FLUOROCARBONS AND HUMAN HEALTH: STUDIES IN AN OCCUPATIONAL COHORT A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITYY OF MINNESOTA FRANK DAVIS GILLILAND lN' PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYIENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OCTOBER, 1992 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am indebted to Dr. Jack Mandel whose competent research and career advice were Invaluable. Not only did Dr Mandel guide me to this research project: he directed me to the occupational medicine fellowship that has enriched my clinical medicine knowledge and supported my research efforts over the last three years. His generosity with his time and patience are deeply appreciated. Dr. Timothy Church. Dr. William Toscano. Dr. ian Greaves, and Dr. Thomas Sellers served on my committee. They deserve a special thanks for their efforts. i wish to thank the Division of Environmental and Occupational Health at the University of Minnesota and the Occupational Medicine Section at St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center for the superb training opportunities I have had over the past three years. Dr. William bohman. Dr. Samuel Hall. and Paula Geiger at St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center provided much appreciated support during the arduous task of residency and dbctoral training. Several members of the Division of Environmental and Occupational health staff were instrumental in the successful completion of this research effort. Sarah Wolgamot and Maralyn Zappia provided excellent administrative support. Gavin Watt. Mindy Geisser. Richard Hoffbeck. and other members of Colon Cancer Control Study provided outstanding computer and statistical support. Dr. Larry Zobel and Dr. Jeffrey Mandel of the 3M Corporation's Medical Department provided advice and support. Their help was an essential element in the success of this project. Stan Sorenson. Dr. Roger Perkins. and other 3M Medical Department members shared their invaluable experience and knowledge. I would also like to acknowledge the support of the Dow Chemical Corporation over the last two years of my training. Last. but not least. this work could not have been accomplished without the loving support of Susan, my wife. Her understanding and excellent editorial comments are greatiy appreciated. ABSTRACT Per?uorooctanoic acid (PFOA) has been reported to be a nongenotoxic hepatocarcinogen and reproductive hormonal toxin in rats. Although PFOA is the major component of total ?uorine in humans. little information is available concerning human toxicities. The health effects of PFOA were assessed in two studies conducted in occupationally exposed workers. The associations between PFOA and reproduc?ve hormones. hepatic enzymes, lipoproteins. hematology parameters, and leukocyte counts were studied int 15 male employees. Serum PFOA was positively associated with estradiol and negatively associated with free testosterone (TF) but was not signi?cantly associated with luteinizing hormone. The negative association between TF and PFOA was stronger in older men. Thyroid stimulating hormone and PFOA were positively associated. PFOA and prolactln were positively associated in moderate drinkers. The effect of adiposity on serum glutamyi oxaloacetic and glutamyl pyluvic transaminase decreased as PFOA increased. The induction of gamma glutamyl transferase by alcohol was decreased as PFOA increased. The effect of alcohol on HDL was reduced as PFOA increased. A positive association between hemoglobin. mean cellular volume. and leukocyte counts with PFOA was observed. These results suggest that PFOA affects mas reproductive hormones and that the liver is not a signi?cant site of toxicity in humans at the PFOA levels observed in this study. However, PFOA appears to modify hepatic and immune responses to xenobiotics. A retrospective cohort mortality study of 2788 male and 749 females workers employed between 1947-1984 at a PFOA production plant was conducted. Overall, there were no sig increased cause speci?c Among men. ten years of employment in PFOA production was associated with a significant three fold increase in prostate cancer mortality compared to no employment in production. Given the small number of prostate cancer deaths and the natural history of the disease, the association between production work and prost?e cancer must be viewed as hypothesis generating and should not be over interpreted. It the prostate cancer mortality excess is related to PFOA, the results of the two studies suggest that PFOA may increase prostate cancer mortality through endocrine alterations. 1. INTRODUCTION - 1 2. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE 4 2.1 Introduction - - 2 Organic Fluorochemicals .- 4 2. 3 Physical Properties -- Sources 01 Organm Fluoride Exposure 8 2. 6 Toxiooklnetios oi PFOA 11 2.7 'l'oximdynamlcs ot PFOA -- 16 2.7.1 Mala Reproductive Toxidties 16 2.7.2 Female Reproductive Toxicities 20 2. 7. 3 Thyroid Toxicities 20 2. 7.4 Hepatic Toxiclties 21 2. 7. 5 Nongenotoxic Carcinogenesis - 23 2. 7. 6 lmmunotoxicity -- 2.7.7 Mechanisms of Action -- - 24 2.8 Occupational Fluorine Exposures At Chernolite- 26 2.9 Epidemiological Studies 2.10 Summary -. -28 3. METHODS 29 3.1 Introduction - 29 3. 2 Retrospective Cohort Modality -- 30 3.2.1 Definition Of The Cohort - - 30 3. 2.2 Study Databases And 31 3.2.3 Data Editing 31 3.2.4 Validation Of The Historical Cohort Information 32 Assessment 01 Completeness Oi Ascertainrnent 32 Validation OI Cohort information 33 3. 2.5 Vital Status Ascertainment-.. 33 3. 2. 6 Validation oi Vital Status Assertainment 34 3.2.7 Analysis 34 3. 3 Cross Sectional Study Oi PFOA Exposed Workers 36 3.3.1 Population Definition And Recmitment 36 3. 3. 2 Data Collection .37 3 ..3 2.1 Study Logs And Files 37 3. 3. 2. 2 Questionnaire - 37 3.3.2. 3 Laboratory Procedures 37 3.3. 2. 3. 1 Height and Weight - 37 3. 3. 2. 3. 2 Blood. -- 33 Drawing And Handling 38 3. 3.2. 3. 2.2 Assays - - 38 Quality Assurance 40 3.3.3 Analysis . -- -- 4o 4. RESULTS 43 4.1 Cross Sectional Perfluorocarbon Physiologic Etfects Study. 43 4.1.1 Participant Characteristics 43 4.1.2 Total Serum Fluorine 44 4.1.3 Hormone Assays 45 4.1.4 Hormone Ratios 49 41.5 Cholesterol Low Density Lipoprotein, High Density Lipoproteln. And Triglycerides 51 4.1.6 Hepatic Parameters -. 52 4.1.7 Hematology Parameters - 54 4.1.8 Summary Of Results -- 56 4. 2 The 1990 Chernolite Retrospective Cohort Mortality Study 58 4.2.1 Standardized Mortality Ratios (SMRs) 59 SMRs For Women -- 59 SMRs For Men 59 4.2.2 Standardized Rate Ratios - 60 4. 2.3 Mantel- R?lative Risks (RRMHProportional Hazard Regression Model Relative Risk -- 61 Proportional Hazard Models For Male Workers - -- 61 4. 2.4. 2 Proportional Hazard Models For Female Workers 63 4. 3 Physiologic Effects Tables -- -- 64 4. 4 Mortality Tables -- - - 4. 5 Figures - 190 5. DISCUSSION - -- - 198 5.1 Physiologic Effects Study 198 5..1 1 -- -, - 198 512 --..198 5.1.3 Cholesterol, Triglycerides, and lipoproteins 202 5.1.4 Hepatic - 203 5.1.5 Hematology Counts and Parameters 206 5 1.6 Total FIuorlne? . 209 5 1.7 Methodological Considerations 210 Selection Bias -- 210 lnfonnation Bias - 211 Confounding Bias. - -214 Analytic Model Specification Bias: 216 5. 2 1990 Chemolite Mortality Study 217 5.2.1 7 217 5. 2.2 Participant Characteristics 217 5.2.3 Mortality Results 218 5. 2.4 Methodological Considerations 220 5. 2.4.1 Information Bias 220 5. 2. 4. 2 Confounding and Selection Bias 221 5. 2. 4. 4 Analytic Model Specification Bias 223 6. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 225 6.1 Cross-Sectional Study of the Physiologic Effects of PFOA 225 11 6. 2 Retrospective Cohort Mortality Study Of 1119 Chemolite Workforce. 1947-1990 996 REFERENCES - 230 APPENDIX 1 - - APPENDIX 2 -- - - 259 APPENDIX 3 - - 281 LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1.1 Age Distribution In Five Year Age Groups- - 64 Table 4.1.2 Distribution Of Alcohol And Tobacco Use 65 Table 4.1.3 The Joint Distribution Oi Tobacco And Alcohol Use 66 Table 4.1.4 Distribution Of Age By Smoking And Drinking Status. 67 Table 4.1.5 Pearson Correlation Coef?cients Between Total Semm Fluorine, Age, Body Mass index (Bmi), -. 68 Table 4.1.6 Body Mass index Distribution 69 Table 4.1.7 Body Mass index By Smoking-And Drinking Status 70 Table 4.1.8 The Distribution. Onge. Alcohol And Tobacco Use By Body Mass Index - -. - 71 Table 4.1.9 Total Serum Fluoride Distribution 72 Table 4.1.10 Total Serum Fluoride By Body Mass index. Age. Smoking And Drinking Status. 73 Table 4.1.11 Age Distribution By Total Serum Fluorine Category. 74 Table 4.1.12 Distribution 01' Tobacco Use By Total Serum Fluoride . Category. -- 75 Table 4.1.13 Distribution Of Alcohol Use By Total Semm Fluoride Category- .. 76 Table 4.1.14 gody Mass index Distribution By Total Serum Fluorine atego . 77 Table 4.1.15 Coef?cient 01? Variation For Seven Hormone Assays. 78 Table 4.1.16 The Observed Versus Expected Number 01 Workers With Hormone Assays Outside The Assay Reference Range. .. -- -- 79 Table 4.1.17 Pearson Correlation Coef?cients Between Serum Hormones. - 80 Table 4.1.18 Pearson Co?elation Coef?cients Between Total Serum . Fluoride, Age. Body Mass Daily Alcohol Use. Daily Tobacco Consumption. And Semrn -- Hormones. -- -. 81 Table 4.1.19 Bound Testosterone (Tb) By Body Mass Index, Age, Smoking, Drinking Status And Total Serum Fluoride 82 Table 4.1.20 Linear Multivarlate Regression Model 01 Factors Pmdicting The Bound Testosterone (Nngi) Among 112 - Male Workers. -- -- 83 Table 4.1.21 Free Testosteronefl?i} By Body Mass index, Age, Smoking And Drinking Status And Total-Serum . . Fluoride. -- - 84 Table 4.1.22 Linear Multivariate Regression Model Of Factors Predicting The Free Testosterone Value (Ng/Di) 85 Table 4.1.23 Participant Estradioi By Body Mass index, Age, Smoking Drinking Status And Total Serum Fluoride. 86 Tabie 4.1.24 Linear Multivariate Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Estradlol Value Among 113 Male Workers. - -87 Table 4.1.25 Lutenizlng Hormone (Lh) By Body Mass Index. Age. Smoking And Drinking Status. And Total Serum Fluorine -- - - 88 Table 4.1.28 Linear Multivariate Regression Model #1 01 Factors Predicting The Lutenizing Hormone" Value (Mu/Ml) Among 113 Male Workers. Table 4.1.27 Follicle Stimulating Hormone (Fsh) By Body Mass Index. Age, Smoking And Drinking Status. And Total Semm Fluorine - 90 Table 4.1.28 Linear Multivariate Regression Model Of Factors Predicting The Follicle Stimulating Hormone Value (Mu/Ml) Among 113 Male Workers. - 91 1 Table 4.1.29 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (T sh) By Body Mass 1 Index, Age. Smoking And Drinking Status. And Total Serum Fluorine. - - 92 Table 4.1.30 Linear Multivariate Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Thyroid Stimulating Hormone? Value (MulMl) Among 113 Male Workers. 93 Table 4.1.31 Proiacun By Body Mass Index. Age. Smoking. Drinking Status. And Total Serum Fluorine 94 Table 4.1.32 Linear Multivariate Regression Model Of Factors Predicting The Proan Value (Mg/Mi) Among 113 Male Workers. 95 Table 4.1.33 Pearson Correlation Coefficients Between Hormone Ratios And Total Fluoride, Age, Body Mass index. Alcohol And Tobacco Consumption 96 Table 4.1.34 Pearson Correlation Coefficients Between Prolactin Hormone Ratios And Total Fluoride. Age, Body Mass Index, Alcohol And Tobacco Consumption 97 Table 4.1.35 Pearson Correlation Coefficients Between Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Ratios And Total Fluoride, Age, Body Mass index. Alcohol And Tobacco Consumption 98 Table 4.1.38 Pearson Correlation Coefficients Between Follicle Stimulating Hormone Ratios And Total Fluoride,Age. Body Mass index, Alcohol And'Tobaoco Consumption 98 Table 4.1.37 Pearson Correlation Coefficients Between Pituitary Glycoprotlen Hormone Rmios And Total Fluoride. Age, Body Mass Index, Alcohol And Tobawo Consumption 99 5 Table 4.1.38 Linear Multivariate Regression Mode" 01 Factors Predicting The Bound-Free Testosterone Ratio Among 112 Male Workers. 100 Table 4.1.39 Linear Multivariate Regression Model2 01 Factors Predicting The Bound-Free Testosterone Ratio Among 112 Male Workers. .. 101 Table 4.1.40 Linear Multivariate Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Estradiol-Bound Testosterone Ratio Among 112 Male Workers. 102 Table 4.1.41 Linear Multivariate Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Estradiol-Free Testosterone Ratio Among 112 Male Workers. -- 103 Table 4.1.42 Linear Multivariate Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Estradiol-Lh+ Ratio Among 112 Male Workers. - - - Table 4.1.43 Linear Multivariate Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Bound Testosterone-Lh-l- Ratio Among 112 Male Workers. --105 Table 4.1.44 Linear Multivariate Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Free Testosterone-LN- Ratio Among 112 Male Workers. 106 Table 4.1.45 Linear Multivariate Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Bound Testosterone-Prolactin Ratio Among 111 Male Workers. -107 Table 4.1.46 Linear Multivariate Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Free Testosterone-Prolactin Ratio Among 111 Male Workers. - --..108 Table 4.1.47 Linear Multivariate Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Estradioi-Prolactin Ratio Among 111 -104 Male Workers. - - - Table 4.1.48 Unear Multivariate Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Prolactin-Fsh@ Ratio Among 111 Male Workers. -.-1 10 Table 4.1.49 Linear Multivariate Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Proiactin-Lh? Ratio Among 111 Male Workers. a 111 Table 4.1.50 linear Multivariate Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Prolactin-Tsh+ Ratio Among 111 Male Workers. ?112 Table 4.1.51 Linear Multivariate Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Bound Testosterone-Tahi? Ratio Among 112 Male Workers. - 113 Table 4.1.52 Linear Multivariate Regression Model Of Factors Predicting The Free Testosterone-Tem- Ratio Among 112 Male Workers. - .114 Table 4.1.53 Linear Multivariate Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Estradiol-Tsh+ Ratio Among 112 Male Workers. - 115 Table 4.1.54 Linear Multivariate Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Bound Testosterone-Fetu- Ratio Among 112 Male Workers. 116 Table 4.1.55 Linear Multivariate Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Free Testosterone-Fetu- Ra?o Amen 112MaleWorkers.- - - -- 117 Table 4.1.56 Linear Multivariate Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Estradiol-Fsh+ Ratio Among 112 Male Workers. -- 118 Table 4.1.57 Linear Multivariate Regression?Modei 01 Factors Predicting The Bound Tsh-Fsh+ Ratio Among 112 Male Workers. - Table 4.1.58 Linear Multivariate Regression Model Of Factors Preggting The Tsh-Lh+ Ratio Among 112 Male We rs. - 120 Table 4.1.59 Linear Multivariate Regression meagre Factors wedicting The Bound Lh-Fsh+ Ratio Among 112 Male orkers. - Table 4.1.60 Pearson Correlation Coef?cients Between Total Serum Fluoride. Age. Body Mass index (Brni). Daily Use. Dally Tobacco Consumption. And Lipoproteins Table 4.1.61 Linear Multivariate Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Cholesterol Among 111 Male Workers. .. Table 4.1.62 Linear Multivariate Regression Model 01? Factors Predicting The Low Density Lipoprotien Among 111 Male Workers. 122 123 124 Table 4.1.63 Linear Multivariate Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The High Density Lipoprotien (Hdi) Among 111 Male Workers. -- - 125 Table 4.1.64 Linear Multivariate Regression Model 01 Factors . Predicting The Triglycerides Among 111 Male Workers. Table 4.1.65 Pearson Correlation Coef?cients Between Total Serum Fluoride. Age. Body Mass index (Bmi), Dally Alcohol Use. Daily Tobacco Consumption. And Hepatic Parameters 126 127 Table 4.1.66 Pearson Correlation Coef?cients Between Hepa?c Enzymes. Serum Hormones. And Lipoproteins 128 Table 4.1.67 Pearson Correlation Coefficients Between Hepatic Parameters Table 4.1.68 Serum Giutamic Oxaloacetic Transarninase (Sgot Glutamic Pyruvic Transarninese. (Sgpt).Gamma Glutamyi Transferase (691). And Alkaline Phosphatase Akph) By Total Serum Fluorine 129 Table 4.1.69 Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase (390m -- Body Mass index. Age. Smoking And Drinking Status? Table 4.1.70 Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (Sgpt) By Body Mass index. Age. Smoking And Drinking Status Table 4.1.71 Gamma Glutamyi Transferase (th) By Body Mass index, Age. Smoking And Drinking Status 131 132 133 Table 4.1.72 Alkaline Phosphatase (Akph) By Body Mass index. Age. Smoking And Drinking Status 134 Table 4.1.73a Linear Multivariate Regression Model 1 0f Factors Predicting The Serum Glutamic Oxaloaoetic Transaminase (Sgot) Ar'nong 111 Male Workers. Table 4.1.73b Linear Multivariate Regression Model 2 Of Factors Predicting The Senim Glutamlc Oxaioacetic Tramaminase (Sgot) Among 111 Male Workers. 135 136 Table 4.1 .73c Linear Multivariate Regression Model 3 Of Factors Predicting The Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase (Sgot) Among 111 Male Workers. 137 Table 4.1.74a Linear Multivariate Regression Model 1 01 Factors Predicting The Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (Sgpt) Among 111 Male Workers.-- -- 138 Table 4.1.74b Linear Multivariate Regression Model 2 0f Factors Predicting The Serum Glutamic Pyruvio Transaminase (Sgpt) Among 111 Male Workers. - 139 Table 4.1.74c Linear Multivariate Regression Model 3 01 Factors Predicting The Serum Glutamlc Pyruvic Transamlnase (Sgpt) Among-111 Male Workers. 140 Table 4.1.75a Linear Multivariate Regression Model 1 Of Factors Predicting The Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (th) Among 111 Male Workers. - - Table 4.1.75b Linear Multivariate Regression Model 2 Of Factors Predicting The Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (th) Among 111 Male Workers. - - 142 Table 4.1.750 Linear Multivariate Regre?on Model 3 01 Factors Predicting The Gamma Glutamyl Transierase (th) Among 111 Male Workers. 143 Table 4.1.76 Unear Multivariate Regression Model 1 01 Factors Predicting The Alkaline Phosphatase (Akph) Among 111 Male Workers. - - Table 4.1.77 Pearson Correlation Coef?cients Between Total Serum Fluoride. Age. Body Mass Index (Bml). Daily Alcohol Use, Daily Tobacco Consumption, And Hematology Parameters -- - Table 4.1.78 Linear Multivariate Regression Model Of Factors Predicting The Hemaglobin Among 111 Male Table 4.1.79 Linear Multivariate Regression Model Of Factors Predicting The Mean Corpuscular Hemoblobin (Mch) 141 Among 111 Male Workers. - 147 Table 4.1.80 Linear Multivariate Regression Model Of Factors . Mean Corpuscular Volume (Mcv) Among 111 Male Workers. - 148 Table 4.1.81 Unear Multivariate Regression Model Of Factors Predicting The White Blood Cell Count (Wbc)* Among 111 Male Workers. 7 . - 149 Table 4.1.82 Unear ?Multivariate Regression Model Of Factors Predicting The Polymorphonuclea?r Leukocute Count (Poly) Among 111 Male Workers. 150 Table 4.1.83 Linear Multivariate Regression Model Of Factors Predicting The Band Count (Band) Among 111 Male Workers. - - 151 Table 4.1.84 Unear Multivariate Regression Model Of Factors Predicting The Count Among 111 Male Workers. - - 152 Table 4.1.85 Linear Multivariate Regression Model Of Factors Predicting The Monocyte Count (Mono) Among 111 Male Workers. . Table 4.1.86 Linear Multivariate Regression Model 01? Factors Predicting The Eosinophil Count (Eos) Table 4.1.87 Linear Multivariate Regression Model Of Factors Predicting The Platelet Count (Plate) Among 111 Male Workers. -- Table 4.1.88 Linear Multivariate Regression Model Of Factors Predicting The Basophll Count (Base) Among 111 Male Workers. - 153 154 155 156 Table 4.21 Characteristics or 749 Female Employees, 1947-1 Table 4.2.2 Characteristics Of 2788 Male Employees, 1947?1990 Table 4.2.3 Vital Status And Cause Of Death Ascertainment Among 749 Female Employees. 19474 990. 157 158 ..159 Table 4.2.4 Vital Status And Cause or Death Moertainment Among 2788 Male Employees, 1947-1989. --159 Table 4.2.5 Numbers 01 Deaths And Standardized Mortality Ratios (Smrs) Among 749 Female Employees. 1947-1989. Table 4.2.6 Numbers Of Deaths And Standardzed Mortality Ratios (Smrs) By Duration 01? Employment Among Female Employees, 160 161 Table 4.2.7 Numbers 0f Deaths And Standardized Mortality Ratios (Smrs) By Latency Among Female Employees. 1947- 1989.- - 162 Table 4.2.3 Numbers or Deaths And Standardized Mortality Ratios (Smrs) By Any Employment in The Chemical Division Among Female Employees, 1947-1989. Table 4.2.9 Numbers 01 Deaths And Standardzed Mortality Ratios (Smrs). Based On US. White Male Rates, 164 Table 4.2.10 Numbers or Deaths And Standardized Mortality Fiatios (Smrs). Based On Minnesota White Male Rates. Among 2788 Male Employees, 1947-1989. Table 4.2.11 Numbers Of Deaths And Standardized Mortality Ratios (Smrs) By Latency. Based On Minnesota White Male Rates. Among Male Employees. 1947-1989. Table 4.2.12 Numbers Of Deaths And Standardized Mortality Ratios (Smrs) By Latency, Based On Minnesota White Male Rates, Among Male Employees. 1947-1989. Table 4.2.13 Numbers Of Deaths And Standardized Mortality Ratios (Smrs) By Latency. Based On Minnesota White Male Rates, Among Male Employees, 1947~1 989. Table 4.2.14 Numbers Oi Deaths And Standardized Mortallty Ratios (Smrs) By Duration 01 Employment, Based On 165 166 167 168 Minnesota White Male Rates. Among Male Employees. 1947-1969. 169 Table 4.215 Numbers or Deaths And Standardized Mortality Ratios (Smrs) By Duration Oi Employment. Based On ix Minnesota White Male Rates, Among Male Employees. . 1947-1989. -- --.170 Table 4.2.16 Numbers Of Deaths And Standardized Mortality Ratios (Smrs) By Duration 01 Employment. Based On Minnesota White Male Rates. Among Male Employees. 1947-1989. . . 171 Table 4.2.17 Numbers 01 Deaths And Standardized Mortality Ratios (Smrs). Based On Minnesota White Male Rates, Among 1339 Male Employees Ever Employed in The Chemical Division. 1947-1989. -- 172 Table 4.2.18 Numbers 01 Deaths And Standardized Mortality Ratios (Smrs), Based On Minnesota White Male Rates, Among 1449 Male Employees Never Employed In The Chemical Division. 1947-1989. 173 Table 4.2.19 Numbers 01 Deaths And Standardized Mortality Ratios {Smrs) By Latency. Based On Minnesota White Male Rates, Among Male Employees Never Employed in The Chemical Division. 1947-1989. Table 4.2.20 Numbers 01 Deaths And Standardized Mortality Ratios (Smis) By Latency, Based On Minnesota White Male Rates. Among Male Employees Ever Employed in The Chemical Division. 1947-1 989..- -- - - 175 Table 4.2.21 Numbers 01 Deaths Md Standardized Mortality Ratios (Smrs) By Duration 01 Employment, Based On Minnesota White Male Rates. Among Male Employees Ever Employed in The Chemical Division. 1947-1989. 178 Table 4.2.22 Numbers Of Deaths And Standardized Mortality Ratios (Smrs) By Duration 01 Employment. Based On Minnesota White Male Rates. Among Male Employees Ever Employed In The Chemical Division. 1947-1989. 177 Table 4.2.23 Numbers 01 Deaths And Standardized Mortality Ratios (Smrs) By Duration Of Employment, Based On Minnesota White Male Rates. Among Male Employees Never Employed in The Chemical Division, 1947-1989. 178 Table 4.2.24 Numbers 01 Deaths And Standardized Mortality Ratios (Smrs) By Duration 01 Employment, Based On Mlnnesota White Male Rates. Among Male Employees Never Employed In The Chemical Division, 1947-1989. 179 Table 4.2.25 Age Adjusted Standardized Rate Ratios (Srrs) For All Cause, Cancer. And Cardiovascular Mortality By Duration 01 Employment. Among Male Employees. 1947-1989. -.?180 Table 4.2.26 Age Adjusted Standardized Rate Ratios (Srrs) For All Cause. Cancer. Lung Cancer. Gi Cancer. And! Cardiovascular Mortality'By Ever/Never Employed ln? Division. Among Male Employees. 1947- .- -- -- 174 Table 4.2.27 Age Stratified, Years 01 Follow-Up Adjusted Rate Ratios (erh) For All Cause, Cancer, And Cardiovascular Mortality By Ever/Never Employed In The Chemical Division, Among Male Employees. 1947-1989. 182 Table 4.2.28 Age Strati?ed. Years 01 Follow-Up Adjusted Rate Ratios For All Cause. Cancer, And Cardiovascular Mortality By Duration 01 Employment in The Chemical Division. Among Male Employees. 1947- 1989 -- - 183 Table 4.2.29 Proportional Hazard Regression Model 01 Facto Predicting The All Cause Mortality Among 2788 Male Workers. - Table 4.2.30 Proportional Hazard Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Cardiovascular Mortality Among 2788 Male Workers. - Table 4.2.31 Proportional Hazard Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Cancer Mortality Among 2788 Male Workers. 185 Table 4.2.32 Proportional Hazard Regression Model Of Factors Predicting The Lung Cancer Mortality Among 2788 Me WorkersTable 4.2.33 Proportional Hazard Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The 61 Cancer Mortality Among 2788 Male Workers. - 186 Table 4.2.34 Proportional Hazard Regression Model Oi Factors Predicting The Prostate Cancer Mortality Among 2788 184 .185 Male Workers. .. - 186 Table 4.2.35 Proportional Hazard Regression Model 01 Factors Predicting The Pancreatic Cancer Mortality Among 2788 Male Wcrkers. 187 Table 4.2.36 Proportional Hazard Regression Model Of Factors Predicting The Diabetes Meliitus Mortality Among 2788 Male Workers. . - 187 Table 4.2.37 Proponional Hazard Regression Model 01 Factors $93:an 1119 All Cause Mortality Among 749 Female are. -- - - Table 4.2.38 Proportional Hazard Regression Model Of Factors Predicting The Cardiovascular Mortality Among 749 Female Workers. -- - 188 Table 4.2.39 Proportional Hazard Regression Model Of Factors Predicting The Cancer Mortality Among 749 Female Workers. - 189 ?-188 LIST OF TABLES Figure 1. Free Testosterone Versus Total Serum Fluorine 190 Figure 2. Bound Testosterone Versus Total Serum Fluorine 191 Figure 3. Estradiol Versus Total Serum Fluorine 192 Figure 4. Lutenlzing Hormone Versus Total Serum Fluorine 193 Figure 5. Follicle Stimulating Hormone Versus Total Serum Fluorine 194 Figure 6. Prolactin Versus Total Serum Fluorine 195 Figure 7. