Case 0:18-cr-60167-DMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 1 of 17 U NITED STAT ES D ISTR IC T CO UR T SO U TH ERN D ISTR ICT O F FL O R ID A CaseNo.1 8 - 6 0 1 6 7 18U.S.C.j 1349 18U.S.C.j1347 CR -M IDDLEBROOKS 18U.S.C.j2 18v-s-c.j982(a)(7) /* < , UN ITED STATE S O F AM ER IC A V. CH RISTO PH ER LIV A, ELAIN A Llv A ,and ST EPH EN CH A LK E R , Defendants. / IN DIC TM EN T TheGrand Jury chargesthat: GENER AL ALLEGATIONS Ata11tim esm aterialto this lndictm ent: The M edicare Prozram TheMedicareprogram (klMedicare'')wasafederallyfundedprogram thatprovided free or below -cost health care benefits to certain individuals,prim arily the elderly,blind, and disabled.ThebenefitsavailableunderM edicareweregoverned byfederalstatutesandregulations. The U nited StatesD epartm entofH ealth and H um an Services,through its agency,the Centers for MedicareandM edicaid Services(i1CM S''),oversaw andadministeredMedicare.lndividualswho received benetksunderM edicarewerecom m only referred to asM edicare Slbeneficiaries.'' M edicare program s covering different types of benefits w ere separated into differentprogram Stparts.''PartD ofM edicare (the iéM edicare PartD Program''orçspal' tD'') Case 0:18-cr-60167-DMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 2 of 17 subsidized the costs ofprescription drugs for M edicare beneficiaries in the United States.The M edicarePartD Program wasenacted aspartofthe M edicare Prescription Drug,Im provem ent, and M odernization A ctof2003,and w entinto effecton January 1,2006. ln orderto receivePartD benefits,abeneficiary enrolled in a M edicaredrugplan. M edicare drug planswere operated by private com paniesapproved by M edicare.Those com panies wereoften referred to asdrug plan dtsponsors.''A beneficiary in a M edicare dnzg plan could filla prescription atapharmacy and usehisorherplan to pay forsom eora11oftheprescription. A phannacy could participate in PartD by entering a retail netw ork agreem ent directlywithaplanorwithoneormorePharmacy BenefitM anagers(1kPBM s'').A PBM actedon behalfofone ormore drug plans.Through a plan's PBM ,a pharmacy eould join the plan's network. W hen a Part D beneficiary presented a prescription to a pharm acy, the pharm acy subm itted a claim either directly to the plan or to a PBM that represented the beneficiary's M edicarednzg plan.The plan orPBM determ ined whetherthepharmacy wasentitled to paym ent foreach claim and periodically paid the phannacy foroutstanding claim s.The dnzg plan'ssponsor reim bursed the PBM foritspaym entsto the pharm acy. A pharm acy could also subm itclaim s to a M edicare drug plan to w hose netw ork the pharmacy did notbelong.Subm ission ofsuch out-of-network claim s was notcomm on and often resulted in sm allerpaym entsto thepharmacy by thednzgplan sponsor. M edicare,through CM S,com pensated theM edicaredrugplan sponsors.M edicare paid the sponsors a m onthly fee for each M edicare beneficiary of the sponsors' plans. Such payments were called capitation fees.The capitation fee was adjusted periodically based on variousfactors,including the beneficiary'sm edicalconditions.ln addition,in som e casesw here a sponsor's expenses for a beneficiary's prescription drugs exceeded thatbeneficiary's capitation Case 0:18-cr-60167-DMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 3 of 17 fee,M edicarereimbursed the sponsorforaportion ofthoseadditionalexpenses. M edicare wasa tûhealth carebenefitprogram ,''asdefined by Title 18,U nited States Code,Section 24(b),thataffectedcommerce,and asthatterm isused in Title 18,United States Code,Section 1347. ExpressScripts,Inc.(tdExpressScripts'')wasaM edicaredrugplansponsor. T he T RICA R E Prozram TRICARE wasahealth careprogram oftheUnited StatesDepartmentofDefense (déDOD'') M ilitary Hea1th System thatprovided coverage for DOD beneficiaries worldwide, including active duty service m em bers, N ational G uard and Reserve m em bers, retirees, their families,and survivors.Individualswho received health care benefitsthrough TRICARE were referredtoasTRICARE itbeneficiaries.''TheDefenseHealthAgency(1kDHA'') anagencyofthe DOD, was the military entity responsible for overseeing and adm inistering the TRICARE program . 