INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PRELIMINARY ASSES SITE INVESTIGATION GARDEN CITY GROUND-WATER PLUME BARTHOLOMEW COUNTY COLUMBUS, INDIANA US. EPA ID: INN000508642 SEPTEMBER 30, 2005 Prepared By: Reviewed By: Reviewed By: Approved By: Signature Page for GARDEN CITY GROUNDWATER PLUME Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation COLUMBUS, INDIANA BARTHOLOMEW COUNTY US EPA ID: INN000508642 Date: BILLY E. GILES, PROJECT MANAGER Site Investigation Section Indiana Department of Environmental Management Date: TIMOTHY R. OHNOSN Site Investigation Section Indiana Department of Environmental Management Date: GABRIELE HAUER, SECTION CHIEF Site Investigation Section Indiana Department of Environmental Management Date: JAN PELS EPA SITE ASSESSMENT MANAGER US. EPA Region Table of Contents Section . - i . Page I. Introduction . 1 - 1 II. Site Background 2-1 2.1 Site Description 2-1 2.2 Site History 2-4 111. Sampling Procedures, Field Observations, and Analytical Results 3-1 3.1 Introduction 3-1 3.2 Sample Collection Procedures and Analytical Results 3-1 3.2.1 Geophysical Survey 3-1 3.2.2 Soil and Ground Water Sampling 3-1 3.2.3 Drinking Water Sampling 3-4 IV. Migration Pathways 4-1 4.1 Soil Exposure Pathway . 4-1 4.2 Groundwater Pathway 4-1 4.3 Surface Water Pathway. 4-3 4.4 Air Pathway 4-3 V. References 5-1 ii {'11 .m .o Appendices Geologic Well Logs lS-Mile Surface Water Pathway Map 4?Mile Radius Map Sensitive Environment Information Residential/Commercial Well Sampling Location Map, anuary,_2002 Analytical Results for Residential/Commercial Well Sampling, January, 2002 Photographs of Residential/Commercial Well Sampling, January, 2002 Analytical Results for Soil Sampling from Mobile Lab, November, 2002 Analytical Results for Ground-Water and Soil Sampling, November, 2002 Photographs of Ground-Water and Soil Sampling, November, 2002 Table 10 List of Tables Soil Sampling Locations 3-3 Soil Samples Sent to Contract Lab Program 3-5 Ground Water Samples Sent to Contract Lab Program 3-6 CLP Soil Sample Analytical Results 3?7 CLP Ground Water Sample Analytical Results i 3-8 Mobile Lab Soil Sample Analytical Results 3-9 through 3-11 Commercial/Residential Well Sampling Locations 3-12 Commercial/Residential Well Key Findings List 4-2 Soil Samples Key Findings List Background Samples 4-4 Soil Samples Key Findings List Source Samples 4?5 iv Figures List of Illustrations Site Location Map 2-2 Site Features Map 2-3 Soil and Ground Water Sample 3-2 SECTION I INTRODUCTION The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM), Of?ce of Land Quality (OLQ), Site Investigation Section, under a Cooperative Agreement (CA) with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U .8. EPA), Region Of?ce, has been funded to perform Preliminary Assessments/ Site Investigation for sites listed in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLIS). These assessments are conducted under the authority of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980 and the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986. The purpose of the investigation is to obtain the data necessary to identify the highest priority sites posing threats to human health and/or the environment. The was created under the guidance of the Superfund Accelerated Cleanup Model (SACM). One of the primary objectives of SACM is to minimize the sequential and redundant assessments of hazardous waste sites. The concept of the was developed to provide a means to conduct a single assessment process for removal, pre-remedial and remedial concerns. The will replace the traditional assessments, Preliminary Assessments, and Screening Site Inspections (SSI) previously conducted under CERCLA. 