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Versus Total Serum Fluorine 196 Figure 8. Bound Testosterone To Free Testosterone Ratio Versus Total Serum Fluorine 197 Fluorine was first isolated as an element in 1880 by Moisser 1. Five years later he the first fluorocarbons through uncontrolled reactions of carbon with elemental ?uorine. It was not until the late 1930s that the controlled of ?uorocarbons became possible. In the 1940s. Frigidaire and DuPont developed chloro?uorocarbons, the first commercially available fluorocarbons. for use in refrigeration 1. During the same period perfluorocarbons. a subclass of perfluorinated organic fluorocarbons with unique properties. were first to meet the special needs of the Manhattan project 2. The electrochemical fluorination method for perfluorocamon production made commercial production of perfluorocarbons possible and opened the doorto widespread use of perfluorocarbons 3- 4. Fluorocarbons are wide ranging in their structures and uses. Many commercial applications have been developed for chlorofluorocarbon compounds Including refrigeration, degreasing. aerosol dispensing. polymerization. polymer foam A blowing. drugs, and reactive intermediates or Periluorocarbons (PFCs) have extensive applications because of their unique physical and chemical properties. These applications inciude use-as artificial blood substitutes, computer coolants. polymers such as teflon, surfactants, lubricants. foaming - agents. ski waxes. and in an extensive specialty chemical industry which produces grease and oil repellent coatings for paper and cloth. polymers. insecticides, and a variety of consumer products. Periluorocarbons are currently being tested as replacements for chlorofluorocarbons in industrial processes and products. For many years fluorocarbons were generally thought to be nontoxic. Periluorocarbons were considered to be particulariy nontoxic because they were chemically and physically inert and showed low acute toxicity in animals Recent epidemiological and experimental studies have associated exposure to chlorofluorocarbons. a subclass of fluorocarbons previously classified as nontoxic. with direct and indirect adverse human health effects. Subsequently, researchers and regulators turned their attention to the study of other fluorocarbons. The discovery that one per?uorocarbon, perfluorooctanoic acid 1 (PFOA), was present in measurable quanti?es in residents of several U.S. cities 5'7. the recognition that some perfluorocarbons including PFOA have long half lives in the humans a and the observations that PFOA produced toxic effects in animals, including hepatotoxicity. endocrine toxicity. immunotoxicity. and carcinogenesis 9. has led to a re-evaluation of the toxic potential of perfiuorocarbons. particularly PFOA. in humans. Despite widespread exposure to perfluorocarbons. little is known about their effects on human health. It was apparent that additional studies designed to explore their physiologic effects and potential adverse health outcomes and conducted in an occupational cohort with high exposure to PFCs, were necessary. The 3M Chemolite Plant located in Cottage Grove, Minnesota is one of a few PFC production facilities in the world. Biological monitoring data from studies of the Chemolite workforce showed that employees have had high levels and long durations of exposure to PFOA 5-19.. This occupational cohort provided the opportunity to study the effects of PFOA onhumans. The speci?c goals and objectives of this study were: QQALJJ To quantify the human effects of perfluorooctanoic acid on the following physiologic parameters: a) Hormones; free and bound testosterone, estradiol, lutenizlng hormone, thyroid stimulating hon'none, prolactin. and follicle stimulating hormone. b) Serum lipids and lipoproteins: cholesterol, low density lipoprotein, high density lipoprotein. and triglycerides. c) Hematologic parameters: hemoglobin. mean corpuscular volume. white blood cell count. polymorphonuclear leukocyte count. bandoount, count, monocyte count. platelet count. eosinophil count, and basophll count. d) Hepatic enzymes: serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, serum glutamic pyruvic transarninase. gamma glutamyl transferase. and alkaline phosphatase. W: to conduct a cross-sectional study of production workers to estimate the relationships between total serum ?uoride. a surrogate assay for pre?uorooctanolc acid. and physiologic parameters. GOAL 2)To quantity the mortality in an occupational cohort with long term exposure to per?uorooctanoic acid production. . 9515911152: to conduct a retrospective cohort occupational study to assess the mortality experience of workers using expected mortality based on Minnesota mortality rates. 2.1mm The presence of small amounts of ?uoride in human blood was recognized in 1856 More than 100 years later. Taves 5- 3 presented evidence that ?uorine exists in two major forms in humans and animals; in a free ionic state and in a covalently bound organic state. Priorto this report. it assumed that ?uorine existed primarily as inorganic ionic ?uoride in biological systems. Taves' observations have since been con?nned by several other investigators 12'15. The discovery that organo?uorine compounds constitute the majority of ?uorine found in humans focused research on characterizing these unde?ned compounds. Guy identi?ed a per?uorlnated compound, per?uorooctanoic acid (PFOA). as a major constituent of the serum organic ?uorine fraction 7. 17. Per?uorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is the only organic ?uorine compound to be identified in human serum The recognition of human and animal toxicities associated with per?uorcchernicals 9- has renewed interest in understanding the human health effects of per?uorocarbons (PFC). particularly PFOA. - WW Organic ?uorochemicals, otherwise referred to as ?uorocarbons. are compounds composed of ?uorine. carbon and other elements such as oxygen. nitrogen and sulfur. Per?uorocmbons have structures analogous to hydrocarbons, except the hydrogens are exhaustively replaced by ?uorine A limited number of organic ?uorochemicais occur in nature however no PFOs occur naturally 24' as. The first report of the of a ?uorocarbon ?was published in 1890 when Moissen claimed to have puri?ed carbon tetra?uoride. It is likely he isolated ?uorographite, however?. Pure carbon tetrafiuoride was not obtained until 1930 Work by Ru? and the Belgian chemise Swans. in the late 19th and early 20th centuries laid the foundation of organic ?uoride chemistry. Midegly and Henna extended Swarts' work and reported the of dichlorodl?uonnethane. 4 Gle2, in 1930 27. This chloro?uorocarbon with the trade name Freon 12 is an inert, non-toxic refrigerant which was vastly superior to other refrigerants available in the 19303. After commercial production of Freon 12 began in 1936, it rapidly became a major industrial chemical 2- A number of choloriluoromethanes and chloro?uoroethanes have been produced on a commercial scale in many regions of the world. These chlorofluorocarbons have been used in large amounts as aerosol propellants and degreasers. in addition to their use as refrigerants. Currently. their production is being reduced asa result of their ozone depleting properties 23' 29. In 1937, Simone and Block developed a method to produce laboratory quantities of perlluorocarbons. such as CaFa, cycloCsFto and cycloCsF12 2- 3. The analysis of these compounds led to the understanding that many of the structures of saturated hydrocarbons could be replicated in the form of perfluorocarbons. Research in the area of periluorocarbons was stimulated by two developments. First, Plunkett dsoovered the polymer. polytetra?uoroethylene, or Te?on 1. Second, the development of periluoromrbon chemistry was stimulated by the U.S. effort to develop atomic weapons during World War ll under the Manhattan Project. The 235u isotope of uranium was required for the development of atomic bombs. One method of uranium isotope separation was gaseous diffusion. The only volatile uranium compound available for use in this diffusion process was - uranium hexa?uoride. UFs. an extremely reactive gas. Materials were needed for use as coolants, lubricants. sealers and buffer gases in equipment exposed to this highly reactive gas 1. 2- 25. Perfluorocarbons prepared by Simone were found to be inert to UFs. This discovery led to a research effort directed toward understanding the properties of a variety of perfluorooarbons and developing commercial methods for preparation of periluorocarbons. The development by Simons of the fluorination (ECF) was a major milestone in the fluorochemical industry. Since World War ii there has been much interest and work in this new branch of organic chemistry based on per?uorocarbons. The use of Simons' ECF method has allowed the production of a wide variety of perfluorocarbons including per?uorinated alkanes, alkenes, others, esters, amides, sulfonamides and compounds with cyclic and ring structures 2. The ?inort? per?uorocarbons are compounds made up of only carbon and ?uorine. This class 5 of compounds ranges from carbon tetra?uoride to complex multiple ring structures such as per?uorodecalin. Periiuorinated surfactants include can'ooxylic acids. sulicnic acids. and their derivatives. These compounds form the basis of an extensive fluorochemical industry. A variety of periluorinated polymers and elasiomers exist. The most widely used are polytetra?uoroethylene and Kai-F. a elastomer oi vinyldiene ?uoride and hexatluoropropylene. 2W Per?uoroodanoic acid is a straight chain eight carbon carboxylic acid with a molecular weight of 414.16. The melting point of POFA is 59-60?0. its boiling point is 1891) at standard conditions Per?uorooctanoic acid is produced as a complex mixture of branched chain isomers. In practice. all eightan carboxylic acid isomers are refered to as PFOA. The ammonium salt of PFOA (APFOA) is the common industrially used form of PFOA. it is a white powder that easily becomes airborne and sublimes at 130?0. Periluorocarbons have unique chemical and physical properties 3" 32. The importance of periluorination in producing these properties cannot be cveremphasized. Per?uorocarbons are not just another hydrocarbonulike molecule. Chemically, periluorocarbons are remarkably inert. They are stable to . boiling in strong acids and bases. Very few oxidizing or reducing agents'rew appreciably with periluorocarbons. Periluorocarbons that contain other organic molecules such as nitrogen. oxygen and sulfur Will participate in reaction at the site of these molecules. For instance, periluoroctanoyl sulionic acid will react and form the sulionamlde derivative. The amide portion of this molecule can then be conjugated with many other organic compounds. The perll'uorinated portion of these larger molecules remains non-reactive. Per?uorocarbons are heat stable. They can be heated to greater than 250?0 without breakdown. At high temperatures. greater than some compounds will breakdown. For example. PTFE, breaks down to per?uoroisobutylene (PFIB). an extremely toxic gas 1. Because most periluorochemicals are heat stable they are used ln'hlg'h temperature applications. The inertperfiuorocarbons are excellent insulators. Polymers, such as PTFE, and inerts PFCs. such as periluorohexane. are used in electrical applications because oi their superior dielectric properties. Their heat stability and insulation properties make per?uorocarbon materials the insulators of choice Per?uorinated surfaces are the most non-wettabie and non-adhesive surfaces known 23. Fiuorochemical surfactants are some of the most potent surface active agents yet discovered Very low concentrations of ?uorochemical surfactants effectively reduce the surface tension at interphase boundaries. Most periiuorocarbons are poorly soluble in both aqueous and organic solutions. They form a group of fluorophllic compounds. however some perfiuorocarbons with functional groups such as the salts of PFOA. are highly water soluble 3" 32. Perfiirorocarbon liquids dissolve oxygen avidly. This unique property is the basis for the use of perfluorocarbons as blood substitutes 33. Periiuorinated carboxyiic and sulionic acids are some of the strongest organic acids known The pKa of PFOA is 2.5 34. Thus. when in physiologic solutions, they exist in primarily anionic iorrns. The anionic forms have a strong propersity to form complex ion pairs' . . In the past. some investigators have assumed that the chemical and physical properties of many ?ucrocarbons is synonymous with lack of activity in biologic systems 35- 35. However, abundant evidence exists that their chemical and physical inertness does not imply biologic inertness 19. 37' of fluorocarbons has been accomplished using four major methods; electrochemical ?ucrlnation (ECF), direct ?ucrination, teleomerization. and catalytic methods using high valence heavy metals. The ECF was developed by Simons in 1941 3. The Simone process is the oldest commercial technique and remains a commercial method to obtain many per?uorocarbons. A solution of personal commhication from James Johnson. 3M Corporation 7 organic substrate is electrolyzed in HF at a low voltage. high current, nickel anode. The products of these electrolysis cell reactions are largely perfluorinated. The spectrum of material produced by the ECF process is de?ned by the starting material. Commercial products from this process include per?uoroalkanes. perfluoroalkyl others, pertiuoroalkenes. periluoroalkyl esters, per?uorotrlalkyl amines. perfluorocar?ooxylic acids and periluorosuifonic acids 2. Products of ECF often include a signi?cant proportion of complex isomers and fragmentation products. For example, ECF production of PFOA from straight chain octanoic acid produces 30% complex branch chain isomers 39. The mixture of products from each ECF run is unpredictably variable. These isomeric mixes are dif?cult to separate and purify 33. Workers producing PFCs using ECF may be exposed to a complex mixture that changes composition over time. Direct ?uorination is another method used to produce perfluorocarbons. It is not subjected to the impurity problems associated with the ECF process. Direct fluorination reacts fluorine gas with hydrocarbon substrate. Because ?uorine gas is extremely reactive. direct ?uorination is a technically dif?cult process and has only recently been pilot tested for commercial production of ?uomcarbons. World production of ?uorocarbons is limited to a handful of commercial plants. The 3M Corporation operates PFC production plants in Minnesota, Illinois, Alabama and Antwerp. Belgium. A plant in Italy owned by a Japanese and Italian consortium produces limited amount of fluorocarbons. Periiuorocarbons are also produced in Germany and have been produced. in the past, in the former Soviet Union. Guy ?7 presented possible candidates for the organic fluorine constituents of human blood based on observation made during the bolation of PFOA from ?7 serum. The organic ?uorine was not likely to be a macromolecule such a a protein or nucleic acid. because of its solubility in organic solvents such as other or chloroform/methanol. It was not covalently bound to albumin since it was .. removed on charcoal at pH 3 at room temperature. The solubility characteristics suggested that multiple compounds existed with different polarities. The major 8 12200 compound was a polar lipid like molecule that was identi?ed as PFOA. Other less polar compounds appeared to be present. This data suggests that fluorocompounds other than PFOA were bound to albumin. These compounds were not esters of C13 - 13 fatty acids and were less polar than PFOA. Per?uorooctanyl sulfonamide (PFOS) and Its derivative compounds ?t this description and may be constituents of the organic fluorine fraction. Although exposure is probably low. the properties of PFOS suggest that it may accumulate to measurable levels. In contrast to ionic ?uoride, little has been reported concerning the organic fluorine content of water and beverages. The ?uorine content of ground water is essentially all in ionic form. Some ?uorochemicals. such as the per?uorinated carboxylic acid surfactants and their salts, are soluble in water. Such water soluble compounds may locally contaminate surface and ground water near industrial plants that use these compounds. Other per?uorinated compounds such as the alkanes. alkenes. and others are ?uorOphilic and are insoluble in aqueous solutions. Although data on the oral organic fluorine intake is limited. it is unlikely that water and beverages are significant sources of organic ?uorine in humans. - The diet as a source of the organic ?uorine found in human semm has been the subject of speculation 5' 5' Non-perfluorinated ?uorocompounds have found in biological systems. Marais showed that ?uoroacetate was the compound responsible for toxicity from the poisonous plant Dichapefalum cyrnosum Other investigators have found plant species that ?uoroacetate, ?uorocitrate. and mono?uorinated fatty acids. Peters reported that a few toxic plants produce ?uoroacetate 42. Flucroacetate and ?uorocitrate have been found in beans grown in high ?uoride soil 23. Peters 2? and Lovelace et al. 22 have reported the occurrence of ?uorocitrate in a few plants and foods. In animals. the metabolic activation of ?uoroacetate into blocks the transport of citrate into the mitochondria and citrate breakdown by aconitm Other omega-fatty acids with even numbers of carbon atoms are highly toxic as a result of oxidation that produces ?uoroacetate. Fluorocitrate also undergoes rapid de?uorina?on in rat liver in the presence of glutathione (GSH) Given the low environmental levels, the infrequent occurrence, the toxicity, and the rapid metabolism of these compounds in mammalian species. it is unlikely that these mono?uorinated compounds contribute substantially to the organic fluorine content in humans. Taves measured the organic and inorganic ?uorine in 93 food items No significant organic ?uorine was found in the tested foods. (>ng and Singer tested a market basket of food. They concluded that there was no signi?cant organic ?uorine content in food. Although food and beverages generally do not contain PFCs, it is possible that they may be contaminated by ?uorochemical packaging materials. Water and grease repellent coatings in packaging material could leach into food items in small quantities. This could cwur when materials that are not designed for microwave use are used in microwave ovens. Studies have not been reported that quantify human exposures from food packaging sources. Per?uorocarbons are contained in many consumer products. Fluorocarbon surfactants such as PFOA. PFOS. and its derivatives are present in window cleaning products, floor waxes and polishes, fabric and leather coatings and carpet and upholstery treatments Additionally these compounds are used to coat food wraps and are incorporated into plastic food storage bags. Fluorocarbons are the basis for a new generation of cross country ski waxes. fiction and Te?on related products are widely used as lubricants, electrical insulators. heat and chemical stable gaskets and linings and in non-stick cookware. Fluoroalkanes such as periluorohexane are being evaluated as CFO replacements. if per?uorohexane or other ?uorocarbons are used as replacements for CPU . consumer exposure from aerosols and other pmducts will increase dramatically. PFC's have several experimental medical uses including use as blood substitutes, x-ray and magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents vitreous replacement and in liquid ventilation therapeutic methods Recently. a potent ?uorocarbon insecticide has been marketed to control ?re ants Periluorocarbons have a variety or industrial uses. Te?on and other polymers are used whereheat stable and chemicdlyinert liners. gaskets and lubricants are necessary. in addition. they are used as electrical insulators both in solid and 10 12202 i I i . liquid form and used as inert non~conductive liquid coolants in electrical devices such as Cray supercomputers. Perfluorinated surfactants are important fire suppression materials. Periiuorocarbons have been used to control the metal vapors ln electroplating processes and to prevent the release of toxic gases\ from landfills?. Per?uorocarbons are being considered to replace CFC's in many processes such as refrigeration, polymer foam blowing and building insulation. New applications are being continually developed for these unique compounds, making increased exposure to workers probable. WW Since Taves and Guy's observations. periluorocarboxylic acids. per?iiuorosultonic acids and their derivatives have been the subject of numerous toxicokinetic and studies in animals. These studies have focused primarily on two compounds. PFOA. and per?uorodecanoic acid (PFDA). Perfiuorooctanoic acid or its salts are well absorbed by ingestion, inhalation or dermal exposure. Absorption has been studied primarily in rats. although a number of other spades have been studied. Five male and five female rats were exposed to airborne APFOA for one hour. In this experiment the nominal air concentration of ammonium periluorcoctanoate was 18.6 mgll. No animals died during the inhalation exposure or the 14 day post exposure observation period. Pooled serum samples contained 42 of organic fluorine for males and 2 for females. inorganic ?uoride content was 0.02 for males and 0.01 for females 9. Kennedy and Hall 33 studied the inhalation toxicity in male rats of ammonium perfluorccton?e using both single dose and repeated dose schedules. They found a L650 of 980 mglm3 for a 4 hour exposure placing PFOA in the moderately toxic by inhalation category. Following ten repeated doses at levels of 1.0, 7.6,and 84 mg/m3 blood ammonium PFOA levels were obtained. At the 1.0 mg/m3 level PFOA levels were 13 ppm. at the 7.6 mg/m3 level PFOA levels were 47 and at 84 mglm3 level PFOA levels were 108 ppm. Therefore it appears that PFOA is well absorbed by inhalation. it should be noted that the exposures were to APFOA dust, the likely form for occupational exposure. 11 12203 . Ammonium perfluorooctonoate in food and PFOA administered by gavage in propylene glycol or corn oil vehicles are well absorbed in rats. In an acute oral L050 study 9. rats displayed a dose dependent spectrum of toxicities indicating that PFOA was absorbed after ingestion. PFOA levels were not measured in this study. in a subacute oral toxicity study, rats were fed PFOA for 90 days 9. Serum concentration of organic fluorine showed a dose response relationship in both sexes. A marked gender difference in organic ?uorine levels was observed. Males had organic ?uorine 50 times higher than females at each dose level. Studies have since demonstrated excellent. oral absorption of PFOA in a variety of species including rats, mice, guinea pigs, dogs,- hamsters and monkeys 9- Of most immediate. relevance to humans have been studies in a small number of rhesus monkeys 9. in a 90 day oral toxicity study. monkeys were given 3. 10. and 30 mg/kg/day doses of APFOA. In monkeys at the 3 dose. mean serum was 50 in males and 58 in females. At the same dose. males had 3 and females 7 in liver samples. At 10 doses. male monkeys had a mean serum PFOA of 63 and females 75 ppm. Liver levels were 9 andfo for males and females, respectively. Because all but 1 monkey died at the 30 and 100 dose levels. only 1 serum sample from a male monkey in the 30 mg/kglday dose group was available. In this monkey the serum level of PFOA was 145 ppm. in the 30 and dangerous mean liver levels were greater than 100 ppm. Thus; the oral route of absorption may be a significant contributor to the body burden of PFOA lnexposed workers. Dermal absorption of PFOA has been studied in rats and rabbits. Ammonium perlluorooctanoate is a fine white powder that may come Into contact with skin and be absorbed. In rats dermally exposed to ammonium perlluoroctonate at 4 dose levels, PFOA was absorbed in a dose dependent fashion 37. In single dose dermal exposure experiments using rabbits. appeared to be absorbed. Levels of ?uorine were not measured, but dose dependent toxic changes were noted 9. In a mum-dose experiment. ten male and ten female rabbits were injected derrnally with a 100 mg/kg dose of PFOA on a five day a week schedule for two weeks. Total serum fluorine. levels were increased in a dose-dependent fashion. Dose-dependent changes in weight were noted From these studies. 