Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 1 of 32 UN ITED STA TES D ISTR ICT C O U R T SO U TH E RN D ISTR ICT O F FLO R IDA CaseNo. tK-8O$ll-c c- qaqenYee,/ 2e(nVG<* 18U.S.C.j1349 18U.S.C.j 1347 18U.S.C.1 1952 18U.S.C.1 1956(h) 18U.S.C.5 1956(a)(1)(B)(i) 18U.S.C.j981(a)(1) 28U.S.C.j2461 FILED BY SD UN ITED STA TE S O F A M ER IC A D.C. JUN 27 2213 V S. STE C VEN M . LAFIIMCIAE LEBK U.s.:)6sT cT. s o.oFFuA. - w f qB. ERIC SN YD ER , PAU L R .M A TERIA , JO SEPH LU BO W ITZ,and C H RISTO PH ER FUL LER , D efendants. IN D IC TM EN T The Grand Jury chargesthat: G EN ER A T,A LLE G A TIO N S Ata1ltim es m aterialto thislndictm ent: FederalG uidelines for Substance A buse Treatm ent TheU.S.Departm entofHea1th andHum an Services,SubstanceAbuseandM ental Health ServicesAdministration,CenterforSubstance AbuseTreatment(''SAMHSA'')wastasked with establishing and im plem enting a com prehensive program to im prove the provision of treatm ent and related services to individuals with respect to substance abuse and w ith protecting thelegalrightsofindividualswhoweresubstance abusers. 42U.S.C.j290aa. Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 2 of 32 ççsubstance abuse''w as defined asttthe abuse ofalcoholor otherdrugs.''42 U .S.C . j290cc-34(4). çt-rreatment''meantçûthemanagementandcareofapatientsuffering from alcohol ordrug abuse,a condition which isidentified ashaving been caused by thatabuse,orboth,in order toreduceoreliminatetheadverseeffectsuponthepatient.'' 42C.F.R.j 2.11. In addition to substance abuse treatm ent program s, SA M H SA prom ulgated guidelines fortEsoberhom es.'' Soberhom es were living facilitieswhere clientslived together in a drug-free and alcohol-free environm ent w hile w orking to m aintain sobriety. Sober hom es generally did notprovide m edical care or clinicalservices to their residents;such services were provided ata substance abuse treatm entcenter. Clientsatsoberhom es were expected to pay their own rentand utilities,allow ing the soberhom es to recover theircosts. W hen properly m anaged, soberhom esoperated as alcoholand drug free residentialenvironm ents forindividuals attem pting to abstain from alcoholand drugs. 4. Substance abuse treatm entcenters provided services,such as individualor group therapy sessions,to assist clients in overcom ing their addictions. There w ere varying levels of treatment provided,including PartialHospitalization Programs (ttPHP''), lntensive Outpatient Programs(EEIOP'') andOutpatientPrograms(ç6OP). PHPS,IOPs,orOPscouldbebilledtohealth care benefit program s w hen they w ere m edically necessary and provided by, or overseen by, licensed m edicalprofessionals. Pursuantto SA M H SA G uidelines, PH PS were fonnal substance abuse treatm ent program s thatw ere provided to clients w ith m ild to m oderate sym ptom s ofw ithdrawalthatw ere notlikely to be severe or life threatening and thatdid notrequire 24 hourm edicalsupport. PH PS w ere considered a tçstep dow n''from an inpatient detoxification program for patients w ith m ore severe and m edically acute w ithdraw al sym ptom s. Clients attending PHPS w ere supposed to 2 Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 3 of 32 participate in 30 orm ore hours oftreatm entper week,often provided in at leastsix hour-long sessionsperday,forfive daysa w eek. Clients who successfully com pleted a PHP program w ould transition to IO P. According to SA M H SA 'SG uidelines,lO Psw ere form alsubstance abuse treatm ent program s that adhered to a set of fonnalguidelines. lOPs had to be overseen by a qualified professional. Clientshad to receive a thorough evaluation to detenuine the severity and stage of theirillness,includingmedicaland mentaldisorders. Qualitied medicalpersonnelwereto assign clients to a fonnaltreatm entplan. The lOP w as accountable for the treatm entor referralof the clientto additionalselwicesasnecessary. The lO P w asobligated to m aintain contactwith theclient untilrecovery wascompleted. SAM HSA 'SGuidelinesrecom m ended thatlOPsprovided atleast nine hoursoftreatm entperw eek,typically in three,3-hoursessions. A dditionally,clientsatlO Ps w ere also supposed to attend atleastone 30-60 m inute individualcounseling session perweek. Pursuantto SAM H SA 'SGuidelines,O Ps,also known asEçaftercare''orttcontinuing care,''were traditional outpatient treatm ents that followed residential or intensive outpatient treatment(ççlOP''). This type oftreatmentwasgenerally associated with mutualhelp support groups such as the lz-step programs used by Alcoholics Anonymous (ççAA'') and Narcotics Anonymous(66NA'') Substance Abuse Treatm entin Florida 8. Substanceabuseserdcesin Floridaweregoverned bytheçtllalS.M archman Alcohol and OtherDnlg ServicesAct''(ççtheM archman Act''),Fl.Stat.j 397.301. UndertheM archman A ct,private substance abuse selwice providers' policies regarding paym ent for services had to complywith federaland statelaw. Fl.Stat.j397.431. Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 4 of 32 The çdFlorida Patient Brokering Act,''made it a felony offense for any person, health care provider,or health care facility, including any state licensed substance abuse service provider,to:tt(a)Offerorpay any commission,bonus,rebate,kickback,or bribe,directly or indirectly,in cash or in kind,orengage in any split-fee arrangem ent, in any form whatsoever ,to induce the referralofpatientsreferralofpatients orpatronage to or from a health care provider or healthcarefacility' ,(b)Solicitorreceiveanycommission,bonus,rebate,kickback,orbribe,directly orindirectly,in cash orin kind,orengage in any split-fee arrangem ent, in any fonu whatsoever,in return forreferring patients orpatronage to orfrom a health careprovider orhealth care facility' ,( c) Solicitorreceive any comm ission,bonus,rebate,kickback, or bribe,directly orindirectly,in cash or in kind, or engage in any split-fee arrangem ent, in any form whatsoever,in I' eturn for the acceptance or acknow ledgem entoftreatm entfrom a health care provider orhealth care facility;or (d)Aid,abet,advise,or otherwise participate in the conductprohibited underparagraph (a), paragraph (b),orparagraph(c).'' Fla.Stat.j817.505. Florida 