CONCERNING THE APRIL 19, 1989, EXPLOSION ABOARD THE IOWA TO CHARLES C. THOMPSON II OF NEWS 60 STEVE GOLDBERG OF MEDIA CHRIS POORE OF PLAIN ROWAN SCARBOROUGH OF WASHINGTON THOMAS B. WHITTLE OF FREEDOM KATHLEEN M. KUBICIANA, SISTER OF AND MARK S. ZAID An excised copy of the FBI Equivocal Death Analysis was released to these requesters in 1989. A search of our central records system revealed two additional main files, consisting of 211 pages, responsive to these requests. One file consists of 36 pages with 27 pages being released. This file concerns the FBI Disaster Squad reports to the Navy Medical Command which analyzed and identified the remains of the victims of the explosion aboard the Iowa. The second file consists of 175 pages with 134 pages being released. This file pertains to laboratory reports conducted on the materials from the explosion aboard the USS Iowa. Pursuant to the FOIA, deletions were made from both files to protect the identities of Bureau employe and other Government personnel. Similarly, the identity of is excised from the release of the second file, above; and references to specific b7C body parts and body bags for the named explosion victims are being denied (for the sake of the relatives) from the first filebg above. These deletions are being made to protect personal privacy rights. Release of these files to captioned requesters was delayed by the FBI's consultation with the Naval Investigative Service, which required approximately four years to respond, despite frequent status checks. Dep. Dir. Chief of Staff 011. of Gen. Counsel Memorandum Asst. Dir.: Crim. Inv. CJIS Finance Info. Has. Insp. Lab. National Sec. To Mr. Baugh Due 2/27/95 femw Off, oi Public. J. Kevin O'Brien abh? FREEDOM ACTS (FOIPA REQUEST OF BEHALF OF FOR INFORMATION RELATING TO THE INVESTIGA OF THE RECOVERY OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE ARTWORK AND ON HIMSELF PURPOSE: To advise of the proposed FOIPA release of documents concerning the recovery of certain works of art belonging to the Republic of the Philippines. RECOMMENDATION: None. For information. b6 b7C Iis an attorney representingl in his claim for a reward from the Republic of the Philippines for the recovery of certain works of art. These works were removed from the Republic of the Philippines, as well as New York City, New York, by Ferdinand Marcos and Adnan Khashoggi. 1 - Mr. Potts, Room 7142 1 - Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 1 - Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7427 1 - Mr. J. Bucknam, Room 7176 1- 1 - Room 7176 1 - Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 IRD Front Office, Room 5829 (j - Mr n'nrip Room 6296 1 - Room 6941 - Room 6927 1 - Room 6927 VSEzcrw (13) Memorandum from J. Kevin O'Brien to Mr. Baugh RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION-PRIVACY ACTS (FOIPA) REQUEST OFI ION BEHALF OFI FOR INFORMATION RELATING TO THE INVESTIGATION OF THE RECOVERY OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE ARTWORK AND-ON HIMSELF b6 IFOIPA request was dated June 28, 1989. Material b7C processed for release at sists of 237 pages which relate to the artwork and. scoped from Bureau file 196-7200 which consists of 23 sections. This file is a Fraud By Wire investigation wherein Marcos and coconspirators are targets. A letter will be forwarded on 3/13/95 to requesting fees for duplication of the 237 pages to be released. The documents will be released at such time as the fees are received. Chief o! Ilenuuanduna J?mm Counsel Asst. Dir; Grim. Inv. CJIS Finance Info. Has. lnsp. Lab. Na 'onal To 3 Mr. Baugh Date 3/9/95 PersonneE Traini Off. 01 0H. 01 Public me J. Kevin O?Brien amen FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST REGARDING JAMES JESUS ANGLETON (DECEASED), FORMER CHIEF OF COUNTERINTELLIGENCE, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (CIA) PQRPOSE: To advise of a proposed FOIA interim release on March 31, 1995, Of documents concerning James Angleton. BEQQMMENDATION: None, for information only. DETAILS: On December 11, 1987, Tom Mangold, a BBC news reporter, submitted an FOIA request through his attorney, James Lesar, for information concerning James Jesus Angleton, deceased former head Mr. Potts, Room 7142 b6 1 Mr. Bryant, Room 7110 1 - Mr. Esposito, Room 7116 b7C 1 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 - Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 1 Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7427 1 Mr. J. Bucknam, Room 7176 - Room 7176 IRD Front Office, Room 5829 (j;r Mr. O'Brien. Room 6296 1 - 6387 1 6975 1 00m 6387 1 6984 1 - Room 6984 om 6387 (18) ?zz?q7 (CONTINUED-OVER) . . +0 mL16397 I Memorandum from J. Kevin O'Brien to Mr. Baugh RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST REGARDING JAMES JESUS ANGLETON (DECEASED) FORMER CHIEF OF COUNTERINTELLIGENCE, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (CIA) of Counterintelligence of the CIA. This request included Angleton's involvement with specified and unspecified moles, defectors and double agents. Among the named individuals are Yuri Nosenko, Anatoli Golitsin, Kim Philby, Guy Burgess, Donald MacLean, Anthony Blunt and Victor Lessiovski. His request was directed not only to the FBI, but also included the CIA, State Department, Archives and National Security Council. Mangold subsequently sued all agencies for production of records and for a fee waiver. The proposed release consists of documents from main files and ?cross?references" indexed to Angleton, documents from files maintained on Nosenko, Golitsin, MacLean and Burgess and other unspecified moles, defectors and double agents showing Angleton's involvement with these subject matters. A great deal of media interest is expected to be generated by this release. Specifically, media attention is expected to be drawn to the release of the 62 control file concerning Angleton being designated by the FBI as "Bureau Informant 100"; release of documents from the 62 CIA liaison file depicting the disagreements between the FBI and CIA over intelligence matters, the bona fides of defectors, Angleton providing CIA information confidentially to the FBI concerning the inner workings of the CIA and other matters over several decades; and the release of information from Nosenko's and Golitsin's files (both living defectors). Anatoli Golitsin defected to the West in December, 1961 and Yuri Nosenko officially defected in February, 1964. The vast majority of documents being disclosed from the defector's FBI main files either originated with the CIA or contain CIA originated information. The CIA has reviewed and approved the disclosure of all documents pertinent to these two defectors. Nosenko's bona fides had been the subject of much debate, both within and without the Government, because of information furnished by Nosenko concerning Lee Harvey Oswald's relationship with the KGB while Oswald was in Russia. Being disclosed to Mangold is the fact that the FBI took an opposite position from that of the CIA. The FBI considered Nosenko's bona fides as favorable. It is not known if the FBI's position concerning Nosenko's bona fides has previously been made public. Memorandum from J. Kevin O'Brien to Mr. Baugh RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST REGARDING JAMES JESUS ANGLETON (DECEASED), FORMER CHIEF OF COUNTERINTELLIGENCE, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (CIA) Although all substantive intelligence information furnished by the defectors continues to be protected, disclosure will show a relatively high degree of cooperation existed between the FBI and the CIA in the handling of both defectors. A task force was set up, comprised of personnel from FOIA disclosure and classification units and personnel from the CIA, to process and review the responsive documents. This review took into account prior FOIA releases, JFK assassination documents, notoriety of prominent cases and the death of prominent individuals in making critical determinations concerning the release of information. The proposed release is heavily redacted to protect matters of national security for both the CIA and FBI, and will be reviewed by personnel from Division 5 for additional sensitivity, prior to release. Memorandum To Mr. Baugh Dme 3/31/95 me J. Kevin O?Brien FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF JAMES EARL RAY FOR RECORDS CONCERNING ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE OF MRS. CORETTA SCOTT KING AND RALPH DAVID ABERNATHY PURPOSE: To advise of the release of documents on or about 4/3/95 which pertain to the Martin Luther King, Jr., Assassination file, ie., RECOMMENDATION: None. For information only. DETAILS: By letter dated 12/6/93, James Earl Ray submitted an FOIA request, with an enclosure (FBIHQ document 44-38561-5654, 3/11/69, Memorandum from C.D. DeLoach to Mr. Tolson, entitled James Earl Ray, Assassination of Martin Luther King; for the transcript of a "wiretap" alluded to in the above document. Mr. Ray has suggested that this conversation is where "Coretta King and Reverend Abernathy were making certain allegations concerning the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. homicide - Mr. Potts, Room 7142 1 Mr. Bucknam, Room 7176 1 - Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7427 1 - Mr. J. Bucknam, Room 7176 1? 1 - Room 7176 1 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 - Mr. Moschella, Room 7358 1 - IRD Front Office, Room 5829 b6 ?1 - n?nrien Room 6296 1 - 3m 6975 b7C 1 - 3m 6975 1 - 30m 6975 DC:ch (14) (CONTINUED-OVER) Memorandum from J. Kevin O'Brien to Mr. Baugh RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF JAMES EARL RAY FOR RECORDS CONCERNING ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE OF MRS. CORETTA SCOTT KING AND RALPH DAVID ABERNATHY for monetary considerations." The time frame which is responsive to this intercept is between 4/4/68 and 3/11/69. Mr. Ray, imprisoned for the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., is a frequent FOIA requester. Since 1977, he has made over 50 requests for a variety of subjects. The FOIPA Section has responded to these requests in a timely manner. Nevertheless, our efforts have been rewarded with a profusion of litigation and relentless media attention. In responding to this request, a search of the New York Field Office records for electronic surveillance confirmation was performed. The NYFO's search found documentation of surveillance but not the actual "conversation" as described in Mr. Ray's request. Mr. Ray was advised of this finding (FBI letter to Ray 9/21/94) and thereafter appealed to the OIP DOJ (Ray letter to OIP DOJ, 9/28/94) for any intercepts found during the responsive time frame.\ The documents which are being released to Mr. Ray were found in the NYFO file loo-111180, captioned "Stanley David Levison-Security Matter". The corresponding HQ file is 100- 395452. Mr. Levison, an attorney from New York City, was an advisor and close personal friend of the King family. Copies of these documents have been in the FBIHQ Reading Room since 3/15/85. Eighteen pages are being released with deletions being asserted to protect privacy of third parties, FBI Agents and, support personnel, and informant symbol numbers. In addition, Mr. Ray is being advised of U.S. District Judge John L. Smith, Jr.'s Court Order which sealed for fifty years copies of all known tapes, transcripts, and logs of telephone and microphone surveillances of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. The release of this information may possibly result in media attention. In numerous FOIA releases where the subject matter pertains to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and any other Civil Rights Movement leaders in the 1950's through the 1970's, a barrage of inquires from various individuals and organizations ensues. Dep. Dir. Chief of Staff Off. of Gen. Counsel? Asst. Din: Memorandum Crim. lnv. CJIS Finance Into. Res. lnsp. Lab. National Sec. Mr- Baugh March 31, 1995 g?gae_? Off. of EEOA Off. of PublEc. rom . 8- Cong. Kev 11'! 0 Br len Director's omce__ Sb? - FREEDOM OF INFORMATION-PRIVACY ACT (FOIPA) REQUEST OF JUDGE GEORGE E. MACKINNON PURPOSE: To advise of proposed FOIPA release of 439 pages of documents to Judge George E. MacKinnon, U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit, Washington, D.C. RECOMMENDATION: None. For information. DETAILS: By letter to Director Freeh dated 10/31/94, Judge MacKinnon requested "to review my FBI file." Judge MacKinnon is the subject of four background investigations. He was investigated in 1953 in connection with his appointment as United States Attorney (USA), District of Minneapolis; in 1960 for an attorney position in the Criminal Division, Department of Justice; in 1969 for Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia; and in 1979 for Judge on the newly - Mr. Potts, Room 7142 - Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 - Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7427 - Mr. J. Bucknam, Room 7176 Mr. St. Dennis. Room 71 6 - Room 7176 ha Mr. Collingwood, Room 7 40 b7C IRD Front Office, Room 5829 a Mr. O'Brien, Room 6296 (Acting Unit Chief) Attention: lRoom 6941 1 - Room 6941 (iJ) (CONTINUED OVER) I Memorandum from J. Kevin O'Brien to Mr. Baugh RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION-PRIVACY ACT (FOIPA) REQUEST OF JUDGE GEORGE E. MACKINNON created Foreign Intelligence Su veillance Court. All of t] aese investigations were favorable. b6 b7C BY COURIER Date: run 53 ?g To: Office of Information and Privacy Department of Justice 10th and Constitution Avenue, N.W. Room 7238 Washington, D.C. 20530 Attention: Ms. Margaret Ann Irving From: J. Kevin O'Brien, Chief Freedom of Information-Privacy Acts Section Federal Bureau of Investigation Subject: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF MARK LEVIN FOR RECORDS PERTAINING TO THE WHITE HOUSE TRAVEL OFFICE This is in response to your referrals of documents concerning the above subject matter that either originated with the FBI or contain information of interest to the FBI. Your referrals are dated November 17, 1993; May 26, 1994: and December 19, 1994. Enclosed are copies of documents, consisting of 189 pages, labeled Tab A through Tab D. Tab A and Tab contain material referred for our review and direct response to Mr. Levin, following your review of our proposed release. Tab and Tab contain documents that are being returned to you for your disclosure to Mr. Levin. Excisions have been made from these documents in order to protect materials which are exempt from disclosure by subsections of the FOIA. Disclosure of the enclosed records was determined by examining similar information in the General Accounting Office Report to Congress White House Travel Office Operations dated May 1994, the White House Travel Office Management Review dated July 2, 1993, and the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Professional Responsibility's (OPR) Report of OPR's Review of the Conduct of the FBI in Connection with Its Contacts with the White House in the Travel Office Matter, otherwise known as the Shaheen Report. - OCPA 190-HQ-53054 Office of Information and Privacy The Shaheen Report, as provided to us by on August 25, 1994, contained excisions previously made by the DOJ Public Integrity Section. Many of our deletions in the enclosed records have been made to withhold the same or similar information as that withheld in the Shaheen Report. We do not, however, consider all of the deletions in the Shaheen Report justifiable and propose the release of portions of information deemed exempt by the Public Integrity Section. Please see Tabs A-5(c) pages 5, 6, 7; A-9(b) page 4, 6; A-10(c) pages 4, 6; Tabs B-1(c) pages 8, 9 and B-2(c) pages 8 and 9. It is our understanding that the Shaheen Report has been referred to the White House for review and release determination prior to disclosure. Because the enclosed records are duplicative of information contained in the Shaheen Report, you are requested to also refer the enclosed documents to the White House for their review. Of specific concern is the White House material which appears highlighted in Tab Tab B- 1(c) and Tab Prior to your disclosure of the enclosed material to Mr. Levin, please advise us of any additional deletions made by the White House to the Shaheen Report and the enclosed records so that we may amend the proposed disclosures to reflect the White House's deletions. Inasmuch as the FBI is also processing the records concerning this subject matter, it is essential that we be advised of deletions made to the enclosed records by any other components in order for us to consistently process the material. Enclosure Note: The records referred by the OIP were processed and then reviewed by Inspection Division SSA Robert J. O'Brien on 7/29/94, Criminal Investigative Division SSA Jane Erickson on 2/8/95, and Office of Congressional and Public Affairs IIC John E. Collingwood on 3/29/95. Per PLS Judy Choate, MAOP Guidelines pages 405-408 (located at Tab A-l(f) and AG Guidelines (located at Tab A-4) have been released in their entirety to other requesters. Names, Fax and telephone numbers of personnel, Senator Dole's Fax and telephone numbers are all considered releasable per DIP/Jenny Weaver on 7/26/94. Dep. Dir. Memorandum egg: oi Gen. Counsel - Asst Dir: Crim. Inv. CJIS Finance Info. Has. Insp. Lab. To Mr . Baugh Date 4 /7/95 Training of EEOA me J. Kevin O'Brien Direaor's O?ice awed RELEASE OF DOCUMENTS CONCERNING NELSON ALDRICH ROCKEFELLER TO CARY REICH AND JAMES LESAR ON BEHALF OF HIS CLIENT, ANTHONY SUMMERS, PURSUANT TO THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) PURPOSE: To advise of the anticipated FOIA release of records concerning Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller, former Vice President of the United States. RECOMMENDATION: None. For information only. DETAILS: Attorney James Lesar submitted an FOIA request, on behalf of his client Anthony Summers, for all FBI records pertaining to Rockefeller. Cary Reich requested specific information concerning Rockefeller, including the 1974 Special Mr. Potts, Room 7142 Mr. Bryant, Room 7110 Mr. Esposito, Room 7116 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 Mr. R. Bucknam, Room 7176 Mr. H. Shapiro, Room 7427 b6 Room 7176 (7's . b7C IRB Front Office, Room 5829 - . O?Brien, Room 6296 I:rom 7230 b2 1 Room 7244 I ~Mr.-Keiso, Room 6296 6941 Room 6941 i Vs. :7 will BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: PRIORITY DATE: FEB 24 To: pirectofs Office Attn: Mr. Collingwood office - FOIPA Section Contact: I Approved By: Brekke Tron Kelso John . . I . - . Drafted By: cde CCKJ Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION PRIVACY ACTS (FOIPA) RELEASE TOI b2 b6 Synopsis: To advise 0? the proposed release of three pages ob7c FBI records concerning Enclosures: Copy of the proposed release. 5 In addition to the above cross references, one additional cross reference has been,placed on locate. . Deletions have been made to protect the personal privacy cf FBI personnel and third parties. .7 . . 59,To: Directo?s Office From: Directofs Office Re: 190-HQ-1181053 FEB 24 1999 LEAD (5): Set Lead 1: OPCA AT WASHINGTON. D.C. . . b2 Adv1se PLS I room 6941 when appropriafe to forward proposed release to requester. b6 b7C CC: 1?Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1-Mr. Brekke, Room 7230 1 Room 7244 -\,d1Mr K9190 Room 6296 1- 00m 6359 306 1 .00m 6927 1? Room 6941 b7C 1 Room 6941 '551?4' .-.-..L, ..4.x Via 'mm? -M4 arm?'? - - - .. .i -1..- 41.1 I ?a (mas/1993) . . FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 03/23/1999 To: Director 5 Office Attn: John E. Collingwood Office of Public and . Congressional Affairs From: M. Kelso, Jr., Section Chief Unit Four/Room 6980 Contact: Approved By: Eiag??7 b6 b7C 0 Drafted By: RCE:rce b2 Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST TO THE NEW ORLEANS FIELD OFFICE FOR INFORMATION REGARDING SEXUAL IMPROPRIETIES BY FORMER U.S. MARSHAL JAMES L. MEYERS (DECEASED) Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release_of 41 pages responsive to captioned request. Details: By letter dated February 3, 1997, Peter Shinkle, a reporter for the Baton Rouge Advocate, requested all documents concerning allegations of sexual improprieties by former U.S. Marshal James Meyers. The FBI was a defendant in a law suit filed in the Middle District of Louisiana, by the victims and family members of James Meyers. ,The law suit alleged "negligence" on the part of the FBI and other federal agencies ?for_failure to either (1) take appropriate investigative action or (2) to advise appropriate state law enforcement agencies of certain allegations of sexual improprieties by former U.S. Marshal James Meyers. On December 17, 1997, Chief Judge F.A. Little Sr., U.S. District Court, Middle District of Louisiana, ruled that the FBI did not have a special relationship with the' plaintiffs thereforelegal duty to the plaintiffs, thereby exonerating the FBI of any wrongdoing. - A 197 civil litigation file exiSts pertaining to this request which has not been processed. The majOrity of the information is public source in nature and accessible through the court system. The requester is being advised regarding the civil TMSECZ inky wOK?u .w?fll'? . M, Kelso, Jr., Section Chief litigation file and should he wish, we will process it at his request. -Deletions were made to protect the privacy of the victims, third parties and the confidentiality of a witneSs. gm;_ The'propos=d release has been coordinated with Paralegal Specialist of the Office of General Counsel, Civil Discovery Review Unit, who processed the documents - in connection with the above mentioned civil litigation. garage 1: (Admin) OFFICE OPCA b5 b7C Bring this to the attention of the appropriate personnel. CC: l90-HQ-l263066 it, 1 - Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 Mr. Brekke, Room 7230 fii 6295 g: 1 6975 1 Room 6980 1 Room 6980 1 - National Press Office, Room 7222 .0 12:777? 2 - 1? L- I /Jl: l/l?r FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION John E. Collingwood .Office of Public and Congressional Affairs ROUTINE Director?s Office Precedence: To: Attn: From: hn M. Kelso, Jr., Section Chief Unit Four/Room 6980 b2 Contact: b6 b7C Approved By: 1' ?t -R Drafted By: RCE:rce Case ID elm? Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST PERTAINING TO SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND PRIVACY ACT REQUEST OF WILLIAM S. MCCAIN, CHIEF OF STAFF TO FORMER GOVERNOR BEASLEY DIRECTED TO THE COLUMBIA FIELD OFFICE Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 161 pages responsive to the captioned requests. Details: By letter dated October 18, 1996, William S. McCain requested through the Freedom of Information Act, the FBI investigative report concerning alleged irregularities involving federal grants administered by the South Carolina Department of Public Safety and copies of all letters and any other correspondence between U.S. Attorney, J. Rene Josey or his predecessor and the FBI relating to the subject case and/or the subject report. On November 13, 1996, the Columbia Field Office received a Privacy Act request from Mr. McCain which involves the Deletions were made to protect confidential sources. Many of the the file alludes through newspaper possibility of reprisal. same information. the privacy of third parties and sources are state employees and articles that there may be a Inasmuch as only one file pertains to these requests, we are making a single release. To: Director?s Office From: John M. Kelso, Jr., Section Chief Re: 03/24/1999 LEAD (3): ?H?Set Lead 1: (Admin) OFFICE OPCA Bring this to the attention of the appropriate personnel. CC: - 1 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 - Mr. Brekke, Room 7230 Mr KPTQO- R0011 6296 - 6975 b6 1 - Room 6980 1 Room 6980 b7C 1 Room 7242 1 National Press Office, Room 7222 09 . -. .- 5? .{olnen 993) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 04/19/1999 To: CIRG Attn: SASI National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) . From: Director jV?f 3f, John nagement Unit/Room 6362 Contact: Approved By: b6 id Drafted By: L,der~ b7C Case ID (Pending) Title: Freedom of Information?Privacy Acts (FOIPA) Request FOIPA No. 436,248 Synopsis: To conduct a search for responsive records/tapes which pertain to the requester. If these records exist, please describe the type and number of records which are responsive to his request and return that information to us. EnclosureIs): Copy of all correspondence from ertaining to his FOIPA request. 1. letter dated May 7, 1998. 2. letter dated June 8, 1998. 3 letter dated February 15, 1999. vim- Details: I has made an FOIPA request for access to obtain copies of all documents and video tapes that were.sent to the FBI Academy pertaining to his case. In the various letters that he has written to FBIHQ, he describes information in the form of documents and video tapes which he ?agreed to allow" FBI Investigative?Support Unit personnel to profile. Please respond to us with your observations on the letter and materials which may be responsive to his request. is: 'eTo: CIRG From: Director 3? Re: 04/19/1999 Set Lead 1: 3 . VA UpOn receipt of this communication, it is requested that a search be conducted for responsive records and tapes which pertain to the above?mentioned requester. It is requested that .you advise us of the results of your search. I cc: 1 Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 1 - Room 6362 - Room 6362 'b5 1 - {com 6362 . sfh:sfh b7C 09 .. 2 .. . - - FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: IMMEDIATE Date: APR 28 1999 "To: i Mr. Collingwood From:9 OPCA b6 Room 6975 Contact: - b7C Approved By: Kelso John A Drafted By: Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE TO MR. HAROLD WEISBERG CONCERNING YURI IVANOVICH NOSENKO FOIPA NO. 62749?001 Synopsis: To advise of the proposed interim release to Mr. Weisberg of 242 pages of FBI records concerning Yuri Ivanovich Nosenko. Enclosure: Copy of proposed release. Details: Mr. Harold Weisberg has made numerous FOIA requests including information regarding the John F. Kennedy Assassination and the Warren Commission. He is a published author. Mr. Weisberg previously requested this information and appealed the deletions to the Department of Justice. As a result of the appeal, the records proposed for this release are from section one of FBI file 65?68530. The records pertain largely to the time frame immediately following Mr. Nosenko's defection from the USSR in 1964. Included in this release are FBI documents as well as documents that originated with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The majority of this material deals with information received from Nosenko during initial interviews conducted by the FBI as well as the The proposed release has been coordinated with CIA representatives. casein i -i . . To: OPCA Ffbm: OPCA Re: Deletions have been made to protect national security, internal rules and practices, the personal privacy of FBI personnel and third party individuals, as well as the identity of informants. Portions of these documents were previously released through litigation to Mr. Thomas Mangold through his attorney Mr. James Lesar in 1994. Also contained within these documents are records that have been transferred to the National Archives Records Administration pursuant to the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992. LEAD (5): b6 b7C Set Lead 1: OPCA AT WASHINGTON, DC Please be advised that the first portion of this material is scheduled for release before April 30, 1999 in accordance with the directive issued by the Office of Information and Privacy of the Department of Justice. CC: l-Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 l?Mr. Wilkinson, Room 7244 %4Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 6975 1- Room 6975 l- 6975 06 an .t 1 Wl/ w- 7 Office of Public and - Congre531ona1 _Director Unit Four/Room 6980 WContact: Approved By: Brekke, Tron Kelso John W'Drafted By: I RCE: re 77 Case ID 433709 102 "nae: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT b6 FOR b7C ?new- ?dz-AmsmVa?. 4 Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 352 pages tresponsive to the captioned request. To: Director's Office From: Director Re: 433709, 05/13/1999 b6 b7C Concerning this FOIPA request, exemptions have been asserted to protect various classified file numbers, informant identity and information, administrative markings, and to prevent any unwarranted invasion of privacy. The information that was previously released by the Civil Discovery Unit was protected under exemptions b1 and b7C. A reviewed Division 5; IOGC. CC: 1 - 67D-HQ-1219133 1 Mr. Collingwood - Room 7240 1 - Mr. Brekke Room 7240 .1 - - Room 7244 Room 7427 - - Room7427 - Room6050 .. 30m 6296 1 - 30m 6975 1 - - Room 6980 1 - - Room 6980 1 a 30m 4445 90 bday17,1999 Director Freeh: Re: Freedom of Information Act release to Mr. Harold Weisberg concerning Yuri Ivanovich Nosenko Mr. Weisberg originally requested information in March of 1978 concerning Yuri Ivanovich Nosenko. A release of 507 pages plus an additional 90 pages were fonvarded to him in September of 1985 and 1986 respectively. Mr. Weisberg ?led an administrative appeal with the Of?ce of Information and Privacy (OIP) of the Department of Justice which resulted in a remand directive from compelling the Federal Bureau of Investigation to make a release of material being re?reviewed by April 30, 1999. The re-review is to be completed by December 31, 2000. In compliance with the OIP mandate, a release of 242 pages was made to Mr. Weisberg on April 29, 1999. John E. Collingwood 6 b7C Mr. Gallagher, Room 71 10 1 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1? 1 Mr. Kelso, Room 6290 ?3 1 - 190-HQ-709 - ?241.1. (01/26/1998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION MAY 2 1? Precedence: IMMEDIATE Date: b2 To: Director's Office Attn: A.D. Collingwood ib6 From: Director'sEOffice Unit 2 Contact: Approved By- Brekke Tron elso John Jr Drafted By: gw Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACTIFOIA) RELEASE TO MS. MARA LEVERITT, FREE LANCE WRITER, FOIPA NO. 424,544 Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release to Ms. Leveritt of 497 pages of FBI records concerning Adler Berriman Seal. Enclosures: Copy of proposed release. Details: Ms. Mara Leveritt made a request for documents regarding Adler Berriman Seal, an international drug smuggler during the late 1970?s and early 1980?s. He gave testimony as a Drug Enforcement Administration cooperating defendant in 1986. Shortly thereafter he was murdered. The records processed for this release are from FBI files 245?76 and This was a joint investigation by the FBI, DEA, U.S. Border Patrol, ATF,and Meridian State Police. This release includes documents that originated in the DEA, Interpol, DOJ Criminal Division and Tax Division, INS, ,Defense Intelligence Agency and the Department of State as well as the CIA. Referrals were made to the agencies and the CIA information was handled by our CIA liaison. The documents have been reviewed and approved by Division 6, DEA liaison. Deletions have been made to protect classified information, internal rules and practices, privacy of individuals in the FBI and other government agencies. Third party information was also protected. . To: Director's Office From: Director's Office Re: FOIPA 424,544 Omit has recently received a Congressional inqu1ry as to when release will be made. The Congressional Office was advised that the release would be made CC: 1- Mr. Collingwood? Room 7240 1- Mr. Brekke- Room 7230 1- Room 7244 1? om 7222 1? 6296 1- oom 6975 l- 6995 1* om 6980 1? Room 6980 -i 3 I I in June 1999. b6 b7C i (hi 3? (Oi/35fp998) b2 Precedence: ROUTINE Date: JUN 2 3,1999 To: Director's Office Attn: Collingwood b7C From: Director's Office - Section/Disclosure Unit 2 Contact:. Approved By: Brekke Trg??fj?g?g K91 qr) .Tnh . Drafted By: Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE b6 TO HANS NEWS, JOHN B. b7C THE BALTIMORE SUN, ALAN C. TIMES AND ERIC NEWS, 20/20 Synopsis: To advise of the proposed FOIA release of 219 pages of material concerning former Vice-President Spiro Agnew. Enclosure(s): Copy of proposed release. Details: Hans News, John B. O'Donnell/The Baltimore Sun, Alan C. Miller/LA Times and Eric News, 20/20 made FOIA requests for information on former Vice?President Spiro Agnew (deceased). They were all contacted by the Negotiation Team and agreed to limit their request to one file entitled Baltimore County, Maryland; Spiro T. Agnew, Former Vice?PreSident, Information Concerning". This file was opened on August 8, 1973, based on allegations of bribery and fraud developed during a tax investigation being conducted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), involving prominent political figures in the Baltimore area as well as Vice?President Agnew. The Assistant Attorney ?To: Director's Office From: Director's Office Re: l90-HQ-127103l l90-HQ-l285487 l90-HQ-l237996 190-HQ-1203914, General, Criminal Division and the United States Attorney (USA), Baltimore, decided that the investigation should be handled by the IRS and that the FBI did not have to be involved. The FBI did polygraph two individuals, at the request of the USA, concerning allegations of bribes and kickbacks involving Vice? President Agnew. Results of the polygraphs, including the relevant questions asked are in this file. This file also contains information concerning an investigation of news leaks relating to the Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation of ViceoPresident Agnew. FBI personnel who had responsibilities in connection with the DOJ and IRS investigation of Vice?President Agnew were questioned and signed sworn statements regarding their knowledge of and/or handling of material concerning the Agnew investigation. No FBI employee was found responsible for leaking any information to the news media. Deletions were made to protect National Security, the personal privacy of FBI personnel and other third parties as well as investigative techniques. b6 b7C Set Lead l: 9393 AT WASHINGTON, DC Advise Room DI when appropriate to forward proposed release to above listed requesters. cc: 1 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 Mr. Brekke. Room 7230 Room 7244 oom 7222 Mr. Kelso, Section Chief Unit Chief 1 6* (01r2=?199x) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 2 4 $96 To: OPCA Attn: John E. Collingwood From: J. KevinITBrien.;; - n't Room 6780 C?fwgg? Contact: ?f ?a . f9 Approved By: Kelso Jr John I I gr) II 62/} Drafted By: yc Eb [f 1 Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF ACTS (FOIPA) b2 RELEASE TOI I 135 NO. 376,498 - b7C Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of documents on September 30, 1998, concerning Iwhich may b7D result in publicity. ?To: OPCA From: J. Kevindf? Drafted By: Case ID 4r? Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE TO ENRIC VOLANTE REGARDING BOMBING OF HOME OF JOSEPH BONANNO FOIPA NO. 437013 Synopsis: To advise of the proposed FOIA release of 410 pages or documents concerning the 1968 bombing of the home of Joseph Bonanno which may result in publicity- The requester, Enric Volante, is a reporter for the Arizona Daily Star, Tucson, Arizona. Details: A total of 752 pages were reviewed and 410 pages are to be released. It should be noted that a preprocessed release of 135 pages was made to Mr. Volante on January 19, 1999, but Mr. Volante requested an additional review under current guidelines. There is extensive information concerning the 7/22/68 bombing of Joseph Bonanno's home (a high ranking Mafia fig and other bombings in the Tucson area allegedly involving To: Director's Office From: OPCA Re: DEC 2 Deletions in this case were made to protect the personal privacy of FBI personnel and other third parties, the protection of confidential sources, and Federal Grand Jury material. .4 Lead(s): b6 Set Lead 1: b7C OPCA AT WASHINGTON DC Advise PLSI I when appropriate to forward proposed release to requester. CC: 1 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 Room 7244 7222 kl/? Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 3m 6359 1 - rd 1 .. 00 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Room Name/Title Room Name/Title 7176 Director?s Of?ce (/31 6296 Mr. Kelso/Bailey 7142 Deputy Director /6362 7427 Of?ce of the General Counsel 6387 7901 OEEO Affairs 6296 7127 OPR 7240 OPCA 6975 ModCl CJIS Division, WV 6712 QT Training Division G-300 2 6012 Administrative Services Division G-300 5829 Information Resources Division G-300 6 71 10 National Security Division G-300 7116 Criminal Investigative Division 6994 107 3090 Laboratory Division 6359 7825 Inspection Division 6032 Finance Division 6359 7262 7240 Mr. Coilinqwood 7262 7240 7262 7240 7262 7230 Mr. Brekke 18327 Mail Room Services 7230 6247 Communications Center 7361 Special File Room 6236 Executive, Congressional and Public 1047! Forms/Manuals Desk Censtituent Services Unit 10475 Filing Services I 1 166 FBI Executive Secretariat 7278 General Accounting Of?ce Personnel Records 7222 National Press Of?ce 1 1574 Pickup/Return 7230 Fugitive Publicity Subunit 1 1788 Delivery 7350 Research/Communications Unit 7366 Special Events Unit 1907 Payroll M-956 Tour Unit 1993 Voucher 6248 Reading Room 1 1 144 Historical Executive Review Unit REMARKS: . - W6 KO (2/194. ?ma/(dew 121?? or Information El Please See Me Appropriate Action El Per Inquiry [3 Note Return Cl See Reverse Side Froni FOIPA Section, OPCA 00/ Revised 06/01/99 Room 6387 July 27 1999 1 Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you with a request under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 USC 552. I understand that between October 5 and 13 1997, Robert Bryant, the Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), met with Adam Ingram, a Minister of State at 6 the British Northern Ireland Of?ce, in Washington. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request copies of the minutes 107 of this meeting, the agenda of this meeting, and any and all papers, brie?ng material, documents, memos, telegrams, cables, eemails which were prepared for or connected with, this meeting. I am a reporter and intend to use the information gained th10ugh this request in articles for the Guardian newspaper which 1s published 1n Britain and IS also available 1n the United States of Anierica. - The release of this information would be 1n the public interest, and inform public debate and public understanding of the work of the FBI, and United States policies towards Northern Ireland. I therefore ask that all search and copying fees associated with this request be waived. If however there are any costs associated with this requesr, please notify me beforehand if they are to exceed $10. For administrative reasons, I would be grateful if you could send all correspondence to the following address I I am willing to discuss my request and can - if necessary- be contacted on 11 London forward to hearing from you in the near future. EVANS -. mm? (cu-n. 9f? ROB EVANS b6 July 28 1999 b7C Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to .you with a request under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 USC 552. understand that between October 5 and 13 1997, Enrique Ghimenti, Chief of the Global Counter-Terrorism Squad at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), met with Adam Ingram, a Minister of State at the British Northern Ireland Of?ce, in Washington. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request copies of the minutes of this meeting, the agenda of this meeting, and any and all papers brie?ng material, documents, memos, telegrams, cables, mails which were prepared for or connected with, this meeting. I am a reporter and intend to use the information gained through this request in articles for the Guardian newspaper which 15 published 1n Britain and 1s also available 1n the United States of America. The release of this information would be in the public interest, and inform public debate and public understanding of the work of the FBI. I therefore ask that all search and copying fees associated with this request be waived. If however there are any costs associated with this request, please notify me beforehand if they are to exceed $10. For administrative reasons. I would be grateful if vou could send all the following address I am willing to discuss my request and can - if necessary- be contacted on in London I I forward to hearing from you in the near future. cer y, ROB EVANS September 30, 1999 Dear The FBI is being compelled under the Freedom of Information Act to release material in our ?les pertaining to your late husband. As a courtesy to you and your family, I 6 am enclosing a copy of the documents that are being released. b7C . A total of 189 pages are enclosed and as you can see, deletions have been made for the most part to protect the privacy rights of third parties. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours, at}? i John E. Collingwood Assistant Director Of?ce of Public and Congressional Affairs Enclosure 1 - Mr. Collingwood 1 1 - Mr. Brekke 1 @Mr. Kelso 1 KBW:mmc (9) f. (0]!2631993) . of INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 01/28/2000 To: Director's Office Attn AD John E. Collingwood From: Director's Office . Discloc?r Socti n/Room 300 Contact: Approved By: Kelso John b6 b7C Drafted By: Case ID (Pending) (Pending) Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUESTS OF JANON FISHER AND DEMPSEY J. TRAVIS Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 7 pages from the FBI files of Melvin Howard Torme. Enclosures: A copy of the disclosure letter and of the processed information package to be sent to both Janon Fisher and Dempsey J. Travis. Details: On June 9, 1999, Janon Fisher made a Freedom of Information Act Request for copies of all files and documents, including cross references, pertaining to the late Melvin H. Torme. Mr. Fisher works for APB News which is a national news service. APB News is located in New York and posts government files on the Internet. On November 17, 1999, Dempsey J. Travis also made a Freedom of Information Act Request for copies of all information pertaining to the late Melvin H. Torme. Mr. Travis works for Urban Research Press, Incorporated located in Chicago. A search of our central records system revealed one main file which was processed in response to Messrs. Fisher and Dempsey's requests. This file consists of information gathered during the 1966?1967 time frame regarding the allegations that Mr. Torme engaged in a homosexual act in Chicago, Illinois, in 1965 and the extortion of Mr. Torme To: Director's bifice From: Director's ce Re: 01/28/2000 thereafter. When interviewed, the individual with whom Mr. Torme allegedly engaged in this act advised representatives of this Bureau that he had not participated in any homosexual acts with Mr. Torme. No additional information to substantiate this allegation has been received. These documents have not yet been released to the requesters. Names and identities concerning third parties have been withheld. Releasing this information would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy and implied confidentiality. Release of the processed information will be made once this Electronic Communication is returned to the FOIPA Section. CC: l90-HQ?l310805 Director's Office Mr. Davis, Room 7222 Mr. Kelso. Room 629% Room 300 b6 Room 300 b7C 6) 90 Department Justice Federal Bureau hvestigation ,1 internal Routing/Action Slip '1?0 ROOM TO 1101 7176 '111e Director 71-10 Assistant ?ireemr Chief of Staff Secretary 7330 Deputy Assistant Director 7230 Special Counsel 71 :2 Deputy Director 7363 Administrative L'nit 7340 Congressional Affairs Of?ce -Q o; ega-?G Ogowofa 7"th: Office 6236 E?xee. ?ong?. Pub-lie Cumt. l'ni: 74-x Orifice of the Frencral (?uunsel 11166 lixecuuveSlecretariat 01:: .?639 712?) Cities 01 l?rotessaunal Responshlirx' 7972 l-ug. Publieily lnternet Media f'xernces l. nit 1 1144 Historical Executive Rene? ?1 ?it *1 MOD (-3 (?Hnlinal Justice Information Services 7323 National Press Of?ce it: 6 ?g 6" .30? .. 11255 (.1118 - 15151110 7.150 Research/Communications L'nit 3 . .gga?. Quantum 'l?raining Division 7366 Special livenls l'nit 31C m+age . 01.5.36} I 2 Services 11-056 Tour 8; Indoor Firearms Range l'nit .1an @VVng . es" 5520 Information Resources 1? 7] \"ational Security Hivwion 6296 Freqlom invl?riv1Wu!SCClion L, 7116 Criminal Division Q?Stree I 2 I i 1111111 Laborator} Dunstan I Ireet Diselo?ii?' b2 7835 ln-peelion [)n'ixion (1 Sun Ji #3 (will: lmanee l1i\ iumn (met I) hClU\lkCW 6 744? Sen 1m i~inn I 6712 llueumei?jlassi?ealinn1'nitr'l ()uanliuu (?Htleai Incident irnup l'nit b7C ('tvi.uterlerrormn l)l\ ixniu 6361 Initial ?reusing l'tlit 635?! lnitial Processing l'nit #2 111127 \lailnmni 63311 Litigation l?nit (ii-1:4 Reading Room 6?175 Request .\lanagen:ent l'nit HI 15 74 Personnel lx?L?L'tll'th Request Management l'nlt Fl for Your lnfu. Remarks: L) 561' Mr L'l Aetn-n :3 Note Return '3 Reemxl 8: Return See Rewrse Snle E: l?er inquiry FROM A Pcr' our ?o?ver; a? 1" otl~ okwc lice (ll arnl ongressmnal a Cup 13, Kenn c. Ibo?Mk. a. Room Phone 3 6 00 Revised Ma relt 1-1. 