12 12204 . it appears that dermal exposure to the salts of PFOA are absorbed in animals. in the past. Chemollte workers have been exposed to large dermal doses of ammonium perfluoroctonate. It appears that dermal exposure may have played a signi?cant role in the absorption of PFOA in these workers. Upon recognition that PFOA could be absorbed dermally. work practices were changed and engineering controls were adopted that reduced dermal exposures. The role that dermal exposures currently play in PFOA absorption at Chemolite has not been well studied. Once absorbed, PFOA enters the plasma probably by diffusing as a neutral ion pair. In plasma. PFOA is strongly bound to proteins in the serum with more than 97.5 percent in bound form It is likely that albumin is the major site for high af?nity binding 5'7- There does not appear to be a sex difference in protein binding Hanhijarvi at al. have suggested that protein binding is saturable in rats 55. Using human serum. Ophaug and Singer 39 found that PFOA was 99% protein bound at PFOA levels up to 16 total ?uorine, however. Guy suggested that per?uorocarboxylic acids bind to albumin in a similar fashion to fatty acids This hypothesis is consistent with the results of several studies. Taves observed that the organic fraction of serum co-migrated with albumin during electrophoresis 5. Dialysis and ultra?ltration studies observed the retention of organic ?uorine during dialysis and ultra?ltration 7' 17- 53. Belisle and Hagen reported that PFOA appeared to be strongly protein bound in human serum Extraction of PFOA from acidi?ed water is quantitatively complete using hexane. When PFOA is extracted from plasma. recovery is only 35 percent. Plasma appeared to complex PFOA and PFDA. The partitioning of the bound into organic phase during extraction was more dif?cult and necessitated the use of more polar solvents. Klevens 53 suggested that CF2 and CF3 groups complex with polar groups that are present in the amino acids in proteins such as albumin. in protein precipitation studies using bovine serum albumin, PFOA bound to albumin at an estimated 28 binding sites per molecule Nordby and Luck studied the precipitation of human albumin by PFOA. Under acidic pH conditions, PFOA produced reversible precipitation of albumin 57 by binding to high af?nity sites. These studies do not rule out signi?cant bindingto other plasma proteins components. In studies using serum protein electrophoresis, the protein bound organic ?uorine was distributed in a 13 12205 pattern 3- ?7 suggesting that PFOA protein binding may be nonspeci?c. The large amount bound to albumin may re?ect the abundance of albumin in plasma and serum. in rats, PFOA is distributed to all tissues studied except adipose tissue. The highest concentrations of PFOA are in the serum, liver. and kidneys. Ylinen et al. 3? studied the disposition of PFOA in male and female rats after single and 28 day oral dosing. After a single dose of 50 mg/kg, PFOA was concentrated in the serum. Twelve hours after dosing 40% of the PFOA dose was found in the serum of males and 10% in females. Males retained 3.5% of the dose in serum after 14 days. retained in the liver for much longer than in serum. in females, the half-life of PFOA in liver was 60 hours compared to 24 hours in serum. in males the half-life was 210 hours in liver and 105 hours in serum. it is noteworthy that PFOA was not found in adipose tissue in detectable quantities. Alter 28 days of PFOA treatment. PFOA was distributed to the following sites in decending amounts: serum, liver, lung, spleen. brain, and testis. Again, no PFOA was found in adipose tissue. The distribution of PFC from serum to the tissues occumd in a dose dependent manner for females. In male rats. the concentrations of PFOA in testis and spleen followed a dose dependent trend. The levels in male rat?serum and liverwas the same for the 10 and 30 dose group. Johnson and Gibson 53- 59 studied the distribution of 140 labeledammonium periluorooctonoate after a single iv dose in rats. Their findings?were similar to those of Ylinen at al. The primary sites of distribution were the liver. kidneys. and plasma. Other sites, including adipose tissue. had less than 1% of the administered dose. The level of PFOA In the testis of male rats was not reported. As discussed previously, the 90 day oral toxicity study in rhesus monkeys showed that the relative amounts of PFOA in serum and liver was different in monkeys compared to rats. In the low dose group of monkeys (3 andio senim had 5 to 10 times the PFOA levels found in liver. However, at higher dose levels, the PFOA levels were equally distributed. Additionally. nosex differences were noted In the monkeys liver and serum PFOA levels. There is no evidence that periluorinated compounds including PFOA are biotransformed by living organisms. several studies have examined whether 14 'ri-i 12206 PFOA is conjugated or Incorporated into tissue constituents such as triglycerides or lipids. Yiinen et al. found no evidence in Wlstar rats for metabolism or incorporation of PFOA into lipids Although the lipid content in PFOA treated rats was different than that in untreated rats. Pastoor et al. did not find evidence for PFOA incorporation into lipids or of metabolism 5? Vander Heuval et al. showed that PFOA was not incorporated into triacyiglycerols. phospholipids. or cholesterol esters in the liver, kidney. heart. fat pet. or testis of male or female rats No evidence has been found that PFOA is conjugated in phase ii metabolism Kusilkis et al. studied the formation of activated coenzyme A (00A) derivatives of PFOA using rat liver microsomes. They found no evidence for the formation of a derivative. Sex related differences in the toxicokinetics of PFOA have been reported for rate. The mechanism of PFOA excretion appears to be species-dependent since these gender differences are not seen in mice, monkeys. rabbits. or dogs 9 The half-life of PFOA in female rats has been estimated to be less than one day"-9 whereas the haif-iife of PFOA in males is five to seven days 3" 33. it is of note that PFDA does not exhibit this gender difference 33. it is hypothesized the sex differences in sensitivity to the toxicities of PFOA are as a result of the slower excretion of PFOA in male rats compared to female rats. investigators have reported that rats have an estrogen-dependent active renal excretion mechanism for PFOA which can be inhibited by probenecid As noted previously. females have a much shorter half-life than male rats. The half-life in males can be reduced by castration or estrogen administration. it can be reduced to the female half-life by a combination of castration and estrogen treatment. Estrogen administration alone is almost as effective as the combination of castration and estradiol treatment in reducing the PFOA half-life. This treatment increased the renal excretion of PFOA in male rats to those observed in female rats. Other investigators have reported that the gender difference in half-life depends on a testosterone mediated increase in PFOA tissue binding?. This hypothesis is consistent with the gender difference in tissue half-life discussed previously 3? Johnson has suggested that the primary method of excretion in intact males is via the hepatobiliary route 59' 59. He reported that choiestyramine enhanced the fecal elimination of carbon 14 labeled PFOA in male rats. These data suggest there was biliary excretion with enterohepatic circulation of PFOA, particularly in 15 male rats. However, in a male worker with high serum PFOA levels who was treated with cholestyramine, little if any change in excretion of PFOA was noted. In this study PFOA was excreted slowly in the urine. in humans. the half-life of PFOA appears to be extremely long and is not sex dependent. Ubel and Griffith 9 reported kinetic data for one highly exposed worker. At the time he was removed from exposure his serum organic ?uorine was 66 ppm. 80 percent of which was PFOA. Over the next 18 months his organic ?uorine level decreased to 39 ppm. Urinary excretion of PFOA tell from 387 micrograms/24 hours to 80 micrograms/24 hours. The decline in organic ?uorine levels was consistent with two compartment kinetics. with a calculated half-life of 2 to 5 years. Additional unpublished biological monitoring data from three Chemolite workers is consistent with the 2 to 5 year half-life. In the Chemolite workforce. male and female workers employed in jobs with similar PFOA exposure have increased PFOA levels. Since men and women with similar exposures have similar levels, a large gender difference in PFOA toxicokinetics is unlikely. Therefore, the relevance of the rat data in assessing the effects of PFOA in humans is questionable. Both PFOA and PFDA have been found to produce signi?cant toxicities in the reproductive systems of male rodents 19* 63- The testis has been reported as the target organ of toxicity for both PFOA and PFOA 19- 33. Additional evidence exists suggesting that these compounds affect the function of the hypothalamlc- pituitary-gonad axis (HPG) 19- 55. Per?uorodecanoic acid;'but not PFOA. has been shown to produce degenerative changes in rat seminiferous tubules that could progress to tubular necrosis. Van Raielghem et al. reported that a single ipdose of 50 of PFOA. produced degenerative changes in rat seminiferous tubules 8 days after injection 55; Similar but lesser changes were noted in the seminiferous tubules of hamsters and guinea pigs treated in the same manner. They reported no such change in 16 ear-? 12208 treated mice. Bookstafl and Moore 35 did not observe similar changes in rats treated with 20-80 mg/kg of PFDA. They used a different strain of rats in their experiments which is less susceptible to testicular toxlcants than those used by Van Hafelghem et al. Thus. the effects of perfluorocarboxylic acids on seminlferous tubules may be limited to a speci?c compound. PFDA. in a specific strain of rats. The effects observed by Van Flafelghem et al. in other species were not consistent and c?d not demonstrate a dose-response relationship. In monkeys treated orally with PFOA, no compound related histopathologic changes in the seminiferous tubules were noted 3. In a two year rat feeding study. PFOA treated animals were observed to have increased numbers of Leydig cell tumors'. Male and female rats were fed PFOA containing diets resulting in a mean intake of 1.5 and 15 A statistically signi?cant increase in Leydig cell adenomas of and 14% in the control, low dose. and high dose groups, respectively. was observed at the end of the two year study. The result was statistically signi?cant as a result of the unexpectedly low number of adenomes in control animals. Historically. CD rats experience a lifetime mean Leydig cell incidence of 6.3 percent with a range of 2 to 12 percent. The high dose group incidence is outside the expected range and may represent a compound related effect. Although the evidence was not de?nitive. it suggested that PFOA may alter the histology as well as the function of Leydig cells in rats. Periluorcoctanoic acid was not mutagenic in the standard tests including the Ames assay using ?ve species of Salmonella typhirr?rurium and in Seccharomyces cerevisiae 9. Mammalian cell transformation assays using (33H 10T 112 cells were also negative 57. These data suggest that PFOA is not a genotoxic xenobiotic. The increase in Leydig cell tumors may be the result of an epigenetic mechanism. The observation that rats fed PFOA for 2 years had an increasedincidence of Leydig cell adenomes prompted researchers to examine the hormonal effects of PFOA in male rats Adult male CD rats were treated orally with PFOA in doses of 1 to 50 Serum estradiol levels were elevated in the rats treated with more than 10 of PFOA. In the highest dose group estradiol was 2.7 times Report: 3M Hiker Laboratories. Two Year Oral Study of F6143 In Flats #281 080012.1983 17 12209 greater than the estradiol levels in pair ted control group rats. Serum testosterone levels were signi?camly decreased in a dose dependent manner when compared with ad Iibitum teed control animals. No signi?cant differences were observed between the high dose rats and their pair fed controls, however. No signi?cant differences were noted in serum luteinlzing hormone (LH) levels. Additionally. the accessory sex organ relative weights of the highest group were signi?cantly less than those of their pair-fed controls. In order to clarify the site of PFOA action. Cook ?9 conducted a set of challenge experiments in PFOA treated rats. The results of these experiments demonstrate that the altered testosterone levels were PFOA related. Human chorionic gonadotropin challenge can be used to identify abnormalities in the steriodogenic pathway. Human chorionic gonadotropin binds to the LH receptors on Leydig cells and stimulates sex steroid hormone 53. in Leydig cell function can be detectedby challenging Leydig cells with hce and measuring steroid hormone production. Similarly, abnormalities in pituitary secretion of gonadctropins can be identi?ed using a gonadotropin releasing hormone challenge that stimulates LH release 59. Hypothalamic dysfunction can be identified using a naloxone challenge to stimulate release in rats treated with PFOA for 14 days at the same dose level as the initial experiment, the Leydig cell. production of testosterone was significantly blunted after me challenge in the highest dose group compared to ad llbitum ted controls. A small. non-significant blunting of the testosterone production in response to GnRH?and naloxone was~observed. Following and naloxone stimulation, LH levels were not significantly different in the treatment and control animals. The ma challenge showed that the decrease in testosterone in PFOA treated rats resulted from altered steroldogenesis in the Leydig cell. The results from and naloxone stimulation were not definitive. The results were compatible with an effect at the pituitary level as well as atthe Leydig cell level. Cook et al. examined the site at which testosterone steroidcgenesis was affected by PFOA. Progesterone. 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone and androstenedlone were measured after me challenge. Progesterone and 17 alpha- hydroxyprogesterone were unaffected. Ahdrostenedione levels were significantly decreased in PFOA treated rats compared to controls. Given that the conversion of 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone to androstenedione by C17120 lyase is 18 necessary for testosterone these results suggest that decreased testosterone is the result of a block in this conversion step. In stimulated rat Leydig cells. the 17 alpha hydroxylase/O-17I20 lyaSe is inhibited by estradiol. Taken together. these data are consistent with the hypothesis that the elevated estradiol levels associated with PFOA'treatment inhibit the 047/20 lyase enzyme and thereby depress testosterone levels. Cook et al. suggested that the blunted response of Ll-l to low testosterone may be mediated. in part. by elevated estradiol levels. A subtle hypothalamic or pituitary effea may also be present. however. The mechanism for the estradiol elevation was not studied. Per?uorodecanoio acid alters reproductive hormones in male rats in a fashion similar to PFDA. In male rats treated with doses of PFDA ranging from 20 to 80 mg/kg. given as a single ip dose. PFDA decreased plasma androgen levels in a dose dependent fashion 55. Both plasma testosterone and 5-alpha dihydrotestosterone were significantly reduced. Compared to ad Iibitum fed control rat values. mean plasma testosterone was decreased by 88 percent in PFDA treated animals and DHT was decreased by 82 percent. These changes were reflected in accessory sex organ weight and histology. The changes in accessory sex organs after PFDA administration were found to-be reversed by testosterone replacement. The PFDA decrease in androgens was the result of decreased responsiveness of Leydig cells to LH. There was no eVidence' for altered metabolism of testosterone. Additionally. plasma LH concentrations did not increase appropriately in the face of low plasma testosterone concentrations. This suggests that PF DA may alter the normal feedback mechanisms of the HPG axis. it is of interest to note that tetrachlorodibenzo-p?dioxin (TODD). which, like PFOA. is a nongenotoxic rat carcinogen. a peroxisome proliferators. and an inducer of P-450 system. has been shown to produce hormonal effects in male rats similar to those observed for PFOA and PFDA. Moore et al. 7? studied the effect of TODD on steroidogenesis in rat Leydig cells. Exposure of cell to TODD resulted in depression testosterone and 5-alpha-DHT concentrations without altering LH concentration or testosterone metabolism. Moore concluded that TODD treatment inhibits the early phase of the pathway and the mobilization of cholesterol to cytochrome P4505cc. However. Moore et al. 19 observed decreased estradiol. TODD has been shown to increase the estrogen mediated feedback inhibition of LH secretion 72 Additionally. in stuc?es using MOP-7 breast tumor cells, the antiestrogenic effect of TODD was mediated by alterations in the cytochrome P450 metabolism of estradiol 73. The decreased testosterone in rats could be mediated by the effect of TODD on Leydig cells directly, by alterations in testosterone metabolism. or through increased negative feedback at the pituitary or hypothalamic level. Recently. reports from omupational studies of TODD exposed workers have associated TODD exposure with hormonal alterations in human males. Egeland et al. 74 reported that men with high TODD levels had significantly depressed serum testosterone levels. The changes in testosterone were not associated with altered LH values. Estradiol values were not reported. They concluded that dioxin has a similar effects in men and male rodents. The obvservations that PFOA. PFDA. and TODD have overlapping spectrums of rodent toxicities suggests that peroxisome proliferators, lnducers of the P-450 system and non-genotoxio carcinogens may also alter the hypothalamic -pituitary-gonad function in male animas. IE I In the two year rat leading study, female rats treated with PFOA were observed to have an increased number of mammary fibroadenomas compared to control animals. All mammary carcinomas occurred in control animals. Hyperplasla of the ovarian stroma was observed, but specific histopathologicel studies were not reported . No Information is available concerning the effect of PFOA and PFDA on HPG axis in women or female animals. Altered thyroid hormone dynamics have been observed in rats exposed to PFDA 75'7?. A single ip dose of PFDA in rats results in a rapid and persistent decrease in thyroxin (T4) and T3 73. Gutshall reported that the decrease in thyroid hormones occurred as early as eight hours after treatment and persistent for at least 90 days 79. These changes were associated with a hypothyroid-like state in Report: 3M error Laboratories. Two Year Oral Toxrary/caromogonmy Study of F0143 in Rats m1cnoo12,1sas. 2O the treated rats. The alterations in serum thyroid levels occurred at dose levels that did not produce a hypothyroid Animals with depressed T4 levels were found to be metabolically euthyroid 77. Replacement of T4 resulted in normal food intake. but did not reverse the hypothyroid-like of hypothermia and bradycardia 73. This suggests that PFDA has a marked effect on cellular metabolism that is independent of its eitect on thyroid homeostasis. The low T4 was thought to be a result of two mechanisms. First. PFDA readily displaces T4 from albumin which results in increased metabolic turn over of the hormone. Second. the response of the hypothalamic-pituitary?thyroid (HPT) axis appeared to be depressed as assessed by thyrotropin releasing hormone simulation testing 75. in these studies. the animals had increased levels of thyroid responsive hepatic enzyme activities suggesting that the PFDA treated rats were not functionally hypothyroid. The histological appearance of the thyroid glands were unremarkable. although treated rats had signi?cantly lower thyroid weights. TSH levels were not studied. No similar studies are available for PFOA. PFOA has been noted to produce a transient weightless in treated rats The hypothyroid-like observed in PFDA treated rat; has not been studied in PFOA treated rats. however. Since the thyroid hormone effects of PFDA do not cause the hypothyroid-like state in rats. PFOA may alter the HPT axis without producing this l' I 'it' The primary site of PFOA toxicity in rodents is the liver. Peroxisome proliferation (PP), induction of enzymes involved in B-oxldation of fatty acids. and induction of cytochrome P450 occur after a single PFOA dose. Marked hepatomegaly has been noted coincident to the PP and enzyme induction. increased liver size was the result of a combination of both hypertrophy and hyperplasia. Cell hypertrophy predominated after an initial burst of cell proliferation. The initial hyperplasia is evidenced by large hepatocytes and markers of DNA Areas of increased necrosis in the periportal regions have been observed The relationship between hepatic enlargement, peroxisome proliferation, and increased B-oxidation is unclear. Xenobiotic induced changes in one speci?c peroxlsomal enzyme are not necessarily linked to changes in other peroxisomal 21 enzymes or hepatic enlargement 32. Studies have suggested that xenobictic induced hepatomegaly and PP may be related to the endocrine status of experimental animals or to oxidative stress ?3'35. Adrenal and thyroid hormones may play a role in peroxisomal proliferation. 35. Studies of ciofibrate, a PP, have shown that endocrine manipulation can modify its hepatic effects. in adrenaleciomized and thryoidectomized rats. clofibrate-lnduced hepatomegaly was reduced compared to the effect in control rats 33- Conversely, in thyroidectomized or hypophysectomized rats. cloflbrate induced peroxisomal B?oxidation enzymes were increased compared to normal rats 33. Thottassery et al. compared the .PFOA-induced hepatomegaly in normal rats. adrenaiectomized rats and adrenaiectomized rats with cortisol replacement They found that hepatomegaly was cortisol dependent and was primarily a result of hepatocyte hypertrophy. Hyperplastic responses were also cortisol dependent and were noted in periportal regions. of the liver. Peroxisomai proliferation did not depend on cortisol and was observed in centriiobuiar regions. They concluded that PFOA-indUced hepatomegaly and peroxisome proliferation were separate processes. In oral feeding studies. PFOA and other PP were reported to cause increased hepatomegaly in males compared to females. This difference could be reduced by exogenous estradiol administration or castration and eliminated by castration and estradiol administration These observations may be explained by an estrogen dependent renal excretion mechanism or a testosterone mediated increase in tissue binding 35- 37. 3? issemann and Green have cloned a mouse PP activated receptor. a member of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamiiy of llgand-ac?vated transcription factors that is activated by peroxisome proliferators 39. This receptor directly mediates the effects of peroxisome proliferators (PPs). Tugwood has shown that PPs activated recognizes a specific response unit on the Acyi-CoA oxidase gene promoter in a manner simiiarto the steroid hc'rrnone receptor 1119 action of PFOA and other PPs may be mediated by a family of cytosolic receptors that regulate gene transcription in a manner similar to other nuclear hormone receptors. Weasel: In initiation. selection. and promotion experiments in rats. PFOA produced an increased number of hepatocellular carcinomas 91.92 Several mechanisms for PFDA associated nongenotoxic carcinogenesis have been suggested. Perfluorooctanoic acid is an archetypal member of a unique sub class of PPs that are not metabolized. Raddy has argued that the structurally diverse peroxisome proliferators (PP) are a distinct class of nongenotoxlc carcinogens 35. Roddy proposed that PPs induce oxidative stress which results in increased tumor formation. According to this theory. the observed increase in hydrogen peroxide formation associated with increased B?oxidation is not associated with an increase of similar magnitude in detoxifying catalase activity 35. Oxidative attack by hydrogen peroxide and other reactive oxygen species on cell constituents and membranes leads to DNA damage andincreased cell pmliferation. Increased proliferation in concert with DNA damage produces increased cell transformation and malignancies. Studies testing the theory that PFOA induces HCC by increasing oxidative stress have lead to con?icting results. Takagi et al. observed an increase in 8- hydroxydeoxyguanosine in liver DNA from rats exposed to PFOA. They concluded that rat hepatocytes were under increased oxidative stress 93. Handler at al. found no increase in hydrogen peroxide production in intact litters exposed to PFOA 94. Lake at al. failed to find an association between hepatic tumor formation and peroxisome proliferation 95. Thottassery et al. observed that the PFDA induction of B-oxidation was independent of adrenal hormone status. A PFOA associated increase in catalase activity depended on cortisol Therefore, the hormonal status in animals used in experiments could confound studies of oxidative stress and account for the con?icting results. in the 90 day monkey feeding study. bone marrow and tissue were a site of histopathology Treated monkeys In the highest two dose groups were observed to have moderate hypocellularlty of the bone marrow. Specific 23 histopathological ?ndings were not reported. Atrophy of follicles in nodes and the spleen were noted in the same treatment groups. No follow-up studies of these observations have been reported. Studies in PFOA treated rats have not shown histological changes in the immune system 9. The mechanism of toxicity of perfluorinated surfactantsmay be mediated by their effect on cell membranes. Olson and Anderson 3? suggested that PFOA may alter membrane function through changes in fatty acid composition and oxidation status. Levitt and Lies hypothesized that the effect of per?uorinated surfactants is mediated by their alteration of membrane organization or fluidity 95' 97. 32 reported that miscibility of fluorocarbon and hydrocarbon surfactants depends strongly on carbon chain length. A carbon chain length greater than eight carbons is necessary for lmmiscibility. Perfluorocerbon surfactants with eight or fewer carbon atoms are miscible with hydrocarbon surfactants with carbon chain up to nine. These observations could have important implications for biological systems that contain fluorocarbon surfactants. Cellular membranes are a phase boundary. usually between a lipid phase and an aqueous phase. Surfactants will segregate to this phase boundary. Two surfactants may form two coexistent monolayers on the inside and outside of the membrane whereas miscible surfactants will form only one such monolayer. The presence of two monolayers will maximally reduce the surface tension at the boundary. whereas a single monolayer will affect surface tension to a lesser degree. Changes in surface tension may alter membrane fluidity and affect its function in such processes as signal recognition and transduction. it is interesting to note that the change in miscibility in Shindo?s experimental system occurred for fluorocarbon surfactants with carbon chain greater than eight. This change in miscibility dependedon hydrocarbon surfactant chain length as well. The effects of PFOA and PFDA on experimental membrane systems and cellular membranes have been investigated. lnoue studied the differential effects of octanoic acid and perfluorooctanoic acid on experimental cell membrane 24 properties 93. The phase transition temperature of vesicles decreased linearly as PFOA increased in concentration up to one mM and then reach a plateau. This suggested that PFOA may form aggregates in the membrane above a critical concentration. Such a phase separation is observed to occur in micelles 32. The partition coefficient between water and the membranes for PFOA, a 8910, was larger than the coefficient for ionized octanoic acid. a 135, possibly because of the difference in hydrophobicity between hydrocarbon and ?uorowrbon chains in aqueous solution. The differences between the toxicokinetice and toxicodynamics of PFOA and PFDA may be the result of their differing miscibilities with cell membrane surfactants. Levitt and Lies investigated the effect of PFOA and PFDA on the plasma membranes of cells from F4 human cell line using the dye merocyanine 540 (M0540) 97. The dye binds to phospholiplds that are loosely packed on the outer cell membrane. but does not bind to highly organized lipids and does not penetrate the membrane of healthy cells 99. A large decrease in M0540 cell surface binding was observed after treatment with sub-lethal concentrations of PFOA and PFDA but not other nonoperfluorinated fatty acids. Albumin or serum reduced the change in M0540 binding. This effect may be a result of the strong protein binding of PFOA and PFDA by albumin These observations suggest that PFOA and PFDA either interact directly with M0540 lipid binding sites or alter the structure of the lipids in the membranes. In experiments examining functional changes in the cell lines. Levitt and Lisa observed that PFOA and PFDA could cause direct damage to cells resulting in the release of membrane bound cell proteins and immunoglobulins in soluble form 93. PFDA was signi?cantly more potent than PFOA in solublizing proteins and killing cells. This may be the result of different miscibilitles in the cell membrane of these compounds. However. neither PFOA nor PFDA reduces the ability of surface immunoglobulins to migrate and undergo capping after antigen recognition 97. In the PFOA concentration ranges that decreased M0540 binding. PFOA did not affect immunoglobulln migration and capping. Capping involves the cytoskeletal'mediated polar migration of immunoglobulins within the plane of the membrane Apparently, the PFOA 25 and PFDA associated membrane changes do not affect membrane characteristics that are important for receptor migration. The membrane eliects of PFDA have been studied in greater detail. Pitcher et al. reported that a single injection of PFDA in rats signi?cantly reduced the apparent number of adrenergic receptors In cardiac cells This change in number of I receptors was reflected In the diminished response of cyclase (AC) to epinephrine in PFDA treated rat cardiac cells. The intrinsic properties of Ac were not altered. The action of PFOA was on the epinephrine receptor. The fatty acid composition of the treated rat cardiac cell membranes was signi?cantly altered Palmitic (16:0) acid was elevated 13 percent. elcosotrienoic (20:3 we) was elevated 71 percent, and docosahexaenolc acid (22:6 w3) was elevated 18 percent. Arachldonic acid (20:4) was reduced by 18 percent. Several other investigators have reported changes In membrane tunctiontollowing PFDA exposure. Wigler and Shaw demonstrated that PFDA inactivated a membrane transport channel for 2?aminopurlne in 5178 mouse cells. In vitro experiments reported by Olson et al. 1? showed that exposed to PFDA exhibited decreased osmotic fragility and increased fluidity. Taken together. these studies indicate that per?uorinaed surfactants exert their sheets on cell membranes. The effects appear to be limited to the outer portion of the membranes as the result of differential partitioning within the membrane or binding to speci?c membrane constituents. Although PFOA and PFDA can be cytotoxic as a result of their detergent action on membranes. their membrane effects at lower doses are not related to their detergent action. From available - data. it appears that functional membrane changes may be limited to speci?c receptor mediated tunctions. In workers employed in ?uorochemioal production plants. blood organic ?uorine has tar outweighed ionic ?uoride 51. 