1aw also provided that it was çça material om ission and insurance fraud ...for any service provider,otherthan a hospital, to engage in a generalbusiness practice ofbilling am ounts asits usualand custom ary charge,ifsuch provider hasagreed with the insured orintendsto w aive deductibles orcopaym ents, or does not for any other reason intend to collect the totalamountofsuchcharge.'' Fla.Stat.j8l7.234(7)(a). Pavm entfor Residinz atSober H om es 11. U nlike substance abuse treatm ent centers, sober hom es generally did not provide m edical care or clinical services thatcould be reim bursed by health insurance. W hile there w ere federaland state guidelines,soberhom esw ere notlicensed orfunded by state orlocalgovenunents. Since soberhom esw ere ostensibly placesto live,legitim ate soberhom es generated incom ethrough 4 Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 5 of 32 the colledion ofweekly ormonthly rentpaid by theirresidents,justaswith any landlord-tenant relationship. Pavm entfor Substance A buse Treatm ent 12. lnsurancecoverageforsubstance abusetreatm entand testing w asavailabletk ough anumberofavenues,including federalhealth carebenetitsprogram slikethe FederalEm ployees HealthBenefitsProgram (CCFEHBP''),healthplanssponsoredbyemployers(includingtheNational RailroadPassengerCorporation g''Amtrak'')employeehealth carebenefitplans),andhealth plans offered directly by private insurance com panies. H ealth plans sponsored by private em ployers weregovernedby the Employee RetirementIncomeSecurity Actof1974 (:fERISA''),29 U.S.C. jj1001,g1.seq.,whilethosesponsoredby governmentemployerand certainothersareexempted from ElklsA'sjurisdiction. 13. Both ERISA and nOIA-ERISA health benetitplans,including Affordable CareAct plans,were offered oradm inistered by private insurance com panies. AetnaHealthM anagementLLC andAetnaLifeInsuranceforM embers(t'Aetna''); Blue Cross/Blue Shield ' (:CBCBS''I' 5 Cigna Healthcare (ûtCig' . na'')' )Humana lnc (t6Humana'')' . MedicalofOhio(çtMedM utual''l;United Hea1th Group,lnc.(t:United''); AdventistHealth Care Claim s' , Allegiant' , Ceridian C OBRA Continuation Services; Conw ay Regional Health System ' , Coresource; Healthsm art Benefit Solutions; Horizon Bluecross/Blue Shield of N ew Jersey; lntem ationalO rganization of M asters' ,M ates & Pilots' ,K aiser Pennanente;M agnacare;N ational A ssociation ofLetterCarriersH ealth BenefitPlan;O ld Dom inion lnsurance Co.;Preferred M edical Claim Solutions;Tufts H ealth Plan;Unicare Life & Health Ins. Co.;V alue Options,FEH BP;and A m trak H ea1th BenefitPlan w ere health insm anceprovidersdoing business in the State ofFlorida. 5 Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 6 of 32 The health insurance providers described above in paragraphs 12 through 14 (collectivelyreferredtohereinaherasççthelnsurancePlans'')wereGçhealth carebenefitprograms,'' as defined in Title 18,United States Code,Section 24(b),thatis tû public orprivate plans or contracts,affecting com m erce,underw hich any m edicalbenefit,item orservice isprovided to any individual.'' 16. Underthe term softhe insurancepoliciesand consistentwith stateand federallaw, thelnsurancePlanswereonlyresponsibleforclailnsforselwicesthat:(a)werelnedicallynecessary andactuallyrendered,(b)wereprovidedbyaproperlylicensedserviceprovider,and(c)complied w ith the term softhehealth careplans,including theobligation to pay co-insurance and deductibles. Bodilv Fluid Testine Bodily fluid testing could be used to detectrecentdrug oralcoholuse by a clientby conducting varioustests on a client'surine,blood,and saliva. 18. Toaidintheprocessingandadjudicationofclaims,healthcarebenetitsprograms used standardized codes to describe clients'diagnoses,tests,treatm ents,and procedures for which health care providers soughtpaym entand reim bursem ent.The proceduralcodesused by substance abuse treatm entcentersto billhealth care benefitsprogram s forthese item s included: C PT CO DE C urrentProceduralTerm inolo H 0015 140035 140048 80101 80152 ProceduralC ode D escription Code lOP - Intensive OutpatientProgram D rug and A lcohol PH P - PartialH ospitalization Program Dru and Alcohol D rug and A lcoholTesting Drug Screen-Qualitative' , Sin le D ru Class M ethod D nlg Test- A m itripylineam Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 7 of 32 C PT C O D E C urrentProceduralTerm inolo 80160 19. ProceduralC ode D escription C ode Drug Test-Desipram ine 80166 Drug Test- Doxepin 80174 D rug Test- lm ipram ine 80182 Drug Test- N ortriptyline 82055 A lcoholTesting - N o Breath 82542 M ass Spectrom etry - Colum n Chrom atography 82646 Dl'ug Test- Dihydrocodeinone 82649 Drug Test-Dihydromorphinone 83925 Dnlg Test-O piates 90853 Group Psychotherapy Likeothermedicaltests,bodily fluid testing couldbebilledandreimbursedpursuant to the tenns of the insurance policy. The lnsurance Plans w ere only responsible for claim s for testing thatwasçtm edically necessaly ''actually perform ed, prescribed,and conducted by aproperly licensed service provider,and conducted and billed in com pliancew ith the term softhe health care plan,including the obligation to payco-insurance. 20. Urine AnalysisorUrinalysis(tçUA'')testingranged in complexity from screening tests- also known aspointofcare (ççPOC'')testing- which provided instantresults and was relatively sim ple and inexpensive,to confirm atory testing, which w as sentto a laboratory form ore com plex analysisand w assubstantially m ore expensive. Laboratoriescould also conductcom plex analysis on blood and saliva sam ples. Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 8 of 32 21. PointofCare(çTOC'')urinetestinginvolved collectingaclient'surinein aspecific cup designed fortesting.The specimen wasanalyzed using a colorbanded ornumbered dipstick, allowingforvisualpositiveornegative results. POC urinetesting usually tested forthepresence ofnineto thirteen specifictypesofdrugs. POC teststypically costbetween $5 and $10 and could be read easily by a layperson.Thistesting w asconvenient,lesscostly,and theresults could be read quickly. POC testing was the most com mon fonn of testing perfonned at sober hom es and treatm entfacilities. 