U.S. DEPARTMENTOF HOUSINGAND URBANDEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, DC 20410-0001 OFACE OF ADMINISTRATION May 1, 2018 Mr. Austin Evers AmericanOversight 1030 15th Street, NW B255 Washington,DC 20005 RE: Freedomof InformationAct Request FOIA Control No.: 18-FI-HQ-00971 Dear Mr. Evers: This letter is in responseto your Freedomof InformationAct (FOIA)requestdated February27, 2018. Your request was receivedin the Departmentsof Housingand Urban Developments'FOIA Branch on February28, 2018. You are requestingthe followinginformation: 1. All SF-50 (Notificationof PersonnelAction) forms relatedto Helen Foster that relate to a change in positionor title; · 2. Records sufficientto show official titles and duties of Helen Foster, includingall position descriptions; 3. All SF-50 (Notificationof PersonnelAction) forms related to Maren Kasper that relate to a change in positionor title; and 4. Recordssufficientto show official titles and duties of Maren Kasper,includingall position descriptions. Your request is granted in part at no cost to you. Enclosed are the documentspertainingto your request. I am withholdingthe Social Securitynumbers,dates of birth and the employeedata pursuant to FOIA Exemption6. Exemption6 protects informationthat would constitutean unwarrantedinvasionof personal privacy. The interestof the general public on reviewingthese portionsof governmentdocumentsnot outweighthe individuals' right to privacy. I am the official responsible for this determination based on information provided by the Department's Office of Human Resources. You may appeal this determination within 90 days from the date of this letter. If you decide to appeal, your appeal should include a copy of your original FOIA request, a copy of this response as well as a summary of the reasons supporting the appeal. With regards to Exemption 6, your appeal should address the nature of the overriding public interest in disclosure that outweighs the personal privacy interest protected by the exemption. The envelope should be plainly marked to indicate that it contains a FOIA appeal and be addressed to: www.hud.gov \ espanol.hud.gov 2 U.S. Departmentof Housingand Urban Development Attn: FOIA Appeals Office of Ethics and AppealsLaw Division Office of GeneralCounsel St., SW, Suite 2130 451 711t Washington,DC 20410 Telephone: (202) 708-3815 You may also submit your appeal online at: https://ptlrtal.hud.!.!mlhudportal/HUD?sn:=/program ofliccs/administration/foia/foiaappeals In addition, you may contact the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) at