55. More than 98 percent of the total ?uorine in these groups has been reported to be organic ?uorine. Therefore. the use of total ?uoride levels, which consist predominantly of organic ?uorine compounds. is a valid surrogate for organic ?uorine. in ocwpationally exposed groups. In workers at the Chemolite plant, PFOA has been identi?ed in the semm 26 of these workers and was estimated to account for 90 percent of organic ?uorine found in the serum samples 3. In this cohort of workers. total ?uorine is a good surrogate measure for PFOA. Industrial hygiene measurement of ?uorochemicals have been conducted at the Chemolite plant since the 19703 a_ These measurements include area samples, personal breathing samples and surface wipe samples. In 1977. a comprehensive effort at evaluating ?uorochemical exposures was conducted at the Chemolite plant. During certain operations breathing zone PFOA concentrations were as high as 165 ppm. After extensive engineering control alterations, the plant was serially re-surveyed. In general, alrbome exposures were below the recommended limit of 0.1 mglma. However, there was evidence of surface contamination in production buildings 3. In 1986, airborne PFOA. as well as breathing zone samples were less than 0.1 mg/m3 based on a hour time weighted averages. Levels as high as 1.5 rug/m3 were measured in breathing zone samples during certain clean-up and maintenance zone samples. Periluorobutyric acid was also found. but in much lower concentrations. Spray dryer operators had consistemly higher exposures. even following extensive equipment improvements. It appears that airborne exposure to PFOA was low for most workers. Spray dry operators and workers involved in clean up and maintenance activities have higher intermittent exposures. Although personal protection devices are required in high exposure jobs, worker compliance has not been evaluated. The role that surface contamination plays in worker exposure has not been de?ned? . The route of PFOA exposure in worker has not been clearly identified. 'l 115'? A retrospective cohort mortality study of employees at the Chemolite Plant in the period of 1940-1978 was conducted by Mandel and Schuman 3. Of the 3,688 male employees who were employed tor at least 6 months. 159 deaths were identi?ed. There was no excess mortality in the employees as compared to all I persona conununlcatlon from Stan Sorenson, 3M Corporate Medical Department personal communication from Stan Sorenson. 3M Corporate Medical Department 27 cause or cause speci?c mortality in the U.S. white male population. The suboohort of all chemical division workers did not show any all cause or cause- specific excess in mortality. Starting in 1976 medical surveillance examinations were offered to Chemoiite employees in the Chemical division 3. Approximately 90 percent of the workers participated in the program. No health problems related to the exposure to fluorocamons were encountered in participants. Serlaily conducted surveillance examinations have failed to reveal any relationship between blood levels at organic ?uorine and clinical pathology . Animal studies have suggested that there are five areas of toxicity associated with PFOA exposure. These include hepatotoxiclty. immune system alterations. reproductive hormone alterations. Leydlg cell adenomas. and non-genotoxlc hepatowrcinogenlcity. Toxicity studies have primarily used rodents. There is considerable variability between strains of rats for some of the toxic endpoints such as Leydig cell adenomas. Additionally. some oi the eitects seen in rats have not been seen in other rodent species such as mice. hamsters or guinea pigs. . The limited data available on PFOA exposed rhesus monkeys and ocwpa?onally exposed workers suggests tha any extrapolation oi the results from rodent experiments to humans requires more information about the mechanism of PFOA toxicity. From this data it does not appear that the liver is a major site for PFOA toxicity in humans. or greater human health concern are the potential attests on the immune system and thereproductive hormones. In the past. workers have Ibsen found to have significant blood levels of PFOA. Many workers have levels above one ppm. These blood levels are 50-1000 times backgrotrnd levels in the general population. These levels may be high enough to produce toxicities in occupationally exposed humans. A confident estimate of risk cannot be made until further information on the adverse health effects of PFOA exposure in humans is obtained. personal acorn-ionisation from Larry Zobei: 3M Corporation Medical Department 28 1 William The effects of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) exposure on human health were studied in employees of the 3M Chemolite plant (hereafter referred to as Chemolite) located in Cottage Grove. Minnesota. Two studies were conducted to investigate of the human health effects associated with PFOA exposure. First, mortality associated with occupational PFOA exposure was studied using a retrospective cohort design. Second. a cross sectional study design was used to estimate the relationships between PFOA exposure and selected physiologic parameters. A retrospective cohort study was designed to examine mortality among workers. All workers ever employed at the Chemoiite plant for greater than six months were included in the cohort. All causes and cause-specific mortality were compared to expected mortality. Expected mortality was calculated by applying sex and race speci?c quinquennial age, calendar period, and cause-specific mortality rates for the United States and Wnnesota populations to the distribution of observed person-time Age adjusted standardized rate ratios were calculated A relative risk (HR) for PFOA exposed workers compared to unexposed werkers was calculated using proportional hazard regression models 197. The FIR were strati?ed by gender and adjusted for age at ?rst employment. duration of employment and calendar period of ?rst employment. Any signi?cant differences between observed and expected cause-speci?c mortality were to be explored using nested case control studies. Case studies were completed for causes of death with 5 or more deaths and standardized mortality rates greater than 1.5. Each deceased individuals record was examined for commonaities in Jobhistory information including age at first employment. calendar period of employment. years in the Chemical Division. and duration of employment. Selected physiologic effects of PFOA exposure were studied using a cross sectional study design. The relationships between total serum ?uorine and biochemical parameters including reproductive hormones, hepatic biochemical parameters. lipid and lipoprotein parameters. and hematologic parameters, were 29 explored. A sample of the work force employed on November 1. 1990 was invited to participate. All employees in high exposure jobs were asked to participate. A sample of workers employed in low exposure jobs was frequency matched to the age and sex distribution of the high exposure group. Each participant completed a questionnaire which included medical history and information concemlng alcohol. tobacco. and medication 'use. The questionnaire is provided in Appendix 3-1. Blood was drawn for determination ot hematologic and biochemical parameters. Total semm ?uorine. free (FT) and bound testosterone (8T). estradlol (E). thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin (P) and luteinizing hormone (LH) were assayed. The PFOA- hormone dose-response relationship for each hormone was estimated using linear regression techniques to adjust for the effects of age. sex. body mass. alcohol consumption, tobacco use. and other potential contounders. The PFOA- hormone dose-response relationshipwas further explored by ?tting linear multivariate models to hormone ratios. All unique ratios between the seven hormones were de?ned . Twenty-one hormone ratios were calculated for each participant The prevalence of hormone values outside the laboratory reference range for men was compared to the expected prevalence assuming a normal distribution for assay values. Wm WM The?Chemolite facility opened in 1947. Individuals who were employed at the Chemolite plant between January 1, 1947 and December 31. 1983 were identified from company records. Workers with fewer than six months employment were excluded. In October 1951 large scale commercial PFOA production facilities became operational (Abe 1982). Because large scale PFOA production &d not begin until 1951, a second cohort with potentially signi?cant PFOA exposure was de?ned as those workers employed between October 1. 1951 and December 31 1983. Subjects with greater than six months employment were included in this second cohort. 30 The cohort was initially assembled in 1979. Subsequently, the cohort was updmw to include new employees through 1983. Personnel records for employees working prior to 1979 were coded for demographic items and work history by trained abstractors. Computerized corporate personnel databases were utilized to provideinfonnation for workers employed in the 1979 to 1983 period. Abstracted work history included year of first employment, year of last employment, years employed at Chemoiite. and months worked in the chemical division. Individual job histories were not abstracted because job titles were de?ned by wage grades and did not correspond to specific jobs or locations within the plant. A Chemolite cohort database was created on a VAX computer using lngres software. Data stored on magnetic tape were transferred to the VAX. Duplicate records were identified and removed. Missing data were identified. The ingress update function was used for data editing. Final analytic files for the Monaco program. SAS programs. and custom programs were constructed using the ingress report writer. relational database allowed extensive intemal consistency checks to be made. All dates werechecked for plausibility. These records with implausible. inconsistent, or improperly formatted dates were edited and comcted if information was available. Records of workers with fewer than six months employment were flagged and excluded from the analytic data set. A random check of 50 of the 364 workers with fewer than six month employment found no errors in classification of employment length. Extensive attempts were made to obtain all missing data items. Sources of information included plant personnel records, corporate personnel databases, benefit records, archived corporate records. plant medical records. and death certificates. No individual employees or next-of-kin were contacted. Four employees were excluded from the cohort as a result of missing demographic data items. 31 The cohort was initially de?ned from personnel records stored at the Chemollte plant. Complete records were maintained on all workers ever employed at the plant. Hourly and salaried workers were included in these ?les. as were all transferred. terminated and retired former employees. Records for workers first employed in the 1947-1978 period were abstracted from documents. coded and computerized. A corporate computerized database was used to update the cohort through December 1. 1983. Since insufficient induction time had lapsed between 1983 and 1989. no new employees or work history information was added to the cohort database for the post 1983 period for this study. Verifying the ascertainment of all eligible cohort members was problematic. The assumption that the personnel records represented a complete roster was dit?cult to check because of a lack of independent information. Several sources were used to exclude major errors in the enumeration of the cohort. The historical plant hiring pattern based on seniority dates was compared with the distribution of dates of first employment. Qualitativeiy. dates of major plant expansion corresponded to peaks in the detribution of dates of ?rst employment and to seniority dates. Large increases in hiring due to new plant openings were reflected in peaks in the distribution of starting dates in the cohort. A sample of 25 annuity bene?ciaries retired from the Chemolite plant were obtained from the corporate personnel of?ce. All 25 were found to be included in the enumerated cohort. Several plant personnel record systems were randomly sampled. Separate ?les were maintained for active workers, retirees, transferred and terminated workers, and workers whose employment at Chemolite ended priorto 1960. A sample of records for current employees with start dates prior to December 31, 1983 was compared to the cohort. All 12 records from the 1945-1960 period for start dates were found in the cohort database. Of 30 records sampled from the 1981 -1 969, 28 were inclUded in the cohort. Fifty two records had starting dates in the 1970-1978 period. Of these 52 records. forty seven were found in the 32 12224 database. in the 1979-1980 period 18 of 44 records were in the database. Lastly. in the 1981 through 1983 period. 36 of 37 records were in the database The low ascertainment for workers ?rst employed in the 1979-1980 period was further examined. Of the 34 workers not in the cohort database. 16 were ?rst employed in the 7179-1180 period. These omissions occurred in the transition period between document abstracting and electronic updating of the cohort. Using seniority lists, 44 workers currently employed were hired between 1979 and 1980. They represent approximately 1% of the total number of individuals in the workforce and less than 0.5% of the total person time at risk for the cohort. Records for retired workers were sampled from tiles containing all workers retired from Chemolite. Forty seven of the 48 sampled records were present in the database. A sample of the ?les containing the personnel records of employees completing employment before 1960 was randomly drawn. Of the 67 selected records. 65 were in the database. Finally, ?les containing records of all transferred. terminated. or disabled employees were randomly sampled. 0f the 120 sampled records, 116 were present in the cohort database. WW Information in the edited database was compared to information in the personnel records. A random sample of 25 records was drawn from the personnel ?les. Database names. social security numbers (SSN), dates of birth (DOB). and dates of employment were veri?ed against record information. The sole error occurred in coding the last digit of one SSN. "All other information was correctly entered into the database. The reliability of ICD8 coding of death certi?cates for underlying cause oi death was evaluated by resubmitting a sample of death certificates for coding by the same nosologist. The sample consisted of 25 death certi?cates from 1970 -1 989. No change in the major categories of cause of death was noted. All cancer deaths were coded concordantly. Within cardiovascular causes of death. two certificates were discordant. Woman! 33 The vital status was ascertained from the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the National Death Index (NDI). All individuals with unknown vital status were traced successfully and vital status determined. Vital status determination in the 1979-1989 period was obtained through the NDI. Death certificates were requested from the appropriate state health departments for those individuals identified as. or presumed to be. deceased. A professional nosoiogist mded the death certificates for underlying cause of death according to International Classi?cation of Diseases. 8th revision (ICDB). information concerning the date and cause of two deaths which occurred outside the United States was obtained from family members or other available sources. Date of death and the code for the underlying cause of death were entered into the database. The vital status determination procedures for the cohort was evaluated. Corporate bene?t records were utilized as an independent source for vital status among the retirees. Vital status from the database was compared to vital status in corporate records. A list of all retirees in the 1947-1984 cohort was sent to 3M bene?ts department. These individuals were matched to retirees who had received 3M death benefits. 3M records were not complete for periods prior to .1 975. In the pre-1983 period, 4 deaths in retirees were identified" by3Mi records. 1 Vital status was correctly ascertained by the SSA matching procedurefor only one of these retirees. In the 1983-1989 period, 34 deaths in retirees were identi?ed in 3M records. The NDI matching procedure ascertained all 34 of these deaths. The NDI was not available for 1990. 3M records indicate that 8 retirees died during 1990. The incomplete SSA ascertainment in the period 1975 to 1983 resulted in extending the NDI search to include 1979 to 1983. All 3M identified deaths were also identi?ed in the subsequent NDI search covering the 1979 to 1983 period. Analytic methods employed in this?study were appropriate for cohort studies. The relative risk was estimated by calculating an adjusted standardized mortality ratio 34 (SMR) 105. This study used both national and Minnesota mortality rates for comparisons. Mortality for men in the Chemolite cohort was compared to expected national and Minnesota mortality, adjusted for age, calendar period, sex and race. The use of mortality rates in the rural counties surrounding the plant were not considered to be stable for many causes of death and were not used. Since less than one percent of plant employees are non-white, white male and female rates were used for comparison. For women. only us. rates were used because cause- and calendar period-speci?c Minnesota rates were not available. were calculated for all cause, all cancer. and cause-speci?c mortality. The effects of disease latency, duration of employment, duration of follow-up, and work in the Chemical Division were examined using stratified analyses. Three additional methods of analysis were used to assess the validity of the SMR contrasts. The three methods were: standardized rate ratios (SRR) Mantel Haenszel adjusted relative rates (RRMH) and proportional hazard regression adjusted an 107. Umited exposure data were available from plant records. Exposed workers were de?ned as all workers who worked for 1 month or more in the chemical division. Exposed and unexposed workers? all cause, all cancer, and cause-speci?c mortality was compared using strati?ed and strati?ed Mantel Haenszel analysis Additionally. the Same summary measures were calculated contrasting the rates for workers with at least ten years duration of employment and those with less than ten years employment. The relative risk (anror deaths from all causes. cancer, cardiovascular diseases. and selected specific causes were estimated using a proportional hazard model (PH) 107. The time to event or censoring was de?ned as time from ?rst employment to event or December 31 . 1989. In PH models for specific causes of death, deaths from other causes were censored at the time oi death. Exposure was quanti?ed by months of chemical division employment. Covariates included in the models were age at ?rst employment. year of ?rst employment. and duration of employment. The analyses were strati?edby gender. The appropriateness of the proportional hazard assumptions were tested using strati?ed models with graphical analysis of log 35 versus follow-up time relationships and models that tested the signi?cance of a product term between exposure and logifoliow-up time) Medical screening of workers employed at the Chemolite plant occurs every two years. The general medical screening program included a medical questionnaire (Appendix 3-1). measurement of height. weight and vital signs. pulmonary function evaluation, urinalysis, semm assays. and hematology indices. This screening program offered an opportunity to assess the physiologic effects of PFOA exposure in workers engaged in commercial production of a limited spectrum of PFCs. Of particular interest were the effects of PFOA. the primary ?uorochemical found in the serum ofChemolite workers. (Grif?th and Ubel, 1980). Participation in the Physiologic Effects Study required the subjects' willingness to undergo hormonal and biochemical testing and to have an additional 15 mi of blood drawn for total ?uorine assay. in the cross-sectional study. exposure classi?cation was based on the potential for PFOA exposure in a workers job and plant location. All workers engaged In any facet of PFOA production in the previous ?ve years were considered to have potentially high PFOA exposure. The jobs considered to hays high exposure potential included all jobs in the production buildings (bldg 6 and 15), all maintenance workers who were assigned to the PFOA production areas. and all management jobs requiring physical presence in the production building. Plant records and job history information was used to assign exposure status to indvidual workers. A random sample of workers in jobs with low exposure potential was frequency mashed to the age and sex distribution of the high exposure workers. Workers with low exposure potential were de?ned as those assigned to jobs not involved in the production of PFCs for at least ?ve years. A meter of workers meeting the low exposure potential was de?ned from plant records and knowledge of plant personnel about the location of high exposure jobs. A gender strati?ed sample from the group of workers in low exposure jobs with an age (5 year strata) distribu?on slmilarto the exposed group was identi?ed and invited to participate. if a worker in a job with 36 MN03112228 low exposure declined to participate. another worker in the same age and sex stratum was randomly selected and invited to participate. In all cases informed consent was obtained. Participation in this study was voluntary. Winn A roster of participants was maintained by the plant occupational health nurses. A log for biological sample information was completed by the laboratory technician. The date and time of ample coolection was recorded. Quality assurance samples were recorded on a separate log. Results reported on paper records were maintained as medical records. Results for other tests were transmitted electronically to a computerized database and coded as SAS detasets. All records were stored with employee medical records or in the corporate medical offices for con?dentiality purposes. Printed laboratory results and questionnaire data were entered into a SAS dataset. Each participant completed a medical questionnaire prior to reporting to the plant medical of?ce. (Appendix 3-1) Items included demographic information. illness history and diagnoses. and medication usage. Detailed questions conoemlng tobacco use and alcohol use were included. Workers were not re-contacled to obtain missing lnlonnatlon or to correct inconsistencies. Responses were not validated. Two plant occupational health nurses collected the questionnaires and returned them to the corporate medical department. in the corporate medical office, data were coded and entered into a SAS data base. 37 Upon reporting to the plant medical of?ce. participants had their height and weight determined by an occupational health nurse. Height and weight were measured once on the same calibrated scale. Four vacutainers of blood were drawn from a single venipuncture by a laboratory technologist. Two 15 ml red top vacutainers of blood were drawn and allowed to clot. One to ml purple top vacutainer was drawn tor hematology studies. A specially prepared ?uorine tree 15 ml vacutainer was used to collect blood for total serum fluorine deten'ninatlon. Venipunctures were scheduled to occur at the same time of day and on the same shift lor each worker. All blood was drawn between 6:30 and 8:00 am. Workers in the Chemical Division of the Chemolite plant rotate shifts on a weekly basis. Blood was drawn alter a worker was assigned to the day shift for at least 3 days. All specimens were refrigerated at the plant prior to transport to the appropriate laboratory. Clotted red top vacutainer specimens were centrifuged for 12 minutes to separ?e serum from cells before transport to the contract laboratory. In order to render the total serum fluorine specimens non-infectious, semm fortotal ?uorine assays was ether extracted in the corporate medical department prior to earning the samples to the 3M Chemical Division analytic laboratories. mm Serum samples were analyzed for total serum ?uorine. hepatic biochemical parameters, cholesterol. lipoproteins, and seven hormones. Assayed biochemical parameters included serum glutamic oxaioacetic transaminase (SGOT). semm glutamatic pyruvic transamlnase (SGPT), gamma glutamyl transferase and alkaline phospatase (AKPH). The following hormones were assayed: bound testosterone. free testosterone, estradiol, prolactin, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormoneiFSH), and thyroid stimulating hormone (T SH). EDTA preserved whole blood samples underwent routine hematologic analysis including 38 12230 complete blood count with indices and leukocyte differential cell count (CBC). Analyses were done without knowledge of the subject status or purpose of the study. Total serum ?uorine was determined in 3M?s Chemical Division analytic laboratory using the sodium biphenyl extraction method (Venkateswarlu. 