About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significant amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? ~ IZ kur .>~1/!//5 . ~ W .?f;,;;j; b,;,/ t,,o/1/, 1/£ ftv /i (,,.jl)/5/-- st /!;- ;I~ tLl-<.r tv10//uc;J /It!<. Ifni Jhy 5h>4, st,,-11,-,.j ,4, fo.-l, Or /-7 t-.!6t,/c/ ~4/v-< a /eT 19 11 ~1 /Ju trv blvW-;;, /(J kt/I/,/ fh1'/I UtJ,,lc/ h 1'i4e1!, N~V-t/ 41 '6 #tt,r .:xAtch,//, 2. What ideas do you have that would improve morale? /h_n3 4/:vtri Oat.MW 111/if /(}J !J/JSL-.Jf/> 4/f,f/ ht/'( 1 /J )1f tJ/k !5 kdrc/S, /1//;tJ l1tJ fP!(v-<- Af&v?fl/lhq' J;7/ tvt1!44,/~. 5/,r-tffy .t1k 4 ,/n4/ /WJ fw'4 .5he1v(c:/ /kclt 4r:/ '1hr.f.J /)o#,// f1/1 //'JI/J5;rJ/la/ t1kt.r/ /j 4Jc/ 1 :/- /1?4~~ u!? ~ A f<55 /,'h /l, !ni///try. $i1y ? /fl/ U1!}t/.,c51 r4t-t51 /'~fr7 t'a,,,5 ~le ft1V< )llr~ 1h 5.9/1';( c'{tl4cr'ly· ~lv ('L- hh3r;_/a:l~f', J:yo./1,v, 41///--ltld,v h~v,{ btvc/J, .Z-h Av% /1.tJ/J- D~S1'i.A. 7 ;MiJ/'Ov,( //1cr1!..e., Ur!/-a,/) o#tvf h41/f a '}oocl l!/._4'7 ~ -/ht'5, It/cl t,.10'1/tl /11u_. 1 3. lifiere is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? 50 officers? focused on community policing? etc) :/: 1'1Af/()f1 dry {h5/4i114fJ-<. fe:1 /A t/'.t,l5t-, tJ~ /kt&!' /h~ uif!tv5, 4/;o l}ILr/ -fa /!fhJt'tM At!v l~U-,/-/01 It, ~ rrk5 /J;,J t).,/, W.l //tlv{ Afl,i /}ov,J, Jt;ltM7 ft tffe,,)~'I t fa, C4".cv, dtutl 0/1'>~1 fev, ~ ~ u,A '11P/tC4h,? j,1-/441::{ Sorrv ,f) JV''j /lJ,.,ay, JVS,,.,, :£ ,d, ~ Nf/4 fAJ/J/'/;.. !ht/ J /h t!t./v({j )M,) /'f/7yi"J rt,.. tJfav tzr,cu 5, l,-/h.{// :I ltfl.(/.{_ C/JO, l41t,)1} tf,~()v Cdr-u;- tll(.)(/r1AMJW1'fl ).{ ~ -If( /tAxr, ~/;y, t/ ft//'.«, 4 /~' JI vJt/~ About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significant amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? J) befrfr We;u/cJ b<2 /0 hour I ~ c::' h.ecJv 1.p 5 {)01 f"Ov~c)f">c) trc~!),JJ'3 "-JC) l-u:J, ~ +h.e t>e-YT W-{'I{) \)c,y ~· on all ~ Dof.S. Sq0ccl 2. What ideas do you have that would improve morale? To 5-k-./// (1C>~MaV\/ Qv?cJ G? e--d'Yf?thl i-) ~ C, 1j o.s t>e-f 0vpf'/t '2 Q,i 7 eJ ho ifi CH/ ("'At:3J o,f{,a. 0'\f\(bS {hraw, .IU~ i r u >t k ~ fi I~ of-J!,'c~0/ (>C>MMqL. off, c~.!) be>~ de? 5 belo-1.e O'f\ ·,A vr"',i- \ ')~"i, oV\ '~ eve""' ~ f\ of/fr~ 51-4w::) c.,V\)@r ~1<. ~u') 3. There is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? 50 officers? focused on community policing? etc) Ch.ct~1-Z,AJ'?) ' () -;.-'ht;: US ,--.,, prRSS . . ' 1o ((Ro/t; 1"v\f '$~('1\,4C a-- $~-T 1'"f u~ >--- ,;Ug LA.J o.r) S ye+. k). f .{ raJ}, A)'> ( O"""" -fv(+ £:'. V-(v} 7"1A~ u~ o(i'o-,..t-,, crct,ol'S q ,- 0 °'f Pf.Pl;'-',-tQ W<- 0a.J 5-1o r f? res5 -- ..yh..-, ~r,c C-1-0 f :; tc::i-('AV'-".f'""+ 5?€"qµ. t) 'J $<:i-'C~5""'- 1 Loud~, O\)~'. ' e,~ou4' +ht-t.., ~ Q. ~ 1,,1-fY Do pr~-eri-y o. f o~\:v .s a 1f>_> ( ?c:? A hove.. eo 3 C -fr:> f!~ol ·)C\.~ ;x~ -+o ~ 6 u-+ G C?+- C~ \ \ U-el~~J< h4 re . l~ 'l 5 Q vf 09 r P .P.µ -:k>r )..,k ~ \.<._;~ f-v\ J!>tJ Ct,7,DOCl 1°""4 t'f), feoflf>, 1-h·;~ 5> -t,rl-\P; 1_s --the c"oMM~~fcV\ Q tJ~<:i< a.f.f-,i-t/<, ~ Co 1l iv1~ hclo.y About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey I'm here to explore the lhemes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can' 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significanl amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? 1 Cur/raw #0 44+ Mr; Hm mar/hr fa] A, 9.3.41 1&1 Arr Jamwi "Ll aw; is A [-sz 312".) 44.1 .m J3, Jinn Hm, A4, an Ad fly)" burs. Fin-<<4 .J hw- [Rd 4? fawn-w. Aka "turner with 44., ($40.an wort Ms, haw writ kn "91+ 647 :31 ft." is a 40 54-351 HM in: SAW is m'mm amt hu- an WW sh." Lat 9,4: smi- b1 ebb 1'3 fwafim. w-1 090m>>. 6 hm SAWS Mm>> err a'w umbrw M: m" we"; 4., mull any N, 5M, 2. 011' "5 4' hos-n3 on>> .4 d-smr Lukr ML ftp-5 ufind. an (4, ,w do 1% ree'H 4' WL an! ic Yo! Cour, um 41 #44} own avatar)>> 1'504' 11", cm. my; Jvrah'u. huh-J m1 14m SFyieJ UP 4r (oh i" In (AP) ow} Mai juLmh-'b, hams indolud, {nqi'flu L. L4 mal/r 1 There is talk 0! asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot ipr public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supporfive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? 50 officers? focused on community policing?etc)I MI [My CF04 Anal-l ,1 a 65 [um 5905 on Alm'd or a fry/JV "Lo hula/Lad so ath rub pap-0'6 6' "mm <> am Mm new>> Fm" [ch wh' About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significant amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? ctnd tJtJheuli~y- /)ut le, / 1u;re4'~d /"/"l"'~'uYJ cuid cuJ/ ye, )u Mc If seel"15 4 /.2 J,.. sh,'/./- -furlfS l/J lo /.J .k; !fl),-f. Wt. nee.cl ,,,._,/t of#.tc-er-s, If:- j,\Je were k $ hxj Pn /2 )r s Jii!'