Case 9:18-cr-80108-RLR Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/29/2018 Page 1 of 7 UNITED STA TES DISTRIC T C O URT SO UTH ERN D ISTRICT OF FL O RIDA CASE NO . 18-80108-cr-Rosenberg/Reinhart 18U.S.C.j1957 18U.S.C.j982(a)(1) U NITED STATES O F AM ERICA FILED BY SP @e*e'*%*'* M ay 29,2018 LA W REN CE W EISBERG , STEVEN M .LARIM ORE fLERK LLS.DI.STRICTCT. 5aD.O' FFG .W estPalm Beach Defendant. / INFO RM A TION The United States Attom ey charges that: C-OVNT-I On oraboutApril7,2016,in Palm Beach Cotmty,in the Southern DistrictofFlorida,and elsewhere,the defendant, LAW RENCE W EISBERG did knowingly engagc and attcm pt to engage in a m ond ary transaction affecting interstate comm erce,by,through,and to a tinancialinstitution,in crim inally derived property of a valuc greaterthan $10,000,thatis,thedcpositofSm artLab lnc.'scheck numbcr2271inthcapproxim ate amountof$41,234.41 into Bank ofAmerica accountnumber ( X) X' X) X.X1X. X' X)8562,wlzich was controlled by thc defendant, and such property having bcen derived from spccified unlawful activity;in violation ofTitle l8,United States Codc,Scctions l957 and 2, ltisfurtherallegcd thatthc specificd unlawfulactivity w ashcalth carefraud and conspiracy to cornm ithealth care fraud,in violation ofTitle 18,United Statcs Code,Sections 1347 and 1349. Case 9:18-cr-80108-RLR Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/29/2018 Page 2 of 7 FO RFEITUR E The allegations contained in Count 1 of this Inform ation are realleged and incorporated by reference asthough fully setforth herein forthe purpose ofalleging forfeiture to the U nited States of A m erica of certain property in w hich the defendant, LA W RE N CE W EISBERG hasan interest. Upon conviction of a violation of Title 18,U nited States Code,Section 1957,as alleged in Count l ofthis lnform ation,the defendant,LA W R EN CE W EISBER G ,shallforfeitto theUnitedStates,pursuanttoTitle18,UnitedStatesCode,Section982(a)(1),a11property,realand personal,involved in such offensesand any property traceable to such property,including,butnot limited to,approxim ately $41,234.41in United Statescurrency. Ifthepropertydescribedaboveasbeingsubjecttoforfeiture,asaresultofany act oromission ofLAW RENCE W EISBERG a. cannotbe located upon the exercise ofdue diligence; b. hasbeen transferred or sold to or deposited w ith a third party; hasbeenplacedbeyondthejudsdictionoftheCourt; d. hasbeen substantially dim inished in value;or e. hasbeen com m ingled w ith otherproperty which cannotbe subdivided w ithout difficulty; itistheintentoftheUnited States,pursuantto Title21,United StatesCode,Section 8531),as madeapplicablethroughTitle18,UnitedStatesCode,Section 982(b)(1),toseekforfeitureofany otherproperty ofLA W R EN CE M CE ISBER G ,up to the value ofthe above forfeitable property. Case 9:18-cr-80108-RLR Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/29/2018 Page 3 of 7 A1lpursuanttoTitle18,UnitedStatesCode,Section982(a)(7),andtheproceduressetforth atTitle 21,U nited States Code,Section 853,as m ade applicable through Title 18,United States Code,Section982(b)(1). )BEN JA M EV G.GR EEN BER G U N ITED STA TES A TTORN EY A .M ARIE V ILLA FA A SSISTAN T UN ITED STA TES A TTO RN EY Case 9:18-cr-80108-RLR Document 1 Entered onICT FLSD Docket 05/29/2018 Page 4 of 7 U NITED STATES D ISTR C OUR T SOU TH ERN DISTRICT O F FLOR IDA IJNITED STATES OF AM ERICA CA SE N O. VS. CER TIFICA TE O F TRIAL A TTO RN EY * LAW R EN CE W EISBERG , Defendant. / YES New