1982). The accurate determination of total ?uorine in the parts per million (ppm) range required specialized equipment, procedures, and personnel. Assays were completed in a dedicated laboratory following tested protocols. Upon receipt of extracted serum samples divided aliquots were frozen at ~70 degrees centigrade. After all samples had been received. batches of 15 samples were assayed on successive working days. Each batch included high and low quality control samples. Each sample was assayed twice. if the difference in assayed values was greater than 1 ppm.- the sample was re-assayed. The total semm ?uorine value was reported as a mean value and a rounded integer value. Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT). senrrn glutamatic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT), gamma glutamyl transierase and alkaline phospatase (AKPH) were assayed by the United Health Services Laboratory in Apple Valley, Minnesota using clinical colorimetric assays. 0805 were determined using automated Coulter counters. Light microscopy was utilized for differential counts. Estradloi. prolactin. thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) were assayed by the United Health Services laboratory using radioimmunoassay (BIA) and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). FSH. LH. and prolactln were assayed using Abbott laboratories microparticle enzyme linked immunoassays. TSH was assayed using London Diagnostics chemiluminescense immunometrlc assay. Estradiol was determined using Diagnostic Products Corporation?s Coat-a-count assay. 39 Testosterone was assayed by the Mayo Clinic clinical laboratories. Total testosterone was determined by RIA using proprietary immunoglobulins. Free and bound testosterone was determined using equilibrium dialysis?. WNW Two methods were used to assess the accuracy and reliability of the laboratory assays. The laboratories routinely followed quality assurance programs. Three standards were mn with each batch. lithe control values were outside two standard deviations of the intra assay mean value for each standard. the assay was repeated. if 10 controls were outside 1 standard deviation of the mean. the assay was flagged for review. The reliability of each of these asays was assessed. For each assay, ?ve specimens were randomly selected and split into two aliquots. The aliquots were labeled with different identifiers ensuring that the assays were carried out in a blinded fashion. Both aliquots were submittedon the same day to the laboratory. The coefficient of variation was calculated for each hormone. There were two analytic strategies. First, assay results were treated as continuous parameters and modeled using regression methods. Models were fit to assess the relationship between assay results and total fluorine. body mass index, alcohol consumption, and smoking. Second. results were dichotomized into those within. the reference range and those outside the reference range. The hormone assay categories were based on published sex speci?c normal reference values for each assay. The pumose of this dichotomizatlon was to evaluate the possibility that highly susceptible individuals may be affected at lower levels of exposure and not follow the adjusted dose- response curve. The relationships between total serum ?uorine and the assayed parameters were estimated by fitting linear multivariate regression models to the data. The clinical parameters and ratios of selected parameters were ?rst modeled as functions of nominally categorized exposure and covarimes. Dependent variables that were 40 12232 not normally distributed were appropriately transformed. Total serum fluorine was categorized into mutually distinct categories. Cutolt values for the categories were chosen to assure adequate numbers in each category while maintaining the fullest range of exposure values possible. Accordingly, total serum ?uorine level categories were de?ned as the following: less than 1 ppm, greater than 1 toless than 4 ppm, 4 to 10 ppm, greater than 10 to 15 ppm, and greater than 15 ppm. If insuf?cient numbers of events occurred within individual categories. the number of categories was reduced by combining adjacent categories. Additionally, models were ?tted with total serum ?uorine entered as a continuous variable using linear, square, square root transformations. Age. body mass index (BMI). alcohol use and tobacco use were included in the model as potential confounders. Age was included in the models as both a categorical variable and a continuous variable. Age was grouped into four ten year age categories. Age was treated as a continuous variable using linear. square. square root, and log transformations. BMI was entered in the models as a categorical variable and as a continuous variable. BMI categories were less than 25 kg/m2, 25-30 kg/m2 . and greater than so kg/m2. Additionally. BMI was into obese, greater than 28 kglma, and non-obese. less than or equal to 28 kg/mz. The continuous variable was entered as linear, square. log, and square transformations. Alcohol use was categorized into 3 categories: less than 1 drink per day. greater than one to 3 drinks per day. and non response to the questionnaire item. Smoking was categorized as current nonsmokers and current smokers. A nonresponse category was not included since only two individuals were in this category. These two individuals were excluded from analyses that required smoking history. Smoking was quanti?ed as cigarettes smoked per day. Linear. square and square root transformations of cigarettes per day were used in regression models. The choice of the final model was somewhat subjective. For each dependent variable. other covariates were included in the final model if they were potential confounders. Other potential confounding. hormones and biochemical parameters were included in the models if they produced signi?cant changes in effect estimates. i 41 12233 Total serum fluorine and confounding covariates were entered into models as continuous variables. Signi?cant nonlinear dose-response relationships were evaluated by comparing model ?t and parameter estimates using categorical variables and continuous variables. Square, square root. exponential. and logarithmic transformations were used if the transformed variables produced models of superior predictive power as assessed by model All two way interactions between total serum ?uorine and the included covarlates were evaluated. interaction terms were included in the ?nal model if the parameter estimate for the interaction term was signi?cant at the alpha level. The potential for susceptibility to confound the relationship between PFOA exposure and the assayed parameters was examined by comparing the observed prevalence of assay results outside of the reference range with the expected prevalence. The prevalence of abnormal assays based on published reference values for the adult male Us population. Reference ranges for test parameters were de?ned as being within 2 standard deviations above or below the mean value for the parameter. The laboratory maintains laboratory and assay specific reference range for each assay. Given that the distribution of values is approximately normal. about 2.5% of individual values are expected to fall above the upper limit and 2.5% below the lower limit. It follows that the prevalence for a high test is .025. The prevalence for a low value is .025. Using these prevalences. an expected number of tests outside of the reference range can be de?ned. A priori hypotheses based upon animal and in vitro studies de?ned the expected direction of the effect. The calculation of an observed to expected ratio allowed the estimation of the relative prevalence for a test outside of the normal range in the study subjects as compared to the general population. The 95% Cl for the ratio was calculated assuming that the expected number is a constant and the observed number is a random variable with a Poisson distribution. 42 12234 as in October 1990. at the time of the cross sectional study. the workforce at Chemolite consisted of 880 salaried and hourly employees. There were 50 men and 2 women in high exposure potential jobs. Since there were only 2 women in this group, the study was restricted to males. Forty-eight ot the 50 male workers in high exposure potential jobs agreed to participate. The exact number of low exposure workers invited to participate in the study was not recorded. However, few individuals in this group refused to participate. Thus, it is estimated that over 80% of low exposure workers participated. WW Since frequency matching for age was used to select study participants. the overall age distribution reflected the age distribution of workers in high exposure potential jobs (Table 4.1.1). Ages ranged from 24 to 59 years. with a median age of 37 years and a mean age of 89.2 years. Table 4.1.2 presents the alcohol and tobacco use profile of the study participants. The light drinkers category included 22 participants who reported no alcohol use. Consumptionoi one to three ounces of ethanol per day was reported by 20 participants. No participants reported drinking greater than three ounces of ethanol per day. Eight workers did not complete this item of the questionnaire. There were 28 smokers who smoked an average of 21.7 cigarettes per day. Smoking status was not available for two workers The association between smoking and alcohol consumption is presented in Table 4.1.3. Thirteen of 85 nonsmokersand seven of 23 smokers reported moderate drinking Table 4.1.4 displays the age distribution for alcohol and tobacco use categories. There were no signi?cant differences in mean ages among smoking or drinking categories. 12235 Total ?uorine was not signi?cantly correlated with age. BMI. alcohol. or tobacco use able 4.1.5). BMI and age were correlated pa.005). Alcohol use and tobacco use were not signi?cantly consisted (r338: BMI ranged from 18.8 to 40.5 kg/mz with a median value of 26.3 and a mean of 26.9 kg/mZ (Table 4.1.6). Half of all workers had between 25 and 30 kglm2 . The mean BMI in smokers was not signi?cantly different from that of nonsmokers (Table 4.17). The mean BMI for moderate drinkers was not signi?cantly different from the BMI of light drinkers. Smoking status and BMI were not signi?cantly associated (T able 4.1.8). There was a signi?cant linear relationship between BMI and age (ls-.10 This relationship was not' substantially altered alter adjusting for smoking status. alcohol use, and total senim ?uorine level. llZIllS The total serum ?uorine values ranged from zero to 26 with a median value of two ppm, a mean of 3.27 and a standard deviation of 4.68 (T able 4.1.9). The Inter-assay coefficient of variation was 66% calculated from repeated essays on different days. Twenty-three of 115 ?workers had total serum fiUorine values less than one ppm. This group included eight workers values reported as zero (below the limits of detection). Eighty-eight workers had levels less than or equal to three ppm. Six of 115 workers had values between 10 and 15 and ?ve had values greater than 15 ppm. All workers with levels greater than ten. had worked in Building 15, the primary PFC production area at the Chemolite Plant. There were no significant diferences in total serum fluoride mean values among the BMI. age. alcohol use and tobacco use categories (T able 4.1.10). No statistically signi?cant differences in mean age between total fluorine categories were observed (Table 4.1.11). 12236 Participants with less than one total ?uorine smoked the least (16.3) number of cigarettes per day (Table 4.1.12). Those with one to three total ?uorine smoked the greatest number of cigarettes per day (24.5). This difference was statistically signi?cant As estimmed in a regression model. the linear relationship between total ?uorine and smoking status. adjusted for age and BMI. was small in magnitude Smokers average total serum ?uorine was estimated to be 0.1 higher than nonsmokers. The number of cigarettes smoked per day was weakly correlated with total serum ?uorine (Table 4.1.5). Drinking status was not associated with total ?uorine (Table 4.1.13). Overall. eight participants did not respond to this question. Four had less than one total serum ?uorine. Table 4.1.14 presents the distributibn of BMI in the total ?uorine categories de?ned previously. BMI mean values were not significant differences among the total semm ?uorine categories. The linear relationship between BMI and total ?uorine. adjusted for age, smoking. and alcohol use, was weak and not significant (Ba-.016 The infra-assay coefficient of variation (CV) for the bound and free testosterone. estradioi, TSH. LH, prolactin. and FSH assays are provided in Table 4.1.15. The estradioi assay had the highest CV. 18.3%. The prolactin assay had the lowest CV of Table 4.1.16 presents the observed and expected number of hormone assays out of the assay reference range. the observed to expected ratio . and the 95% confidence limits. The 015 ratio was signi?cantly greater than one for estradioi. free testosterone. bound testosterone and prolactin. The OIE ratios for LH. FSH. and TSH were not significantly different from one. The Pearson correlation coefficients among the seven hormones assayed In study participants are presented in Table 4.1.17. As expected. estradioi was 45 correlated with free testosterone p=.0001) and bound testosterone Bound testosterone was correlated with free testosterone (r=.74 LH p=.003) and FSH LH and FSH were signi?cantly correlated FSH and TSH were signi?cantly consisted pant). As shown in Table 4.1.18, total ?uorine was signi?cantly correlated with proiactin p=.045) and TSH Age was negatively correlated with estradioi (rs-.25. free testosterone (rs-.45. bound testosterone :9 ?p.24. and prolactin (rs-.19. Age was positively consisted with FSH As expected, BMI was negatively correlated with free and bound testosterone( ran-.26. p-.005 and r-.36, p=.0001 respectively). BMI was correlated positively with LH Alcohol consumption was signi?cantly consisted with FSH (rs-.24 Bound testosterone ranged from 141 to 1192 ng/dl with a mean of 572 and a median of 561 (T able 4.1.19). The standard deviations were large. The mean bound testosterone values were not signi?cantly different among the total serum ?uorine groups. As expected, the mean bound testosterone decreased signi?cantly as increased. The mean bound testosterone values were signi?cantly different among the age categories There was a signi?cant nonlinear relationship between total serum fluorine and bound testosterone in the ?nal regression model (Table 4.1.20). Bound testo?erone, which was positively associated with both LH and estradiol. decreased as both age and BMI increased. Alcohol and cigarette use were weakly associated with BT. There was a signi?cant interaction between age and total serum fluorine. There was a negative association between bound testoaerone and total serum ?uorine in young workers than in older workers. in workers greater than 45 years of age. total serum ?uorine was associated with a slight Increase in BT. The relationship between bound testosterone and total serum fluorine is presented for tour different sets of covariate value (Figure 2 Dose-response curves for bound testosterone were plotted for young. lean individuals aged 30 with of 25. young obese individuals aged 30 with of 35. middle aged lean individuals aged 50 with of 25. and middle aged 46 12238 obese individuals aged 50 with of 35. Each of the relationships is for nonsmoking, light drinking men with the sample mean LH value (5.4 mU/i) and mean estradiol value (33.4 in 30 year old workers, bound testosterone decreased as total serum ?uorine increased in both groups. The dose- response relationship for 40 year old workers was approximately flat (not shown). In workers greater than 50 year of age, BT increased as total serum ?uorine increased. Total serum ?uoride was not signi?cantly associated with free testosterone (Table 4.1.21). Within categories, free testosterone was highest in the less than 25 lthm2 group and lowest in the greater than 30 category. The difference in mean FT among categories was statistically significant There was a signi?cant nonlinear dose-response relationship between total serum ?uorine and FT in the final?regression model (Table 4.1.22). As total serum ?uorine increased. free testosterone decreased. There was a significant interaction between age and total serum ?uorine. Figure 4.2 illustrates the modifying effect of age on the total serum ?uorine tree testosterone relationship. The covarlate vectors (nonsmoker. light drinker. mean LH and estradiol. age=30 and or 25. age==50 and or 35) were the same as used Figure-1. Lean or obese 50 year old men had low free testosterone (less than 9 for all values of total serum ?uorine. In 30 year olds. tree testosterone decreased toward the 50 year old values. in this model. a 50 year old. obese, moderate drinker with any total serum ?uorine level (the lower limit of assay sensitivity was approximately 1 total serum ?uorine) had free testosterone below nine . As shown in Table 4.1.23. the estradiol means in the three groups were not significantly different As the age of participants increased. mean estradiol levels decreased. In the greater than 30 to 40 year age group. mean estradiol was 36.8 compared to 25.9 in the greater than 50 to 60 year age group. The age group means were signi?cantly different (p.018). There was a nonsignificant positive association between mean estradiol and total serum ?uorine. 47 12239 As shown in Table 4.1.24, estradiol and total serum fluorine were positively associated in the ?nal regression model. Total serum fluorine followed a nonlinear relationship with estradiol. No interaction terms were statistically signi?cant. As expected, tree testosterone and estradioi were positively associated (ls-.85 The relationship between total serum ?uorine and estradiol is illustrated in Figure 3. The plotted curves depict the relationship for lean (25 and obese (as kg/m2) male workers who were so years old with sample mean free testamerone and who were nonsmokers and light drinkers. As total semm ?uorine increased over the observed range. estradol increased quadratically. in obese men kg/m2 aged so, estradiol exceeded 44 when total serum ?uorine was between 15 and 20 ppm. The highest estradiol levels were in young. obese smokers who consumed 1 to 8 ounces of ethanol per day. LH was not signi?cantly associated with senim ?uorine. but was negatively associated with (p=.003) and positively associated with smoking age. and BT . There was no association between total semm ?uorine and FT. (T able 4.1.25. Table 4.1.26, and Figure 4). FSH was not signi?cantly related to total serum ?uorine levels but was positively associated with age (p=.014) (Table 4.1.27. Table 4.1.28). The final regression . model for FSH ls illustrated in Figure 5. The relationship was essentially ?at over the total ?uorine range. TSH was positively associated with total semm ?uorine in both univariate and multivariate analyses (T able 4.1.29. Table 4.1.30 and Figure 7). TSH was not significantly related to age. alcohol use. smoking. and other hormones. Prolactin was positively associated with total. serum ?uorine and smoldng (Table 4.1.31. Table 4.1.32). Moderate drinkers had a different prolactln-total serum ?uorine relationship compared to light drinkers and nonrespondents. Figure 6 illustrates the relationship of prolactin with total serum fluorine and the modifying effect of alcohol use. Total serum ?uorine was weakly associated with prolactin in light and moderate drinkers. However, in moderate drinkers (1 ~3 ozlday). there was a positive association between prolactin and total semm ?uorine. 48 12240 The univariate distributions of the 21 ratios are provided in Appendices 4.1 and 4.2. A table is presented for each of the 21 ratios showing the number of participants, mean ratio value with the standard deviation. median ratio value. and the range of ratio values in each of the previously de?ned categories of BMI. age, alcohol use, tobacco use. and total serum ?uorine Correlations between total serum ?uorine (ppm), age (years). BMI (kg/m2). alcohol use (oz/day), and cigarette consumption (cigarettes/day) and all possible ratios between E. free testosterone TF. TB. and LH are displayed in Table 4.1.33. The estradiol to bound testosterone ratio (EH8) and estradiol to free testosterone ratio (Efl?F) were significantly consisted with BMI p=.001 and r=.27. p=.oo4 respectively). The estradiol to luteinlzing hormone ratio (EILH) was negatively consisted with age (re-.26, and positively correlated with BMI (ra.18, The bound testosterone to luteinizing hormone ratio (TBILH) followed a different pattern as compared to EILH. The correlation coefficient between TBILH and age was -.32 (p=.001) while the coef?cient between TBILH and BMI was -.14. (pasta). The free testosterone to luteinizing hormone ratio (TFILH) had the strongest correlation with age (rs-.40, p=.0001) but was not significantly consisted with BMI. The bound testosterone to free testosterone ratio followed a unique pattern. TBITF was positively correlated with age and negatively correlated with BMI Prolactin ratios with bound testosterone free testosterone (TFIP). estradiol (EIP), follicle stimulating hormone (FSHIP). luteinizing hormone (PILH). and thyroid stimula?ng hormone (PITSH) are presented in Table 4.1.34. None of the prolsctin-hormone ratios were significantly consisted with total serum fluorine or BMI. All except were signi?cantly correlated with cigarette consumption. Table 4.1.35 presents the Pearson conelstion coefficients for the bound testosterone to thyroid stimulating hormone (T BITSH) ratio, the free testosterone to thyroid stimulating hormone (TFITSH), and the estradiol to thyroid stimulating . 49 12241 hormone Total serum ?uorine and were negatively correlated All three ratios were signi?cantly and negatively consisted with age. TBIT SH and TFIT SH were negatively correlated with Bil/ll, p=.01 and far-.23. p==01 respectively). The Pearson correlation coef?cients for the bound testosterone to follicle stimulating hormone (TBIFSH) ratio. the tree testosterone to follicle stimulating hormone (TFIFSH). and the estradicl to follicle stimulating hormone (ElFSi-i) are provided in Table 4.1.36. Age was the only covariate that significantly correlated with the three ratios. The correlation coefficients for selected ratios between pituitary glycoprctein hormones. TSH, LH. and LH, are presented in Table 4.1.37. The thyroid stimulating hormone to follicle stimulating hormone (T SHIFSH), the thyroid stimulating hormone to luteinizing hormone (T SHILH). and the follicle stimulating hormone to luteinizing hormone are provided. Age was signi?cantly consisted with the FSHILH ratio and the TSHIFSH ratio. Alcohol consumption was consisted with both and TSHILH. As shown in the final regression models. the TBITF ratio increased as total semm ?uorine increased (Tables 4.38 and 4.39). Alcohol consumption. cigarette . consumption, estradiol. proiaotin. and TSH were not significantly related to the TBITF ratio in either model. These covariates do not substantially alter the estimated relationship between. total serum ?uorine and TBITF ratio when - included in the regression model. The quadratic increase of the TBITF ratio over the observed range of total serum ?uorine is illustrated in Figure 4.3. The oovariates used were: nonsmoker, less than one ounce of alcohol consumed per day. 30 years of age. and a BMI of 30 kg/m2. Table 4.1.40 presents the full regression model for the estradlol to bound testosterone ratio (EITB). Total serum fluorine was not significantly assodated with the ENS ratio. was a ot the EITB ratio. Free testosterone was negatively related to the Efi'B ratio. 12242 The full regression model for estradiol to tree testosterone ratio is displayed in Table 4.1.41. There was a signi?cant positive dose-response relationship between the EITF ratio and total serum ?uorine. Although the dose- response relationship for tree testosterone was modi?ed by age. the dose- response relationship for the ratio was not modified by age. As shown in Tables 4.1.42, 4.1.43 and 4.1.44, total serum ?uorine was not signi?cantly associated with and TBILH. but was positively association with the ratio (Ba-.05. Bound testosterone and FSH were associated with the TFILH ratio p=.0001) and (39.33, Cigarette consumption and free testosterone were strongly and significantly related to the TBIP ratio and 8:3.93. p=.008 respectively) (Table 4.1.45). Cigarette consumption and bound testosterone were signi?cantly related to the ratio p=.03 and p=.03 respectively) (Table 4.1.46). Only cigarette consumption was signi?cantly related to the BF ratio p=.005) (T able 4.1.47). Tables 4.48 through 4.50 present full regression models for the ratios of prolactin to FSH (PIFSH). prolactin to LH (PILH). and prolactin to TSH (PIT SH). in each of the three regression models total serum ?uorine was positively and signi?cantly . associated with the prolactin-hormone ratio. Moderate drinkers had a signi?cantly different ratio total serum fluorine dose-response relationship compared to the relationships in light drinker and nonrespondents. The full regression models for the glycoprotein hormone ratios are presented in Table 4.1.51 to 4.1.59. As shown in table 4.1.52, total serum ?uorine was related to (Ba-.28. p=.03) and bound testosterone and FSH were signi?cantly related to the SH ratio (Ba. 01 pa. 006 and 812.68. p=.04 respectively). Total serum ?uorine was not signi?cantly associated with the other glycoprotein hormone ratios. 