10. TRICA RE was a çlhealth care benefit program ,'' as defined by Title 18,U nited StatesCode,Section 24(b),thataffected commerce,andasthatterm isused in Title 18,United States Code,Section 1347. TRICARE provided coverage for certain prescription drugs, including certain compounded drugs, that were medically necessary and prescribed by a licensed medical professional.Express Scriptsadm inistered TRICA RE'Sprescription drug benetits. TRICA RE benefciariescould filltheirprescriptions through m ilitary pharm acies, TR ICA RE'S hom e delivery program ,netw ork pharm acies, and non-netw ork pharm acies. lf a beneficiary chose a netw ork phannacy,the pharm acy would collect any applicable copaym ent from the beneticiary,dispense the drug to the beneticiary,and subm ita claim forreim bursem ent Case 0:18-cr-60167-DMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 4 of 17 toExpressScripts,whichwouldin tul' nadjudicatetheclaim andreimbursethepharmacydirectly orthrough aPharmacy ServicesAdministrative Organization (ikPSAO'').To becomeanetwork phannacy,aphannacy agreed to be bound by,and com ply with,a11applicable state and federal law s,specifically including those addressing fraud,waste,and abuse. T he M edicaid Prozram TheM edicaidprogram (ûdM edicaid'')wasajointlyfundedprogram betweenfederal and state governm ents that provided m edical assistance and health coverage for categories of individuals whose incom e and resourcesw ere insufficientto m eetthe costsofm edicalservices. 14. The Florida M edicaid Program w as authorized by Chapter 409, Florida State Statutes,and Chapter59G,FloridaAdm inistrativeCode.M edicaidwasadministeredbyCM S and theStateofFloridaAgencyforHea1thCareAdministration(1kAHCA''). In Florida, M edicaid contracted with a private com pany to pay claim s.This company wasrefen'ed toasthe M edicaid fiscalagent.Thefiscalagentalso perform ed avarietyof otherfunctionsforM edicaid,including enrollm entofprovidersand managem entoftherecipient eligibility system .ln addition,itprovided managem entofpharm acy benefitsthrough the PBM vendor.OnJuly1,2008,ElectronicDataSystems(EDS)becamethefiscalagentfortheM edicaid progrnm in Florida. On M arch 12,2010,ED S changed itsnam e to H P Enterprises Services,LLC . 16. M edicaid reim bursem ent for prescribed dnzg services w as on a fee-for-service basis.The Florida PointofSale (ûdPOS'')System wasthe system thatprocessed drug claims. Phannaciesw hich did notuse PO S processing could subm itM edicaid claim svia electronic m edia (batch)to take advantageofspeed andaccuracy inprocessing.Pharmaciessubmitted electronic claim s them selves orchose a billing agentthatoffered electronic claim subm ission services. 4 Case 0:18-cr-60167-DMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 5 of 17 17. M edicaid also offered an electronicfundstransfersystem to pay claim ssubmitted by pharm acies.Any pharm acy which utilized the electronic funds transfersystem was certifying witheachuseoftheelectronicfundstransfersystem thattheclaimts)forwhichthepharmacywas beingpaidwas/werein compliancewiththeprovisionsfoundontheclaim fonn andwitha11federal and state laws. 18. M edicaid w asa ûdhealth carebenetitprogram ,''asdefined by Title 18,U nited States Code,Section24(b). C om pounded D rues G enerallv ln general, ûdcom pounding'' w as a practice in w hich a licensed pharm acist, a licensed physician,or in the case of an outsourcing facility,a person under the supervision ofa licensed pharm acist,combined,m ixed,oraltered ingredientsofadrug orm ultipledrugsto create adrug tailored to theneedsofan individualpatient.Compounded drugswerenotapproved by the U.S.FoodandDrugAdministration(ûûFDA'');thatis,theFDA didnotverifythesafety,potency, effectiveness, or m anufacturing quality of com pounded dnzgs. How ever, the ingredients in compounded drugscould be FDA approved individually.The Florida State Board ofPhannacy regulated the practice ofcom pounding in the State ofFlorida. 