In lhe Matter ofthe Complaint of NOTICE OF INVESTIGATION MICHAEL BRODKORB AND PURSUANT TO RULE 8(at RULES ALLISON MANN on LAWYERS PROFESSIONAL -- RESPONSIBILITY (RLPR) --against MICHELLE LOWNEY [069 South Ruben Street West SI Paul, MN 55] 18' a Minnesota Allomey, Registration No 0182370 TO: MICHAEL BRODKORB AND ALLISON MANN: Your complaint has been received II Will be investigated as pruvlded by Rule stat RLPR You Will be contacted it further Informatlon is required You recelve wnllen notice of the final decision In accordance with Rule etbt your complaint be lnvesllgaled by an attorney in this Office Ifyuu have any questions or further information, please eunlael the As5Istant Direclur named below This Office can only investigate complalnls of unelhleal conduct and take appropriate action We cannot represent you In anv legal maller or give you legal advice You must relain your own attorney Ifyou need legal advlee or representation TO: THE RESPONDENT ATTORNEY OR COLNSEL: Enclosed is a copy oflhe complaint idenuried above which is belng investigated wnhoul referral lo a district ethics committee Pursuanl to Rule 25, and Rule 8 ltb), Minnesota Rules of Prufessmnal Conduct please respond completely to the complaint in a mailed lo the undersigned within [4 days ufthis nouce Thank you in advance for your cooperation Dated June 23m ,20ls SUSAN HUMISTON DIRECTOR OF THE OFFICE OF LAWYERS PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY [500 Landmark Towers 345 SI Peler Street St PauL MN 55102-1218 296-3952 By W4 Keshm Ramayahe Senior Assistant Dlreclur