SUBTABI A: Freedorn Foundation pub!ic-education materlals Hcw $ElU f'78, $4" 3,5 utlËfl[f; om Washington, D,C,, wassenttosEtu,, headquartersin to support its pollticat, economic and sociaI agenda. The natlonal SEIU regularly gives money lo controversiat organizations [ike J'.¡¡¡r¡r:tll-':¡tt¡itirrllJd. .: ¡- r:l $,,.i /,¡rnË [tiii{.ïr'u was spent on divlslve local politicol candidates and causes. Justthis yearsEtu z7s gave$ 'f" {3 Þftl 't! to a failed candidate for mayor of Chicago with tles to the Communlst Party. 0 They also gave the tlraxinrttrn aänount a{lowed by lawto a Socialist Seattle City Councitcampaign. $s. mriltirun was spent on hotels and airfare for union staff. , s3fi.arüoo was paid to private attorneys thatfoughtto keep SEIU members uninformed of their constitutional rights. ü Spent Farnily Ch¡ld Care Dues in 2A14 $ I . I 5 m i [lío n u,Ðs sQnr to sEtu's hearlquarrers [n washilrston, D,c., to support its potitical, economic and soclal agenda, The national SEIU regutarly gives rnoney lo controversial ol'gani;ra[ions like P[anned earentftood. \ l' J ./ hl $r.2s million was spent locatly on divisive poLiticalcandidates and causes, o 296rOO0 was paid to private attorneys foughtto keep that SEIU members uninformed of their constitutional riglrts. tËÀ Þffi $2a3rooo was funneled by SEIU to other ideological organ¡zations. I Ittt 1¡rtrt ltttltr $gorooo was spenton hotels and alrfare for union staff. Hovv Does This Benefit You? OptOutTo