20. Compounded drugs could be prescribed by a physician when an FDA-approved drug did notm eetthe health needsofa particularpatient.For exam ple,ifa patientw asallergic to a specific ingredient in an FDA-approved medication, such as a dye or a preservative, a com pounded drug could be prepared excluding the substance thattriggered the allergic reaction. Com pounded drugs could also be prescribed w hen a patient could notconsum e a m edication by traditionalm eans,such asan elderly patientorchild w ho could notsw allow an FDA -approved pill and needed the drug in a liquid form thatw as nototherw ise available. Case 0:18-cr-60167-DMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 6 of 17 C opavm entsG enerallv 21. Hea1th care benefitpayors- including M edicare,TRICARE,and M edicaid - set copaymentsformany ofthe products and servicesthey covered.Copaym entswere a portion of the costofthe productorservice thathad to be paid by the patientorbeneficiary. 22. Copaym ents w ere set based upon the payor's evaluation of the efficacy of the product or service, the cost of the product or service, and the availability of alternatives. Copaym ents w ere used to prevent or m itigate fraud in the case of expensive m edications w ith lim ited evidence of effectiveness.That is, if a patient or beneficiary did not need or w ant a medication,heorshe would beunlikely to pay a high copayment,the m edication should notbe dispensed,and the pharm acy should notmakeaclaim tothepayor. Therefore,copaymentcollection requirem entswereprom inently setforth in PBM contracts w ith pharm acies, such requirem ents w ere m aterial to PBM S, and PBM S audited phannacies'copaymentcollection practices.A pharm acy'sfailureto collectcopaym entsin good faith could resultin the PBM 'Srefusalto pay the claim s and even term ination ofthe contractw ith the PBM . The D efendants and R elated C om panies Pop'sPharmacy,LLC (stpop'sPharmacy'')wasaFloridalimitedliabilitycompany thathad aregistered principalplaceofbusinessat20 N.E.2nd Avenue,Deerfield Beach,Florida, and purportedly provided com pounded drugs and other prescription m edications to M edicare, TRICARE,and M edicaid beneficiaries. Pop's Neighborhood Phannacy,LLC (stpop's Neighborhood'') was a Florida lim ited liability com pany thathad a registered principalplace ofbusiness at20 N .E.2nd A venue, Deerfield Beach,Florida,and purportedly operated Pop'sPharm acy. 6 Case 0:18-cr-60167-DMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 7 of 17 26. DefendantCHRISTOPH ER LIVA,a residentofPalm Beach County,wasa true ow nerand the prim ary operatorofPop'sN eighborhood and Pop's Pharm acy. 27. D efendantELA IN A L IV A ,a residentofN ew Jersey and then ofBrow ard County, wasan ownerand operatorofPop'sNeighborhood and Pop'sPhannacy. 28. D efendant STEPH EN C H A LK ER , a resident of Palm Beach County,w as the PhannacistincbargeatPop'sPharmacy. C O U NT 1 C onspiracy to Com m itH ealth C are Fraud (18U.S.C.j 1349) The GeneralA llegations section ofthis Indictm ent is re-alleged and incorporated by reference asthough fully setforth herein. From in oraround Septem ber2014,through in oraround October2016,in Broward County,in the Southern DistrictofFlorida,and elsewhere,the defendants, C H R IST O PH E R L IV A , ELA IN A Llv A .and STEPH EN CH A LK ER , did willfully,thatis,with the intentto furtherthe objectsofthe conspiracy,and knowingly, com bine,conspire,confederate,and agree w ith each other and w ith others,known and unknow n to the Grand Jury,to comm itcertain offensesagainstthe United States,thatis,to knowingly and willfully execute a schem e and artifice to defraud a health care benefit program affecting commerce,asdefined in Title 18,United StatesCode,Section 24(b),andtoobtain,bymeansof m aterially false and fraudulentpretenses,representations,and prom ises,naoney and propely ow ned by,and underthe custody and controlof,said health care benefitprogram ,in connection w ith the delivery ofand paym entforhealth care benetits,item sand services,in violation ofTitle 18,United States Code,Section 1347. 