the National Archives and Records Administrationto inquire about the FOIA mediation services they offer. The contact information for OGIS is as follows: Office of Government Information Services National Archives and Records Administration 860 l Adelphia Road-OGIS College Park, MD 20740-6001 Telephone: 202-741-5770 Toll free: 1-877-684-6448 Fax: 202-741-5769 Email: o!.!is@narn.gov For your information, your FOIA request, including your identity and any information made available, is releasable to the public under subsequent FOIA requests. In responding to these requests, the Department does not release personal information, such as home address, telephone number, or Social Security number, all of which are protected from disclosure under FOIA Exemption 6. If you have any questions regarding your request, please contact Ms. Shelby Glover at (202) 402-2673. Thank you for your interest in the Department's programs and policies. Sincerely, ~~- Sandra J. Wright FOIA Supervisor FOIABranch Office of the ExecutiveSecretariat Enclosure Siand:udForni ~O Rtv 7i91 NOTIFICATION OF PERSONNEL ACTION U.S.OfficeorPcnonr,clMwn:ii:1:mcnl FPM Supp 296-ll, Subch. 4 I. Nnm•(l.u1, Fir,1,Middle) l SocialSccllntvNumber FOSTER,HELcNGOFF FIRSTACTON 5-B l':a1w1:afAcuGA 721 REASSIGNMENT ,.o.L1:11alA..lllority f-C. Codo S USC 339S(A)(l)(A) 5-F.LcsulAulhoril)' 6-.\ C:ode 6-8 Nciwe"' ACDOII 6-C Cllllc 6-0 Lqd Alllbon!y 6•E Code 6-F LcaalAulhoruy 7. FROM:Pmilion1"11le 111d Number U TO P1111lto11 Title111dNllmbcr CHIEFADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 6S8S1336 R91961 CHF PRVCYOFCR& FOIAOFCR 66108008 ES0006 I l'lyPl .. 4 l:.fffflinDalc 07-23-2017 I • '""!.!'""-I IUA J-A.Ccdo VSM 5-1.:Code I l. D111oaf8i.r1b J\0)\0} r o.. Codo 10 (ifadfo,Lo>..! I" UA. Bmic Pay US locdil) AdJ .00 .00 S1111«be IIJ,., 1%Taul S&foli, I.00 •• Pay l'lu, llau .00 llC. A,lj Ouic: Pay ES r7O«Codrlll 10,\ 8111cPay 111D.OlhcrPay SIB0,397.00 .00 14. Nameond Lacari04\ur Posiriun'sOti5anizalian 22 1'9Supcrl.l,r ,20 1.111.....,. c..d,c,Lnd 0301 00 00 I.00 l0B l.ocal11)' AdJ 11• 1'17e.... PA SI 80,397.00 Isiao,397.oo Z0C AI\I llulc I'll)' "=•and L~auon of Posi1mn'1Or1J1A11~1ion 120D Oilier Pq .no HOUSINGANDURBANDEVELOPMENT AOMINODAS/A HU 831102100000000000PP20 2017 EMPLOYEEDATA 23.VeielllllSPreference 1 l~. len11rc I -None J - 10 Poh11'O1ub1lny 2 -s l'alnr 4 - 10 Po1n1/Compmsablc 6 - 10 Po1n~Co~blc,'JO" 5 - 10 Pc,inl/01hor ~'1 ~~-- 15 A mcyU" 1 • CaadittONI I - Ptma1t1t111 3 - lndeli11i10 Nanc 21 AM11nan1 llldlcawr ~D)lOJ l0. ltclimncnt Plan iK7 FERSANDFICA I 31 Service