3001) 1? :4 1 1??th ~1 .. .4 9:13? To: Mr. Kelso 1-28-00 rom Re: OIPA request of A new electronic search was conducted to ?nd out if there were any ?les (main or cross references) in the ?eld of?ces identi?able wit] The new search located the following: b6 b7C 12152 FOIPQ DISCLOSURE 3 282 228 1713 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 02/2/2000 To: John E. Collingwoo Prom: M. Kelso, Kr? Unit Three/Room 6387 6 t: on? ac MA @076 Approved By;f Drafted By: tt 01 Case ID lQO?Hoel302368 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST FOR HEADQUARTERS FILES PERTAINING TO ALBERT GORE, SR., FORMER UNITED STATES SENATOR Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 211 pages responsive to captioned request. Details: Since Albert Gore, Sr.'s death on December 6, 1998, there have been 10 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests made for FBI records pertaining to him. A release of material is ready to these requesters, all of whom are members cf the media. The material being released consists of a file, which details correspondence between Senator Gore and the FBI from 1947 until 1982- The correspondence contains attacks made by Senator Gore against the FBI. These attacks appear to be the result of an unfavorable background investigation which was conducted for the White House on an individual whom Senator Gore recommended. Senator Gore complained of "guilt by association" tactics of the FBI, which in his opinion was not one-tenth of what it was cracked up to be. He also referred to the FBI as a "snooping agency". In response to Senator Gore's statements, Director Hoover noted Senator Gore was now openly hostile towards the FBI, and was placed on the list of people not to be contacted at any time. Also being released are documents contained in a file pertaining to Senator Gore's background investigation for a presidential appointment. There was only one individual who provided derogatory information regarding Senator Gore. This individual considered the Senator not to be level?headed, well a QUE-23-2881 12153 FOIPQ DISCLOSURE 3 282 222 1713 To: John E. Col ngwood From: John M. Ke J, Kr. Re: 02/2/2000 educated nor flexible with important issues, only seeing one side, his side. All arrest, credit, employment and were conducted on Senator G-re an favorable. Pursuant to FOIA, deletions were made to protect the personal privacy of the Bureau employees and third parties mentioned, and to protect the identities of confidential sources and the information they provided. cc: - Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 06 Room 7240 Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 1 Ms. Kloss, Room 6387 1 b6 1 a National Press Office, Room 7222 b7C 1 I P.83 -w Pagej; From: To: 106 Date: Fri Feb 4 2000 19:50 PM Subject: b7C (01/26/1998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: . FEB 0 4 2000 To: Director's Office Attn: AD E. Collingwood From: Director's Office Unit 302 Contact: b6 Approved By: an .Tnhn Jr b7C Drafted By: yc CID Case ID l90-HQ?ll797l9 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE TO MR. BENJAMIN S. SHEFFNER REGARDING MR. GLENN M. ANDERSON, FOIPA NO. 394412 Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 455 pages from records concerning Glenn M. Anderson (deceased), former U.S. Congressman which may result in publicity. Details: By letter dated December 16, 1994, Benjamin Sheffner of the Roll Call requested all records concerning Glenn M. Anderson (deceased), former U.S. Congressman. A search of our central records system revealed seven main files. These files are classified as Extortion?Aggravated or Overt Threats; Civil Rights; Election Laws; Corruption of Federal Public Officials?Legislative Branch; Miscellaneous; Assault on a Member of Congress; and Department of Energy? Applicant. The ExtortioneAggravated or Overt Threats file pertains to threatening letters against Glenn Anderson and several other political figures and their families. The letters were sent to the FBI Lab for examination however, no suspect was ever identified. The Civil Rights file contains a one page airtel concerning a Bureau letter to Congressman Anderson dated 12/21/84. This airtel requested the Los Angeles office to submit a A FD-610 is used by the Criminal Investigative Division to report civil rights incidents. It identifies the area the incident occurred, the modus operandi, and other agencies that may be investigating the crime. .Wv To: Director's t_fice From: Director's Oi_ice Re: l90-HQ-ll79719, The Election Laws file pertains to the publication of a political circular which was sponsored by the California Democratic Council. The names of the officers of the Council were not stated on the circular which is a violation of an election law. Investigation was conducted to determine if the Council existed, and if the circular was willfully published and distributed in violation of the law. It was determined that Glenn Anderson was one of the Vice Presidents on the Board of Directors of the California Democratic Council. After further investigation, it was determined that the officers who were charged with the responsibility of publishing the circular were not aware of the requirements of the law. There was no indication that the circular was willfully published and distributed in violation of the law, therefore, prosecution b6 not warranted. b7C The Corruption of Federal Public Officials?Legislati., Branch file concerns the investigation of Congressman Anderson, his wife, Lee Anderson, andl Ifor diverting resources from the Congressman's office to assist Evan Braude's election campaign. Evan Braude was running as the Democratic nominee for Congressman Anderson's seat. The Andersons were also investigated for diverting supplies and equipment from the Congressman?s office to their business, Anderson Enterprises. It was determined that Congressman Anderson would not be prosecuted because of his deteriorating health, however Lee Anderson and one other person were convicted in 1995 of violating Title 18, U.S.C., Section 641 (Theft/Conversion of U.S. Government Services) by U.S. District Court Judge Thomas F. Hogan. The Miscellaneous file is a general correspondence file consisting of correspondence between Congressman Anderson and the bureau concerning topics such as non?federal applicant - fingerprint cards, the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, and constituent inquiries. The Assault on a Member of Congress file pertains to an assault and attempted robbery of Congressman Anderson on December 30, 1985. Prosecution of the two subjects was deferred and the case was closed. The Department of Energy?Applicant file pertains to a 1959 background investigation of Glenn Anderson, Lieutenant Governor?elect of the State of California. Also contained in the file is a subsequent 1964 reinvestigation of Anderson due to his continued position as Lieutenant Governor of California and his access to highly sensitive Atomic Energy data. To: Director's t.fice From: Director?s Oi._ce Re: l90?HQ-ll79719, Pursuant to the FOIA, deletions were made to protect the personal privacy of Bureau employees and third parties mentioned, and to protect the identities of confidential sources and the information they provided. In addition, deletions were made to protect source symbol numbers and T?symbols. Grand Jury information was also protected. Material of a derogatory nature was contained in only the Corruption of Federal Public Officials- Legislative Branch file. Four hundred and twenty-three pages were reviewed in this file of which 250 pages are being released. in Disclosure Unit 3, Team F-3, telephone number if further review is deemed necessary. The documents proposed for release are bTing maintained Release of the processed information will be made once this Electronic Communication is returned to the FOIPA Section. .OCC: 132 1 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 Mr. Wilkinson, Room 7240 b6 1 National Press Office, Room 7222 b7C Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 1 ?l 1 (01/26/1998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 02/04/2000 To: Director?s Office Attn: Mr. Collingwood From: OPCA FOIPA SECTION Contact: Approved By: Kelso, John M. Jr Drafted By: I ljab Case ID b2 yi? Title: Freedom of Information?Privacv Acts b6 Request ofI I FOIPA NO. 426432 b7C SvnonsiS' To advise of the proposed FOIPA release of 57 pages To: Director's Ofrice From: OPCA Re: 01/28/2000 A substantial portion of the referred information has . been deleted because it would, by its very nature, reveal the identity of the individuals who supplied it. Deletions were made to protect the personal privacy of FBI personnel and other third parties, the protection of confidential sources, and Federal Grand Jury material. Please be advised the release to vill be made immediately upon the return of this EC toL__ BI FOIPA Help Desk, room 6387, extension CC: Mr. Room 7240 b6 Room 7244 Room 7222 b7C Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 Room 6359 b2 oom 6387 Room 6387 Room 6387 II O. February 10, 2000 b2 b6 Dear b7C The FBI is being compelled under the Freedom of Information Act to release material from our files that pertain to your late husband. Several journalists and news organizations in Florida have made these requests and as a courtesy to you, I am enclosing a copy of the material that we are releasing to If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours, John E. Collingwood Assistant Director Office of Public and Congressional Affairs Enclosure 1 Mr. Collingwood Mr. Kelso 1 .. .. .. CAO 1 (10) U3 2 P6963 From: To: Date: Subject: Re: . Feb 17, 2000 8:21 AM AA n?A an ?nlld-Ig You are correct The files inn-gal?- 5:08 PM eam. Please let me know what the The computer shows that this case was just assigned to 3 last I heard there were no ?les containing correspondence. Could one of you give me a status call 0 please. ThanksAmi? at; 3,435/91 u/ Revised 11/16/99 FOIPA SECTION. OPCA 1.9 we _T_o Room Name 96 John M. Kelso. Jr OFFICE) #296 6387 6359 6296 1 6975 6975 6941 6941 6941 6975 6975 6980 6980 6387 6980 6941 6712 6712 67l2 6712 6712 6712 6712 6712 6712 6712 6712 b2 b6 b7C 6994 6994 6994 6994 1111 7262 7262 7262 Please Call Me For Your Information Please See Me Please Prepare Response Appropriate Action Please Prepare Please Initial For Your Approval As You Requested Status/Facts? 1111!! Room Dat 1 6296 :ross-the-board budget cuts ?as part of a pattern of abandoning Democratic causes." But ?even some Gore Supporters disagree with his interpretation of the 1981 vote as a litmus test of party loyalty, because Bradley had the company of 30 other Democratic senators. many of whom now support Core for president." Bradley also "did not vote with the 26 Democratic senators who supported Reagan's 25 percent tax cut. which some politicians and poverty specialists say hurt the economy more than the budget cut." Former Sen. Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ) said. "i would respectfully disagree with the Vice President. To me that was not a defining vote. it was about people like me who were moderate Democrats who gave the guy a chance. At the time. i was enamored with Presrdent Reagan like everybody else. i thought he really knew what he was talking about economically, but it turned out he didn't.? The Globe added former Sen. Bennett Johnston (D-LA). "while careful not to say he was offended by Gore's criticism,? said, ?i'm not sure there is much traction With an issue that old for Gore." Former Sen. Wendell Ford (D-KY) said. ?l don?t take it personally. Fortunately, in this life. you make a mistake and they don't make a criminal out of you." Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA). who has not yet endorsed a candidate, said Gore?s ?criticism of the budget vote was ?excessive. First it was 18 years ago and it's only one vote. if there was a consistent would be more damaging?" Gore Allies File FOIA Requests 0n Bradley. 11;} News and World Be on (11/22. Bedard) reported in its Washington Whispers column allies of Vice President Al Gore "have opened a Freedom of information Act search for government files or anything with foe Bill Bradley's name on it." US News added. ?We discovered it at the Department of Agriculture when a aide revealed that someone had requested all of the correspondence between the department and former Senator Bradley." The requester ?Works for Gore pal and media maestro Robert Squier." Observers Differ 0n Who Has Cash Advantage. he ?stin American-Statesman (11/14. Shepard) reported radiey?s "much-ballyhooed cash advantage is' somewhat ?iusory. So far. Gore is eligible to receive considerably iore Federal matching money on January 1 -- rust one i onth before New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation resrdentral primary.? if the cash ?advantage materializes expectedg'rt Will give Gore a big advantage in next year?s mpressed campaign season.? Through September 30. th Gore 'Was eligible for an estimated 89.2 million from the derai Election Commission,? while Bradley ?was eligible 17 difference ?in eligible matching money more than Wipes out Bradley's $379,461 lead in cash on hand in FEC reports filed at the end of the year?s third quarter." Gore's cash on hand ?appeared to be running low because he outspent Bradley by nearly $6 million through September. While he was paying top dollar to a legion of advisers. he was also building campaign organizations in California and the South. where Bradley has only recently begun to organize." The (11/15., A1. Robinson) reported Bradley "now appears likely to have several million dollars more to spend than Gore during the six?week period between Feb. 1 and March 14. when the nomination is likely to be decided." The "consequences of Gore's miscalculalion are unprecedented in modern-day presidential politics: When voters start paying close attention in about 10 weeks' time. Bradley may have between $5 million and $8 million more to spend than Gore over the following two months. according to Federal Election Commission reports. and forecasts by independent analysis and officials of the two campaigns." More Commentary. When asked on CNN's Late Edition (11/14), "Why is Bill Bradley doing as well as he is doing against Al Gore for this party nomination." Bill Schneider respondedWith Al Gore. Gore is connected to Clinton; Bradley isn't. Americans want a change of leadership. not a change of direction. You've got this odd situation where huge majority SO-some percent approve of the rob the preSident is dorng. They like the way things are going in the country. but they have a personal dissatisfaction With the Presrdent and they want a change of leadership. Gore. think. is closely connected with Bill Clinton; Bill Bradley isn't. And that?s. 1 think. the key to the reason he rs doing well.? Schneider added. "The fact is. the smartest thing for Al Gore to do is very simple. Same thing Bill Bradley is doing: ignore Bill Clinton. Because the link between Gore and Clinton is so strong. he's the vrce president, that the votes he?s gorng to get. driven by people who love Bill Clinton. and that's a lot of Democrats who are gorng to be there for him. He doesn't have to establish his relationship With Clinton, he rust ignores him. Bill Bradley ignores Clinton because a lot of DemOCrats like Bill Clinton. And Bradley writ get nowhere by insulting or trying to push away Bill Clinton. They both will ignore him and that?s smart." RLC To Run Ad Preempting Forbes Criticism 0f Bush. The AP (ll/'14) reported that in a ?pre-emptive strike. a moderate Republican group that includes several supporters of Republican candidate George W. Bush is- warning Bush rival Steve Forbes not to run negative for oj?stimated TE $37, million .- A I 3 4' INFORMAL NOTE - NOT FOR RETENTION February 23, 2000 Mr. Collingwood: Freedom of Information Act requests were received for information on deceased Congressman Dante Fascell from Donna Leinwald, Knight Ridder Washington Bureau and Jacqueline Soteropulos, The Tampa Tribune on January 9, 1999 and May 7, 1999, respectively. The material processed for these requests consists of two investigative ?les concerning threats made against Congressman Fascell and one general correSpondence ?le. A total of 151 pages were reviewed and 150 pages are being released. The only information contained in the processed material which may be considered derogatory or embarrassing concerns allegations leaked to the press regarding Congressman Fascell's association with Jennifer Miles, a Cuban Spy. Congressman Fascell was concerned that these allegations would cause him personal embarrassment and could create professional problems. He requested that the FBI make a statement "which will totally put the lie to the charges being made against him." The general correspondence ?le also contains derogatory information concerning deceased Congressman William L. Dawson which states that he had been involved in the policy racket in Chicago, had connections with the criminal syndicate and had been af?liated with eight organizations cited by the Attorney General. Deletions were made to protect National Security information, routing to other government agencies, a source symbol number, third party privacy and the identity of a con?dential source. The releases will be made to these two requesters once this informal note is returned to the FOIPA Section or we have been otherwise advised that it is appropriate to make the releases. If you have any questions, please contac 102 Unit Chief 6 Disclosure Unit 2 b7C FOIPA Section \(0112611998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 02/28/2000 To: Director?s Office Attn: John Collingwood b2 From: Director's Offic?fa b6 Insure Uni 1- ?1 Contact: b7C Approved By: Drafted By: Case ID ?52 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (FOIA) RELEASE TO DENNY WALSH REGARDING BRISPEC FOIPA NO. 388422-001 Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIA release of documents, which may result in publicity, concerning the corruption of several California State legislators. Details: Dan Bernstein, staff writer for the Sacramento Bee Capitol Bureau Newspaper, initiated this request on May 26, 1994. On February 9, 1999 this office was advised that Mr. Denny Walsh would be taking over the captioned request for Mr. Bernstein. As a result of negotiation, on February 23, 1999, Mr. Walsh agreed to have this request scoped down to include only the information regarding the predication of this case which included only sections one through three of the main file. This investigation was predicated upon allegations that California State legislators, through an elaborate fund? raising system, accepted contributions to ensure the passing of certain special interest bills. In response to this allegation an undercover operation was established, code named Brispec, wherein the FBI created legislation and paid officials to ensure the passing of a bill. This investigation is maintained in a 194 case file. Appropriate exemptions were applied to sufficiently protect internal rules and practices, unwarranted invasions of personal privacy, which include the names and identifiers of the state legislators involved, the disclosure of the ?wum?wm-u . . I . ?i?uugm?. I E/cs n? "a ., USE If; likes-.5; 5 my: To: Director's c-fice From: Director?s Ofllce Re: 02/28/2000 identities of confidential sources and Federal Grand Jury material. The targeted California State legislators did accept bribes and their names have been deleted. The prosecutive outcome is unknown due to the limited processing of this case. Upon return of this communication to the FOIPA section, 531 pages will be released. CC: 1 - Mr Colljnawood Room 7240 7 Room_7240 - ational Press Office) Room 7222 Mr. Kelso Room 6296 - (01/26/1998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 03/2/2000 To: Director's Offic Attn: AD John E. Colliagwoodb2 From: Director's Offgge b6 Unit b7C Contact: Approved By: elso John Jr Drafted Byi>l cj I Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST FOR HEADQUARTERS FILE PERTAINING TO SENATOR BILL BRADLEY AND HIS STAFF MEMBERS. Synopsis: To advise of the proposed interim release of 7 pages responsive to captioned request. Details: Since Senator Bill Bradley has decided to run for President of the United States there have been two Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests dated 2/12/1999 and 1/18/2000, made for FBI correspondence pertaining to him and his staff members. A release of this material is ready to be made to these requesters, one of whom is the Counsel to Senator Bradley and the other a private citizen. No main files were found, however, two cross references were located pertinent to these requests. The first of which is Bufile 7?HQ?0?ll445, detailing correspondence from the FBI to Senator Bradley. The correspondence is in response to Senator Bradley's communi atinn re the FPI regarding concerns and interest of a family, in the welfare of their grandchildren and assisting their daughter in locating the children. Senator Bradley was advised by the FBI that our investigative b6 responsibilities in parental kidnapings are limited under the b7C Federal Kidnaping Statute which specifically exempts parental abduction. He was told certain conditions must be met under the Fugitive Felon Act before the FBI can seek to apprehend an individual. However, the FBI did offer the services of the Identification and Laboratory Divisions' facilities to assist To: Director's Office From: Director's Office Re: and 03/2/2000 local and state law enforcement agencies in all cases under investigation. fha n?hi 1dr father. ~f Locator bEIVlce was contacted. allegedly abducted by the and the Federal Parent :3 were 1975, l? The Attorney General was contacted in 1977 by the family expressing their concerns about the missing children. At that time the family was also advised of the lack of FBI jurisdiction in parental kidnaping. The second Bufile is l9O?HO-7el79108 consisting of correspondence pertaining to one Iwrote a letter to the Vice Presidemt of this company in regard to the company?s poor relations with its employees. In this letter he referred to the bomb threats the company was receiving. He wrote Senatdr Bradley's office asking for the Senator's help for prompt release of any FBI files involving him as a suspect mb threats. A separate letter was sent to Esking for identifying data for the purpose of conducting an accurate search of our records. Sen tor ffice was advised of the letter sent to I Senator Bradley's office were advised upon - receipt of identifying data and a notarized signature, a search of the indices to our central records system files at FBI headquarters would be conducted. b2 No derogatory information was contained in any of the b6 material processed. The only information withheld are names that were mentioned in these files under the FOIA exemption b7C b7C to protect the personal privacy of the individuals. Some of the material is being scoped or not considered for release because it does not pertain to correspondence which the requesters seek. CC: l90-HQ?l312673 - d, Room 7240 Room 7240 - Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 National Preqq Office Room 7222 .FJFHAPJH Ex.) (01/26/1998)? FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 03/08/2000 To: Director's Office Attn: Mr. Collingwood From: Director?s Office Section/Disclosure Unit 1 Contact: Approved By: Collingwood K91 on .Tnhn . Drafted By: I Istg Case ID "3 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION PRIVACY ACTS (FOIPA) RELEASE TO TAMI ALEXANDER TONY AND ALLEN C. MILLER PERTAINING TO LEWIS F. POWELL, FORMER SUPREME COURT JUSTICE (DECEASED) FOIPA NOS. 439,429; 439,216; 440,838; AND 443,074 DATES OF REQUEST: SEPTEMBER 3, 1998; AUGUST 27, 1998; OCTOBER 23, 1998; AND DECEMBER 22, 1998. Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 1,385 pages of FBI records concerning Lewis P. Powell, Jr. Enclosure(s): Copy of the release package. Details: Above listed individuals requested information on former Supreme Court Justice Lewis P. Powell, Jr. The records proposed for release consist of seven main files. Two files pertain to extortion attempts and two other files involve threats to assault Justice Powell. Material in another file concerns stolen personal checks belonging to Justice Powell. This proposed release also consists of an administrative file which contains data such as, Justice Powell's election to the American Bar Association as President in 1964, his admiration of the FBI and the request and approval of the reprinting of an article authored by Justice Powell in the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. The remaining file consists of the background investigation conducted to determine Justice Powell's suitability for appointment as a Supreme Court Justice. This file does contain some unfounded derogatory racial accusations. .2 To: Director's Office From: Director's Office Re: 03/06/2000 Deletions have been made to protect classified material, Federal Grand Jury information, CIA information, personal privacy of FBI personnel and third parties as well as source information. Two pages are being referred to the CIA for direct response to the requesters. To: Director's Office From: Director's Office Re: 03/06/2000 Set Lead 1: (Adm) OFFICE AT WASHINGTONJ DC OPCA Advise when appropriate to forward proposed releases to requesters. b2 1 Mr. Collinqwood, Room 7240 b6 1 IRoom 7244 3/1 Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 b7c Ms. Kloss, Room 6359 I O. U.) b6 b7C FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 3; Room Na me/T itle IQ Room Name/Title 7176 Director?s Of?ce 6296 Mr. Kelso/Bailey 7142 Deputy Director 7427 Of?ce of the General Counsel 7901 OEEO Affairs 7127 OPR 7240 OPCA M'odCi CJIS Division, wv QT Training Division 6012 Administrative Services Division 2 5829 Information Resources Division 6 7110 National Security Division 7116 Criminal Investigative Division 7 3090 Laboratory Division 7825 Inspection Division 1" 6032 Finance Division Vigfi?: 7240 Mr. Collingwood MG, 7240 x, 7240 Jr? 7230 Mr. Brekke it 1? 53327 Mail Room Services 7230 6247 Communications Center 7361 Special File Room 10471 Forms/Manuals Desk 10475 Filing Services 6236 Executive, Congressional and Public Constituent Services Unit 1 1 166 FBI Executive Secretariat 7278 General Accounting Of?ce Personnel Records 7222 National Press Of?ce 11574 Pickup/Return 7230 Fugitive Publicity Subunit 11788 Delivery 7350 Research/Communications Unit . If 7366 Special Events Unit ,x?t 1907 Payroll M956 Tour Unit 1993 Voucher 6248 Reading Room ?144 Historical Executive Review Unit REMARKS: 2{ For Information Per Inquiry [21 Please See Me CI Note Return Appropriate Action El See Reverse Side FromI?I Room Phone Dike FOIPA Section OPCA 0 6387 I I Ag/7? Revised 06/01/99 I 1 3 I I i OPCA-7 (12-3-96) U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation 935 Ave, NW. Washington, DC. 20535-0001 b6 b7C F3 MELISSA preserve 23 1989 Request No.: 34.5: BRADLEY. ?iiLi Dear Requester: This acknowledges your Freedom of Information-Privacy Acts (FOIPA) request submitted to the FBI. Based on the limited information you provided, we cannot make an accurate search of our records. Please furnish your complete name, alias, date and place of birth, prior addresses, employment, and any speci?c data? that would permit us to locate the documents you seek. We ask that you provide your notarized signature or, in lieu of a notarized signature, you may submit a declaration pursuant to Title 28, United States Code, Section 1746. This procedure is designed to insure that documents, if located, are released only to an individual having right of access to the information. If you want a search of our Criminal Justice Information System records for any arrest record that might pertain to you, please comply with the enclosed instructions set forth in Attorney General Order 556-73. Fingerprint impressions are needed for comparison with records in the Criminal Justice Information System to insure that an individual?s record is not disseminated to an unauthorized person. We are currently searching the indices to our central records system ?les at FBI Headquarters for any documents which may pertain to your request. Upon completion of this search you will be noti?ed of the results. .Cl Provide the complete name, date and place of birth for the subject of your request. If subject is deceased, give date of death and any proof of death you have. E/The large number of FOIPA requests received by the FBI has caused delay in processing your request(s). We solicit your understanding and assure you that we will process your request(s) in due course. Your request has been assigned the number indicated above. Please use this number in all correspondence with us. - "Sincerely. Yours, I LI, Jr Chief Freedom of Inform - Privacy Acts Section Of?ce of Public and Congressional Affairs Enclosure Computer printout (2) [3 Mail Room SP February 12, 1999 J. Kevin O?Brien, Chief Section Federal Bureau of Investigation Room 6958, J. Edgar Hoover Bldg. Department of Justice Washington, DC 20535 Dear Mr. O?Brien, Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, 5 552, I am. equesting 'copies of any and all corres dence to or from former Sena ml Bradley and/or his staff members, between l?78 and 1996. i For your purposes in ?lling this request, please consider me under the category of ?all other organizations,? as de?ned by the Freedom of Information Act. If there are any fees for copying or searching for the records I have requested, please inform me of the cost prior to searching or copying and only if the total exceeds $30. If all or any part of this request is denied, please cite the Speci?c exemption that you believe justi?es your refusal to release the information and inform me of your agency?s administrative appeal procedures available to me under the law. I appreciate your handling of this request as quickly as possible, and I look forward tn hearing from you Within 10 working Have an the laur cumin.? I reached at Thank you for . I your aSSIStance. 6 Sincerely, 107 ii; Melissa Hodgdon 4-22 Rev. 10-21-04) . . Federal Bi uoflnvestlgation Information Services Section Date {3 Name Searching Unit, Newington Annex El Special File Room 5991 El Forward to File Review, 4941 El Attention i3 Return to Supervisor, Room, Ext. Scope of Search: (Check One) Cl Automated Data Base El Inactive lndex-HQGl/Pickett St. El Secure Data Information System (SDIS) Type of Search Requested: El All References (Security 8. Criminal) El Security Search El Criminal Search El Main References Only Special Instructions: El Exact Name Only (On the Nose) Buildup Variations Restricted to Locality of Subject grad/cg; BI l/L Birthdate Place 6 Sixties b7C Date: - 21$ Searcher Initials?? id 6 3.: . FOIPA Request History RequeSLed By: Date: Tue Nov 16 10:38:08 1999 FOIPA 0445054-000 Office HQ Rec Date: 02/18/1999 Re0pen Date: Subject: BRADLEY, BILL DOB: HODGDON, MELISSA Title MS Addrs Line2 Line3 Line4 Lines City State: Zip: Country Unit: 103 L?Tech: 3T774 Assign Date: Type Request 1-Privacy Type Requester 4-Private Citizen Fee waivr Date: waiver Outcome: File Same Req HQ: Date Ready: Charge Out: Assign Disc: Analyst Assign: Date: Types of Files: Queue: Est Page Rev: b6 Miscellaneous. 137C Last Active: Last Pend Inact: Last Pend Reasn: Last to DCRU: Last From DCRU: Large Case: Last Int Rev: Rel: Analyst: Date: Cut: 0 Final Rev: Rel: Tot Page Rev: 0 Rel: 0 Tot Fees Clerc: 0.00 Prof: 0.00 Dupl: 0.00 Othr: 0.00 FOIA Exemptions: El: 32: BB: B4: B5: B6: B7A: B7B: 37C: B7B: B7B: 37F: B8: B9: Statutory Authority if B3 is Cited: 18USC2511: 28USC 534: Other: Privacy Exemptions: K1: K2: K3: K4: K5: K6: K7: J1: J2: DS: Misc: PreProc Pages: Same Req FBIHQ: Processed Under: Date Closed: Reason: Appeal: Litigation: Last Update: Record Added: 02/22/1999 11:02:47 AC006 Record Modified: - (01/26/1998) Precedence: ROUTINE - a 8 3/16/2000 To: Director's Office Attn: A. D. John E. Collingwood From: Director's Office?jb Se tion/Disclosure Unit 4 Contact: Approved By: Kelso II Drafted By: Case ID I 2' 'lgo?Her3lOS3l - 2? 102 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUESTS b6 BY PROFESSOR JONATHAN C. RANDAL AND MS. RENEE FOR RECORDS b7C ON THE LATE VLADIMIR JOSEF KAZAN-KOMAREK Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIA release of 328 pages, which may result in publicity, concerning Vladimir Josef Kazan~Komarek. Enclosure: Copy of the documents can be obtained by contactingl Details: Professor Jonathan C. Randal and Ms. Renee Kazan? Komarek, decedent's daughter, have submitted separate requests for records pertaining to Mr. Kazan? ?Komarek. Mr. Kazan? Komarek was the subject of one main file characterized as Internal Security?CZ. This file reveals that the subject was born in Czechoslovakia and became an American citizen while residing in Massachusetts. A great deal of publicity surrounded Mr. Kazan?Komarek when on October 31, 1966, while returning from Moscow aboard an Aeroflot flight, the plane made an emergency landing in Prague. He was arrested on charges of espionage and murder dating back to 1948?1950. Senators, Robert and Edward Kennedy, became involved in the attempts to secure his release. Mr. Kazan?Komarek was tried, found guilty, and imprisoned. Following extensive media attention, he was expelled from Czechoslovakia in 1967. He mysteriously disappeared in 1972, while livi-ng in Spain. A decomposed body was discovered near Estepona on the Costa del .mmh .547? (?an 1 I: n- 3 ?30 sz-To: Director's fice From: Director's Oi ,ce Re: l90?HQ?l310531, 03/16/2000 Sol, Spain, which was identified as the remains of Mr. Kazan* Komarek although no formal autopsy was undertaken. Exemptions have been asserted to protect various national security information, informant identities and information, and to prevent any unwarranted invasion of privacy. A copy of this disclosure was reviewed by SS of the National Security Division on 3/15/00. CC: - Mr. Collinawood Room 7240 b2 - Room 7230 3m 7222 b6 Kelso Room 6296 b7C I Unit Folder Revised 11/16/99 19 Room Name A. 62 OIPA SECTION. OPCA 1? John M. Kelso, Jr. (FRONT OFFICE) b2 b6 b7C Please Call Me Please See Me Appropriate Action Please Initial As You Requested 11111 1111 For Your Information Please Prepare Response Please Prepare For Your Approval Status/ Facts? 111111 11111111? 1111111111111111111111111 Room Name Room 6296 I I Ext. 102 (- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 3090 Room Name/Title Name/Title 7176 Director?s Of?ce 6296 Mr. Kelso 7142 Deputy Director 636 7427 Of?ce ofthe Gem-ml 7901 111th 7127 7240 ?"r'mn ModCl 3/7 QT 6012 A 5829 In 3 71 10 7116 C1 1 72.. w: 63%: if: 794*,? .1. L- 1 . 7240 7240 M1 7240 M: 7230 M1 7230 Ms 6236 Exr 11166 FB 7273 Gen 1 7222 Nati1 7230 Fugit 7350 Reset 7366 Specia 1 M-956 Tourl 1 7 6248 Readin - r? 6 1 1144 Historim Review 7 my.) u?oi? ra? 12/ For Information El Per Inquiry C1 Please See Me CI Note Return 1] Appropriate Action See Reverse Side rol Room Phone Date FOIPA Section; OPCA If) 6387 a? ,2 if ,3 oo 0 Revised 06/01/99 . 02/22/00. TUE 10:00 161234? ?4 DORSEY WHITNEY @1001 DORSEY WHITNEY LLP PILLSBURY CENTER SOUTH 220 SOUTH SIXTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET '(612) 340-2644 THE CONTAINED IN THIS FACSIMILE MESSAGE IS LEGALLY PRJVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION INTENDED SOLELY FOR THE USE OF THE PERSONS 0R ENTITIES NAMED BELOW. IF YOU ARE NOT SUCH PERSONS OR ENTITIES. DO NOT READ THE MESSAGE BELOW. ANY DISTRIBUTION. DISSEMINATION OR REPRODUCTION OF THIS FACSIMILE MESSAGE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS MESSAGE IN ERROR. PLEASE IMMEDIATELY CALL US COLLECT AT (612) 3402872. Date: February 22, 2000 Time: 9:59 AM Total Number of Pages (including this cover sheet): 4 T0: FAX 202/324?3752 FIRM NAME: FBI LOCATION: Washington, 11c. TELEPHONE #2 b2 30 6 7 FROM TELEPHONE NUMBER- COMMENTS: PLEASE CONTACT FACSIMILE OPERATOR Sheila AT 612/343-2174 IF TRANSMISSION IS INCOMPLETE OR CANNOT BE READ. . Reference# 2525/451993-1 - 02/22/00 TUE 10:00 FAX 161234r DORSEY WHITNEY l2} . -Z 002 February 21, 2000 FAX 202/324-3752 b2 Dear I . 6 b7C Attached please find the Freedom of Information Privacy Acts Request and Privacy Waiver and Certi?cation of Identity, which I have signed. Please send the ?le to: Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Enc. 02/22/00 TUE 10:00 FAX ?03_ DORSEY WHITNEY laoos a 5351 02/18 '001 5 010.130 uaiuq INST 612 25 232 324 3752 Egg/93 11:19 .J-MIW. 0-4?90} . .- . Frudom o! Act: (FOIPA) Emu?! Your Complain Your Telephone Your Address: . - Name cl Subject of Your Request yourself, Indicate "same"): 5/ 577 7B Dale and Place of of Subject of Your Requasl I Additional informallon which wank! assist in Identifying and locating the records you suck: Prevlous of Subject: Place at Employment of Subject: Social Security Account Number: . Furnishing your Social Security Account Number is valun my. 6 lfyuu are requesting informatian about yourselfyen may submit a pursuant to Title 28. United States Cone, Sadlon 1748. If mulled. include Weamuon and sendl Dimmer. FBI. 935 Penns?Va?la Ave.. NW- Washington. 0.0. 20535-0001 A?en?on FOIPA. ll mailed to any field of?ce, send to Special Agent in Charge. FBI (Address, Clly, Slate and Zip Code 1mm phone book or Federal lisler) Allenllan Fall 4.0, .zc'u- 33-54-3752. I (Do No! Write In the Spaces Below [Fat Enroll] Usa Only) ldonuncatlun Required: 3m: Photo ID or l'wo ?03 with; Name and Address n?ials Date: 02/22/00. TUE 10-.00 FAX 1612340" ?4 DORSEY 013131;)le @004 . AH I ST-O CIDEAN 0 025 6351 '00 -.- nu. .30 WW 11:19 FUIPFHPU 202 324 3732 13.83/03 b6 b7C Full Nam: Current Address: D31: of Birth: Place of Birth: Under penalty of perjury, I hnreby denim: that 1 am the person named above and I understand that any falsi?cation of this limi- is punishable under the provisions of Tide 18. United States Code (U .S.C.). Section 1001 by a'?ue of no: 010:: lbs! 5100000: by im>d?onmar1t of not more than ?ve years, or both; and that requesting or obtaining any record(s) under false pretenses is punishable under the provisions of Tith 5. U.S.C..5e:ction 5523 as a miscicmcanor unit by a ?ne of not more than $3,000. I WMVB my to privacy. and I 300mm the FBI to releasr. any and all information relating to me ?mm-mum Your Signature: TUTFIL . B3 02/23400 .COMMENTS: ?4 12:21 23202 69? "595 HHS OFF OF SEC [@001 THC SECFQETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN FACSIMILE b6 b7C PLEASE NOTIFY OR HAND-CARRY THIS TRANSMISSION TO THE FOLLOWING PERSON AS SOON AS POSSIBLE: DATE: 2/23/2000 TIME: To m5 FOIPA Section COMPANY FAX NUMBER: 202-324.3752 TELEPHONE NUMBER - Cover +1 FROM: .10th Gaither for Secretary Donna E. Shalala OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 200 INDEPENDENCE AVENUE, s.w. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20201 (202) 690?7000 FAX NO. (202) 690-7595 12:21 1T202 7595 HHS OFF OF SEC FEB 2 3 2000 Federal Bureau of Investigation EOIRA Section 935 Ave., NW Washington, DC 20535 AETN: John Kelso, Jr. Section Chief Room 6296 I am requesting via the Freedom of Information Privacy Request a copy of my background files: Please find the following information to help expedite my request: b6 Name: Donna E- Shalala SSH Address: b7C DOB POB ?1 0 Thank you. 1, Donna E. Shalala, am requesting the aforementioned information and understand the request is made under penalty of perjury a E. S?elala @002 I (01/26/1998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: March 17, 2000 To: Director's Office Attn: Mr. Collingwood From: Director?s Office lh-I NHT 1 Contact: Approved By: Collingwood Eff Drafted By: Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION PRIVACY ACTS (FOIPA) RELEASE To FOR RECORDS PERTAINING TO HIWSELF. b2 FOIPA NO. 413,312 DATE OF REQUEST: AUGUST 1, 1996 b5 b7C Synopsis: To advise of the release of 1.042 pages of FBI records concerning Enclosure(s): Copy of the release package This ECd-m-wm? i To: Director's Office From: Director's Office Re: 190?HQ?ll92930 March 17, 2000 b6 b7C To: Director's Office From: Director's Office Re: l90?HQ?ll92930 March 17, 2000 Set Lead 1: (Adm) OFFICE AT WASHINGTON, DC Advise PLS I I when material is delivered b? I Congressional Affairs Specialist, to the requester. Mr Collinawocd, Room 7240 b2 1 Room 7244 Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 Revised 1 1/16/99 OIPA SECTIONLOPCA if, Room Name Room Name 6296 John M. Kelso, Jr. (FRONT OFFICE) 6296 6387 6359 6296 l:I 6975 6975 6941 694] 6941 6975 6975 6980 6980 6387 6980 694i 132 67l2 b6 6712 {iv 6712 6712 6712 l/ 6712 a" 6712 11?? 6712 67l2 67l2 6712 411'? 6994 6994 6994 6994 307(3 7262 7262 7262 Please Call Me For Your Information Please See Me Please Prepare Response Appropriate Action Please Prepare Please Initial For Your Approval As You Requested 9. Status/.gacts? 02 ?6 From: John M. Kelso, Jr. Ext. Date FOIPA Section; ?lm '1 . To:]ohnKelso" 1 b6 b7C From: Date: 3/20/00 Subject: request Re: your routing slip of 3/19/00, regarding status. We ?nished this matter and released 348 pages of material on 2/14/00. Since that time we have not heard from her attorney regarding the package. Revised 11/16/99 1;3 Room Name FOIPA SECTION. OPCA 6296 John M. Kelso, Jr. (FRONT OFFICE) 6296 6387 6359 6296 6975 6975 6941 6941 6941 6975 6975 6980 6980 6387 6980 6941 6712 6712 6712 6712 6712 6712 6712 6712 6712 6712 6712 6994 6994 6994 6994 7262 7262 7262 1% 752.0% PleaSe Call Me Please See Me Appropriate Action Please Initial As You Requested (1 11111 For Your Information Please Prepare Response Please Prepare For Your Approval Status/Facts? -1 111111111111 1111111111111111111\111 Room Name From: 10 A 150, Jr. FOIPA Sec on, OPCA Room 6296 I I Ext. b2 b6 b7C 1 We Page 143 From: To: AELDU Date: Wed, Jan 12, 2000 2:43 PM Subject: ITEMS (for your information) (Assistant General Counsel), Investigative Law Unit, Of?ce of? Governmental Fraud Unit, Criminal investigative Division, and Program Analyst), Governmental Fraud Unit, Criminal Investigative Division last week about this case. They agreed that they were the proper people to consult onmatters of this ?gure. They have the proposed package of documents and will be discussing this with the current committee members 132 involved with these types of investigations. They also a reed that this case should set re ent in future cases of this natgre. I Ias spoken with 0 let 5 her know the status and has indicated that they should feel free to call him if they have any future inquiries. (01/26/1998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: March 22, 2000 To: Director's Officgk Attn: Mr. John Collingwood From: Director's Office Unit 1 Contact: I I Approved By: Collingwood John Kelso John Drafted By: ng Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF ACT (E0 REQUEST FOIPA #431137 Synopsis: To advise of the proposed initial release of 589 b5 pages of FBI personnel and other FBI records concerning former b7C lwhich may result in some publicity. To: Director's Office From: Director?s Office Re: 67-HQ-725222 The documents have been reviewed and deletions were made to protect internal rules and practices, privacy of b2 individuals in the FBI and other government agencies as well as third party information. b6 CC: 1 Kelso - Room 6296 b7C l_ l? To: Director's Office From: Director's Office Re: OFFICE OPCA AT WASHINGTON, DC b2 Advise when appropriate to forward proposed release to requester. b6 b7C 90 U.) (01/26/1998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 03/29/2000 To: Director's Office Attn: AD Collingwood From: Director's Office Unit 4 Contact: Approved By: Kelso John ?:kwyl 1/17 b2 b6 Drafted By: 3d?$ b7C Case ID iso?HQ?i301031 ?us Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF WILLIAM BASTONE FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING ARTHUR ASHE (DECEASED) Synopsis: To advise of the release of documents from FBI files concerning Arthur Ashe, the late professional tennis player. Details: By letter dated April 2, 1999, Mr. William Bastone of The Village Voice, was furnished 6 preprocessed pages concerning Mr. Ashe. These preprocessed pages are cross references. He has now submitted a renewed request for any records which were not previously processed. For your information, five additional cross references are responsive to this renewed request. One reference contains information on Mr. Ashe's possible involvement as a speaker at a proposed conference of the Black Unity Congress. Two of the references pertain to the FBI's investigation of a possible association between Mr. Ashe and the Black Panther Party and a monetary contribution made by Mr. Ashe to the EFF. Another reference contains a portion of an article that appeared in the Yale Daily News, on December 1, 1971 that briefly mentions Mr. Ashe. This article describes the authors experiences on a recent trip to Africa and furnishes information concerning the travels of several notable black figures, one of which was Mr. Ashe. The article only mentions that Mr. Ashe visited Africa. It does not go into any detail about his trip. The final cross reference concerns Mr. Ashe's association with a suspected member of the Revolutionary Union. It should be noted that other than the This Initials Date Is OK To Upload .59 3\2o\2q Wes Upicsds? B?t' Q9 To: Director's Ofilce From: Director's Office Re: 03/30/2000 monetary contribution made on behalf of Mr. Ashe to the EFF, allegations of Mr. Ashe's involvement with the above organizations were not substantiated by the FBI. Exemptions have been asserted to protect identities of third parties, informants, informant numbers, and file numbers. Upon the approval and return of this EC to the FOIPA Section, the release of these documents, consisting of 11 pages, will be made. CC: 1 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 Mr. Davis, Room 7222 Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 (01/26/1998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: IMMEDIATE Date: 04/07/2000 b6 To: National Security Attn: b7C From: Director?s Office hi 2 Contact: Approved By: Kelso John Jr Di Drafted By: Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT TO MR. WEISBERG CONCERNING YURI IVANOVICH NOSENKO Synopsis: To advise of the third proposed interim release to Mr. Weisberg of 772 pages of FBI records concerning Yuri Ivanovich Nosenko. Enclosure(s): Copy of the proposed release. Details: Mr. Harold Weisberg has made numerous FOIA requests including information regarding the John F. Kennedy Assassination and the Warren Commission. He is a published author. Mr. Weisberg previously requested this information and appealed the deletions to the Department of Justice. As a result of the appeal, the records proposed for this release are from FBI file 65?68530. The records pertain largely to the time frame immediately following Mr. Nosenko's defection from the USSR in 1964. Included in this release are FBI documents as well documents that originated with the Central Intelligence Agency(CIA). The majority of this material deals with information received from Nosenko during initial interviews conducted by both the FBI and the CIAJ The proposed release has been coordinated with CIA representatives. Deletions have been made to protect national security, internal personnel rules and practices, the personal privacy of FBI personnel and third party individuals, as well as the identity of informants. To: National Security From: Director's Offioe Re: 04/06/2000 Portions of these documents were previously released through litigation to Mr. Thomas Mangold through his attorney Mr. James Lesar in 1994. CC: l-Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 ll lom 7244 g?Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 h. L?sxi. . -, ?Nada. .. . a #me-e?I.. (0l/26/1998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 04/11/2000 To: Director's Office Attn: . . John E. Collingwood From: Director's Office Section/Disclosure Unit 4 Contact: ApproVed By: 17131 on Drafted By: I Case ID .. 0273. Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF TAMI SHEHERI, APBNEWS, FOR ALL RECORDS PERTAINING TO THE BEACH BOYS Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIA release of four b2 (4) pages, which may result in publicity, concerning the Beach Boys. b5 Enclosure: (?nnv of the release'can be obtained bV b7C contacting Details: Per request dated November 1, 1999, Tami Sheheri, APBNEWS, submitted a FOIA requeS" For all records in connection with the Beach Boys. Ipublic source materials maintained in the FBI file revealed that members of th alcohol, drug and problems. I This EC: Initials Data wasbplo?dad BY 515W .. ..