}s fhtn {, frJ b wP"'1J )x ,be)kr. .v. , , k. 1. 11 JJ )o J.y s)dlh wvv)tl /-t#AJ ye r .J be.},'~v~ JOJl"J ,-0 r/Je tJ , d /J ;11:l# h 'v /../.v l"'tt1re. , ,. J }At.. c)e f"" r"'l~,i 75 ,nt>t'a aJ"l .r / /). hr sh¥+s are ht;~o),)~ J)Ut 2. What ideas do you have that would improve morale? bae,l. fO C-oiA /y1Z,..,.-ied J,vPrk. 11~ {le.. c)J jtJ hY sc.l,a/«/e. C•>'1~4nd sh{/. we cJ,d,, ') kt11~ e/Jo~), ~ftJ'~eri h p-,a,le_ /./ are W-e Pl'I /~ & lb J,ovl' s.hJ f-'Js f clw.PJ-h,,>'Jj· /Is A..-- sA,,ffs qnd /JI)).. t,.,111vkh.J, u:JJ,.er. oU~'cr¥$ Ji.4-J /Je.J..J..er- M~fli) and AJJe-Y J"(j 3. There is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? 50 officers? focused on community policing? etc) ;?CJ d'tfrc.e .,.s a.· jt4r o C- f he ~ h 5 ktd-, j.,;J c)f-j. 6 l)}e a ,-e Je.Jh',..J II ery !{,'t.ef"~ · f.AN /s '1'1f fiw ;flf'i1! dfe dl1njls /Vlf/.f.t..Al-::, fhe.. Jnw~ About 1 in 3 employees participated in me FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they lound and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significant amounl of unhappiness. Whal do you think of the 12 hour Shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? funk Mus m, Mal/t "ml kg) "ml/mg has {5 m7 film, A <>, ,4 Saki/a fly 50m>>. 17"41/54 "47 2, What ideas do you have that would improve morale? 51""7' A la Iv L. furl (onwamI/Ms 514% WJI- "puwofl 51" H- hod-- MJ LIL nan/"L 4, 7" .mpk (PM utfishN'e/P 4/7 alriku/Hn. (AMA LL in: My 3. There is talk a! asking voters to increase their financial support 0! public satety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort 0' ballot would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? 50 officers? focused on pg community policing? etc) i a" [1As' pf'fim} 6d 7 uh+fi AW Wt" a" wiry W. 7 Wu MA 1: "5:About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. //J h, 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significant amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 t9 6? /I/.1:e"\, .J.-~-t C} O i;y 5 .[21!, c..erl.4 'j-<. )/ Jt. ( a ,,. c °D /.t /J J' or,.., o -f , /YI o~ /i:; .f d?'/e t i..Q 4 +Ii',; £}1,~rl- ~ v l,._j \.hci 0..9.Q~ u\:'r\. 0 re +k€\'f' t,Je,1J!~ ~'J,1 J {/_ ! .I 01.)yt_ 11- ~ 0 (,Jtl:,-r~~ = ~"' . , ., .!I i .f,. '"-'~ ff,) ·-r.\,h,: S? ..fo j ska. ..f? -Po~ }Jo /,'-w~- t:.,. ~!'~" 2. What ideas do you have that would improve morale? ;1,tov't.- {-i) ~NA G..'+~z &AJ././J1i1YJ o» a t, ~i_) f;<>~ cri,,)~N) k~)eh 61,J- f /hr=),,. /f0 1 >tL 3. There is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? 50 officers? focused on community policing? etc) ')t:~r About 1 in 3 employees participated In the FOP Morale Survey, i'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as sale and rewarding as i can. 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significant amount of unhappiness. What do you of the 12 hour shifl? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? A: rim: 3mm me Sew. an>> new of any: or win: sue." mus: was>> or. m5 <>: mrmy that 04; or metres": is true 5411 or a any WW9 a. swat/Inna Sm>> 2. What ideasdo you have thatwould improve morale? B14 Wu; we: no. scrum>>: My In>> it 105', t- mares nu" Douro/luau; M04 5973' mum: at anus pour maul swu-- cums: mu Mu. Emmy-a WI. mu. nun-(Atom, puns, (or .1 um") . "we: 1--44 1144 bur-um NIMYWI or. Wok/3.514 1m: my a: mu: 5mm: Fan; in: manor Lam are" arr/tens. W175 1 mm arr/ms mu: Mr "Ham: Danny mm mm . ram. way must Manna. Mm A mm: any. cavem- Pane" sum-W PEP-IL, flea-law, am} 3. There is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot, Do you support the idea of a ballot for public satety? What sort of ballol would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 otficers? 50 otficers? focused on community policing? etc) I mu .5 nuance/rum m: "vi-won cm Dru" About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significant amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? C:P o J'.\ Sp-eo.x. s -fey ~ c;p OJ'\- f> ~a r~~ tj otA- i-o Cu,. d O tu'" r ~ UY\,+- s (,(_yVlf\ SVJt'V~ ~\Ad ~ 3. There is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? 