Canp ~IC (lea\~, 12-28-2004 34. PoliliOIIOccupied n 4 - S~S C:1t1:.,R... n-cd 11-0010-001 I 141 0 1 FULLTIMI:: 36 Apsiroprialiao Code (C11)-.C1111111)-S1&1e or o,-meu Loeallan) -t2 7YES ixlNO r 33 1'111-Tlllll HcMsPerBn•cckly Pl,YPeriod 37 lh111111nins Unit1\1:11111 E-Enmpl N-i-oacumpr 139DlllySw1an 31 DUI)'Staliaa Code Tl 26 VClll'llllPrcfMnecfurRIF ...a!.!: RaterDmnlllll&ftl NOTAPPLICABLE J!. WorkScb,dwe JS FLSACo11agniy ~ I -Compcliliva Service 3 -SES General 2 - .1:.. qncd Srrvi.. Tl I POSITIONDATA 40 Asc,q, 0113 ~0- 8888 ·~ WASHINGTONDISTOF COLUMBIA DC lu , 45 Remarks 50. Sil!llanrntAuthcnliu&iaa am! Tilk of Appra\;.,gOfficial 46 Eraplll)iasOcpa,1mcnt er Agcaq· HOUSINGANDURBANDEVELOPMENT 47.AgencyCede HU83 141PCTIOIWI OfficeID 4454 49. Appioul Date EISBY: FELICIAA. PURIFOY DIRECTOR,HUMANCAPITALSERVICES 07-23-2017 .. EditionsPriorto 7191Arc Nol Usable:Aftc:r6130/93 NSN75'40·01·333-6236 I • F.mployeeCopy • Keep CorFuture Refernre HUD-18-0124-A-000001 Page 1 of 5 St.indardl'Dml 5D Rev7,91 NOTIFICATIONOF PERSONNELACTION U.S OfficeofPenunncl M11111111cmc111 FPMSupp 296-H. Suhch 4 I N""'e (LHI, f 1r,1,Moddlc) . FOSTER,HF.I.ENGOFF llOJ\OJ FIRSTACTON 5-H Nal\lreof Acba11 721 REASSIGNMENT 6-A Cede 6-B.Nalmeor Aelion J-C.C'adc 5•1>Leso!A111horil)' 6-C Code 6-D.Lcg•IAullwrily V.5M S USC 339S(A)(l)(A) S-F Lep Authority 6-F. Code !i-F.tcgal Aulhoril)' 7 FROMPo1iuonTule 1111d Number 11 TO. 1'01iliMTilleand Numb"' DEPUTYCHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 66010876 R81020 CHIEFADMINISTRATIVEOFFICER 65851336 R9l961 I Pa, Plan I' Oa: 4 Etrccll\'t D11e SECOND ACTION f•A Code 5-E Cude I 12-25-2016 I c..i. 10 Oradoor Ll\-cl 111S1cpCII~o 12A ButePay 12B Locll111 AdJ .00 .00 in 12Tollls.itaiy I.00 16 PayPl111 r7 0" Payllui, .OD 12C.AdJ.BiuicPay ES c..i.r• DO 20A Buicl'I)' 1120.O11,crP1y .OD $180,397.00 14 l'\iun• and l,oc;Pon of Pmnion's0rgDNL111on OndaorLl\~I 0301 00 1208 Lac:.ililyAdJ .00 raSIBD,397.00 119Sirporllate 121 Pq BUii Tolll:Wl,Y PA I$180,397.00 I.00 20C,Adi,Buie ~Y 200 Od,erPay 22 Nome111dLo~auanof Posilion'1O'lJuli1111ian HOUSlNGANDURBANDEVELOPMENT ADMIN ODASIA IIU 831102100000000000 PP03 2017 EMPLOYEEDATA 23. Velel'11111 Prefermce 1-Nanc 2-Huinl 1 17 FF. ,, 30. Relill:IIICDl Pllft !K7 FERSANDFICA I 12-28-2004 YES X NO 211.p~ RD14Dcttnninanl rn ~ NOT APPLICABLE I JI. ServiceCamp Ihle (Ln,-.J 26. VeteransPrcrcr:,RIF r-:-10-Nunc 2-Canduional I - Pmnanr:nl l • lrultlinil• 25 AMui11111 lndicllc, ltD)(t>) n I 25,AJencyUse 14 Tcnun:: J - IOPuia!A'.llhe, J - 10Poin11Diailnl11y 4 - 10Pc,in~·Camp,:n1able 6- IOPain~'Compcnsmblc