- 4 . - .1 4y 4 To: Director's Office From: Director's Offng Re: 04/11/2000 A release will be made once this Electronic Communication is returned to the FOIPA Section. 00 CC: ??Wr Collinowood. Room 724 Kelso, Room 6296 b2 b6 b7C I '1 i" 4 - (01/26/1998) RM FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ., H1 I, -. . Precedence: ROUTINE Date: April 13,2000 To: Director's Office Attn: Agigohn E. Collingwood From: Director's Office OPCA/FOIPA.Section/Disclosure Unit 2 Contactzl I Approved By: Kelso John Drafted By: Case ID 190?Ho?1308759 Title: FREEDOM OF on I b2 synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 221 pages of b6 FBI records to some of which pertain to former President Jimmy Carter. b7C Details: By letter received November 17 1998 I b7D requested information concerning himself I Two of these files concern attempt to sell Jimmy Carter Presidential documents. I - .i . .v I To: Director's.0ffice From: Director's Ofi:)e Re: Deletions have been made in these files to protect national security information, confidential sources, Federal Grand Jury information, investigative techniques and third party privacy. b2 The other two files proposed for release do not b6 contain any information that would warrant media attention. b7C Copies of the documents proposed for release are being maintained in Disclosure Unit 2, Team D1. If you wish to review these documents, please telephone] I To: Director's Office From: Director's Office Re:. Set Lead 1: OPCA AT WASHINGTON, DC dvisd - I Team Dl when appropriate to forward the proposed re ease requester. cc: l?Mr. Collinqwood, Room 7240 b2 1 3m 7222 1- Room 7244 b6 1?Mr. Kelso, Section Chief, Room 6296 l? b7C l. 1. l. 09 April 18, 2000 This morning, Mr. David Garrow, author and historian at Emory University, called me regarding a recent 64 page release made to a Barbara Rambsy (F OIA 426,120) on the subject of Ella Jo Baker. In the Baker ?le, wiretap logs were declassi?ed in March 2000 and processed and released thereafter. Information disclosed to Ms. Rambsy is an overhear of Stanley Levinson and Bayard Ruskin mentioning the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK). Mr. Garrow said he requested and received ?les on Levinson during the 1980's; he appealed and the classi?ed documents were submitted to the DRC in that time frame. Mr. Garrow inquired of me whether DCU would rereview the Levinson ?les in light of the new release made to Ms. Rambsy. He said the information is of historical signi?cance and, in his opinion, is major news. He alluded to the fact that a Congressional Committee may be highly interested in the Levinson ?les if these ?les were never examined by Congress during Congress? MLK review. I explained to Mr. Garrow that a new Executive Order for classi?cation/declassi?cation was signed in 1995 and that DCU does not automatically rereview ?les for declassi?cation purposes after a FOIA request has been closed. I said we do so only when we receive a new FOIA or Mandatory declassi?cation review request. Mr. Garrow is going to Fed Ex a new request for ?les pertaining to Levinson, with the New York ?le NY 100-111180 and Subs his priority. He will ask for expedite processing pursuant to the EFOIA and strongly encourages the FBI to expedite processing since he believes the information is of great interest to the public. He asked me to alert the proper person about his incoming request (I told it would be the Initial Processing Unit) and that he would check in wit' the near future about the status (he knows quite well inasmuch as he dealt witl the 1980?s when the initial processing of Levrnson took place). Attached is a copy 0 memo to following a telephone call from Mr. Garrow on 4/17/00 a prompted this situation. .9 1 - Mr. Collingwood 1 - 1 - 1 - Memo TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DAVID J. GARROW, HISTORIAN TELEPHONE INQUIRY EMORY UNIVERSITY this morning at approximately 9:10 A.M., I received a telephone call from David J. Garrow, author, a historian, FOIPA requester, etc. Mr. Garrow advised that over the weekend he met with an acquaintance, Ms. Barbara Ransby, (FOIPA who provided 6 him with a copy of information she had received in a recent OIPA request she received. The I) 7 information in question is taken from FBIHQ ?le 100-430167-1. Mr. Garrow observed in the copy of this ?le given to him by Ms. Ransby, that a DCU stamp with the noti?cation that this document was "declassi?ed" on 3/20/00. Mr. Garrow, being the unique requester that he is, is acquainted with many of the subtle implications of the various markings and notations contained in the FBI ?les. In particular, the document from the Ella Jo Baker ?le shows the declassi?cation of information from sources familiar with Stanley Levison during a particular time period. Mr. Garrow stated that he has been particularly interested with the declassi?cation of information pertaining to Stanley Levision during this unique time period. He was "curious" if the files/information pertaining to Levison still 1n a certain period are available. If not now, when would the documents be processed. I advised Mr Garrow that to the best of _my knowledge, the declassi?cation of certain Levision ?les pertaining to source information 1n a particular time period has not happened. I stated that 1n my opinion, the ?le was reviewed for the subject, Ella Jo Baker. Stanley Levision was "overheard" 1n conversation speaking to another person about Ella Jo Baker This would lend itself to the review for classi?cation in this particular instance for information pertaining to "Levision. Baker was the main character of the ?le, Levision the bit player) I advised Mr. Garrow that I would look into this matter and have someone call him with an explanation of the "declassi?cation" of Levision. Mr. Garrow?s current direct line at Emory University is NOTE: may ask about Barron?s book on . THE CITY COLLEGE 3 o, THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK NEW YORK, N.Y. DEPARTMENT or POLITICAL SCIENCE - (212) 690-5468 16 April 1985 Mr. Richard L. Huff, Co-Director Office of Information and Privacy Office of Legal Policy U.S. Department of Justice Washington, D.C. 20530 Dear Mr. Huff: I write to.ertain deletions and withholdings made by the Federal Bureau of Investigation under 5 U.S.C. 552 2 and gbzg7zgdg .A in 9,700 pages of sub?files to New York main file 1 0-111180 regarding the Mr. Stanley D. Levison processed pursuant to my FOIA request received by me on 25 March 1985. Let me expressly note that oosing to appeal the (7) deletions made in this batch of material, except for two specific instances detailed immediately below. I particularly want to call attention to two specific instances of withh- .?ng which I believe lack persuasive validity on their face. The @concerns serials (one page, 16 July 1968) and (pp. 2-4, 28 July 1968), the only serials withheld on grounds (along with citations of and which I understand to cover the standard deletions of symbol numbers and agent names) from a multi-section run of these sub?file elsur logs on Levison that otherwise have been declassified ?7 in their entirety. have been informed orally by a representative of the Bureau that these two serials?have?been_wifhhe1d, and classified, solely because of the identity of the other person with whom Levison conversed on those two occasions. Since all other "fruits" and accounts from these elsur sources, and the existence of those sources themselves, have been fully declassified, I am extremely as to what valid intrepretation of would allow for the continued classification of these'two conversations due simply to the identity of Levison's fellow conversationalist. Let us assume, as I do, that that unidentified 'person was either a high-ranking-member of the CPUSA, or a Soviet national understood to be serving in a secret intelligence role. Even granting that, I can graSp no acceptable grounds for classifying the account of such a person's dialogue with Levison, when the source that provided that account has itself been declassified and released in full. econdl the Bureau also is seeking to withhold in full under (211;) ticular sub-files?-subs 1 and 3, consisting respectively of 265 and 106 serials?~that consist of logs of the earliest electronic carried out against Mr. Levlson in the 12503. Although it has declassified in full all of its?post elsur sources on Levison, the Bureau apparently is taking the position that the fact it had elsurs on Levison prior to 1962 is still classified information. In all frankness, FQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER .. Bki' a Richard L. Huff?~2 - that horse has been out of the barn for several years. Indeed, your office? itself, some years ago, released an_Q?B_?ummazg_of the Levison headquarters main file a summary prepared during one of the several DOJ investigations into the FBI's actions concerning Dr. King and Levison, which explicitly revealed and acknowledged the installation and existence of pre-1962 elsurs on Levison. I particularly call your attention to page five of that released summary, where serial 100-392452-22, from the fall of 1953, is described as ?Form on survey memo transmitting." Anyone with much knowledge of Bureau elsur procedures will recognize that immediately for just what it is--an explicit indication that elsur installation was under way. Similarly, to acknowledge the existence, and E, 'title pages, of subs and 3. while attempting to avoid acknowledgement that they are logs of the two earliest elsurs on Levison, is likewise a rather transparent and silly stance. In short, I believe the record clearly requires overruling of the continued classification of subs and 3432 toto, for there already is public acknowledgement of the existence of those elsurs. Any effort to maintain full classification of those records contradicts these prior acknowledgements. Although I have filed many prior appeals with your office concerning Bureau actions in the processing of a variety of files concerning Dr. King, Levison, SCLC, etc., let me emphasize that I believe these two issues discussed above involve two of the most important, and most clear~cut instances in which the application of has been overbroad and excessive. I look forward to hearing frOm your staff on these matters at their earliest convenience; these are both issues which I believe . deserve the fullest and complete pursuit through the entire FOIA appeals *eW? process. cerely, NW David J. Garrow Associate Professor DJC/gfh cc: David L. Sobel, Esq. Mark H. Esq. 1? .rmaz?x -. - 1.x; mu 4 \v .4. .- THE CITY COLLEGE 0F THE CITY OF NEW YORK Mllill DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE (212) 590- 5468 8 April 1986 Mr. Richard L. Huff, Co-Director Office of Information and Privacy Office of Legal Policy U.S. Department of Justice Washington, D.C. 20530 Dear Mr. Huff: I write with regard to my appeal in my letter dated 16 April 1985 and discussed in yo etter of 15 July 1985 to meg_pertaining to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's processing of New York e15ur logs concerning the late Stanley David Levisgn, subject of my FOIA request 1387,0613. In my letter of 16 April 1985, with regard to the withholding of all the contents of numerical subfiles one (1) and three (3) from Levison's New York mainfile #100-111180, I discussed how these two subfiles obviously cdntain the elsur logs from the earliest "technical" surveillances that the Bureau carried out against Mr. Levison in New York in the mid-19505. The Bureau, I gather, is attempting to maintain the position that it has never formally acknowledged the existence of these pre-l960 electronic surveillances of Mr. Levison. In that 16 April 1985 letter, I discussed in some detail how the existence of these surveillances is certainly no longer any secret. I now submit for your staff's attention, and_for the Department Review_ copy of a page from a recently-released serial in Dr. King's New York field office file?-lOO-l36585-54, p. which. in one item appearing-there, lends still further open acknowledgment to the fact that the Bureau had an elsur on Mr. Levison in December, 1956. ("Byer," as Bureau and DOJ staff members familiar with this matter will readily know, refers to Bayard Rustin). I appreciate your adding this letter and this attachment to my appeal. I look forward to a decision by the Department Review Committee on this matter, and I will be happy to talk with anyone on your staff about this at their convenience. cerely, David . Garrow Associate Professor 153?s! Entlo?ure EQUAL orwn'rL-Nrn' EMPLOYER mic-?35 an" EMORY UNIVERSITY - School of Law Gambrell Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30322-2770 404/727-6816 13 April 2000 Mr. John Kels Chief, FOIPA tion Federal Burea of Investigation 935 a Avenue, N.W. "Washington, D.C. 20535 Dear Mr. Kelso: I write pursuant to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act and attendant Executive Orders to request the expedited re? review, and release of Bureau documents concerning the late Stanley David Egyison, documents which I first requested in FOIA request #87,063, initially filed in late 1979. As of your Section both understand, I am moved to make this new and/or renewed request because of the very recent (20 March 2000) declassification and release of certain information pursuant to FOIA request #426,120 contained in serial 100-430 67-1 regarding the late Ms. ElIa Baker. This recent declassification includes material derived from mid- 1950s "elsurs" on Mr. Levison. Fifteen years ago, when the New York field division numeric sub-file "logs" of other, later (1962 and after) "elsurs" on Mr. Levison were declassified and processed for FOIA release to me, the Bureau?~and the Department, as recorded in my OIP appeal #85?0587?-refused to process and release the logs generated by the earlier "elsurs," which appear to have run from late 1953 until sometime in early 1957. As best I understand, those earlier ?logs? and their attendant administrative documents are serialized as numeric sub?files 1 through perhaps 6 of Levison?s New York file, loo-111180. Even fifteen years ago, as detailed in my letters of 16 April 1985 and 8 April 1986 to Mr. Richard L. Huff of the Department's OIP (copies enclosed), numerous FBI and DOJ documents that already had been publicly released clearly disclosed the existence of those mid-1950s "elsurs." This recent March 2000_release concerning Ms. Baker adds further declassified information expressly derived from. the Levison elsurs and logs to the 'c ould note here, as I mentioned to both _that it is extremely likely, if indeed these 1950s Levison elsurs continued into early or add?1957, that these logs will include historically remarkable conversations with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., that will reflect upon both the creation of Dr. King's Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and the earliest -beginnings of Dr. King's close friendship with Mr. Levison. I run An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action University b6 b7C .. . . ~4.4.. nxg?uf- .. .. . .msmm?n-M 4 2? g; Mr. John Kelso, 18 IV 00--2 only the risk of understatement in saying that such logs will be both historically valuable and understandably newsworthy. Let me say that my uppermost priority in.making this request is for expedited.processing and release of those New York numeric sub?file logs. I also would like to request that the Bureau likewise perform an expedited re-review, in light of current day standards and policies, of both Levison's New York (loo?111180) and headquarters (loo?392452) main files. I of course do n9; wish to unnecessarily .burden your staff with the reprocessing of documents that already were released with only ndnor and redactinns fifteen years ago, but I can well envision that much material in both the Levison NY and HQ files that was withheld fifteen years ago, especially that dating from the 1950s, is now clearly I will of course be happy to inform your Disclosure Unit staff of the names of those people likely to appear in the 19505 Levison logs who are now Beatrice Levison, Roy Bennett, Bayard Rustin, Ella Baker, Isadore Wofsy, and William Weiner--and I would like to have an express opportunity to furnish your staff with 21 more inclusive list of such decedents sometime in the future. I of course stand read to meet all standard photocopying charges, and both and other members of your Section should feel free to phone me; f?concerning any questions that this request generates. With thanks, 3? cerefyj David J. Garrow Presidential Distinguished Professor b6 b7C ,01/2631998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: April 24? 2000 To: Director's Office ATTN: #696hn E.Collingwood From: Director's Office Section/Disclosure Unit 2 Contactzl b2 Approved By: Kelso John 306 b7C Drafted By: apg Case ID 5 190?1-1031189353 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIAI REQUESTS OF TAMI SHEHERI OF APB NEWS AND KIM S. NASH OF COMPUTERWORLD. Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 501 pages of FBI records concerning the deceased former Deputy Secretary of Defense David Packard, Owner/Founder of Hewlett?Packard Company. Details: Tami Sheheri of APB News and Kim Nash of Computerworld, requested information concerning Deputy Secretary of Defense David Packard, Owner/Founder of Hewlett? Packard Company. He has been listed in Who's Who and Poor?s Register for Directors and Executives. Two files have been processed responsive to this request. File contained an applicant type investigation conducted under the Atomic Energy Act Program in June 1951. File 161?5840 was opened on January 9, 1969, based on a request for a full field investigation of David Packard, Deputy Secretary of Defense designate for Presidential appointment in the Nixon Administration. On January 23, 1969, Mr. Packard was appointed Deputy Secretary of Defense in which position he remained until he retired in January 1972 for personal reasons. When Mr. Packard accepted the position of Deputy Secretary, he placed his interest in Hewlett?Packard Corporation in a special trust to avoid a conflict of interest. The interest earned from the trust totaled $18 I To:? Director: OPCA 3 Re: million, which was donated by Mr. Packard to various educational services and charitable institutions. In October 1975, the Bureau was requested to conduct an expedite investigation of Packard who was being considered for Presidential appointment, and subsequently he was appointed to the Board of Regents for Uniformed Services, University of Health Sciences, Department of Defense in Bethesda Maryland. In November 1989, the Bureau conducted an expedite fifteen?year scope investigation for a Presidential appointment as a member of the President's Council of Science and Technology Advisors. Some of the people interviewed for Mr. Packard's background investigations were highly prominent people such as businessmen, lawyers, senator and judges. There was nothing derogatory reported concerning Mr. Packard's character, reputation, morals, or integrity. Some of the favorable adjectives and comments used to describe Mr. Packard were perspicacious, precocious, resolute, unyielding, "One of the b2 greatest men to ever live," and "he had excellent character and unquestioned loyalty." b6 Deletions were made in this file to protect national b7B security, confidential sources, and third party privacy. Copies of the documents proposed for release are being maintained in Disclosure Unit 2, Team C1, telephone number for review if deemed necessary LEAD (S): Set Lead 1: QEQA AT WASHINGTON, DC Advisel Cl when appropriate to forward proposed reiease to above listed requesters. 1 . To:? Re: Director: OPCA l?Mr. Collinqwood, Room 7240 1 Room 7244 1 >m 7222 Ti?Mr. Kelso, Section Chief, Room 6296 b7C (01/26/1998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 04/25/2000 To: Director's Office Attnzapx; D. John E. Collingwood From: Director's Office a /Disclosure Unit 4 Contact:2 Approved By: (??fso John b2 b6 Drafted By: 'kew b7C Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (FOIA) REQUEST BY TOM DUBOCQ FOR RECORDS ON THE LATE STEPHEN P. CLARK Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIA release for documents, which may result in publicity, concerning Stephen Clark, former mayor of Miami, involved in the corruption of other public officials. Details: Tom Dubocg, a reporter, for the MIAMI HERALD, requested information on Stephen P. Clark (deceased), former mayor of Miami and Metropolitan Dade County, Florida. Three Corruption of Public Officials main files numbered 194?431, 194?190 and 194?240 were processed as a result of this request. Information from these documents reveals an investigation of allegations that Mr. Clark took bribes while in office in 1988. These allegations were not proven. Mr. Clark was a subject matter in the remaining two files, but was not indicted as allegations of corruption against him were never proven. To: Director's Oifice From: Director's Ofi oe Re: 04/25/2000 Exemptions have been asserted to protect classified information, internal rules and practices, an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, the disclosure of confidential sources identities and information, Federal Grand Jury material, and information regarding consensual monitoring. Upon return of this communication to the FOIPA Section, 249 pages will be released. CC: 1 - Mr. Collinqwood, Room 7240 Room 7230 00m 7222 Mr. Kelso Room 6296 b2 1 b6 1 b7C 99 (01/26/1998) Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 5-1-00 To: Director 5 Office Attn: A.D. ohn E. Collingwood From: Director's Office Section/Disclosure Unit 4 Contact: Approved By' Kelqn .Tnhn My- Drafted By: 3zmbh b2 Case ID b6 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT FOR ALL RECORDS RERTAINING TO JEROME WALD, REQUESTED BY MICHAEL RAVNITZKY Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIA release of twenty seven (27) pages, which may result in publicity, concerning former President John F. Kennedy, his wife Jacqueline Kennedy, his son John F. Kennedy, Jr., and his brother, former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. Enclosures: One document containing derogatory information about the Kennedy family. One copy of reading room material concerning Robert F. Kennedy. A copy Of the entire proposed release can be Obtained by contacting Details: By letter dated December 24, 1996, Michael Ravnitzky submitted a FOIA request for all records pertaining to Jerome "Jerry" Wald. Mr. Wald was never the subject of an investigation by the FBI. There are twelve (12) cross references concerning Mr. Wald. One of the cross references mentions an anonymous letter addressed to Jack Warner and forwarded to the Bureau by Jerry Wald. The letter contains derogatory information concerning President John F. Kennedy and members of his family. This document is also located in Robert F. Kennedy's file which is available in the FOIPA reading room. In the reading room copy: the derogatory information concerning John F. Kennedy, Jr., and Jacqueline Kennedy has been withheld pursuant to exemption b7C. Now that both these individuals are deceased, this information is being released. To: Director's Office From: Director's Ofrice Re: l90?HQ?ll99203, 04/28/2000 A release will be made once this Electronic Communication is returned to the FOIPA Section. 66 cc: 1 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 Room 7230 4? - 7222 - Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 b7C Freedom of Information Act Release on Subject: Jerome Wald Cross Reference 94-4-2838 . ,orn?mu pom-no. no ?1 - Tolsan UNITED STATES 111w TO 1391103011 1 DATE: Mar 34? 1961 bans? ALL mrnnumou can, m? HEREIN IS mucus was: SHOWN 1.08 has several members of Screen ?Traci-rm 9% - 31pm against Budd Schulberg, script writei' is- Att} -: Elanis to plant stories Schulberg 1111;: c3111"? if anonymous telephone calls since annoqacem_ a: Angeles received copy of an anonymeus leii'af?e er, inaiI to the Los Angeles Office by Jerry W173. "ms e- I .-is a scurrilous attack on Kennedy family, Fresi??at and Attorney General. I The writer characterizes the President as a sex I 1' A that the President's son was actually fathered by a New York-E :3 ?irenwithmham the President's wife is in love. Other allegation in the samerd?s?i?ir: 1 I: 1 - r\ Tau-rm?- - - wt} i ?u?-BuddSehulbe? has been a. detach writer since 0?17 Jerry Wald has been in the movie industry since 1934 and is; real? ?bmpany, Wald "Wm-m #103 "Inc: th?em med comm relations with Wald since 1945. as met 1W .ai?ame?fsanthe eveniagei?- 15- 45. M-Wald's name: .edelne .3- 8161;611:511 an- -aahsfanoraniza?l :rIo. ?Lazaro-F343?; - ~eda'L?ie . WW ?ft: . .. ?it" - ?d-jv 31:11. Mal. term! We inten 1 movie Castrowaa *t 7 shtitssp ?i?m sensectmas 'ald rmartif miner K00 at am Ek?s onthe moz- ?l uali tbr? L- -.., gmi 15> . Jones theLoach - Re: BUDD WILSON SCHULBERG JERRY WALD BASIS FOR MEMORANDUM: I I i I Los Angeles advised by teletype on 3-23- 61 that motion picture producer Jerry Wald had advised Los Angeles that several members of the Screen Writers Guild ll intend to (start a smear campaign against Budd Schulberg, script writer for the Attorney General's book "The Enemy Within. The plan is to plant stories that Schulberg is a 2 member at the Communist Party (CP). Wald and Schulberg were to dine with the Attorney 1 3 General the evening at 3-23- 61. BACKGROUND: - Wald wrote to the Los Angeles Office on 1961, stating he had received an anonymous call the previous day at the 20th Century- Fox Studios from a man who stated f'This _is the Wald Lodge family. Are?you the SOB who is going to photograph that SOB'sbook ?The Enemy Within? Wald received another anonymous I 9 call at 10:39 p. m. thatlnight and was subjected to a flood of tour-letter words concerning the Attorney General, Wald and 20th Century? Fox. 2 Memo on this was immediately furnished to the Attorney General. Los Angeles has been following and has maintained personal contact with Wald to insure being informed oi any matters within our jurisdiction. SAC Simon, of the L?fs Angeles Office, at 5:05 p.m. 3?23- 61, advised In or Wick that he had just received a copy of an anonymouswletter addressed to Ja ameroLWarner Br _h which had been mailed to the Los Angeles Office-?chi? Ma had not yet heard as to whether Jack Warner had received the original letter. It is only presumed that he has received the original. "Wild received-the-eep?wlt-is-La five-page letter, typewritten, which is very scurrilous and mattaeks-the whole Kennedy family, particularly the President and Attorney General.? Kennedy. The letter stated that Warner Brothers has been considering making mm involving the PT b?omatnrinciden?ththat Warner Brothers should not make this movie because Freshers Kennedy was gotten out of this mess by his own father. The writer character? izes the President as a sex maniac and a sex pervert. it states that the President?s theme-7566mm "t to:- the President, avoids appearing with him in public and across the Nation.'1he Preside known as a sex pervert. The letter then goes on and Joe nnedy, the father, and the whole Kennedy family. The writer stated he ne?p omen in the United States and this m?t?ri??ii?ilhg madehnewn. The letter 8 ?d that young John Kennedy, the President's 3011., 18 not?the 5 of the President but that- father is_ a New York ,millionnaire with whom {ac - . . is in love. It stdted Jacqueline wanted to divorce the President . one million dollars in cash to stay with the President. ,1 i git/5": mad 7' ?Milk? 7- . (L) . 3 lit-v 2 C01 . it. Jones to DeLoach Re: BUDD WILSON SCHULBERG JERRY WALD The whole tenor of the anonymous letter, said Mr. Simon, is most vicious and castigates the Kennedy iamiiy Mr. Simon is not bringing the letter, upon the instructions of Mr. Wick, to the attention of Secret Service locally in Les Angeies, but is sending a copy special, 3? -23-61, so the Bureau may decide what action to take, if any, relating to dissemination. Simon said the letter does contain some veiled threats. -- - BACKGROUND ON BUDD SCHULBERG er '5 real name is Samar Wilson Schuiberg. However, he was reported to have had his name ie ed Budd Wilson Schnibe . He was born in New York City andc attended Dartmouth College. He? has been a screenwriter since 1932. He is best known?ior his book "What Makes Sammy Run?? Schniberg became an Ensign in the United States Navy in May, 1943, and was assigned 7 to duty with the Office of Strategic Services. He was released to inactive duty in January, 1946. aggression? I (?Manon Mr 5&5; ecf in {/53 Far-?A ones to DeLoach Re: BUDD WILSON SCHULBERG WWI. JERRY WALD . 0/5 .1 . 57? (?shy; 5? {nigh I. Schulberg's ?rst wife testified in Executive Session before a subcommittee i ?fths f? testimony"was"' 'subsequentl ?res-sen '10r1publication. ?5318 d' - ed the CPm?SB?hnd .uit in: 945. 'c 9 1 BACKGR MI jg}; - 1 g, . {4'12 k] .1 Jerome 2 id was born 9-18-11 in QWK and was a newspaper columnist in New York "isms lg?f'?e was With Warner Brothers from 19.34 to 1950. In 1950 he formed his own film company, Wald?Krasna Productions, and served as vice president and executive producer at Columbia Pictures from 1953 Fox with his own independent company Wald Productions, Inc. in 1956. He has been responsible for $50 million worth 01 pictures and has a reputation as a "top?! prochmer. He made several timely ?lms depicting activities of the military during World War II. In 1948, he received the Irving Thalberg Award "for the most consistent high quality of production achievement. We have never conducted an investigation of Wald and have had limited cordial relations with him since 1945. . By letter dated 5-16-45 he mentioned how pleased he was to have met the Director in Romano?'s the previous evening. He requested . 3mm: Jones to'DeLoach Re: BUDD WILSON SCHULBERG JERRY WALD CWL 1 information on "juvenile delinquency" since he was interested in doing something on the screen about this problem. The Director, replying on 5-21?45, commented how much he had enjoyed chatting with Wald and sent the requested information. In July, 1944,Wa1d's name appeared on a ballot for election to the Executive Branch of the Hollywood Democratic Committee which the California Senate Fact- Finding Committee on Un?Ameriean Activities described as a communist front of a series of fronts designed to entrap Hollywood's innocents in the motion picture industry. The organization had no connection with the Democratic Party. When faced with exposure" as a communist front in 1945, the Hollywood Democratic Committee 3 changed its name to the Hollywood Independent Citizens? Committee of Arts, Sciences and Professions. .1. . In October, 1947, Wald was one of a number of Hollywood personalities not under subpoena who signed a telegram to the HC-UA protesting the forthcoming . . hearings on cemmunist infiltration in the film industry. - In November, 19?7?? 17? subsequently became a confidential mant of our Los Angeles Office a vised that there were a number of motion picture producers who gave the communists aid and ?970 comfort and produced pictures which, 11-opmion, contained a direct CP message or an attempt to belittle the United States Government. put Wald in this classification and said Wald had employed Albert Malta and John Howard Lawson as screen writers. Malta and Lawson were members of the so-called "Hollywood 10. The 1- 20-59 issue of the "Los Angeles Mirror News" carried an interview with Dalton Trumbo, one of the "Hollywood 10. The article also quoted Wald on the subject of black lists as saying he would never hire anyone who had not ?cleared himself. '1 Wald stated, "We all make mistakes, but only a stupid man will not admit his own short- comings. Trumbo is a brilliant guy, but he has done a tremendous injustice to the screen writers of Hollywood." . . . .. .. hw-m?QW-ww?- ?am .. .. The press reported in May, 1959, that Wald would produce a movie about Fidel Castro. This movie was dropped when Wald discovered that Castro's government 1 -ing influenced by communist elements. In July, 1959, furnished information to our Les eles Office at the r- . . .. Wald advised us ha- been aving trboule E70 WNL 'Ac -. .1 3 ones to?DeLoach Re: BUDD WILSON SCHULBERG comm 7 . that .Wald .- The press reported in February, 1961, that Nth-Century; Foxhstudio had purchased __ffitfhe Enemy Within,:" the Attorney General's book d. that producer. by the'?enate" . e- .56: 1warrant?ed and the accusations are refuted by box office results showing that ticket buyers :support?Elean ?lnm much more than theypatronize sex and violence: - . in delineation with a recent Supreme Court decision af?rming the right of"a require that a motion picture he submitted for review before it could be exhibited which was widely heralded in the motion picture industry as opening 'O?novies, weld had?some suggestions as reported in "Daily Variety" on January 27, 1961. He suggested amending. Article 1 of the Constitution which prohibits Congress from making any law respecting an establishment of religion o?rwp'rohfbi?ngl th?e-?fre?e exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press and so, forth, to add "or of the press: at television, of radio, or any .nonknownor unknown. It should be noted that this Supreme Court decision did not touch upon the validity of the Chicago board's right to refuse permission for a film to be exhibited but merely declared that the board had the right to request that the film be submitted for review. It should be added that in this 5 to 4 decision, the minority also viewed the majority report seen-open invitation to censorship. . a - rry, Wald: had Said that: recent front page attacks on moral quality offilmsfisJerry Wald would make the movie. The story highlights problems and abuses uncovered 1? Committee of which sttorney General Kennedy was Chief COunse?l. . I . 3 I ?Th? HollywoodzReporter!Y reportedfon December 13,1969, that producer i Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Release on Subject: Jerry Wald Cross Reference 7 7-51 3 8 7-1 04 Reading Room Material Concerning Robert F. Kennedy 1? 11 $37; 0:12 dam? ?g 'i'o Mr.-DeLoach DATE: March 24, 1961 ?115?; l/nou M. J?s/?67063, 57- :3 Ti BUDD WILSON SCHULBERG r? JERRY WALD INFORMATION CONCERNING . I - .. "caf; . Los Angeles has reported several members of Screen writers uild :intend to start smear campaign against Budd Schulberg, script writer for the Attorney 'General?s book "The Enemy? Within; Plan is to plant stories Schulberg is a communist. Wald/has been subjected to abusive anonymous telephone calls since announcement that . movie will be made. On 3- 23- 61 Los Angeles received copy of an anon ous letter addressed to Jack Warner, mailed to the Los Angeles Office by This five- 1 page, typewritten letter is a scurrilous attack on Kennedy family, particularly the If g, :1 President and Attorne General. The Writer characterizes the President as a sex Budd Schulber a screen writer since 1932. "a . . I Jerry Wald has been in the movie industry since 1934 and is considered E3, :3 3 a "top" -roducer. He presently owns his own independent company, Wald Productions 33435:; I - r5? RECOMMENDATION: 77 moons?b; . - 63 Eor information. 1490 6_ 1961? - APR 39,5151 PR 1 196? Ch: (12111 (. - .-.. C?ir'. . ?ll! Jones to beLoach Re: BUDD WILSON SCHULBERG WALD BASIS roa MEMORANDUM: . 420 Los Angeles advised by teletype on 3-23- 61 that" had advised Los Angeles that several members of the Screen Writers uild start a smear campaign against Budd Schulberg, script writer for the Attorney General's book "The Enemy Within. The plan is to plant stories that Schulberg is a imember of the Communist Party (CP). Wald and Schulberg were to dine with the Attorney fGeneral the evening of 3-23- 61. i GENERAL BACKGROUND: Wald wrote to the Los Angeles Office on February 16,1961, stating he had received an anonymous call the previous day at the 20th Century- Fox Studios from a man who stated "This is the Wald Lodge familygoing to photograph that SOB's book 'The Enemy Within' Wald received another anonymous .call at 10: 30 m. that night and was subjected to a flood oi four-letter words concerning the Attorney General, Wald and 20th Century-Fox. -. Memo on this was immediately furnished to the Attorney General. Los Angeles has been following and has maintained personal contact with Wald to insure being informed of any matters within our jurisdiction. Mfr-?5?? 751:1 SAC Simon, oi the Los Angeles at 5:05 p. m. 3- 23? 61, advised 7 Inspector Wick that he had just received a copy oi an anonymous letter addressed to Jack Warner of Warner Brothers which had been mailed to the Los Angeles Office by Mr. Simon said he had not yet heard as to whether Jack Warner had receive original letter. It is only presumed that he has received the original. - received the copy. It is a five- ~page letter, typewritten, which is very scurrilous and 1 attacks the whole Kennedy family, particularly the President and Attorney General Kennedy. The letter stated that Warner Brothers has been considering making a movie involving the PT boat incident, that Warner Brothers should not make this movie because President Kennedy was gotten out of this mess by his own father. The writer charact'er- - izes the President as a sex maniac and President is nown as a sex perve letter then goes I 0 Jones 1.. DeLoiach Re: BUDD WILSON SCEULBERG JERRY WALD A - The whole tenor of the anonymous letter, said Mr. Simon is most vicious and castigates the Kennedy family unmerciiully. Mr. Simon is not bringing .5 mthe letter. upon the instructionso iMr. Wick, to the attention of Secret Service locally if in Loa?ngeles, but is sending a copy special, 3- 23- 61, so the Bureau may decide what .1 action to take, ii any, relating to dissemination. Simon said the letter does contain some veiled threats. Nazi-?v BACKGROUND ON BUDD SCH ULBERG Schulberg' s_ real name is Seymour Wilson Schulberg__ Harvever, he was reported to have had his name legally changed to Budd Wilson Schulbegg. He was born March 27, 1914, in New York City and attended Dartmouth College. He has been a screen writer since 1932. He is best known ior his book "What Makes Sammy Run?? Schulberg became an Ensign in the United States Navy in May, 1943, and was assigned to duty with the of Strategic Services. He was released to inactive duty in January, 1946. In!? . I l. .941} 1v l. ?:31 531%? f. uh ?1 .. we 1.-, . .. *u J. Jones to DeLoach Re: sum) WILSON SCHUIBERG - . JERRY WALD - ?70 BACKGROUND ON JERRY WALD Jerome Irving Wald was born 9-16-11 in Brooklyn, New York and was a newspaper columnist in New York from 1928 to 1932. He was with Warner Brothers A from 1934 to 1950. In 1950 he formed his own film company, Wald-Krasna Productions and served as vice president and executive producer at Columbia Pictures from 1953 to 1956. He joined 20th Century- Fox with his own independent company Wald Production. 61/ Inc. in 1956 He has been responsible for $50 million worth of pictures and has a i ii reputation as a "top" producer. He made several timely films depicting activities of the military during World War 11. In 1948, he received the Irving Thalberg Award "for the most consistent high quality of production achievement. We have never conducted an investigation of Wald and have had limited cordial?relations with him since 1945. By letter dated 5?16-45 he mentioned how pleaset he was to have met the Director in Romanoif's the previous evening. -He requested . -4- a . .3 - 'th Jones to DeLoach Re: BUDD WILSON SCHULBERG JERRY WALD . a information on "juvenile delinquency" since he was interested in doing something on the :screen about this problem. The Director, replying on 5- 21- 45, commented how much had enjoyed chatting with Wald and sent the requested information. . - . The 1-20-59 issue of the ?Los Angeles Mirror News? carried an interview with Dalton Trumbo, one of the "Hollyw ood 10. The article also qucted Wald on the subject of black lists as saying he would never hire anyone who had not "cleared himself. Wald stated, "We all make mistakes, but only a stupid man will not admit his own short- comings. Trumbo is a'brilliant guy, but he has done a tremendous injustice to the screen writers of Hollywood. E1. The press reported in May, 1959, that Wald would produce a movie about ii: Fidel Castro. This movie was dropped when Wald discovered that Castro's government . was being influenced by communist elements. ?mm-I mot-Ovvowo?v-v m. f. Jones to DeLoach Re: BUDD wnson SCHULBERG JERRY WALD gm cacti-o- . I '13 The press reported in February, 1961, that 20th Century-Fox studio .- 2had purchased "The Enemy Within, the Attorney General?s hoolCJand that producer Jerry Wald would make the movie. The story highlights problems and abuses uncovered by the Senate Rackets Committee of which Attorney General Kennedy was Chief Counsel. "The Hollywood Reporter" reported on December 13, 1960, that producer Jerry Wald had said that recent front page attacks on moral quality of ?lms is un- warranted and the accusations are refuted by box office results showing that ticket buyers support clean films much more than they patronize sex and violence. 1.. :21 In connection with a recent Supreme Court decision affirming the right of a Chicago board to require that a motion picture be submitted for review before it - could be exhibited which was widely heralded in the motion picture industry as opening the way for censorship of movies, Wald had some suggestions as reported in "Daily .Variety" on January 27,1961 He suggested amending Article 1 of the Constitution which prohibits Congress from making any law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the 32 press and so forth, to add "or of the press: of television, of radio, of films or any - medium of communication, now known or unknown. I. It should be noted that this Supreme Court decision did not touch upon the validity of the Chicago board's right to refuse permission for a film to be exhibited 'but merely declared that the board had the right to request that the film be submitted for review. It should be added that in this 5 to 4 decision, the minority also viewed the majority report as an open invitation to censorship. (01/26r1998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 05/08/2000 To: Director's Office Attn: John gallingwood b2 'From: Director's Office DEX/Disclosure Unit 4 b6 Co t: ac b7C Approved By: K91 qn .Tnhn . 5w Drafted By: I Case ID 190-HQ-1294715 0257? Title: FREEDOM OF TO THE PUBLIC MEDIA REGARDING, MARIO FOIPA NO. 902092 Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIA release of documents, which may result in publicity, concerning Mario Puzo, the author of the book "The Godfather". Details: Three requests were received on Mario Puzo. The first request is from Janon Fisher, who works for APB, a national news service dedicated to the police and criminal justice genre. They post government files on the Internet at no charge to the public. The request was initiated on July 6, 1999. The second request is from William Bastone, a staff writer at The Village Voice. The request was initiated on October 14, 1999. The third request is from Eric Koli, the Producer at the ABC Television Network. The request was initiated on January 29, 2000. The FBI has three main files on Mario Puzo. The first file is a 9-52046, regarding a threat to Paramount Picture Corporation. On 11/16/70, Los Angeles closed the case because there was no prosecutive merit under the provisions of the Federal Extortion Statute. The second file is a 121?16284, regarding Loyalty of Government Employees. No derogatory information concerning Puzo was found and the case was closed. - :z-f'l 1 ngt0; ween as some Upicsd Km 54%? una? ,v - 21. Was Upiaa?sa?s" To: Director?s orficel From: Director's Unit 4 Re: 05/08/2000 The third file is 58*5033, regarding a 1962 investigation on alleged payments concerning reserve military status of enlistees and preference of assignments. Mr. Puzo was one of two main subjects of this file, although he was not prosecuted due to the allegations being unsubstantiated. In order to protect internal rules and practices, unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, and the disclosure of the identities of confidential sources, the appropriate exemptions were applied. Upon return of this communication to the FOIPA Section, 798 pages will be released. CC: 1 Mr. Collingwood - Room 7240 Room 7240 1 ational Press Office} - Room 7222 Mr. Kelso Room 6296 b2 1 b6 1 b7C 90 . I b2 b6 b7C (01/26/1998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 05/11/2000 To: Director's Office Attn: Mr. Collingwood From: Director's Office Section/Disclosure Unit 1 Contact: Approved By: Collingwood John Kelso John Jr Drafted By: I Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION PRIVACY ACTS (FOIPA) RELEASE OF RECORDS PERTAINING TO JOHN F. KENNEDY, JR. REQUESTS BY JANON FISHER, APB ONLINE NEWS AND NINE OTHER REQUESTERS FOIPA NO. 904,76351, DATE OF MR. REQUEST: JUNE 26, 1999 SynOpsis: To advise of the proposed release of 162 pages of FBI records concerning John F. Kennedy, Jr. Enclosure(s): Copy of the release package. Details: Janon Fisher, APB Online News, FOIPA #904,763?1 has requested information on John F. Kennedy, Jr. Other individuals who have also made requests are: Ms. Deb Riechmann, Associated Press, FOIPA #904,534; Mr. Matthew Cecil, University of Iowa, FOIPA #905,326; Ms. Jane Sims Podesta, People Magazine, FOIPA #915,998; Mr. Alan C. Miller, Los Angeles Times, FOIPA #907,175; Mr. Art Dworken, National Examiner, FOIPA #906,291; Mr. Laurence Leamer, FOIPA #907,366; Ms. Megan E. Lundin, Inside Edition, FOIPA #905,146; Mr. Antoine Jean Baptiste, FOIPA #912,792; and Mr. Steve Herz, Star Magazine, FOIPA #916,068. The records proposed for release are from four Headquarters (HQ) files and one New York Field Office (NY) file. Two files detail a threatening letter sent to Senator Biden, signed by John F. Kennedy, Jr. The signature on this letter was not that of Kennedy, Jr. It came from an unknown individual. No suspects were found. Three files detail two separate kidnaping To: Director's Q_-ice From: Director's Ofi 4e Re: l90aHQ-1294715, 05/11/2000 threats against Kennedy, Jr. One of the kidnaping threats came from an intoxicated individual who called the Herndon, Virginia Police Department. The Massachusetts State Police were advised of the situation and the Boston office indicated they were conducting no further investigation. The other kidnaping threat regards an individual who contacted our New York Field Office to advise of a plot to kidnap Kennedy, Jr. The plan consisted of observing Kennedy's movements, kidnaping him and then hiding him out until their demands were met. Kennedy's security company was notified of this matter. The New York file indicates the investigation is closed with no mention of prosecution. The file did indicate that evidence from the kidnaping investigation was forwarded to an Assistant United States Attorney in another District for possible use in the suspect's trial involving a different charge. At this time the Washington Field Office is unable to locate one file which could be responsive to the requests for information concerning Kennedy, Jr. Once the file has been located and determined to be identifiable with Kennedy, Jr., it will be reviewed for any releasable information. One requester, Mr. Antoine Jean Baptiste, specifically requested information regarding Kennedy?s accident. The search did not surface any main files at HQ or NY regarding the plane crash in which he was killed. Deletions have been made to protect classified material, Title information, privacy of FBI personnel and third parties as well as source information. One hundred and sixty two pages are being released to the nine requesters. Ix.) To: Director's Or-ice From: Director's Ofi_-e Re: 05/11/2000 Set Lead 1: (Adm) OFFICE AT WASHINGTON, DC QBQA Advise 300, when appropriate to forward proposed release to the requesters. 