22. Confinuatory testing, conducted in a laboratory setting,nAade use of gas liquid chrom atop uphy, m ass spectrom etry, and/or gas chrom atography, or high perform ance liquid chrom atography,to analyze the client's urine specim en.These teclm iques w ere highly sensitive, and accurately and definitively identified specific substances and the quantitative concentrationsof thedrugsortheirm etabolites.Confinuatorytesting wasm oreprecise,more sensitive,and detected m ore substancesthan othertypes ofurine testing.Resultsofconfirm atory testing took longer and were significantly m ore expensive. D efendants and R elated E ntities The Treatm entC enter RealLifeRecoveryDelray,LLC (t:RLR'')waslocatedat258S.E.6thAvenue,Suite D elray Beach, Florida, in Palm Beach County. RLR purported to operate as a licensed ttsubstance abuse service provider''or ççsubstance abuse treatm entcenter,''thatis,itpurportedly offered clinical treatm ent services for persons suffering from alcohol and drug addiction. According to corporate records filed w ith the State ofFlorida,RLR w as incorporated on or about M ay 16, 20l1. ERIC SNY DE R w as listed as one of three M anaging M em bers of RLR . SN YD ER becam e the sole M anaging M em berand ownerofRLR on A ugust27,2013. 8 Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 9 of 32 T he Sober H om e 24. A Safe Place,LLC ($$ASP'') was a multi-bed residence located at 1100 SW 4th A venue,Apartm ent21B,D elray Beach,Florida,in Palm Beach County, purporting to operate as a ççrecovery residence,''also referred to as a t'soberhom e.'' A ccording to corporate records filed w ith the State of Florida,A SP w as incop orated on D ecem ber 3, 2010,w ith ER IC SNY D ER as the Registered Agent and one of two M anaging M em bers. SNY D ER becam e the sole M anaging M emberand ownerofASP on M arch 20,2014. A SP'S corporate bank accounts opened in January 2011 referred thatitdid businessasH alfw ay There Florida, LLC.(çG HW T'') HW T wasam ulti-bed residencein Palm Beach County, Florida,located at 1100 SW 4th Avenue,D elray Beach,Florida,purporting to operate as a ''recovery residence,''also referred to aS a çlsober hom e.'' A ccording to cop oratc records filed w ith the State of Florida, HW T w as incorporated on September4,2013,andERIC SNYDER becamethesoleownerofHW T onOctober 2,2013. 26. HW T/ASP and RLR (collectively CCHW T/RLR'')were separate legalentities,but ftm ctioned asthe sam e business. H W T/A SP w asthe Etsober hom e''portion of the business, w hile RLR served asthe ttsubstance abusc treatmentcenter''orsubstance abuse treatm entportion ofthe business. RLR billed health care benefits program s for substance abuse treatm ent services it purportedly rendered to HW T/A SP ççsober hom e''residents, also referred to as t'clients.'' M ost HW T/RLR clients w ere betw een the ages of 18 and 26 years old, and w ere dependent on their parents'health insurance,w hich covered addiction treatm ent services. O ccasionally,HW T/RLR w ould acceptuninsured clients who w ere referred to as ttscholarship''clients orpatients. HW T/RLR subm itted claim s for reim bursem ent to m ore than tw enty health benefit plans,including the FEH BP plans,A m trak'sestablished plans, and private ERISA and IAOn-ERISA Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 10 of 32 health benefit plans,and to the health benefitprogramslisted above in paragraph 14 (tt the lnsurancePlans''). 28. From approxim ately January 2011 through Septem ber 2015, HW T/RLR subm itted claim s for substance abuse treatm ent services in excess of approximately $58,209,385 to the InsurancePlans,and received insurancepaym entsofapproxim ately $20,190,941. The D efendants 29. ER IC SNY DE R, a resident of Palm Beach County, Florida, w as the founder and ow nerofHW T/RLR ,along w ith Individual#1. ln oraround Augustto Octoberof2013, SN Y DER becam e the sole ow nerofH W T/RLR . SNY D ER m anaged a1laspects ofthe treatm entcenter and soberhom e,including hiring and firing personnel, adm itting and discharging patients, and m aking financial decisions. SNYDER was a signatory on a11 HW T/RLR corporate bank accounts. SNY DE R w as also the owner of Eric Snyder Inc. ; K lean Consulting Group LLC ; N o Lim it M anagem ent,LLC ;and N o Lim it Holdings, LLC. A l1ofthese corporations w ere located in Palm Beach County and incorporated in the State ofFlorida. PA U L R .M A TE R IA ,a residentofPortSt. Lucie County,Florida,w as the Chief ExecutiveOfficer(CEO)ofRLR andresponsibleforday-to-dayopcrations. M ATERIA reported directly to E RIC SNY D ER , and was responsible for the majority ofthe insurance billings at HW T/RLR. M ATERIA directed and supervised the1ab techniciansresponsible fortheUA testing procedures in R LR 'S on-site laboratory. M A TERIA also ow ned Lifeline Consulting LLC , and Treatm entCenter Consulting, LLC. Both ofthese com orations w ere located in St. Lucie County, FL and incorporated in the State of Florida. Even though he did not appear on the corporate docum ents,M A TER IA w as an ow nerof Apex Billing, lnc.,a/k/a Apex FinancialEnterprises Inc., 10 Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 11 of 32 which was responsible forthe billing for HW T/RLR beginning in 2014. Apex Billing,Inc.,was located in St.Lucie County,FL and incorporated in the StateofFlorida. 31. JO SEPH LU BO W ITZ,a Pennsylvania State residentas wellas a residentofPalm Beach C ounty,Flolida,was a patientbroker who recnzited clients for H W T/RLR . LU BO W ITZ sentclientsfrom the northeastUnited Statesto treatm entcentersin South Florida. LUBOW ITZ ow ned m ultiple com panies,including' . Tli-state Treatm ent Connections, LLC;Big Business of D elray,LLC;and JA L M anagem ent& Consulting LLC . Allofthese corporationsw ere located in Palm Beach County,FL and incorporated in the StateofFlorida. LUBOW ITZ alsoowned Humble Begilm ingsRecovery Centers,w hich w as located in Cam den County,N ew Jersey,and incorporated in the State of N ew Jersey. LU BO W ITZ w as paid a com m ission for each client he sent to HW T/RLR . C H R IST O PH ER FUL LER ,aresidentofPalm Beach C ounty,Florida,w asa patient broker w ho recruited clients for HW T/RLR. FU LLER w as the owner of Surrender and Survive, lnc., w hich w as located in Palm Beach County, FL and incorporated in the State of Florida. FU LLE R received a Efconsulting''fee in exchange forrecruiting patientsto HW T/RLR . HW T/RLR required clients to undergo a urine drug screen tw o to four tim es per w eek. Regardless ofthe dnlg screen results,urine specim ens were sentto extem allaboratories forroutine confirm atory testing. 