Subject: Follow up Dear Mlke It was good to you today the recent change tn Acthar 1 fully understand your concerns and I wanted to follow up a more detall ln on why Questcor made declslon Questcor's Objecllve ln the new Acthar model ls to ensure Acthar's long term to the patlents who need lt To do thls, we had to make Acthar economlcally vlable as a product on a standalone basls, tt has not been Because Acthar ls a spectallzed product, belng used to treat a very small raterdlsease patlent populatlon, Acthar has never been a profitable drug has been a challenge to Questcor, a very small cotnpany butlt around Acthar ln Acthar ts a very dtmcult complex product to manufacture In fact manufacturlng challenges are so acute that they have ofien led to extended perlods of product ratlonlng In recent years Questcor has lnvested actlvely ln manutacturlng upgrades parttcularly heavy for such a small company tn order to ensure Acthar's conttnucd productton and These resulted tn FDA approval ofnew manutacturlng processes and productlon sltes and the vlnual ofthe product shonages seen tn the [9905 and early part decade Questcor has made further tn pursutng formal FDAsappmval oftntanttle spasms as an Questcor contlnues to work FDA on approval process Further, the company has made costly but ultlmately unsuccessful attempts to expand Acthar usage ln other such as Sclerosls Based on experlence, lt became clear to us that tn the treatment oflnfantlle spasms ls where the medlcal communlty has determlned that Acthar provtdes true value to patlents ln fact, many top pcdtatnc tell us that they feel Acthar ts the "gold standard" tn 15 treatment Due to substantlal lnveslmenls and success ln attempts to expand usage ln new areas, Questcor has been llterally hemorrhaglng cash 7 to the tune of$ l6 ln losses slnee Jan 2006 was not sustatnable, parttcularly for such a small company As a result, layot=rs {50% ol'all Questcor employees) and deep budget cuts have already taken place so tar tn 2007 Afier lnedepth revtew ofseveml potentlal strategles, Questcor's Board and executlves declded that the best way to make Acthar economlcally vtable for the long term so that patlents have a contlnued unlnterrupted supply ofAclhar, ls to adopt an model for Acthar, the ultrarmre nature ofthe dlsease for lt ls actually used by doctors 1t ls lmportant to put new tnto perspecttve for drugs ranges from $50,000 to $500000 or more per year Efiecttve August 27, 2007, Acthar ts prtced at $23269 per vtal When used for treatlng IS, results ln an average total treatment cost ofaround $100000 In a majorlty ofcases IS patlents are on a course oftherapy and then they are done Acthar treatment entlrely the cost ofActhar treatment, we are sponsorlng patlent and cospay programs for patlents who are unlnsured or We have also set up a relmbursement "hub" (888743572284) staffed relmbursement that are focused [00% on lnsurance plans to verlfy Acthar coverage for patlents so that product can be to pateltns dlrectly hope that funher helped to answer some ofyour quesuons from today Feel free to cull Ifynu have quesuons By the ua think your websne looks great and I lmagme rs a very useful resource for parems children sun'ermg from 15 Regards ex 2 Steve Cam Execmlve Vlce Fresldenlr Corporare Develapmenl Quesmor Pharmaceuticals Inc