1-1 SECTION II SITE BACKGROUND 2.1 SITE DESCRIPTION The Garden City Groundwater Plume site is located in a small community south of Columbus, Indiana (Bartholomew County). The site is located northwest of the intersection of State Road 11 and County Road 100 South (Figure 1). The groundwater plume of trichloroethylene (TCE) is moving toward the south/southeast and currently located under the Garden City Mobile Home Park and adjacent residences. The approximate address of the site- is 926-960 Jonesville Road. Evidence of ?ll material in the area of sampling was very apparent from the soil cores and visual surface evidence. Construction debris of concrete/brick and foundry sand was encounter- ed in every boring. Refusal and poor recovery Was encountered in some borings due to large pieces of concrete and other debris. . The depth of the ?ll appeared in some locations as much as 15 feet deep. The plume is in the sands and gravels of the ?ood plain of the East Fork of the White River approximately 4,000 feet west of the river channel. The sands and gravels of the ?ood plain are approximately 90 feet thick over the bedrock. The groundwater in the sand and gravels serve'as the major source of drinking water supply for the City of Columbus. A well?eld, that supplies approximately 75% of the drinking water for the City of Columbus, is located approximately 5,000 feet south of the site at the county fairgrounds. In the mid-19905 and again in 2002, the number of wells was increased by constructing new municipal wells east of State Road 1 1, closer to the river. The area around the site is a mixture of residential commercial, industrial, and agriculture land uses (Figure 2). The agriculture tends to be away from the highway and along both sides, the 2-1 I fin?u - . pu- .I I Figure? Garden City Site Investigation FM 9L Area In be Sampled 1? Kiel Brother: ServiceSlation - ELLFIELD ,1 Fem+u res Map 'Jl other uses are interspersed along the highway. Two (2) gas stations with underground tanks are located above the TCE plume. Both of these facilities have had problems with leaking tanks and have been in Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Program. A railroad parallels State Road 1 1 approximately 200 feet to the west. Gravel extraction Operations have taken place on the east Side of State Road 1 for many decades and continue presently. Some of the gravel excavations are now surface water bodies. One (1) former gravel pit was located approximately 2,000 feet southeast of the plume and is alleged to have been ?lled with industrial wastes including waste oil?s containing TCE. The site at the Miller Salvage facility is currently in the State Cleanup Program. 2.2 SITE HISTORY A GardenCity resident complaining about petroleum odor and taste in a drinking water well initially noti?ed IDEM in 1990. Investigations by the Indiana Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Program revealed gasoline constituents and TCE in the residential well. The plume was also found to be contaminating the well of a mobile home park, a public water supply. A treatment system (air stripper) was installed on this well. It was initially determined that the petroleum and TCE was originating from an upgradient gas station, Kiel Brothers Oil Company (IND985 046903). A Preliminary Assessment was completed on the Kiel Brothers Oil Company site by IDEM in 1992. Site Investigation (SI) and LUST Programs continued a coordinated investigation and site characterization of the Kiel Brothers Oil Company site. In 1994, the characterization revealed an upgradient well (MW-101) with concentrations of TCE that indicated Kiel Brothers Oil Company was not the source of the TCE. The Kiel Brothers Oil Company TCE plume CERCLIS site was closed as a no further action (NFRAP) in September 2002. A new CERCLIS site was opened 24 to continue the investigation of the source of the TCE in September 2002. This report documents the continued effort to locate the source of the groundwater plume. Interviews with local residences and merchants revealed that the area north of the ground water plume was once a low-lying area that was prone to ?ooding and the site of the Kiel Brothers Oil Company gas station was once wetlands. In November 2002, the source investigation focused on the eight (8) lots north of the groundwater plume to determine if the contamination was brought into the property as ?ll material. The nearbyColumbus Municipal Well?eld does not serve the Garden City area. Attempts were made to connect the Garden City area to the public water supply; but as of yet these efforts have not been successful. The Garden City area is served by private wells including the Garden City Mobile Home Park well which is classi?ed as a public supply due to the 30-40 residences served. 