Case 1:18-cr-20514-KMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 1 of 14 UN ITED STA TES D ISTRIC T C O U RT SOUTHERN lDIb STRI -CTû ' 9FF0LOR 5IDA1 4 C ase No. . . 18U.S.C.5 1349 18U.S.C.5 1347 18U.S.C.1 2 18U.S.C.5 982(a)(7) UN ITED STA TE S O F A M ER ICA ?< r *=ur 4 j. -a'. nc' 7-., .'!' z . u zxe>/t.$ t.7j;. VS. .*rw ur - l 1;, %. & '$' .c*uu ../ *j.4 fr : W ... J . -N t r-' l>p.!.c.,1. .! ...'..., ? . .k .. ,! k. '! !': &'jx . -. c* f , '. I '.. t!'.. 1.x . . '. ('.rT *'t JT d. CA R LO S J.GA R CIA , G ISELL A BEM STU R IA ,and H EIDY G A RC IA , .. / l 1 .. -c t s, '', ,x - q. ------.--... . - . ''' . . . v.. l - ' :'' .-.u. - . -.-. =. D efendants. / IN DIC TM EN T The Grand Jury charges that: G EN ER AL A LLEG A TIO N S Atal1timesmaterialto thislndictment: The M edicare Proeram TheMedicareProgram (Medicare)wasafederally fundedprogram thatprovided free or below -cost health care benefits to certain individuals,prim arily the elderly,blind, and disabled.The benefitsavailable underM edicare w ere govem ed by federalstatutesand regulations. The United States D epartm entof Hea1th and Hum an Services,through its agency,the Centers for M edicareand M edicaid Selwices(CM S),oversaw and administered M edicare.lndividualswho received benefits underM edicare w ere com m only referred to as M edicare Idbeneticiaries.'' M edicare program s covering differenttypes ofbenefits w ere separated into different program d'parts.''PartD ofMedicare (the ttMedicare PartD Program'')subsidized the costs of Case 1:18-cr-20514-KMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 2 of 14 prescription drugsforM edicarebeneficiariesin the United States.TheM edicare Pal4 D Program w as enacted as partof the M edicare Prescription Drug,lm provem ent,and M odernization A ct of 2003 and w entinto effecton January 1,2006. ln order to receive Pa14 D benefits,a beneficiary enrolled in a M edicare dnlg plan. M edicarednzgplanswereoperatedbyprivatecompaniesapproved by M edicare.Thosecompanies w ere often referred to as dnlg plan tlsponsors.''A beneficiary in a M edicare drug plan could filla prescription ata pharm acy and use his orherplan to pay for som e ora11ofthe prescription. 4. A pharm acy could participate in Part D by entering a retail netw ork agreem ent directlywithaplanorwithoneormorePharmacyBenefitM anagers('dPBM s''). A PBM actedon behalfofoneormoreMedicaredrugplans.Throughaplan'sPBM ,apharmacycouldjointheplan's network. W hen a Part D beneficiary presented a prescription to a phanuacy, the pharm acy subm itted aclaim eitherdirectly to theplan orto a PBM thatrepresented the beneficiary'sM edicare drug plan.The plan or PBM determ ined whetherthe phannacy w as entitled to paym entfor each claim and periodically paid the pharm acy for outstanding claim s. The drug plan's sponsor reim bursed the PBM foritspaym entsto the pharm acy. A pharm acy could also subm itclaim sto a M edicare drug plan to w hosenetw ork the pharm acy did notbelong.Submission ofsuch out-of-network claim swasnotcom mon and often resulted in sm allerpaym entsto the pharm acy by the drug plan sponsor. 6. M edicare,through CM S,compensated theM edicarednlgplan sponsors. M edicare paid the sponsors a m onthly fee for each M edicare benetk iary of the sponsors' plans. Such paymentswerecalledcapitationfees.Thecapitationfeewasadjustedperiodicallybasedonvarious factors,including the beneticiary'sm edicalconditions.ln addition,in som e casesw here a sponsor's 2 Case 1:18-cr-20514-KMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 3 of 14 expensesforabeneficiary'sprescription dnlgsexceededthatbeneficiary'scapitation fee,M edicare reim bursed the sponsorfora portion ofthose additionalexpenses. Medicareand Medicare drugplan sponsorswered'health carebenefitprogramgsj,'' asdefinedbyTitle18,UnitedStatesCode,Section24(b). The D efendants and Related C om panies 8. CapitalDrttgs,Inc.