Case 9:18-cr-80122-DMM Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/19/2018 Page 1 of 8 Q UNITED STA TES DISTR ICT CO UR T SOU THER N DISTR ICT O F FLO R IDA CASE NO . l8-8olzz-cr-Middlebrooks/Brannon 21U.S.C.j846 21U.S.C.j841(a)(1) UM TED STA TES O F A M ER ICA V. FILED BY rM >#.tpr*e*: AltM n ABO V YA N and H NA M ARIE BARRUTO , Jun 19,2018 STW EN M .LARIM ORE G E'P'.lttJ.S.BISTRICTtm S.D.OFFLA.,W estPalm Beach D efendants. / INDICTG N T The Grand Jury chargesthat: CO UN T 1 From atleastas early as July 20, 2016,the exactdate being llnknown to the Grand Jury , through on or aboutD ecem ber 30, 2016,in Palm Beach and Brow ard Colm ties, in the Southem D istrictofFloridaaand elsewhere, the defendants, AR M AN A BO W A N and TINA M AR IE BA R BUTO , did knowingly and w illfully com bine, conspire,confederate,and agree w ith each otherand w ith K .C.and otherpersonsknown and unknown to tbe Grand Jury, to distribute,possessw ith intentto distribute,and dispense outsidethe scope ofprofessionalpractice and notfora legitim atem edical purpose,a controlled substance,in violation ofTitle 2l, UnitedStatesCode,Section841(a)(1);a11 in violation ofTitle21, United StatesCode,Section 846. Pttrsuantto Title 21,United States Code, Section 841(b)(1)(C),itisfurtherZlegedthattllis violation involved a Schedule 11controlled substance, thatis,a m ixttlre and substance containing f ù' Q Case 9:18-cr-80122-DMM Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/19/2018 Page 2 of 8 a detectable am ountofam phetnm ine. Plzrsuantto Title 21,United StatesCode, Section841(b)(1)(C),itisfurt herallegedthatthis violation involved a Schedule 11controlled substance, thatis,a m ixture and substance containing adetectableam ountoflisdexam fetam ine. Pursuantto Title 21,Uzlited States Code, Section841(b)(1)(C),itisfurtherallegedthatthis violation involved a Schedule 11 controlled substance, that is,a m ixttzre and substance containing adetectable amountofdextroamphetam ine. Pursuantto Title21,United StatesCode, Section 841(b)(1)(E),itisfurt herallegedthatthis violation involved a Schedule I11conkolled substance, thatis,a m ixture and substance containing a detectable am ountofbuprenorphine. Pursuantto Title 21,U nited States Code, Section 841(b)(2),itisfurtheralleged thatthis violation involved a Schedule IV controlled substance, thatis,a m ixture and substance containing adetectable amountofclonazepam . Pursuantto Title 2 1,U nited States C ode, Section 841(b)(2),itisfurtherallegedthatthis violation involved a Schedule IV controlled substance, thatis,a m ixttzre and substance containing a detectable am ountoflorazepnm . Pursuantto Title 21,U rlited States Code, Section 841(b)(2),itisfurtherallegedthattltis violation involved a Schedule IV controlled substance, thatis,a m ixture and substance containing a detectable am otm tofphenobarbital. Case 9:18-cr-80122-DMM Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/19/2018 Page 3 of 8 Q CO UN T Z On oraboutJuly 20,2016,in Broward Colmty, in the Southern D istrict of Florida, the defendants, A RM A N M O W A N and TIN A M AR TE B AR BU TO , did knowingly and intentionally distributeand dispenseoutsidethe scope ofprofessionalpractice and notfora legitim ate medicalpurpose,a controlled substance;in violation ofTitle21, United StatesCode,Section 841(a)(1),andTitle18,UrtitedStatesCode,Section2. PursuanttoTitle21,UnitedStatesCode,Section841(' b)(1)(E),itisftzrtherallegedthatthis violation involved a Schedule IIIcontrolled substance, thatis,a m ixttzre and substance containing a detectable am ountofbuprenorpltine. CO UN T J On oraboutDecem ber30,2016,in Brow ard County, in the Southem