34. HW T/RLR and externallaboratories treated insured patients with two different expensive autom ated drug screens:a qualitative test thatm easured the presence or absence of a drug or itsm etabolites,followed by a quantitative tested thatm easured how m uch ofa dnlg orits m etabolite waspresentin the uline. D uring certain peliodspatients w ithoutinsurance would not 11 Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 12 of 32 getany confirm atory testing atexternallaboratories and w ere tested using only less expensive inhouse testing,w hich included dipstick POC sand analyzers. 35. W hen a patient tested positive for som ething he or she should not have been taking, HW T/RLR seldom took action or im posed consequences for clients w ith insurance. Rarely w ere insured clients evicted from the sober hom e facility.O ften,uline w as collected but nottested,orurine w as tested butthe testresults w ere notreviewed fordays orw eeks. HW T/R LR ordered excessive,m edically ulm ecessary contirm atory urine testing from external laboratories,and failed to use the results of these tests to guide treatm entof their clients. H W T/RLR treated uninsured patients differently than insured patients by giving them differentlaboratory tests based only on their m ethod ofpaym ent,and for reasons thathad nothing to do w ith theirtreatm ent. COUNT 1 C onspiracy to C om m itH ealth C are Fraud and W ire Fraud (18U.S.C.5 1349) The G eneralA llegations section ofthis Indictm entis rc-alleged and incorporated by reference as though fully setforth herein. From in oraround January of2011,through in oraround Septem berof2015,in Palm Beach County,in the Southern D istrictofFlorida,and elsew here,the defendants, E ltlc SN Y D ER , PAIJL R .M A TER IA , JO SEPH LU BO W IT Z ,and C H R IST O PH ER FULL ER, didwillfully,thatis,withtheintenttofurthertheobjectsoftheconspiracy,andknowinglycombine, conspire,confederate and agree w ith each other,and others,known and unknown to the G rand Jury, to com m itoffensesagainstthe U nited States,thatis: 12 Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 13 of 32 to knowingly and w illfully execute and attem pt to execute a schem e and artitice to defraud a health care benetitprogram affecting com m erce,as defined in Title 18,United StatesCode,Section24(b),thatis,thelnsurancePlans,and toobtain,bymeansofmateriallyfalse and fraudulentpretenses,representations,and m om ises,m oney and property owned by,and under the custody and controlof,said health care benefitprogram s,in connection w ith the delivery ofand paym ent for health care benetits,item s,and selwices,in violation of Title 18,U nited States Code, Section 1347, .and b. to knowingly and w ith the intent to defraud,devise and intend to devise a schem e and artifice to defraud and forobtaining m oney and property by meansofmaterially false and fraudulentpretenses,representations,and prom ises,know ing the pretenses,representations, and promiseswere false and fraudulentwhen m ade,and forthe purpose ofexecuting the schem e and artitice,did know ingly transm it and cause to be transm itted by m eans of w ire com m unication in interstate and foreign com m erce,certain w ritings,signs,signals,picturesand sounds,in violation of Title 18,United StatesCode,Section 1343. Purpose ofthe C onspiracv Itwasapuposeoftheconspiracyforthedefendantsandtheirconspiratorstounjustly emich themselvesby,amongotherthings:(a)submitting and causingthesubmission offalseand fraudulentclaimstotheInsurancePlans;(b)concealingthesubmissionoffalseandfraudulentclaims to thelnsurance Plans,and thereceiptand transferoffraud proceeds' ,and (Q diverting the fraud proceeds fortheirpersonaluse and benefit,the use and benefitofothers,and to furtherthe fraud. M anner and M eansofthe Conspiracv The m annerand m eansby w hich the defendants and theirconspiratorssoughtto accom plish theobjedsandpurposeoftheconspiracyincluded: Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 14 of 32 E RIC SN YD ER and conspirators established H W T, a sober hom e, w hich w as purportedlyin thebusinessofprovidingasafeand drug-freeresidenceforindividualssufferingfrom dnlg and alcoholaddiction. ER IC SN YD ER and conspirators established R LR, a substance abuse treatm ent center,which waspurportedly in the businessofproviding effective clinicaltreatmentservices for persons suffering from alcoholand drug addiction. ToobtainresidentsforHW T andpatientsforRLR,thedefendantsprovidedkickbacks and bribes in the fonu offree or reduced rent,paym entfortravel,and otherbenetks to individuals with insurance who agreed toresideatHW T,and to attenddrug treatment,often in the form ofPHP and/orlOP sessions,and submitto regularand random drtlgtesting (typically threeormoretimes perweek)atRLR,somembersoftheconspiracycouldbillthesubstanceabusetreatmentandtesting to the residents'Insurance Plans. D efendants furtherpaid patientrecruiterskickbacks and bribesto provide patientsto HW T/RLR ,including but not lim ited to paym ents to JO SEPH LU BO W ITZ, CH R IST O PH ER FUL LE R,and others,in return forrefelning individualsto sel've as patients atH W T/RLR . ln m any instances,individualpatients did notattend the pulported 1O P and/or PH P sessions and other sessions atRLR,and did notprovide bodily fluid sam ples for testing. O n such occasions,defendantsand conspiratorscaused em ployeesofHW T/RLR ,and patientsatHW T/RLR , to forge patients'signatureson sign-in sheets,to backdate fonns,and to create fraudulentdocum ents to m ake it appear as though absent patients had attended treatm ent and subm itted bodily fluid sam ples. 9. ER IC SN YD ER ,PA U L M A TER IA ,and other conspirators caused confirm atory testing to be perfonued and substance abuse treatm entto be billed for patients know ing that the 14 Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 15 of 32 patientswerenotpresentatRLR,and did notreceive treatm entand/orsubmitbodily fluid samples fortesting atthe treatm entcenter. 