Defendantts) CourtDivision:(selectone) M iam i FTL SupersedingC aseInform ation: K eyW est W PB X N umberofNew Defendants Totalnum berofcounts FTP Ido herebycertif.ythat: lhavecarefullyconsideredtheallegationsoftheindictment,thenumberofdefendants,thenllmberofprobable wimessesandthelegalcomplexitiesoftheIndictment/lrtformation attached hereto. Iam awarethattheinformationsuppliedonthisstatementwillberelieduponbytheJudgesofthisCourtinsetting theircalendarsandschedulingcrim inaltrialsunderthem andateoftheSpeedyTrialAct,Title28U .S.C.Section 3161. Interpreter: (YesorNo) Listlanguageand/ordialect Thiscasewilltake 3-5 No daysforthepartiestotry. Pleasecheck appropriatecategory andtype ofoffenselistedbelow : (Checkonlyone) (Checkonlyone) X Petty M inor M isdem . Felony I 11 lII IV V 0 to 5days 6 to 10 days 11to 20 days 21to 60days 61daysand over 6. HasthiscasebeenpreviouslyfiledinthisDistrictCourt?(YesorNo) No Ifyes: Judge: CaseNo. (Attachcopyofdispositiveorder) HasacomplaintbeenGledintlzismatter?(YesorNo) No Ifyes: M agistrateCaseN o. RelatedM iscellaneousnumbers: Defendantts)infederalcustodyasof Defendantts)instatecustodyasof Rule20from the Districtof Isthisapotentialdeathpenaltycase?(YesorNo) Yes X No Doesthiscaseoriginatefrom amatterpending in theNorthern Region ofthe U.S.Attorney'sOffcepriorto October 14,2003? Yes X No Doesthiscase originate from a m atterpending in theCentralRegion ofthe U .S.Attorney'sO ffce priorto September1,20072 Yes X No ?, . M ar ie illafana ASSISTANT UNITED STATES ATTORNEY FloridaBarN o.0018255 *penaltySheetts)attached REV. 9/l1/07 Case 9:18-cr-80108-RLR Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/29/2018 Page 5 of 7 U NITED STA TE S D IST RIC T C O UR T SO UTH ER N D IST RIC T O F FLO R IDA PEN A LTY SH EET Defendant'sN am e: LA W REN CE W EISBER G C ase N o: Cotm t#:1 18U.S.C.j1957 M onev Launderina in Excessof$10,000 * M ax-penalty:10 Years'lmpdsonm ent;3 years'Supervised Release' ,$250,000 Fine or twice the am ount of the crim inally derived property involved in the transaction; crim inal forfeiture;$100 specialassessm ent. WR efersonly to possible term ofincarceration,does not include possible fines,restitution,special assessm ents,paroleterm s,or forfeituresthatm ay be applicable. 1 Case 9:18-cr-80108-RLR Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/29/2018 Page 6 of 7 U N ITED STA TE S DISTR IC T C O U R T SO UTH ERN D ISTRIC T O F FLOIU DA CASE N UM BER : BOND RECOM M ENDATION DEFENDANT:LAW RENCE W EISBERG PersonalSurety BondOf$100,000 Co-signed byW ife (PersonalSurety)(CorporateSurety)(Cash)(Pre-frialDetention) * By: A USA : M arie V illafan LastK now n A ddress: W hatFacility: Agenttsl: (FBl) (SECRET SERVICE) (DEA) (1RS) (lCE) (OTHER) Case 9:18-cr-80108-RLR Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/29/2018 Page 7 of 7 AO 455(Rcv.()1/09)WalvefofanIndlctmcnt U NITED STATES D ISTRICT COURT forthe SouthernDistrictofFlorida United StatesofAmerica caseNo. l8-8olo8-cr-Rosenberg/ V. Lawrence W eisberg, Reinhart Db fendant W AIVER OF AN INDICTM ENT IunderstandthatIhavebeenaccused ofoneormoreoftknsespunishableby im prisonmentformorethanone year. Iwasadvised in open courtofmy rightsandthe nature oftheproposed chargesagainstme. Afterrcceivingthisadviceslwaivemy'rightto prosecution by indictmentand consentto prosecutionby information. Dq/cndtlnf' sâ' fgnt:/ure Brian Bi:beruEsq. Printedrlt r lracoftlcfendant' saltorney - RAV:-LCE-B-RN -NQN,U.SC-MAQISTV TQJUPGQ gut . lges -printecinftrz?eandtitle -