(CapitalDnlgs)wasaFloridacorporation located at1065SW 27th Avenue,M iam i,Florida,thatdid business in M iam i-Dade County pup ortedly providing prescription drugsto M edicare beneficiaries. GreenHopePhannacy,lnc.(GreenHope)wasaFloridacorporationlocatedat5309 SW 8th Street,M iam i,Florida,thatdid business in M iam i-Dade County purportedly providing prescription drugsto M edicare beneticiaries. 10. American Drugs Phannacy,lnc.(American Drugs) was a Florida corporation located at 2111 10th A venue,Lake W orth,Florida,thatdid business in the Southem D istrid of Florida purportedly providing prescription drugsto M edicare beneficiaries. CA RLO S J.G A RC IA ,a resident of Palm Beach County,w as the presidentand registered agentofCapitalD rugs,and a beneficialownerofG reen H ope and Am erican D rugs. 12. G ISELL A BER ASTUR IA , a resident of M iam i-Dade County and a licensed pharm acy technician,w asem ployed atCapitaland w as the presidentand registered agentofGreen H ope. H EID Y G AR C IA , a resident of M iam i-D ade County,w as a licensed phannacy teclm ician and em ployed atCapitalDrug,G reen H ope and A m erican Drug. Case 1:18-cr-20514-KMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 4 of 14 CO UN T 1 CO N SPIR AC Y TO CO M M IT H EA LTH CA RE FR AU D AN D W IRE FR AU D (18U.S.C.5 1349) TheGeneralAllegationssection ofthisIndictm entisrealleged and incorporated by reference asthough fully setforth herein. From in or around A plil2012,and through the date ofthis lndictm ent,in M iam iDade and Palm Beach Counties,in the Southern D istrictofFlorida,and elsewhere,the defendants, CA RLO S J.G A RC IA, G ISELL A BER ASTU RIA ,and H EIDY G A R CIA , didwillfully,thatis,withtheintenttofurthertheobjectsoftheconspiracy,andknowinglycombine, conspire,confederate and agree w ith each otherand others,know n and urlknown to the Grand Jury, to com m itoffensesagainstthe U nited States,thatis: to know ingly and w illfully execute a schem e and artifice to defraud a health care benefitprogram affecting commerce,asdefined in Title 18,United StatesCode,Section 24(b), specifically,M edicare and M edicare drug plan sponsors,and to obtain,by m eansofm aterially false and fraudulentpretenses,representations,and prom ises,m oney and property owned by,and under thecustody and controlof,said health care benefitprogram s,in connection w ith the delivery ofand paym entforhealth care benefits,item s,and selwices,in violation ofTitle 18,U nited States Code, Section 1347. ,and b. to knowingly and with the intentto defraud,devise and intend to devise a scheme and artifice to defraud and for obtaining m oney and property by m eans of m aterially false and fraudulentpretenses,representations,and prom ises,knowing the pretenses,representations,and prom ises were false and fraudulentw hen m ade,and for the purpose of executing the schem e and Case 1:18-cr-20514-KMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 5 of 14 artifice,did knowingly transm itand cause to be transm itted by m eans of w ire com m unication in interstate and foreign com m erce,certain w ritings,signs,signals,pictures and sounds,in violation ofTitle 18,United States Code,Section 1343. PU R PO SE O F TH E CO N SPIM C Y Itwas apurpose ofthe conspiracy forthe defendantsand theirco-conspiratorsto unlawfully enrich themselves by,among otherthings:(a)paying kickbacksforthereferralof fraudulent M edicare beneticiary prescriptions to be used at Capital D rugs, Green H ope and AmericanDrugs;(b)submittingandcausingthesubmissionoffalseandfraudulentclaimstohealth carebenefitprograms;(c)concealingthesubmissionoffalseand fraudulentclaimstohealth care benefitprograms,and thereceiptandtransferoffraudproceeds;and (d)divertingfraudproceeds forthe personaluse and benefitofthem selves and others,and to furtherthe fraud. M AN