1 I Room 7244 Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 1 .. 1 99 b2 b6 b7C JFK, JrfRelease PackMe - "555g Ll From: I I To: JOHN KELSO Date: Fri, Apr 28, 2000 9:56 AM Subject: JFK, Jr. Release Package Mr. Kelso: have approximately 200 pages to be released. There are 10 requesters. The main files to be released are from HQ and one from NY Field Office. They involve a threatening letter going to a Senator that was supposedly signed by Kennedy. Jr. and two separate investigations regarding kidnaping threats. There are no main files from either H0 or NY on the plane crash. WMFO has 1 file which is on locate. WMFO does not know if this file is ident to Kennedy, Jr. We have almost ?nished processing the documents and have drafted the Hi Vis EC which is being ?ned tuned. My goal is to have the Hi Vis and release package ready in time for an end of May release. I will notify yourself anci:l>nce the Hi Vis and release package are ready for your review. I will certainly notify all the requesters when we are ready to make our release. We had one additional requester who indicated they wanted to be called before release to have a courier pick up their release package. If you have any other questions, please E-mail or phone me a1: Thank youme}: e" Lift?aw w?y?w Mirij/jm (201 JW indwiZ/U 0:541] lw? will Warn ( .i Rama Pagaj] From: JOHN KELSO To: Subject: Re: JFK, JR. RELEASE Linda, I agree with your suggestion of notifying all the requesters. We also need to prepare a ?Hi-Vis? to Mr. llinawc nu as there will probabiy be a lot of press calls. how many pages is the release? Also, i will want to see a copy of the release before it goes out. as may Mr. C. Lets all stay in touch on this one. Thanks. JMK 6 2:48 PM This is to confirm our conversation regarding the phone call from Jane Podesta of People magazineb7C this case. She was calling about the status and wanted to be called in advance of the release so sl u: could have the opportunity to pick up the documents in person. I told her the case was being worked on at the present time and i couldn't be precise about the date of release but guessed it would be another couple of months. Since this will undoubtedly receive publicity especially in view of the upcoming one?year anniversary of his death (I think in July) we should notify all the requesters in advance (even if they haven't so requested) so they have an opportunity to receive the documents simultaneously. CC: From: To: Date: Mon. Apr24, 2000 2:48 PM Subject: JFK, JR. RELEASE This is to confirm our conversation regarding the phone call from Jane Podesta of People magazine re this case. She was calling about the status and wanted to be called in advance of the release so she could have the opportunity to pick up the documents in person. I told her the case was being worked on at the present time and i couldn't be precise about the date of release but guessed it would be another couple of months. Since this will undoubtedly receive publicity especially in view of the upcoming one?year anniversary of his death (I think in July) we should notify all the requesters in advance (even if they haven't so requested) so they have an opportunity to receive the documents simultaneously. b6 b7C CC: KELSO, JOHN, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE te: 5/12/00 To: Director's Office ATTN: ?g Collingwood From: Director's Office Unit 4 Contact: Approved By: Kelso John Drafted By: b2 Case ID (Pending) b5 b7C Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST OF TAMI SHEHERI FOR INFORMATION PERTAINING TO VICTOR SEN YUNG Synopsic- To advise of the proposed release of 19 pages from FBI file egarding Victor Sen Yung. Details: On January 13, 2000, Tami Sheheri made a Freedom of Information Act request for information pertaining to the late Victor Sen Yung. Ms. Sheheri works for which posts FOIPA releases on the Internet. A search of the indices to our central records system revealed main filel Iwhich has been processed in response to Ms. Sheheri's request. This file was opened in August 1960 upon receipt of information from a classified source indicating Mr. Yung might have had pro?Chinese Communist sympathies. This allegation was never substantiated and the preliminary investigation was closed based on other information which surfaced concerning the subject. Mr. Yung was an actor under contract with Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and best known for his role as Hop Sing, the cook in the "Bonanza" TV series. In June of 1960, while in Hong ?Kong working on another TV series, the subject was arrested and confined to a Hong Kong government mental hospital for walking around outdoors in his underwear, fighting with his friends, jumping out of a second story window and behaving in an erratic manner. Mr. Yung also tore his passport to pieces A t? ??gi .-. 4s A. 3 To: Director's g:;ice From: Director's Oflece Re: 5/12/00 while in this condition. As a result of this behavior he lost his contract with the film company. The file ends with a get- well letter from the Director and a news article concerning injuries he sustained during the July 5, 1972, hijacking of a Pacific Southwest Airlines jet at San Francisco International nAirport. Exemptions have been asserted to protect classified information, an informant symbol number, an interviewee whose identity is noted in the file to be concealed, third party information, and FBI employee names. No pages are being withheld in their entirety from the 19?page release. Release of the processed information will be made once this Electronic Communication is returned to the FOIPA section. CC: 1 - Mr CollindW?L Mr. ?elSO, Rom 0.430 .f if ?(01/25/1993) i FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 05/15/2000 To: Director?s Office 'Attn: A. D. Collingwood _From: Director?s Office Unit 4 Contact: I Approved By: Collingwood i?hn E56 b6 Kelso John A. b7C I b2 Drafted By: :yt Case ID 70 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST For Documents Concerning the Late Professional Football Player, WALTER PAYTON Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated release of documents from the FBI files concerning Walter Payton (Deceased). Details: Mr. Eric Koli, from ABC Television Network and Mark Brown from Chicago Sun?Times. have submitted separate requests for records pertaining to Mr. Payton. For your information, one main file (9-6678?) and one main file equivalent (63-0?85823) were found to be responsive to these requests. File number 9?6678? contained information regarding a death threat addressed to Mr. Payton. This letter was originally sent to the Chicago Bears and forwarded to the NFL Headquarters in New York City to their security representatives. File 63-0?85823, contains correspondence inviting Director Sessions to attend a dinner honoring Mr. Payton with the Anti-Defamation Leagues prestigious World of Difference Award. It should be noted that file 9-66787, was closed due to inactivity. 9h 3 I EC: Upload Wes Uploaded BY ?1 5" I a 1 pH? ?3 To: Director?s Office From: Director's Re: 05/15/2000 Exemptions have been asserted to protect the unwarranted invasion of privacy of third parties and FBI -personnel. When this Electronic Communication is returned to the FOIPA Section, it is anticipated that 25 pages will be_ released. A copy of the disclosure letter and the proposed release is attached for reference. 90 Mr. Collinqwood Room 7240 - Room 7240 - om 7222 Mr. Kelso - Room 6296 - 30m 384 b6 30m 6995 b7C - - Room 382 - Room 382 CC: I .az(Rev. 10-01-1999) w? 2-1: FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b2 b6 b7C Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 05/28/2002 To: Director?s Office Attn: ohn E. Collingwood From: Records Management Division FOIPA/?ieclnsure Unit 7 Contact: Approved By: Hooton William Lm??l?n? Garritv Robert JM Ufa/(0V 9? Drafted By: I t: Case ID 190?HQ-1290814w-rl Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OF FBI . RECORDS CONCERNING FORMER LCN BOSS, FRANK P. BALISTRIERI TO MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL REPORTERS MIKE NICHOLS AND MARY ZAHN. Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 4,672 pages of FBI records concerning former LCN boss, Frank P. Balistrieri. Additional documents may be released to Mary Zahn at a later date. Enclosure(s): COpy of electronic communication dated April 19, 2001, and a copy of the proposed release. Details: Mike Nichols and Mary Zahn of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel have submitted FOIA requests for FBI records concerning the late Frank P. Balistrieri, former head of the Milwaukee organized crime family. . The records proposed for this release are from two investigative files. One file pertains to the Timbre investigation which was the covert phase of the Bellwether investigation. The Bellwether investigation was processed and released to these requesters in June, 2001 (see electronic communication dated serial 6). The Timbre investigation centers mainly on our establishment of a covert vending business and the introduction of undercover agents to various LCN members. Information being released concerns basic administrative procedures; information relating to death threats and contracts placed on an FBI agent and the late LCN figure Lefty Ruggerio. A copy of some of the court xii?'3, ii. To: Director's?bffice From: Records Management Division Re: 05/28/2002 testimony of Special Agents Joseph Pistone and Gail Cobb is also included in this release. The other file pertains to the Anti?Racketeering investigation conducted from 1958-1977 which includes information relating to the Internal Revenue Service income tax trial of Mr. Balistrieri which resulted in his conviction. Also, included in this release are documents detailing a dispute between the FBI and various other components of the Department of Justice over the disclosure of information obtained as a result of the microphone surveillance at various locations including the office of Mr. Balistrieri's attorney. Information concerning the civil suits against FBI agents and the telephone company which resulted once the surveillance information was disclosed, and transcripts from pre?Title interceptions are included in this release. Other information being disclosed concerns Frank Balistrieri?s contact with Frank Sinatra and routine information compiled regarding gambling, extortion and other organized crime activities. Deletions have been made in these files to protect administrative procedures; discussions that would reveal deliberative process decisions; FBI symbol source numbers; the personal privacy of other individuals mentioned including FBI employees; the identities of individuals interviewed by the information that was provided on a confidential basis; investigative techniques; Federal Grand Jury information and Title information. . .w i; t- {a .. a To: Director's ErEice From: Records Mana?i?ent Division Re: 05/28/2002 g? Set Lead 1: OFFICE. AT OPCA FOL DC For your information. cc: 1- (2 . . Ivacy ?rst ?equest .. Ks; .. -. From: 3? To: JOHN KELSO Date: Wed, Ma 24, 2000 9:23 AM Subject: Rel:rivacy Act Request John: To the best of my knowledge since this was a rivac act re uest a hi-vis was not prepared - I simply served as the "delivery boy" to determine Ishould receive the info- rather than it going blindly intol My other hI-vis' are JFK. Jr., Dante Fascell Warren Burgegawnd Al Gore, Sr- La co ?denttha -T ye? ext 10 days -AL- Gore? Sr?i?" is another matter {j ?i Li?mti?r?; "is Pm .. . JOHN KELSO 05/23 5:55 PM Thanks for the information. I don't have a tickler copy - please let me know who "drafted/approved" the hi-vis sol can advise them. Unless my memory is failing me I think the only other hi-vis releases with you are Gore, Sr. and Kennedy, Jr. Thanks again. to 6 05/23 10:13 AM 7 J0 Ill. Please be advised that the release t: will be delivered tc in his - Washington Of?cethis afternoon. Regards, Kevin Q0 32w Qoo?o s? 55050? a and: 6m? *?nm?x *0 $30; (mm? Garza U309 @?a5 05?3? May 23, 2000 b6 b7C Enclosed are documents processed by the FBI's_Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts Section responsive to your request pursuant to the Privacy Act. Dear brought to my attention that you had not received these documents, even after some years. I am very appreciative to her for many things but especially for bringing this to my attention last week. Upon inquiry, it was clear that these documents should have been provided long ago. I profusely apologize on behalf of the FBI for having not done so. Leaving aside your long and distinguished career, no matter who the requester, we should not have suffered this mix up and you should not have had to wait any where near this length of time. Please accept our apologies and, if you have any questions or need anything further, please contact me at (202) 324?2727. I will ensure you receive prompt and appropriate attention. - Sincerely yours, John E. Collingwood Assistant Director Office of Public and Congressional Affairs Enclosure 1 - Mr. Colli - Mr. Kelsora?wiil JEC:mmc (6) . .FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b2 - b6 b7C Precedence: ROUTINE - Date: June 1, 2000 To: DirectOr's Officc .Attn: From: Director's Off ce FOIPA Section Contact: I I Approved By: Kelso John ?byl 1/ ll Drafted By: I IJ:ajh Case ID Title: PRIVACY ACT REQUEST OF DONNA E. SHALALA FOIPA NO. 916,441 Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated release of material to Donna E. Shalala, Secretary of the Department of Health Human Services. Details: Ms. Shalala was the subject of a background investigation relating to her appointment as an Assistant Secretary in the Department of Housing Urban Development during President administration. Ms. Shalala made a Privacy Act request and in December, 1977, 86 pages of documents were released to her from this investigation. Pursuant to a request from President-elect transition staff, another background investigation was instituted with regard to her proposed confirmation as the Secretary of the Department of Health Human Services. Ms. Shalala made another Privacy.Act request in February, 2000, concerning this investigation. Documents consisting of 286 pages have been proposed for release. Deletions were made in this proposed release to protect the identities of FBI employees, internal agency practices and confidential sources. - iMUae Dme Is UK To Uploa? $4 tuba Was UpIoadad BY top-? ?700 \z To: Director's Office From: Director's Ofrlce ReThis memorandum is being submitted to advise of the proposed release of this confirmation background investigation to the subject, who is presently an active Cabinet member. Set Lead 1: 9293 AT WASHINGTON, DC b2 b6 b7C Advise PLSI lwhen appropriate to rorward proposed release to requester. CC: 1 ?Hur._collingnegd1mRm- 7240 . 7244 1 Mr. Kelso, Rm. 6296 1 1 1 O0 I I (01/26/1998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 06/07/00 To: Diractor's Office Attn; abyg?hn E. Collingwood From: Director's Office OPCA, FOIPA Section, Disclosure Unit 2 Contact: I Approved By: Kelso John koFT Drafted By: sem Case ID ?4 jdth7?Z{ Title: FREEDOM OF ?18? ACTS (FOIPA) REQUEST OF b7C To: Director's Office From: Director's Office Re: b2 b6 b7C Excisions have been made to protect minutes of meetings held by the Engineering Branch which reveal rationale and thought processes under consideration for making policy about various issues within the Branch. The release of the additional material has been coordinated with the Administrative Law Unit, OGC. Set Lead 1: OPCA AT WASHINGTON, DC Please advise when appropriate to forward proposed release to the above? listed requester. -To: Re: 00 Director's Office From: Director's Office 1 1 1 1 MY- Fnii??rwood, Room 7240 Mr. Kelso, Room 7159 Room 6296 b6 b7C (01/26/1998) b2 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b6 b7C Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 06/21/00 To: Director?s Office Attn: John E. Collingwood From: Director's Office FOIPA Section/Disclosure Unit 1 Contact: I Approved By: Collingwood Jomi?J/W Kelso John Drafted By: Istg Case ID l9G-HQ-12039l4v7g Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE TO ERIC KOLI REGARDING DECEASED ASTRONAUT ALAN B. SHEPARD, JR. FOIPA NO. 921215 Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of material concerning deceased astrOnaut Alan Bartlett Shepard, Jr. which may result in publicity. Enclosures: Copy of the proposed release. Details: By letter dated 5/01/00, Eric Koli, ABC News 20/20, requested all records pertaining to former astronaut Alan B. Shepard, Jr. The responsive records consist of a background investigation for a presidential appointment and a miscellaneous file which mentions the alteration of a press conference film with Commander Shepard, an article about the space program for "The Investigator?, and a name check request. During the background investigation, accusations were made concerning Mr. Shepard's involvement in an extramarital affair. The proposed release consists of 223 pages. Deletions have been made to protect the privacy and interviews of third parties and sources pursuant to exemptions and of the FOIA. To: Director's Office From: Director's Office Re: 06/21/00 Set Lead 1: OFFICE AT WASHINGTON: DC OPCA Advisel then appropriate to forward proposed release to the requester. CC: l?Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 vff?r. Kelso. Room 6296 wumnwn FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 06/26/00 To: Director's Office Attn: John E. Collingwood From: Director's Office FOIPA Section/Disclosure Unit 1 Contactz Approved By: CollingWood Kelso John .1 b2 b6 Drafted By: tg b7C Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE OF CRAIG W. BENEVILLE REGARDING FIRST FOIPA NO. 410555 Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of material concerning Unabomber/Earth First which may result in some publicity. Enclosures: Copy of the proposed release. Details: By letter dated 5/23/96, Craig Beneville, editorial staff of Earth First Journal, requested material concerning the Unabomber and environmental groups including Earth First. Mr. Beneville's request was denied pursuant to exemption of the FOIA and he appealed to the Office of Information and Privacy of the Department of Justice on December 16, 1997. Subsequently, on May 5,-1998 Daniel J. Stotter, Mr. Beneville's attorney, filed suit against the FBI for the release of the UNABOMB documents. By order of the Court dated 12/14/98, Judge Thomas M. Coffin in the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon, encouraged the plaintiff to work with the FBI to modify the scope of his request to place it in a smaller queue. The plaintiff negotiated with PLSI I of the FOIPA Negotiation Team and limited his request to mentions of Earth First in the UNABOMB documents located in the San Francisco Division. To: Director's Qice From: Director's Of :e Re: 06/26/00 Records for this proposed release were retrieved via an electronic search of the UNABOMB Zylmage database located in the San Francisco Division utilizing the specific term Earth First. The San Francisco Office requested that we keep them advised concerning the anticipated release of any UNABOMB documents in the Beneville matter so they could prevent the release of any material which is not already public record but which may be used by the government in future proceedings (if any) concerning Ted The proposed release consists of 1,010 pages of mostly nlhlic source material which has been reviewed by SA San Francisco Office, UNABOMB Task Force and the lead UNABOMB rosecutor, AUSA Robert Cleary. Acting Unit Chie? FOIPA Litigation Unit also reviewed and approved this release. Deletions have been made to protect the privacy, investigative interest, and interviews of third parties pursuant to exemptions and of the FOIA. Information pertaining to internal practices of the FBI has been withheld pursuant to exemption of the FOIA. b6 b7C To: Director's Oifice From: Director's Off oe Re: 06/26/00 Set Lead 1: OFFICE AT WASHINGTON, D.C. OPCA Advise when appropriate to forward proposed release to the requester. Per our litigation agreement, this release must be forwarded to the plaintiff by June 30, 2000. b2 CC: l?Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 Kelso, Room 6296 . b6 1.. 1- b7C 1_ 06 a EOHNKELSO Re: Requests forl?fOr ?ion concerning the Unabomber Page ii From: To: JOHN KELSO Date: Mon, Aug 16, 1999 9:59 AM Subject: Re: Requests for Information concerning Unabomber i know that this email came out awhile ago. However, i need to ma you both aware of our one litigation on the matter and the fact that 7A has not been taken. We have one litigation for Unabomber material concerning environmental groups/Earth First. When we first got the case it was determined in conversations with DOJ and FBI personnel that material responsive to plaintiff?s request was not, in and of itself, pending and could be processed. There is approximately _2?00 pages involved. The negotiation team has been in contact with plaintiff's attorney and the FBI has a stay until June of 2000. We are now calling the responsive files from the field so that RMU can have the material ready to be processed in accordance with the Court's order, >l 3:31 PM After being informed byI:Ithat RMU had several requests for Unabomber information and after receiving a call from the New Haven field office in which they advised me they had received a new request for material, I called the SF of?ce (00 in the investigation) for guidance. io 6 I spoke to Assoc. ASAC Terry Turchie who is currently in charge of the investigation. He advised me that Mr Kasinski's original request for atrial has been turned down, HOWEVER, he has appealed this b7C decision to the 9th Circuit Court and that appeal is pending. ASAC Turchie advised that it is the opinion of the lead DOJ prosecutor (and the SF of?ce) that until Kasinski's appeal process has run its course the release of ANY information could interfere with that ongoing law enforcement proceeding and has instructed that no information be released at this time. I asked him to keep us advised of the appeal's progress. Of course the decision on how to proceed is yours. it is recommended that all of those entities in dealing with incoming requests or inquiries be advised of the above and respond to all requests accordingly. I am instructing all field offices that any requests for information concerning the Unabomber investigation are to continue to be denied pursuant to (7) (A). CC: I Add?l we 00 NM OONIQQ b?w?J 430? to NIQN emwm U-r?u" 3'1: Q3433 Nthde 434 18-4 52416 82416 $2416 T-254 $2416 T-351 $2416 T-283 LL 18-9 LL 18-11 LL 18-13 LL13-33- LL 18-38 LL 18-41X8 2416 2416 2416 2416T-550 2416 24161-105 2415 T-721 2416 2416 2416 T-596 (Sub LL 7-6 2416 H-87 2416 4?44 LL 5-14 2416 T4156 DE T101 News article/Times by Jennifer Warren Lab report re K1817 SF EC ofJoel Moss re THEODORE J. alleged attendance at environmental meeting in Missoula, Montana, 1 1/94. News article! SF Chronicle by JeffIacoby News article/SF Chronicle by Reynolds Holding News article/SF Chronicle by Reynolds Holding News article/Oakland Tribune by Robert Salladay News article! SF Chronicle by Pamela Burdman and Robert G. Gunnison . News article/Oakland Tribune by sta?f writers News article/SF Chronicle by Robert Gunnison and Greg Lucas News article/SF Examiner by Jane Kay News article/Prodigy (Interactive personal service) News article/Washington Post by Robert Thomason News article/Great Falls Tribune News article/Great Falls Tribune by Linda Chavez EC of L. Hayden and M. Stringer/Evaluation of New York Times article ?The Tortured Genius of THEODORE J. 5/26/96 edition. FD-302 of Louis P. Luciano/interview of William Henson Moore re 8-2416 of motion and motion to suppress evidence re 8-2416 News article/Washington Post by Serge Kovaleski and Pierre Thomas Insert re: interview of Andy Thorgerson by James Huggins News articler SA Today by Richard Price, Gale Holland and Kevin Johnson News article/one focus of inquiry: Selection of Targets byi Neil Mac Farquhar Transcript by Dan Atchison FD- 302/Interview of Grimm by Mike Repucci Lab report #8 2416 87 R334 K777 K2054 FD 302/Interview with Roger Rudolph by Elizabeth Mitchell and Robert Duguay Teletype re: Clausen/Farm Bmeau PD 302 re; William Dennison by Kathy Puckett Teletype/Barry A. Clausen re hit list News article/SF Chronicle by Kevin ragan and Michael Taylor ix) MNNAMN In: His-Unwind mantra?:3 rs 4stSERI 2416 2416 T49 2416 U-127 2416 T~47l 2416U-163 2416 2416 52416 U-128 LL 7-2 32416 T-653 8?2077-3 UU-601 Sub W-S 9 8-0-1134 DESCRIPTIQN News article/SF Chronicle by Kevin Pagan and Michael Taylor News article/SF Chronicle by Kevin Pagan and Michael Taylor and Susan Sward Teletype re interview oil News article/Bozernan Daily Chronicle by Alston Chase FD-3 02 irterview re 8-2416 News article ?There?s no big rush to blame liberation? News article Associated Press Judi Bari 1:13-302 (trimmer-vie i re: 8-2416 .. employment at CPA News article/USA Today by Linda Chavez Insert by Teletype to Director forrn Teletype from Seattle to Div, SF, Chicago 136 Teletype from'Atlanta to SF, Newark FD-BOZ/Interview ofl Chronology of Events of THEODORE I. Dumas Daily Summary 3/18/96 ECi:tonnection between victims 3/14/96 EC Connection between victims i analyzed manuscrip? manuscript Chronology ovaents/Felder Witness Testimonial Types ovaidenceI: Expert witness teStimoniai of evidarE Memo oil ito SS. Teletype from New York to Dir, SF, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, L.A., Philadelphia Teletype form .Salt Lake City to SF Tel from New Haven to SF and Dir Tel from Phoenix to SF Tel ??om Charlotte to Dir, SF and Detroit Tel fro. LC to NY and SF Insert bi i analyzed 1? DESCRIPTIQN Memo to SLC Kt Sommer analyze manuscript Note Prodiw Services Company Memo fro Environmental erouos in Oregon Notes fro Insert b, Insert Note (letter frorrl Other letter to SAI Airtel from Denver to SF re: Letter from HITS rims 2 2 l49asf-15 SS?bt-v-2 l49asf-1555-bt-8-0-1886 LIL-3 2 2 2 8-0-908 2 8-0-909 I 4 LII-83 4 3 8-0-3953 111.462 3 1 and Insert SUB LLS TT-2572 50-3086 12 2 7- FD-3 EC from Sacto report background investigation of I Insert ll receipt of threatening letters Insert b? Insert 0' I Memo fronl Ie lead 8C0364 Memo fri I serial #7 Insert [Interview regarding threatening letters Insert b? . hterviewed I Ithreatenine letters Insert hi i threatening letters Public mail from Steve LNU 14 Public mail Doc letter from Public mail Doc .MJW frorr (2 Opinion of Manifesto FD-3 02 ot:i'0pinion of Manifesto EC to SF from Seattle/Interview of EC to ttlefln'teniew of Airtel ti om Portland re America Online message b6 b7C 51SERI SUB LLS -vuu-u-cI?I -.--.- DESCRIPTIQN. FD-302 by Insertb Insert rem Memo re lead SCOB 64/8 Re K1315, K2017o, K2017P, K2017Q Re K2016A, K2023, {(204le Re K2041M EC bl:l116 sr re Earth ?rst ?yer distributed at demonstration re THEODORE I. Interview lead Stringer written description of bomb Stringer table of contents/3 02?s, reports, inserts Stringer bank accounts/bus routes, eta, table of contents Insert/lead #1039 interviewed Device #15 information excerpts from writing I. behavioral issues to 6 History of Ted Autobiography of THEODORE I. written 79-79, ages 0?9 Autobiography of I. written 79-79, aces 0?9 EC oil . Ire trasi? cover Internet letter from re THEODORE I. trail Internet from Internet from Internet from Internet from Internet from Internet from Internet frorL?l open cabin does w/synopsis cannot been cabin docs w/synopsis I:\unabom\diane\wp5I\cabindoc THE CABIN (ggnnot onen) 8-0-3671 S-O-SZ49A 5-0-3589 5-0-52495 Conversation withl EC to SLC from 513st BC fronl BC otI (01/26/1998) Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 7/18/2000 To: Director's Office Attn: A. E. Collingwood From: Director's Office Section/Disclosure Unit 4 Contact: Approved By: v?elso John .4 i Drafted By: j??b Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF ACTS (FOIPA) REQUEST OF PAUL C. RAUSER, ESQUIRE, FOR A COPY OF THE BACKGROUND SUMMARY ON JOHN DEUTCH b2 RECENTLY SUPPLIED TO THE SENATE SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE b6 Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIPA.release of b7C eight pages, which may result in publicity, concerning John Deutch. Enclosure: Copy of the proposed release. Details: Attorney Paul C. Rauser submitted an FOIPA request for a summary of Mr. Deutch's FBI background check that the FBI recently supplied to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI). Mr. Deutch, former CIA director and Deputy Secretary at the Department of Defense, was the subject of several background inquiries between 1977 and 1995. A summary memorandum dated 3/20/1995, was delivered to Chairman and Vice Chairman Richard H. Bryan, SSCI, by OPCA, on February 10, 2000. It contains the results of a Level I background investigation concerning Mr. Deutch, which addressed his entire adult life. Inquiries were conducted with numerous agencies as well as interviews with current and former superiors and colleagues, neighbors, references, professional associates and social acquaintances. All persons interviewed, with one exception, provided favorable comments toward Mr. Deutch. Exemptions have been asserted to protect the identity or one individual and information to prevent any unwarranted To: Director's t_rice From: Director's Of. ce Re: 7/18/2000 invasion of that individual's privacy. A copy of the proposed release-was reviewed by SAI Office of General Counsel to ensure that its release would not interfere with the pendi arings or potential re?investigation of Mr. Deutch.1E:f:f:ff:ffindicated on 3/21/2000, that the summary can be sen 0 Mr. Deutch's attorney. A prepresentative-of another government agency acting in a liaison capacity with FOIPA advised reference to that agency and its information was not classifiable. The FOIPA Document Classification Unit reviewed the file on 3/7/2000 and advised that it did classification. On 3/24/2000, per telcal with 0PM, advised to redact pertinent information concerning their 1975 investigation. As a result of AD Collingwood's 6/28/2000, inquiry, a copy of the proposed release was forwarded to DAD Sheila Horan, NSD and DAD Dave Knowlton, CID for review. On 7/6/2000 and 7/17/2000, DAD's Knowlton and Horan, respectively, indicated they had no b2 objection to the release of this summary. b6 00 b7C b7D CC: Mr. Collinowood Room 7240 Mr. Kelso - Room 6296 I Freedom of Information and Privacy Act? Release on Subject: JOHN DE UT CH File 161?1243 7 (Eight Page Summary) Federal Bureau of I vestigatiorz (01/26/1998) Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 07/31/2000 To: Dir?ctor's Offic?>? Attn: A. D. John E. Collingwood From: Director's Off??e A b2 Contact: b6 Approved By: Kelso John I b7C Drafted By: kew Case ID memo?13115195 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (FOIPA) REQUEST BY JONATHAN FOR RECORDS ON THE LATE JAMES HAROLD WILSON Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIA release for documents, which may result in publicity, concerning James Harold Wilson, former prime minister of Britain and leader of the Labour Party. Details: Jonathan Ungoed?Thomas, a reporter, for the Sunday Times, requested information on James Harold Wilson (deceased), former prime minister of Britain (1964-70 and l974~76) and leader of the Labour Party. One Foreign Police Cooperation main file numbered 64-459053 was processed as a result of this request. Information from.these documents reveals a visit and speaking engagements in the United States. Exemptions have been asserted to protect classified information, internal rules and practices, an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy and the disclosure of confidential sources identities and information. Upon return of this communication to the FOIPA Section, 100 pages will be released. To: Re: CC: 00 Director's ULfice From: Director?s Of22ce l90?HQ?l3ll5l6, 07/31/2000 Mr. Collinqwood - Room7240 Room 7230 00m 7222 Mr. Kelso Room 6296 b2 b6 b7C (Rev. 10?01-1999) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b2 b6 b7C Precedence: ROUTINE te: To: Director's Office Attn: E, Collingwood From: Director's Office Unit 4 Contact: I I Approved By: Kel an Drafted By: :aig Case ID iso?Ho?12947is 17627 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT RELEASE OF DOCUMENTS REGARDING MENACHEM BEGIN, DECEASED ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated release of documents, which may result in publicity, concerning former Prime Minister Menachem Begin. Details: Mr. Janon Fisher, formally of APB News, in July, 2000, requested all information contained in Headquarters' files concerning the former prime minister, who died in 1983. Menachem Begin was the subject of six main FBI Headguarters' files, documentation began in 1947 and chronicles information when he was the Commander of the Irgun Zvai Leumi in Palestine, who's alleged purpose was the overthrow of the Israeli Government. This Special Inquiry evolved into Internal SecurityaRegistration Act issues, and later, addresses visits to the U.S. as Israeli opposition leader, and as Prime Minister. His wife's (deceased) U.S. visits, are also mentioned. The more recent documents concern security measures afforded the prime minister, by the FBI and numerous other Government agencies, including investigations into alleged assassination threats. FBI documentation concludes in 1982. There is no derogatory information contained in the documentation. Numerous deletions were made for classified material, and other Government agency information. Additional deletions were made to protect third party privacy and limited informant material.' To: Director's Office From: Director?s Office Re: 08/09/2001 A copy of the documents prepared for re is attached n?r??i (?Hloqi'lons should hp 1- For Upon return of this communication to the FOIPA Section, 336 pages will be released to the requester. b2 b6 b7C CC: 1- Room 7240 3/1- Room gl?H? 1- Room 6387 1" Unit Foider - Ix) I (01/26ll998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: ako _To: Director's Office Attn: AD John E. Collingwood From: Director's Office Unit Contact: Approved By: Kelso John Jr Drafted By: I ac Case ID l90-HQ-l307057 b2 b6 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST FOR ANCHORAGE FILES PERTAINING TO THOMAS HALE BOGGS, akd37C HALE BOGGS, FORMER U.S. HOUSE MAJORITY LEADER SynOpsis: To advise of the proposed release of 63 pages responsive to captioned request. Details: In November 1999, Janon Fisher, of APB News, submitted an FOIA request to the Anchorage Field Office (AFO) for information pertaining to Hale Boggs, former U.S. House Majority Leader and father of ABC News correspondent Cokie Roberts. A plane carrying U.S. Congressmen Hale Boggs and Nicholas Begich among others, disappeared in Alaska in October 1972. When no wreckage was ever recovered, all aboard were presumed dead. A 678 page release on Boggs is maintained in the FBI Headquarters (FBIHQ) Reading Room; however, it contains only documents which were processed from FBIHQ files. The material being released consists of a one section main file pertaining to an Interstate Transportation in Aid of Racketeering Murder for Hire investigation opened by the AFC in March 1995. The investigation was opened as a result of a November 1994, interview by the Anchorage Police Department '7nna nF A: an ?tiilo auu. C1 his possible involvement in activities that may ave contributed to the aircraft's disappearance. In summary, I claimed that at the behest of organized crime figure, he unknowingly transported a suitcase containing explosives to the Anchorage b6 International Airport which was later placed on the aircraft. b7C To: Director's trfice From: Director's Office Re: Tn extensive investigation by the A: FO I allegations appeared to be unfounded. indicated that In September 1995, Assistant U. S. Attorney Karen Loeffler determined that there was no evidence of criminal activity surrounding the aircraft?s disappearance and declined prosecution. Of the 63 pages being proposed for release, 47 pages news articles, 14 examine the possibility of llegations, and two pages are identical to pages maintained in the Reading Room. Pursuant to the FOIA, deletions were made to protect the personal privacy of Bureau employees an mentioned, and to protect the identities of confidential sources and the informa Letters allegedly written by referred to the Department of Justice (DOJ) Criminal Division. These letters were originally forwarded by the First Amendment Center to both the DOJ and to Tommy Boggs, son of the late Hale Boggs. CC: 190-HQ-1307057 1 - Mr (?n?l?l?inawnn I Room 7240 1 Room 7240 1 Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 1 1 National Brass foice, Room 7222 00 b6 b7C b7D "(01/26/1998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE X: Date: 1i; To: Director's Office Attn: John E. Collingwood ??FFir'n AF D11h11?c :an Ud? haul-4U Congressional Affairs From: Director's Office Disclosure Unit 2, I Contact: John M. Kelso, Jr. Approved By: John M. Kelso, 639/? I I I I Drafted By: lm Case ID l90uHQ?126l853 (Closed) ?at; 106 Title: PRIVACY ACT REQUEST OF MS. LINDA TRIPP- b7C FOIPA 906551 b2 Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 118 pages responsive to captioned request. Details: Ms. Linda Tripp made a Privacy Act request for information concerning herself under the Freedom of Information-Privacy Acts. A search of our central records system revealed one main file, consisting of a SPIN (Special Inquiry), investigation wherein Ms. Tripp was the subject. FBIHQ file l6l?HQ?24l95 consists of a SPIN background investigation on Ms. Tripp for the position she held when working in the White House. To: Director's From: Director's Re: b2 b6 b7C Mr. Collingwood ?3 Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 - 7744. (2, (01/26/1998) . FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVEST ATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 09/01/2000 To: Directofs Office Attn: OPCA, Mr. Collingwood FOIPA Section Mr. J. Kelso, Jr. b2 b6 Disclosure Unit 2 b7C From: Office of the General Counsel (OGC) Administrative Law Unit (ALU), Room 7338 Contact: Approved I Drafted By: #3 Case ID (Pending) Sub I Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION-PRIVACY ACTS (FOIPA) REQUEST OF Synopsis: As requested by the FOIPA Section, this supplements EC of 6/20/00 regarding the proposed document release in the captioned matter. We very much appreciate the FOIPA Section's efforts to address concerns. Based on subsequent interface between representatives of FOIPA and OGC, OGC only continues to ask for additional withholding of all or part of three documents. Administrative: This document is a privileged FBI attorney communication and may not be disseminated outside the FBI without OGC approval. Details: Except as noted below, OGC interposes no objections to release of the documents as now proposed by the FOIPA section. (We recommend, however, that??if it has not already done do~~the FOIPA Section review these materials for To: Directors Office From: Office of the general Counsel Re: 09/01/2000 possible protection of the privacy of FBI personnel mentioned in these materials under FOIA and PA OGC notes that at the time, these materials were being compiled for civil and possibly criminal law enforcement purposes.) OGC continues to object to release of the following documents for the reasons indicated: b5 b6 b7C IQ To: Directors Office From: Office of the Re: 66-HQ-1019541, 09/01/2000 LEAD (5): Set Lead 1: 11? AT OPCA, F0, DC Please withhold documents as indicated above. veneral Counsel Please contact OGC if you have any questions or wish to further discuss particular issues. Mr. - Mr. cc: Collingwood, Room 7240 Kelso, Room 6296 - ALU Library ALU Tickler 99 b2 b6 b7C (01/26/1998) Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 09/06/2000 To: Chicago Attn: CDC From: Director's Office Section/Disclosure Unit 4 Contact: Approved By: Collingwood ohn Edk?? Kelso John ?14. \l b2 Drafted By: kcldihkb) b6 Case ID i90?Ho?i250177H73(pending) b7c Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST LAZAR FOR INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE FILE OF Synopsis: To advise Chicago Field Office(CGFO)of pending release. Enclosure(s): Copy of the proposed release of the "public source" material and original request letter. Details: By letter dated January 22, 2000, Mr. Ernie Lazar requested a copy of all documents by specific FBIHQ file number. The pertinent file number is highlighted on the enclosed request letter. CGFO corresponding number is not available to FOIPA, Disclosure Unit 4. The FOIPA Section does not have a privacy waiver from indication that he is deceased. In light of that, we are proposing to release 60 pages of ?public source" material which includes only newspaper articles and speaking engagement publicity flyers. In additiOn to the CGFO, we have consulted withl Division 14, with regard to the prOposed release. This EC: Initials Date ls OK To Upiusrf Was Uploaded BY QR 0 (?nal To: Chicago From: Director?s Office Re: 09/06/2000 Set Lead 1: CHICAGO AT CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Advise FOIPA Section, Attention:l Whether or not is living or deceased and if the CGFO has an jection to the proposed release. b6 CC: 1 Mr. Collingwood Room 7240 v4 - Mr. Kelso - Room 6296 b7C 1 1 I (01/26/1998) Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 09/15/2000 a Al, L. To: Director?s Office Attn: A. Collingwood 13 From: Director's Office Section/Disclosure Unit; Contact: at ?7 t?ase ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST OF ERNIE LAZAR FOR INFORMATION MAINTAINED IN BUREAU FILE l34?HQ-l477l. Approved By: Kelso John M. Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated release of 60 pages b2 public source information contained in file b6 which may result in publicity. b7C Enclosure(s): Copy of the proposed release and original request letter. Details: By letter dated January 22, 2000, Mr. Ernie Lazar submitted an FOIA request for all documents in file 14771. It is not known how the requester initially came into possession of the asset file number; however, he previously made a specific request and received material for serial 68. After being contacted IRMU, Mr. Lazar agreed to accept only the public source information. The asset publicly identified himself as being a "counterspy" for the FBI. Furthermore, the FBI responded to Congressional inquiries and letters from the public at large to the effect that the asset intermittently furnished information on subversive activities to the FBI on a confidential basis from 1966?1969. Although not an employee of this Bureau, he was compensated for his services. In keeping with longstanding policy, the FBI refused to comment further concerning this asset. The proposed release was forwarded to Division 14, and the Chicago Field Office(CGF They have To: Director's Office From: Director's Oflice Re: 190-HQ-1250177, 09/15/2000 advised on 9/1/2000, and 9/12/2000, respectively, that there is no objection to the release of the proposed "public source" material. Further, the CGFO indicated following an indices and Lexis/Nexis search, they have no indication that the asset is A n-nnA uECcabcu. The only deletions made were to protect the privacy of FBI employees. A release will be made once this Electronic Communication is returned to FOIPA Section, Disclosure Unit 4. 00 CC: 1 Mr. Collinqwood - Room 7240 b6 1 [Room 7222 Mr. Kelso - Room 6296 1? b2 1? b6 b7C (01726? I 998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: To: Director's Office Attn: hn E. Collingwood From: Director's Office b2 Unit 2 Contact: b6 Approved By: Kelso, John M, jg?F/ - b7C Cm- Drafted Igw Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE OF FBI RECORDS CONCERNING THE LATE MOVIE ACTOR VICTOR MATURE (FOIPA NO. 917,424) Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 158 pages of FBI records concerning the late movie actor Victor Mature. Details: News reporter Eric Koli of the ABC television network has made an FOIA request for FBI records concerning the late movie actor Victor Mature, who died in 1999. Victor Mature is the subject and/or victim in two FBIHQ main files: an Extortion investigation in 1959 and 1960 concerning threatening letters mailed to Mature and a general file in which an allegation was made that Mature had tried to secure a commission in the U.S. Coast Guard during World War II by buying a yacht for an officer in the Coast Guard. No FBI investigation was conducted regarding this allegation and the information was merely furnished to the intelligence office of the U.S. Navy. The Extortion investigation, however, became a highly publicized matter upon the arrest and indictment of the author of the threatening letters. This person was a Chicago housewife and mother named Violet Dembos, who claimed that she had been married to the actor via "computer and radio waves" and was therefore the real Mrs. Victor Mature. Some of her letters threatened violence against Mature's new wife, including throwing acid in her face. The FBI investigation revealed that Dembos was suffering from mental illness which led to her fixation on Victor Mature. The U.S. Attorney's To: Director's Crfice From: Director's Oi ice Re: Office in Chicago agreed to stay any trial upon her completion of a course of evaluation and treatment. Dembos successfully completed her treatment and her indictment was subsequently dropped. However, she soon stopped her treatments and again wrote letters of a non? threatening nature to Mature and also attempted to enter the compound of his ranch in California. Mature contacted the FBI and wanted Dembos arrested, but due to the non?threatening nature of her letters, he was advised that there was no federal violation upon which the FBI could investigate or arrest Dembos. Mature also asked for personal protection from Dembos by the FBI and was advised that this was not possible and that he should contact the local Sheriff's Office. Mature was described by the case agent as "belligerent? and ?sarcastic" in nature during the above contacts with the FBI and also as ?probably intoxicated?. On one document in this file, there is a handwritten notation by Deputy Director Clyde Tolson stating know Mature. He is a little nuts". The above information is the only controversial or derogatory information concerning Victor Mature in these files. Deletions have been made in these files to protect the personal privacy of other individuals and the identities of persons who were interviewed by the FBI. Copies of the documents proposed for release are maintained in Disclosure Unit 2, Team If you wish to review these documents, please telephone Paralegal b2 b6 b7C Set Lead 1: OFFICE AT OPCA FOL DC Advise Paralegal Specialist Team when it is appropriate to forward the proposed release to the requester. To: Director's OLLice From: Director's Of, ge Re: - Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 - koom 7222 7240 Mr; Kelsoi Room 6296 I - b2 b6 b7C (01l2611998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: . . 