7 Case 0:18-cr-60167-DMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 8 of 17 Purpose ofthe C onspiracv Itwasa purpose and objectofthe conspiracy forthe defendants and theircoconspiratorstounlawfully enrichthemselvesby,amongotherthings:(a)submittingandcausing the subm ission of false and fraudulent claims to M edicare, TRICARE, and M edicaid; (b)concealingthesubmission ofsuch falseand fraudulentclaims;(c)concealing thereceiptand transferofproceedsofthefraud;and(d)divertingproceedsofthefraudfortheirpersonaluseand benefit,the use and benefitofothers,and to furtherthe fraud. M anner and M eans ofthe C onspiracv The manner and m eans by which the defendants and their co-conspirators sought to accomplishthepurposeandobjectsoftheconspiracy included,amongotherthings: 4. On or aboutSeptember l9,2014,ELAINA LIVA incorporated and becam e the registered agent of Pop's N eighborhood, w hich CH RISTO PH ER LIVA , E LAIN A L IV A , STEPHEN CH ALK ER,and theirco-conspirators used to obtain controlofand operate Pop's Pharm acy. 5. ln oraround September2014,STEPH EN CHALKER becam ethe pharm acistin charge atPop'sPhannacy. 6. CHRISTOPH ER LIVA,ELAINA LIVA ,STEPH EN CHALKER,andtheirco- conspiratorstook stepsto concealCH RISTO PH ER LIV A 'S ow nership interestin,and operation of Pop'sPharm acy. 7. Forexam ple,on oraboutDecem ber23,2015,STEPH EN C H A LK ER signed and caused to be subm itted an ExpressScriptsprovidercertification and phannacy disclosure form on behalfofPop'sPhannacyinwhichhe:(a)failedtodisclosetheownershipinterestandmanaging controlofCHRISTOPHER LIVA;(b)falselyandfraudulentlyrepresented,amongotherthings, 8 Case 0:18-cr-60167-DMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 9 of 17 that the pharmacy had never undergone a change in ownership and that the pharmacy's ownertsl/principalts)hadnotbeenthesubjectofacriminalprosecution involvingfraud;and(c) certified thatsuch inform ation w astrue and correct.A s a resultof the subm ission ofthese false and fraudulentdocuments,Express Scriptsallowed Pop'sPhannacy to continueparticipating in the Express Scriptspharm acy providernetw ork. 8. CH RISTO PH ER LIVA ,ELA IN A LIV A ,STEPH EN C H A LK ER ,and theirco- conspirators caused Pop's Pharmacy to submit false and fraudulent claim s to M edicare, TRICARE,and M edicaid forcompounded drugs and otherprescription m edications,including expensive pain and scarcream s,thatw ere notm edically necessary and/or were neverprovided. induce benefciaries accept m edically ulm ecessary m edications, CHRISTOPH ER LIVA,ELAINA LIVA,STEPH EN CHALKER,and theirco-conspirators oftentim esdid notcollectcopaym ents. 10. As a result of these false and fraudulent claim s,Pop's Neighborhood received paymentsfrom M edicare,TRICARE,and M edicaid totalingnearly $5 million. A11in violation ofTitle 18,United States Code,Section 1349. CO UN TS 2-4 H ealth C are Fraud (18U.S.C.j 1347) The GeneralAllegationssection ofthislndictmentisre-alleged and incorporated by reference asthough fully setforth herein. 2. From in oraround Septem ber2014,through in oraround A ugust2016,in Brow ard County,in the Southern D istrictofFlorida,and elsewhere,the defendant, STEPH EN CH AL K ER , in connection with the delivery ofand paym entforhealth care benefits,item s,and services,did 9 Case 0:18-cr-60167-DMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 10 of 17 knowinglyandwillfully,execute,and attemptto execute,a schemeand artiticeto defraud ahealth care benefitprogram affecting comm erce,as defined by Title 18,United States Code,Section 24(b),andto obtain by meansofmaterially falseand fraudulentpretenses,representations,and prom ises,m oney and property ow ned by,and under the custody and controlof,said health care benefitprogram . Purpose ofthe Schem e and A rtifice 3. Itwas apurpose ofthe scheme and artifice forthe defendantand his accom plices tounjustly enrich themselvesby,among otherthings:(a)submittingandcausingthesubmission of false and fraudulent claims to M edicare, TRICARE, and M edicaid; (b) concealing the submissionofsuchfalseandfraudulentclaims;(c)concealingthereceiptandtransferofproceeds ofthefraud;and(d)divertingproceedsofthefraudfortheirpersonaluseandbenefit,theuseand benefitofothers,andto furtherthe fraud. M