10. ln orderto entice patients to ertrollin and rem ain atH W T/RLR for substance abuse treatm ent and testing so that conspirators could collect reim bursem ent from the Insurance Plans, HW T/R LR deliberately did notcollectm andatory co-pays,deductibles,and otherco-insurance from patients. Conspirators did not inform the lnsurance Plans that they w ere not collecting the coinsurance paym entsasrequired bythe term softhe lnsurance Plans,and by law in the State ofFlorida. 11. ERIC SN Y DER and otherconspiratorshired doctorsto serve asm edicaldirectorsof RLR. SN YD ER paid the doctors a m onthly salary,and in return the doctors ordered dnlg testing forthe substance abuse treatm entcenter'spatients,regardlessofw hethersuch testing wasm edically necessary orconducted and billed in com pliance w ith the tennsofthe patients Insurance Plans. ER IC SN Y DER ,PA UL M A TERIA ,and otherconspiratorsordered and caused the ordedng of expensive udne drug screens and tests w hich w ere not m edically necessary or reimbursablebythelnsurancePlans,inthat: (i)thetestsweredoublebilledbybothHW T andRLR forthesamepatientsonthesamedays;(ii)theconfirmatorytestswereduplicativebecausepatients' urine sam ples w ere deliberately spiltand sentto m ultiple laboratories for the sam e tests ancl/or for differentteststhatcouldhavebeen accomplished by onelaboratory;(iii)thetestswereperfonned by outside laboratories butw ere billed to the lnsurance Plansby HW T/RLR as if HW T/RLR had performedthetests;(iv)thetestsresultswerenottimelyreviewedorused byadoctorortreatment professionalin developing ormodifying the patients'treatmentplans;(v)testswerenotordered and/orauthorizeduntilafterthetestswereperformed;and(vi)thetestswerenotdetennined tobe m edically necessary on an individualized basisby a doctorpriorto being perform ed. Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 16 of 32 13. Defendantsand conspirators subm itted and caused the submission to the lnsurance Plans offraudulentinsurance claim s, via interstate and foreign wires thatfalsely and fraudulently , represented thatvarioushealth carebenefits, prim arily substance abuse treatmentand bodily fluid testing,qualified for reim bursem entand were m edically necessary and actually provid ed,when,in fact,som e of the claim ed benefits w ere notprovided, and w ere not m edically necessary. These fraudulentclaim sfurtherfailedto disclosethatpatientshad notbeen asked topay theirco-paym ents and deductibles, and failed to disclose that HW T/RLR'S patients had been obtained through kickbacks,bribes,and other rem uneration paid to patients in violation ofthe law s ofthe State of Florida. HW T/RLR billed approxim ately $58,209,385 to the Insurance Plans A s a resultof . such false and fraudulent claim s, HW T/RLR received insurance paym ents of approxim ately $20,190,941from said lnsurancePlans . 15. The defendants and conspirators used the proceeds from the false and fraudulent claim sfortheirown use and the use ofothers, and to furtherthe fraud. A llin violation ofTitle 18, United Stated Code,Section 1349. CO UN TS 2-12 H ealth C are Fraud (18U.S.C.5 1347) The G eneralA llegationssection ofthis lndictm entis re alleged and incorporated by - reference asthough fully setforth herein. From in oraround January of2011, through in oraround Septem berof2015 in Palm , Beach County,in the Southern D istrictofFlolida, and elsew here,the defendants , E lt1c SN YD E R , PA UL R .M ATE RIA , JO SEPH LIJBO W IT Z,and CH RISTO PH ER FU LLER , 16 Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 17 of 32 in connection with the delivery ofand paymentforhealth care benefits,item s,and services,did knowingly and w illfully execute,and attem ptto execute,a schem e and artitice to defraud a health carebenefitprogram affectingcommerce,asdefinedinTitle18,UnitedStatesCode,Section24(b), thatis,the Insurance Plans,and to obtain,by m eansofm aterially false and fraudulentpretenses, representations,and prom ises,m oney and property owned by,and underthecustody andcontrolof, these health carebenefitprogram s. Purpose ofthe Schem e and A rtifice 3. Itwasapup oseofthe schem eand artifice forthedefendantsand theiraccomplices to unlawfully enrichthemselvesby,amongotherthings:(a)submittingandcausingthesubmission offalseand fraudulentclaimsto thelnsurancePlans;(b)concealing the submission offalse and fraudulentclaimsto the lnsurance Plans,and the receiptand transferoffraud proceeds' ,and (c) diverting fraud proceeds for their personal use and benefit,the use and benefit of others,and to furtherthe fraud. The Schem e and Artifice 4. The allegations contained in the M anner and M eans of the Conspiracy section of Count1 are re-alleged and incorporated by reference as though f' ully setforth herein asa description ofthe schem e and artifice. A cts in Execution or Attem pted Execution ofthe Schem e and A rtifice On oraboutthe dates setfol'th below ,in Palm Beach County,in the Southern D istrict ofFlorida,and elsew here,the defendants,in connection w ith the delivery ofand paym entforhealth care benetits,item s,and services,did knowingly and w illfully execute,and attem ptto execute,the above-described schem e and artifice to defraud a health care benefitprogram affecting com m erce, asdefinedbyTitle18,UnitedStatesCode,Section24(b),thatis,thelnsurancePlans,andtoobtain, Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 18 of 32 by m eans of m aterially false and fraudulent pretenses,representations,and prom ises,m oney and property ow ned by,and under the custody and controlof,said health care benefitprogram s,in that the defendants subm itted and caused the subm ission of false and fraudulent claim s seeking the identified dollar am ounts, representing that the services listed below w ere provided to patients covered by the Insurance Plans: Count Defendantts) Approx. Patient Approx. BenefitProvider/ Claim Date 2 ERIC SNYDER 