PEARL Header Reguest No Vendor No Vendor FAX TO: Method: P3374415 088947 VIETNAMESES INITIATIVES iN 8777-1410 CHK invoice No Invoice Amount Total of Pages 9986471 332090033 Including Header 2 Reguester Approver Return Request To: NyeBrandi Nicole Rice Jr,CharIes Nye,Brandi Nicole (504)670-3643 - (504)570_3520 Business Purpose Family First Program support Product Description CONTRIBUTION, CIVIC CLUB EXPENSES, SPONSORSHIP Please fax or email receipts to: internalty: 8777-1430 Externally: 823-1410 Receipt Packet Guidelines: *Do not glue or tape documents on this page. The Fax Header must be the first document in the packet. Enter the number of pages, including the cover, at the top of the Fax Header. If an itemized receipt or some other consolidated document contains all of the required information, it is not necessary to inctude the packing slip, signature slip or other documents. All transactions must have supporting documentation. if a receipt has been misplaced, contact the vendor for a duplicate receipt. Smaller sized receipts that will not go through the fax machine should be taped or glued to a regular sized sheet of paper and a photocopy of? the receipts should be made to submit through the fax machine. You may have more than one receipt per page. For receipts with light colored ink, use the copier to darken the information so that it can be read once it has been faxed. In the event that there is a probtem with the image, Accounts Payabie may require a second taxing of the packet. Therefore, the original receipt packet should be retained for 12 months. Email Guidetines in lieu of taxing: All documentation must be scanned in black and white not grey scale. Scan PEARL Fax Header, Invoice and all required documentation pertaining to invoice into a PDF file format. Please note that only the Header, Invoice and supporting documentation for one PEARL should he inctuded in the PDF fife. Attach the PDF file to an emait and send the email to the PEARL Filenet inbox in outlook (pearlfilenet@entergycom). Please note that only one PDF file can be attached per email. You should receive an email stating that either your file was successfully received or that your email was received but there was a problem. ENO-NOPSOO4045 Recommended Amount: PROPOSAL SUMMAR Y- Vietnamese Initiatives in Economic Training Request Date: December 7, 2016 Request Amount: $20,000.00 Invoice 9986471 Payment II) 90409.NC Tax Status: 501(c)(3) i United Way Agency: No I Low Income: Yes Recipient Organization Contact Vietnamese Initiatives in Economic Cyndi Nguyen Training 13435 Granvilie St 504-255?0400 New Orleans, LA 70129 Org?s Prior Grants with Entergy: Total: $37,700.00 Number: l0 Span: 2002 2016 Last Grant Amount: $20,000.00 Last Grant Date: December 8, 2016 Project Title: Family First Program Project Start Date: 1/1/2017 Project End Date: 7/31/2017 Request Amount: $20,000.00 Total Project Budget: $130,000.00 Personnel Fringe Benefits $7,000 Louisiana Department of Children and $40,000 (approved) Program Supplies (STEM suppiies) $4,000 New Orleans Recreational Department. $56,000 (pending) Overhead (utilities) $4,000 Registration Fee, $14,000 (pending) Camping Trip $2,000 Liability Insurance $3,000 Program Area Served: Education/Literacy Famiiy First Program works directly with low to moderate working families to provide direct service as it rotates to al?terschool and program for children, free tax preparation and assistance to apply for SNAP (formerly known as food stamp) and to apply for health insurance through Medicare, Medicaid, and the marketplace. Through the Family First Program, approximately 50 students received afterschool services which will include. homework assistance and nutritional meals; 150 students wiil have access to quality summer program that will keep them engage in STEM education, cultural and language workshops, character education, camping experience, team huilding and physical and health workshops; approximately 400 low income tax payers have access to free tax preparation and ?nancial literacy training during tax season: and approximately 70 families have access to application assistance to SNAP and health plans. WILL FUNDS BE USED FOR CONSULTANT No DONOR VIET wilt recognize donor via our e-Newsletter. Our database has over 1,700 emails. 100000 CETQCS 33? 000M rig PK 26 ow 1? ENO-NOPSOO4046