anner and M eans ofthe Schem e and A rtifice 4. The allegations contained in paragraphs 4 through 10 in the M anner and M eans section ofCount1ofthislndictm entarere-allegedand incorporatedby reference asthough fully setforth herein asa description ofthe schem e and artifice. A cts in Execution or A ttem pted E xecution ofthe Schem e and A rtifice 7. On oraboutthe dates setforth below as to each count,in Brow ard County,in the Southern DistrictofFlorida,andelsewhere,thedefendant,STEPHEN CH ALKER,in connection withthe delivery ofand paymentforhealth carebenefits,item s,and services,did knowingly and w illfully execute,and attem ptto execute,the above-described schem e and artifice to defraud a health care benefitprogram affecting com m erce,and to obtain by m eans of m aterially false and fraudulentpretenses,representations,and promises,m oney and property owned by,and underthe Case 0:18-cr-60167-DMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 11 of 17 custody and controlof,said health carebenefitprogram ,in thatthe defendantsubm itted and caused the subm ission offalse and fraudulentclaim s to M edicare and M edicaid,representing thatPop's Pharm acy had provided pharm aceuticalitem sand servicesto benetk iariespursuantto physicians' valid orders and prescriptions. Count B eneficiary 2 V.W . Claim N um ber A pproxim ate D ate of Service Item B illed A pproxim ate A m ountPaid 153493167113049998 12/15/2015 DICLOFENAC $2,405 SO D IU M 3 C.C. 164141530361 1/14/2016 0000502098977 4 S.A. 7316139094978 DICLOFENAC $2,755 SO D IUM 5/5/2016 LIDOCAINE $1,262 In violation ofTitle 18,United StatesCode,Sections 1347 and 2. FO RFEIT UR E (18U.S.C.j982(a)(7)) The allegations contained in this lndictm entare re-alleged and incorporated by referenceasthough fully setforth herein forthepurposeofalleging forfeitureto theUnited States of certain property in which the defendants,CHRISTO PHER LIVA,ELAINA LIVA,and STEPH EN CH A L K ER ,have an interest. 2. Upon conviction ofaviolation ofTitle18,UnitedStatesCode,Section 1349,and/or a violation of Title 18,United States Code,Section 1347,as alleged in this lndictment,the defendants shallforfeitto the United States,pursuantto Title 18,U nited States Code,Section 982(a)(7),anyproperty,realorpersonal,thatconstitutesorisderived,directlyorindirectly,from grossproceedstraceabletothecom mission ofthe offense. 3. The property to beforfeited by CH RISTO PH ER L IV A includes,butisnotlim ited to,a sum ofm oney equalin value to the grossproceedstraceable to the com m ission ofthe offense Case 0:18-cr-60167-DMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 12 of 17 alleged in this lndictment, approxim ately $416,725,which the United States will seek as a forfeituremoneyjudgmentaspartofthedefendant'ssentence. 4. The property to be forfeited by ELA IN A LIV A includes,but is notlim ited to,a sum of m oney equal in value to the gross proceeds traceable to the com m ission of the offense alleged in this lndictment, approxim ately $773,663,which the United States will seek as a forfeituremoneyjudgmentaspal' tofthedefendant'ssentence. 5. The property to be forfeited by STE PH EN CH ALK ER includes,butisnotlim ited to,asum ofm oney equalin valueto thegrossproceedstraceableto the com mission oftheoffense alleged in this lndictment, approxim ately $275,738,which the United States will seek as a forfeituremoneyjudgmentaspartofthedefendant'ssentence. 6. lf any of the property described above,as a result of any act or om ission of the defendants: a. cannotbe located upontheexerciseofdue diligence' , b. hasbeen transferred orsoldto,ordeposited with,athird party; hasbeenplacedbeyondthejurisdictionofthecourt; d. hasbeen substantially dim inished in value;or has been comm ingled w ith otherproperty which cannot be divided without difficulty, theUnited Statesshallbeentitled to forfeitureofsubstituteproperty,pursuantto Title21,United StatesCode,Section 853(p),asincomoratedby Title 18,UnitedStatesCode,Section 982(b)(1). Case 0:18-cr-60167-DMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 13 of 17 AllpursuanttoTitle18,UnitedStatesCode,Section982(a)(7),andtheproceduressetforth atTitle 21,United StatesCode,Section 853,asm adeapplicableby Title 18,United StatesCode, Section982(b). A TRU E BILL $ 0. N .