2-5 SECTION SAMPLING PROCEDURES, FIELD OBSERVATIONS, AND ANALYTICAL RESULTS 3 . 1 INTRODUCTION The ?eld work conducted in support of the investigation consisted of three (3) distinct events. A geophysical survey of the site, Geoprobe borings to collect soil and ground water samples, and residential and commercial wells sampling. 3.2 SAMPLE COLLECTION PROCEDURES AND ANALYTICAL RESULTS 3.2.1 GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY The geOphysical survey was completed on?site by IDEM staff on October 31, 2002 prior to determining sampling locations. Since this area of sampling was ?lled-in with debris; there was a concern of buried drums or tanks. The survey did not discover any metal anomalies that would indicate the disposal of drums or tanks. 3.2.2 SOIL AND GROUNDWATER SAMPLING Soil and ground water samples were collected at nine (9) locations with an additional two (2) background locations (Figure 3): The samples were collected in areas that were accessible with a Ge0pr'obe and in coordination with property owners. Thirty soil samples, 1 1 ground water, and associated quality control/quality assurance were collected in 11 locations for analysis (Table 1). One 1) soil duplicate and two background samples were collected. All the samples were submitted to an on-site mobile lab. The EPA mobile lab was mobilized on-site by staff of HT Research lnstituteltoprovide quick analyses turnaround times for directing sample locations if any contamination was encountered. Thirty soil and eleven water samples were submitted to the mobile lab for volatile organic compound 3-1 .gDec Garden h. a. on. a a. a. Table 1 Garden City Ground Water Plume Soil Samples Mobile Laboratory Anaiysis November, 2002 Boring Depth Location B-1 5 feet Vacant field B-1 8 feet Vacant field 8-1 12 feet Vacant field B-2 6 feet Vacant field by State Road 11 B-2 7 feet Vacant'?eld by State Road 11 BS 2 feet Big Foot by State Road 11 8?3 13 feet Big Foot by State Road 11 8-4 7 feet Car Dealer by State Road 11 B4 12 feet Car Dealer by State Road 11 8-4 16 feet Car Dealer by State Road 11 B5 6 feet Behind Big Foot B-5 9 feet Behind Big Foot 8-5 12 feet Behind Big Foot B-6 9 feet Between Big Foot Buildings B-6 15 feet Between Big Foot Buildings 4 feet Vacant lot bytreeline 8-7 13 feet Vacant lot by treeline B-8 6 feet Vacant lot 8-9 10 feet Behind buildings by septic ?eld B-9 15 feet Behind buildings by septic ?eld B-1O Not collected B-11 8 feet (background) Midwest 8-12 8 feet (background) Midwest by tracks 8-12 10 feet (background) Midwest by tracks 3-3 (VOC) analysis. A small percentage of the samples, six (6) soil (Table 2) and six (6) ground water (Table 3), were sent to a ?xed Contract Lab Program (CLP) for veri?cation to ensure high quality assurance/quality control standards. Analytical results can be found in Tables 4 and 5 and Appendix 1. Due to equipment problems with the mobile lab the samples could not be analyzed, - on-site. Additional'problems were encountered with the mobile lab and ability to analyze all the- samples within the holding times was compromised. As a result, incomplete analysis was performed on the samples collected. Twenty-three soil samples (Table 3) were analyzed by the mobile lab and the no ground-water samples were analyzed. Analytical results from the mobile - lab can be found in Table 6 and Appendix H. 3.2.3. DRINKING WATER SAMPLING In January 2002, drinking water samples were collected from 28 commercial and residential wells-that potentially could be impacted by the TCE plume (Appendix and Table 7). The samples were analyzed for VOCs. Analytical results can be found in Appendix F. 3?4 Garden City Ground Water Plume Table 2 Soil Samples November, 2002 Sample (ID Control Location 801 E1LDG Boring #1 5' 302 E1 - Boring #7 4' SOS E1LD8 Boring #8 10' SO4 E1LD9 Boring #8 10' @plicate) SOS E1LF8 Boring #5 