50 officers? focused on community policing? etc) Reasons for low morale: Issue causing low morale: Public information officer, Bryanna Maupin putting out videos of cops dancing etc. ridiculing our profession and undermining us. "We are cops not entertainers" Solution: Stop doing it. Issue causing low morale: Chief of police and city manager protesting in front of our own department. Solution: give a long overdue apology and explanation as to why they did it and don't do it again. Issue causing low morale: City manager bad mouthing officers in the media. "In transition from a warrior department to a guardian department" Solution: take pride in the best department in Missouri and stop criticizing us without fact or reason. Issue causing low morale: Police Chief bad mouthing officers in the media. "Thick heads". Solution: take pride in the best department in Missouri and stop criticizing us without fact or reason. Issue causing low morale: Lazy officers being promoted and becoming lazy supervisors. Solution: Hold supervisors accountable even if they have a year left or are on the drop program. Issue causing low morale: K-9 officers sitting in their cars all night when patrol is getting slammed then complaining about being dispatched to calls. Solution: Hold K-9 officer to the same standard as Police officers. Issue causing low morale: Pro active officers being targeted, written up and chased out of the department by poor supervisors: E.g; Mathew Hibler, Chris Hessenflow, Calleb Bowen. Brandon Crites. Solution: Value pro activity despite the paperwork and issues it creates for the department. Issue causing low morale: SWAT - we should get rid of swat if we arn't going to use it and/or command staff don't know how to use it. Solution: Follow best practice and national standards rather than trying to be the next great thing or reinvent the wheel resulting in crazy command decisions. Issue causing low morale: Rob Sanders firing. The division in the department and intimidation of the chain of command when they agreed with IA was highly unprofessional and caused divisions in the department administration that are still there. Issue causing low morale: Known drug (meth, crack, heroin) houses not being raided by police. Search warrants denied by chain of command, while we are regularly working deaths from heroin overdoses. Solution: Work drug cases, write search warrants, have SWAT serve them. It's police work. Issue causing low morale: Community Outreach Unit within the police department taking credit for other officers work. During interviews with the media on TV regarding recent homicide they claimed people were coming forward with information because of relationships they had built with the community In fact NONE of the information came through COU. The driver confessed to detectives. Solution: Hold COU accountable for being untruthful. Issue causing low morale: Lack of knowledge and personal interpretation of vehicle pursuit policy by Sergeant Chad Craig Sergeant Michael Hestir and Sergeant Chris Boyle. "We don't chase stolen cars". "I won't allow ANY pursuits". Etc. Officers literally have to think which sergeant is working before deciding whether to chase someone or not. Ridiculous and unworkable situation. Issue causing low morale: No defensive tactics training. Judo was a step forward now we have nothing. Liability for the department. Failure to train. But we train on storm water. Solution: Train. Issue causing low morale: Lack of firearms training. Patrol will shoot twice this year. Liability for the department. Failure to train. But we train on storm water which is a city requirement but takes up precious training time that could of been used for training to improve our own safety. Gives the impression the city has no understanding or interest of officers needs and safety. Solution: Train. Issue causing low morale: Civilian staff and detectives talking to officers like they are bad children. Evidence unit emails, DOVE emails, Lieutenant emails. Finance manager emails telling us to "we should NOT" when we have never been told what to do is a classic example. Solution: True mutual respect. Issue causing low morale: Lieutenants - get rid of the rank. It delays communication and serves no perceivable benefit. If you really want input from your command staff and constructive feedback why would you make Lieutenants "at will" employees? They will have to agree with every decision and every comment. Which makes them pointless. Issue causing low morale: Lack of physical fitness standard: "It's hard to be proud of your department when some of our male officers look pregnant." Cooper standards have been introduced by other departments including Colorado Springs. It is a research based, court tested standard, that is applicable to police. Using it for applicants and annual testing of officers, and application for the swat team would be a step towards a more professional department that officers can take pride in. Increasing morale. Reduce injuries. Less sick time. https://www .cooperi nstitute .org/law-fi re-m iii ta ry/ Issue causing low morale: No officer pay raise for over seven years while the city manager receives a 10 percent raise. Issue causing low morale: Career development - why aren't officer recognized or rewarded in any way for extra responsibilities? Solution: reward them. Issue causing low morale: Trail time: this could be returned tomorrow. Even better give three hours a pay period for trail time gym time or range time. HUGE morale booster and address several of the other issues. Solution: reintroduce it. Issue causing low morale: Cutting the 20 year Pension despite it making money for the city every year. Sends a message of what's a priority. Issue causing low morale: Promotion process generally. Promotion without merit. No experience on patrol, lazy. Solution: fix it. Issue causing low morale: Favoritism. Specialty assignment K-9 position given to Jamie Dowler without an open selection process. The "list" was over two years old at the time he was given the position having never worked patrol. Other officers weren't even given the chance to apply. Issue causing low morale: Break down of working relationship between the Chief and the Sheriff. Officers have lost their county commissions due to petty ego clashes between the two administrations causing reduced efficiency of officers. This should be rebuilt ASAP. All of these issues are systemic of a lack of TRUST in the department between Officers, sergeants and the administration. And between the department and the city management and council. In the current national climate towards law enforcement it is more important than ever that Officers have the backing of their department administration and the city. The message has been received repeatedly from the department and the city's actions that they do not, and will not support officers involved in a high profile incident. This was never demonstrated more clearly than when the Chief and City manager protested in front of the police department. About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. 1. Work Schedules seem to be an area with a significant amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? Answer: My opinion is that 12 hours is much too long to ask an officer to be on the street answering calls. I would think the fatigue factor would be hard on you and also the adrenaline rush, up and down and up and down. I think a 10 hour day would be good; or go back to the regular 8 hour day, which no one likes because they don't get weekends off. Definitely go back to the 6 to 6 shift, or try the 7 to 7 shift. One hour should not make that much difference in staffing schedule anyway. As for hours worked, there are civilians that have to work weekends. There should be an incentive for civilians that work those days to have shift differential on the weekends, step up pay, or time and a half. On holidays, civilians who have to work should be given, regular pay+ time and a half for the day being a holiday+ shift differential. Then you would have no problem with people wanting to work holidays. I don't believe any other city departments have their civilians working on weekends or holidays without some sort of extra compensation. 2. What ideas do you have that would improve morale? Answer: For some of us, having a supervisor that would do more than say hi to you would help. Even with evaluations, it's "here sign this". Some of us do not have the privilege of attending shift meetings, and the supervisors DO NOT PASS any information along, so we are constantly in the dark about things or hear it from the rumor mill. Some co-workers (who are not very busy and can go around and gossip) know or hear of the inner workings and feel they know what is going on and then bully the other coworkers with their knowledge, or lack thereof. Believe it or not, there is a lot of bullying that goes on, even from superiors. In all areas of the department (civilian included) the work load should be equaled out somewhat. You see tons of people sitting around, eating, chatting, etc., while others can't catch a break. There are civilians that anytime a new procedure or a new task is assigned (mostly due to eliminating positions) the same civilians are tasked with more and more work to do. Some are doing the work of two to three people, while others are doing the work of one half a person. 