DistdctofFlorida, the defendants, AR M AN M O W A N and TIN A M A RTE BA R BU TO , didknowinglyandintentionallypossesswith intentto distributeacontrolled substance;inviolation ofTitle 21,United StatesCode, Section 841(a)(1),andTitle18,UnitedStatesCode,Section 2. Pursuantto Title 21,United States Code, Section841(b)(1)(C),itisfurtherallegedthatthis violation involved a Schedule 11 controlled substance, thatis,a m ixture and substance containing a detectable am ountofam phetam ine. Plzrsuantto Title 21,U nited States Code, Section 841(b)(1)(C),itisfurtherallegedthatthis violation involved a Schedule 11 controlled substance, thatis,a m ixture and substance containing 3 Case 9:18-cr-80122-DMM Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/19/2018 Page 4 of 8 à a detectable am ountoflisdexam fetnm ine. PlzrsuanttoTitle21,UnitedStatesCode,Section841(b)(1)(C),itisfurtherallegedthatthis violation involved a Schedule 11controlled substance,thatis,a m ixture and subsvnce containing a detectable am ountofdextroam phetam ine. PursuanttoTitle21,UrlitedStatesCode,Section841(b)(1)(E),itisfurtherallegedthatthis violation involved a Schedule 1IIcontrolled substance,thatis,a m ixture and substance containing a detectable am otm tofbuprenop hine. Pursuantto Title21,United StatesCode,Section 841*)42),itisfurtherallegedthatthis violation involved a Schedule IV controlled substance,thatis,a m ixture and substance containing a detectable am ountofclonazepam . Plzrsuantto Title 21,United StatesCode,Section 841(b)(2),itisfurtherallegedthatthis violation itw olved a Schedule IV controlled substance,thatis,a m ixture and subsànce containing adetectable nm ountoflorazepam . Pursuantto Title 21,United StatesCode,Section 841(b)(2),itisfurtherallegedthatthis violation involved a Schedule IV controlled substance,thatis,am ixture and substance containing a detectable am otm tofphenobarbital. CR IM INA L FO R FEITU RE A LLE G ATIO NS The allegations of this Indictm ent are re-alleged and by tllis reference fully incop orated herein for thepurpose ofalleging crim inalforfeiture to the U nited StatesofAm erica ofcertainproperty in w llich the defendants,A RM AN A BOW A N and TIN A M AIUE BARBU TO , have an interest. 2. Upon conviction for a violation of Title 21,Urlited States Code, Section 846,or Title 21, United StatesCode,Section 841(a)(1),as alleged in tltisIndictment,the defendants, 4 L J . ''. Case 9:18-cr-80122-DMM Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/19/2018 Page 5 of 8 A RM AN A BO W A N and TIN A M A RIE BA RBU TO ,shallforfeitto theU nited StatesofA m erica any property constituting, or dedved from , any proceeds the defendants obtained, directly or indirectly,as the resultof such violation,and any property thatw as used,or intended to be used, in any m annerorpart,to com m it,orto facilitate the com m ission of,such violation. A 1lpursuantto Title 21,United Su tesCode,Section 853. A TRU E BILL. /, Y 6REPE,so a #) ' / izt/y, g z ; ' gf / r/ . jî',. j.y.w...-z yy/ej - BEN JA M IN G .G REEN B G U N ITED STA TES A TTORN EY J . .. ) 4 , '' / ' g. ; x q.z.....,..... A.MARIE ILLAFARY A SSISTAN T UN ITED STA TES A TTORN EY 5 . . UM TED STA TES DISTRICT CO URT Case 9:18-cr-80122-DMM Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/19/2018 Page 6 of 8 c SOUTHERNDISTRICTOFFLORIDAg' A CASE NO . UM TED STATES OF AM ERICA VS. CER TIFICA TE O F TRTAL A TTO R NEY* AltM u ABO V YA N & TIN A M ARIE BAR BUTO , Defendant. Superseding Caselnform ation: / s4ianû FTL YES New Defendantts) CourtDivision:(selectone) K ey W est W PB X NO NumberofNew Defendants Totalnum berofcolm ts FTP - 1dohereby certifythat: Ihavecarefallyconsideredtheallegationsoftheindictm ent,thenum berofdefendants,thenllm berofprobable witmessesandthelegalcomplexitiesoftheIndictment/lnform ation attachedhereto. Iam aw arethattheinform ationsuppliedontlkisstatem entwillberelieduponbytheJudgesofthisCourtinsetting theircalendarsandschedulingcriminaltrialstm derthem andateoftheSpeedyTrialA ct,Title28U .S.C.Section 3161. Interpreter: (YesorNo) Listlanguageand/ordialect Thiscasewilltake 5-10 No daysforthepartiestotry. Pleasecheck appropriatecategory andtypeofoffenselistedbelow: (Checkoalyone) (Checkonlyone) Petty M inor M isdem . I 11 III IV V 0 to 5 days 6 to 10 days 11to 20 days 21to60 days 61daysand over 6. HasthiscasebeenpreviouslyfiledinthisDistrictCourt?(YesorNo) No Ifyes: Judge: X Felony CaseNo. (Attachcopyofdispositiveorder) Hasacomplaintbeenfiledintlismatter?(YesorNo) N-o Ifyes: M agistrateCaseN o. RelatedM iscellaneousnllmbers: Defendantts)infederalcustodyasof Defendantts)instatecustodyasof Rule20from the Districtof Isthisapotentialdeathpenaltycase?(YesorNo) Yes X No Doesthiscase originatefrom am atterpending in theN orthern Region ofthe U .S.Attorney'sO ffcepriorto October14,2003? Y es X No 8. Doesthiscase originate from am atterpending in the CentralRegion oftheU .S.Attorney's Oflicepriorto September 1,2007? Y es X No ' j ' A.M arieVillafana ASSISTANT UN ITED TATES ATTORN EY FloridaBarN o.0018255 #penaltySheetts)attached Case 9:18-cr-80122-DMM Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/19/2018 Page 7 of 8 J U M TED STA TES DISTRIC T C O U RT SO U TH ERN D ISTR ICT O F FLO R ID A PEN AL TY SH EET D efendant's Nam e: A RM AN A BOV YA N C ase No: Count# 1: ConspiracytoPossess,Distlibute,and DispenseControlled Substances(ScheduleI1,111,& IV) Title 21,U nited States Code,Section 846 *M ax.Penalty: 20 Years'Imprisonm ent;$1,000,000 fm e;Supervised Release of3Yearsto Life;$100 SpecialAssessment. . .. .. Count# 2: UnlawfulDispensingofControlledSubsOnces(Schedule111) Title21,Urtited StatesCode,Section841(a)(1) *M ax.Penalty: 10 Years'Imprisonment;$500,000 fme;SupelwisedReleaseof2 Yearsto Life;$100 SpecialAssessm ent. Cotm t# 3: Possessionwith IntenttoDistributeControlledSubstances(Schedule11,111,& lV) Title21,Urlited StatesCode,Section 846 *M ax.Penalty: 20 Years'Im prisonment;$1,000,000 Gne;Supervised Release of3 Yearsto Life;$100 SpecialAssessm ept. . - - -- -- - -- -. -- -- - - *Refers only to possible term ofincarceration,fines,and specialassessm ents. D oesnot include possible restitution,parole term s,or forfeituresthatm ay be applicable. Case 9:18-cr-80122-DMM Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/19/2018 Page 8 of 8 UM TED STA TE S D ISTR ICT CO U R T SO U TH ER N D ISTR ICT O F FLO RID A PENA LTY SH EE T D efendant'sN am e: TIN A M AR IE BA RBU TO C ase N o: Count# 1: ConspiracytoPossess,Distribute,andDispenseControlled Substances(ScheduleII,111,& 1V) Title 21,United States Code,Section 846 *M ax.Penalty: 20 Years'lmprisonment;$1,000,000 Sne;Supervised Releaseof3 Yearsto Life;$100 SpecialAssessm ent. Count# 2: UrtlawfulDispensingofControlledSubstances(Schedule111) Title21,United StatesCode,Section 841(a)(1) *M ax.Penalty: 10 Years'Imprisonment;$500,000 fine;Supervised Releaseof2 Yearsto Life;$100 SpecialA ssessm ent. Cotm t# 3: PossessionwithIntenttoDistributeControlledSubstances(ScheduleII,111,& lV) Title 21,United StatesCode,Section 846 *M ax.Penalty: 20 Years'Impdsonm ent;$1,000,000 fine;Supervised Releaseof3 Yearsto Life;$100 SpecialAssessm ent. WR efers only to possible term ofincarceration,fines,and specialassessm ents. D oes not includepossible restitution,paroleterm s,or forfeituresthatm ay be applicable.