50 ?0 . To: Dlrector's OfflC .Attn: John E. . From: Director's Office Unit Contact: Approved By: 5 l1 Drafted By: najn. Case ID Title: PRIVACY ACT REQUEST UARTERS FILES PERTAINING TO b2 b6 Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 23 pages b7C responsive to captioned request. TIIED. Rm? 1 w' "dhO? wmuw~ . To: Director's Uffice From: Director's Re: Pursuant to the Privacy and Freedom of Information Acts, deletions were made to protect the privacy of Bureau employees and third parties mentioned. b2 b6 b7C CC: Kelso, Room 6296 1 - National Press OffiTe, Room 7222 96 (01/26/1998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 09/21/2000 To: Director's Office Attn: OGC, Administrative Law Unit From: Director's Office OPCA, FOIDA Section. Disclosure Unit 2 Contact: b2 Approved By: Kelso John . b6 b7C Drafted By: em,dh~_ Case ID SUB Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION-PRIVACY ACTS (FOIPA) REQUEST OFI Synopsis: OGC expressed Stqqestions concerning FOIPA processing of documents for release tc I The FOIPA Section is advising OGC of their determination and subsequent disclosure by September 29, 2000. Details: Reference is made to EC of 9/1/00, in which additional withholding of all or part of three documents is requested in the captioned matter. OGC's comments are noted and appreciated. Based on statements set forth by OGC, FOIPA is unable to defend all additional deletions. Absent sufficient and totally convincing reason additional redactions, the release will be made September 29, 2000, as Documents 12 and 25 are currently processed, and Document 26 will be revised as described below. - To: Director's Ofi_ce From: Director's Offim Re: 66-HQ-1019541 In the spirit of maximum disclosure, as mandated by guidelines established by the FBI and the Department of Justice, the following comments regarding the specific documents are set out: Document 12 is a simple requeS' a status report of an OGC referral? It is being released to rithout excision. . Document 25, the FOIPA Section will remove the paragraph in accordance with OGC's request, as the contents of the paragraph are arguably deliberative. - a Document 26, the deletions suggested regarding the drafter/typist initials will not be deleted. The FOIPA Section has determined that initials, both typed and handeritten may be released with no harm to the interests of the FBI. The last two sentences of the first paragraph of the addendum will be released- The last paragraph of the addendum which OGC has ted to be deleted will be removed prior to disclosure to b2 b6 b7C Room 7427 - Room 7427 Room 7159 7159 - 7338 Mr. Collingwooc, Room 7240 4 Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 CC: I 00 a: FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION .3 Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 09/29/2000 El. To: Director's Office Attn: ??gidghn E. Collingwood From: Director's Office b2 Unit im- Contact: b6 - - $3 Approved By: Kelso John b7C ?3 . Drafted By: ilh i Case ID 19o?HQ?1202164?fg?1 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST FOR HEADQUARTERS FILES PERTAINING TO JOSEPH DANIEL CASOLARO Synopsis: To advise the proposed release of 49 pages responsive to captioned request. Details: In May 1996, William Beranek, Jr. requested all records pertaining to Joseph Daniel Casolaro located at FBI Headquarters. Casolaro was a freelance writer found dead August 1991, in a hotel in Martinsburg, WV, an apparent victim of a suicide. Family members and friends maintain he was slain by someone seeking to stop his efforts to establish links between I alleged scandals involving officials at the White House and the Justice Department. Casolaro's death was initially ruled - a suicide, but the Martinsburg Police Department reopened the case after questions were raised. After additional i investigation, the police again ruled it a suicide. The circumstances surrounding Casolaro's death received extensive publicity in the national media. A search of our central records system revealed one main file consisting of_a Foreign Counter Intelligence (FCI) ?ii' -investigation and twelve cross-references consisting Of eight $1 references from Miscellaneous an-Subversive files, one reference from a General Correspondence file, two references . from a Interception of Communications file, and one reference esp . from a Rico-file. - . Ilnitiais! Latr- 5:7. I m- .- cn-n'; . . I ?jun-l UPIOE- lei: 33?}?5 3-090?- 1 "sources and the information they provided. TOP, Director?g:gffice From: Director's C:}ice Re: 09/29/2000 The FCI investigation was opened as a result of an allegation that Casolaro.may have been involved in information exchange with an individual who had connections to a foreign government. ,The case was closed when Casolaro advised that he did not know the individual in question and there was no apparent reason for the FBI to believe otherwise. The Miscellaneous NonTSubversive references pertain to constituents writing to their Congressmen raising allegations regarding the death of Casolaro and their concerns for a need for an FBI investigation. The General Correspondence reference pertains to correspondence to the President alleging government conspiracy involving the death of Casolaro. The Interception of Communication references are .located in the files pertaining to the Watergate investigation which are maintained in the Reading Room. The references concern an interview of Casolaro's father in which he desired to give lead possibilities based on conversations with his son. The Rico reference pertains to telephonic conversations between the case agent and Casolaro, shortly before his death, in which Casolaro said that as part of his research for a book, he had uncovered possible covert intelligence operations. He also advised that he had interviewed the subject of the Rico file during which he threatened Casolaro's life if he continued his investigation. The subject of this file had previously threatened the life of the case agent. Pursuant to the FOIA, deletions were made to protect the personal privacy of Bureau employees and third parties mentioned, and to protect the identities of confidential In addition, deletions were made to protect classified information and information garnered as a result of eleCtronic surveillance. CC: 190-HQ-1202164 - National Press Office, Room 7222 1 - Room 7240 .oom 7240 A 7-- -7 Hr. Kelso, Room 6296 1?107:: l. 1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 09/29/2000 Attn: AD E. Collingwood .To:p Director's Office I. - :3 .wr' tn: From: Director's Office Unit I Contact: Approved By: Kelso John 1;)Af" Drafted By: ?6 Case ID 190-HQ-1067440 b2 - b6 PRIVACY ACT REQUEST FOR b7C .1 Title: To advise of the proposed release of 50 pages Synopsis: responsive to captioned request. 10 anon _Details' RV letter dated AnriI 4..Irenewed his request for documents from the FBI investigation known as which contained references to him. 9w ?Wu? .. To: Re: Director's ngice From: Director's ce 09/29/2000 CC: 00 190- 1 HQ-1067440 Room 7240 00m 7240 Mr- Kpi?o. Room 6296 nationai BIBSS UIIlce, IS Cm 7222 b2 b6 b7C -I I . ,1 - - FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 10/13/2000 ., . . b2./ . To:_ Director's Office . Attn: AD John E. Collingwood b6 9 From: Director?s Office Unit b7C Contact: I Approved By: Drafted By: sal Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST MADE BY S. ZAID FOR HEADQUARTERS INFORMATION ON POLYGRAPH IESIING Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 10 pages responsive to captioned request. Details: Mark S. Zaid, Executive Director of the James Madison Project made a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is. request dated 12/27/99, for any material concerning polygraph testing and also to include pre-employment polygraph testing. t* The proposed release of this material is attached for review. A search of the Central Indices was made and only one pm. main file was located. This main file concerns a request made ?i . by Interpol on behalf of the Latvian Government for the FBI to fi' assist in polygraph instruction. It was considered not 'jgv pertinent to this request. However, fifteen pages from the Manual of Investigative Operations and Guidelines (MIOG) and 1 page from the Manual of Administrative Operations and Procedures (MAOP)concerning polygraphs was released to Mr. Zaid by letter dated 3/30/00. These pages were previously processed for other FOIA requesters. On 4/14/00, Mr. Zaid acknowledged receipt of these documents but advised that these weren't the materials he sought.' Specifically, Mr. Zaid said that he was interested in all internal'documents written by SA Drew Richardson, or that discuss his opinions, regarding polygraphs. yew - . we 9&9 is?? m- .. . .- -- titer-T - - . grab-?unm- Irma??93m DireCtor's Ofg;% From: Director?s Off?:) 08/31/2000 Contact was made with SA Richardson at Quantico at which time he supplied us with the attached 2 documents which he authored. The first is an informal memo to Donald M. Kerr, Assistant Director (AD), Laboratory Division, dated 9/13/99 and the other, an EC to AD Kerr, dated 10/25/99. SA Richardson posed no problem in releasing these documents stating that most of his concerns/opinions had already been made public in his testimony before Congress on polygraph testing. - Prior to any release of this material, contact was made 15, with Tod Hildebrand, Section Chief, Investigative Support in? Section, Laboratory Division for further assistance concerning these documents. Mr. Hildebrand later advised that after conferring with AD Kerr that they would like the FOIPA personnel to redact the.last paragraph on page 2 and page 3 in fgf' its entirety on the 9/13/99 informal memo. Exemption of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)will be asserted to protect this information. This exemption protects material "related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices fa of an agency". Should there be no objection to the release of these 2 documents, a release will be made to Mr. Zaid. cc: Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 Room 7240 Mr. Kelsor Room 6296 ran-1 b2 Ma+4nna1 press office. 00m 7222 b6 i 7 b7C 1? 90 ??ix (12/31/1995) . FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 03 C) Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 1= To: Director's O?ice Attn: A.D. Collingwood From: Director's Of?ce Section/Disclosure Unit 4 Contact: I Approved By: Kelso, John MW Drafted By: Case ID 449195 b2 b6 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION-PRIVACY ACTS (FOIPA) REQUEST UPI REI Svnopsis: To advise of the anticipated OIPA release ofdocuments concerning which could result in publicity. To: OPCA From: u1rector's Office Re: 449195, 12/18/00 b2 b6 b7C Concerning this .FOIPA request, exemptions have been asserted to protect third party in'tbrmation, as well as prevent any unwarranted invasion of privacy. When this Electronic Communication is returned to the FOIPA Section, 209 pages pertinent to this FOIPA request will be released. A COpy of the disclosure is attached for reference. CC: Mr. Collingwood Room 7240 ll Room 7244 Relso Room 62.90 To; Re: #0 OPCA From: birector's Office 449195, 12/18/00 _oon16387 ~Roon16927 >on16927 b6 b7C E0 EA Request History Date: Mon Nov 27 13:00:15 2000? TTOIPA 0920271- 000 Office HQ Rec Date: 04/26/2000 Reopen Date: Subject HITLER, WILLIAM PATRICK FRANK, JEFFREY Title MR gaddxs THE NEW YORKER +Line2 4 TIMES SQUARE TiineB iLine4 -Line5 'City NEW YORK State: NY Zip: 10036 - Country Unit PPU L-Tech: PP838 PREPROCESSING Assign Date: 05/02/2000 :Type Request 3-FOIA Type Requester l-News Media tree waivr Date: waiver Outcome: File TTSame Req HQ: ?Pate Ready: ?Charge Out: Assign Disc: b6 ?Analyst Assign: Date: *Types of Files. Queue: Est Page Rev: 137C ?Misce11aneous: PRIOR RELEASE IN 'Last Active: Last Pend Inact: Last Pend Reasn: Last to DCU: Last From DCU: Large Case: ?Last Int Rev: Rel: Analyst: Date: Cnt: 0 Tinal Rev: Rel: Tot Page Rev: 0 Rel: 45 ?T;Tot Fees Clerc: 0.00 Prof: 0.00 Dupl: 0.00 Othr: 0.00 FOIA Exemptions: ?31: 32: BB: B4: BS: B6: 37A: 873: 37C: 87D: 37E: 37F: BB: BQ: ?tt?tutory Authority if BB is Cited: 18USC2511: 2808C 534: Other: wPrivacy Exemptions: 3K1: K2: K3: K4: K5: K6: K7: -J1: J2: D5: Misc: MPreProc Pages: 45 Same Req FBIHQ: Processed Under: ZDate Closed: 05/05/2000 Reason: 7 7?Preprocessed(7) f?ppeal: Litigation: Last Update: IRecord Added: 04/26/2000 10: 04:10 vJRecord Modified: 05/08/2000 09: 05:42 04/25/00 11:22 8921 2035 4 Date: April 25, 2000 Attention: joh Collingwood ax: 202-324-6490 From: Nicole LaPortc f; Tel: Fax: i/ Number of pages to follow: 1 q?b?tlo Leia WV 4.22 (Rev. 3-1-99) A FEDERAL BUREAU or INVESTIGATION 4 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SECTION Date OJ/Q?rtj? Name Searching Unit, Newington Annex Special File Room, Room 7361 Forward to File Review, Room 10475 Attention Return to Supervisor, Room, Ext. Scope of Search: (Check One) Automated Data Base (ADB) Inactive St. [3 Secure Data Information System (SDIC) Type Mb Requested: 'All References (Security Criminal) Security Search Criminal Search Main References Only Special Instructions: El Exact Name Only (On the Nose) C1 Buildup Variations CJ Restricted] to Locality of Subject f7,- 2961?. Ami/em: AKA Birthdate Place SSAN Localities Date Searcher Initials Prod. File Nurnber Serial ?e 2. :17 7 ..I .31 . .r 04/25/00 11:23 . 6921 2035 The New virker_ 1 If THE NEW YORKER 4- TIMES SQUARE NEW YORK, NY [0036 1 JEFFREY FRANK. Direct (212) 256-5854 fer; (212)5-79e9757 semi": Editor jaff_fra n12 @newyoritrxem Apn?l 25, 2000 John Collingwood, Feberal Bureau of Inves?gsrion, Washington, DC. VIA FAX: (202) 32443490 Dear Mr. Collin gwood. Many thanks for your willingness to consider my request for a somewhat expedited look at the Bureau?s ?les on an historical subject. Our interest is in?Y?lliam Pa . Hitler, the nephew of Adolf Hitler, who came to this countly in the late 19303 and died-ms . Any material that the Bureau can share with us would be greatly appreciated. With thanks in advance, I am, Yours truly, effrey Fran k, Senior Editor b6 b7C (01125/1993) b6 b7C Precedence: ROUTINE Date: IKE Egim? To: Director's Office Attn: AD John E. Collingwood From: Director's Office Unit 2 Contact: 111 Approved By: Kelso, John M., gff? i . Drafted By 11m Case ID ESCQS Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE OF FBI RECORDS CONCERNING THE LATE SENATOR JOHN CHAFEE TO NEWS REPORTERS MARK SAUTER (FOIPA 910290), MARCIA CARROLL (FOIPA 910812) AND ERIC KOLI (FOIPA 917471). Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 370 pages of FBI records concerning the late Senator John Chafee. Details: News reporters Mark Sauter of AFB News, Marcia Carroll of Multinational Monitor, and Eric Koli of ABC Television Network, have made FOIA requests for FBI records concerning the late Senator John Chafee of Rhode Island who died in October 1999. Senator Chafee also served as Governor of Rhode Island and as Secretary of the Navy during the Nixon administration. Senator Chafee is the subject and/or victim in six FBIHQ main files: a Special Inquiry investigation for his appointment as Secretary of the Navy in 1969; a correspondence file consisting of routine correspondence between Senator Chafee and the three files concerning FBI investigations of threatening letters sent to Senator Chafee; and a civil litigation file. All of these files have been processed for this release with the exception of the civil litigation file, which was not retrievable and has been placed on Special locate. There is no derogatory or controversial information concerning Senator Chafee in any of these files. ~To: Director's From: Director's Office Re: Deletions have been made in these files to protect national security, the personal privacy of other individuals, and confidential sources of the FBI. Referrals of documents and information are being made to the U.S. Marine Corps, the Department of Defense, the Internal Revenue Service, the U.S. Secret Service and the Central Intelligence Agency, the proposed release has been forwarded tr of OPCA for release to the next of kin of the late Senator Chafee. Copies of documents proposed for release are maintained in Disclosure Unit 2, Team If you wish to view these documents, please telephone Paralegal Specialisd atl I Set Lead 1: Director's Office b2 At OPCA F0, DC b6 . . . b7C AdVise Paralegal SpeCialist Teax D-3, telephone numberl Room 300, when it is appropriate to forward the proposed release to the requesters. Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 - 3m 7222 - Room 7244 Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 - Room 6387 1 Room 300 >om 300 Room 300 1 09 December 18, 2000 Honorable Lincoln Chafee United States Senate Washington, D.C. Dear Senator Chafee: I am writing to advise you that under the Freedom of Information Act, the FBI is being compelled to release documents from our files that pertain to your late father. We are in the process of making this information available to a number of requestors in the press and academia and as a courtesy, I wanted you and your family to be aware of this release. For your review and information, I have taken the liberty of enclosing a copy of the documents in question. As you will see, these 370 pages focus primarily on the background investigation conducted prior to your father becoming Secretary of the Navy, routine correspondence with this agency and the FBI's response to threats against his safety. The material we are withholding from disclosure is to generally protect the privacy of FBI personnel and other third parties. Your father had a phenomenal career of service to this Nation, and to the people of Rhode Island. As the head of the FBI's Congressional Affairs Office for over a decade, I know first?hand of the wisdom and dedication with which your father so ably served his country. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. b6 Sincerely yours, b7C Assistant Director Office of Public and Congressional Affairs John E. Collingwood Enclosure 1 Mr. Bucknam - FOIPA 1 - Mr. Pickard 1 Mr. Collingwood PLS 1 Mr. Kelso KBW:dfb (9) Precedence: IMMEDIATE Date: To: National Security Attn: b6 From: Director's foice b7C Unit 2 Contactz J?tp/ Approved By: Collingwood John Kelso John JrJ47g/ Drafted By: Case ID samd 4; Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE TO MR. HAROLD WEISBERG CONCERNING YURI IVANOVICH NOSENKO Synopsis: To advise of the sixth and final proposed release to Mr. Weisberg of 3698 pages of FBI records concerning Yuri Ivanovich Nosenko. Enclosure(s): Copy of the proposed release. Details: Mr. Harold Weisberg is a published author who has made numerous FOIA requests including requests for information regarding the John F. Kennedy Assassination and the Warren Commission. Mr. Weisberg previously requested this information and appealed the deletions to the Department of Justice. As a result of the appeal, the records proposed for this release are FBI documents as well as documents that originated with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) between 1964 and 1987. The majority of this material deals with information received from Nosenko during interviews conducted by both the FBI and the CIA. The proposed release has been coordinated with CIA representatives. Deletions have been made to protect national security, internal personnel rules and practices, the personal privacy of FBI personnel and third party individuals, as well as the identities of informants. To: National 58L .ity From: Director's Of :e Re: 190-HQ-1301466, 12/20/2000 Portions of these documents were previously released through litigation to Mr. Thomas Mangold through his attorney Mr. James Lesar in 1994. LEAD (5): Set Lead 1: (Adm) NATIONAL SECURITY AT WASHINGTON, DC Copy of proposed release is enclosed for review and approval prior to December 28, 2000 disclosure Mr. Weisberg. CC: l?Mr Follinowood. Room 7240 i loom 7244 &4Mr Kelso, Room 6296 @r?nwm FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: rag/1.11 mac 2 a To: Director's Office Attn: AD John E. ~ctor 5 Office Unit 2 Contact: I Approved By: Kelso, John M, b2 b6 Drafted By: I Ihkg Case ID ?/Igp Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE OF FBI RECORDS CONCERNING THE LATE SUPREME COURT JUSTICE HARRY BLACKMUN TO NEWS REPORTERS MARK SAUTER (FOIPA NO..445743), ANNE GEARAN (FOIPA NO. 446231), AND ERIC KOLI IFOIPA NO. 917469) AND AUTHOR ALEXANDER CHARNS (EOIPA NO. 446940) Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 1,974 pages of FBI records concerning the late Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun. Details: News reporters Mark Sauter of APB News, Anne Gearan of the Associated Press, Eric Koli of ABC News, and author Alexander Charns have made FOIA requests for FBI records concerning the late Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun, who died on March 4, 1999. Justice Blackmun is the subject/victim in twelve FBIHQ main_ files: seven files concerning FBI investigations of threatening letters sent to Justice Blackmun; an FBI investigation concerning a bullet fired through the window of the Blackmun residence; an FBI Laboratory examination of evidence in an investigation concerning improper use of Supreme Court stationery; a correspondence file concerning a speaking engagement by Justice Blackmun; a Special Inquiry file concerning a possible leak by the FBI to the news media concerning the FBI background investigation regarding Justice Blackmun's nomination to the Supreme Court (no investigation was conducted) and also concerning travel assistance provided to Justice Blackmun in one instance due to the threats made against his lite; and the background investigation conducted Hf??i To: Director?s Orrice From: Director's Office Re: by the FBI concerning the nomination of Justice Blackmun to the Supreme Court. There is no derogatory or controversial information concerning Justice Blackmun in any of these files. The relationship between Justice Blackmun and the FBI was cordial, professional and limited to only such rare instances as FBI tours for his relatives, congratulatory letters, and speaking engagements. Deletions have been made in these files to protect FBI symbol source numbers, the personal privacy of other individuals, the identities of persons interviewed by the FBI and the identities of FBI sources. Referrals of documents and information are being made to the Department of Justice, the Internal Revenue Service, the U. S. Secret Service, and the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms. the proposed release has been forwarded of OPCA for release to the next of kin of the late us 1ce ackmun. Copies of the documents proposed for release are maintained in Disclosure Unit 2, Team 3. If you wish to view these documents, please contact Paralegal Specialist atl 102 Set Lead 1: b6 OFFICE b7C AT OPCA F0, DC Advise Daralpnal Snecialist Team when it is appropriate to forward the proposed release to the requestor. CC: 1 - Mr. Collin wood, Room 7240 - Room 7222 1 - Room 7240 Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 1.. l- 1.. 66 December 18, 2000 Ms. Sally Blackmun Dear Ms. Blackmum: I am writing to advise you that under the Freedom of Information Act, the FBI is being compelled to release documents from our files that pertain to your late father. We are in the process of making this information available to a requestor in the press and as a courtesy, I wanted you and your family to be aware of this release. b6 For your review and information, I have taken the b7C liberty of enclosing a copy of the documents in question. As you will see, these 1,974 pages focus primarily on your father's appointment and the FBI's response to threats against his safety. The material we are withholding from disclosure is to generally protect the privacy of FBI personnel and other third parties. The late Justice had a phenomenal career of service to the Judiciary and to the American people. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours, John E. Collingwood Assistant Director Office of Public and Congressional Affairs . Enclosure 1 Mr. Bucknam FOIPA 1 - Mr. Pickard 1 I Mr. Collingwood - PLS 1 Mr. Kelso KBW:dfb (01/26/1998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE (LDate: 12/20/2000 To: Director's Office Attn: Qgi D. John E. Collingwood From: Director's Office Unit 4 Contact: Approved By: x/Kelso John In! Drafted By: js?_l g/Iim b2 b6 b7C Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST OF MR. J. FUENTECILLA FOR RECORDS ON THE LATE FERDINAND MARCOS (1972-1986) Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIA interim release of 110 pages, which may result in publicity, concerning Ferdinand Marcos. Enclosure(s): Copy of proposed release. Details: Mr. J. Fuentecilla, a journalist, submitted an FOIA request for records from 1972 to 1986 pertaining to Ferdinand Marcos, former President of the Philippines. This interim release consists of seven main files characterized as extortion, threat against foreign officials, protection of foreign officials, and a classified investigation. These files contain information concerning threats by various individuals against the life of former President Marcos. Exemptions have been asserted to protect various national security information, informant identities and information, and to prevent any unwarranted invasion of privacy. A copy of the disclosure package was reviewed by Unit Chie? IInvestigative Services Division on 12/6/2000. Per telcal on 12/20/2000, with Section Chief William Doherty, NSD, he had no objection to the release of the classified file. 00 To: Director's Orfice From: Director's Ofxlce Re: 12/20/2000 CC: 1 - Mr. Collinqwood Room 7240 1 Room 7222 Mr. Kelso Room 6296 1 1 b2 b6 b7C December 18, 2000 Mr. Terrv Sanford. Jr. Dear Mr. Sanford: I am writing to advise you that under the Freedom of Information Act, the FBI is being compelled to release documents from our files that pertain to your late father. We are in the process of making this information available to a number of requestors in the press and academia and as a courtesy, I wanted you and your family to be aware of this release. For your review and information, I have taken the liberty of enclosing a copy of the documents in question. As you will see, these 497 pages focus on your father's b6 distinguished service as an FBI Agent, Governor, University President and United States Senator. The material we are b7C withholding from disclosure is to generally protect the privacy of FBI personnel and other third parties. . Your father had a phenomenal career of service to the Nation and to the people of North Carolina. Since 1989, I have headed the FBI's Congressional Affairs Office and I saw first? hand the dedication with which your father so ably served his country. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours, John E. Collingwood Assistant Director Office of Public and Congressional Affairs Enclosure 1 Mr. Bucknam 1 FOTPA 1 Mr. Pickard - Mr. Collingwood 1 Mr. Kels?kpr KBW2dfb (9) ?15 4w.? 7v nu 0 TL .y (01/26il998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 01/04/2001 To: Director's Office .Attn: John E. Coilingwo ?45; From: Director's Office Contact: Approved By: Kelso John Drafted By: jma Case ID b2 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) b6 RELEASE TO KIRSTEN MITCHELL CONCERNING JAMES TERRY SANFORD (DECEASED) 57C Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 497 pages responsive to captioned subject. Enclosure(s): Copy of proposed release. Details: Ms. Kirsten Mitchell, Winston?Salem Journal, requested information on former United States Senator James Terry Sanford. For background, Mr. Sanford was a Special Agent of the Governor of North Carolina(1961? 1965), Presidential candidate(1972), Duke University and a United States There are three files responsive to this request. Mr. Sanford's FBI personnel file(67?HQ?222954) contained favorable information concerning his employment. Special Agent Sanford went on military leave in December, 1942, and served as a paratrooper during World War II. In December of 1945, Sanford requested to be dropped from the Bureau rolls in order to enter law school. An election law involved distribution of unsigned campaign literature during the 1956 United States Senatorial race in North Carolina between Senator Alton Lennon and W. Kerr Scott. Mr. Sanford, the complainant, served as campaign manager for W. Kerr Scott. W. Kerr Scott won the election over Senator Lennon. The Department of Justice declined prosecution. Ufa/r43 ?Kirk a To: Director'siagfice From: Director's dhiice Re: A general correspondence file(94?HQ?54622) dating from .1961 to 1972, covered the period during which Sanford was Governor of North Carolina and a presidential candidate in 1972. Sanford was in good standing with the bureau in his early term as governor. In 1963, public source material made reference to a rumor that President Kennedy would appoint Sanford as FBI Director to replace J. Edgar Hoover. Sanford denied these rumors. In 1964, Sanford embellished upon information supplied in confidence by Bureau agents, where Sanford categorically stated that the FBI advised that there were no communists in state supported North Carolina Colleges or Universities. The bureau denied making this statement. Governor Sanford was placed on the do not contact list by J. Edgar Hoover. Several agents of the bureau including then Assistant Director Sullivan and Charlotte SAC, Joseph Kissiah were disciplined for this incident. Pages being withheld in their entirety concern information provided by a confidential source in the office of Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. Pursuant to FOIA, deletions were made to protect the personal privacy of Bureau employees, third parties, classified information, confidential sources and identifying information they provided. 00' cc: 1 IRoom 7240 Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 National Pr 1 Room 7222 I b7C I (01/26/1998) if; FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 02/02/2001 To: Director's Office Attn: John E. Collingwoo b6 From: Director?s Office b7C FOIPA Section/Litigation Unit . - Contact: C, Approved By: Collingwood Jo Kelso John A is en? Drafted By: '8 Case ID fn . 4M: . 4?525 Title: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Release to the following: Danny No. 439567?1 11/20/98 Fabienne verger~FOIPA No. 912133 3/9/99 Tami Sheheri?FOIPA No.914531 1/13/00 John.Richards-FOIPA No.9l7537 2/20/00 Regarding Marilyn Mbnroe Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of material concerning Marilyn Monroe which may result in some publicity. Enclosures: Copy of proposed release. Details: The requesters listed above each made a request for information regarding Marilyn Monroe on the date shown. This information had been available in the reading room and was reprocessed for the above requesters. Additional information is being released at this time. Deletions cited are as follows: information which is classified; internal procedures or practices; unwarranted invasion of personal privacy; and information which could disclose the identity of a confidential source. The proposed release consists of 97 pages which are contained in Miss Monroe's main file and various ?cross" references. No pages were withheld in their entirety. To: DireCtor's Ofrw?e From: Director's Offi;i) Re: 02/02/2001 66 LEAD (S) OFFICE AT WASHINGTONL D.C.- 929A Release will be made once the EC is returned to the FOIPA Section. Advisel Iwhen appropriate to forward proposed release to the requesters. CC. 1 Room 7244' b6 1 zoom 6359 b7C it ,w .4 2" (01/26/1998) b2 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b6 b7C Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 3/23/2001 To: Director's Office Attn: A. D. John E. ingwood From: Director's Office Section/Disclosure Unit 4? Contact: Approved By: Kelso John WJQQ Drafted By: I Imev Case ID memo?1316221,?? Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF BILL HELTZEL FOR PERTAINING TO CRIME CONDITIONS IN YOUNGSTOWN AND MAHONING COUNTY, OHIO Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIA release of 1153 pages, which may result in publicity, concerning Organized Crime in Youngstown, Ohio. Enclosure(s): Copy of the proposed release. Details: Bill Heltzel, a reporter for the Pittsburgh Post? Gazette is writing a biography on Edward J. DeBartolo, Sr., deceased. His initial Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request was made to the Cleveland Field Office (CVFO) on April 22,1994. The request was for information on battles for control of organized crime, bombings and corruption of public officials in the Mahoning valley. He was advised by letter May 25, 1994, that the CVFO had been unable to locate records a responsive to the request; however, it did find files on Crime Conditions in Youngstown and Mahoning County, Ohio which were reported to FBI Headquarters(HQ). At this point, his request was forwarded to HQ for processing. As a result of telephonic negotiations, on September 17, 1997, Mr. Heltzel reformulated his request to include only specific serials from the HQ and corresponding CVFO files, totaling approximately 120 documents. He also indicated an interest in the relationship of Edward J. DeBartolo, Sr., to crime conditions in Youngstown and Mahoning County. This EC: Initijls Bate Is on To Upioad My? . r] . 1' Was Upioade? BY i?i/of .. MW To: Director's ?ffice From: Director's Office Re: 03/23/2001 The relevant CVFO and corresponding HQ file are control files pertaining to organized crime/anti?racketeering activities in Youngstown and Mahoning County. They consist primarily of internal FBI communications such as investigative inserts and reports pertaining to criminal activity. The material being released contains brief references to Edward J. DeBartolo, Sr. and his relationship with the "syndicate", and various real estate interests, and Jackie Presser, deceased former President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Union. A copy of the proposed release was reviewed by SA Criminal Intelli ence Division, Organized Crime Section at HQ and 53 of the Youngstown Resident Agency. SA [recommended several additional redactions to protect living third parties. His recommendations were followed. - Exemptions have been asserted to protect from disclosure administrative and source information, information protected by statute, and to prevent any unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Release will be made once this Electronic b2 Communication is returned to the FOIPA Section. b6 b7C cc: 1 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1_1 Room 7222 Mr. Kelso - {oom 6296 1 1? 1' - 1 Unit Folder, Room 300 (0106/1998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b2 b6 Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 03/27/2001 b7C To: Director's Office Attn: Mr. Collingwood Room 7240 From: Director's Office Office of Public and Congressional Affairs, FOIPA Se +inn Tifinnfinn Unit 6994 Contact: Approved By: Kelso John Drafted By: :jb Case ID 1 (Pending) Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION PRIVACY ACTS (FOIPA) RELEASES OF RECORDS PERTAINING TO THE LATE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF WINDSOR REQUESTED BY AXEL FROHN AND ROB EVANS FOIPA #8 445131 AND 442397 Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 229 pages of FBI records concerning the late Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Enclosure(s): Copy of release package. Details: Dr. Axel Frohn and Mr. Rob Evans have submitted prior requests for records. Material concerning the Windsors had been previously reviewed for release for other requesters and a copy of that release is maintained in the FOIPA Reading Room. In response to their requests, 144 pages of preprocessed material was furnished to Dr. Frohn during his visit to the FOIPA Reading Room on 2/17/99 and Mr. Evans received copies by letter dated 3/4/99. Both requesters submitted administrative appeals to the Office of Information and Privacy (OIP), U.S. Department of Justice, as a majority of the information pertaining to the Windsors was classified. OIP remanded the appeals to the FOIPA Section for reprocessing. The records proposed for release are from two FBIHQ main files and 14 cross?references. The first file details information received from the British government concerning the Windsors' pro?German activities prior to World War II, a request to the U.S. I .13 . To: Director's Office From: Director's Office Re: 03/27/2001 Department of State (DOS) from the British government for surveillance of the Windsors while in Palm Beach, Florida in 1941, letters from third parties and information concerning the Duke's sexual inadequacies and contempt of the Duke by his mother, Queen Mary and the sexual liaison of the Duchess of Windsor with German field marshal Von Ribbontrop. Information originating with the British government was either referred directly or through DOS for consultation, resulting in the withholding of certain British components and other limited information for source protection. All other British? originated information is to be released in full. Additional third party information was withheld for privacy reasons in other documents. The personal information concerning the Windsors is.discussed in similar detail in one of the books The Duchess of Windsor: The Secret Life by Charles Higham or King Edward The Official Biography by Philip Ziegler. There are 159 pages being released from this file. The second file details the visit of the Windsors to the FBI Academy in 1943. This material is being released in full. There are 25 pages being released from this file. The cross?references concern a threatening letter, third party letters and other information received from outside sources. The only information withheld in these documents is for personal privacy. There are 45 pages being released from the cross?references. To: Director's Office From: Re: 03/27/2001 AT WASHINGTON, DC OPCA Advise PL4 oom 6994, when appropriate to forward proposed rerease LU one requesters. b6 1 - Room 7244 b7 1 - .00m 6280 #0 (01/26/1998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE To: Director's Office Attn: Collingwood From: Director's Office Section/Disclosure Unit #3/Room G300 Contact: h2 Approved By: ?Kelso John iehIH/gf' b6 me I I Drafted By: jma Case ID 190-HQ-1203914 - ?1 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST FOR CHICAGO, LOS ANGELES, AND NEW YORK FIELD FILES CONCERNING FRANK SINATRA Reference: Electronic Communications dated 8/12/1998 and 9/10/1998. Enclosure(s): Electronic Communications dated 8/12/1998, 9/10/1998, and a copy of proposed release. Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 1,128 pages responsive to captioned subject from the CG, LA, and NY field files. Details: This electronic communication supplements the attached regarding the release of additional documents pertaining to Frank Sinatra from the CG, LA, and NY field files. The following persons requested field files regarding Frank Sinatra: Reggester Field Office Date of Request Jon Wiener, University of LA 05/18/1998 California Historian Don Gentile, Staff Reporter NY 05/29/1998 National Enquirer Eric Koli, ABC News 20/20 LA NY 02/24/2000 Tami Sheheri, ABC News 20/20 CG NY 08/08/2000 9/ to?? 900 bk? To: Director's eriice From: Director?s Oimfce Re: A total of 1,128 pages will be released from the files. There is no additional derogatory information or new allegations in this material beyond what was previously released on 12/08/1998. Upon release of these documents, the processed material will be uploaded to the FOIPA website as a supplementary release to the material already available on the website regarding Frank Sinatra. Pursuant to FOIA, deletions were made to protect the personal privacy of Bureau employees, third parties, existing federal statutes, classified information, confidential sources and identifying information they provided. CC: Mr Va] an ROQG National Press Office, Room 7222 b7C 09 (12/31/1995) a 1. i ?3 k; "we Precedence: To: John E. Collingwood From: Approved By: Drafted By: Case ID Title: J. Kevin O'Brien Contact: New epQ/V J190-12039M FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST FOR Date: 1 0 1396 Three/Room 6387 HEADQUARTERS FILES PERTAINING TO FRANK SINATRA Synopsis: responsive to captioned request. Reference: Enclosures: Details: To advise of the proposed release of 1,197 pages ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION DATED 8/12/98 Electronic CommuniCation dated 8/12/98 This electronic communication supplements the attackg regarding the release of additional documents pertaining to F: Sinatra. b7C Additional material to be released on September 22, 1998, consists of information from Hoover's Official and Confidential files indicating that mr. Sinatra, along with the late President John F. Kennedy and others, engaged in indiscreet sex parties. There are also allegations that the FBI leaked information about Mr. Sinatra to the press between 1947 and 1960; and that in 1950 Mr. Sinatra offered his services as an informant to the FBI but that both Mr. Hoover and Hr. Tolson rejected this offer. A total of 1,197 pages will now be released on September 22, 1998, the attached communication. CC: 190-12039H 1* Mr. Collingwood 1- Mr. O?Brien EP :epr (10) 99 instead of the 494 pages previously noted in FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: i??ig? To: Director's Office .Attn: _Mr. ollingwood From: Director's Office Section Contact: PLSI I Approved By: Collingwood goha?,/ b2 b6 b7C Drafted By: cal CaSe ID ET AL 5 Title: JOSEPH LANE KIRKLAND FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF DEB RIECHMANN, ALAN C. MILLER AND ERIC KOLI FOR RECORDS PERTAINING TO JOSEPH LANE KIRKLAND, DECEASED Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 775 pages of documents concerning the late Joseph Lane Kirkland to the following requesters: .Q 51 i Ms. Deb Riechmann, Journalist, Associated Press, request dated 08/16/1999. Mr. Alan C. Miller, Journalist, Los Angeles Times, Washington Bureau, request dated 09/17/1999 Mr. Eric Koli, Producer, ABC Television Network, request dated 01/g9/2000. Enclosure(s): Copy of the proposed release. Details: By letter dated 08/16/1999, Ms. Deb Riechmann requested copies of all records in the possession of the FBI pertaining to Joseph Lane Kirkland, Former President of the who died 08/14/1999. mg] To: Director's Orxice From: Director's Office Re: ET AL A search of the indices to the Central Record System at FBI Headquarters revealed three main files identifiable to Joseph Lane Kirkland. A laboratory file consists of handwriting examinations of Mr= Kirkland requested by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in connection with the SEC's investigation regarding suspected payoffs to Union officials by the Stirling Homex Corporation. Neither Mr. Kirkland nor "any labor official was indicted in this investigation. Two special inquiry files contain background investigations conducted of Mr. Kirkland in connection with various Presidential appointments. In response to law enforcement agency checks it was revealed that Mr. Kirkland had been arrested on two occasions following staged demonstrations and charged with trespassing and obstruction. The charges were dropped in both instanCes. No other derogatory information regarding Joseph Lane Kirkland was contained in the files processed. Pursuant to the FOIA, deletions were made from the material to protect a small amount of classified information; third party information; and confidential source information. i .- ii kl; v} i #1 To: Director's ozeice From: Director's Office Re: ET AL ?g Set Lead 1: OPCA AT WASHINGTON, D.C. Advise PLS SVITC, when appropriate to forward proposed release to requester. a: CC: 1 Mr. Collinqwood, Room 7240 1 oom 7244 b2 1 Room 7222 1 - Mr. 50, Loom 6296 b6 1 .. b7C .. 00 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b2 b6 b7C Precedence: ROUTINE 04/06/2001 llingwood To: Director's Office Attn: From: Director's Office Section Contact: Approved Byg??l can .Tmh'n - Drafted By: I 1r Case ID moms?1203914 Title: PROPOSED FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE TO ERIC KOLI, 20/20 NEWS REGARDING MAURICE H. STANS FOIA NUMBER 921204 Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIA release of material concerning Maurice Hubert Stans (deceased), which may result in publicity. Details: By letter dated May 8, 2000, Eric Koli submitted an FOIA request for all material pertaining to Maurice Stans. Mr. Stans held the offices of Deputy Postmaster General, Deputy Director of the Budget, Director of the Bureau of Budget and Secretary of Commerce. Six main files have been located and processed for release. Two Special Inquiry files for Stans appointment as Deputy Postmaster General in 1955 and his appointment as Secretary of Commerce in 1968. There was an Obstruction of Justice investigation during the Watergate scandal, a bribery investigation, destruction of Government property investigation involving a break-in at Stan's Office and an investigation involving an election laws violation. We will be releasing 531 pages to the requester upon the return of this EC to the FOIPA Section. Our release package contains the following derogatory information: a retracted accusation that $100,000 was to be given to Stans to secure the contract to build the Federal Home Loan Building in 1977; in 1974 he was observed removing and destroying financial records of the 1968 Republican Presidential Committee, THSEC: saris Baa b?i?nbwsim 1 .1 - WEE: Lip-Essen 33?! ?71991 I . Td: Director's Gerice From: Director's Offi?e Re: 04/06/2001 and in 1973 Stans was given a $25 000 campaign contribution in exchange for his assistance with a FHA matter but the check was returned by Stans. Exemptions were need to protect information that involved the privacy rights of third part" individuals, Federal Grand Jury material and the identity and/or information provided by confidential sources. Several documents have been referred to other government agencies for consultation. Set Lead 1: OFFICE AT WASHINGTONJ DC For information purposes cc: 1 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 ?l loom 7244 - Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 1:370 06 (01/26/1998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b2 b6 Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 04/06/2001 b7C To: Director's Office Attn: Nu; 6%g?ingwood From: Director's Office A Section/Disclosure Unit 1 Contact: Approved By: Collingwood Jo if; Kelso John . :?Ih Drafted By: Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE TO MICHAEL J. RAVNITZKY REGARDING JOE LOUIS (DECEASED) Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIA release of material concerning Joe Louis, deceased, which_may result in publicity. Enclosures: Copy of the proposed release. Details: Mr. Michael J. Ravnitzky, author and prolific requester from Brooklyn, NY, has requested information on Joe Louis, deceased heavyweight boxing champion. Joe Louis is the subject of a domestic security matter and a foreign police cooperation general criminal matter. In view of the fact that no particular Communist Party activity was developed, a full investigation of Louis was not conducted by the FBI. However, it was determined that Louis had been associated with Paul Robeson and either by personal appearances or through the use of his name had aided several Communist organizations. He traveled to Cuba at the invitation of the Cuban government to promote tourism. It was brought out during the investigation that Louis was mentally unstable and it was reported that he was a heroin user. He was also the subject of a White House name check. 