3. There is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? SO officers? focused on community policing? etc.) Answer: You could have SO officers, and still people would be stressed out because of the work load. The work load needs to be evenly distributed. Don't make specialty groups, unless you have the patrol unit fully staffed. If you do make specialty groups, let's see some STATS as to what they are doing. How are they helping patrol? Plan for the future, mostly with "boots on the ground"; but also civilian staff and then specialty groups. One more thing --- when you are going to change procedures, work places, assignments etc., ask the people who it is going to affect. You may be surprised; they may have some good ideas. Also, the civilian staff - they work with policies, procedures, etc. every day. Their answers may be helpful and a lot of times, they actually know the procedures of how things work better than the supervisors! WV. CAM (Rim/m Wm fur 'Hm . k: speak ms. 7: CAN Red/um WNW Wax/w (MM Hm. [\Pmmyie" EV bud" I qu/d-Gri h) @kumech 0% HQ omeflumhj. TH 1'0 (mswu/ WW veiswu/Ms 1w w?w5? mum. wim/ (UN/fl MM . mi i1} 9M1 \, \f\) ti v \l. Sc,\,.('-c.\l-" u S ', (Y\ ~h ti ~\,3 h "]: c'A.~f\f\ V'\ o+ Q.,LI\Vve~~+L1 c~ ss , 5v, eJ. ,. c~ rb,S \11 v v') \J\} d-t1 C\, \'L h O L~ v Sc,l-u d;.,i le, ( t Wov k_ 'S\f'\1t\-s) T .fou.Vlc\ +l'\.Q. \'}_ l1,ot,1,v -Sc,l1edLl-l-e .. -e. n ·J b"-1 ct\.J le~ J-} pvv vi ·ol-e 5 Ct d f c0 u_c,J-e. h VVl -e fzv .. \C) h,DL-\v' 1 . rvv (,,1,e,,nvz .. T \J\J i \l ,. \N\"-X.i,./\ I c::tc,l VV11 V1 I :yfvcth\r{ olt.1l,+1 f S, Cu:,\vr1·,+ 1 \ 'L \;\,t,L.'\V w-,-\-~ ) ~ tC. ), _·- \T'\(€(;\ .. ~r{}J\v\ IV\~ .. 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International Association of Chiefs of Police 'd,.. ""." Per.nter Direectives~i'e b~l )t:J:\ Police Officer to Population Ratios Bureau of Justice Statistics Data Introduction The IACP Perspectives series is intended to help local agency decision-making by providing useful information gleaned from our network of information sources. The Perspectives series does not present IACP positions on the topic being addressed, nor does it replace long-term research. Perspectives publications raise thoughtful issues regarding complex policy topics- in this case, police officer to population ratios- to inform the debate at the local level. Ratio Data and Agency Staffing Before presenting BJS data, it is first important to clarify IACP's position on police to population ratios and why they should not be used as a basis for agency staffing decisions. The following is a quote from IACP's Patrol Staffing and Deployment Study brochure: Ratios, such as officers-per-thousand population, are totally inappropriate as a basis for staffing decisions. Accordingly, they have no place in the IA CP methodology. Defining patrol staffing allocation and deployment requirements is a complex endeavor which requires consideration of an extensive series offactors and a sizable body of reliable, current data. BJS ratio data presented here can be useful to local agencies in other ways, including historic perspective on staffing trends across all US law enforcement, and in conducting long term staffing trend analysis, locally, regionally and nationally. BJS Ratio Data The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), within the Office of Justice Programs (OJP), within the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) publishes Local Police Departments report every three to four years. This report contains excellent and highly reliable data on state and local police personnel throughout the U.S. One aspect of this report is the average ratio of full time officers per 1,000 residents. The most recent BJS data on this topic (2003), by size of population served follows: Population Served 250,000 or more 100,000 to 249,999 50,000 to 99,999 25,000 to 49,999 *FT Officers Per 1,000 Residents 2.5 1.9 1.8 1.8 Population Served 10,000 to 24,999 2,500 to 9,999 1,000 to 2,499 All Sizes *FT Officers Per 1,000 Residents 2.0 2.2 2.6 2.5 *Average Ratio In addition to the Local Police Departments publication, BJS also publishes a more comprehensive report intermittently entitled Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (year): Data for Individual State and Local Agencies with JOO or More Officers. Both reports can be valuable to local law enforcement agencies. To learn more about the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and their statistical reports on law enforcement, visit their website: www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs. About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significant amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? Attached 2. What ideas do you have that would improve morale? 3. There is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? 50 officers? focused on community policing? etc) 1) Work schedules seem to be an area with significant amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? a. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? i. If the 12 hour shift operated as it was supposed to operate, I would not have any issue with it. Meaning that officers had 1/3 of their time spent handling calls for service, 1/3 of their time spent on proactive enforcement, and 1/3 of their time spent on administrative functions. However, with the high call volume and limited resources all of our time is spent trying to handle the calls for service. This action leaves very limited time to try to complete the administrative functions required for our job, and virtually no time to do the proactive work that officers enjoy doing as part of their job. Furthermore, a lot of these officers have to work right up to the end of their shift or even hours past their shift leaving the officers exhausted by the end of the day. b. Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? i. To improve the existing schedule we need to add in more overlap on the shifts especially on Sunday-Tuesday where the overlap is non-existent. I still maintain that we would be in a lot better shape if we moved to an 8 or 10 hour option. I thought the old 10 hour shift we moved off of when we went to the 12 hour shift was the absolute best shift I have ever worked as a police officer. I felt officers were energized and we still had desirable days off, plus the all squad day worked out great for training and special events. 2) What ideas do you have that would improve morale? a. Pay i. For FY17, I will be making less money than I did in FY16. The cost of insurance for me and my family increased at a rate that was not covered by the $.25 cost of living increase. It is never good when our net pay drops from year to year. ii. The officers that have been here 10 years only make a few cents more than a brand new officer, and they are nowhere near the midpoint let alone being topped out. This hurts retention at our department. iii. Officers do not get any type of performance pay increase either based off of extra duties, education incentive, or based off of high evaluations. b. Forced Overtime i. One of the main complaints I hear in shift meeting is from draftable events. Officers are confused about why they are being drafted to work certain details such as DWI Checkpoints, Roots and Blues (Private Business Venture), and other minor events. If we are going to be forced to come in on our day off, it should be for a legitimate reason such as a major event or critical emergency. It should also be for true 1 Yi times pay and not our base pay regardless of the hours we worked. If the accounting rules do not allow for this to happen (even though we had done it in the past for decades) force the private businesses MU, Roots and Blues, etc. to pay an off-duty rate directly to the officer. c. Unified Support i. When officers see the city manager and police chief joined arm and arm with those who oppose law enforcement standing in front of the police department; that is a morale killer. I understand you believed you were protesting CPOA, but their office is down the street not at 600 East Walnut. d. Not Tattoos and Beards i. This item is literally of no use to me. In fact, I think this is a bad idea as it makes us look less professional. I actually am opposed to this, but it is my opinion and not necessarily a representation of the department. e. Provide support to areas that call for mutual aid. i. Our department was not allowed to go assist after the Joplin Tornado. In fact, when officers went on their own they were told they were not representing our department. ii. Our department did not offer to assist with manpower during the Ferguson Riots. There was a call for additional officers to assist with crowd control, but we did not send aid. iii. Our department did not send officers to Cleveland for the RNC when a request for aid was requested and we had trained officers able to assist. iv. These are the major calls for assistance. These do not include the minor ones where other agencies ask for our help on tactical operations, pursuits, and other items that we say no on. For instance, the MSHP was pursuing a motorist through our city by himself just last week. We had an officer in position to help, but our new policy does not allow us to assist. v. Eventually we will need the aid of other agencies, but we have developed a reputation for not coming to the aid of other departments. That is embarrassing for our department. f. Improve Customer Service i. Our department continues to stop performing tasks such as accident reports, gas drive-offs, vehicle lock-outs, and other types of calls where citizens are in distress so they turn to the police. I understand these types of calls take up resources, but every time we tell them we are not going to respond our officers are