06/13/13 S.B. Description C laim A m ount Claim N o. ofC laim $2,450 Aetna Claim No. Claim forCPT EHFA7Q93K00 Codes80101, 82055,H0015, and H 0048 3 ERIC SNYDER 06/25/13 C.B. $875 M ed M utualClaim N o.3176614245 4 ERIC SNYDER 07/19/13 C.R. $250 Claim forCPT Code H 0015 BC/BS Claim N o. Claim forCPT 11100000363045428 Code 90853 5 ERIC SNYDER 09/18/13 M .H. $2,050 and CH R ISTO PH ER FULL ER 6 ERIC SNYDER BCBS Claim No. Claim forCPT 1100001R541693105 Code H0015 12/30/13 L.A. $4,100 BCBS Claim No. Claim forCPT 11100000387114192 Code H 0015 7 ERIC SNYDER 04/01/14 A .B. $1,254 and PAUL M ATERIA BC/BS Claim No. Claim forCPT 11100000401470766 Codes 82542, 82646,82649, 80152,80160, 80174,80182, 80d168$3925 82542, an 8 ERIC SNYDER 04/01/14 A.B. $1,500 and PA UL M A TE RIA 9 ERIC SNYDER BC/BS Claim No. Claim forCPT H 100000401470497 Code 80101 5/21/14 J.K. $1,254 and PA U L M A TERIA BC/BS Claim No. Claim forCPT 14100000409827549 Codes 80152, 80160,80166, 80174,80182, 82542,82646, 82649,and 83925 18 Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 19 of 32 Count D efendant 10 ERIC SNYDER A pprox. Patient A pprox. Claim Claim D ate A m ount 5/22/14 J.K. $1,500 and PA U L M A TER IA 11 Description ofClaim BC/BS Claim No. Claim forCPT 11100000410025720 Code 80101 ERIC SNYDER, 05/22/14 T.A . $2,950 PA UL M ATER IA , and JO SEPH LU BO W ITZ 12 BeneftProvider/ Claim No. BC/BS Claim Nos. Claim forCPT 11100000410026475 Code 140035 ERIC SNYDER, 07/14/14 C.S. $1,475 PA U L M A TERIA , and CH RIST O PH ER FU LL ER BC/BS Claim No. Claim forCPT H 100000418371487 Code 140035 ln violation ofTitle l8,United StatesCode,Sections 1347 and 2. CO UN TS 13-15 TravelActand Aidingand AbettingPatientBrokering(KickbacksandBribery) (18U.S.C.j1952(a)(3)) TheGeneralAllegationssectionofthislndictm ent,and theallegationsin theM anner and M eans Section of the Conspiracy in Count 1 of this Indictm ent refening only to ERIC SN YD ER ,and those in paragraph 7 referring only to JO SE PH LU BO W ITZ,are re-alleged and incorporatedby reference asiffully setforth herein. On oraboutthe datessetforth below ,in Palm Beach County,in the Southern District ofFlorida,and elsewhere,thedefendants, E RIC SN Y DE R and JO SEPH LUBOW ITA used,aided and abetted the use of,and w illfully caused the use ofm ailand facilities in interstate com m erce,w ith the intent to othenvise prom ote,m anage,establish,carry on, and facilitate the prom otion,m anagem ent,establisbm ent,and carrying on ofan unlaw fulactivity,nam ely,kickbacks and bribesin violation ofthe State ofFlorida PatientBrokering Act,Fla.Stat.j 817.505,and 19 Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 20 of 32 thereafter perfonned, attempted to perform ,and aided and abetted and willfully caused the perfonnance ofan actto prom ote,m anage,establish,and carry on,and to facilitatethepromotion, m anagem ent,establishm ent,and carrying on ofsuch unlaw fulactivity asfollow s: COUNT DEFENDANTIS) APPROX. TM VEL OR USE 13 ERIC SN Y D ER and JO SEPH LU BO W ITZ O F FA C ILITY IN INTE RSTA TE CO M M ERCE 07/30/2013 Purchase and use of AirTran airlineticket by Tri-state Treatm entfrom TriState Treatm entbank accountending in 5915 forpatientC .Z. in theam ountof ACTSPERFORM ED D A TE $399 TH EREA FTER O n oraboutJuly 2013, patientC.Z.wasenrolled at HW T/RLR,and w asnot charged rent. JOSEPH L UBO W ITZ w as paid a kickback forreferring C.Z., and the Insurance Plansw ere billed foraddiction treatment purportedly providedto C.Z. by HW T/RLR . 14 ERIC SNY D ER and JO SEPH LU BO W ITZ 04/15/2014 Purchase and use of US A irways airline ticketby R LR from RLR bank account ending in 9920 for patientT.A .in the am ountof$395 15 ER IC SN Y DER O n oraboutApril2014, patientT.A .w as enrolled at H W T/RLR ,and w asnot charged rent. JO SEPH LU BO W ITZ w aspaid a kickback forreferring T .A ., and theInsurance Planswere billed foraddiction treatm ent purportedly provided to T.A . b H W T/RLR. 10/30/2014 Purchase and use of On oraboutO ctober 2014, SpiritA irlinesairline patientJ.G .w asenrolled at ticketby R LR from H W T/RLR ,and w as not RLR bank account charged rent. A kickback ending in 9920 for w aspaid to Tri-state patientJ.G .in the Treatm entforreferring J.G ., am ountof$252 and thelnsurancePlanswere billed foraddictiontreatment purportedly provided to J.G . by H W T/RLR . lnviolationofTitle 18,United StatesCode,Sectionsl952(a)(3),and2. 20 Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 21 of 32 C O U N T 16 C onspiracy to C om m itM oney Laundering (18U.S.C.j 1956(h)) From in and around January 2011,through in or around Septem ber 2015,in Palm Beach County,in the Southem D istrictofFlorida,and elsew here,the defendants, E ltlc sx v o E R , PAIJL R.MATEZ A, Jo sEpu Lcs o w lT z ,and cultlsrropuER FIJI-EER, did willfully,thatis,with intentto furtherthe objectofthe conspiracy,and knowingly combine, conspire,confederate,and agree with each otherand w ith others,known and unknown to the G rand Jury,toviolateTitle18,UnitedStatesCode,Section 1956(a)(1)(B)(i),thatis,to knowinglyconduct a tinancialtransaction affecting interstate and foreign com m erce involving the proceeds ofspecified unlaw ful activity,know ing thatthe property involved in such financialtransaction represented the proceedsofsom eform ofunlaw fulactivity,and know ingthatsuch fnancialtransaction w asdesigned in w hole and in partto concealand disguise the nature,location,source,ow nership,and controlof theproceedsofspecitied unlaw fulactivity. Itisfurtheralleged thatthespecitied unlawfulactivityishealth carefraud andconspiracy to com m ithealth care fraud,in violation ofTitle 18,U nited States Code,Sections 1347 and 1349. AllinviolationofTitle 18,UnitedStatesCode,Section 1956(h). CO UN TS 17-23 M oney Laundering (18.S.C.j1956(a)(1)(B)(i)) On or about the date specified as to each count below , in Palm Beach County,in the Southern D istrictofFlorida,and elsewhere,the defendantsdid know ingly conductand attem ptto conduct a financial transaction affecting interstate and foreign com m erce, w hich financial transactioninvolved theproceedsofspecitiedunlawftllactivity,knowingthatthepropertyinvolved 21 Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 22 of 32 inthetinancialtransadionrepresentedtheproceedsofsomeform ofunlawfulactivity,andknowing thatsuch transaction was designed,in whole and in part,to concealand disguise the nature,the location,the source,theownership,and the controlofthe proceedsofspecitied unlawfulactivity, asmore specifically described below: Count Defendants 17 ERIC SNYDER and JO SE PH L UBO W ITZ 18 an account ending in 1976 at W ells Fargo Bank m adepayable to Tri-state Treatm ent,and deposited into Tri-state Treatm entaccountending in 59l5 at W ellsFar o Bank. 08/20/2013 Negotiated RLR Check No.1504 for$9,000 using an accountending in 1976 atW ells Fargo Bank m adepayableto Tri-state Treatmentand deposited into Tri-state Treatm entaccountending in 5915 at W ells Far o Bank. 11/01/2013 Negotiated Lifeline Consulting Check No.1001 for $2,500 using an account ending in 9112 at Bank of America m ade payable to Tri-state Treatm entand deposited into Tri-state Treatm ent accountending in 5915 atW ellsFargo Bank. 01/06/2014 Negotiated Tri-state Treatm entCheck No.2106 20 PAUL M ATERIA and for $1,000 using an accountending in 5915 at JO SE PH LU BO W ITZ W ells Fargo Bank m ade payable to PA U L M A TERIA . ERIC SNYDER 07/23/2014 Negotiated RLR Check No.1763 for$5,000 using and C H R ISTO PH E R FULLER an account ending in 9904 at W ells Fargo Bank m ade payable to C H RISTO PH E R FU LLER ,and deposited into hisaccountending in 5098 atW ells Fargo Bank. ERIC SNYDER 08/20/2014 Negotiated RLR Check No.1900 for$2,000 using and PAU L M A TER IA 23 07/01/2013 Negotiated RLR Check No.1511for$9,000 using and JOSEPH LUBO W ITZ ERIC SNYDER and JO SEPH LU BO W ITZ 22 FinancialTransaction ERIC SNYDER 19 21 pproxim ate D ate ER IC SN YD ER an account ending in 9904 at W ells Fargo Bank m ade payable to PAU L M A TER IA . 11/14/2014 Purchased Cashier's Check N o.1223702751 for and $10,000 using an Apex Billing accountending in PA U L M A TERIA 5044 m ade payable to N o Lim itM anagem ent,and deposited into N o Lim it M anagem ent account endin in 7366 atW ellsFar o Bank. 22 Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 23 of 32 Itis furtheralleged thatthe specified unlawfulactivity ishealth care fraud and conspiracy to comm ithealth care fraud,in violation ofTitle 18,United StatesCode,Sections 1347and 1349. InviolationofTitle 18,UnitedStatesCode,Sections1956(a)(1)(B)(i)and2. FO R FEITUR E (18U.S.C.j982(a)(1)and (a)(7)) The allegationsofCounts 1-12 ofthis Indictm entare re-alleged and incorporated byreference forthepurposeofalleging forfeiture to theUnited States,pursuanttotheprovisions ofTitle 18,United StatesCode,Sections982(a)(l)and (a)(7). 2. Upon conviction ofany ofCounts 1-11,charging offenses in violation ofTitle 18, United StatesCode,Sections 1347 and 1349 (Hea1th Care Fraud,and Conspiracy to Commit Hea1thCareFraudandW ireFraud),thedefendantssoconvictedshallforfeittotheUnitedStates, pursuanttoTitle 18,UnitedStatesCode,Section 982(a)(7),anyproperty,realorpersonal,which constitutes or is derived from proceeds traceable to the offense. The property to be forfeited includesthe follow ing: a. A requestforamoneyjudgmentintheamountof$20,190,941,representing the approxim atetotalamountoffraud proceedsdefendantsobtained,directly orindirectly,from the offenses alleged in Counts 1-12 ofthe Indictm ent' , b. A single fam ily residence located 14948 M arkland Lane,D elray Beach, Florida; A single fam ily residence located 426 Lucky Lane,Delray Beach,Florida; d. A single fam ily residence located 430 Lucky Lane,Delray Beach,Florida; A single fam ily residence located 514 Lucky Lane,Delray Beach,Florida; A single fam ily residence located 518 Lucky Lane,D elray Beach,Florida; g. A single fam ily residence located 522 Lucky Lane,D elray Beach,Florida; 23 Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 24 of 32 h. V acant lots located at Lots 12, 13, 14,and 15,block 5, SO UTHRID G E PLAT NO.2,accordingtotheplatthereofrecorded in PlatBook l3, Page 39,in thePublicR ecords ofPalm Beach County,Florida. The allegations of Counts 16 to 23 of this Indictm ent are hereby re-alleged and incorporated by referenceforthepurpose ofalleging forfeiturespursuantto Title 18, United Sates Code,Section982(a)(l). 4. Upon conviction of Counts 16 to 23 of the Indictment, charging an offense in violation ofTitle 18,United States Code,Section 1956, the defendants so convicted shallforfeit to the United States any property,realorpersonal, involved in such offense,pursuanttoTitle 18, United StatesCode,Section 982(a)(1). Thepropertytobeforfeited includesthefollowing: a. A requestforamoneyjudgmentintheamountof$20,190,941,representing the approximate totalam ountoffraud proceeds defendantsobtained, directly or indirectly,from the offensesalleged in Counts 16 to 23 ofthe Indictm ent' , b. A single family residence located 14948 M arkland Lane, D elray Beach, Flolida; A single fam ily residencelocated 426 Lucky Lane,Delray Beach, Florida; d. A single fam ily residence located 430 Lucky Lane, Delray Beach,Florida; A single fam ily residence located 514 Lucky Lane, Delray Beach,Florida; A single fam ily residence located 518 Lucky Lane, D elray Beach,Florida; g. A single fam ily residence located 522 Lucky Lane,D elray Beach, Florida; h. V acant lots located at Lots 12, 13,14,and 15, block 5,SO UTHR ID G E PLAT N O .2,according to theplatthereofrecorded in PlatBook 13, Page 39,in the Public Records ofPalm Beach County,Florida. 