l~• n JJ. l'art·TimeHouCJl'tr J11wcekly l2 Wark Schedule r"f7 FULLTIME PmyP,rind POSITIONDATA r:7 ]4 Pa1ilionOccupied 1- CnmpetiD,11 Sffl'tct J - SESOurral 2- E,iccpttdSm·icc 4 - SES CareerReserved ~ 38. DIiiy SiationCode J!l. Dilly Shltian l 11-0010-001 JS. FLSACtlCf!CH)' I"' 40. AsencyD111a 36 AppmprilllionCoda J7. Bqainin11 Uni!Swus E-Excmpl t.:•Ncne11emp1 I 8888 {C11y-Caunly-Shllc orO,-cncu l.oc11iooJ WASHINGTONDISTOF COLUMBIA DC 42 14) 144 45. Rem11rks 46 Employilll! O.panmcoror Agency I,a SO.S18JlllW'C'Aulhc,11icatiun 1111d Tilleor ApprovingOfficial HOUSINGAND URBANDEVELOPMENT 47 Agency ("ndc HU83 P111o"""lOtlice ID 44S4 49. ApprovalD01~ EISBY:FF.I.ICIAA. PURIFOY DIRF.CTOR, HUMANCAPITALSeRVICl::S 12-25-2016 .. Ed1110115 Pnor to 7/91Arc Not UsableARcr6130/93 NSN7S40·01-3l3-62J6 I • EmployeeCopy- Keep for Future Rerereac:e HUD-18-0124-A-000002 Page 2 of 5 StandardFnrrnSO ~-v79I u.s om~~ 11rl'c:soMCI Ml11u1gcmcn1 FPMSIIJlp296•l3.Subch 4 NOTIFICATION OF PERSONNEL ACTION I Nama (LUI, Fam.Middle) FOSTER,HELENGOFF llDJl0) FIRSTACTON _.,. ·• •~.!.• ACUUN 2 Saaal S.cuniy 5-B.N1111n af Acticm TRANSFERSES NONCAREER S-0.Leaal AlllhmilY , USC3395(0)(2) 5•f: LeglllAulharily OPMFORM 16S2 S·A Cade 147 3-C. Cade VAG .5-li.Code AWM 7 FROM: Pn1ilionT,~o lltd l\umhcr I' I" 12A BuicPay m1 l.awi1y AdJ .00 .00 14. N- 1• t:ft'rclivtDue 3 l>a1nCllil1h 07-10-2016 I ~A Code 6-11.Nal\lre of Acricn 6-C Cad.: 6•0. Lealll Audwity (,-F.Code 6-r LegalAulh11rily U TO l'u111;.,,. Title uul NU111ber DEPUTYCHIEFADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 66010876 R8l020 Dec Codi IQ ulySlal!cnCede 11-0010-001 41!.A11cncy Duta 35. Fl.SACAl•iDIY 36 ApproprwlnnCoda :-71::-Euc opl N•Nmou:mpl 37. llarl!li•"'IIU1111S111 ... 8888 11rOvcncu LIIClllicn) l9. DIii)' S111110D(C11,y-CaWll)'-SWe I I'' WASHINGTONDISTOF COLUMBIA DC '2 143 144 4S. Remark, VETERANPRJ:!rl::RENCE IS NOT APPLICABL~TO THF.SF.NIORF.XF.CUTIVE SEflVlCE. TENURF.AS USEDFOR 5 use 3502IS NOTAPPLICABLETO TIIE SENIORF.XECUTIVE SERVICE. FROZENSERVICE:00 YRS. 00 MOS. CRF.DITABLE MILITARYSERVICE:00 YRS. 00 MOS. PREVIOUSRF.TIREMENT COVERAGI:::PREVIOUSLYCOVERED EMPLOYEEIS AUTOMATICALLY COVEREDUNDl:Rfl::RS,fERS·RAEOR FERS-FRAE. OPF MAINl"AINED BY DEPT.OF HUO.OFFICEOF EXECUTIVERESOURCl:;S DIVISION 46. Empla)in& lkpclmcnl or Agency 50. S11111"11111:'Alllllen!iC41io midT11lcnur App,uvma Offi,illl HOUSINGANDURBANDEVELOPMENT FJSBY:FELICIAA. PURIFOY DIRl:CTOR.HUMANCAPITAi.SF.RVICES 47.AllfflCYCodc HU83 149Pt.