forced to hear negative feedback from the community. This also causes the community to lose faith in us as well. The answer in my opinion is to give us the resources that we can answer all calls for service. This approach will allow officers to go out into the community and build relationships. g. Focus on the Mission and not the Process i. At this department, we have given a large amount of power and authority to civilians to dictate our tactics and policies. This includes our payroll specialist, department attorney, records personnel, and evidence technicians. These civilian positions have become empowered to criticize officers and tell officers how to perform nearly every aspect of their job. Our department has lost the notion that these positions are support personnel whose very professional existence is to support our mission. When their role in the process becomes more important than the officers role of accomplishing the mission we have lost our way. Examples include: failure to pay on-call traffic investigators/FET Techs, consent search forms for vehicles, evidence processing emails, late list, payroll rules (this has gotten to be ridiculous), time sheets, max number of hours worked, purchasing rules, and other non-essential decision that are shaping our decision making more than the sworn personnel who are trying to accomplish our department's mission. h. Disband the COU Unit i. As patrol officers are trying to keep their heads above water the COU Unit is BBQing, Dancing on Social Media Sites, and doing other non-law enforcement related activities. While I don't disagree we have to have a personal touch with the community we have to be able to handle our work first and foremost. That is how we get respect and build relationships. Our officers who work the streets hard and aggressively enforce the laws get a lot more respect and assistance from members of the community than any of the other groups created by this department. i. Enforce the Law i. Our department is establishing a pattern of if I ignore the problem it will go away. This has shown its head on countless barricaded subjects and similar type of incidents where we had felony charges on violent criminals, and our department left to avoid conflict. Our officers are trained to handle critical incidents; we have to have enough trust in them that they will make the right decision. ii. This also bleeds over to search warrants. Our department has created such a complicated process for writing and serving search warrants that the detectives have stopped doing them. This is a loss for the entire city as it allows criminals to set-up safe havens within our city. 3) There is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? a. Do you support the idea of a ballot of public safety? i. I support the idea of a police item on the ballot. I think people want to know that their vote is going to hiring and equipping more police officers. The public service tax is broad language that can be used for a lot of different uses. I think it should be specific to hiring and equipping more police officers. ii. In the meantime, the city should look at diverting funds from other departments to fund the police department. The amount of money our park service gets is astonishing ... b. What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? i. I think we should use data to come up with the number of officers we need then use that data in the city's campaign to get the tax passed. ii. According to the FBI, we need 284 Sworn Officers. iii. According to the data from the Top 10 cities in Missouri, we need 210 Sworn Officers to be at the average for the state. About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significant amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? TN... t!?oA s~Jcs. ~ 'hl(.. and. 't fltb.,,J ~"s1 'P lease.., ~£re.cf yOL,lr t'1f_ w I'~.s 16 ~ (!J>c, I}- {::pard., 2. What ideas do you have that would improve morale? ThL C?oA- ~~s ~ ~ at1el 4 k//00 ~bus/ 1>lt.a ',,.e_ dJ ra!- r.r=r t~u/re.S lo #-,,. @ofJ 6t:,q, ol. · 3. There is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? 50 officers? focused on community policing? etc) I would. r'\..toc-[" ~&tppc:rf ~ Tk.e.. Cl.?oft s ~ W -P~~ olt~ l{O-l<" r rl:f )U4... o.t\Cl. tn.'t._l..lt~~ e.r~ ~ . ~ k11ow ~~ -b ~ @oA t::>ca:r&. About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significant amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? 2. What ideas do you have that would improve morale? c.po4_ Sf Vt.IC~ ~r n?L a.nt/ n1y JY1eN1ht,,(5. b,rec.-f t:tll 7v~sl~c,-11S ft> 3. There is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? 