51 12243 Table 4.1.60 provides the correlation coef?cients for serum lipids. speci?cally cholesterol, low density Iipoprotein (LDL). and high density lipoprotein (HDL), with total serum ?uorine. age, BMI, alcohol consumption. and cigarette consumption. Total serum ?uorine was not signi?cantly correlated with cholesterol. LDL. HDL, or triglycerides. Cholesterol and triglycerides were correlated with age r=.25, p=.008 and r=.19, p=.04, respectively), and BMI p=.o4 and r=.27, respectively). Cigarette smoking was positively and signi?cantly correlated with cholesterol LDL (rt-.28, pa.002), and triglycerides HDL was not signi?cantly correlated with any variable. although the correlation with alcohol consumption was suggestive r-.18, Total ?uorine was not signi?cantly associated with cholesterol. LDL or triglycerides ("Fables 4.1.61 Table 4.1.62. Table 4.1.64). Smoking, age, and GGT were positively and signi?cantly associated with cholesterol. Smoking and prolactin were positively and significantly associated with LDL Smoking and free testosterone were positively associated and bound testosterone was negatively associated with triglycerides. The final regression model for HDL, displayed in Table 4.1.63. presents a different picture. HDL decreased as total fluorine increased in moderate drinkers. In light drinkers, there was a negligible change in HDL as total ?uorine increased. ?Self~reported moderate alcohol consumption was positively associated with HDL Additionally, bound testosterone was positively associated with HDL. while tree testosterone was negatively associated. Table 4.1.65 presents the correlation coefficients between the hepatic parameters, seer. seer. Ger, AKPH, and total serum ?uorine. age. BMI, alcohol consumption. and cigarette consumption. The hepatic parameters were not signi?cantly correlated with total serum ?uorine. SGOT was not signi?cantly correlated with any of the participant characteristics. SGPT and GGT were correlated signi?cantly only with BMI p=.02 and r227. pa.004 52 12244 respectively). AKPH was signi?cantly correlated with age. BMI, alcohol consumption, and cigarette consumption. The correlation coef?cients between the hepatic parameters and cholesterol, LDL. HDL. triglycerides. estradiol. TF, TB. and prolactln are displayed in Table 4.1.66. SGOT and AKPH were signi?cantly correlated with prolactln. SGPT was correlated with cholesterol and triglycerides. GGT was correlated with cholesterol. triglycerides. and free testosterone. As expected. SGOT. SGPT, and GGT were highly correlated (Table 4.1.67). AKPH was only correlated with GGT. The SGOT. SGPT, GGT, and AKPH mean values were not significantly different among the five total serum fluorine categories (Table 4.1.68). SGOT and SGPT mean values were not significantly different for BMI. age. alcohol use. and smoking ables 4.1.69 to 4.1.72) . Mean GGT was significantly higher in the greater than thirty BMI group (pace). As shown in Table 4.1.72. mean and median AKPH values were significantly higher in smokers compared to nonsmokers Tables 4.1.73 A. B. and 0 present three linear multiple regression models for SGOT. In non-obese workers SGOT decreased as total ?uorine increased. In obese workers (BMI: 35). the association between total serum . fluorine and SGOT was in the opposite direction. Model 2 included GGT as a covariate (Table 4.1.73 B). The association between total fluorine and SGOT, as well as the effect modification by BMI, were present after adjusting for GGT.) . When seer was included in the regression model (Table 4.1.73 0), the association between total fluorine and SGOT was weak and nonsigniflcant- The effect modification by BMI was no longer present. AKPH had little effect on the regression estimates when included in the model. Three linear multiple regression models for SGPT are provided in Tables 4.1.74 A. B. and C. In non-obese workers (BMI-25), SGPT decreased as total fluorine increased. However, in obese workers (BMI- 35), the association between total serum fluorine and SGPT was in the opposite direction. Little change occurred in the estimates after adjusting for GGT. As seen in Table 4.1.74 0, the association was significant, although weaker in strength, after adjusting for SGOT. The effect 53 12245 modi?cation by BMI was present. When AKPH was included in the model. effect estimates did not change signi?can?y. The ?nal regression models for GGT. provided in Tables 4.75 A, B. and C. present a different picture. GGT decreased as total ?uorine increased in moderate drinkers. In light drinkers, GGT decreased less steeply as total ?uorine increased. Controlling for SGOT and SGPT (model 2 and 3) did not signi?cantly alter the relationship between total ?uorine and GGT. Moderate alcohol consumption was positively associated with GGT. Table 4.1.76 presents the ?nal regression model for AKPH. ln nonsmokers. total serum ?uorine was negatively associated with AKPH. As the number of cigarettes smoked per day increased to more than five per day. AKPH increased as total serum ?uorine increased. Table 4.1.77 presents the correlation coefficients between the nine hematology parameters and total serum ?uorine, age, alcohol use. and cigarette consumption. The only parameter that was signi?cantly correlated with total serum ?uorine was count Monocyte count was a: correlated with BMI p=.04) and alcohol consumption, pa.03).. All the parameters, except the basophil and band counts. were strongly associated - with cigarette consumption. Alcohol consumption was correlated with .. hemoglobin,? (ran-.20. pu.04). and band count The ?nal regression models for hemoglobin and the indices. mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular volume (MCV). are presented in Tables 4.1.78. 4.1.79. and 4.1.80 respectively. Total serum ?uorine was significantly asSociated with hemoglobin. The association hemoglobin and MCV were modified by smoking. In smokers who smoked seven or more cigarettes per day. hemaglobln and MCV increased signi?cantly as total ?uorine increased. in nonsmokers. hemaglobln and MCVdecreased as total ?uorine 54 12246 increased . The association of total ?uorine with MCH was modi?ed by Smoking and by alcohol use. The increase in MCH as total ?uorine Increased was enhanced with Increased smoking. In light drinkers. total semm ?uorine had a weak association with MCH. ln moderate drinkers. MCH Increased as total fluorine Increased. There was a positive association of both MCH and MCV with alcohol consumption. None of the estimated associations are of clinically signi?cant magnitude over the range of total ?uorine values. The white blood cell count (WBC) increased signi?cantly in nonrespondents as total fluorine increased above 2ppm, increased less in moderate drinkers. and increased the least in light drinkersi'l'able 4.1.81). As expected. cigarette smoking intensity was positively associated with WBC. PMN Increased signi?cantly in alcohol use nonrespondents as total ?uorine increased and increased less steeply in moderate drinkers (Table 4.1.82). in light drinkers. total serum ?uoride above 10 was associated with a decreased in PMN. Cigarette smoking was positively associated with PMN. As shown in Table 4.1.83. the ?nal regression models for band count provides little evidence that total fluorine was associated with band count. Moderate alcohol use was estimated to reduce the band count. Smoking was positively associated with band count. .The negative association between total ?uorine and count was modified by adiposity. alcohol consumption, and cigarette smoking (Table 4.1.84). The decrease in count was smaller as Bill" increased. The decrease in count associated with total ?uorine above 3 was greater in moderate drinkers compared to nonrespondents. As cigarette consumption increased, the decrease in count increased. The positive association between total ?uorine and monocyte count (MONO) was modi?ed by adiposity (Table 4.1.85). As increased, the association with MONO was weaker. Cigarette smoking and LH were positively associated with MONO. Alcohol consumption was negatively associated with MONO. The association between total ?uorine and eosinophil count (EOS) was negative for nonsmokers. but was positive as more than ten cigarettes per day were smoked 55 12247 (fable 4.1.86). As smoking increased. the PFOA associated decrease in BASO was smaller (Table 4.1.88). The association between total ?uorine and platelet count (PLAT) was modified by adiposity and cigarette smoking intensity (Table 4. ?l 8.7) in lean participants PLAT increased as total fluorine increased. in obese participants (BMle40), the PLAT decreased as total ?uorine increased. As smoking increased the rate of increase in PLAT associated with total ?uorine above 10 decreased. The serum ?uorine levels in Chemolite workers were 20-100 times higher than expected in workers not directly involved in PFOA production. All workers with levels above 10 ?uorine work in PFOA production areas. Smoking was associated with a small increase in semm ?uorine. Age was not associated with serum ?uorine levels. The two women employed in the PFOA production areas had total serum ?uorine levels similarto men. Alcohol use, smoking. age, BMI, and hormones had the expected associations With peripheral leukocyte counts, hematology parameters. cholesterol. HDL. LDL, "and hepatic enzymes. The main hormone results are: 1. The number of male workers with hormone values outside of the laboratory reference range was greater than expected for estradlol. free testosterone, bound testosterone. and prolactin. 2. Total serum ?uorine was negatively associated with free testosterone and positively associated with estradiol. No association was noted between total serum ?uorine and LH. 3. EITF and TBITF, but not were positively with total serum ?uorine. 4. EILH and were not associated with total semm fluorine. However, the relationship between total sentm ?uorine and was suggestive. 56 12248 5. TSH was positively associated with total serum ?uorine. TFITSH was negatively associated with total semm ?uorine; and EITSH were not. 6. Prolactin and total semm ?uorine were positively associated In moderate drinkers. but not in light drinkers. 7. PIFSH. PITSH were positively associated with total serum ?uorine. TFIP, and EIP were not associated with total serum ?uorine The main hepatic parameter results are: 1. The increase in SGOT and SGPT levels associated with adiposity was enhanced by total serum ?uorine. 1 2. The induction of GGT by alcohol was decreased as total serum ?uorine increased. 3. The induction of AKPH by smoking was increased by increasing levels of total serum ?uorine. The main cholesterol and lipoprotein results are: 1. Cholesterol and triglyceride levels were not associated with total serum ?uorine. 2. LDL not associated with total serum ?uorine. 3. The positive association between moderate alcohol use and HDL levels was reduced as total serum fluorine increased. The main hematology parameter and peripheral leukocyte count results are: 1. The effect of smoking on hemoglobin and MCV was enhanced by total serum ?uorine. 2. Total serum ?uorine was negatively associated with all peripheral leukocyte counts except PMNs and MONOs, which were positively associated. 3. The associations between cell counts and total serum ?uorine were modified by smoking, drinking, and adiposity. 57 12249 A total of 3.537 Individualswho were employed at the Chemolite plant between January 1. 1947 and December 81. 1983 were identi?ed from company records. The cohort consisted of 2.788 male and 749 females employees (Tables 4.2.1 and 4.2.2). The majority of women never worked in the Chemical Division. Of the 19,309 person years (PY) observed for women. 68.8% occurred in those who were never employed in the Chemical Division. The mean follow-up for women was 25.8 years in the overall cohort, 24.6 years in the Chemical Division (CD) cohort, and 26.4 years in the non-CD cohort. The distribution of follow-up periods was similar in the women?s CD and non-CD cohorts. The women's mean age at first employment was 27.6 years. Sixty-eight percent were less than 30 years old at employment: 9.7% were older than 40 at first employment at Chemolite. The CD cohort was older than the non-CD cohort. The CD and non-CD distributions of latency times were not statistically different The mean duration of employment for women was 8.7 years and ranged from six months to 41.4 years. The distribution of years of employment was signi?cantly different for CD and non-CD women Of non?CD women, 11.9% were employed for more than twenty years. Of 245 women in the CD cohort. 51 were employed for more than twenty years. it? As shown in Table 4.2.2, the 2,788 men who were ever employed for more than six months at Chemolite contributed a total of 71.1 17.7 PY?which was about equally divided between the CD and non-CD cohorts. The mean follow-up for the overall male cohort was 25.5 years. The distribution of follow-up periods and distribution of year of first employment was similar in the male CD and non-CD cohorts. The average age at death was higher in the male non-CD group, 58.1 years, compared to the CD group, 54.2 years. The duration of employment for men (mean 13.6 years, median 9.8 years) Was longer than for women. The distribution of years of employment was signi?cantly different for CD and non-CD men Of non-CD men, 25.5% were employed for longer than twenty 58 12250 years. Of men in the CD cohort. 38.0% were employed for longer than twenty years. Vital status was obtained for 100% of the women?s cohort (Table 4.2.3). Among the 749 women there were 50 deaths; 11 in the CD cohort and 39 in the non-CD cohort. Vital status was obtained for 100% of the men's cohort. Among the 2788 men there were 348 deaths; 148 deaths in the CD group and 200 in the non-CD group. Six individuals who had employment records that were missing information were excluded from the cohort and their vital status was not ascertained. Death certi?cates were obtained for 99.5% of deaths. Two deaths occurred outside the U.S. and causes of death were ascertained by other means. ll' The numbers of deaths. the SMHs and 95% confidence intervals (Cl) among women in the 1947-198910llow-up period are shown in Table 4.2.5. The for all causes of death 95% CI 56-39). and cancer 95% Cl .42-1.14) were signi?cantly lower than expected in comparison to national rates. No association was found with duration of employment or latency for deaths from all causes. cancer, and cardiovascular diseases (Tables 4.2.6 and 4.2.7). for CD women and non-CD women are displayed in Table 4.2.8. The estimated SMR for the CD cohort of women were less than expected. in CD women. the all causes SMR was .46 (95% Cl .23..86) and the cancer was .31 (95% Cl The SMRs for the non-CD women were closer to unity. mm The number at male deaths. the expected number of male deaths based on us. national white male rates, and age and calendar period adjusted SMRs with associated 95% are presented in Table 4.2.9. The for all causes (.73. 95% Cl .66..81). for cardiovascular diseases (swear/1. 95% Cl 60..48), for all gastrointestinal (GI) diseases (50.95% Cl .26..87) and for all respiratory diseases (50.95% Cl .27..86) were significantly less than one. None of the 59 cause-speci?c SMRs were large nor were the estimates signi?cantly different from one. As shown in Table 4.2.10. the results were similar when the expected numbem of male deaths was based on Minnesota white male rates. Table 4.2.11. Table 4.2.12. and Table 4.2.13 present adjusted and 95% Cl for males based on Minnesota mortality rates for three latency intervals 10. 15. and 20 years respectively. The three latency intervals the all causes SMR ranged from .75 to .77. For all cancers. SMRs ranged from 1.06 to 1.12 and were nonsigni?cant. Among men there was no association between any cause of death and duration of employment (Table 4.2.14. Table 4.2.15. and Table 2 4.2.16). Table 4.2.17 and 4.2.18 display the SMRs and 95% CI for CD and non-CD male workers. The all causes SMRs were .69 (.59..79) for the non CD group and .86 (12.1.01) for the CD group. The for prostate cancer. based on a comparison with Minnesota population rates. were 2.03 (95% Cl .55.4.59) in the CD group and .58 (95% Cl .07.2.09) in the non-CD cohort. There were 4 observed deaths from prostate cancer compared to 2 expected in the CD group. The latency analysis tor non-CD and CD men are presented in Tables 4.2.19 and 4.2.20. There was no associations between any cause of death and latency In either group. As shown in Table 4.2.21 and 4.2.22. male CD cohort members with more than 10 or more than 20 years of employment had that were less than one for all causes of death. all malignancy. cardiovascular diseases and all respiratory diseases. Among male non-CD cohort members with more than ten years of employment or more 20 years of employment. the for all causes. cardiovascular disease and all respiratory diseases were signi?cantly less than expected (T able 4.2.23 and 4.2.24). There was no association of any cause of death with duration of employment at Chemollte in either CD or nonch groups. W51 Age adjusted standardized rate ratios (SFiFts) were calculated for all causes. all cancer. and cardiovascular diseases mortality comparing men employed at the 60 12252 plant for ten years or more to men employed for less than ten years. The SRRs are presented in Table 4.2.25. The 95% for all causes. all cancer. and all cardiovascular diseases were wide and include one. Confounding variables such as year at ?rst employment and length of follow-up were not controlled in this analysis due to small numbers and unstable rates within the large number of strata. Table 4.226 presents the age adjusted SRRs for all causes. all cancers. lung cancer. GI cancer. and all cardiovascular diseases mortality comparing men ever employed in the CD with men never employed in the CD. All SFle were greater than one, however. none was statistically signi?cant. WEISS. (RRMH) Age strati?ed RRMH. contrasting the rates in men over employed in the CD compared to the rates in men never employed in the CD. were calculated for all causes. all cancer. and all cardiovascular diseases mortality and are displayed in Table 4.2.27. The estimated RH for CD employment versus non-CD employment did not follow a monotonic pattern and the 95% include one for each of the three endpoints. - Table 4.2.28 presents the RRMH for men employed for less than ten years to those employed for more than ten years. The all causes RRMH (2.16, 95% Cl 1.52, 2.70) in the 30 to 39 year age at ?rst employment strata was re?ected in both the for all cancers (1.75, 95% Cl.95.3.21) and cardiovascular diseases (3.53 . 95% Cl 1.68.62?. The RRMH were not adjusted for important time oovariates such as the year of first employment. Table 4.2.29 to 4.2.36 show the ?nal proportional hazard (PH) model for death from all causes, cardiovascular diseases. all cancers. lung cancer. Gl cancer, prostate cancer. pancreatic cancer, and diabetes among the 2788 male workers 61 12253 ever employed at Chemolite for greater than six months. There was no evidence for violation of the PH assumptions or for signi?cant nonlinear associations between the independent variables and mortality. As expected. age at ?rst employment was positively associated with all causes of death. The RH for a one year increase in age at ?rst employment was 1.082 (95% Cl Year of ?rst employment and duration of employment were negatively associated with all causes mortality. The risk of death associated with months in the Chemical Division was small and nonsigni?cant. For cardiovascular diseases mortality, the HR for a one year increase in age at ?rst employment was 1.126 (95% Cl Year of ?rst employment was negatively associated with cardiovascular diseases mortality. Time in the CD was not associated with death from cardiovascular diseases. Age at ?rst employment was positively associated with cancer mortality. The HR for a one year increase in age of employment was 1.08 (95% Cl Duration of employment was negatively associated with cancer. The HR was .972 95% Cl.96..99)1or a one year increase in employment. There was no association of cancer mortality with employment time in the CD. The ?nal prostate cancer mortality proportional hazard model for male cohort members is shown in Table 4.2.34. Time in the Chemical Division was positively and significantly associated with prostate cancer mortality. The relative risk for a one year increase in CD employment time was 1.13 (95% Cl Age at ?rst employment was positively associated with prostate cancer mortality risk. A one year increase in age at ?rst employment was associated with a HR of 1.09 (95% Cl 99.1.19). The HR tor lung cancer mortality was 1.07 (95% Cl .03.1.12) tor a one year increase in age of employment. Months in the chemical division was not signi?cantly associated with lung cancer mortality. Table 4.2.33 shows the ?nal proportional hazard (PH) model for all (31 cancer mortality. The estimated HR for a one year increase in age at ?rst employment was 1.14 (95% CI Year of ?rst employment. duration at employment and time employed in the co were not associated with Gl cancer risk. Age at ?rst employment was positively associated with pancreatic cancer mortality. The other covariates were weakly associated with pancreatic cancer risk and were 62 12254 not signi?cantly different from one. A one year increase in age at first employment was positIVely associated with diabetes mortality (an a: 1.10. 95% Table 4.2.37, 4.2.38 and 4.2.39 show the ?nal PH model for death from all causes. cardiovascular diseases and all cancers among the 749 female cohort members. Age at ?rst employment was positively associated with all causes mortality. The HR for all causes of death among women employed fortwo to ten years (3.72) and among women employed for greater than ten years (2.33) were signi?camly greater than the all causes mortality in women employed for less than two years. Time in the CD was not related to mortality. The RH for death from cardiovascular diseases associated with a one year increase in age at first employment was 1.13 (1 .07.1.18). The year at first employment. duration of employment, and time in the CD were not signi?cantly associated with female cardiovascular diseases mortality. The HR for death from cancer was associated with age at first employment. A one year increase in age at ?rst employment increase the HR for death from cancer (1.09 (1 .04,1 .14). The year at ?rst employment. duration of employment, and time in the chemical division were . weakly and non-significantly associated with female cancer mortality. 63 12255 WW TABLE 4.1.1 AGE DISTRIBUTION IN FIVE YEAR AGE GROUPS 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA AGE NUMBER PERCENT 21-25 3 2.6 26-30 18 15.7 31 -35 26 22.6 36-40 22 1 9.1 41-45 1 8 1 5.7 46-50 9 7.8 51-55 13 11.3 56-60 6 5.2 TOTAL 115 100.0 MEAN 39.2 SD 8.91 MEDIAN 37 RANGE 24-59 64 12256 TABLE 4.1 .2 DISTRIBUTION OF ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO USE 3M CH EMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA USE STATUS NUMBER PERCENT TOBACCO USE CURRENT SMOKER 28 24.3 NONSMOKER 85 73.9 MISSING VALUES 2 1.8 TOTAL 115 100.0 ALCOHOL USE <1 oz 87 75.6 1-302 20 17.4 MISSING VALUES 8 7.0 TOTAL 115 100.0 ?Includes 22 nondrinkers 65 TABLE 4.1.3 THE JOINT DISTRIBUTION OF TOBACCO AND ALCOHOL USE 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT . COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA TOBACCO USE ALCOHOL use <1ozlday 19 57 1 37 1-3onday 7 13 0 20 missing 2 5 0 TOTAL 28 (100%) 05 (100%) 2 (100%) 115 (100%) 66 12258 TABLE 4.1.4 DISTRIBUTION OF AGE BY SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA AG-ETyaars) MEAN SD MEDIAN RANGE Alcohol <1ozld 87 39.9 9.31 37 24-59 13071:! 20 37.5 6.95 37 27-51 'p-.29 missing 9 36.6 9.70 35 27-54 ?p-.17 Tobacco smoker 28 40.4 7.59 39 28-54 nonsmokor 85 39.0 9.35 37 24?59 'p-.47 missing 2 325 3.53 32 30-35 TOTAL 1 15 39.2 8.91 37 24-59 ?Student test. Prob>T. reference groups <1 oz/day, smoker 67 12259 TABLE 4.1.5 PEARSON CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS BETWEEN TOTAL SERUM FLUORINE. AGE. BODY MASS INDEX (BMI). DAILY ALCOHOL USE. AND DAILY TOBACCOCONSUMPTION. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA (years) am TOBACCO FLUORINE (ozldav) (clumsy) 1 004 .0002 - 007 006 FLUORINE - 1 .26 15 ACE 9-.005 - . .08 ALCOHOL - - - - ?1 TOBACCO I I 68 12260 TABLE 4.1.6 BODY MASS INDEX DISTRIBUTION 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA BMI NUMBER PERCENT -1 40 ?25-30 57 49.5 >30-35 15 13.0 ?35-45 2 1.8 TOTAL 115 100.0 MEAN 26.9 SD 3.4 MEDIAN Bl? 26.3 RANGE 18.8-40.5 69 TABLE 4.1.7 BODY MASS INDEX BY SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA smog/mi) MEDIAN RAGE <1ozfd 87 28.9 3.54 26.1 18.8-40.5 13021:! 20 27.2 3.10 27.0 22.8-33.7 ?p-.71 missing 8 25.9 3.64 26.1 21.3-30.4 Tobacco smoker 28 26.6 3.63 28.3 18.8-28.2 nonsmoker 85 27.0 2.99 26.6 21 .4-33.7 'p-.57 missing 2 26.2 2.87 28.2 24.1-28.2 Total 115 26.8 3.45 28.3 18.8-40.5 'Student test. ttest p-value. reference groups <1ozlday, smoker 7O 12262 TABLE 4.1.8 THE DISTRIBUTION OF AGE. ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO USE BY BODY MASS INDEX 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA BMI nag/kg2 SMOKER 11 15 2 NONSMOKER 41 15 MISSING 1 1 0 TOTAL 41 (100%) a (100%) 17 (100%) ALCOHOL USE <1 ozlday 31 43 13 1-3 07109)! 6 11 3 MISSING 4 a 1 TOTAL 41 (100%) a (100%) 17 (100%) AGE <40 was 31 >49 years 10 29 11 TOTAL 41 (100%) 57 (100%) 17 (100%) 't test p=.005 71 12263 TABLE 4.1 .9 TOTAL SERUM FLUOFIIDE DISTRIBUTION 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA TOTAL FLUORINE NUMBER PERCENT SPPMI d1 23 20.0 1-3 85 56.5 >340 16 13.9 :10-15 0 5.2 ?5-20 5 4.4 TOTAL 115 100.0 TF 3.3 SD 7 4.7 MEDIANTF 2 RANGE 0-26 72 12264 TABLE 4.1.10 TOTAL SERUM FLUORIDE BY BODY MASS INDEX, AGE. SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA <25 41 (35.7) 2.8 3.74 2 0-19 51.471! 25-30 57(49.6) 4.0 5.47 2 0-26 13.24 >30 17(14.8) 2.1 3.51 1 0-14 AGE <31 21(183) 3.7 4.95 2 0-20 H.103 31-40 48011.7) 3.2 4.08 2 0-14 P-.96 41-50 27(235) 3.3 4.26 2 0-19 51-60 19(1 6.5) 3.0 6.42 1 0-26 Alcohol <1ozld 6705.6) 3.4 5.15 2 0-26 p.331 1-3021d 2007.4) 3.2 2.67 2 0-12 missing (80.0) 2.1 2.53 1 0-6 Tobacco smoker 26(243) 3.6 4.36 2 0-20 pa.68? nonsmoker 85(752) 3.2 4.13 2 0-28 missing 2(1.7) 3.0 4.24 3 0-6 TOTAL 115 3.3 4.67 2 0-26 #univariate Anova .?Student test. Prob>T 73 12265 TABLE 4.1.11 AGE TOTAL SERUM FLUORINE 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA TOTAL SERUM FLUORINE (ppm) 15-25 AGE 20-25 1 (4.4) 1 (1.5) 0 (0) 1 (15.7) 0 (0) 25-30 3 (13.0) 10 (15.4) 4 (25.0) 0 (0) 1 (20.0) 31-35 5 (25.1) 13 (20.0) 4 (25.0) 2 (332) 1 (20.0) 35-40 4 (17.4) 12 (13.5) 5 (31.2) 0 (0) 1 (20.0) 41-45 2 (5.7) 13 (20.0) 2 (12.5) 1 (15.7) 0 (0) 45-50 0 (0) 7 (10.7) 0 (0) 1(15.7) 1 (20.0) 51-55 5(25.1) 5 (3.3) 0 (0) 1(15.7) 0 (0) 55-50 1 (43) 3 (4.5) 1 (5.3) 0 (0) 1 (20.0) TOTAL 23 (100) 55 (100) 15 (100) 5 (100) 5 (100) new AGE so 33.9 33.5 35.0 39.3 41.5 10.2 35 7.5 11.1 10.5 MEDIAN AGE 37 35 355 37.5 40 AGE RANGE 25-53 24-55 27-57 25-54 30-57 74 12266 TABLE 4.1.12 DISTRIBUTION OF TOBACCO USE BY TOTAL SERUM FLUORIDE CATEGORY. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA TOTAL SERUM FLUORINE (Rpm) Tobacco use Smoker 3 (13.0) Nonsmoker 19 (82.7) Missing 1 (4.3) Total 23 (100) Cigaretteslday (among smokers) MEAN 16.3 so 14.0 M-IAN 17 RANGE 2-30 16 (24.6) 49 (75.4) (0) 65 (100) 245? 8.8 20 7-40 6 (37.5) 9 (562) 1 (6.3) 16 (100) 1 8.0 9.9 20 3-30 2 (33.3) 4 (66.7) (0) 6 (1 on) 83:38 L515, 1 (20.0) 4 (80.0) 0 (0) 5 (100) 88 28 (24.3) 85 (73.9) 2 (1.7) 115 (100) 21 .5 10.1 2-40 *signi?oantly different from <1 mean (p<.005) 75 TABLE 4.1.13 DISTRIBUTION OF ALCOHOL USE BY TOTAL SERUM FLUORIDE CATEGORY. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA TOTAL SERUM FLUOFIINE (ppm) <1 1-3 >3-10 >10-15 315-26 ALCOHOL NUMBER (PERCENT) USE <1 ozlday 17 (73.9) 51 (78.5) 9 (55.3) 5 (83.3) 5 (100) 1-3 ozlday 2 (8.7) 13 (20.0) 4 (25.0) 1 (16.7) 0 (0) MISSING 4 (17.4) 1 (1.5) a (18.7) (0) TOTAL 23 (100) 65 (100) 18 (100) 6 (100) 5 (100) 76 12268 .TABLE 4.1.14 BODY MASS INDEX DISTRIBUTION BY TOTAL SERUM 7 FLUORINE CATEGORY. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA TOTAL SERUM FLUORINE (ppm) NUMBER (venom . 315-20 1 (4.(33.1) 21 (32.3) 3 (50.0) 1 (13.7) 1 (200) .2530 (21.7) 39 (30.0) 5 (31 2) 4 (33.3) 4 (30.0) .3335 7 (30.4) 3 (7.7) a (13.3) 0 (0) 0(0) .3540 0 (0) 0(0) 0 (0) 1 (13.7) 0(0) .4045 1 (4.