-1 4454 Office ID <4'1.Appronl D&10 07-10-2016 .. EdillOftlPriOJID7191Arc Noi Usa!llcAfter 6/l0/9l NSN7540-01-JJJ-6236 1- Employee Copy- KHp ror Future Reference HUD-18-0124-A-000003 Page 3 of 5 StandardFam, SO RC\17191 NOTIFICATION OF PERSONNEL ACTION U.S.Officeor Pc::ionncl Management fPM Supp 296-3.3,Subch.ol 2 Socialscc..,.1y,-..,.1,cr I Nlfflll (Lui, Fim, Middle) KASPl:.R.MARENM FIRST ACTON 4. Effccu" D111 I 5ECONDACTION S-A Ccdo 5•8. N11URorAction 546 CONVTO SES NONCAREERAPPT 3-C Code S-D LegalAuthariiy V4L S-F.Code AWM 5 USC3394(A)NONCAR 5-F Lcpl Authcriiy 6-A Code 6-8. s-urA~lim, 6·C- Cock 6•0. 6,E Code 6-F LegalAuthority LeaalAullioril)" OPM FORM1652 7 FllOM Po1i1JD11 T,tlo mid Numbir U TO Po1ilioilTille 1111d N11111hc:r SENIORADVISOR 66056433 RSOOOJ I Pq Plan I03-19-2017 J Cb1uf81nll l(D)lO) r r• r,.,a- S11p "' Jim UTaal~ On: Codi I Hnadc orLt,d llA Dasie1'1y IZB Lo· .00 SEN?ORADVISOR 66056433 ES02J5 16 Payl'wt ES I" Ou C'oottl" Cnlta,a.e,d 0301 20A Buie Pa)· $179,700.00 14 Name111dLoc1111ao 11fl'Dl,tion\Orpiaticm 00 1108 .00 Laultty I"00 St,pc,R» AdJ 121 ,.,.o .... IJO TolllS&l&t> $179,700.00 PA 120c AdJ e..ic r.,. 2ill>. Olha l'lly $179,700.00 .00 I 22 NameIJldLocation of POlitm'• Orpmulion HOUSINGAND URBANDEVELOPMENT OS,1O HU 831101001000000000 PP0720l7 EMPLOYEEDATA 23. Veteransl'rcfcrmcc I -None l4 Tt11ure Z - S l'olnl J ,, r.l 3 - 10Poin111)11.11lld11Y S-10 P111111·0thff 4 - 10Point.'Comp,tU1ble 6 - 10Plsinl/Compcnsablc·J0~, ~ inC) 0 U1Z O- Nunc l · Ccmdilionll I - Pmn1111m1 l • lndclinilo 'I:. rn J\:OTAPPLICABLE if7 FULLTIME l8 Allaw1&n1 lndtc:a!Of 1101101 I JG.Retimllmt Plan I Ki7 FF.RS{FRAE) 01-20-2017 v.,•..,,,. ~rorcntt 7 YES far RIF lxlNO ~ RIie Dclcrminalll J2 Wark Schcdtllt ll.$et\'laCCllllfl ~ICl(l.an) 26. 33 Pan,Tuu Haun Per Bifttlily Payl'ariad I POSITIONDATA i-:-1 34. l'osillOn Occupied JS Fl.SAC1101nr,· 1-Comp:rtui,c Sm.ic. l - Sl:S Omrnl ~1!-ucmp,1 e.;• Sun~empl 2- Eaccp:ld Scnico 4 - SF.SCa,nr R1111\-.d I 38 DUiySllllmnCede 37 011111li••"l1 U11ilSlllllli 8888 or (hcnou Lac:aiian) 39 D,nyS11non (C11y,Cawuy-S1a1~ 11--0010-001 40 Agrncy0.14 36 APJ1111pnaricn Cocfe 141 I 4l WASHINGTONDISTOF COLUMBIA DC I 1 •4 4l 4S Rcm111ks VETl:-:RAN PREFERENCEIS NOT APPLICABLETO THE SENIOREXECUTIVESERVICl::. PROBATIONARY PERIODFORSESPOSITIONIS NOT REQUIRED. TENUREAS USEDFORS USC3502 IS NOTAPPLICABLETO THE SENIOREXECUTIVE SERVICE. 