0\ 9a 9 \dpvex I *3 To: Office From: Director?s OffiE Re: 04/06/2001 Deletions have been made to protect classified material, the privacy of third parties, the identity and/or information provided by confidential informants, State Department and CIA interests. LEAD (5) Set Lead 1: (Adm) OFFICE 0. - AT WASHINGTON, DC OPCA Advise Room when appropriate to forward proposed release to requester. b2 Mr. Collin wood, Room 7240 Room 7222 106 mr. nelso, moom 6296 Room 6280 b7C oom Room G-BOO Room 6-300 00 9 I. w? ?w (Rev. 10-01-1999) 102 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b6 b7C Precedence: ROUTINE Date: [304/10/2001 . To: Director's Office Attn: A. D. From: Director's Office 1 8 re Unit 4 Contact: Approved By: Ikelsn John ?yvk/ c? Drafted By: Case ID II: 2, 190?1191324482 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUESTS OF TOMAS AND J. FUENTECILLA FOR RECORDS PERTAINING TO FERDINAND MARCOS, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIA release of 360 and 342 pages, respectively, which may result in publicity concerning Ferdinand Marcos. Enclosure(s): Copy of combined proposed releases. Details: Tomas Gomez, of the International Broadcasting Corporation, former Philippine Consul General to Hawaii and Press Secretary to former Philippine President Aquino and J. Fuentecilla, journalist/author submitted FOIA requests for records on Ferdinand Marcos by letters dated April 14, 1995, and December 18, 1995, reapectively. Both requests were reformulated through the negotiation process. Mr. Gomez requested FBI Headquarters (HQ) and Honolulu records while agreeing to eliminate approximately 144,400 pages. Mr. Fuentecilla limited his request to HQ records from 1972 through 1986. However, he eliminated a file of approximately 4,000 pages. A 110 page partial release was made to Mr. Fuentecilla by letter dated January 9, 2001. The releases consist of a combined total of nine main files which are characterized as neutrality matters; extortion; protection of foreign officials and guests; Foreign Corruption Practices Act of 1977; foreign counterintelligence; foreign IMSEC: Inna? Is OK In Uptoad . Wm?; . was UpIoadsd 94 To: Director's Orfice From: Director's Office Re: 04/10/2001 political matters; and internal security. These files contain a significant amount of sensitive, classified information, details of Marcos' visits to the United States, his business dealings, threats made by various individuals, extortion, and assassination plots. Exemptions have been asserted to protect national security information, information protected by statute, inter? agency or intra?agency material, and to prevent any unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. "An" of the proposed release was reviewed by Unit Chief Investigative Services Division, International Operations Section on April 5, 2001. A release will be made once this Electronic Communication is returned to the FOIPA Section. .. b6 . b7C cod, Room 7240 - Room 7222 Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 - om 300 H?l Room 6280 - Room 300 H-l - Dom 300 Unit Folder Room 300 H-l CC: I I . .- M. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 04/12/2001 To: Director's Office Attn: Mr. Collingwofkf(i From: future Coni?fjg/ Approved By: elso John b2 b? b6 II I Drafted By: b7C I Case ID lee Ho 13090? (73+ Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIAI RELEASE TO TAYLOR BRANCH REGARDING COLUMNIST INEZ ROBB (DECEASED) Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIA release of material concerning Inez Robb, deceased, which may result in publicity. Enclosure(s): Copy of the proposed release. Details: Mr. Taylor Branch, a well?known author, requested information on deceased syndicated columnist, Inez Robb. Ms. Inez Robb is the subject of two administrative files consisting of general correspondence regarding her newspaper articles. The proposed release consists of 18 pages. Contained in the file is a handwritten notation by Mr. Hoover of a derogatory description of Ms. Inez. Deletions were made to protect the privacy of third parties. 'thQ mmas Dme Is OK To Upload Was UploadedBY a? ?5 . 3 "3 To: Director's Otxice From: Secraon/Disclosure Unit 2 Re: 04/12/2001 Set Lead 1: (Adm) OFFICE AT WASHINGTON, DC Advisel I when appropriate to forward proposed release to requesterNationai Press UIIlce 500m 222 90 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 92 b6 b7C Precedence: ROUTINE . Date: qe/le/ZOOl lg To: Director's Office Attn: AD Collingw, From: Director's Office Disclosure Unit 4 Contact: Approved By: Kelso John .no Drafted By: Case ID l90~HQ-1218l36 Title: EOIA REQUEST OF MR. WILLIAM BASTONE OF THE VILLAGE VOICE REGARDING JAMES RAYMOND JORDAN 432,923 Synopsis: TO advise of the anticipated releasehof documents from FBI files concerning James Raymond Jordan. The subject is the deceased father Of NBA star Michael Jordan. Enclosure(s): Enclosed is a copy of the derogatory information contained in the proposed release concerning James R. Jordan. Details: On February 1, 1998, Mr. William Bastone of the Village Voice requested information located in FBI files pertaining to James Raymond Jordan, deceased father of NBA star Michael Jordan. File was located in response to his request which consists of four main volumes and three 1A volumes totaling 988 pages. James R. Jordan was last seen alive in the early morning hours of July 23, 1993. Mr. Jordan was en route to Charlotte, NC when he stopped on highway 74 near Lumberton, NC to rest. While Mr. Jordan was sleeping in his car, Daniel Andre Green and Larry Martin Demery had gone to the area with the intent to commit a robbery and chose Mr. Jordan at random. Mr. Jordan was shot and suffered a fatal gunshot wound to the chest. On March 12, 1996, Daniel Andre Green was sentenced to life in prison after being found guilty Of first degree murder and several other lesser Offenses. Larry Martin Demery pled guilty cw ?onTo: Director?s Office From: Director's Offiee Re: 04/16/2001 to the murder and several other lesser charges and was sentenced to life in prison in May of 1996. Since this was a multi?agency effort, the role of the FBI in assisting local law enforcement was limited in this case. The documents contained in pertain to the toll records of Mr. Jordan's cellular phone, those interviews conducted as a result of the toll records, and numerous interviews of individuals accounting for Mr. Jordan's whereabouts prior to his demise. The bulk of the file consists of newspaper clippings covering the disappearance and murder of Mr. Jordan and the trial of the subjects, Demery and Green. While most of the file regarding James Jordan revolved around the basic facts of his disappearance and the investigation into his murder, some derogatory information did surface. There are two acquaintances of Mr. Jordan who related that while Mr. Jordan was employed by GE in the maintenance department, he was responsible for the purchasing of equipment and materials. During this period, there was an allegation that Mr. Jordan had taken a $7,000 kickback for which he pled no contest in a local court and as a result left GE. An acquaintance interviewed also alleged that Mr. Jordan had an for beauty and suspected him of having affairs or relationships outside of his marriage. Exemptions have been asserted to protect the following: an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, the disclosure of confidential sources identities and information, techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, and information specifically exempted from disclosure by Title 18 U.S.C. 5038 and Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule For your convenience, a brief synopsis of the file has been provided in this EC and the derogatory information from the file will be included with this communication. A coov of the entire proposed release can be obtained by callingl atl Upon return of this communication to the FOIPA Section, 744 pages will be released. b2 b6 b7C To: Director's Otrice From: Re: Set Lead 1: (Adm) AT WASHINGTON, DC j) Director's Office Advise PLS -cc: 1 Room 7222 1 Room 6382 00 when the proposed release has been approved. b2 b6 b7C I, .- a ix? 7 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b2 b6 Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 04/19/200b7C To: Director's Offic Attn: AD John E. Collingwood From: Director?s Off OPCA Di closure Unit 2 Contact: Approved By: Kelso John Drafted Ing Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE OF FBI RECORDS CONCERNING FORMER LCN BOSS, FRANK P. BALISTRIERI TO MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL REPORTERS MIKE NICHOLS AND MARY ZAHN. Synopsis: To advise of the proposed interim release of 2,012 pages of FBI records concerning former Milwaukee LCN boss, Frank P. Balistrieri. Additional documents will be released at a later date. Details: Mike Nichols and Mary Zahn of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel have submitted FOIA requests for FBI records concerning the late Frank P. Balistrieri, former head of the Milwaukee organized crime family. The records proposed for release are from the Bellwether investigation which targets the Milwaukee LCN including boss Frank Peter Balistrieri. This investigation was conducted under the RICO statute and involves murder, gambling, extortion and mail fraud. This release mainly centers on the gambling controlled by the LCN. Included in this release are a summary of the various investigations conducted under the RICO statute; information pertaining to other undercover investigations that the undercover agents were working in New York, Florida and Las Vegas; records that mention an internal dispute between the FBI and the Department of Justice concerning establishing a permanent Task Force; the fact that Title affidavits were inadvertently released to the Chicago Crime Commission and a member of the news media and transcripts of conversations between Undercover Agents :9 . it ?was \x 1 . To: Director's urfice From: Director's Office Re: 04/19/2001 whose identities have been protected) and the late LCN figure Lefty Ruggerio. Deletions have been made in this file to protect classified information; administrative procedures; FBI symbol source numbers: the personal privacy of other individuals including FBI employees; identities of the individuals interviewed by the information that was provided on a confidential basis; investigative techniques; Federal Grand Jury information and information gleaned from the Title Copies of the proposed release are maintained in Disclosure Unit 2, Team D?l. If you wish to review these documents, please contact Paralegal Specialist IFor your information the documents proposed for relea?e were reviewed and approved by Division 6. b2 b6 b7C .2 3 To: Director's Office From: Director's Office Re: 04/19/2001 LEAD (5): Set Lead 1: OFFICE WASHINGTON, Documents will be released to requesters once this electronic communication has been returned. 1- Room 7222 Q: 30m 6296 b6 Room 6387 1- Room GH300 b7C 1- Room -- .3 a my! 3 i FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 05/07/2001 To: Director's Office Attn: A. @hn E. Collingwood From: Director's office A. TT A Contact: Approved By: K91 en .Tn'hn TLMV Drafted By: 3 Case ID 19o?Ho?1321494 . A 102 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION - 1?36 PRTUAPV {E?n'r'h?n'n EST REGARDING b7C b7D Synopsis: To advise of the anfihihafoA -c rages concerninql Copy of the proposed release. To: Director's; ?fice From: epgtion/Disclosure Unit 4 Re: 05/07/2001 Exemptions have been asserted to protect internal rules and practices, source information, investigative techniques, and any unwarranted invasion of personal privacy from disclosure. A release will be made once this Electronic Communication is returned to the FOIPA Section, Disclosure b2 Unit 4. b6 00 b7C Mr. Collin Room 7240 Room 7222 - Mr. Kelso Room 6296 cc- b7D - Unit Folder 2! ?3 (Rev?. 10-01?1999) ,3 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: PRIORITY Date: 05/30/2001 To: Director's Office Attn: .AD?ighn E. Collingwood From: Director;s Office Section b2 Contact: b6 IJ Approved By: Kelso John b7C 5O Drafted By: Case ID l90?HQ?l315179 sgmk/ Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF SAM HODGES NEWHOUSE NEWS SERVICE REGARDING CONGRESSMAN FRANK W. BOYKIN FOIA NUMBER 911021 Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 1,146 pages of FBI material pertaining to Congressman Frank W.'Boykin (deceased), which may result in publicity. Details: Reporter Sam Hodges of the Newhouse News Service, Mobile Alabama Register Division, submitted a FOIA request letter dated November 9, 1999, for records concerning former Congressman Frank W. Boykin who died March 12, 1969. We will be releasing 1,146 pages to the requester upon the return of this EC to the FOIPA Section. Nine main files were located and processed for release. This release will consist of five fraud against the government cases in which there were allegations that Boykin tried to defraud the Government in assisting private companies in obtaining contracts and loans. There is an election laws case involving an absentee ballot scandal, a background investigation surrounding Boykins request for pardon of his fraud against the government conviction, a file in which Boykin was accused of assaulting a manager from the Office of Defense Transportation and one correspondence file. There is public source information in the files relating to the fraud charges. 'Td: Director's On ice From: Director;s Ofrmge Re: l90-HQ?l315179, 05/30/2001 Deletions have been made in these files to protect national security information and information that involved informants and the personal privacy of other individuals. Several documents have been referred to other government agencies for consultations. p? 45's "To: Director's iice From: Director;s Of?pge ?Re: 05/30/2001 Set Lead 1: (Adm) OFFICE AT WASHINGTON, DC Advise Team Captainl hhen the proposed release has been approved. cc: b2 1 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 b6 1. l' b7C 1. OQ 3 i i x. N. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 05/31/2001 To: Director's Offic (E Attn: AD John E. From: Director?s Of ice b6 Contact: b7C Approved By: v?gTso John ?h?i%2?hr pd? 1i Drafted By: Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE REGARDING THE TOP HOODLUM THE TOP HOODLUM PROGRAM PRIOR TO 1960 FOIA NUMBERS 380541 and 444627 Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIA release of material concerning the Top Hoodlum Program prior to 1960, which may result in publicity. Details: By letter dated September 14, 1993, Mr. George Lardner, Journalist, The Washington Post, requested copies of all records in the possession of the FBI pertaining to the Top Hoodlum Program prior to 1960. Mr. Ralph Ranalli, Journalist, The Boston Globe, by letter dated January 27, 1999, also requested information regarding the same subject matter. Two administrative files have been located and processed for release consisting primarily of summary reports from field offices reporting the activity of local organized crime characters to be included in the Top Hoodlum Program. A large percentage of the information on these top hoodlums pertains to deceased individuals. The Organized Crime Section has reviewed the proposed release with no amendments requested. Upon the return of this EC to the FOIPA Section, 2,531 pages will be released to the requesters. Exemptions were used to protect information that involved the privacy rights of third party individuals, Federal Grand Jury material and the identity and/or information provided by confidential sources. To: Director's Of Ee From: Director's Offi' Re: Set Lead 1: OFFICE AT WASHINGTON, DC . 1 Advise Unit Chief on proposed release has been approved. cc: 1 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 1 Room 6575 1 ? Nariona1 Press Office, Room 7222 1 SAC, Boston I 1 1 - SVITC 66 when the b2 b6 b7C LI (Rev. lO?Ol-l999) b2 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b6 b7C Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 06/04/2001 To: Director's Office Attn: Collingwood From: Director's Office Unit 4 . Contact: I I Approved By: Kelso John Drafted By: Case ID 55mm 02 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (FOIAJ RELEASE TO SENATOR JOHN F. KERRY FOIPA NO. 932329 Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIA release of documents surrounding the investigation of the_suspicious death of American citizen Renee C. Tiano in Aruba. Details: On October 31, 2000, Senator John F. Kerry, on behalf of his constituents Michael and John Kennedy, requested information on the investigation surrounding the suspicious death of Renee C. Tiano. Mrs. Tiano is the sister of Michael and John Kennedy. It should be noted these individuals are of no relation to The Kennedy Family, thus significant media attention is not anticipated. On March 24, 2000, Mrs. Renee C. Tiano, fell to her death from the 12th story balcony of a hotel room she shared with her spouse, Roy Tiano. This hotel room.was located in the Aruba Beach Resort and Casino. Michael Kennedy found serious discrepancies with the account of the incident provided by his brother?in?law and believed that insurance fraud may have been involved. Per our Legal Attache in Caracas, Venezuela, whose territorial responsibilities include Aruba, the FBI assisted Aruban authorities in processing evidence relating to the investigation surrounding the death of Mrs. Tiano. At the conclusion of the investigation Aruban authorities ruled that Mrs. Tiano's death was accidental. 09;..5 '4 l? Liana cg . - Mr?~ We: deleted - m4; 3 3 2 To: Director's dffice From: Director's Office Re: 06/04/2001 During the first week of June, 2000, our Caracas Legal Attache met with Aruban police officials and prosecutors to determine if further FBI assistance was needed in this case. The Aruban officials confirmed that the matter was considered a tragic accident, and that their case had been closed. This investigation is maintained in a 163 case file and concerns Foreign Police Cooperation. The material processed in this case included information provided by the family of Mrs. Tiano, information provided by the hotel guest who initially reported the fall of Mrs. Tiano, photographs of Mrs. Tiano taken by Miami ERT, information provided by Aruban officials during case briefings and photographs taken by Aruban officials. Appropriate exemptions were applied to sufficiently protect unwarranted invasions of personal privacy. All derogatory information is being denied, as it was provided by third parties pursuant to an implied promise of confidentiality. Information provided by Aruban officials has been denied pursuant to the Foreign Government Information Classification Guide specifications, under the categOry of foreign relations. Although not classified, the information was withheld as originating from an eXpressed confidential source. Upon return of this communication to the FOIPA Section, 131 pages will be released. Room 7240 '.Room 7222 -4Mr. Kelso Room 6296 b2 Room G300 b6 - - Room 6387 - - Room G300 b7C Unit Folder Room G300 CC: 06 .(Rev. 10-01-1999) .1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: JUL 17 2001 To: Director's Office Attn: hn E. Collingwood From: Director's office Unit 2 Contact: Approved By: Kelso John 2m, Drafted By: Case ID 190-HQ-1342996 . b2 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE OF FBI RECORDS TO REPORTER b6 FREDERIC FROMMER CONCERNING THE LATE CONGRESSMAN BRUCE VENTO (EOIRA NO. 939422) b7C Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 22 pages of FBI records concerning the late Congressman Bruce Vento of. Minnesota which may result in publicity. Enclosures: Copy of the proposed FOIA release. Details: Reporter Frederick Frommer of the Associated Press has made a FOIA request for FBI records concerning the late Congressman Bruce Vento of Minnesota, who died in 2000. One main file concerning two threatening letters sent to Congressman Vento in 1978 and 1982 has been processed for release to Mr. Frommer. The anonymous authors of these letters threatened to shoot Congressman Vento if he did not vote against a gun control bill in 1978 and vote for President's Reagan's budget proposal in 1982. The Extortion investigation by the FBI failed to identify the authors of these threatening letters. Deletions have been made in this file to protect the identities of FBI employees and the identify of a United States Capitol policeman. A copy of the proposed release has been sent to =or forwarding to Congressman Vento's su me er.~ my.? -. - - . 3 To: Director's waice From: Director's ofrr?e Re: Set Lead 1: OFFICE AT OPCA.FO, DC 2; Advj SP Para1pn?a] RnprIwhen it is n; appropriate to forward the proposed release to the ?g requester. - CC: 1 - Mr. Collin wood, Room 7240 b2 1 Room 7222 - Nationa Press Office, Room 7222 b6 $4 Room 7244 NC - Mr. Kelso. Room 6796 July 18, 2001 Honorable Barry Goldwater, Jr. Mr. Collingwood, Rm.? @w Mr. Kelso, Rm. 6296 Dear Mr. Goldwater: I am writing to advise you that under the Freedom of Information Act, the FBI is being compelled to release documents from our files that pertain to your late father. We are in the process of making this information available to requestors in the press and as a courtesy, I wanted you and your family to be aware of this release. For your review and information, I have taken the liberty of enclosing a copy of the documents in question. As you will see, they focus primarily on your father's tenure in the U.S. Senate. The material we are withholding from disclosure is b6 to generally protect the privacy of FBI personnel and other third parties. b7C The late Senator had a phenomenal career of service to the American people and I am grateful for his many contributions to our Nation's security. Sincerely yours, .John E. Collingwood Assistant Director Office of Public and Congressional Affairs 1 Mr. Pickard, Rm. 7142 FOIPA KBW:dfb (9) (Rev.10-01-1999) .7 jomcfe?mf an 8/0/ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: To: Director's Office Attn: AD John E. Collingwood Fran: Director's Office Unit Street Contact: b2 Approved By: Kelso John Jr b6 b7C Drafted By: Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST (FOIA) FOR HEADQUARTERS AND OKLAHOMA CITY FILES PERTAINING TO CARL ALBERT, FORMER SPEAKER OF THE U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 807 pages responsive to captioned request. Details: By letter dated March 21, 2000, addressed to both FBI Headquarters (FBIHQ) and the Oklahoma City Field Office, Jerry Bohnen of News Radio 1000 KTOK, requested all records pertaining to the late, Carl Albert. Three additional requests for this subject, all'from members of the media, have subsequently been received by FBIHQ. The material being released consists of fourteen main files. These files are classified as Extortion, Civil Rights Election Laws, Conspiracy, Research Matters, Public Relations Matters, and Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property. The Extortion and Conspiracy files pertain to verbal, telephonic and written threats directed toward Albert and in some cases, other public figures. Although subjects were developed in several of these cases, prosecution was declined. The Civil Rights Election Laws file consists of an investigation into the circulation of an anonymous postal card in which Albert is referred to in a critical manner because of To: Director's Ofrice From: Director's Office Re: his support of a bill. The investigation was opened due to a possible violation of Title 18, Section 612, which forbids the distribution of political statements without disclosing the b6 name of the individual or group responsible for the statement No subject was developed and the case was closed. b7C The Research Matters file concerns the following: correspondence between Albert and the Bureau, requests by Albert for name checks on his staff, an inquiry by Albert on behalf of other congressmen concerning Bureau files maintained on them, and a mention of Albert in several columns by Jack Anderson pertaining to alleged FBI surveillance. Also maintained in the file are copies Tf_twg_dgcuments_frgm_f bribery investigation conducted on a_ former SA of the Bureau from 1942?1945, in which there were allegations that Albert would pressure local officials into granting him favors. These favors consisted of the dropping - of local criminal charges on third parties in exchange for Albert not blocking grants local officials were seeking. These third parties would pay Champion to seek intervention with Albert on their behalf. Allegedly, Albert did this as a favor to Champion and not for financial gain. From the limited amount of information contained in the two documents, the result of the investigation is unknown; however, the bribery investigation file was not listed on the search slip as a main file for Albert. The Public Relations Matters files deal with constituent affairs, correspondence between Albert and the Bureau.and news articles. The Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property file pertains to an incident in which Albert advised that he had jewelry and travelers checks stolen from his automobile. Albert was reimbursed for the amount of the checks. The stolen checks were never cashed and no suspects were developed, so the case was closed. The only material of a possible derogatory nature was contained in the Research Matters file. Pursuant to the FOIA, deletions were made to protect the following: privacy of Bureau employees and third parties mentioned, the identities of confidential sources and the information they provided, source symbol and file numbers, classified information, and third party polygraph material. To: Director's orrice From: Director?s Offi?e Re: 190-HQ-1248744, The documents proposed for release are being maintain in Disclosure Unit 3, Team F-l, telephone number if further review is deemed necessary. cc: 190-HQ-1248744. b2 1 Room 7240 1 - Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 1 1 - . 1 99 MW FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ROUTINE ate: 08/03/2001 Attn: Mr. digingwood Precedence: To: Director's Office fice Section/Disclosure Dni' 2 Section/Disclosure Unit 2 I b6 Director's 1.. Contact: From: A b2 Approved By: b7C Kelso John gay? Drafted By: Case ID #2 l90-HQ?1312i84-l INFORMATION ACT REQUEST OF MARK LIBBON CONCERNING ALEXANDER LEE FORMER MAYOR OF SYRACUSE, FOIPA NO. 910,143 Title: FREEDOM OF (FOIA) (DECEASED) NEW YORK Synopsis: To advised of the proposed release of 435 pages of FBI records concerning former Mayor of Syracuse Alexander Lee. Enclosure(s): Copy of the proposed release. Details: By letter dated October 18, 1999, Mr. Mark Libbon made a FOIPA request to the FBI for the release of all agency records pertaining to Alexander Lee. A search of indices revealed three files pertinent to his request; and In September, 1983, then Mayor Lee Alexander became the subject of a Corruption of Public Officials investigation, along with several other subjects. He was under suspicion of providing kickbacks, payoffs and hidden forms of compensation to city officials in the Syracuse City government. Initially, a Group I UCO proposal was attempted that was to use the Atlanta Division's Operation Shortstack to assist with the investigation. This operation was never put into place. Exemptions b2 and b7E were cited within the documents where there was mention of Operation Shortstack or Stagehand. In March, 1988, after a investigation, Lee Alexander pled guilty to Extortion, Tax Evasion, Racketeering (Rev. 10-01-1999) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 08/06/2001 To: Director's Office Attn: A. D. John E. Collingwood From: Director's Office Unit 4 Contact: Approved By: Kelso John ?fl, b2 It .. b6 Drafted By: kew b7C Case ID b7D Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (FOIA) REQUEST BY STEVE ROSSWURM FOR RECORDS ON THE LATE CONGRESSMAN FRANK ANNUNZIO Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIA release of documents, which may result in publicity, concerning Frank, Annunzio, former Congressman of Illinois. Details: Steve Rosswurm, Professor of History, Lake Forest College, requested information on Frank Annunzio (deceased), former Congressman of Illinois. One Corruption Matter main file numbered 58*10572, one Corruption of Public Official main file numbered l94~0v1857, one Research Matters main file numbered 94?60449 and one Assault?Member of Congress main file numbered 89?3570 were processed as a result of this request. Information concerning Congressman Annunzio?sl I contained in the 58 file supra, is not being released as it was provided by a cooperating witness. The Congressman was not indicted and our files do not reveal public exposure of Annunzio's part in the scheme. Included in the 94 file, and proposed for release, is information that Congressman Patman made an inquiry of the FBI concerning Annunzio's background and connection with hoodlum infiltration of organized crime into the banking industry and loan sharking operations. Congressman Patman was told to "stop, look and listen in dealing with Congressman Annunzio" and suggested that he examine Annunzio?s background carefully and check in Chicago. Also being released is the fact that Annunzio has a tie in with hoodlums(LCN). To ?1 ,3 To: Director's Office From: Director's Office Re: 08/06/2001 Exemptions have been asserted to protect internal rules and practices, the disclosure of confidential sources' identities and information, Federal Grand Jury and Title Wiretap material, and information regarding consensual monitoring. Upon return of this communication to the FOIPA Section, 88 pages will be released. CC: 1 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 Room 7230 - oom 7222 - Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 FEDERAL BUREAU OF Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 08/12/2001 To: Director's Office Attn: A.D. John E. Collingwood From: Director's Office b2 Unit 4 b6 Contact: b7C Approved By: Kelso JothPl/ Vi? Drafted By: I F:aig Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT RELEASE OF DOCUMENTS REGARDING MENACHEM BEGIN, DECEASED ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated release of documents, which may result in publicity, concerning former Prime Minister Menachem Begin. Details: Mr. Janon Fisher, formally of APB News, in July,? 2000, requested all information contained in Headquarters' files concerning the former prime minister, who died in 1983. Menachem Begin was the subject of six main FBI Headquarters? files, documentation began in 1947 and chronicles information when he was the Commander of the Irgun Zvai Leumi in Palestine, who?s alleged purpose was the overthrow of the Israeli Government. This Special Inquiry evolved into Internal Security?Registration Act issues, and later, addresses visits to the U.S. as Israeli opposition leader, and as Prime Minister. His wife's (deceased) U.S. visits, are also mentioned. The more recent documents concern security measures afforded the prime minister, by the FBI and numerous other Government agencies, including investigations into alleged assassination threats. FBI documentation concludes in 1982. There is no derogatory information contained in the documentation. Numerous deletions were made for classified material, and other Government agency information. Additional deletions were made to protect third party privacy and limited informant material. To WA. Wm?gwwWE @?mi tx? To: Director's Ofiice From: Director's Office Re: 190-HQ-1294715, 08/09/2001 A copy of the documents prepared forrdisclasure is attached and any questions should be directed to Upon return of this communication to the Section, 336 pages will be released to the requester. b2 b6 b7C CC: 1- Room 7240 1? Room 7222 1- Room 6387 1- Unit Folder Room 6?300 (Rsv.lO-Ol-1999) ?mrw FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 08/22/2001 To: Director's Office Attn: Mr. Collingwood From: 2 ?Contact: Approved By: Kelso John pH Drafted By: Case ID Title: FOIPA REQUEST OF ERIC KOLI b2 REGARDING MEL CARNAHAN (DECEASED) b6 Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated release of material concerning Mel Carnahan, deceased, former Governor of MissourwC which may result in publicity. Enclosure (5): Copy of proposed release. Details: Mr. Eric Koli, a producer of ABC News Primetime, requested information on deceased former governor, Mel Carnahan. Mr. Carnahan was employed by the State of Missouri, Jefferson City, Missouri, as Governor. He was the subject of a special inquiry file for an unspecified Presidential appointment, which required Senate confirmation. Investigation revealed one complaint filed with Missouri Bar Association, no disciplinary action taken, and a number of individuals who alleged Mr. Carnahan tried to elicit support to oppose an amendment on the state ballot by offering political favors. No evidence was found to support these allegations. In addition to protecting the privacy of FBI personnel and third parties, deletions have been made to withhold classified information, internal matters and individuals who requested their identities be protected. 3:33 To Couwxogmoea i?ajyz; E?im To: Director's Office From: Section/Disclosure Unit 2 Re: 190~ HQ-1203914 LEAD (5) Set Lead 1: (Adm) OFFICE AT WASHINGTON, DC Advise PLS requester. CC: 1? - Room 7244 1* Room 6382 when appropriate to forward proposed release to b2 b6 b7C 1? National Press Office - Room 7222 - Menachem?Bke?gin Hi~Vis Memo Page FromDate: Mon, Oct 15,2001 7:52 AM Subject: Menachem Begin Hi-Vis Memo Good morning On or about Sept 12 forwarded a hivis memo re: above to Mr. Kelso for review sign-off. Would you please check to see if it is ready for me to pick up Thanks August 23, 2001 Honorable Charles A. Gonzalez House of Representatives Washington, D.C. Dear Congressman Gonzalez: I am writing to advise you that under the Freedom of Information Act, the FBI is being compelled to release documents from our files that pertain to your late father. We are in the process of making this information available to a requestor in the news media and as a courtesy, I wanted you and your family to be aware of this release. For your review and information, I have taken the liberty of enclosing a copy of the documents in question. As you will see, many of them reflect constituent and other correSpondence generated between your father and the FBI during his tenure in the House of Representatives. Others focus on threats that your father received while in office. Please be aware, that the deletions were made to protect the privacy of FBI personnel and other third parties. For over 37 years, your father ably served the citizens of his District, Texas and the Nation. He was truly a gentleman and a committed legislator. If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours, b6 b7C John E. Collingwood Assistant Director Office of Public and Congressional Affairs Enclosure 1 Mr. Pickard, Rm. 7l42 Mr. Collingwood, Rm. 7240 Rm- 729? gi?w Mr_ K8150: G9qg?m - FOIPA (attni I 2 ?ber's VOlder, Rm. 7240 L. Rm. 7240 (lO) a b2 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b6 b7C Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 08/13/2001 To: Director's Office Attn: A.D. John E. Collingwood From: Unit 4 Contact: Approved By: Kelso Johnqg?r? A v/ Drafted By: Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST BY ERIC KOLI FOR RECORDS ON THE LATE CONGRESSMAN HENRY GONZALEZ Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIA release of documents which may result in publicity concerning Henry Gonzalez, former Congressman of Texas. Details: By letter dated May 13, 2001, Eric Koli, Producer of ABC News Primetime, requested information on Henry Gonzalez (deceased November 2000), former Congressman of Texas. One miscellaneous 62 file was identifiable with Congressman Gonzalez. It is file number 62~107434, which was processed for this request. This file consisted of a multitude of letters written by Congressman Gonzalez to the FBI. In several letters he is asking the FBI to perform research and identification checks on various individuals. There are also letters in which he wishes to obtain information on the Disabled American Veterans, Chapter 14, of San Antonio, Texas. The reply letters written to him are also in the file. There are various pieces of correspondence in the file regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1960. Congressman Gonzalez felt that doubt existed in the Department of Justice and the FBI as to the intent of the Civil Rights Act of 1960, and particularly provisions dealing with the criminal violations of using or possessing explosives. He indicated it had been expressed to him that doubt existed as to who had jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute such crimes between the federal, state and local authorities. Therefore, he requested that the To: Director's otfice From: Unit 4 Re: 08/13/2001 Director and the Attorney General convey to him their position on this portion of the Act. Several threats were made against Congressman Gonzalez over a six?year period, and he requested all the information the FBI had on any threats regarding him. Most were checked out and nothing became of them. Congressman Gonzalez raised certain issues regarding Obstruction of Justice that he brought to the FBI's attention. He wanted explanations from the FBI about these issues. By letter dated December 2, 1971, the FBI responded to the issues that had been raised by Congressman Gonzalez. Exemptions have been asserted to protect internal rules and practices, as well as privacy and source matters where appropriate. Information regarding deceased public figures is being released to the requester. Upon return of this communication to the FOIPA Section, 115 pages will be released. CC: Room 7230 b6 .oom 7222 b7C I 09 x} NW . ?y M-md (Rev. 1041?1999) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b2 b6 b7C Precedence: ROUTINE Date: AUG 2 9 208'! To: Director's Office Attn: AD?gtg E. Collingwood From: Director's Office OPCA Disclosure Unit 9 Contact: Approved By: Kelso John Ek-/ ., 0 Drafted By: Case ID l90-HQ-l336010 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE OF FBI RECORDS TO JASON CHAN CONCERNING THE MURDER OF DR. HAING NGOR (FOIPA NO. 937520). Synopsis: To advise of the prOposed release of 119 pages of FBI records concerning the murder of Dr. Haing Ngor. Enclosures: Copy of the proposed release. Details: Jason Chan has made an FOIA request for FBI records concerning himself and his involvement in the 1996 murder of Dr. Haing Ngor, a Cambodian refugee and activist against the Khmer Rouge regime who also won an Academy Award for his portrayal of another Cambodian refugee in the film "The Killing Fields". Jason Chan was convicted of the murder of Dr. Ngor's and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Dr. Ngor is the subject/victim in two Los Angeles Field Office files in which a limited FBI investigation was conducted in order to determine if his murder was a possible act of terrorism or a political assassination directed by the Khmer Rouge. The FBI investigation was limited to checking FBI databases, the canvassing of FBI sources in the Cambodian refugee community, and liaison with the Los Angeles Police Department conducting the murder investigation. The results of the canvassing of FBI sources were all negative and the murder was eventually solved by the Los Angeles Police Department as a simple gang robbery which escalated into murder when Dr. Ngor resisted his attackers. No evidence was ever found that To: Director's waice From: Director?s Ofrpse Re: 190vHQv1336010, this was a political assassination or an act of terrorism by the Khmer Rouge. Deletions have been made in these files to protect national security information, the personal privacy of other individuals, confidential sources of the FBI, Los Angeles Police Department reports, and FBI databases. Set Lead 1: OFFICE AT OPCA FQ, DC Advise Paraleaal Specialist Iwhen it is appropriate to forward the proposed release to the requester. CC: 1? Mr. Collin wood, Room 7240 b2 Room 7222 1- a iona ress Office, Room 7222 E6 1' Room 7240 r. 50, Room 6296 b7C 66 ( b2 b6 b7C Precedence: ROUTINE Bate: To: Director's Office Attn: ADE E. Collingwood I From: Director's Office Unit 2 g. f? Contact: Approved By: Kelso John Drafted By: Case ID 37M Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OF HIGH VISIBILITY MEMORANDA FROM 1987 TO THE PRESENT TO JOURNALISTS JANON FISHER (FOIPA NO. 928,439) AND MICHAEL RAVNITZKY (FOIPA NO. 928,506) Synopsis: To advise of the release of 656 pages of High Visibility Memoranda to two members of the news media which may result in publicity. Enclosures: Copy of the proposed release. Details: Independent journalist Janon Fisher, formerly with APB News Online, and journalist Michael Ravnitzky of American Lawyer Media, have made FOIA requests for all High Visibility Memoranda from 1987 to the present. High Visibility Memoranda are generated by the Freedom of Information?Privacy Acts (FOIPA) Section in order to advise the upper management of the FBI and the National Press Office of the impending release of FBI records through the FOIPA on subject matters which may result in publicity. Such subject matters include notable personalities in the political and entertainment arenas, United States Congressmen and Senators, and well?known FBI investigations. High Visibility Memoranda summarize the history and parameters of these FOIPA requests and provide details regarding the information that is being proposed for release and, sometimes, the information to be withheld from release. aTo: Director's afiice From: Director's Office Re: l90-HQ-ll99203 There are three categories of High Visibility Memoranda. The first category consists of Privacy Act requests made by well?known persons for FBI records concerning themselves. In these instances, all information which could identify these persons has been deleted in order to protect their personal privacy. Only generic administrative information on these memoranda is being released. The second category consists of FOIA requests made by persons for records on deceased notable individuals, organizations, or well?known FBI investigations. In these instances, the summarized information concerning these FOIA requests is being released with the exception of the details of information which was withheld from the original FOIA release. The names of the FOIA requesters are also being released since there is no personal privacy interest in making FOIA requests on deceased individuals or organizations. The third category consists of Privacy Act requests made by persons who have since died. In these instances, the memoranda were processed in the same manner as the second category since there are no longer any personal privacy interests at issue. This category includes such notable deceased persons as Supreme Court Justice William Brennan, Senator John Tower, journalists James Reston and Murray Kempton, and private detective Fred Otash. In regard to the names of FBI employees appearing in these memoranda, the only names being released are FBI employees at the level of Section Chief or above that level and the names of three former FOIPA Section employees who are now deceased (Rebori, Sabel and Underwood). Deletions have been made in these memoranda to protect national security information, the personal privacy of living individuals, confidential source information, and an FBI investigative technique. 