(0) TOTAL 23 (100) 33 (100) 13 (100) 3 (100) (100) MEAN 3311 27.3 23.3 23.3 29.4 23.0 30 3.3 2.3 3.3 3.7 1.4 11-1?: 27 23.3 23.7 23.3 25.3 RANGE 18.8-40.5 22.5-33.7 21.4-32.5 24.5-35.5 24.1-27.6 12269 TABLE 4.1.15 COEFFICIENT FOR SEVEN HORMONE 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. GROVE, MINNESOTA HORMONE ch BOUND TESTOSTERONE 10.6% FREE TESTOSTERONE 12.1 ESTRADIOL 1 8.3% TSH 10.0% LH 8.6% PROLACTIN 3.1% FSH 5.6% 78 12270 TABLE 4.1.16 THE OBSERVED VERSUS EXPECTED NUMBER OF WORKERS WITH HORMONE ASSAYS OUTSIDE THE ASSAY REFERENCE RANGE 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA OBSERVED EXPECTED 85% Cl? Estradiol 17 2.8 6.0 ( >=44 Testosterone 13 2.8 4.5 ( bound <=800 Testosterone 11 2.8 8.9 ( free Prolactin 10 2.8 8.5 ( >=15 LH 3 2.8 1.1 ( 212 mUIml FSH 1 2.8 .4 (0.1 .2.0) 1-12 mUlrnl TSH 1 2.8 .4 (0.1 .2.0) - OBSERVED TO EXPECTED RATIO ?Cl 65% CONFIDENCE INTERVAL 79 3M 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA. TABLE 4.1.17 PEARSON CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS BETWEEN SERUM HORMONES. minnow earn?mm. FREE amounts TEST. TEST. 1 .40 .32 .18 .06 ?.14 p-.0001 [b.0006 9-.08 p-.15 .05 FREE 3510315110?:- 1 :74 .13 .10 4:5 p-mm .07 BOUND TESTOSTERONE - 1 .21 .28 .16 p.03 9-.003 9-.04 -.02 momenta - - 1 .15 .004 .11 - - - 1 .63 13-3001 ?.15 pa.? .23 @mlml ??06 LUTENIZING HORMONE (mUIml) FOLLICLE srmmua HORMONE (mUlmD THYFIOID 3110me HORMONE (mUlml) TABLE 4.1.18 PEARSON CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS BETWEEN TOTAL SERUM FLUORIDE. AGE, BODY MASS INDEX (BMI), DAILY ALCOHOL USE, DAILY TOBACCO CONSUMPTION. AND SERUM HORMON ES. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA AGE (years) AW FLUORINE (kg/m2) (ozlday) (agelday) ssmmou? .13 -25 -.01 .05 .12 p-.16 p-.01 p-.2 FREE .00 -.45 ~26 -.08 .05 ?0001 ?5005 BOUND .08 -.24 -.36 -.16 .11 TESTOSTERONE 9-.01 {.0001 9-.11 .19 -.19 ~08 .03 ?.18 p-.045 9-.01 p.09 .04 .11 .20 -.14 .18 p-.03 pun-.06 FSHT -.03 .33 ~.08 -.24 .17 9-.0003 p-.01 pan-.06 .26 .09 .04 .15 -.03 p-.005 p.15 @Psiml 'ng/dl LUIENIZING HORMONE (meI) FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONE THYROID STIOMULATING HORMONE 81 12273 TABLE 4.1.19 BOUND TESTOSTERONE (TB) BY BODY MASS INDEX, AGE, SMOKING. DRINKING STATUS AND TOTAL SERUM FLUORIDE 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA. MEAN SD MEDIAN RANGE Mm?) <25 4005.4) 841 7242.8 592 275-1182 F-5.84 25-30 56(49.6) 585 198.8 580 141-854 p.005 >30 1705.0) 436 172.7 438 210-803 Age <31 2007.7) 598 232.8 873 278-1182 F-3.80 31-40 48(425) 634 214.1 805 275-1188 p.018 4150 28(23.0) 512 185.8 488 141-847 51-80 1808.8) 470 228.1 408 210-854 Alcohol <1ozld 66(76.1) 581 212.5 574 -210-1192 F-1.23 1352/11 1808.8) 484 215.1 417 141-1038 p-.27 missing 60.1) 690 272.6 602 409-1101 Tobacco smoker 27(23.3) 622 177.7 817 378-1038 F-1.88 nonsmokor 8404.3) 559 233.0 556 141 -1192 p.20 missing 20.8) 432 97.8 432 383-501 Total Fluorlne <1 2300.4) 584 285.4 436 275-1182 5039 1-3 .7 :64(56.6) 567 202.9 572 141-1039 pan-.82 >3-10 1503.3) 530 188.3 574 210-818 >10-15 65.3) 600 234.6 563 244-047 >15-26 50.4) 882 148.8 858 517-880 Total 113000) 572 220.7 581 141-1182 #univariate Anova 82 12274 TABLE 4.120 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE BOUND AMONG 112 MALE 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, GROVE. MINNESOTA Var?abe Intercept 1027 190.7 .0001 Tota Fluorine (ppm)' -148 67.2. .05 Age (years) -9 3.3 .009 Age Total Fluoride' 3 1.6 .04 BMI (kg/m2) -16 . 5.4 .003 Smoker" 74 45.0 .28 Alcohol (<1ozlday)# 09 47.5 .11 Estradiol (pg/ml) 2 1.0 .02 LH (mUlml) 116 - 0.1 .004 Prolactin (rug/ml) 8 4.1 .04 R21: .39 .?Square root transformation of total serum ?uoride measured In ppm. ?Reference category is nonsmokers. #Reterence category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanollday. 83 12275 TABLE 4.1.21 FREE TESTOSTERONE (TF) BY BODY MASS INDEX. AGE, SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS AND TOTAL SERUM FLUORIDE. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA mm BMI 11911112 425 40(35.4) 17.4 6.22 16.7 7.4453 15.3.56 25-30 56(49.6) 15.1 4.13 15.6 32-232 p.03 :30 17115.0) 13.7 6.06 13.5 5.6305 Age years 231) 2007.7) 16.7 7.64 16.7 9345.3 5.9.14 31-40 460125) 17.0 3.75 17.1 7.4-2937 p-.0001 41-50 23(23.0) 14.1 4.73 14.3 32-233 51-60 19(16.8) 11.5 3.76 11.5 5,649.0 Alcohol <1-ozld 6606.1) 15.6 5.36 15.6 5.6453 51.45 1-3 0210 19(16.6) 142 4.79 15.3 32-233 0-23 missing 8(7.1) 16.1 6.40 172 11.0-29.7 Tobacco smoker 27(23.9) 16.6 3.71 17.1 64-243 F985 nonsmokor 6404.3) 15.4 5.64 15.3 32-453 p.33 missing 2(1.6) 15.9 4.45 15.9 12.7-19.0 Total Fluorlno <1 23(20.4) 16.4 6.4 13.9 6.4453 5.0.13 13 15.6 45 15.8 3230.5 p.37 53-10 15113.3) 152 3.6 15.3 7.1-16.7 >10-15 6 '5 3) 15.9 52 17.6 5.6493 >15-26 514.4) 153 22 14.1 13.3-18.2 Total 113(100) 15.7 5.4 16 32-453 #univariate Anova? 84 12276 TABLE 4.1.22 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE FREE TESTOSTERONE VALUE (rig/d1) AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA Variable Intercept 29.72 4.57 .0001 Total Fluorine (pprn)?I ~3.56 1.62 .03 Age (years) -.34 .08 .0001 Age Total Fluoride' .07 .04 05 BM (kg/m2) -.21 .13 .11 Sm oker" 1.46 1.03 .1 6 Alcohol ozldayEstradiol .10 .03 .003 LH (mU/ml) .18 .15 .20 R2: .39 'Square root transformation of total serum 11 ?Reference category is nonsmokers. . #Rsference category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanol/day. 85 uorlde measured in ppm. TABLE 4.1.23 PARTICIPANT ESTRADIOL BY BODY MASS INDEX. AGE, SMOKING DRINKING STATUS AND TOTAL SERUM FLUOFHDE. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA (ngmIT N196) FMEAN SD MEDIAN RANGE BMI 691m?) <25 40135.4) 34.1 12.91 40 6-69 F..13 25-30 56149.6) 332 13.69 33 6-63 11-33 >30 17115.0) 322 12.36 27 16-57 AGE <30 20117.7) 34.4 10.15 34 19-56 5360 31-40 46142.5) 36.6 11.54 36 12-69 p.016 41-50 26123.0) 31.6 13.46 26 6-63 51-60 19116.6) 25.6 7.93 24 15-47 Alcohol <1 ozld 66176.1) 33.0 11.76 33 6-66 F..14 1-3 0210! 19116.6) 31.6 16.61 30 6-69 11-171 missing 617.1) 41.1 16.20 40 23-63 Tobacco smoker 27123.9) 36.3 17.40 34 14-63 F..13 nonsmokar 64174.3) 32.5 11.63 32 6-66 11-66 missing 211.6) 30.5 13.44 30 21-40 1 Total Fluorine <1 23120.4) 36.2 13.1 34 14-60 5127 5-1-3 64156.6) 31.4 13.6 30 6-33 13-29 53-10 15113.3) 32.3 10.6 34 10-56 510-15 615.3) 36.2 15.2 35.5 22-66 >15-26 514.4) 41.2 11.4 42 26-56 Total 1131100) 33.4 13.2 33 6-63 #univariate Anova 86 1 12278 TABLE 4.1.24 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE HEGFIESSION MODEL OE FACTORS PREDICTING THE ESTRADIOL VALUE AMONG 113 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. GROVE, MINNESOTA Intercept 12.89 12.13 .29 Total Fluorine (ppm)' .03 .01 .03 Age (years) ~22 .15 .14 (kg/m2) .51 .34 .14 Cigarettes/day .16 .11 .15 Alcohol .09 .11 .98 Free Testosterone .05 .24 .0007 R2: .24 ?Square transformation of total serum ?uoride measured in ppm. #Reference category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanol/day. 87 12279 TABLE 4.25 LUTENIZING HORMONE (LH) BY BODY MASS INDEX, AGE, SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS, AND TOTAL SERUM FLUOFIINE 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA LH (mUlml) <25 40635.4) 5.43 3.06 4.60 . 2.6-21.7 F-6.13 25-30 56(49.6) 5.64 3.25 5.15 1.7-23.0 p.003 >30 17115.0) 3.72 121 3.60 2.0-7.2 Age years <30 20(17.7) 4.81 2.26 4.45 1.7-10.1 F-.69 31-40 48(425) 5.43 3.14 4.75 2421.7 p-.56 41-50 26(23.0) 5.33 1.64 5.15 2.5-9.6 51-60 13(165) 5.30 4.73 4 10 20-230 Alcohol <1ozld 66(76.1) 5.60 3.34 4.70 F-124 1-3oz/d 19(165) 4.69 1.60 4.21 2310.1 p-.27 missing 80.1) 4.86 1.00 4.05 3.4-0.2 Tobacco smoker 27(23.9) 8.30 3.78 5.30 22.6-21.7 F-5.16 nonsmokar 6404.3) 5.05 2.71 4.52 1.7-23.0 0-.025 missing 2(1.6) 7.45 2.47 7.45 5.7-3.2 Total Fluorlne . <1 23(20.2.5-0.3 F-0.16 . 6466.6) 5.6 3.6 4.6 1 .7-23.0 p- 03 >3-10 15113.3) 5.1 2.7 4.9 2.0-13.9 >10-15 65.3) 5.4 0.3 4 9 3.7-75 >15-26 5(4.4) 5.3 1.3 5.5 3.7-7.2 Total 113(100) 5.4 3.0 4.7 1.7-23.0 #univariate Anova 88 TABLE 4.1.26 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL #1 OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE LUTENIZING VALUE (mU/ml) AMONG 113 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA Intercept 1.26 .40 .002 Total Fluorine (ppm)' .001 .008 .93 Age (years) .01 .005 .03 (kg/m2) -.02 .01 .15 Smokers? .24 .23 .29 Alcohol (<1ozlday)# .06 .10 .60 (810933;)! Testosterone .001 .0002 .008 82: .28 transformation of lutenlzing hormone (LH). Reference category is nonsmokers. #Reference category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanol/day. 89 TABLE 4.1.27 FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONE (FSH) BY BODY MASS INDEX. AGE. SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS, AND TOTAL SERUM FLUOHINE 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA Em?vrsw?W NW.) MEAN 0 A BMIWM2 <25 40135.4) 5.02 2.39 43 1310.3 13.1.27 1 2530 53019.3) 5.39 2.71 4.5 1.4143 0.29 >30 17(15.0) 4.31 1.75 3.3 1.3-3.3 Age years I <30 20(17.7) 3.33 1.33 3.3 1.4-9.3 F-3.72 3140 43142.5) 4.33 2.24 4.3 1310.3 p-.014 41-50 23(23.0) 5.35 2.55 4.3 21-143 5130 19(133) 322 3.01 5.0 2.7-143 Alcohol <1ozld 33(73.1) 5.37 . 2.32 4.3 1.4-14.3 53.47 13cm 13(133) 4.13 1.92 3.9 2.0-9.3 p.035 missing 317.1) 4.33 1.49 4.3 2.3-3.4 Tobacco 1 smoker 27123.9) 5.77 2.43 4.9 2311.9 3.2.30 1 nonsmokor 84(743) 4.85 4.49 4.2 1.4443 p.09 missing 2(13) 3.10 0.42 3.1 5.3-3.4 Tom! Fluorine <1 23(20.4) 4.4 1.35 4.4 1310.3 50.75 1.3 3453.3) 5.4 2.75 4.3 1414.3 0.53 >3-10 15(133) 4.3 2.23 4.9 2.1-9.7 >10-15 315.3) 5.4 2.14 4.4 3.5-3.9 s1523 5(4.4) 4.9 2.33 3.7 2.3-7.7 Total 113(100) 5.1 2.49 4.5 1.4-143 #univariate Anova 1 i 90 TABLE 4.1.28 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE FOLUCLE STIMULATING HORMONE VALUE (mU/ml) AMONG 113 MALE WORKERS. 13M CHEMOLITE PLANT . COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA Variable m) p-value Intercept 1.20 1.62 .46 Total Fluorine(ppm)" .004 .04 .91 Age (years) .08 .02 .0006 SW (kg/m2) -.04 .05 .41 Cigarettes/day .02 .02 .29 .45 .48 .34 TSH (mUlml)@ -.4o 22 .05 LH (mU/ml)? .44 .05 .0001 48 ?logarithmic transformation of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). #Reference category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz emanollday. @Thyroid Stimulating Hormone ##Lutienizing Hormone 91 TABLE 4.1.29 THYROID HORMONE (T SH) BY BODY MASS INDEX, AGE, SMOKING AND STATUS, AND TOTAL SERUM FLUORINE. . 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA Wuhan NE) MEAN SD MEDIAN RANGE an: m2 i <25 40135.4) 1.55 0.66 1.04 0.67-3.14 F-.35 i 25-30 56(46.6) 1.64 1.01 1066 0.45-6.60 p-.70 . 230 17115.0) 1.72 0.71 1.55 0.62-323 Age you: <30 20(17.7) 1.43 0.56 1.42 0.36-2.36 5.47 31-40 46012.5) 1.66 1.04 1.46 0.37-6.60 p.70 41-50 26(23.0) 1.64 0.75 1.34 0.75-3.56 51-60 19(18.8) 1.70 0.74 1.53 0.62-3.06 Alcohol <1ozld 6606.1) 1.57 0.70 1.40 0.38-3.56 F-1.23 1-3oz/d 1606.6) 1.63 1.36 1.55 0.60-6.60 p.27 missing 60.1) 1.46 0.63 1.61 037-222 Tobacco smoker 27(23.9) 153 0.61 1.37 0.61-3.03 . F-.09 nonsmokor 8404.3) 1.88 0.92 1.49 0.37-6.80 p.76 1 missing 2(1.6) 1.26 0.42 1.26 0.6645 1 Total ?uo?ne <1 23120.4) 1.5 0.64 1.5 0.3-3.3 16-230 >6 -3 64(56.6) 1.6 0.64 1.3 0.4-6.6 p.06 >3-10 15(133) 1.6 0.67 1.4-- 0.63.0 510-15 6(53) 2.4 0.67 2.5 0.63-3.5 >15-26 5(4.4) 2.2 1.66 2.1 1.735 Total 113(100) 1.6 0.65 1.4 0.3-6.6 #univarlate Anova 92 i 12284 TABLE 4.1.30 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE THYROID STIMULATING VALUE (mU/ml) AMONG 113 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA Intercept -.190 .465 .68 Total Fluorine (ppm)* .027 .009 .004 Age (years) .006 .005 .29 BMI (kg/m2) -.002 .013 .89 Cigaretteslday -.001 .004 .74 Alcohol -.140 .194 .26 Free Testosterone" .020 .009 .04 .060 .019 .003 .30 ?logarithmic transformation of thyroid stimulating hormone SH). #Reference category is moderate drinkers who consume 3 oz ethanol/day. it ##Foliicle stimulating hormone mU/ml '93 TABLE 41.31 PROLACTIN BY BODY MASS INDEX, AGE, SMOKING DRINKING STATUS AND TOTAL SERUM FLUORINE 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA _Pnoumu (11911112) <25 40(854) 9.10 5.18 8.4 27-248 F-.69 25-80 58(48.8) 8.71 5.18 7.8 1 2-88.? [3-51 >30 1765.0) 7.45 3.08 7.2 2513.6 Age <30 20( 17.7) 9 .63 4.20 8.5 3.9-18.3 F-.98 81-40 48(425) 8 .01 5.80 8.7 1288.7 p.51 41-50 28(28.0) . 8.88 5.52 8.2 2828.5 51-80 18(188) 7.18 8.87 8.8 2515.1 Alcohol <1ozld 8808.1) 8.81 457 7.8 - 1224.8 5.44 188218 19(16.8) 8.48 - 8.87 8.7 28-88.? 9-50 missing 80.1) 7.25 2.33 8.8 48-105 Tobacco smoker 27428.8) 8.87 8.14 8.8 1.2-128 5.4.18 nomolm 84174.3) 8.18 5.18 8.5 25-88 .7 p.848 missing 2(1.8) 11.85 8.40 11.7 5. 0-188 Total Fluorine <1 mm 28(20.4) 7.8 8.18 7.5 25-188 F-8.02 ?1-3 84(588) 8.5 4.84 8.1 1224.8 p.02 >810 15(188) 4 .8 1.15 8.8 1.4-18.1 >10-15 8(5.8) 15.1 11.01 8.4 8.8-88.7 >15-26 5(4.4) 8.3 4.18 7.7 8.8-15.1 Total 118(100) 8.7 4.80 7.7 1288.7 #univariate Anova g4 TABLE 4.1.32 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE PROLACTIN VALUE AMONG 113 MALE WORKERS. 3M OHEMOLITE PLANT. GROVE, MINNESOTA Variable 8 SETS value Intercept 7.41 4.14 .07 Total Fluorine (ppm) 1.43 .36 .0002 Age (years) -.04 .05 .41 SW (kg/m2) -.08 .13 .53 Cigarettes/dew -.08 .04 .08 Estradiol (pg/ml) .06 .03 .07 Alcohol Use## Light ozlday) 3.21 1.65 .05 Nonresponsa (NR) 2.14 2.69 .43 Light total ?uoride -1.67 .77 .03 NR total fluoride -1 .34 .37 .0006 R2: .22 ##Reference category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanollday. Nonrespondants (N Fl) failed to complete the alcohol use questionnaire items. Light total ?uoride and NR total fluoride are interac?on terms for alcohol categories and total semrn ?uoride. 95 TABLE 4.1.33 PEARSON CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS BETWEEN HORMONE RATIOS AND TOTAL FLUORIDE. AGE, BODY MASS INDEX, ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO CONSUMPTION 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA Wm. ASE (rm) am Mm!) ALOOHOL TO"a?Acco FLUORINE (nude!) (?nality) .004 .05 mm p.201 .1 1 .15 .27 .01 .01 2.15 2.004 .001 - .18 .05 .04 _qu-I? 93.005 9.03 .002 -.32 ~34 -.01 -.01 0-.001 0-.13 -.09 -.4o -.02 .03 .03 WW p-.0001 .16 .24 -.16 -.12 .09 p.09 9-.01 p.08 TO BOUND TESTOSTERONE RATIO TO FREE TESTOSTERONE TO LUTENIZINS HORMONE RATIO TESTOSTERONE TO LUTENIZINS HORMONE RATIO TESTOSTERONE TO LUTENING HORMONE RATIO TESTOSTERONE TO FREE TESTOSTERONE RATIO I 96 TABLE 4.1.34 PEARSON CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS BETWEEN PBOLACTIN HORMONE RATIOS AND TOTAL FLUORIDE, AGE. BODY MASS INDEX, ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO CONSUMPTION 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA 4?1011?. (years) om noon-101. TOBACCO ?Follicle stimulating homono to proIaoth-I ratio ?Prolaottn to Iutoniztng hormone ratio ?Protectin to thyroid stimulating hormone ratio 97 FLUO NE (ozldav) (6081*?) p.001 08 - 11 -.00 .06 .22 3.02 - 00 .03 .25 p-.008 - 09 .37 .004 -.13 .21 mount 2.16 2.02 .11 ?:33 09 .15 -22 E- 2.11 2.02 .07 . 7 .07 .17 .09 man? 9-.07 p.07 @Frao testosterone to prolaottn Mo *Froe testosterone to prolaottn ratio +Estradiot to protactin ratio TABLE 4.1.35 PEARSON CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS BETWEEN THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE RATIOS AND TOTAL FLUORIDE. AGE. BODY MASS INDEX, ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO CONSUMPTION 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA TEAL Toe (years) out m2, FLUORINE (oz/day) (cinsldey) TBfl'Sl-ie 0-.01 0-.01 0-.09 -.1B -.34 -.23 -.13 .01 2.05 2.0002 95.01 -.13 -.24 ?.05 -.05 .04 errsI-i" ion-v.01 #Bound testosterone to thyroid stimulating hormone ratio *Free testosterone to thyroid stimulating hormone ratio +Estrediol to thyroid stimuhting hormone ratio TABLE 4.1.36 PEARSON CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS BETWEEN FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONE RATIOS AND TOTAL FLUORIDEAGE. BODY MASS INDEX, ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO CONSUMPTION 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA TOTAL AGE (years) out mi) "foe" A'o' co" FLuoniNE (02min (steamy) A - .07 ?.4a -.10 .00 -.00 p..0001 p.00 -.01 5477 .04 .00 '51? p-.0001 .04 -.as .04 -.02 pa.0001 #Bound testosterone to follicle stimulating hormone ratio *Free testosterone to follicle stimulating hormone ratio +Estredioi to stimulating hormone ratio 1 12290 TABLE 4.1.37 PEARSON CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS BETWEEN PITUITARY GLYCOPROTIEN HORMONE RATIOS AND TOTAL FLUORIDE, AGE. BODY MASS INDEX. ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO CONSUMPTION 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, GROVE, MINNESOTA Tom. am ALCOHOL TOBACCO FLUOBINE (oz/day) (oigelday) -.1a .04 24 ..14 p-.08 p-.o1 .09 -.oz .15 21 -.14 ou.03 -.os .23 .13 -.14 .05 It!? 9-303 @Thyroid stimulating hormone to follicle stimulating hormone ratio 'Thyroid stimulating hormone to lutenizing hormone ratio +Foilicle stimulating hormone to Iutenizing hormone ratio 99 TABLE 4.1.38 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL1 OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE BOUND-FREE TESTOSTERONE RATIO AMONG 112 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA Intercept 36.60 6.87 .0001 Total Fluorine (ppm)" .02 .008 .02 Age (years) .19 .101 .07 am (kg/m2) -.48 244 .05 [Ht .12 - .337 .73 .92 .440 .04 R2: .21 'square transformation of total serum ?uoride +lutienizing hormone mU/ml follicle stimulating hormone mU/ml 100 12292 TABLE 4.1.39 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE HEGRESSION MODEL2 OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE RATIO AMONG 112 MALE 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA - Variable T3 Evolve intercept 37.3 6.97 .0001 Total Fluorine (ppm)* .02 .009 .03 Age (years) .25 .097 .009 (kg/m2) -.52 .250 .03 .55 .271 .05 82: .17 'square transfonnation of total serum ?uoride +luteinizing hormone mU/ml follicle stimulating hormone mU/ml 101 12293 TABLE 4.1.40 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE ESTRADIOL-BOUND TESTOSTERONE RATIO AMONG 112 3M CHEMOLITE MINNESOTA Intercept .05 .027 .05 Total Fluorine (ppm) .00001 .00001 .74 Age years)? -.0004 .0004 .29 BM: (kg/m2) .002 .0007 .006 Cigarettes/day -.00001 .00002 .96 Alcohol ozlday)# .003 .007 .63 Free Testosterone' -.001 .0006 .008 01+ .0001 .0006 .94 -.002 .001 .12 -.003 .003 .30 Proiaciin? .0001 .0005 .78 F12: 21 - figs/iglrence category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanol/day. +luteinizing hormone mU/ml follicle stimulating hormone mU/ml Thyroid stimulating hormone (mU/ml) prolactin rig/ml 102 12294 TABLE 4.1.41 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE ESTRADIOL-FREE TESTOSTERONE RATIO AMONG 112 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA intercept 1.81 .880 .15 Total Fluorine (ppm) .002 .001 .03 Age (years) .012 .011 .34 BMI (kg/m2) .048 .028 .07 Cigarettes/day .005 .008 .51 Alcohol ozlday)# .090 .730 .70 Bound Testosterone' -.001 .0004 .01 L111- .012 .035 .73 -.059 .046 .21 -.204 .110 .05 Prolactln? .027 .018 .15 R2: .22 f?gjgrence category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanol/day. +lutienizing hormone follicle stimulating hormone mUlml Thyroid stimulating hormone (mUlmI) prolactin 103 12295 TABLE 4.1.42 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE RATIO AMONG 112 MALE WOBKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE, Intercept 3.07 3.58 .39 Total Fluorine (ppm) .02 .07 .80 Age (years) -.03 .05 .39 .27 .10 .008 Cigarettes/day .009 .03 .77 Alcohol .37 .90 .68 Free Testosterone' .13 .10 .21 Bound Testosterone? .001 .002 .71 -.75 - .15 .0001 -.39 .42 .35 Prolactin" -.03 .07 .72 [32: .34 +estraoiol to lutenizing hormone (mU/ml) ratio #Refglrence category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanol/day. ng/ @fcllicle stimulating hormone mU/ml Thyroid stimulating hormone (mU/ml) prolactin ng/ml 104 12296 TABLE 4.1.43 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACT OHS PREDICTING THE SOUND RATIO AMONG 112 MALE 3M COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA Intercept 74.46 48.53 .13 Total Fluorine (ppm) .27 .98 .79 Age (years) 29 .62 .64 (kg/m2) -.43 1.35 .75 Cigarettes/day -.15 .44 .73 Alcohol onday)# 7.55 12.1 .54 Free Testosterone' 5.96 1.01 .0001 aetradiol@ -.28 .38 .45 -8.65 2.03 .0001 -.23 5.69 .97 Prolactin? .11 .95 .90 R2: .43 +bound testosterone to lutenizing hormone (mU/ml) ratio #Fleferenoe category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanol/day. ng/dl pg/rnl stimulating hormone mUlml Thyroid stimulating hormone (mUIml) prolactin 105 TABLE 4.1.44 LINEAR MULTIVAFIIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE FREE RATIO AMONG 112 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. CO1TAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA Variable Ti value Intercept 3.00 1.38 .03 Total Fluorine (ppm) -.05 .03 .09 Age (years) .001 .01 .91 BMI (kg/m2) .07 .04 .08 Cigarettes/day -.007 .01 .58 Alcohol .30 .36 .41 Bound Testosterone' .003 .0007 .0001 Estradiol@ .001 .01 .91 -.33 .06 .0001 .16 .17- .30 Prolao?n? -.05 .03 .08 F12: .46 +free testosterone to lutenizing hormone (m Ulml) ratio #Referenoe category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanol/day. ng/dl pg/rnl @@follioie stimulating hormone mU/ml Thyroid stimulating hormone (mU/ml) prolaotin ng/ml 106 12298 TABLE 4.1.45 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE BOUND RATIO AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 13M CHEMOLITE PLANT. CO1TAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA intercept 60.05 68.04 .38 Total Fluorine (ppm) -.15 1.38 .91 Age (years) .84 .88 34 SW (kg/n12) -1 .54 1.92 42 Cigarettes/day ,1 .49 .62 .02 Alcohol ozlday)# 13.9 17.2 42 Estradiol'? -.22 .53 68 Free Testosterone 3.93 1.45 .008 2.23 2.63 .40 ~2.55 3.50 .47 -.95 .80 .24 R2: .17 Mpg/ml #joglrence category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanol/day. lutenizing hormone mU/rnl follicle stimulating hormone mUIml Thyroid stimulating hormone mU/ml 107 12299 TABLE 4.1.46 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION PREDICTING THE FREE TESTOSTERONE-PROMO MODEL OF FACTORS TIN RATIO AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA Variable p-value 4 Intercept 2.41 1.76 .17 Total Fluorine (ppm) -.03 .04 .35 Age (years) -.004 .02 .95 BMI (kg/m2) ?.004 .05 .93 Cigarettes/day .04 .02 .03 Alcohol oz/day)# -.03 .76 .97 Estradiol? -.0001 .01 .99 Bound Testosterone .002 .0001 .03 -.08 .07 .24 -.12 .09 .21 -.1a 21 .40 .15 category is moderate drinkers who consume 1 -3 oz ethanol/day. ng/dl lutenizing humane mU/ml follicle stimulating hormone mU/ml Thyroid stimulating hormone mel 108 12300 TABLE 4.1.47 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE HEGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE EST RATIO AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M PLANT. CO1TAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA Intercept 2.65 4.01 .51 Total Fluorine (ppm) .005 .081 .95 Age (years) .01 .05 .30 (kg/m2) .07 .116 53 Cigarettes/day .10 .036 .005 Alcohol ozlday)# .86 1.01 .40 Bound Testosterone? -.001 .003 .95 Free Testosterone .12 .12 .31 -.13 .15 .39 -.29 .21 .17 -.67 .47 .16 R2: .16 category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanol/day. lutenizing hormone mU/ml follicle stimulating hormone mU/ml Thyroid stimulating hormone mU/ml 109 12301 I?sw. TABLE 4.1.43 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE MODEL OF morons PREDICTING THE RATIO AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M cur-moms PLANT, comes enovs, MINNESOTA Intercept 2.56 1.52 .09 Total Fluorine (ppm) .31 .11 .008 Alcohol low oz/day) .81 .52 .13 nonresponse (N R) .19 .85 .82 1 low Fluoride -.31 .12 .01 1 NR Fluoride -.08 .29 .78 Age (years) -.05 .02 .01 BMI (kg/m2) .01 .04 .86 Cigarettes/day -.03 .01 .03 EstracliolM .02 .01 .06 1 Bound Testosterone' -.001 .001 .92 Free Testosterone .01 .04 .75 7 7 ?.07 .05 .15 .31 .17 .07 82- .31 Fang/pages category to moderate drinkers who consume 1-8 oz ethanonay. Thyrold mandating humane mUIrnl 11o 12302 TABLE 4.1.49 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE RATIO AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTFAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA Intercept 1 .07 1 .27 38 Total Fluorine (ppm) .34 09 .0003 Alcohol low ozlday) .68 .43 11 nonresponse (NR) .41 .69 .55 low Fluoride -.35 09 .0004 Fluoride -.39 .20 05 Age (years) -.02 .01 .12 (kg/m2) .05 .04 1 7 Cigarettes/day -.02 .01 .09 Estradlol++ .003 .009 .76 Bound Testosterone? .001 .0008 1 7 Free Testosterone -.04 .03 .30 -.1 1 .05 .03 .15 .14 .29 B?zuia?lgng hormone #Haferenoe category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz emanollday. d! Me stimulating hormone mUIrnl Thyroid stimulating hormone mUIml 111 12303 TABLE 4.1.50 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE RATIO AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA Variable 1 Evalue Intercept 5.06 4.83 .30 Total Fluorine (ppm) 1.61 .37 .0001 Alcohol low (<1ozlday) 4.16 1.67 .01 nonresponse (NR) 3.85 2.72 .16 Iowx Fluoride -1.76 .38 .0001 NR Fluoride -2.11 .77 .008 Age (years) -.19 .06 .003 (kg/m2) .11 .14 .43 Cigarettes/day -.06 .04 .14 EstradiclH' .037 .04 .46 Bound Testosterone' .008 .003 .02 Free Teetostercnecategory is drinkers who consume 1-3 02 ethanol/day. $911133; 3.133132% 2m. 2233'. 112 12304 TABLE 4.1.51 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE BOUND RATIO AMONG 112 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA Intercept 559.5 360.7 .12 Total Fluorine (ppm) 37.7 109.8 .73 Age (years) -1.1 6.2 .85 BMI (kg/n12) ~9.8 8.9 .27 Cigarettes/day -.66 2.9 .82 Alcohol ozlday)# 74.9 78.3 .34 Free Testosterone? 12.5 6.6 .06 Estradiol@ -1 .6 2.5 .51 47.1 . 