50 officers? focused on community policing? etc) c.Rt'a.. 5/0(.(.S ~ fY'le.w1/;/2f'S. 111.e. b; 1 ect- dt'tt h«{ ct~/ ,,,}/ f'et/c,<.u ct I( '/ a@Srt'".::!J,;7 s ~C> About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significant amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? ~ _5~t1// m //s a//.5'~// -#.l ~/h&//} 2. What ideas do you have that would improve morale? 3. There is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? 50 officers? focused on community policing? etc) _sJ,111 I/ {J;?ft,/ I .µ.e_ Hr 1/ !s fls;,,ktl/\ About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significant amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? '1~'- C.'?c~ $?E.~\<;;. ~G~ ~C::. ~)...E:~S.~ (.C.S"'T~<:.l ~ '\' (;~Cl~ i£.\". 2. What ideas do you have that would improve morale? ,~~ C. t'G~ &?~~~ ~G~ ';-\{.. ~~~S..€. c..csY,~C...1' VI.'-' C?C>~ R~r', 3. There is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? 50 officers? focused on community policing? etc) 1\-K (.~Q~ S..';->~f\\r. ~ )1\(. • ~)...~~~ (()~C1 )-\.'\ (,~O~ ~~~- About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significant amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? tr CPO/r .rf~ CPoJf- froar/ ~ fh st_/ Our ~ {'#_(,,. ytt~ ~ r~c~ fvcvv.1,y,. 2. What ideas do you have that would improve morale? CPo;1- J'1 tJ.r t.,, :> ,v'\ .t 1 :C -r..tl,,r Y".,<. ~ 11-.t rk C/JoA- A.t-J. 3. There is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? 50 officers? focused on community policing? etc) About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significant amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? 2. What ideas do you have that would improve morale? 3. There is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety vi&-aballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? 50 officers? focused on community policing? etc) About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significant amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? CPoA ,ef'e~<;, vtve. A~~ ~ G~OA. ~O"(Nf2;' 2. What ideas do you have that would improve morale? C'f'DA ,e.y,-e-~t;.\JW€-. Ask ~ CfDA ~(MJ(~ · 3. There is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? 50 officers? focused on community policing? etc) (_ \=70 A 'f~~<; vrre-, A~~ -\'\rve C?OA ~e,o.,A( ~• About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significant amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? 2. What ideas do you have that would improve morale? 3. There is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? 50 officers? focused on oommz0e~ S'rafls tv N_ About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significant amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? 2. What ideas do you have that would improve morale? 3. There is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? 50 officers? focused on community policing? etc) About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significant amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? lfo~ lf-t-Jr ~./' JMj Co"'fAcf C/CJ4- 0~~ 1 V O ,4 Spo ~ J f-'2' <;ov--- ( . 2. What ideas do you have that would improve morale? 3. There is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? 50 officers? focused on community policing? etc) About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significant amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? C?DA 2. What ideas do you have that would improve morale? ~· ':f1_J:::,tSC c;;cc IL,"( . . Pc)Ll ti C. .. ~ ~/ tu-c?S ( U C 3. There is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? 50 officers? focused on community policing? etc) 11 -pLaS 5Et- J\. y' ,v I C pCJ f\ ?cz ~ S" ( [j ihJ/ About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significant amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? 2. What ideas do you have that would improve morale? 3. There is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? 50 officers? focused on community policing? etc) About 1 in 3 employees participated in the FOP Morale Survey. I'm here to explore the themes they found and to look for ways to make being an employee in the Police Department as safe and rewarding as I can. 1. Work schedules seem to be an area with a significant amount of unhappiness. What do you think of the 12 hour shift? Would it be better if it were 6 to 6? 2. What ideas do you have that would improve morale? 3. There is talk of asking voters to increase their financial support of public safety via a ballot. Do you support the idea of a ballot for public safety? What sort of ballot would you be supportive of? (property tax? sales tax? 20 officers? 50 officers? focused on community policing? etc)