1? ?To: Director's Office From: Director's Office Re: Set Lead 1: OFFICE AT OPCA FO, DC Advise Paralegal Specialist Disclosure Unit 2, Team Room 6?300, telephone number I I when it is appropriate to forward the proposed releases to these FOIA requesters. CC: l?Mr. Collin wood, Room 7240 b2 1: 7222 l?National Press Office, Room 7222 b6 3 Room 7244 Kelso, Room 6296 b7C 1* loom 6387 1" Room 6?300 l? >m 6?300 1? Room 6?300 I: kw? i @302 C: FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 6k; b7C Precedence: ROUTINE, Date: 10/18/2001 To: Dire ctor' Offic Attn: Mr. Collingwood From: Sari-irm/Di cm?irmn?re Unit 2 Contact: Approved By: Kelso Drafted By: I Case ID Title: FOIPA REQUEST OF ERIC KOLI REGARDING MEL CARNAHAN (DECEASED) Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated release of material concerning Mel Carnahan, deceased, former Governor of Missouri which may result in publicity. Enclosure (5): Copy of proposed release. Details: Mr. Eric Koli, a producer of ABC News Primetime, requested information on deceased former governor, Mel Carnahan. A portion of Mel Carnahan's records was processed by the Kansas City field office for requester, Mike McGraw of the Kansas City Star; however, Eric Koli?s request was made to FBIHQ and additional material was processed by the FOIPA Section at Headquarters to be consistent with a release made by Kansas City. Mr. Carnahan was employed by the State of Missouri, Jefferson City, Missouri, as Governor. He was the subject of a special inquiry file for an unspecified Presidential appointment, which required Senate confirmation. Investigation revealed one complaint filed with Missouri Bar .Association, no disciplinary action taken, and a number of individuals who alleged Mr. Carnahan tried to elicit support to oppose an amendment on the state ballot by offering political favors. No evidence was found to support these allegations. OIC IsOKTOUpload 3 Wt Was K191336435 BY 2 My ?1'7 mega; Initiate; Bat-st To: Director's OI-ice From: Section/Disclosure Unit 2 Re: 09/14/2001 In addition to protecting the privacy of FBI personnel and third parties, deletions have been made to withhold classified information, internal matters and individuals who requested their identities be protected. Set Lead 1: (Adm) OFFICE AT WASHINGTON, DC Advise PLSI I when appropriate to forward prOposed release to requester. b2 cc: 1~ - Room 7244 b6 1~ Room 6382 b7C 1? National Press Office - Room 7222 if? . I I (Rev. 10-01-1999) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 10/22/2001 To: Director's Office Attn: Mr. Collingwood From: Director's Office Section/Disclosure Unit 2 Contact: Approved By: Kelso John PM we LLD/odc/ t%?5?iz Drafted By: Case ID l90?HQ?l338631 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE TO BILL KRUEGER OF THE NEWS OBSERVER REGARDING CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE FBI AND SENATOR JOHN EDWARDS b2 FOIPA NO. 948752 . b6 Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 22 pages of correspondence which may result in publicity. b7C Enclosure(s): Copy of proposed release. Details: Bill Krueger, a staff writer for The News Observer in North Carolina, is requesting all correspondence and records of phone calls and meetings between U. S. Senator John Edwards and officials of the FBI regarding FBI practices or policies since January 1999. The pages pertaining to this request consist of 22 pages. There are four separate pieces of correspondence and one briefing ecord. The correspondence was supplied by in the Congressional Affairs Office. Deletions were used to protect the privacy of third party names. To: Director's Office From: Director's Office Re: 10/22/2001 3 {1 Set Lead 1: (Adm) OFFICE AT WASHINGTON, DC ?dvise PLE when appropriate to forward preposed release to requester. b2 b6 CC: 1 Room 7240 b7C om 7222 1 com 6382 00 . new?. - "(z-rear FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b2 b6 Precedence: ROUTINE Date: b7C To: Director?s Office Attn: John Collingwood Frdm: Director's Office Contactr Approved By: KELSO JOHN ?h?vf Jb ?f Drafted By: I Idjs Case ID l90vHQ?l344940 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUESTS OF LUCIUS LOMAX AND JERRY WHITE Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIA release of material concerning Robert Douglas Bullock, former Lieutenant Governor for the State of Texas. . Enclosure(s): COpy of proposed releaSe of files concerning alleged Corruption of Public Officials and an alleged association with a "mafia figure" named Carlos Marcello. Details: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests have been received for records pertaining to Robert Douglas "Bob? Bullock from Lucius Lomax on March 14, 2001, and from Jerry White, Assistant News Director for KVUE TV on June 27, 2001, both from Austin, Texas and who both state they seek the records for journalistic purposes. Mr. Lomax is not identified with a specific media. Mr. Bullock, who died in June, 1999, was a former member of the Texas House of Representatives, Assistant Attorney General, Secretary of State, Comptroller of Public Accounts, and his last public position was Lieutenant Governor, all in the State of Texas. Files processed for this FOIA release involve him as Comptroller and as Lieutenant Governor. One investigation of Mr. Bullock was conducted based on the allegation that he had arranged for a vending machine company supposedly run by Carlos Marcello, mafia figure in Louisiana, to evade state cigarette taxes. Another allegation was made in the same files that taxes on outiof?state gas purchases were not certified by the rA a . _wx To: Director's Office From: Director?s Office Re: Comptroller for collection in connection with specific large accounts. - The other investigative file which has been processed is one alleging that Mr. Bullock required payoffs to himself by Bingo halls in order to receive lax treatment from the Comptroller's auditors and to maintain licenses to operate. A third party was investigated as a co-subject in the file. That file included allegations that audits conducted by the Comptroller's Office were tainted and taxes of certain companies owned by friends and associates of Mr. Bullock were forgiven unjustifiably. Additional allegations were made that large casino owners were contributing to the campaign of Mr. Bullock during an election period, thereby potentially buying favors for gambling legislation. Although fairly extensive investigations were conducted by the FBI based on the above allegations, no prosecution of Mr. 'Bullock resulted from the allegations. A total of 584 pages have been reviewed and 372 pages will be released to each requester once this EC is returned to the FOIPA Section. Deletions have been made to protect source information, personal privacy of third parties, subpoenas and information presented to a Federal grand jury, and certain techniques used in conjunction with a polygraph examination of a third party. Set Lead 1: OFFICE b2 b6 AT OPCA F0, DC . b7C Advise Paralegal Specialist . Disclosure Unit 2,Team Room G-300, telephone number when it is appropriate to forward the proposed re ease to these FOIA requesters. 1 port: 7244 National Press Office, Room 7222 1 Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 1? f?nn 90 15" .J?i VI. . ?1 2:3 (Rev. 10-01-1999) w- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b2 b6 - b7C Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 10/24/2001 To: Director's Office Attn: Mr. Collingwood From: Director's Office quosure Unit 1 Contact: Approved By: Kelso John Drafted By: 9% Case ID ISO-HQHIEOB914 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE TO ERIC KOLI PERTAINING TO EDMUND MUSKIE, FORMER UNITED STATES SENATOR (DECEASED) FOIPA NO. 435685 DATE OF REQUEST: MAY 14, 1998 Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 805 pages of FBI records concerning Edmund Muskie. Enclosure(s): Copy of the release package. Details: Mr. Eric Koli requested information on former United States Senator Edmund Muskie. The records proposed for release consist of six main files. Three files pertain to extortion attempts. The fourth file involves threats to assassinate Senator Muskie. Material in the fifth file is general correspondence which contain data such as Senator Muskie's application for a position as a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation for which he was unfavorably recommended because he did not appear to be resourceful or have any executive ability. Also, Senator Muskie publicly condemned the FBI for concerning itself with Earth Day Rallies held throughout the United States April 22, 1970. The remaining file contains the background investigation conducted to determine Senator Muskie's suitability for Presidential Appointment to a Special Review Board. Information in this file which may be considered derogatory concerns an incident in 1965 when the Senator was charged in Maryland for hunting migratory T6: Director's Office From: Director?s Office Re: 10/24/2001 waterfowl over a baited field. He forfeited a bond of $27.50 on March 10, 1966 and was found guilty. Deletions have been made to protect classified material, personal privacy of FBI personnel and third parties as well as source information. Twenty eight pages were referred to the State Department for direct response to the requester. Set Lead 1: (Adm) AT WASHINGTON, DC OPCA Advise PLSI when appropriate to forward proposed release to requester. 1 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 1 IRoom 7244 b2 1 - Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 1 - 30m 6359 b6 1 3m (3?300 b7C 1 - Dom 6?300 1 - Room 6?300 00 3? (Rev.lO-01-l999) I 3 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 10/25/2001 To: Director's Office Attn: ?Mr. Collingwood From: Director's Office Section/Disclosure Unit 2 Contact: Approved By: Kelso John Drafted By: b2 b6 Case ID b7C Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE OF INFORMATION CONCERNING FORMER UNITED STATES CONGRESSMAN JOHN G. SCHMITZ (DECEASED) Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 80 pages of FBI records concerning John G. Schmitz, a former California State Senator and U.S. Congressman. Enclosure(s): Copy of proposed release. Details: Mr. Stan Oftelie, author, Mr. Anthony Pignataro, reporter and Mr. Ernie Lazar, researcher requested information concerning John G. Schmitz. The records proposed for release are contained in a file pertaining to Election Law violations and a Research Matters/Miscellaneous Information file. The files do not contain any derogatory information regarding Congressman Schmitz with the exception of statements concerning his membership in the John Birch Society, which he had publicly acknowledged. The Election Laws investigation was based on allegations by Congressman Schmitz that] I I had distributed derogatory information concerninql I for the District of California. The information was distributed in a manner which made it appear that Congressman Schmitz, the _ingumhent1 was responsible. Congressman Schmitz also guesthTed involvement with organized crime Bot and Ihave been protected, however, whenever possible, the information has been released. To: Director's Oia?ce From: Director's Section7Disclosure Unit 2 R6: 10/25/2001 The only note?worthy information in the Research Matters/Miscellaneous Information file pertains to Congressman Schmitz' concerns regarding the actions of Alfred Puhan, prior to his appointment as Ambassador to Hungary. Information concerning Ambassador Puhan that has already been made public on the internet and/or is contained in the Congressional Record has been released. To: Director's 01 ?he From: Director?s Offr Section/Disclosure Unit 2 Re: 10/25/2001 Set Lead 1: AT WASHINGTON, DC Please advise PLS room when appropriate to forward proposed release to requesters. . b2 136 cc: 1- Room 7244 I 1370 l? .oom 6382 99 meadow-1999) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 11/05/2001 To: Director's Office Attn: ngOhn Collingwood From: Director's Office Section Contact: I .4 I Approved By: elso John A b6 b7C Drafted By: Case ID Title: PROPOSED FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE TO BILL HELTZEL, REGARDING FORMER CONGRESSMAN CHARLES J. CARNEY FOIA NUMBER 387652 Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 193 pages of FBI material pertaining to former Congressman Charles J. Carney (deceased), which may result in publicity. Details: Mr. Bill Heltzel's letter dated April 20, l994,requested records concerning former Ohio Congressman Charles J. Carney and others. He requested this information to assist him in writing a book on Edward J. DeBartolo, Sr. Congressman Carney died October 8, 1987 in Youngstown, Ohio. We will be releasing 193 pages of the 197 pages reviewed upon return of this E.C. to the FOIA Section. Congressman Carney was the subject of two main files maintained at FBIHQ. The first of these files contained allegations of fraud and bribery. Allegations were made that Carney mailed surplus Library of Congress books to family and friends using franked government envelopes. Carney was acquitted of the bribery charges. The second file was an investigation of election law matter. A member of Carney's campaign staff was accused of distributing derogatory letters about the other.candidates. The file does not reflect Carney's role in this. The case was closed by the Department because there was no violation under Title II, Section 441 To: Director's Eice From: Director's Of be Re: 11/05/2001 Deletions have been made in these files to protect the personal privacy of other individuals, information provided by informants, investigative techniques and Federal Grand Jury information pursuant to the FOIA. . v-v . To: Director's KNEice From: Director's Of #Ee Re: 11/05/2001 Set Lead 1: (Adm) OFFICE AT WASHINGTON, DC For information purposes. CC: 1? Room 7240 1? .00m 6575 90 b6 b7C a? (Rev. 10-01-1999) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b2 b6 b7C Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 11/30/2001 To: Director's Office Attn: Mr. John qEPingwood From: Director's Office Section/Disclosure Unit 1 Contact: Approved By: Collingwood JOWC Kelso John Drafted By: Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT IFOIA) RELEASE TO PROFESSOR TERESA ALLEN REGARDING KATHERINE POWER (EX-FUGITIVE) Synopsisi To advise of the anticipated FOIA release of material concerning ex?fugitive Katherine Power, which may result in publicity. Enclosures: Copy of the proposed release. Details: Ms. Teresa Allen, a professor at Boston University who is currently detailed at Point Richmond, California on a temporary work assignment has requested all records maintained on Katherine Power during her fugitive status from 1970 to 1993. A letter of authorization dated October 21, 1998 was submitted by Ms. Power giving Professor Allen permission to receive records responsive to her. Katherine Power, a former member of the "Weathermen Underground" during the late 1960's and early 1970's, is also the main subject of a criminal investigative matter which involved a robbery of the Brighton State Street Bank in Boston and the manslaughter of police officer Walter Schroeder, Sr. Ms. Power went into hiding for twenty?three years and later turned herself in. Ms. Power pled guilty to manslaughter and armed robbery. She was convicted and sentenced to five years in prison and fined $10,000 based upon her theft of government property. - To: Director?s Office From: Director's Office Re: 11/30/2001? Deletions have been made to protect the privacy of third parties, source information and any information regarding Federal Grand Jury or pen register and trap and trace information. LEAD (3) Set Lead 1: (Adm) OFFICE AT WASHINGTON, DC OPCA Advise Room when appropriate to forward proposed release to requester. 1? Mr. Collin wood, Room 7240 b2 1 Room 7222 b6 Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 6280 WC 1- -300 1? 6?300 1? Room 6?300 1 ?3 . (Rev. 10431-1999) I b2 13' FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b6 b7C Precedence; ROUTINE Date: 12/03/2001 To: Director's Office Attn: A??caohn E. Collingwood From: Unit 4 Contact: I Approved By: Kelsg John Drafted By: C7 Case ID UQ Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST BY JANON FISHER FOR RECORDS ON THE LATE MAYOR ABRAHAM BEAME Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIA release of documents which may result in publicity concerning Abraham Beame, former Mayor of New York City. Details: By letter dated July 6, 2001, Janon Fisher, who works for the Herald News, requested information on Abraham Beame (deceased February 2001), former Mayor of New York City. Three files were determined to be responsive to Mr. Fisher's request. HQ files 174?6503, 56?3892 and 9?61592 have been processed for release to Mr. Fisher. The 174 file involves a threatening letter from an unknown source that was received by radio station WNBC on 10/24/75. The letter addressed to Mayor Beame was dated 10/23/75. The writer(s) threatened to scatter radioactive dust over New York City. The letter demanded that Nelson Rockefeller pay $5 million or the radioactive dust would be disseminated over New York City. The letter was sent to Mayor Beame as well as to other news agencies and newspapers in New York City. The information we received was disseminated to the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The ERDA determined the threat to be a 90 to 95 percent hoax situation, and that it was extremely unlikely there would be any radiological hazard if an explosion occurred. Due to the small size of the package, it would not present a biological hazard in the unlikely event ls??isvsmai fai$d1 - - *Hdm- - was. 0115021453628"? i3 . (A .9 6' To: Director's Office .From: Unit 4 Re: 12/03/2001 the threat was legitimate. Contact was maintained with the New York City Police Department for quite some time and nothing became of the matter, so the case was closed. The 56 file involves a Newark letter dated 11/9/65, alleging irregularities in the handling of campaign funds during the 1965 mayoral race. It was determined by the FBI that the election in which Beame was a candidate for Mayor of the City of New York was local in character and the information indicated no violation within the Bureau's jurisdiction. Therefore, a copy of the Newark letter was furnished to the Office of the Secretary of State, State of New York, Albany, New York. The 9 file involves an extortionate letter received by Mayor Abraham Beame. On 4/8/76, the NYC was notified by a patrolman that the New York City Police Department was in receipt of the threatening letter addressed to the Mayor. Due to the fact that the was in receipt of the original letter and was conducting all logical investigations concerning the matter, no investigation was conducted by the NYC. Exemptions b2, b7C and b7D have been asserted to protect internal rules and practices, as well as privacy and source matters where appropriate. Upon return of this communication to the FOIPA Section, 62 pages will be released. b6 CC: 1 - Room 7230 1 - om 7222 b7C 00 (Rev. 10?01?1999) :3 . 3 1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF b2 b6 Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 12/19/2101 b7C To: Director's Office Attn: Mr: COllingwo From: Direc tor's Office Section/Disclosure Unit 2 Contact: Approved By: /Kelso John _l 90? Drafted By: Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE OF FBI RECORDS CONCERNING THE LATE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS JUDGE DAVID L. BAZELON TO EDITOR MICHAEL RAVNITZKY Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 531 pages of F81 records pertaining to the late United States Court of Appeals Judge David L. Bazelon. Enclosure(s): Copy of proposed release. Details: Michael Ravnitzky of the American Lawyer Media submitted a FOIA request on April 18, 2001 for records concerning David L. Bazelon. Judge Bazelon, who died on February 13, 1993, is the subject/victim of six FBIHQ main files. One file contains the results of the Bureau' 8' applicant? type investigations when he was being considered for various positions within the Department of Justice. The first investigation was conducted in 1934 for the position of Assistant United States Attorney in Chicago. A supplementary investigation was conducted in April of 1943 when Bazelon was being considered for the position of attorney with the Anti- Trust Division. The investigation was brought up-to?date in February 1946 prior to his appointment as Assistant Attorney General in Charge of Lands Division. The Bureau did not conduct an investigation when he was appointed to the United States Court of Appeals?30? 7:359:12: i i I Was Uploaded BY Peg. [Ha-93., .2 To: Director's Office From: Director's Office Section/Disclosure Unit 2 Re: 12/19/2001 Two files involve separate investigations conducted in 1952 and 1957 regarding allegations that he profited from investments he made in-various business ventures as a result of the position he held, Director of the Office of Alien Property, while he was employed by the Department of Justice. No evidence was developed to substantiate these allegations. The remaining files consist of a Loyality of Government Employees investigation conducted in 1948 in which Judge Bazelon was interviewed, a general correspondence file and an extortion investigation wherein the Judge was one of the victims. In addition to the two files which pertain to the allegations of misconduct against Judge Bazelon, derogatory information concerning his membership in the National Lawyers Guild and sponsorship or contributions to other communist dominated organizations is also set out. Deletions have been made to protect symbol source numbers, the personal privacy of third parties, the identities of confidential sources and Internal Revenue Service information. ,Hx ?a To: Director's qulce From: Director?s Off 6? Section/Disclosure Unit 2 12/19/2001 Re: Set Lead 1: Director's Office AT WASHINGTON D.c. Please advise PLS Room when appropriate to forward proposed release to requester. 00 CC: 30m 7222 Room 7244 Room 6382 b2 b6 b7C 2002 ?2 (01/26/1998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 01/08/2002 To: Director?s Office Attn: .A.dF;CJohn E. Collingwood From; Director's Office . b2 Section/Disclosure Unit 4 b6 Contact b7C Approved John M?kdp/ Drafted By: Case ID l90?HQ?12039l4 3w" . 190$me [2.18152 .smza/ 6,424; a? Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUESTS BY MR.WILLIAM BASTONE, MR.ERIC KOLI, MR.DEMPSEY TRAVIS AND MS.VALERIE HUNT FOR RECORDS ON THE LATE RONALD HARMON BROWN Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIA release of 1018 pages, which may result in publicity, concerning Ronald Harmon Brown. Enclosure: ggpy of the documents can be obtained by contacting Details: _Mr. Eric Koli, ABC News 20/20, Mr. Dempsey Travis, Urban Research Press, Inc., Mr. William Bastone, The Village voice, and Ms. Valerie Hunt have submitted separate requests for records pertaining to Mr. Brown, former Secretary of Commerce. In response to these requests, five main files were found to be responsive. Two of these main files, and 95A-HQ- 1038705, concern threats made against Mr. Brown's life. Mr. Brown was also the subject of a Level I background investigation in 1993 which addressed his entire adult life. Inquiries were conducted with numerous agencies, as well as interviews with current and former superiors, colleagues, neighbors, references, professional associates and social acquaintances. All persons interviewed provided favorable comments toward Mr. Brown. In 1993, Mr. Brown was investigated by the Miami office concerning allegations that while Secretary of Commerce, he may have received a payoff for his commitment to favorably influence U.S. Trade Policy for the Republic of Vietnam. These allegations were . - n0- iTIliS In?? . ., wanna??u was Uplcaded BY 7 ill/Q? I 9 In? To: Director?s Office From: Director's Office RE: l90-Hle203914, etal, 03/05/2001 not substantiated and the investigation was discontinued. Mr. Brown was also investigated by WFO from 2/9/95 to 5/16/95 due to allegations of criminal misconduct involving various financial activities while Secretary of Commerce. The preliminary inquiry failed to resolve the allegations and on 7/6/95, Independent Counsel (IC) Daniel S. Pearson was appointed to further investigate the matter. On 4/3/96, Secretary Brown was killed in a plane crash, while the IC investigation was underway. On 4/18/96, at the request of the IC, the IC investigation was terminated and the subsequent criminal investigation returned under the control of the U.S. Department of Justice. Without a main subject, the criminal case was closed in 1997. Exemptions have been asserted to protect various national security information, informant identities and information, investigative techniques, grand jury and Title information, and to prevent any unwarranted invasion of privacy. A copy of this disclosure was reviewed by SSA Public Corruption Unit, CID on 1/4/02. A release will be made once this Electronic Communication is returned to the FOIPA Section, Disclosure Unit 4. b6 09 b7C CC: Mr. Collingwood Room 7240 - Room 7230 - loom 7222 loom 6387 >om 300 H-l - (oom 300 H?l I 5 (01/26/1998) 354;, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 01?10-02 To: Director's Office Attn: A.D. John E. Collingwood From: Director's Office Section/Disclosure Unit 4 Contact: I Approved By: Kelso John lajm%? Drafted By: Case ID b2 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACT (FOIPA) REQUEST OF SPECIAL AGENTI I b6 we Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIPA release of .eleven pages, which may result in publicity, concerning an EEO raomnlaint against SAI Specifically, SA has requested a signed sworn statement he gave on March 21, 2000. The statement cont ins information on international terrorism investigations. SA. lindicated that he will possibly disseminate the release. Enclosures: One copy of SA signed sworn statement, processed pursuant to FOIPA. - Details: By letter dated May 3, 2001, SA ubmitted a FOIPA request for a of his signed sworn statement given on March 21, 2000. the subject of an EEO complaint filed by another Special Agent who felt that he was being due to his religion and national origin. was telephonically contacted and advised that a copy of his statement could not be located. Judicial Watch, Inc., provided a the statement for processing pursuant to FOIPA, and SA indicated that he wants a release of his statement so he can'disseminate it as he sees fit. The statement contains information pertaining to investigation of a company that allegedly received funds from two siblings Of Usama Bin Laden and a member of Hamas, and an employee of the company's concerns that the company's funds had been transferred overseas and used to finance the embassy bombings in Africa TO: Director's Oflcce From: Director's Offi 5 Re: 01?10-02 Exemptions have been asserted to protect any unwarranted invasior of orivacv. A copy of this disclosure was reviewed by SSA. of EEG and SSA of CPR. A release will be made once this Electronic Communication is returned to the FOIPA Section, Disclosure Unit 4. b6 00 b7C cc: 1 Mr. Collingwood, Room 7240 Room 7222 Room 6387 1 Unit Folder, Room (Rev. IO-OI-I 999) ?k M, '3 I .w FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: EXPEDITE Date: 01/27/2002 To: Director's Office Attn: Mr. Collingwood From: Director's Office Section/Disclosure Unit 1 Contact: Approved By: Collingwood John Kelso John Jr b2 Drafted By: 106 Case ID (Pending) b7c Title: AQI REQUEST OF FOIPA NO. 953,504 DATE OF REQUEST: DECEMBER 6, 2001 Deletions have been made to protect the personal privacy of third parties as well as the names and singular information provided by several persons who requested confidentiality. (Rev.10-01-1999BUR INVESTIGATION b2 b6 Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 02/20/200b7C To: Director's Office Attn: Mr. Collingwood From: Director's Office I Section/Disclosure Unit 2 Contact: Approved By: Kelso John Drafted By: I Fej Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE TO BILL KRUEGER OF THE NEWS OBSERVER REGARDING CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE FBI AND SENATOR JOHN EDWARDS FOIPA NO. 948752 Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 10 pages of correspondence which may result in publicity. Enclosure(s): COpy of proposed release and the FOIA.request letter from Mr. Krueger. Details: Bill Krueger, a staff writer for The News Observer in North Carolina, is requesting all correspondence and records of phone calls and meetings between U.S. Senator John Edwards and officials of the FBI regarding FBI practices or policies since January 1999. The pages pertaining to this request consist of 10 pages. There are three separate pieces of correspondence. The correspondence was supplied by Valerie Davis in the Congressional Affairs Office. Information was withheld in order to protect the privacy of third parties and internal administrative practices. A 3(1) U900 9 2 2 . y; (Rev. 10-01-1999) - . FEDERAL BUREAU OF b2 Precedence: ROUTINE A Date: 02/22/2002b6 To: Director?s Office ,Attn: Mr. Collingwood - b7C From: Director's Office Section/Disclosure Unit 1. Contact: Approved By: CollingwoodM??hpr Kelso John . I I Drafted By: I lnj Case ID (Pending) Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST OF MICHAEL RAVNITZKY FOR INFORMATION PERTAINING TO TAWANA BRAWLEY FOIPA NO. 952,862 DATE OF REQUEST: NOVEMBER 9, 2001 Synopsis: To advise of the preposed release of 42 pages of public source information from the closing report of the New York Field Office for the Tawana Brawley Civil Rights investigation. Mr. Ravnitzky did not provide authorization from Ms. Brawley or any other third parties permitting release of their information. Publicity is anticipated as the investigation received a high volume of media coverage throughout the United States. Details: On November 28, 1987, the New York Office opened an investigation predicated upon receipt of a telephone call which advised that a young black female was found earlier that day with racial epithets scrawled on her body. The New York Field Office closed the case on November 9, 1988 as the investigation failed to yield any evidence to substantiate the victim's allegation that she was sexually abused by members of the law enforcement community in Duchess County, New York. The records proposed for release are from the closing report of the civil rights investigation. As authorization was not provided by Mr. Ravnitzky, only public source information is being released. The public source information consists of press statements of Attorney General Robert Abrams and Assistant District Attorney Steven Pagones and the FBI's reason for the closing of the investiga- tion. 1; To: Director's Office From: Director's Offioe Re: 02/22/2002 The information being denied pertains to Ms. Brawley, other third parties and FBI personnel. The release of the information would be an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Set Lead 1: (Adm) OFFICE AT WASHINGTON, DC OPCA Advise PLSI IRoom 6* 300, when to forward proposed release to the requester. b2 1 - Mr. Collingwood 1 ?l I - b6 1 Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 - b7C 09 I azcvf10-0I-1999) b2 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b6 b7C r- . I Precedence: ROUTINE Date: j'EIj g. 5 Prue To: Director's Office Attn: AD John E. CollingwooZ/Z; From: Director?s Office Contact: Approved By: Kelsn John Drafted By: I In. Case ID igo-Ho?1199203 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASES OF FBI RECORDS CONCERNING TEE TELEVISION SERIES TO MICHAEL RAVNITZKY, (FOIPA NO. 435,791), MATTHEW CECIL (FOIPA NO. 930,550) AND JAMES MEEK (FOIPA NO. 941,443). SynOpsis: To advise of the proposed interim release of 2,272 pages of FBI records concerning The FBI television series. Enclosures: Copy of the proposed release. Details: Michael Ravnitzky, a journalist with American Lawyer Media magazine; Matthew Cecil, a journalism professor at Purdue University; and James Meek, a journalist with media organizations including Lexis-Nexis Publishing, National Journal magazine and Law and Order magazine, have made FOIA requests for FBI records concerning The FBI television series which aired on the ABC television network from the mid?1960's to the mid-1970?s. The FBI television series is the subject of FBIHQ file which consists mainly of FBIHQ memoranda concerning the television series, reviews of proposed scripts, interesting case memoranda of FBI cases proposed for potential scripts, and letters to and from the public regarding the television series. This release shows that the FBI had an extraordinary span of control over the television series, including approval of scripts, cast, crew and commercial sponsors. The FBI would not approve as sponsors any companies selling tobacco products or alcoholic beverages. The FBI also consistently tried to limit the level of violence depicted in the television series. To: Director's tgjice From: Director's oigjie Re: The FBI had a sometimes difficult relationship with the late executive producer Quinn Martin and there are written comments by Director Hoover referring to Martin as a ?liar?, a ?rat?, and accusing him of "boorish insolence". As a matter of interest, Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. was not the first choice of the FBI to play the lead role in the television series. Additionally, the FBI refused to allow the use of the late actress Bette Davis in a guest role in the television series due to her association with Communist Party front groups. In a 1965 incident, Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, the Japanese American Citizens League and the Pacific Citizen newspaper pressured ABC into canceling an episode of the television series which was based on a true story concerning a Japanese?American citizen who returned to Japan during World War II and later interrogated and tortured American POWs in Japan. After the war, this Japanese?American citizen returned to the United States under a false identity and was recognized by a former POW. He was investigated and arrested by the FBI, tried and convicted in the United States Courts, and given the death sentence, which was later commuted to life imprisonment. Although this episode was based on a real FBI investigation, Senator Inouye insisted in a letter to ABC that to his knowledge "no such incident had ever taken place? and that "quite obviously some liberty was taken in writing this episode". Due to the pressure applied by Senator Inouye and the above Asian?American interest groups, the particular episode was never aired by ABC. At the time, Director Hoover considered not renewing the contract for the television series based on this incident, which he considered to be caving in by ABC to political pressure. This is an interim release of documents from this file and approximately 1,000 pages of similar material remain to be processed for release. Deletions have been made in this release to protect national security, the personal privacy of individuals, and COnfidential sources of the FBI. There is one referral of documents concerning a conference between Director Hoover and the Attorney General which is being referred to the Department of Justice, Office of Information and Privacy for consultation. To: Director?s ijice From: Re: Set Lead 1: OFFICE AT AT OPCA FO. DC Advise Paralegal Specialist Room G-3 O, telephone number when it is appropriate to forward the proposed Dis hi 2, Team Director's Of wee release to these FOIA requesters. CC: {%kMr. Collinqwood, Room 7240 b2 Room 7222 ?National Press Office, Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 1 oom 6387 oom 1 Room 722 135 Room 7244 b7C Room 6?300 (Rcv. 10-014999) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b2 b6 Precedence: ROUTINE Date: b7C To: Director 5 Office Attn: I ollingwood From: Director's Office Section/Disclosure Unit 2 Contact: I Approved By??AKelso John Nb?f/ Drafted By: Case ID 4 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE OF FBI RECORDS CONCERNING THE KURDISTAN WORKERS AND THE DAR-UL ISLAM MOSQUES TO REPORTER JOSHUA B. GOOD OF THE ATLANTA JOURNAL AND CONSTITUTION Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 46 pages.of FBI records pertaining to the Kurdistan Workers Party/Atlanta and 593 pages concerning the Dar?U1 Islam Mosques. Enclosure(s): Copy of request letters and the proposed releases. Details: Joshua B. Good of the Atlanta Journal and Constitution submitted FOIA requests to FBI Headquarters and our Atlanta Field Office on June 13, 2000 for records pertaining to numerous terrorist organizations including the Kurdistan Workers Party/Atlanta. Mr. Good also submitted FOIA requests for information on the Dar-U1 Islam Mosques to FBI Headquarters and various field offices to include Atlanta, Detroit and New York. In July, 2001 he agreed to limit his request to specific documents from one Detroit file and certain sections of one main investigative file from our Atlanta office. One Atlanta terrorist?type investigative file was processed for the request on the Kurdistan Workers Party/Atlanta. This file which is dated from l993~2000 concerns the FBI notifying various Consul Generals of the 9% ?Hey. 3' ?u 1+0 9:5 sat-I" .3 To: Director's Orrice From: Director?s Ofiice Re: 03/07/2002 Turkish Government that were residing in the United States that the FBI is the lead agency for investigations of terrorist incidents within the United States. Another Atlanta file pertains to a pending investigation and is being denied in its entirety. All Headquarters files were determined to be outside the scope of his request. Documents being released on the Dar?U1 Islam Mosques are from two main investigative files from our Atlanta and Detroit offices. The Atlanta file pertains to a Domestic Terrorist?Firearms_Act investigation conducted by the FBI and the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Agency Joint Task Force on the illegal transportation and sale of firearms by members of the Dar?U1 Mosque in Atlanta and New York. The Detroit file pertains to a Domestic Terrorism investigation detailing the various activities some members of this group have been involved in, such as: bank robberies, murder, harboring fugitives, illegal transportation and sale of firearms, contact with TERRSTOP subjects and attendance at conferences held overseas. Deletions have been made in these records to protect national security information, administrative markings, symbol source numbers, the identity of third parties including FBI personnel, confidential sources and information provided that would identify these sources, information that is exempt from disclosure pursuant to statute and investigative technidhes. The enclosed documents have been approved for release by the appropriate Headquarters Divisions. Kym-C To: Director's ?efice From: Director's Ofre?e Re: 03/07/2002 Set Lead 1: OFFICE AT DC Please advise PLS Room 6?300, when appropriate to forward the proposed release to requester30m 7222 l? Room 7244 1? Room 6382 ?mv tRsv.lD-01-1999) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b6 b7C Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 03/13/200i? To: Director's Office Attn: AD afg?,E. Collingwood From: Director's Office Unit Street Contact: Approved By: K91 en .Tnhn WI Drafted Case ID ?95? Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST FOR HEADQUARTERS FILE PERTAINING TO CABINET COMMITTEE TO COMBAT TERRORISM Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 113 pages responsive to captioned request. Details: By letter dated July 18, 2000, Janon Fisher of the Herald News, submitted an FOIA request to FBI Headquarters for records pertaining to Cabinet Committee to Combat Terrorism. A search of our central records system revealed a three?section main file captioned Administrative Matters? Interagency (Ambassador Douglas Heck) AD HOC Committee to Examine Terrorist Problems. This committee was a working group consisting of Federal, State and Local government agencies such as FBI, CIA, The White House, DOJ, DOD, Energy Research and Development-Adm., State Dept., etc. The former Mayor of New York City, Rudolph W. Giuliani, who at the time was the Associate Deputy Attorney General, Senator Mark O. Hatfield, and Henry Kissinger attended several of these meetings which took place between 1976 and 1977. The purpose of this committee was to discuss the development of a formal mechanism to handle domestic and international incidents of mass destruction terrorism on a governmentewide basis. In addition to mass destruction considerations, the committee was to undertake a quick study of far more likely events of "intermediate terrorism" such as the use of surface-to?air missiles or wire?guided antitank weapons against commercial aircraft, nuclear power plants, and bfs??'igj??b mow? To: Director's Orfice From: Director's Office Re: armored cars transporting heads of state.? Assignments were listed by group and included: l)Light Weapons, 2) Intelligence, 3) Assessment of Vulnerability of Selected Targets to a Variety of Light Weapons, 4) Legal Questions, 5) Crisis Management and Organizational Matters, and 6) Technological Initiatives. The Bureau received assignments to report on numbers one thru five. A number of conferences with Dr. Kupperman, Chairman of the Cabinet Committee to Combat Terrorism, were initiated at Quantico. The purpose of these meetings was to view the ability of the Bureau to handle a severe national crisis in which traditional law enforcement techniques might be inadequate. Such crises could involve chemical, biological or nuclear threats or hostage/barricade situations where either money, political goals or government embarrassment is sought. Other topics that were discussed at these meetings are as follows: 1)Future Trends in Palestinian Terrorism, 2)The Terrorism Issue at the United Nations, 3)The Bicentennial: Events Requiring Special Security Attention, 4)New Steps in Airport Security, and 5)The FBI on Terrorist Groups in the United States. Pursuant to the FOIA, deletions were made to protect the personal privacy of some Bureau employees and classified information. The material contained in this file could be most embarrassing to the FBI and other Federal, State and Local agencies that are mentioned in this case since the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. The documents proposed for release are bein main ?ined in Disclosure Unit 3, Team E-2, telephone numberl if further review is deemed necessary. . - 1 b2 1 Mr. Collinawood. Room 7740 ., ?a . i . 7. FEDERAL BUREAU OF b2 b6 Precedence: ROUTINE Date; fb7C 22%? To: Director's Office Attn: AD ?g?x E. Coliingwood From: Director's Office Unit 2 Contact: Approved By: Kelso, John 8W II Drafted Ig,kq0i . A Case ID memo?1199203 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE OF FBI RECORDS CONCERNING THE LATE ISAAC STERN TO MICHAEL RAVNITZKY (FOIPA NO. 951,649) Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 68 pages of FBI records concerning the late Isaac Stern. Enclosures: Copy of the proposed release. Details: Michael Ravnitzky, a journalist with American Lawver Media magazine, has made a FOIA request for documents concerning Isaac Stern, renowned concert violinist, who died on September 22, 2001. Mr. Stern is the subject of one FBIHQ main file in which his contacts with known Communist Party members and Soviet diplomatic officials were investigated. With regard to these contacts, there was no indication that they were anything other than social or business contacts. It was determined through an interview of Mr. Stern that he was merely attempting to secure visas to perform in various European countries, including the USSR and Soviet satellite countries. There is no derogatory or controversial information concerning Mr. Stern in the file. Deletions have been made to protect classified information, CIA information, FBI symbol source numbers, the personal privacy of other individuals, the identities of persons interviewed by the FBI and the identities of FBI sources. The CIA liaison was consulted regarding CIA - . lmm?? ,7 . uh To: Director's Orrice From: Director?s Ofirte Re: information. Referrals of documents and information are being made to the Department of State. Set Lead 1: OFFICE AT OPCA FO, DC Advise Paralegal Specialist Disclosure Unit 2, Team Room Leiepnone numDeI when it is appropriate to forward the proposed release to the requester. CC: 1 Mr. Collinqwood, Room 7240 1 loom 7222 302 National Dress Office, Room 7222 b6 a 7240 Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 b7C 30m 6387 30m G-300 loom 06 ?1 Precedence: ROUTINE Date: .04/16/2002 To: Director's Office Attn: AD Collingwood From: Records Management FOIPA Section/Disclosure Unit 1 Contact: Approved By: Hooton William Garrity Robert delf Drafted By: I Case ID Title: PRIVACY ACT REQUEST OF FOIPA NO. 940,554 DATE OF REQUEST: MARCH 19, 2001 b2 b6 b7C TO: Director's Ofiice From: Records Management Re: 04/16/2002 Deletions have been made to protect the privacy of third parties, the identity and/or information provided by confidential sources and information which is classified. b6 A search of the FBI's electronic surveillance b7C indices revealed no record responsive to this Freedom of Information Privacy Acts (FOIPA) request. . TO: Director's Ofrioe From: Records Manageme?t Re: 04/16/2002 Set Lead 1: (Adm) OPCA AT WASHINGTON1 DC Please advise PL Room when it is appropriate to forward the proposed release package to the requester. b2 CC: Mr Moran Room 6296 b6 1 Room 7244 1 6280 b7C 1 G-3OO Room 09 5 I FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 04/18/2002 To: Director's Office Attn: AD Collingwood Room 7240 From: Records Management Qantinn/nisclosure Unit 1 Contact: Approved By: Hooton William - Garrity Robert . Moran Robert A b2 b6 Drafted By: ?n b7C Case ID 190?HQ-1347301wg, Title: FREEDOM OF ACT (FOIPA) REQUEST OF JOHN CAVICCHI, ESQ. 943573 AND REQUEST OF VICTOR GARO, ESQ. 943572 REGARDING JOSEPH DEEGAN MURDER Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 805 pages of records concerning Joseph Barboza, deceased, in regards to the Teddy Deegan murder. Enclosure(s): Copy of the proposed release. Details: On April 20, 2001, Mr. John Cavicchi, Esq., made an FOIPA request to the Boston Field Office on the behalf of his client Peter Limone, for information contained in the file of Joseph Barboza.? During a conversation between Chief Division Counsel (CDCII of the Boston Field Office and Mr. Cavicchi on April 26, 2001, Mr. Cavicchi agreed to limit his request to those documents in the Barboza file that pertained to the Teddy Deegan murder not previously turned over to him. The Justice Task Force (JTF) provided approximatel 1 200 pages responsive to this request. InsPector. of the JTF has indicated that the processing of these documents will have no impact on their pending investigation. #9me (it To: Director's Of?i>e From: Records Managem it Re: 04/18/2002 In January 1999, a request was made by the United States Attorney (USA) for the District of Massachusetts and the then Special Agent in Charge of the Boston Office to establish a group of prosecutors and investigators to focus on possible law enforcement corruption between employees of the FBI and some of the informants they were operating. Pursuant to a joint directive from then Attorney General Janet Reno and then?FBI Director Louis Fresh, a Justice Task Force (JTF) was created. Allegations under review by the JTF span the period of time from the mid?1960's to the present. One of the allegations under review by the JTF concerns the FBI's role in the investigation and prosecution of the murder of EdWard Teddy Deegan. Edward Teddy Deegan was killed in gangland fashion on March 12, 1965. Joseph Barboza was a key mob witness for the government in the case. On July 31, 1968, six defendants were found guilty. The defendants were Wilfred Roy French, Joseph Salvati, Louis Greco, Henry Tameleo, Ronald Cassesso and Peter Limone. The following defendants are deceased; Louis Grieco, Henry Tameleo and Ronald Cassesso. The remaining three defendants have since been released from prison after being granted new trials. However, the District Attorney's Office chose not to retry these individuals. The House Committee on Government Reform has held hearings on the FBI's role in the local investigation and prosecution of the Deegan murder. FBI documents were furnished to the committee and some of those documents were made available to members of the media in attendance at the hearings. This case has received extensive media coverage. On April 13, 2001, Mr. Victor Garo, Esq., made an FOIPA request to the Boston Field Office on behalf of his client Joseph L. Salvati, for information contained in the file of Joseph Barboza. Mr. Garo is being provided with significantly less documents forwarded by the JTF inasmuch as information pertaining to Peter Limone (FOIPA No. 943573) is being withheld. Deletions have been made under the FOIPA to protect internal rules and practices, information exempt from disclosure by statute, the privacy of third parties and the identity and/or information provided by confidential informants. To: Director's Of ,Ce From: Re: 04/18/2002 Set Lead 1: (Adm) OFFICE AT WASHINGTON, DC 3M2 For information. Room 7240 Mr. Moran, Room 6296 Room 6280 1 om 1 Room Gb300 60 Records Managenh? Qt b6 3 (Rev. 104114999) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b2 Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 04/30/2002 b6 To: Director?s Off ce Attn: AD John E. Collingwoo%7c OPCA, Room 7240 From: Records Management FOIPA Sectio /Disclosure Unit 1 Contact: Approved By: Hooton William fmf~// Garrity Robert Moran Robert Drafted By: Case ID 190?3191348314? (Pending) Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST FOR INFORMATION REGARDING FORMER U.S. CONGRESSMAN SAMUEL L. DEVINE FOIPA NO. 948,932 DATE OF REQUEST: JULY 27, 2001 Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 652 pages from the personnel, extortion and research files regarding former U.S. Congressman Samuel L. Devine from Ohio. Details: On July 27, 2001, Mr. Jonathan Riskind, Washington . Bureau Chief of The Columbus Dispatch requested any and all documents pertaining to Samuel Devine, a former U.S. Congressman from the State of Ohio. Mr. Devine died on June 27, 1997 at age 81. On October 14, 1940, a FBI background investigation was initiated following the receipt of a pre?employment application submitted by Mr. Samuel L. Devine for the position of Special Agent. These documents include suitability, personnel and medical information. Although Mr. Devine was considered an excellent Special Agent, he was censured on one occasion, reason not indicated in the file. Mr. Devine resigned from the FBI on October 10, 1945 to take over the law practice of his stepfather. In February 1980, Mr. Devine, in his capacity as Congressman, informed the FBI of a possible extortion matter. He received letters from an individual who felt that he and 95-3 0 01,35 :3 $6,an ??qu 1 ,1 i To: _Director's Obsice From: Records Managenant Re: 190?Hle348314, 04/30/2002 other Congressmen weren?t doing enough in their capacity to find out who assassinated former President John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King. Mr. Devine forwarded the letters to the FBI for review. Mr. Devine was informed by the FBI that no direct threat existed. The Tampa Office was advised to inform the local Secret Service that if the letter writing became violent, it may then warrant presentation to the United States Attorney for violation of the extOrtion statute. The FBI maintained the letters on file for information purposes only. No investigation was initiated. Additionally, on October 10, 1946, a miscellaneous file was opened by the FBI on Mr. Devine. This file consisted of correspondence between Mr. Devine and the FBI. Mr. Devine maintained a good relationship with then Director Hoover. He also admired the FBI and was very loyal in defending both during his term as Congressman. Deletions have been made to protect the personal privacy of third parties. Set Lead 1: (Adm) OFFICE AT WASHINGTON, DC Please advise PLSI Room when appropriate to forward proposed release to the requester. CC, b6 Mr. Moran, Room 6296 - Room 7244 Room 6280 b2 1 - 3m 6?300 1 - Dom -300 1 Room 6?300 60 (Rev. 9? FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 04/30/2002 To: Director?s Office Attn: AD John E. Collingwood From: Records Management Contact: Approved By: Hooton William Garrity Robert Jr - Moran_Robert A I I .5 Drafted By: :Cal Case ID l90-HOe1358330 .. 