N ER A N D M EAN S O F TH E C O N SPIR AC Y The m anner and m eans by which the defendants and their co-conspirators sought to accomplishtheobjectsandpurposeoftheconspiracyincluded,amongotherthings,thefollowing: 4. CA R LO S J.G AR C IA ,G ISELL A BEITA STU RIA and theirco-conspiratorspaid kickbacks to recruiters for the referral of M edicare beneficiary prescriptions for use in false and fraudulent billing of thc M edicare Part D Program through Capital D rugs, Green Hope and A m erican D rugs. CA R LO S J.G A RC IA ,G ISEL L A BER ASTU RIA ,H E ID Y GA R CIA and their co-conspirators subm itted and caused the subm ission of claim s to the M edicare PartD Program , via electronic w ire com m unications,thatfalsely and fraudulently represented that various health Case 1:18-cr-20514-KMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 6 of 14 carebenefits,primarily prescription drugs,werem edically necessary and hadbeen provided to the M edicare beneficiariesby CapitalDrugs,G reen Hope and Am erican Drugs. A s a result of such false and fraudulent claim s,M edicare prescription dnlg plan sponsors,through theirPBM S,madeoverpaymentsfunded by theM edicare PartD Program to the corporate bank accounts of CapitalDrugs,Green H ope and A m erican Drugs in the am ount ofat leastapproxim ately $2,500,000. CA RL O S J.GA R CIA ,G ISELL A BEM STUR IA ,H EID Y G A R CIA and their co-conspiratorsused the proceedsfrom the false and fraudulentM edicare PartD claim sfortheir ownuseandtheuseofothers,andtofurthertheiaud. Allin violation ofTitle 18,U nited StatesCode,Section 1349. C O U N TS 2-10 H EA LTH C A RE FR AU D (18U.S.C.5 1347) The G eneralA llegations section ofthis Indictm entisrealleged and incolporated by reference as though fully setforth herein. From in or around A pril2012,and through the date ofthis Indictm ent,in M iam i- Dade and Palm Beach Counties,in the Southern DistrictofFlorida,and elsewhere,the defendants, C AR LO S J.G AR CIA , G ISE LL AB EM STU RIA ,and H EID Y G A R CIA, in connection w ith the delivery of and paym ent for health care benefits,item s,and services,did knowingly and w illfully execute,and attem ptto execute,a schem e and artifice to defraud a health carebenefitprogram affectingcommerce,asdefinedbyTitlel8,UnitedStatesCode,Section24(b), thatis,M edicare and M edicare drug plan sponsors,and to obtain,by m eansofm aterially false and Case 1:18-cr-20514-KMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 7 of 14 fraudulentpretenses,representations,and prom ises,m oney and property owned by,and underthe custody and controlof,said health care benefitprogram s. Purpose ofthe Schem e and Artifice ltw asapurpose ofthe schem e and artifice forthe defendants and theiraccom plices to unlawfully enrich themselvesby,among otherthings:(a)payingkickbacksforthereferralof fraudulent M edicare beneficial' y prescriptions to be used at Capital D rugs, Green H ope and AmericanDrugs;(b)submittingandcausingthesubmissionoffalseandfraudulentclaimstohealth carebenefitprograms;(c)concealingthesubmission offalseandfraudulentclaimstohealthcare benefitprograms,andthereceiptandtransferoffraudproceeds;and(d)diverting fraudproceeds forthepersonaluseandbenefitofthem selvesand others,and to furtherthefraud. TheSchem eand Artifice 4. The M anner and M eans section of Count l of this lndictm ent is realleged and incorporated by reference asthough fully setforth herein asa description ofthe schem eand artifice. A cts in Execution orA ttem pted Execution ofthe Schem e and A rtifice On or aboutthe dates set forth as to each countbelow ,in M iam i-Dade and Palm Beach Counties,in the Southern D istrictofFlorida,and elsew here,the defendants,in connection w ith the delivery ofand paym entfor health care benefits,item s,and services,did know ingly and willfully execute,and attemptto execute,the above-described