12' 806 E1LE4 Boring #11 E1LF9 Boring #12 8' 3-5 Garden City Ground Water Plume Table 3 Ground Water Samples November, 2002 Sample ID Control Location GW1 E1LDS Boring #1 (81$ 21' GW2 E1LEO Boring #9 18' GW3 E1LE1 Boring #9 18' (duplicatel GW4 E1LE3 Trip Blank GW5 E1LF7 Boring #5 21' GW6 E1LE2 Boring #11 21' E1LE8 Boring #12 17' *bgs-below ground surface Table 4 Garden City Ground Water Plume Soil Samples CLP Analytical Results November, 2002 Concentation Sample VOC Contaminent (pg/kg) SO1 Acetone 120J 2-butanone 16J Benzene 12J Toluene 13J $02 Acetone 88 2-butanone 55 4-mthyI-2-pentanone 24 Toluene 210 Tetrachloroethene 68 Xylene 60 803 SO4 SO5 306 Cyclohexane 20 Methl cyclohexane 24 Toluene 23 Xylene 21 307 Cyclohexane 1OJ Methl cyclohexane 14 Toluene 13 12 Xylene Table 5 Garden City Ground Water Plume Ground Water Samples CLP Analytical Results November, 2002 Sample ID VOC Contamininent Concentration (pg/l) GW1 Benzene 0.6 Toluene 1 Xylene 0.7 GW2 Toluene 0.5 GW3 6W6 (background) 6W4 (trip blank) (background) . GW5 3?8 Table 6 Garden City Ground Water Plume Soil Samples Mobile Laboratory Analytical Results November, 2002 VOC Contaminent Concentation Boring kg) B-1-5 ft Carbon disulfide 6 8-1-8 ft Carbon disulfide 6 Toluene 6 B-1-12 ft Methylene Chloride 7 . Carbon disulfide 5 8-2-6 ft Methylene Chloride 87 2,2-Dichloropropane 50 Toluene 110 1,2,4 55 8-2-7 ft Carbon disulfide 5 Toluene 10 8-3-2 ft Methylene Chloride 230 B-3-13 ft Methylene Chloride 120 8-4-7 ft Carbon disulfide 6 Toluene 6 B-4-12 ft Carbon disulfide 10 2,2 Dichloropropane 12 Benzene 12 Toluene 43 15 Xylene 41 1,2,4 22 ft Carbon disulfide 7 2,2 Dichloropropane 15 Benzene 14 12 Xylene 27 1,2,4 12 8-5-6 ft Memylene Chloride 8 Chloromethane 83 8-5-9 ft Methylene Chloride 9 Xylene 16 1,2,4 16 sec-butylbenzene 13 3-9 Table 6 Garden City Ground Water Plume Soil Samples Mobile Laboratory Analytical Results November, 2002 (continued) ConCentation Boring VOC Contaminent B-5-12 ft Methylene Chloride 10 8-6-9 ft ND B-6-15 ft Methylene Chloride 9 Carbon disulfide 9 8-7-4 ft Carbon Disulfide 63 2,2-Dichloropropane 19 Benzene 19 Toluene 58 21 Xylene 53 1,3,5 9 1,2,4 32 p?Isopropyltoluene 11 B-7-13 ft 1,3,5 5 Carbon Disulfide 7 8-8-6 ft Carbon Disulfide 14 2,2 Dichloropropane 9 Benzene 9 Toluene 20 9 Xylene 22 1,2,4 12 Napthalene 62 ft Carbon Disulfide 16 2,2 Dichloropropane 8 Benzene - 8 Toluene 11 Xylene 5 B-9-15 ft Carbon Disulfide 8 2,2 Dichloropropane 8 Toluene 26 Xylene 18 1,2,4 10 3-10 Table 6 Garden City Ground Water Plume Soil Samples Mobile Laboratory Analytical Results November, 2002 (continued) Concentration Boring Contamination B-10 Not Collected B-11-8 ft Carbon? Disulfide 8 background 2,2 Dichloropropane 6 Benzene 6 Toluene 16 5 . 1,2,?4 6 - ft Methylene Chloride 12 background Carbon Disul?de 7 8-12-10 ft Carbon Disulfide 7 background 2,2 Dichloropropane 12 Benzene?: 11 Toluene 28 10 Xylene 29 3-11 Table 7 Garden City Ground Water Plume CommercialIResidential Well Sampling January 29, 2002 Sample Address Location . 1 R08802 850 Jonesville Road Tobacco Road 2 R08803 770 Jonesville Road Roo?ng Company. 3 R08804 690 Jonesville Road Midwest 4 R08805 650 Jonesville Road Hacienda Restaurant 5 RO8806 548 Jonesville Road A-Plus Auto Appliance 6 R08807 460 Jonesville Read Mount Trucking 7 R08808 960 Jonesville Road TENA Rental House 8 R08809 988 Jonesville Road Resident unknown 9 RO8812 611 Garden Street Garden City Mobile Home Park 10 RO8816 895 Jonesville Road Devening Block Office 11 R08817 895 Jonesville Road Devening Block cutting shop 12 R08818 895 Jonesville Road Horn Precast 13 R08819 855 Jonesville Road Mussilamis Drive-Inn 14 R08820 905 Jonesville Road Butler residence 15 R08821 915 Jonesville Road Butler/Pyatt residence 16 R08822 890 Jonesville Road Streitelmeier residence 17. RO8824 945 Jonesville Road Corbett residence 18 Rl7020 1185 William Street England residence 19 Rl7021 1155 William Street Rarey residence 20 Rl7022 1135 William Street Huckeby's Auto Electrical 21 Rl7023 345 Kenmill Street Estep residence 22 Rl7024 325 Kenmill Street Stenneski residence 23 Rl7025 1172 Elliott Street Taylor