5. lfany ofthe property described above,asa resultofany actorom ission ofthe 24 Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 25 of 32 defendants: cannotbe located upon the exercise ofdue diligence; hasbeen transferred orsold to, ordeposited w ith , athirdparty; C. hasbeenplacedbeyondthejurisdictionofthecourt; d. hasbeen substantially diminished in value;or e. hasbeen com m ingled w ith otherproperty which cannotbe divided withoutdifficulty, then the United States shallbe entitled to forfeiture of substitute property pursuant to Title 21 , United States Code, Section 853(p),as i ncoporated by Title 28 , U nited States Code, Section 246l(c). A llpursuantto Title 18, U nited States Code , Section982(a)(1)and(a)(7). J , R E BILL FO REPER SON t BEN JA M W G . G REEN BER UN ITED STA TES ATTORN EY A M ES V .HA Y ES A SSISTAN T U N ITED STA TES A TTORN EY Q UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SO UTH ERN ISTRICT on O FFLSD FLO RIDocket DA Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 DEntered 06/07/2018 Page 26 of 32 UNITED STATESO F AM ERICA CA SE NO . C ERTIFICA TE O F TRIA L A TTO R NEY. ERIC SNYDER etaI., Defendants. / CourtDivision:(selectone) M iam i FTL X Superseding Case lnform ation: New Defendantts) Key W est W PB FTP N um berofNew Defendants Totalnum berofcounts Yes No Ido hereby certify that: Ihavecarefully considered the allegationsoftheindictmept,thenumberofdefendants,thenumber ofprobablewitnessesand the legalcom plexitiesofthelndlctm ent/lnformation attached hereto. lam aware thatthe inform ation supplied on this statementwillbe relied upon by the Judgesofthis Courtin setting theircalendarsand scheduling criminaltrialsunderthem andateofthe Speedy Trial Act,Title 28 U.S.C.Section 3161. Interpreter: (YesorNo) Listlanguage and/ordialect Thiscasew illtake l5 No daysforthe partiesto try. Please check appropriate category and typeofoffense listed below: (Checkonlyone) (Checkonlyone) I 11 1II IV V 0 to 5 days 6 to 10 days ll to 20 days 21to 60 days 61 daysand over Petty M inor M isdem . Felony 6: Hasthiscasebeenpreviouslyfiled inthisDistrictCourt? (YesorNo) NO Ifyes: Judge: X U CaseNo. tAttachcopy ofdispositiveorder) Hasacomplaintbeen filed inthismatter? (YesorNo) lfyes: MagistrateCaseNo. l7-mi-08268-DLB Yes RelatedM iscqllaneousnumbers: Defendantts)lnfederalcustody asof Defendantts)lnstatecpstody asof Rule 20from the Distrlctof lsthisapotentialdeathpenalty case?(YesorNo) NO Doesthiscase originate from am atterpending in the Northern Region oftheU .S.Attorney'sOffice priorto October 14,20032 Yes No X Wrr AM ES V HAYES A SSISTANT UN ITED STA TES ATTO RN EY Florida BarNo.A5501717 *penalty Sheetts)attached REV5/3/17 Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 27 of 32 U N ITED STA TES D ISTRIC T C O U R T SO U TH ERN D ISTR IC T O F FL O R ID A PENA LTY SHEET Defendant's N am e: ERIC SNY D ER C ase N o' . Count#:1 Conspiracy to Comm itHealth CareFraud and W ire Fraud Title 18,U nited States Code. Section 1349 *M ax.Penalty: Twenty(20)Years'lmprisonment Counts#:2-12 Health Care Fraud Title 18,United StatesCode. Section 1347 *M ax.Penalty: Ten(10)Years'Imprisonmentastoeachcount Counts #:13-15 TravelActand Aiding andAbetting (Kickback andBriberv) Title l8.United StatesCode. Section 1952(a)(1)and (3) *M ax.Penalty: Ten(10)Years'Imprisonmentasto eachcount Cotm t#:16 Conspiracy to Com mitM onev Laundering Title 18.U nited States Code. Section 195641:) *M ax.Penalty: Ten(10)Years'lmprisonment Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 28 of 32 Count#:17-23 M oney Launderinc Title 18-United StatesCode.Section 1956(a)(1)('B)(i) *M ax.Penalty: Ten(10)Years'Imprisonmentastoeachcount WR efers only to possible term ofincarceration,does notinclude possible finessrestitution, specialassessm ents,parole term s,or forfeitures that m ay be applicable. Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 29 of 32 UN ITED STA TE S D ISTR IC T CO UR T SO U TH ER N D ISTR IC T O F FLO R IDA PEN A LTY SH EET - - - - D efendant'sN am e: PAU L R . M A TER IA C ase N o: Count#:1 Conspiracy to Com m itHea1th Care Fraud and W ire Fraud Title 18.United States Code. Section 1349 *M ax.Penalty: Twenty (20)Years'Imprisonment Counts #:7-12 H ealth Care Fraud Title 18.U nited States Codes Section l347 *M ax.Penalty: Ten(10)Years'Imprisonmentastoeachcount Count#:16 Conspiracy to Com m itM oney Launderina Title 18,U nited States Code. Section 1956(h) *M ax.Penalty: Ten (10)Years'lmprisonment Count#;19,20,22,23 A4oney Laundehna Title 18,United StatesCode, Section 1956(a)(1)(B)(i) *M ax.Penalty: Ten(10)Years'Imprisonmentastoeach count *R efers only to possible term ofincarceration, does notinclude possible fines , restitution, specialassessm ents,parole term s,or forfeituresthatm ay be applicable. Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 30 of 32 UN ITED STA TE S D ISTR ICT C O UR T SO U TH ER N DISTR IC T O F FLO RID A PENA LTY SH EET D efendant'sN am e: JO SEPH LUB O M qTZ C ase No: Count#:1 Conspiracv to Com m itHealth Care Fraud and W ire Fraud Title 18.United StatesCode. Section 1349 *M ax.Penalty: Twenty (20)Years'Imprisonment Counts#:11 Health Care Fraud Title 18.United StatesCode. Section 1347 *M ax.Penalty: Ten(10)Years'Imprisonment Counts#:13-14 TravelActand Aiding and AbettinM (Kickback and Bribery) Title 18,United States Code, Section 1952(a)(1)and (3) *M ax.Penalty: Ten(10)Years'lmprisonmentastoeachcount Count#:16 Conspiracy to Com m itM onev Launderin/ Title 18.United States Code, Section 1956(h) *M ax.Penalty: Ten(10)Years'lmprisonment Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 31 of 32 Count#:17,18,19,20 s4oney Laundeing Title 18.United StatesCode.Section 1956(a)(1)(B)(i)) *M ax.Penalty: Ten(10)Years'lmprisonmentastoeachcount eRefers only to possible term ofincarceration,does notinclude possible fines,restitution, specialassessm ents,parole term s,or forfeituresthatm ay be applicable. Case 9:18-cr-80111-RLR Document 46 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/07/2018 Page 32 of 32 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTm CT O F FLORIDA PEN A LTY SH EET Defendant'sNam e: CHm STOPHER FULLFR C ase No: Count#:1 Conspiracy to Com m itH ealth Care Fraud and W ire Fraud Title 18-United StatesCode. Sedion 1349 *M ax.Penalty: Twenty(20)Years'Imprisonment Counts#:5,l2 Health CareFraud Title 18.U nited States Code. Section l347 *M ax.Penalty: Ten(10)Years'Imprisomnentastoeach count Count#:16 Conspiracy to Com m itM onev Laundering Title 18.United StatesCode. Section 1956411) *M ax.Penalty: Ten(10)Years'Imprisonment Count#:21 M oney Launderinc Title l8.United StatesCode. Section 1956(a)(1)(B)(i) *M ax.Penalty: Ten(10)Years'Imprisonment *Refersonly to possible term ofincarceration,doesnotinclude possible fines specialassessm ents,parole term s,or forfeiture ,restitution, s that m ay be applicable .