schem e and artifice to defraud a healthcarebenetitprogram affectingcom merce,asdefinedbyTitle 18,United StatesCode,Section 24(b),thatis,M edicareand M edicaredrugplan sponsors,and to obtain,by meansofmaterially false and fraudulentpretenses,representations,and prom ises,m oney and property ow ned by,and underthe custody and controlof,said health carebenefitprogram s,in thatthe defendants subm itted Case 1:18-cr-20514-KMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 8 of 14 and eausedthesubm ission offalse andfraudulentclaimsseekingtheidentified dollaram ounts, and representing that the identified pharm acy provided drugs to M edicare beneficiaries pursuant to physicians'valid orders and prescriptions: Count D efendants 2 CARLOSJ G A R CIA , 3 . 5 6 M edicare C laim N um ber 09/18/2014; GISELL ABERASTIJRIA, Green H ope; and H EID Y G AR C IA T.D . 14261339778600 ltem C laim ed; A pprox. A m ount C laim ed Abijjs vabatj :999 M G ;$1099 C AR LO S J.G A R CIA , 11/19/2014; 59587444352383 SeroquelX R ; GISELL ABERASTURIA, Green Hope; 10602929212351 $1288 and H EID Y G AR C IA 4 D ate; Pharm acy; M edicare B eneficiary sA 352459404381 cA luao s J.G A R CIA , 12/18/2014; 93384425352383 AdvairD iskus; GISELL ABERASTURIA, Green Hope; 10600719727225 $296 and H EID Y G A R CIA S.A . 382400504381 cA lttuo s J.G A R CIA, 02/17/20154 95538592089231 AdvairD iskus; GISELL ABEIU STURIA, $303 Green Hope; 31506701710282 and H EIDY G A R CIA -f'o . 896901504072 CA RLO S J.G AR C IA 03/30/2017; 17089513304317 SeroquelX R; and HEIDY G ARCIA Am erican 79939110 $1529 17146394443211 19988866 N am enda X R Cap 14 M G ; D rugs; A .R. 7 CA RLO S J.G AR C IA and H EID Y G AR C IA 05/26/2017; A m erican Drugs; $395 M .B . 8 CA RLO S J.G AR C IA and H EID Y G AR C IA 08/16/2017; A merican o rugs; A .R . 17228400129610 SeroquelX R; 89989110 $1529 Case 1:18-cr-20514-KMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 9 of 14 C ount D efendants D ate; Pharm acy; M edicare B eneficiary M edicare C laim N um ber ltem C laim ed; A pprox. X m ount Claim ed 9 CA R LO S J.G A RC IA 09/01/20174 17244408474519 Januvia Tab 25 and H EIDV GARCIA American 29999110 M G;$8ll 18032483075505 29999110 N am enda X R Cap 14 M G ; Dnzgs; M .B . 10 CA R LO S J. G A RC IA and HEIDY GARCIA 02/01/2018) A m erican orugs; $430 M .B . ln violation ofTitle 18,U nited States Code,Sections l347 and 2. FO R FEITU R E (18U.S.C.5982(a)(7)) The allegations contained in this Indictm ent are realleged and incorporated by reference as though fully setforth herein forthe purpose ofalleging forfeiture to the United States ofcertain property in which defendants CA RL O S J.G A RC IA, G ISELL A BER A SU RIA ,and H EID Y G A RC IA have an interest. Upon conviction ofany violation ofTitle18,United StatesCode,Sections1347 and 1349,as alleged in Counts l through 10 ofthe Indictm ent,the defendantso convicted shallforfeit to the United States al1of his or her right,title and interestin any property,realorpersonal,that constitutes oris derived,directly orindirectly,from gross proceedstraceable to the com m ission of suchviolations,pursuanttoTitle18,UnitedStatesCode,Section982(a)(7). Thepropertysubjecttoforfeitureincludes,butisnotlimitedto,thesum ofatleast $2,500,000inUnited Statescun-ency,which isasum ofmoneyequalin valueto thegrossproceeds Case 1:18-cr-20514-KMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 10 of 14 traceable to the com m ission ofthe violations alleged in this lndictm ent,which the U nited States willseekasaforfeituremoneyjudgmentaspartofthedefendants'sentence. A11pursuanttoTitle18,United StatesCode,Sections982(a)(1)and 982(a)(7);andthe proceduressetforth atTitle 21,United StatesCode,Section 853,as m ade applicable through Title 18,UnitedStatesCode,Section 982(b)(1). FO 1 ( -t- BE A M m G .GREEN BER U NITED STATES ATTO RN EY ï G JON M U