residence 24 Rl7026 1192 Elliott Street Burns residence 25 RI7027 1170 William Street Turpin residence 26 Rl7028 1025 Jonesville Road Schoeff residence 27 Rl7029 1152 Elliott Street Bennitt residence 28 Rl7035* 1180 Jonesville Road Miller residence Sample collected February 6, 2005 3-12 SECTION IV MIGRATION PATHWAYS This section discusses the potential migration pathways for contamination at the Garden City Groundwater Plume site. The pathways discussed are soil, groundwater, surface water, sediments, and indoor air. 4.1 SOIL EXPOSURE PATHWAY Surface soil samples were not collected during the sampling at Garden City. The concern was identifying the subsurface source leaching to groundwater. Surface soil cores were evaluated with a photo ionization detector (PID) and by visual impacts and no indications of contamination were identi?ed'in the field. The subsurface soil displayed visual and PID reading of impacts at various locations. However, analytical VOC data documented minimal impacts from VOCs. Few hazardous Substances were found in the soil samples collected at levels that are considered harmful to human health or the environment. 4.2 GROUNDWATER PATHWAY Two (2) residential wells, a mobile home'park well supplying approximately 40 mobile homes, and a commercial well are located within the plume boundaries. Sampling confirmed the TCE contamination of these wells (Table 8). The impacted wells are located at 855, 915, 926, 960 Jonesville Road. Access to sample the well at 970 Jonesville Road ?om January 2002 through July 31, 2003 was denied due to mechanical problems with the well according to the property owner. Sampling was conducted on January 29, 2002, April 22, 2002 and July 31, 2003 to determine the plume movement and impacted wells using state funded resources. These 4-1 Table 8 . Key Findings List Garden City Ground Water Plume Commercial/Residential Wells VOCs (ugll) Sample R08808 6.1 R08812 9.4 R08821 5.4 *Maximum contaminent level (MCL) 5.0 pg/I 4-2 - wells were also impacted by methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) from the Kiel Brothers Oil Company. The MTBE is a release from underground storage tanks (USTs). Soil and ground water sampling conducted in the vicinity of the ground water plume has not determined the source of the TCE contamination. Contaminants found-in the soil samples by I the mobile lab analysis are related to petroleum products, probably-from an underground storage tank at one of the gasoline stations and common laboratory contaminants. Soil and ground water samples sent to CLP also indicated the presence of low levels of petroleum products and some common lab contaminants, but not the presence of chlorinated solvents (Table 9 and 10). 4.3 SURFACE WATER PATHWAY The surface water pathway was not investigated. 4.4 AIR PATHWAY The air pathway was not investigated. 4?3 Table 9 . Garden City Ground Water Plume Soil Samples Key Findings List Mobile Laboratory Analysis November, 2002 Background Samples Concentation Boring VOC Contaminent Carbon disulfide 8 2,2, dichloropropane 6 Benzene 6 Toluene 16 5 1,2,4 6 Methylene chloride 12 Carbon disul?de 7 Carbon disulfide 7 2,2 dichlorOpropane 12 Benzene 11 Toluene 28 10 Xylene 29 1,2,4 14 Table 10 Garden City Ground Water Plume Soil Samples Key Findings List Mobile Laboratory Analysis November, 2002 Background Concentation [Boring VOC Contaminent ?El/k9 Methylene chloride 87 2,2 dichloropropane 50 Toluene 110 1,2,4 Trimethyl benzene 55 8-3/2 Methylene chloride 230 Methylene chloride 120 - Chloromethane 83 8-7/4 Carbon Disulfide 63 8-8/6 Napthlene 62 4?5 SECTION REFERENCES Brown?eld, Shelby H., 1974, Soil Survey of Bartholomew County, Indiana. US. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Services, 92p. U. S. Geological Survey Topographic Map, 1962, Columbus Quadrangle (photorevised 1980), 7. 5 minute series, 24 0,00 . 1958, Elizabethtown Quadrangle (revised 1980), 7.5 minute series :1 :24,000. 1962, New Bellsville Quadrangle, 7.5 minute series :l:24,000. Indiana Department of Environmental Management, 1992, Preliminary Assessment for Kiel Brothers Oil Company. 5?1