46 EmployingDq,artmmt or As=>- soSrpanur;A111hca1W11iac 1111d Tide or Appro,ina Oflic1al HOUSINGANDURBANDEVELOPMENT EISBY: FELICIAA. PURIFOY DIRF.CTOR,HUMANCAPITALSERVICES 47 Agmcy Cock HUR3 141PcuGT111Cl Ollicc ID 4454 49. Appn"al D11c 03-19-2017 .. Priorto 7/91 Arc Ed1Uons Not Usable After6130/93 NSN 7S40-01-333-6236 I - Employi:i:Copy • h:eep ror Future Reference HUD-18-0124-A-000004 Page 4 of 5 SWUIMd FormSO Rcv7.191 us.Officear rcnaMel Maruigemmt FPM Supp 296-3], Sllbch 4 NOTfflCA TION OF PERSONNEL ACTION I NUM(Lui, Frrll,Middle) 1 ,--·· KASPER,MARENM ,--·---· I 1 ---- ,ft. FIRSTACTON SECOND ACTION J•A Code J•B. N&111111 or Acuon 6·A Cod. 6-11h'auc of Aclicn 721 REASSIGNMENT 6-C Cod& M> Lcpl Aulllmiy 6·E Cock 6,F l.epl Authority S-C.Co.le J·D Leap!Authonry V9M 5 USC339.5(0)(I) s.1:.Codc S.F LegalAuthonty AWM OPM FORM1652 1 • EITccu\'CDm: OB-06-2017 I l(UJ\CJ 7 FROM:Patilicn Tille 11111 Numllcf U TO SENIORADVISOR 660S6433 ES023.5 EXECVICEPRES&:. CHIEFOPERATINOOfCR 15009107 R98350 I r.,flaa r Der Cede Ill Ill Gndcorlcm UA. Huie Pay 12R LacatuyAdj .00 .00 14 IIJPl)'BUtl 11 toulSIIII)' l11poc"'1t 0301 .00 I.00 UC AdJ 11.uicPay 1•20 Ol!trrPay H PayPiao ES I''1101'""""I" 00 Gndr01Ll\'d l'Y .5Upa,lbll Ott 00 I.00 ?OA Dastel'ay .00 ~=•and Loc:alianof Po,idon·101JP11i&111oa Po1111onTnlc 111d NWllbcr 208 LOQhl)IAdJ $179,700.00 ,l~ Tolallda,y $119,700.00 121 l'lyllllll PA I$179,100.00 I.00 2ac AdJ Ruic l'lly 2110Oilier Pl)' ll r-amcand LocatiM of Postlion'sOra111m1t1m HOUSINGAND URBANDEVELOPMENT OS,1O HOUSINGANDURBANDEVELOPMENT GNMA I IU 831I 20021000000000 pp 16 2017 EMPLOYEE DATA 13. Vlffflnl l'rcfcmice I l-J Poinl J - 10 Paint1Disali1l1ty S- I0PoinciOlllff 4 - 10 l'llmc/Compmsable 6 - IOl'oiociC'on,proablcJO"• 17 •• , 0 - :-lanc I - Pme- ~ encyUse 2 • CCIGdllional J • lndllin11c I 30. Recircmm Pl~ Tl I JI. S,r,,iceCom,, Dale (l.ea~c) FERS(FRAE) 01-20-2017 n 26 Vctenns PttffflGce f« RIF YF.S ro-i lS Annu,11111 lndioa!CII' ~Dl{OJ Kfl --:-7 2-' Tenure 1-~on• NOT APPLICABLE lxlNO Rile Dlllcmwiant n 32 Wotl,Schedule 33. l'lrl-T,mc ffoun Prr B,,.cddy PsyPmod "'i=7'FULi.TIME POSITTON DATA r:-1 •- 34. PmilionOcc:11p;tc1 C'ompc1i11vc Scn,ia ] - SES Gcnrral 2 - Excqi~ Scnicc 4 - 51:.5Cueer Rei.en'td 38 DutyS111ianCode JS FLSACattSol)' ~ 36 Appr;pnaciaa ('ode 37. BlllJlialfliUnit S111111 E - Eiict!lp1 N•t--cmp1 8888 I 39 O\irySl&fiCNI (Cil).County•Srarcor O,-cncml.ac111011) WASHINGTONDISTOFCOLUMBIA DC 11-0010-001 40 AscncYlhla I" 1•2 I~] lu 45 Rem11rlcs 46 Empl11Y1118 Dq,anmen1ar Apncy I 511. SiplW'e'Aurhcntiwionaad Title of AppToving Ollicfal HOUSINGAND URBANDEVELOPMENT 47 Asmcr Coda HU BJ 4R PrraannclOfficeID 49. Appro,-.1Dare 4454 08-06-2017 EISBY: FF.LTCIA A. PURIFOY OJRF.CTOR, HUMANCAPITALSERVICES .. l!d111ons Priorto 7191AreNotUsableAltcr6130f9J NSN 7540-01-333-6236 I • Emplo)·rcCopy - Krrp rar Future Reference HUD-18-0124-A-000005 Page 5 of 5