$-- BEN JA M IN G .G REEN BER UN ITED STATES ATTO RN EY SOU TH ERN D ISTRICT O F FLORID A JO SEPH BEEM STERBO ER DEPU TY CH IEF CRIM INAL DIVISION ,FM UD SECTION U .S.D EPA RTM EN T OF JU STICE LESLIE W RIGH T TRIAL ATT EY CRIM m AL IVISION ,FM UD SECTION U .s.D EPA RTM EN T OF JU STICE 13 UN ITED STATES DISTR ICT CO UR T SO UTH ER3N DI STR IC Ton O FFLSD FLO R I DA Case 0:18-cr-60167-DMM Document Entered Docket 06/15/2018 Page 14 of 17 UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA CASE NO. C ERTIFICA TE O F TR IA L ATTO R NEY. CHRISTOPHER LIVA, ELAINA LIVA .and STEPHEN CHALKER, Defendants. / New Defendantts) CourtDivision' .(selectone) - X M iam i FTL Superseding Case lnform ation: Key W est W PB FTP NumberofN ew Defendants Totalnumberofcounts ldo hereby certify that: Ihave carefully considered the allegationsofthe indictment,thenumberofdefendants,the num ber ofprobablew itnessesand the legalcom plexitiesofthe lndictm ent/lnformation attached hereto. lam aware thatthe inform ation supplied on this statementwillbe relied upon by the Judgesofthis Courtin setling theircalendarsand scheduling crim inaltrialsunderthem andate ofthe Speedy Trial Act,Title28 U .S.C.Section 3161. lnterpreter: (YesorNo) Listlanguageand/ordialect Thiscasew illtake 4-5 No daysforthepartiesto try. Please check appropriate category and typeofoffense listed below: (Checkonlyone) (Checkonlyone) I 11 ll1 IV V 0 to 5 days 6 to 10 days 11 to 20 days 21to 60 days 61daysand over 6 Hasthiscasebeen previously GledinthisDistrictCourt? (YesorNo) No . Ifyes: Judge: X Petty M inor M isdem . Felony CaseN o. (Attachcopyofdispositiveorder) Hasacomplaintbeen filed inthismatter? lfyes: M agistrateCaseN o. Related M iscellaneousnumbers: (YesorNo) Defendantts)infederalcustody asof Defendantts)in statecpstodyasof Rule 20 from the Distrlctof lsthisapotentialdeath penaltycase?(YesorNo) No Doesthiscase originate from a matterpending in theNorthern Region ofthe U .S.Attorney'sOftk e priorto October 14,2003? Yes No X L LIE A . IG D O J TR IA L A N EY CourtID No. 02273 *penalty Sheetts)attached Case 0:18-cr-60167-DMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 15 of 17 UNITED STATES DISTRICT CO URT SO U TH ER N DISTR ICT O F FLO RIDA PEN A LTY SH EET Defendant'sN am e: C H R ISTO PH ER LIV A C ase N o: Count#: Title 18.U nited StatesCode.Section 1349 Conspiracv to Com m itH ea1th Care Fraud WM ax Penaltv: Ten (10)vears'imprisonm ent Count#: WM ax Penaltv: Count#: *M ax Penalty' . Count#: *M ax Penaltv: *Refers only to possible term ofincarceration,does notinclude possible fines,restitution, specialassessm ents,parole term s,or forfeitures thatm ay be applicable. Case 0:18-cr-60167-DMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 16 of 17 UN ITED STA TES D ISTR ICT CO UR T SO U TH ER N D ISTR ICT O F FL O R ID A PEN A LTY SH EET D efendant's Nam e: E LA IN A LIV A C ase N o: Count#: Title 18.U nited StatesC odesSection 1349 Conspiracy to Com m itH ealth Care Fraud *M ax Penaltv: Ten (10)vears'imprisonment Count#: *M ax Penaltv: Count#: *M ax Penaltv: Count#: *M ax Penalty: AR efersonly to possible term ofincarceration,does notinclude possible fines,restitution, specialassessm ents,parole term s,or forfeituresthatm ay be applicable. Case 0:18-cr-60167-DMM Document 3 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/15/2018 Page 17 of 17 U N ITED STA TES D ISTR ICT C O U R T SO U TH ER N D ISTR ICT O F FL O R ID A PENALTY SHEET D efendant'sN am e: STEPH EN CH ALK ER C ase N o: Count#: Title 18.U nited StatesC odesSection 1349 Conspiracv to Com m itH ealth Care Fraud WM ax Penaltv: Ten (10)vears'imprisonment Counts #: Title 18sUnited StatesCodesSection 1347 H ea1th Care Fraud WM ax Penaltv: Ten (10)vears'imprisonm entasto each count Count#: *M ax Penalty: Count#: *M ax Penaltv: WR efers only to possible term ofincarceration,does notinclude possible fines,restitution, specialassessm ents,parole term s,or forfeituresthatm ay be applicable.