1+ b2 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE OF 3% FBI RECORDS CONCERNING THE COLUMEINE HIGH SCHOOL TO RUSS KICK (FOIPA NO. 950,980) b7C Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 320 pages of FBI records concerning the Columbine High School shootings which occurred on April 20, 1999. Enclosure(s): COpy of the proposed release. Details: Russ Kick, a freelance journalist, has made a FOIA request for the first two sections of the Denver Field Office file number concerning the Columbine High School shootings. On April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, two senior students at Columbine High School who were armed with guns and homemade explosive devices, went on a fifty minute shooting rampage at the school. This resulted in the deaths of 12 students and one teacher, injuries to 25 other persons, and severe property damage to the school. At the end of their rampage, both Harris and Klebold committed suicide by using their guns on themselves. The FBI was not the lead agency in the investigation concerning the shootings; however, we did provide substantial investigative support and assistance to the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office by providing a limited SWAT presence on the perimeter of the school property on the day of the shootings, setting up a RAPID START team to handle the numerous investigative leads, providing Evidence Response Teams, ?4 1- . To: Director?s Lifice From: Records Management Re: conducting analysis of computer hard drives, conducting a polygraph examination, and conducting numerous interviews. The records being released consists of interviews, a polygraph examination, letters and E?mails from the public, material from Eric Harris' website, and electronic communications concerning investigative leads. The names of certain individuals are being released in the same context as they were released in the public reports on the Columbine High School shootings by the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office and the Columbine Review Commission, which was established by the Governor of Colorado. These individuals are the parents of Harris and Klebold, the injured shooting victims, the prom date of Klebold, the woman who assisted Klebold in the purchase of a shotgun, the man convicted of selling weapons to Klebold, and Brooks Brown, a Columbine student who was marked for death by Harris, but who was ironically spared by him on the day of the shootings. Deletions have been made in this release to protect classified FBI Squad designators, internal FBI source codes, Title information, the personal privacy of individuals, the identities of confidential sources of the FBI, the identities of persons interviewed by the FBI, and certain confidential techniques of the polygraph examination. This proposed release only concerns the limited FOIA request of Russ Kick; however, there are two other FOIA requests for these records and certain additional FBI records concerning the Columbine High School shootings that are currently being scanned into the FOIPA Document Processing System. One request is by a journalist and the other request is by the father of Brooks Brown and copies of this proposed release will also be sent to them when their requests are finalized and sent to Disclosure Unit 2. . . {NM-fa To: Director's Oi 2%e From: Records Manage ?At ?Re: Set Lead 1: OFFICE AT OPCA F01 DC For your information. CC: 1 vood, Room 7240 Room 7222 1 - atlona Press Office, Room 7222 1 &0 b6 1 - 87 Room 6927 b7C 1 300 ?1 - 69 (01/26/l998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 07/09/2002 To: Director's Office Attn: AD John E. Collingwood From: Records Management Divisien FOIPA Section/Disclosure Unit 2 Contact: I Approved By: Hooton William Garrity Robert Moran Robert A Drafted By: Ross Christa Ezcer Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIAI b2 RELEASE TO EMERY P. DALESIO CONCERNING JAMES C. GREEN SR. (DECEASED) b6 FORMER LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR OF NORTH CAROLINA b7C Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 209 pages of FBI records concerning former North Carolina Lieutenant Governor, James C. Green Sr., deceased, to Emery P. Dalesio. Enclosure: Copy of the proposed release. Details: By letter dated December 1, 2000, Mr. Emery Dalesio, correspondent for the Associated Press, requested all records pertaining to former North Carolina Lieutenant Governor, James C. Green Sr. The records proposed for release consist of FBIHQ material in which Lieutenant Governor Green is listed as one of the subjects in a multi?subject investigation, code named Only the documents which mention Lieutenant Governor Green were processed for release. This investigation was a long term undercover operation involving political corruption in southeastern North Carolina. The file contains allegations of payments for political influence, arson of property to commit insurance fraud and questionable campaign contributions. Lieutenant Governor Green was tried on state charges and acquitted. In addition to withholding Grand Jury material, deletions have been made to protect the techniques used by the FBI, the identity and/or information provided by confidential informants and the personal privacy of FBI personnel and third parties. ww?j?? 2 To: Director?s Office From: Records Managem?nt Division Re: 07/09/2002 LEAD (5): Set Lead 1: OFFICE AT OPCA F0, DC For your information. CC: - Room 7244 2 0 - 82 b6 b7C (Rev. 08-28-2000) i 1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 07/11/2002 To: Director's Office Attn: AD Collingwood Room 7240 From: Records Management FOIPA Section/Disclosure Unit 1 Contact: Approved By: Hooton William Garrity Robert . MnY-zan Dnhorf? 23 m? Drafted By: Case ID b2 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) b6 REQUEST OF REED IRVINE, ACCURACY IN MEDIA, INC., PERTAINING b7C TO VINCENT W. FOSTER, JR. (DECEASED) FOIPA NO. 424736 Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 228 pages of FBI records concerning Vincent W. Foster, Jr., deceased former Deputy White House Counsel. Enclosure(s): Copy of proposed release. Details: Reed Irvine, chairman of Accuracy in Media, Inc., requested a re-review of the FBI's Washington Field Office file concerning the death of Vincent Foster, former Deputy White House Counsel. These records were originally released to Mr. Irvine on March 25, 1998; however, the release was heavily redacted to protect information regarding a pending investigation. The records proposed for release pertain to a Presidential and Presidential Staff Assassination, Kidnapping and Assault investigation with the dual caption of Obstruction of Justice. The inquiry focused on the delay in turning over a torn note found in Mr. Foster's briefcase to the US Park Police, Washington, D.C. The proposed release also includes the Headquarters file since it was previously released to the requester. (S a. I - To: Director's Oirice From: Records Management Re: 07/11/2002 A representative of the Office of the Independent Counsel was contacted and declined the opportunity to review the proposed release since this case is no longer in a pending status. Deletions have been made to protect the personal privacy of FBI personnel and third parties, information from a. source and internal telephone and facsimile numbers. 9. i To: Director's Office From: Records Managemr?t Re: 07/11/2002 Set Lead 1: OFFICE AT DC Advise PLSI when appropriate to forward proposed release to the requester. 1 Room 7240 Mr. Moran, Room 6296 .1 l? 00 b2 b6 b7C FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b2 b6 Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 07/31/2002 b7C To: Director?s"0ffice Attn: Mr. Collingwood From: Records Management Uni .41 Contact:_ Approved By: Hooton William Garrity Robert Drafted By: jei Case ID l90wHQ?l3l4210 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (FOIA) RELEASE TO LAURENCE LEAMER REGARDING DAVID ANTHONY KENNEDY Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated FOIA release of documents, which may result in publicity, concerning David Anthony Kennedy, son of Ethel and the late Robert Kennedy. Details: By letter dated April 11, 2002, Laurence Leamer, an author, writing a book for William Morrow on the Kennedy Years: 1963?2002, requested information on David Anthony Kennedy (deceased). Two serials in HQ file 63*0 were determined to be responsive to Mr. Leamer?s request. Serials 67442 and 67707 have been processed for release to Mr. Leamer. Each serial contains information regarding the death of David Anthony Kennedy. At approximately 12:30 April 25, 1984, Kennedy's body was discovered in a hotel room by employees of the Brazilian Court Hotel, Palm Beach, Florida. Initial investigation by the Palm Beach Police Department determined that Kennedy very possibly had a drinking and drug problem which was being attempted to be worked out by the family. No drugs and very little alcohol was found in the hotel room. Chief Terlizy also advised that they were conducting the investigation as a homicide investigation until the exact cause of death was determined. f} To: Director's Office From: Records Management Re: 07/31/2002 Exemptions (b)(7)(C)and (b)(7)(D)have been asserted to pro against the unwarranted invasion of personal privacy and to protect the identity of a confidential source and the information provided. Upon return of this communication to the FOIPA Section, 6 pages will be released. CC: 1 Mr. Hooton Room 11703 1 Mr. Garrity Room 11703- 1 - Mr Moran Room 6296 1 b2 1 b6 0+ ?x ?5 i ?why" To:l Charlotte From: Records Management Re: 08/07/2002 Captioned employee may reviem enclosed documents at no cost, in the presence of PLS Brenda Morgan. No fees are assessed for the first 100 pages of duplication or if duplication co for the remaining pages does not exceed $14.00. There will be a charge of 10 cents per page if more than 240 pages are retained. Payment should be made by check or money order payable to the FBI. If Mr. Green wishes to retain the entire package, his duplication fees amount to $42.40. Ms. Morgan should return the completed and a copy of any documents retained to FBIHQ, FOIPA Section, Attention: Bonnie Jo Tinsley, Disclosure Unit One, Team All documents not retained by captioned employee should be destroyed by Ms. Morgan. I \yj FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b2 - QM b6 Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 08/09/2 b7C To: Director's Office Attn: ohn E. Coll' From: Records Manenementy Contact: Approved By: Hooton William Garrity Robert Hardy David Drafted By: ral Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (FOIA) RELEASES OF FBI RECORDS CONCERNING THE FBI TELEVISION SERIES TO MICHAEL RAVNITZKY (FOIPA NO. 435,791), MATTHEW CECIL (FOIPA NO. 930,550), AND JAMES MEEK (FOIPA NO. 941,443) Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 697 pages of FBI records concerning The FBI television series. Enclosure(s): Copy of the proposed release. Details: Michael Ravnitzky, a journalist with American Lawyer Media magazine; Matthew Cecil, a journalism professor at the University of Oklahoma; and James Meek, a journalist with National Journal magazine and Law and Order magazine, have made FOIA requests for FBI records concerning The FBI television series which aired on the ABC television network from the midnl960's to the mid-1970?s. The FBI television series is the subject of one FBI Headquarters file captioned "Research Matters", which consists mainly of memoranda concerning the television series, reviews of proposed scripts, interesting case memoranda of FBI cases proposed for potential scripts, and letters to and from the public concerning the television series. The proposed release of the first ten sections of this file was previously reviewed and approved by the Office of Public and Congressional Affairs (OPCA) and matters of potential interest to the media were summarized in a prior High Visibility Electronic Communication dated 2/25/2002, which is located in 190? 1199203- 2271. ?waxv use ,wmx To: Director's Office From: Records Management Re: l90~HQellg9203, 08/09/2002 The current proposed release again documents the extraordinary span of control by the FBI over the television series, including approval of scripts, cast, crew and commercial sponsors. In one instance, Director J. Edgar Hoover instructed his staff to ensure that the actor Robert Blake is never used on the television series because of a published interview in which Blake states that he is only interested in playing "bad guy" roles, that "killers aren?t at fault, society is", and that "I'd rather play a so?called bad guy in an episode of the FBI than a so?called hero in a mov1e?. In another instance, the FBI was publicly criticized by David Rintels, the chairman of the censorship committee of the Writer's Guild of America, concerning the degree of control over the television series by the FBI. In response to this criticism, one of the FBI executives who had oversight responsibility of the television series stated in a memorandum that the FBI does "screen all actors, writers and directors for the television series. This is true and we make no apology for it. If Rintels thinks we are going to approve for our television series some of the drunkards, kooks, perverts, faggots, junkies and others of this ilk who call themselves writers, directors, and actors he is sadly mistaken. You may well imagine the hue and cry of right-thinking Americans if we were to permit the Dalton Trumbos (of the Hollywood Ten) and the Jane Fondas to perform on our program." In addition, Director Hoover instructed his staff to ensure than Rintels is never used as?a script writer on the television series again. These records also contain several memoranda concerning a televised editorial by the late ABC news reporter Frank Reynolds in which he criticized Director Hoover. Director Hoover instructed his staff to bring this matter to the attention of executives at ABC, who were apologetic concerning the editorial and critical of Reynolds. These records also contain a memorandum cencerning the insertion of a favorable newspaper editorial concerning the television series into the Congressional Record by the late Senator James Allen of Alabama. In the memorandum, it is stated that according to a FBI source "Allen has intimate connections with the Ku Klux Klan and that reportedly the Klan assisted Allen to get elected". In view of this information, it was decided that no letter of appreciation would be sent to Senator Allen. To: Director's 5rfice From: Records Management Re: 08/09/2002 Deletions have been made in this release to protect the identities of FBI personnel and other individuals, information concerning the personal privacy of individuals, the identities of confidential sources of the FBI and information provided by them which, if released, could resul in their identification. .5. L. Set Lead 1: OFFICE OPCA F0, DC For your information. CC: 1 Mr. Collin od, Room 7240 4 ioom 7222 1 National Press Office, Room 7222 1 [Room 7244 b2 Mr. Hardy, Room 6296 Room 6280 b6 Room 1 4 3m 6?300 b7C (Izev.03-23-2000) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b2 Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 08/09/20b6 To: Director's Office Attn: AD From: Records Management FOIPA Sec- inn/Di qr?lnenre Unit 1 Contact: Approved By: Hooton William Garrity Hardy David Drafted By: Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION PRIVACY ACTS (FOIPA) REQUEST OF MICHAEL RAVNITZKY FOIPA NO. 941,947 DATE OF REQUEST: APRIL 24, 2001 Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 521 pages from the Special Inquiry investigation of former Attorney General Edward Levi (deceased). Details: On April 24, 2001, Mi cha tz American Lawyer Media made a FOIPA request fo on former Attorney General Edward Levi. P?itnv of i Hun-aviall information After negotiating with Mr. Ravnitzky, the request was narrowed to just the Special Inquiry file concerning Mr. Levi. The Special Inquiry investigation for a presidential appointment began in 1974. The type of appointment was not indicated, but the individuals interviewed and the media believed it was for the position of Attorney General. This was confirmed later in the file. Mr. Levi reported he was a member of the National Lawyers Guild in 1936 and subsequently dropped out in the early 1940's as he heard charges against it. Mr. Levi advised that after his termination of employment as Special Assistant to the Attorney General in 1945, he requested to have his personal files sent to him. He received several boxes containing numerous reports and documents of the Economic Warfare Section of the Department of Justice (DOJ), which he placed under lock and i To: Director's Office From: Records Management Re: 08/09/2002 key. In 1953, Mr. Levi advised the FBI that he had in his possession classified reports and other material of the DOJ. He voluntarily turned these documents over to the FBI to be returned to the DOJ. The Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, DOJ advised that prosecution of Mr. Levi was not warranted since he had cooperated with the FBI and had acted in good faith. The Special Inquiry investigation was generally favorable. One person stated Mr. Levi was of good character but was "Ultra Liberal" and leaned toward socialistic ideas. He did believe Mr. Levi was loyal to the United States Government. Another individual stated Mr. Levi was pro Jewish and would favor Jews over gentiles. He also felt Mr. Levi was racially prejudiced in terms of blacks and whites. The interviewee felt Mr. Levi would lean towards blacks over whites and bend backwards to favor blacks. He did recommend Mr. Levi for a position with the United States Government, but not the Attorney General position. The Special Inquiry was completed in March of 1975. The remainder of the file is correspondence to and from Mr. Levi after he was confirmed as Attorney General. Deletions have been made to protect the privacy of third parties, source information and other agency information. 106 Set Lead 1: (Adm) b7C OFFICE b2 AT WASHINGTON, DC Please advise PLS Room 6?300, when it is appropriate to forward the proposed release package to the requester. CC: - Mr. Hardy, Room 6296 Mr. Wilkinson, Room 7244 Room 6280 - oom G-300 Room - Room G.3OO 1 09 i Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, DC. 20535 MR MICHAEL AMERICAN LAWYER MEDIA 105 MADISON AVENUE . NEW YORK, NY 10016 Subject: LEVI, EDWARD FOIPA No. 0941847? 000 Dear Requester: The enclosed documents were reviewed under the Freedom of information/Privacy Acts (FOIPA), Title 5, United States Code, Section 552I552a. Deletions have been made to protect information which is exempt from disclosure, with the appropriate exemptions noted on the page next to the excision. in addition, a deleted page information sheet was inserted in the file to indicate where pages were withheld entirely. The exemptions used to withhold information are marked below and explained on the enclosed Form Section 552 Section 5523 Ulbilli some) 5610(5) C1(l0)(7)(l3) DGXZ) National Security Act open) of 1947 8. CIA Act of 1949 Ulb)(7)(E) El00(3) [3030(5) [303(9) 5(klt5) 500(7) 553 page(s) were reviewed and 521 page(s) are being released. Document(s) were located which originated with, or contained information concerning other Government agency(ies) This information has been: referred to the OGA for review and direct response to you. referred to the USA for consultation. The will correspond with you regarding this information when the consultation is ?nished. El You have the right to appeal any denials in this release. Appeals should be directed in writing to the Co?Director, Of?ce of information and Privacy, US. Department of Justice, Flag Building, Suite 570, Washington, D.C. 20530-0001 within sixty days from receipt of this letter. The envelope and the letter should be clearly marked ?Freedom of information Appeal" or ?information Appeal." Please cite the number assigned to your request so that it may be easily identi?ed. If you desire, you may appeal any denials contained herein. Appeals should be directed in writing to the Co-Director, Of?ce of Information and Privacy, US Department of Justice, Flag Building, Suite 570, Washington, DC. 20530-0001 within sixty days from receipt of this letter. The envelope and the letter should be clearly marked ?Freedom of Information Appeal" or "Information Appeal." Please cite the FOIPA number assigned to your request so that it may be easily identi?ed. The enclosed material is from the main investigative ?le(s) in which the subject of your request was the subject of the investigation. There are additional references to the subject(s) of your request in ?les relating to other individuals, organizations, events or activities. These additional mentions or references have not been reviewed to determine if, in fact, they are identi?able with the subject(s) of your request. Our experience has shown that such references are frequently similar to information contained in the processed main We will process these references if you now make a specific request for them. However, because of a signi?cant increase in FOIPA requests and an expanding backlog, We have given priority to the processing of main investigative ?les and can only complete the processing of these additional references as time and resources permit. El See additional information which follows. Sincerely yours, Chief Freedom of Information- Privacy Acts Section Of?ce of Public and Congressional Affairs Enclosures (2 This is in response to your Freedom of Information-Privacy Acts (FOIPA) request. Enclosed please find documents from our search of FBI Headquarters and the New York Field Office files. The Washington Field Office revealed one file which we are unable to locate at this time. It has not been determined whether it is identifiable with your subject. The Washington Field Office will continue to search for this file and when/if it is located it will be reviewed for possible processing. Some of the documents are of poor quality and the duplication process has rendered the copies to be of even less legibility. The enclosed documents represent the best reproductions we are able to make. ?A_search of the FBI's electronic surveillance indices revealed no record responsive to your FOIPA request. . (Rev. 083184000) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 08/22/2002 To: Director's Offic (I3 Attn: AD John E. Collingwood From: Records Management FOIPA See?iDn/Disr?losnrp Unit- Contact: Approved By: Hooton William Garrity Robe?gi?f?r Har?v havi cl th/ b2 Drafted By: r13 b6 Case ID eve Title; FREEDOM OF INFORMATION-ERTVACV AcTs (FOIPA) REQUEST OFI Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release to ursuant to his FOIPA request for inrormation concerning himself. Enclosure: Copy of the proposed release. Excisions were made to protect the identities of confidential sources as well as the information they provided, ._ipersonslmin?ormation concerning other individuals, and the identities of FBI personnel. In addition, numerous documents have been referre to other Gov rnment agencies for review and direct response to . I ?2 I To: Director's Office From: Records Management Re: 08/22/2002 LEAD (S) Set Lead 1: OFFICE AT OPCA FQL DC For your information. CC: Room 7244 382 1?4 99 b6 b7C (01/26/l998) b2 b6 b7C Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 09/18/2002 To: Director.s Office Attn: Michael P. Fromz' Records Management FOIPA Section/Disclosure Unit 9 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Contact: Approved By: Hooton William [k7 arrity Rober Hardv David 57? ?r Drafted By: Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE TO JAMIE PIETRAS CONCERNING (DECEASED) JAMES A. RHODES FORMER GOVERNOR OF OHIO Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 428 pages of FBI records concerning former Ohio Governor James A. Rhodes. Enclosure(s): Copy of the proposed release. Details: Mr. Jamie Pietras of the Columbus Alive newspaper requested all records pertaining to former Governor James A. Rhodes. Also, requests have been received from Jonathon Riskind of the Columbus Dispatch and James Gordon Meek, a freelance reporter. The records proposed for release consist of FBIHQ material in which Governor Rhodes is listed as a subject of several FBI files. One file pertains to the proposed demonstration at the inauguration of Rhodes as governor in 1975. Two files consist of civil rights complaints filed against Governor Rhodes and others by individuals who believed their rights were violated. A fourth file concerns a threat against Governor Rhodes and three other political leaders. Additionally, one cross- reference was processed which is a newspaper Clipping regarding legislation signed by Governor Rhodes. To: Director's Oirice From: Records Management Re: 09/18/2002 3 Another file proposed for release is of an administrative inquiry type regarding a possible impropriety involving the hiring of a sister of a Federal District Court Judge to the Judicial Appellate Board of the Cleveland Regional Order of Review by Governor Rhodes. The results of the FBI investigation were furnished to the Department of -Justice who advised that there was no evidence to indicate any violation of Federal Criminal law relating to this appointment and no further investigation should be conducted. Of particular interest is the sixth file proposed for release. This file contains miscellaneous information pertaining to Governor Rhodes. Rhodes was considered ?a Bureau friend of long standing.? After Rhodes became governor, the SAC of Cincinnati wrote to the Director, ?We will have no problem with him whatsoever. He is completely controlled by an SAC contact and we have full assurance that anything we need will be made available One document within this file contains information of a derogatory nature from a confidential source who reported that Rhodes had been involved in gambling activities during the years 1936 through 1938. Also in this file is information that during a meeting with the Director in 1968, Governor Rhodes mentioned his hobby was unsolved murders and in compiling material for his book he requested FBI assistance in identifying notorious unsolved murders. As a result, six main field offices were instructed to furnish a brief thumbnail sketch of seven notorious unsolved murders in their jurisdiction. The thumbnail sketches supplied to Governor Rhodes are contained in the file. Deletions were made in these files to protect the privacy of FBI personnel and third parties; source file and symbol numbers; and source information. To: Director?s Orrice From: Records Management Re: 09/18/2002 LEAD Set Lead 1: OFFICE AT OPCA F0, DC Par Tf needed, please contacd for a release copy. b6 CC: 1 Room 7244 1 Natlonai Press Otflce, Room 7222 b7C Room 6387 #9 (Rev.08?28?2000) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b2 b6 Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 09/20/2002b7C To: Director's Office Attn: Kortan Michael From: mos-xvi: TTn-i Contact: Approved By: Hooton Willi Garrity Rob Hardy Davi AI, Drafted By: meh Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST FOR HEADQUARTERS FILE PERTAINING TO JAMES SMITH BUSH Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 212 pages responsive to captioned request. Enclosure(s): Copy of proposed release. Details: In September 2001, Stephanie K. Eller, a researcher made a FOIA request for documents and records pertaining to the late James Smith Bush, a great uncle of the current President of the United States. She plans on writing a book concerning the historical perspective of several presidents which will be published by DoubleDay some time this year, The material being released consists of two main files, a Background Investigation and a Special Inquiry concerning Mr. Bush's appointment and subsequent reappointment as a member of the Board of Directors of the Export Import Bank. He was selected for the position and served from 1959? 1962. Some of the people interviewed for Mr. Bush's background investigation were highly prominent people such as senators, governors, and businessmen. Material proposed for release includes: Mr. Bush's second wife citing his heavy drinking and her disapproval of intoxicants as the actual reason she obtained a divorce, an individual that considered Mr. Bush a womanizer whom could not be trusted in a position of confidence because he could easily be led astray by a beautiful woman and the president of a bank who stated Mr. Bush was asked to resign his position of Vice President of the bank due to his drinking, which did not include being intoxicated on the jobi but may have resulted in unexplained absences from work. All arrest, credit, employment and agency checks which were conducted on Mr. Bush and members of his family were favorable. Pursuant to the FOIA, deletions were made to protect personal privacy of third parties mentioned along with confidential sources and the information provided. Set Lead 1: OFFICE AT OPCA FO, DC For your information. CC: 1 Mr. Kortan, Room 7240 Room 7244 National Press Office Attn: Room 7222 Room 6296 1 300 b7C - Room 300 >m 300 If (01/?6/1993) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Datele/ZQ/OZ To: Director's Office Attn: OPCA Michael P. %n Section Chie From: Records Management Unit 3 Contact: Approved By: Hooton William Garrity Rober Jr Hardv Davi (W Le, 2 b6 Drafted By: P:dph b7 Case ID iso-HQ-1361863 Tel. Title: FREEDOM OF ACTS (FOIPA) REQUEST OF DIRECTOR MITCHELL E. DANIELS, JR-, EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release to Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. pursuant to his FOIPA request of August 27, 2001 for information concerning himself. Enclosure: Copy of the proposed release. Details: By letter dated January 4, 2001, the FBI was requested by the White House to conduct a Level I Full Field Investigation of Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. Mr. Daniels was being considered for a Presidential appointment as Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C., which requires Senate Confirmation. .13 ?y To: Director's Office From: Records Management bRe: 190-HQ-1361863, 10/24/02 b6 b7C th To: Director's Office From: Records Managemeht Re: l90?HQ?l361863, 10/24/02 LEAD (S) Set Lead 1: OFFICE AT OPCA FO, DC Please advise when the release can be made. CC: 1? Room 7244 H?l LgyiUnlt Folder, Room 300 H?l Front Office, Room 6296 (01/26/1998) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION b2 b6 Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 10/30/2002 To: Director?s Office Attn: Michael P. Kortan From: Records Management RID Section/FOIPA Unit 2 Contact: Approved By: Hooton William Garrity Robe Jr Hardy Davi Drafted By: Case ID l90-HQ-l289534 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE TO MIKE FITZGERALD CONCERNING FORMER UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE PAUL E. RILEY (DECEASED) (FOIA NO. 963895) - Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 246 pages of FBI records concerning former United States District Judge Paul E. Riley. Enclosure: Copy of proposed release to Mr. Fitzgerald. Details: Mike Fitzgerald, a reporter for the Belleville News?Democrat has requested information on former United States District Judge Paul E. Riley. The records proposed for release consist of an file concerning a background investigation on former Judge Riley, a candidate for a Presidential appointment with Senate confirmation. The file consists of interviews with acquaintances, former and present employees and employers, neighbors, Officials and references of Mr. Riley. The file also consists of investigations into Mr. Riley's financial status, criminal status and any other pertinent information which may have related to him or his family. In general, there is no derogatory information. There are some unfavorable remarks made by a former employee. To: Director's Office From: Records Management Re: Deletions have been made in the documents to protect the identity and/or information provided by a confidential source and to protect the personal privacy of FBI personnel and third parties. Lead (3) Set Lead 1: OFFICE AT OPCA FO, DC For your information. CC: 1 - Room 7244 b6 1 - 82 b7C (Rev 08?28-2000) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 12/04/2002 A To: Director's Office Attn: Michael P. Korta' From: Records Management FOIPA Section/Disclosure Unit 2 Contact: I Approved By: Hooton William rod/WK whfn/ Garrity Robe Jr Hardy Dav? Drafted By: sej b2 Case ID igo?HQ?1300115?a?f b6 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE TO CLINT TALBOTT b7C CONCERNING FORMER GOVERNOR DANIEL THORNTON (DECEASED) (FOIA NO. 959770) Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 87 pages of FBI records concerning former Governor Daniel Thornton and several other government officials. Enclosure(s): COpy of proposed release. Details: Clint Talbott, Associate Editor for the Daily Camera in Boulder, Colorado has requested information on former Governor Daniel Thornton who is deceased. Mr. Daniel Thornton is the subject of a miscellaneous file which includes a combination of press information regarding teachers accused of communist affiliations. personal relationships with others and contacts with the Director. There was derogatory information uwncerning incidents of the ,overnor nsorting with women other than his Wife. Deletions have been made to protect the privacy of third parties, and the and/or information provided by confidential informants- \9 Miarn' To: Director's Office From: Records Management Re: 11/15/2002 Set Lead 1: (Adm) OFFICE AT WASHINGTON, DC Advise PLS I when appropriate to forward proposed release to requester. b2 - b6 CC: 1 Room 7244 1 .oom 6382 b7C ea Ix) .. Fox/26/1993) I f? I FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: Routine Date: 12/11/2002 TO: Director's Office ATTN: Michael P. Kortan From: Records Management FOIPA Section/Disclosure TTnii- 9 Contact: Approved By: Hooton William Garrity Robe Jr b2 Har b7C Drafted By: eah Case ID TITLE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE TO ERNIE LAZAR CONCERNING SENATOR STEPHEN MARVIN YOUNG (DECEASED) FOIA NO. 955288 SYNOPSIS: To advise of the proposed release of 149 pages of FBI records concerning former Senator Stephen Marvin Young, deceased, to Ernie Lazar. ENCLOSURE: Copy of proposed release. Details: Ernie Lazar requested information on former Senator Stephen Marvin Young. The records proposed for release consist of four FBIHQ files. The majority of the release is composed of a file with general correspondence and newspaper clippings. Contained within some of these documents were some derogatory remarks concerning Senator Young made by FBI Officials. The file also contains numerous allegations made against Senator Young, which involved bribery, extortion, unethical law practices, connection to mob boss Vito Genovese and that he was a communist or a communist sympathizer. i if. EZ. . 3? To: Director's Office From: Records Management Re: l90-HQ?l250177 Deletions have been made to protect the identity and/or information provided by confidential sources, the personal privacy of FBI personnel and third parties,as well as National Security information. Lead (3) Set Lead 1: OFFICE AT WASHINGTON, DC Unar- ?vAI'I-un JHFA If needed, please contact for a release copy. b2 CC: 1 IRoom 7244 b6 1 National Press Office, Room 7222 1 [.oom 6382 NC .. . WM: .. a: (Rev 01-31-2003) I) pp?; FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 04/16 2003 To: Director's Office Attn: Acting F. /?handler From: Records Management RID sectinn/POTPA Unit a Contact: I Approved By: Carrity Robert Jr g?Hardy Case ID 190 HQ 1185745 U9 397(3 Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE TO MICHAEL RAVNITZKY CONCERNING CHARLES E. WHITTAKER JR. (DECEASED) FORMER SUPREME COURT JUSTICE Synopsis: To advise of the proposed release of 128 pages of FBI records concerning former Supreme Court Justice, Charles E. Whittaker Jr., deceased, to Michael Ravnitzky. Enclosure: Copy of the proposed release. Details: By letter dated December 5, 2002, Mr. Michael Ravnitzky, Director of Database and Computer-Assisted Reporting of the American Lawyer Media, requested all records pertaining to former Supreme Court Justice, Charles E. Whittaker Jr. The records proposed for released consist of an FBIHQ file concerning a background investigation conducted to determine Justice Whittaker's suitability for Presidential appointment to the Supreme Court. In general there is no derogatory information, however several persons interviewed stated that they would not support Justice Whittaker receiving this appointment. Deletions have been made in the documents to protect the identity and/or information provided by a confidential source and the personal privacy of FBI personnel and third parties. A 923365 411?-? . ?x {.333 . To: Director's O.-ice From: Records Management Re: 04/16/2003 Lead (5) Set Lead 1: (Adm) OFFICE AT DC Please advise vhen a release can be made. CC: 1 Room 7244 1 00m 280 b6 b7C OFFICE OF PUBLIC AND CONGRESSIONAL AFFAIRS GOVERNMENT RELATIONS SECTION INTERNAL ROUTING SLIP 19603 Approp. action Call me Per inquiry (Rev. 11/5/02) I DATE TO ROOM NAME TO ROOM NAME 7142 DD. Gebhardt 7142 Mr. Rawls 7240 7128 Mr. John 7240 7116 EAD D'Amuro 7262 7142 EAD Lowery Govt. Relations Section 7142 EAD McChesney 7240 3090 AD Adams 7240 5012 AD Ashley 7240 OT AD Chandler 7240 6012 AD Farrar 7240 11709 AD Hooton 7240 7825 AD Hunt 7240 6032 AD Jonas 7240 7129 AD Jordan 7240 CJIS AD Kirkpatrick 5829 AD Mefford 6236 3823 AD Monroe 7110 AD Quijas 7262 QT AD Richardson 7262 7128 AD Senser 7262 4012 AD Szady 9939 Acting Tanner 7250 7901 AD Venture 7427 1 Comment I WA A: ELENI P. KALISCH Section Chief OPCA. Government Relations Section Room 7240, Ext. 5051 1:36 b7C US. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation O?ice of Public and Congressional A?airs Department of Justice 1: A n? 1'Cqucu ?urban of Investigation Internal Routing/Action Slip TO ROOM TO ROOM 7176 The Director 7240 Assistant Director ?am A I Ini! . mi? 07?. b6 4 my a . 1:370 GRev.10-01-1999) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 04/19/2001 To: Director's Office Attn: AD John E. Collingwood From: Director?s Office ntinn/DiqcInsnre Unit 2 b2 Contact: b6 Approved By: Kelso John b7C Drafted By: I Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIAI RELEASE OF FBI RECORDS CONCERNING THE LATE CONGRESSWOMAN BELLA ABZUG TO JOHN GREENEWALD, JR AND NEWS REPORTERS ERIC KOLI AND REED IRVINE. SynOpsis: To advise of the proposed release of 354 pages of FBI records pertaining to the late Congresswoman Bella Abzug. - Details: Eric Koli of ABC News 20/20, Reed Irvine of Accuracy in Media, Inc. and a private citizen, John Greenewald, Jr. submitted FOIA requests on May 1, 2000, March 27, 2000 and April 8, 1998 respectively, for FBI records concerning the late Congresswoman Bella Abzug. Congresswoman Abzug, who died on March 31, 1998, is the subject/victim in eight FBIHQ main files. Five files concern FBI investigations involving threatening letters that were sent to and/or mentioned Ms. Abzug. Another file pertains to the FBI investigation of a civil rights incident that Ms. Abzug was inquiring about on behalf of one of her constituents. Ms Abzug was the subject of a crime aboard aircraft?false report investigation conducted in 1973. This investigation was based on an incident that took place at La Guardia Airport, New York, on October 20, 1973 at which time Ms. Abzug stated that she had a gun in her pocket. The United States Attorney declined prosecution in this matter. am. . 1 . To: Director?s Office From: Director's Ofrice Re: 04/19/2001 Ms. Abzug was the subject of a security investigation initiated in 1953. The FBI ceased the investigation in 1968, once she was elected to the United States Congress. She has been associated with various organizations which are described as communist?front in nature. Ms. Abzug registered her preference in New York City for the American Labor Party for the years 1944,1947, 1949 and 1951?1954. She acted as an attorney for the Civil Rights Congress from 1950?1952 and reportedly did a large amount of legal work for Communist Party (CP) members. Sources have described Ms. Abzug as an out?and?out communist or one who follows the lines of the CP, USA. Deletions have been made in these files to protect national security information, symbol source numbers, the personal privacy of other individuals, the identities of individuals interviewed, the identities of confidential sources, investigative techniques and information that is exempt from disclosure pursuant to court order. Copies of the documents proposed for release are maintained in Disclosure Unit 2, Team D?l. If you wish to review these documents, please contact Paralegal Specialist b2 A copy of the documents proposed for release will be forwarded tol pf OPCA for release to the next b6 of kin, if requested. For your information, Congresswoman Abzug received most of these documents in 1975. b7C A To: Director's Office From: Re: 04/19/2001 Set Lead 1: AT WASHINGTON, D.C. Director's Office Documents proposed for release will be mailed one week after this communication has been returned. CC: HrehJHrekJH I iBU?Hg?l?j?z 8 oom 7222 Room 7240 - Mr. Kelso, Room 6296 Room 6387 - Room - Room 6-300 b6 b7C (Rev. 01-31-2003) i} :3 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 04/ 4/2003 To: Director's Office Attn: Acting ?fi2?u5?ag?ifChandler From: Records Management I RID Section/F0 PA "hit 2 1 Contact: I b2 . mm Approved By: Garrity Robert. Ir V?Hardy David b6 pm? WC Drafted By: eah - Case ID Title: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) RELEASE TO MICHAEL RAVNITZKY CONCERNING FORMER GOVERNOR OF SOUTH CAROLINA JAMES F. BYRNES (DECEASED) Synopsis: To advise of the anticipated release of 142 pages of FBI records concerning former governor, James F. Byrnes, deceased, to Michael Ravitzky. Enclosure: Copy of the proposed release. Details: Michael Ravnitzky, the director of database and computer assisted reporting for the American Lawyer Media, requested information on James F. Byrnes who was Secretary of State in 1945 and also served as governor of South Carolina from 1951 to 1955. The records proposed for release consist of an file concerning a background investigation conducted to determine Byrnes' suitability for a Presidential appointment. Overall, the file contains no derogatory information; however, the file brings out Byrnes' strong stance in support of segregation. Deletions have been made in the documents to protect the personal privacy of third parties and FBI personnel and internal administrative practices. To: Director's a?ce' From: Records Manag ?Ent Re: 04/24/2003 LEAD (S) Set Lead 1: (Adm) OFFICE AT Please advise PLS I I when appropriate to forward proposed release to requester. b2 CC: 1 Room 7244 b6 1 Room 6280 b7 1 - National Press Office - Room 7222