EN GER A SSISTA N T U .S.A TTORN EY U NITED 3 STATES D ISTRI CO URT Case 1:18-cr-20514-KMM Document Entered on CT FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 11 of 14 SO UTH ER N DISTRICT O F FLO RIDA UN ITED STATES O F AM ER ICA C ASE NO . CAR LO SJ.GA RCIA,G ISELL ABEM STU IA, andHEIDY GARCIA C ERTIFICATE O F TRIA L A TTO RNEY. Defendants. / CourtDivision:(selectone) - X :lianai FTL Superseding Case lnform ation: New Defendantts) Key sVest SVPB FTP Yes NumberofN ew Defendants Totalnumberofcounts No ldo hereby certify that: lhave carefully considered the allegations ofthe indictm ent,the numberofdefendants,the number ofprobable witnessesand the legalcomplexitiesofthe lndictment/lnform ation attached hereto. 1am aF are thatthe information supplied op thisstatem entw illberelied upon by theJudgesofthis Courtln setting theircalendarsand schedullng crim inaltrialsunderthe mandate ofthe Speedy Trial Act,Title28 U .S.C.Section 3161. lnterpreter: (YesorNo) Listlanguage and/ordialect Thiscasew illtake 5 YES 1SH daysforthe partiesto try. Please check appropriate category and type ofoffenselisted below : (Checkonlyone) (Checkonlyone) l 11 I1l IV V 0 to 5 days 6 to 10 days l1 to 20 days 2lto 60 days 61daysand over 6 Hasthiscasebeenpreviously filed in thisDistrictCourt? (YesorNo) NO . lfyes: Judge: X Petty M inor M isdem . Felony Case No. (Attachcopy pfdispositiveordel) Hasacomplamtbeenfiledinthlsmatter? (YesorNo) Ifyes: M agistrate CaseN o. Related M iscellaneousnumbers: Defendantts)infederalcustodyasof Defendantts)instatycpstody asof Rule20 from theDlstrlctof lsthisapotentialdeathpenalty case?(YesorNo) NQ Dpesthiscase originate from am atterpending in theN orthern Region ofthe U.S.Attorney'sOffice prlorto October14,2003? Yes .- . ,.. . - . - -.... No ...-. X - - Jon Ju e A ssist tU nited StatesA ttorney Florida BarN o.:56108 *penalty Sheetts)attached Case 1:18-cr-20514-KMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 12 of 14 UN ITED STA TE S D ISTRIC T CO UR T SO U TH ER N D ISTRIC T O F FLO R ID A PEN A LTY SH EET D efendant's N am e:CA RLO S G A RC IA C ase N o: Count#:1 Conspiracy to Com m itHea1th Cam Fraud and W ire Fraud Title 18.United StatesCode,Section 1349 *M ax.Penalty:Twenty(20)years'imprisonment Counts #:2-10 H ea1th Care Fraud Title 18.United StatesCode.Section 1347 *M ax.Penalty:Ten(10)years'imprisonmentastoeachcount eR efers only to possible term ofincarceration,doesnotinclude possible fines,restitution, sped alassessm ents,parole term s,or forfeituresthatm ay be applicable. Case 1:18-cr-20514-KMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 13 of 14 U NITED STA TES D ISTRIC T C O U RT SO U TH E RN DISTRICT O F FLO R IDA PEN A LTY SH EET D efendant'sN am e:G ISELL A BERASTU RIA C ase No: Count#:l Conspiracy to Com m itH ealth Care Fraud and W ire Fraud Title 18sUnited StatesCodesSection 1349 *M ax.Penalty:Twenty(20)years'imprisomnent Counts#:2-5 Health Care Fraud Title 18.United States CodesSedion 1347 *M ax.Penalty:Ten(10)years'imprijonpeptastoeachcount eRefersonly to possible term ofincarceration,does notinclude possible fines,restitution, specialassessm ents,parole term sror forfeitures that m ay be applicable. Case 1:18-cr-20514-KMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 14 of 14 UN ITE D STA TES DISTR IC T CO U R T SO U TH ER N D ISTRICT O F FL O R IDA PEN A LTY SH EET D efendant's N am e:H EIDY GA RC IA C ase N o: Count#:1 Conspiracy to Com m itHea1th Care Fraud and W ire Fraud Title l8.United States CodesSection 1349 *M ax.Penalty:Twenty(20)years'implisonment Counts #:2-10 H ealth Care Fraud Title 18,United States Code.Section 1347 *M ax.Penalty:Ten (10)years'imprisonmentastoeachcount *Refers only to possible term ofincarceration,does notinclude possible fines,restitution, spedalassessm ents,parole term s,or forfeitures thatm ay be applicable.