15.9 .004 5.7 122 .64 Prolactin"? -1 .1 6.2 .85 Ba; .29 +bound testosterone to thyroid stimulating hormone (mU/ml) ratio #Reference oategory is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanol/day. ng/dl pg/ml @@follicle stimulating hormone mU/ml Thyroid stimulating hormone (mU/ml) prolactin 113 12305 TABLE 4.1.52 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE FREE RATIO AMONG 112 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA i Variable 0 ?g 1 Eveline I Intercept 15.65 6.34 .02 Total Fluorine (ppm) -.28 .13 .03 Age (years) -.29 .08 .003 (kg/m2) -.01 .19 .94 Cigarettes/day -.03 .06 .65 Alcohol ozlday)# 1.50 1.64 .36 Bound Testosterone" .01 .003 .006 Estradioi? -.01 .05 .80 FSi-l@@ .68 .33 .04 -.001 . .25 .99 Prolactin? -.16 .13 .17 32:: .37 +free testosterone to thyroid stimulating hormone (mU/ml) ratio #Rg?glrence category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanol/day. @@follicle stimulating hormone mUlm++ Thyroid stimulating hormone (mU/ml) prolactin 114 12306 TABLE 4.1.53 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE RATIO AMONG 112 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, GROVE, MINNESOTA 83b? 7 7, 7 Intercept 30.80 16.10 .06 Total Fluorine (ppm) -.425 .31 .18 Age (years) -.53 .20 .01 (kg/m2) .32 .46 .50 Cigaretteslday .06 .14 .70 Alcohol 2.36 4.00 .55 Free Testosterone" -.28 .46 .55 Bound Testosterone' .009 .01 .42 .31 .81 .31 .20 .62 .75 Prolactin? -.07 .32 .83 R2: .15 +estradiol to thyroid s?mulating hormone (mU/ml) ratio #Refglrenoe category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanol/day. "w @follicle stimulating hormone mU/ml thyrold stimulating hormone (mU/ml) prolactin 115 12307 TABLE 4.1.54 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE BOUND Esrasgg?ganse-st AMONG 112 MALE 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA Intercept 101.89 61 .25 .10 Total Fluorine (ppm) .66 1.24 .60 Age (years) -.13 .75 .14 (kg/m2) -1 .08 1 .70 .53 Cigarettes/day -.37 .55 .50 .29 15.30 . .96 Free Testosterone" 6.87 1.28 .0001 -7.61 1.93 .0002 -Eslradiol@ .77 .47 .1 1 8.90 7.03 .21 Prolactin? -.03 1.20 .97 R2: .50 +bound testosterone to follicle stimulating hormone (mU/ml) ratio #Refglrence category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanol/day. @luteinizlng hormone mU/ml @@estradiol pg/ml Thyroid stimulating hormone (mU/ml) prolactin 116 12308 TABLE 4.1.55 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE FREE RATIO AMONG 112 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. GROVE. MINNESOTA arilabe . a Intercept 4.31 2.01 .03 Total Fluorine (ppm) -.04 .04 .27 Age (years) -.10 .02 .0001 SW (kg/m2) .06 .06 .28 Cigarettes/day -.02 .02 .31 Alcohol ozlday}# .18 .52 .74 Bound Testosterone' .003 .001 .02 ~25 .07 .0003 Estradiol? .03 .04 .27 A .49 .24 .04 Prolac?n? ?.05 .04 .23 Fla: .43 +free testosterone to follicle stimulating hormone (mU/ml) ratio #joceirence category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanol/day. @luteinizing hormone mU/ml @@estraaiol pg/ml Thyroid stimulating hormone (mU/ml) prolactin 117 12309 TABLE 4.1.56 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE RATIO AMONG 112 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA Intercept 6.91 5.69 .23 Total Fluorine (ppm) .006 .006 .34 Age (years) -.19 .07 .008 BMI (kg/m2) .27 .16 .1o Cigarettes/day .03 .05 .57 Alcohol .52 1.42 .71 Free Testosterone' .26 .16 .1 1 Bound Testosterone? -.002 .004 .62 -.49 .18 .609 .08 .65 .90 1 Prolactin+estradiol to follicle stimulating hormone (mU/rnl) ratio 1 #Rgliglrenoe category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanol/day. i @Iuteinizing hormone rnU/mi 1 Thyroid stimulating hormone (mU/ml) prolaotin ng/ml 118 TABLE 4.1.57 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE BOUND RATIO AMONG 112 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA Intercept .72 .33 .03 Total Fluorine (ppm) .01 .006 .14 Age (years) .002 .004 .59 (kg/m2) .0000? .01 .94 Cigarettes/day -.003 .003 .37 Alcohol 021de -.16 .08 .05 Estradi0l++ -.001 .003 .56 Bound Testosterone' ?.0002 .0002 .28 Free Testosterone? -.01 .009 .15 Prolaclin" .002 .007 .73 -.03 .01 .005 R2: .26 ++pglm category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanol/day. prolaciin lutenizing hormone mU/ml thyroid stimulating hormone (mU/mi) t0 follicle stimulating hormone (mU/ml) ratio 119 TABLE 4.1.58 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE RATIO AMONG 112 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA Intercept .32 .25 .21 Total Fluorine (ppm) .006 .005 .21 Age (years) .004 .003 .26 BMI (kg/m2) .000 .007 27 Cigarettes/day -.001 .002 .53 Alcohol oz/day)# -.07 .06 .26 Estradiol? -.004 .002 .07 Bound Testosterone? -.0001 .001 .84 Free Testosterone? .007 .007 .32 Prolaatin" .001 .005 .91 -.05 .01 .0001 R2: .26 #joglrence category ls moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanol/day. I prolactin follicle stimulating hormone mUlml Thyroid stimulating hormone (mU/ml) to lutenizing hormone (mU/ml) ratio 120 TABLE 4.1.59 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE BOUND RATIO AMONG 112 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLIT PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA Variable .. 7 7, value Intercept .60 .43 .17 Total Fluorine (ppm) ~.0001 .009 .98 Age (years) .009 .005 .09 (kg/m2) .01 .01 .40 Cigarettes/day .0001 .004 .82 Alcohol oz/day)# .04 .11 .71 Estradiol++ .004 .003 .18 Bound Testosterone? .0001 .0002 .18 Free Testosterone? -.004 .01 .78 Prolactln" -.oos .009 .57 ?.05 .05 .29 R2: .12 ?Mpg/ml #jogfenoe category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz e?wanoI/dey. prolaotin thyroid stimulating hormone mU/ml lutenizing hormone (mU/ml) to follicle stimulating hormone (mU/ml) ratio 121 TABLE 4.1.60 PEARSON CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS BETWEEN TOTAL SERUM FLUORIDE. AGE. BODY MASS INDEX (BMI). DAILY ALCOHOL USE. DAILY TOBACCO CONSUMPTION. AND LIPOPROTEINS 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA g'f'ro AL (?05 wits)" am ?mi??j ALCOHOL TOBACCO FLUOFIIDE (way) (eta-rum . .07 .25 .19 .09 .35 p.008 9-.05 b.0001 .02 .13 .03 -.003 .28 -.01 .03 -.13 18 ~09 .09 .19 .27 .07 .19 p-.004 . 'mg/dl - "low do upoprotoi thigh Iboprotelg 122 I TABLE 4.1.61 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE CHOLESTEROL AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA Variable Intercept 107.30 33.00 .002 Total Fluoride (ppm) .52 .67 .44 Cigarettes/day 1.12 .31 .0005 BMI (kg/m2) 1.44 1.01 .16 Age (years) .77 .38 .05 Alcohol low (<1oz/day) -5.50 8.71 .53 nonresponse (NR) -13.53 14.75 .35 GGT (lU/dl)? .41 .12 .001 Bound Testosterone" .03 .02 .07 I12. 29 #Referenoe category ls moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanollday. 'gamma glutanryl transferee 123 TABLE 4.1.62 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTINGTHE LOW DENSITY LIPOPHOTIEN AMONG ?1 11 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT GROVE. MINNESOTA Intercept 73.93 32.00 .03 Total Fluoride (ppm) .22 .65 .73 Cigarettes/day .69 .30 .02 (kg/m2) 1.26 .95 .19 Age (years) .37 .37 .32 Alcohol low ozlday) -3.02 8.33 .71 nonresponse (NR) -1 0.85 13.93 .43 Proan (119/111!) -1 .59 .66 .02 Bound .04 .02 .0071 Ta!- .19 #Referenoo category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz chattel/day. 124 TABLE 4.1.63 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE HIGH DENSITY LIPOPROTIEN (HDL) AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. CO1TAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA Variable Intercept Total Fluoride (ppm) -1.61 .77 .04 Alcohol low (<1oz/day) -9.92 3.51 .006 nonresponse (NB) -6.7 5.73 .24 low Fluoride 1.62 .80 .04 Fluoride' 2.05 1.63 .21 Age (years) -.004 .12 .97 (kg/m2) -.a1 .29 . 2s Cigarettes/day . -.12 .09 .. .18 Bound Testosterone" .018 .007 .009 "Free Testosterone? ..77 23 .008 Hz. .17 #Referenoe category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanol/day. terms between total ?uoride and alcohol category 125 TABLE 4.1.64 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE TRIGLYCERIDES AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. CO1TAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA Intercept 4114.50 117.20 .33 Total Fluoride (ppm) 2.38 2.31 .15 Cigarettes/day 2.28 1.05 .03 BMI (kg/m2) 6.07 3.39 .08 Age (years) 2.32 1.44 .11 Alcohol low oz/day) -1 1 .48 29.4 .70 nonresponse (NR) -19.94 49.03 .69 Free Testosterone? 7.34 3.37 .03 Bound Testosterone' ~21 .08 .009 category is moderate drinkerswhocemume 1-3 ozemanelldey. 126 TABLE 4.1.65 PEARSON CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS BETWEEN TOTAL SERUM FLUORIDE, AGE. BODY MASS INDEX (BMI). DAILY ALCOHOL USE, DAILY TOBACCO CONSUMPTION. AND HEPATIC PARAMETERS 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA TTML ACE (years) an: Mimi) newonm TOBACCO (?9968!) .01 ~.10 .09 .12 -.11 .01 '.01 .20 .03 -.11 n- cg -.04 .12 .27 .15 .03 93.004 -.03 . 27 19 -.19 .26 p.004 9- 04 p.05 3-906 GLUTAMIC OXALOACETIC TRANSAMINASE GLUTAMIC PYRUVIC TRANSAMINASE GLUTAMYL TRANSFERASE IUldl PHOSPHATASE 127 TABLE 4.1.66 PEARSON CORRELATION ENZYMES, SERUM HORMO COEFFICIENTS BETWEEN HEPATIC NES, AND LIPOPROTEINS 3M CH EMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA -.01 .03 ?.13 .18 2.08 09 .19 .27 .07 0-434 D-.OO4 -.18 -.04 .03 . -.003 9-.09 FREE TESTOSTERONE ~12 -.14 -.23 -.03 J31 BOUND -.18 -.1o -.12 -.12 mos -.20 -.15 -.16 -.20 p.03 p.09 p-.q3 ?mg/6 "low density bin 4?th density loin Wm! 128 12320 TABLE 4.1.67 PEARSON CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS HEPATIC PARAMETERS 3M PLANT. COWAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA 855T $55? 55'? AKFI-I 1 .68 .43 .04 5607. 9.9001 We - 1 .30 .09 P411001 21 - - - 1 GLUTAMIG OXALOAOETIO TMNSAMINASE GLUTAMIC PYRUVIC TRANSAMINASE lUIdl GLUTAMYL TRANSFERASE lUldI ., PHOSPHATASE 129 12321 TABLE 4.1.68 SERUM GLUTAMIC OXALOACETIC TRANSAMINASE (SGOT GLUTAMIC PYRUVIC TRANSAMINASE GLUTAMY TRANSFERASE (SGT). AND ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE (AKPH) BY TOTAL SERUM FLUORINE 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA 75375 TOTAL FLUORINE :32: <1 23 22.5 4.1 22 13-28 F-o.41 ?1.3 65 24.1 8.6 23 10-74 9-50 >3-10 16 25.8 14.5 22.5 17-77 >10-15 6 25.7 11.3 22.5 17-47 >15-26 5 22.2 5.1 22 14-27 TOTAL 115 24.0 8.8 23 10-77 SGPT (Ill/d!) <1 23 47.7 10.7 46 30-68 F-1.19 ?1.3 85 513 30.2 45 4-263 p.32 >3-10 16 53.0 14.0 50.5 28-40 >10-15 6 73.2 532 52.5 38-177 >15-26 5 44.6 8.8 42 34-54 TOTAL 115 51.7 26.8 47 4-263 Alkallne Phosphatase (ll-lid!) <1 23 86.1 25.6 85 43-153 F-0.43 -3 65 85.9 19.9 80 35-137 gnu-.78 >340 16 77.8 20.3 71.5 54-123 >10-15 6 87.2 34.0 75.5 81-153 >15-26 5 88.0 42.1 64 41-153 TOTAL 11566.3 22.8 88 38-153 GGT (lU/dl) <1 23 37.2 28.4 27 6-117 M39 66 324 26.7 25 5174 p.31 >3-10 16 35.4 35.4 26 10-156 >10-15. 6 38.3 16.7 36.5 18-80 >15-26 5 22.2 11.5 20 1137 TOTAL 115 33.7 27.6 26 5-174 #univariate Anova 130 12322 TABLE 4.1.69 SERUM GLUTAMIC OXALOACETIC THANSAMINASE (SGOT) BY BODY MASS INDEX, AGE. SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA ilU/dl) ?25 41 (35.7) 24 12.4 22 13-77 5.92 25-30 57019.6) 23 5.8 23 10-42 p-.40 >30 17(14.8) 27 3.1 26 17-47 AGE 230 21(13.3) 25 12.7 23 17-77 F..78 31-40 48(41.7) 24 9.1 23 10-74 p.51 41-50 27(235) 22 5.4 23 13-40 51-50 19(165) 26 7.8 23 14-47 Alcohol 210210 87(813) 26 13.5 22 10-77 1-1-51 13cm 20(13.7) 24 3.0 35 10-74 p.44 missing a 23 4.3 21 19-31 Tobacco maker 28(243) 24 8.4 23 13-77 F-.02 nonsmokar 3505.2) 24 11.0 22 10-42 31-33 missing 2 20 3.5 20 17-47 TOTAL 115 Waivadate Anova 1 31 12323 TABLE 4.1.70 SERUM GLUTAMIC PYRUVIC TRANSAMINASE (SGPT) BY BODY MASS INDEX. AGE. SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA MEAN SD MEDIAN RANGE TEST <25 41 (35.7) 49 35.4 41 29-263 5-2.1 25-39 57149.9) 50 14.2 49 4-95 p-.12 >30 17114.9) 94 32.9 55 39-177 AGE ?39 21119.3) 49 11.5 45 91-99 5-.91 91-49 49141.7) 59 99.9 47 29-293 p-..91 41-50 27123.5) 47 15.2 49 4-99 51-99 19119.5) 57 92.9 so 34-177 Alcohol <1ozld 97191.3) 53 2935 47 29-293 F-.99 1.99219 20119.7) 47 19.9 49 4-99 missing 9 51 19.9 52 35-97 Tobacco smoker 29124.9) 49 15.2 47 4-99 F379 nonmokor M2) 53 29.6 48 30-283 p-..39 missing 2 49 29.5 49 31-97 TOTAL 119 #univariate Anova 132 12324 TABLE 4.1.71 GAMMA GLUTAMYL TRANSFERASE (GGT) BY BODY MASS INDEX, AGE, SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 8M CHEMOLITE PLANT . COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA r1 (lUIdl) <25 41(3517) 28 31.1 17 5-174 F-3.54 25-30 57019.8) 34 23.1 19 8-158 p.03 >30 17(143) 48 28.6 44 19-117 AGE . <30 21(183) 32 23.4 25 11-111 - F-1.58 3140 48(41.7) 31 32.7 22 5-174 [1-38 41-50 27(235) 33 17.2 29 8-72 51-60 19(185) 44 29.3 35 11-117 Alcohol <1ozld 87(813) 40 25.5 35 889 Fan-1.64 1302/11 20(18.7) 32 25.3 23 8?174 p.36 missing 8 41 50.4 23 12-158 Tobacco smoker 36 21.3 as 5-89 Fuss nonsmokar 8505.2) 32 28.3 25 8-174 p.48 missing 2 85 103.2 as 12-153 TOTAL 115 'iiunivariate Anova 133 12325 TABLE 4.1.72 ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE (AKPH) MASS INDEX, AGE, SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, GROVE, MINNESOTA A I MEAN SD M-IAN RANGE BMI 225 41(35.7) 78 22.1 75 38-153 F-1.53 25-30 51649.3) 84 21.9 81 41-153 p.22 >30 17(143) 00 7_ 27.1 80 43-153 AGE <30 21 (18.3) 78 22.2 76 38-153 F-2.78 31-40 48011.7) 80 20.3 78 50-15. p.45 41-50 27(23.5) 86 24.1 83 48-153 51-60 18(155) 85 24.1 84 41-130 Alcohol <10?d 87(813) 85 24.0 2 38-153 52.05 1302/0 2008.7) 77 16.8 75 51-124 p-.15 missing 8 82 22.5 70 80-115 Tobacco smoker 28(24.8) 85 23.8 85 61-153 F-6.48 000311101187 8505.2) T7 22.0 77 38-153 p.012 missing 2 85 24.8 88 58-103 TOTAL 115 _#univariate Anova 134 12326 . TABLE 4.1 .73A LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL 1 OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE SERUM GLUTAMIC OXALOACETIC TRANSAMINASE (SGOT) AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT . COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA Intercept 26.71 7.1 .0003 Total Fluorine (ppm) -3.23 1.31 .02 (kg/m2) 23 .99 T. Fluorine' .12 .05 .015 Age (years) ?.003 .08 .97 Alcohol low ozlday) .70 1.85 .71 nonresponse -1.10 3.10 .72 Cigarettes/day -.09 .07 .16 Prolactin -.37 .15 .01 32. .17 #Flaforenoa category ls" consume 1~3 oz ammollday. interaction tarm between total semi: and BMI. 135 12327 TABLE 4.1.733 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL 2 OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE SERUM GLUTAMIC TRANSAMINASE AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA Variable 5 W) p-value Intercept 27.71 6.22 .0001 Total Fluorine (ppm) ~2.70 1.23 .02 BMI (kg/m2) -.oo .06 .11 BMI T. Fluorine' .10 .04 .02 Age (years) I -.02 .07 .74 Cigarettes/day -.1 1 .06 .1 1 Alcohol low ozlday) 1.84 1.61 .28 nonresponse (NR) -1.3 2.7 .64 Prolactin (rug/ml) -.27 .13 .04 GGT (lUIdl)" .1 3 .02 .0001 32- .35 #Fleforonoo category to moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ammollday. Interaction term between total serum ?uo?de and Gamma glutamyl transfema 136 12328 TABLE 4.1.730 LINEAR MULTIVAFIIATE REGRESSION MODEL 3 OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE SERUM GLUTAMIC OXALOACETIC TRANSAMINASE (SGOT) AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. GROVE. MINNESOTA Intercept 120.60 4.0 .002 Total Fluorine (ppm) .63 .78 .42 (kg/m2) -.07 .13 .50 T. Fluorine' -.03 .03 .34 Age (years) .06 .05 23 Cigarettes/day -.02 .04 .45 Alcohol . low ozlday) -.65 1.03 .53 nonresponse (N R) -1 .40 1.72 .42 Prolactin -.09 .00 .29 SGPT (lU/dl)? .24 .01 .0001 HZ. .74 #Roferonoo category is moderate (trinkets who consume 1-3 oz ethanol/day. Interaction term between total 83mm ?uoride, and - Serum glutamic pymvic transmittal: 137 12329 TABLE 4.1 .74A LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL 1 OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE SERUM GLUTAMIC PYRUVIO TRANSAMINASE (SGPT) AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. GROVE, MINNESOTA Variable 5 value Intercept 58.13 24.26 .02 Total Fluorine (ppm) -1 5.80 4.58 .0008 (kg/m2) .30 .82 .72 T. Fluorine? .62 .17 .0004 Age (years) -.24 .28 .39 Alcohol low (<1ozlday) 5.54 6.36 .39 nonresponse (NR) 1.31 10.63 .90 Cigarettes/day -.27 .23 .24 Prolactln (rig/ml) -1.18 .51 .02 755-21 #Referenoe category is moderate drinkem who consume 1-3 oz ethanollday. interaction term between total serum ?uoride and 138 12330 TABLE 4.1.743 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL 2 OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE SERUM GLUTAMIC PYRUVIC TRANSAMINASE (SGPT) AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COWAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA Variable 75 W6) parami? lnteroept 62.09 19.63 .002 Total Fluoride (ppm) -1 3.70 3.64 .0003 (kg/m2) -.70 .66 .30 T. Fluorine? .54 .14 .0001 Age (years) -.33 .22 .1 4 Cigarettes/day -.027 .18 .14 Alcohol low (<1ozlday) 10.02 5.09 .05 nonresponse (NR) .48 8.44 .95 Prolactln -.74 .41 .07 GGT (lU/dl)? .56 .07 .0001 51 #Fleforenoe category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz manollday. Interaction term between total serum fluoride and BMI Gamma glulamyl transferase 139 12331 TABLE 4.1.740 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE HEGRESSION MODEL 3 OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE SERUM GLUTAMIC PYRUVIC TRANSAMINASE (SGPT) AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COWAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA Variable Evalue Intercept -1 825 14.36 .21 Total Fluorine (ppm) -6.65 2.61 .01 BMI (kg/m2) .30 .45 .51 BMI T. Fluorine? .27 .10 .007 Age (years) -.23 .16 .14 Cigarettes/day -.001 .13 .99 Alcohol low ozlday) 3.55 3.53 .32 nonresponse (NR) 4.39 5.91 .46 Prolactin (noun!) -.11 29 .72 SGOT (lUIdl)? 2.85 .1 9 .0001 category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz emanouday. Interaction term between total serum ?uoride and BMI serum glutamio oxeloaootic transom 140 12332 TABLE 4.1.75A LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL 1 OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE GAMMA GLUTAMYL TRANSFERASE (GGT) AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA Intercept -1 2.59 22.62 .58 Total Fluorine (ppm) -1.93 2.11 .36 Alcohol #7 low (<1oz/day) -1 2.37 9.50 .20 nonresponse (NR) 28.13 15.46 .07 low Fluorine? 1.59 2.18 .47 NR Fluorine? 13.90 4.48 .003 Age (years) 29 .30 .33 (kg/m2) 1.71 .76 .03 Cigarettes/day .09 .24 .72 1:12- .18 Reference category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethmollday. 'lnteracllon terms between total ?uoride and aioohoi category 141 12333 TABLE 4.1.758 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGHESSION MODEL 2 OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE GAMMA GLUTAMYL TRANSFERASE (GGT) AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA Intercept -56.78 21 .55 .008 'rllotal Fluoride (ppm) -1.79 1.83 .33 Alcohol low (<1ozlday) -9.04 8.25 .28 nonresponse (N Fl) -20.06 13.49 .14 low Fluorine' 1.39 1.90 .47 NR Fluorine" 12.18 3.91 .002 Age (years) .15 .26 .57 BMI (kg/m2) 1.30 .66 .05 Cigarettes/day .01 .23 .96 Cholesterol (mg/d1) .15 .06 .02 SGOT (lU/dl) 1.16 .24 .0001 Hz: .35 #Fleforanoe category ls moderate drinkers who 1-3 oz a?aanollday. 'interao?on terms between total fluoride and alcohol category 142 12334 TABLE 4.1.750 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL 3 OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE GAMMA GLUTAMYL TRANSFERASE (GGT) AMONG 11 1 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLIT PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA Intercept -32.39 18.47 .08 Total Fluorine (ppm) -1.63 1.60 .31 Alcohol low czlday) -1 3.56 7.17 .06 (NR) 2668 11.75 .025 low Fluorine? .92 1.66 .58 NR Fluorine' 12.04 3.41 .0006 Age (yearsClgaretteslday .09 .20 .65 Cholesterol (mg/d1) .12 .06 .04 SGPT (lU/dl)? .59 .07 .0001 Ti- 53 #Reference category is moderate drinkers who consume 14! oz ethanol/day. 'lnteractlon terms between total ?uoride and alcohol category serum glutamlc pyruvlc transaminase '143 12335 TABLE 4.1.76 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL 1 OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE (AKPH) AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA Intercept 24.50 15.69 .09 Total Fluorine (ppm) -1.03 .43 .02 Cigarettes/day -.06 .22 .79 Cigarettes/day Fluorine? .22 .05 .0001 BMI (kg/m2) 1.10 .55 .05 Age (years) .54 .22 .02 Alcohol low ozlday) 5.78 4.90 .24 nonresponse (NR) 8.12 8.13 .32 32- .31 #Referenco category is moderate dnnkete who consume 1-3 oz emanollday. Interaction term between total serum fluoride and cigarettes/day. 144 12336 TABLE 4.1.77 PEARSON CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS BETWEEN TOTAL SERUM FLUORIDE. AGE, BODY MASS INDEX (BMI), DAILY ALCOHOL USE. DAILY TOBACCO CONSUMPTION, AND HEMATOLOGY PARAMETERS 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA TOTAL AGE (years) 3m (kg/m5) ALCOHOL TOBACCO FLUOBINE (oz/day) (cicada!) "201.00? 2.04 2.008 Tee'- .10 .07 .07 -.07 .70 2.0001 pun ooum+ .05 .03 09 -.10 .64 2.0001 -.10 .13 *Ts 02 23 2.003 Twp? Hocvr'ss .19 -.05 .04 is 23 p-.04 9-.002 woof-res .05 .04 -22 -.21 .32 03.02 5.03 2-0004 .10 -.13 T1 1 .05 '29 P..002 .04 -.03 -.02 -.14 .26 -.14 mom 9/0: ?white blood can count polymorphonuclear leukocyta count 145 12337 TABLE 4.1.78 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE HEMAGLOBIN AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA Variable 75 $13) Evalue intercept I 14.51 .67 .0001 Total Fluorine (ppm)* -.002 .0009 .02 Alcohol low ozlday) .22 .20 .27 nonresponse (NR) .56 .33 .09 Age (years) .001 .009 .88 (kg/m2) .01 .02 . .65 Cigaretteslday .01 .007 .20 Gigs/day Fluorine?? .0000 .0001 .0005 Estradiol (pg/ml) .01 .006 .07 '07-'23 '0quara transformation of total ?uoride inoforonoo oatogoly is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz othmollday. ?mtomc?ontonnbetwoon 146 12338 TABLE 4.1.79 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE MEAN CORPUSCULAFI HEMOBLOBIN (MCH) AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, GROVE, MINNESOTA Variable p-value ,lntercept 31.65 .95 .0001 Total Fluorine (ppm) .15 .09 .10 Alcohol low ozlday) 1 -.29 .65 .65 nonresponse (NR) .03 .01 .02 low Fluorine -.16 .09 .08 NR Fluorine -.04 .19 .80 Age (years) .03 .01 .02 BMI (kg/m2) -.07 .03 .01 Cigmetteslday' .02 .01 .13 Gigs/day .?uo?ne? .006 .003 .03 32.24 #Rafarenoo category is moderate drinkers who consume 1 4-1 oz ethan ?1nteraction terms: alcohol category by total ?uoride. cigamttes per day by tau: ?uoride? 147 12339 TABLE LINEAR MULTIVAFIIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE MEAN (MCV) AMONG 111 MALE 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA Intercept 8.74 250 .0001 Total Fluorine (ppm) -.04 .07 .52 Alcohol low (<1czlday) -.61 .78 .43 nonresponse (NH) -.95 1.27 .46 Age (years) .1 1 .03 .002 BMI (kg/m2) -.06 .08 .05 Cigarettes/day - .04 .03 .21 Gigs/day Flucrine' .02 .007 .004 TSH (mU/ml) .38 .35 .29 R2- .23 #Reference category ls moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz amend/day. term; cigarettes per day by total lluorlde 148 12340 TABLE 4.1.81 LINEAR MULTIVAFIIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT (WBCY AMONG '111 MALE 3M CHEMOLITE PLAN?Igvgoa'fTEng GROVE. MINNESOTA Intercept 2.87 1.32 .03 Total Fluorine-(ppm) .07 .10 .49 Alcohol low (<1ozlday) .44 .46 .33 nonresponse (NR) ?1.08 .74 .15 low Fluorine -.04 .10 .68 NR Fluorine .59 .21 .006 Age (years) -.007 .02 .64 BMI (kg/m2) .07 .04 .05 Cigarettes/day .13 .01 .0001 Free .04 .03 .13 .10 .04 .02 #Referenoe category ls moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanollday. lutenizing hormone mUIml 149 12341 TABLE 4.1.82 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE POLYMORPHONUCLEAFI LEUKOCUTE COUNT (POLY) AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, GROVE, MINNESOTA Intercept 368 1151 .75 Total Fluorine (ppm) 165 88 .06 Alcohol low ozlday) 746 399. .06 nonresponse (NR) -49 651 .94 low Fluorine ?461 90 .08 NR Fluorine 370 185 .05 Age (years) 6 14 .66 (kg/m2) 45 33 .17 Cigarettes/day 95 10 .0001 Ll-l (mUlml)++ 79 36 .03 Bound Testosterone' ?1.62 .8 -04 Free Testosterone moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz 150 12342 TABLE 4.1.83 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE BAND COUNT (BAND) AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA Intercept -1 1.4 - 129.6 .93 Total Fluorine (ppm) ?3.4 3.2 .30 Alcohol low ozlday) 78.2 40.3 .05 nonresponse (N R) 14.9 67.8 .83 Age (years) 1.0 1 .8 .56 BMI (kg/m2) 2.2 4.6 .63 Cigaretteslday 4.2 1 .5 .005 H2: .12 #Referanoo category is moderate drinkers who comm 1-3 oz ahanollday. 151 12343 TABLE 4.1.84 LINEAR MULTIVAFIIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE AMONG 111 MALE 8M CHEMOLITE PLANT. OOTTAOE GROVE. MINNESOTA Intercept 2205.8 811.1 .0005 i Total Fluorine (ppm) 642.7 125.3 .007 Alcohol low (<1ozlday) -526.6 222.7 .02 nonrasponse (NR) 9771 855.7 .007 lowX Fluorine 189.0 52.3 - .0005 5 NR Fluorine 247.9 108.9 .02 Cigarettes/day 34.0 8.9 .0001 Cigslday Fluorine? -3.3 1.45 .02 SW (kg/m2) 1.58 19.6 .94 BM: Fluorine' 7.15 4.1 .08 Age (years) -18.1 8.8 .08 Prolactin (ng/ml) 38.5 14.2 .008 TSH (mU/ml)+ 170.4 772 .08 .35 #Roforonoo Mary is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz otlmnollday. 'intoraction terms abohol category by total ?uoride: olgarottoslday by total ?uoride. by total ?uoride. I 4 thyroid stimulating homono mUIml i 152 12344 TABLE 4.1.85 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE MONOCYTE COUNT (MONO) AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA Variable T513) Evalue Intercept 397.4 198.9 .05 Total Fluorine (ppm) 110.4 88.6 .005 #0001101 10w (<1ozlday) 132.1 53.3 .02 nonresponse (NR) 40.1 89.1 .66 Age (years) -.37 2.4 .88 (kg/m2) -2.66 7.0 .70 BMI Fluorine? -4.0 1.42 .006 Cigarettes/day 7.0 1.9 .0004 13.9 6.8 .04 113- 30 #Rafaranoe category is moderate drinkers who consume 1.3 oz ehanollday. 'intaraction term. 0511010! ?uoride. Iutenizing hormone mUIml 153 12345 TABLE 4.1.86 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE EOSINOPHIL COUNT (EOS) AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA Intercept 50.45 122.30 .68 Total Fluorine (ppm) -7.31 3.35 .03 Alcohol low ezlday) ~12.1 0 37.91 .75 nonresponse (NR) 21.79 62.25 .73 Age (years) 1.56 1.67 .35 (kg/m2) 2.10 4.13 .61 Cigaretteslday 3.04 1.59 .08 Gigs/day Fluorine? .62 .35 .08 30.1 17.1 .08 In 154 12346 TABLE 4.1.87 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE PLATELET COUNT (PLATE) AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GHOVE. MINNESOTA Intercept 264.7 54.8 .0001 Total ?uorine (ppm) 29.8 9.5 .002 Alcohol low ozlday) 8.2 . 13.3 .54 nonresponse (NR) .9 22.5 .97 Age (yearS) ~1.3 .6 .04 BMI (kg/m2) 1 .1 1 .7 .53 Fluorine? -1.0 .4 .004 Cigarettes/day 2.7 .6 .0001 Gigs/day Fluorine? -.3 .1 .04 Proan 2.6 .03 .09 Bound Testosterone?t0 -.04 .03 .10 32.28 #Referanca category is moderate (trinkets who comma 1-3 oz athanollday. 'interaction terms, BMI by total ?uowe. dgarottos per day by total ?uoride. 155 12347 TABLE 4.1.88 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE HEGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE BASOPHIL COUNT (BASO) AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA Intercept 44.35 54.19 .42 Total Fluorine (ppm)* -.03 .06 .61 Alcohol low ozlday) -1.73 13.61 .90 nonresponse (NR) -.56 22.54 .81 Age (years) -.07 .68 .92 BMI (kg/m2) -.61 1.58 .70 Gigeretleslday -.80 .52 .12 Gigs/day Fluorine?" .02 .007 .007 Bound Testosterone? -.07 .04 .06 Free Testosterone!? 2.5 1.6 .11 5.5 1.8 .002 Fiz- .17 ?square transfonna?on of total eenrm ?uoride #Relerenoe category ls moderate drinkers who consume 14% oz amend/day. 'lnterao?on term. cigarettes per day by total fluoride. lutenlzing hormone mUIml 156 12348 WW TABLE 4.2.1 CHARACTERISTICS OF 749 FEMALE EMPLOYEES, 1947-1989. Chemical Non chemical Total Division Division number of workers 245 504 749 person years of 6029.0 13280.4 19309.4 observation mean follow-up 24.6 26.4 25.8 (years) mean age at 28.8 26.9 27.6 employment wears} mean year of 1965.0 1962.8 1963.5 employment (years) mean year of 1981.3 1979.2 1979.6 death (years) mean age at death 58.7 54.4 55.4 lyears} 157 12349 TABLE 4.2.2 CHARACTERISTICS OF 2788 MALE EMPLOYEES. 1947-1990. Chemical Non chemical Total number of workers 1339 1449 2788 person years of 33385.3 37732.4 71117.7 observation mean follow-up 24.8 26.0 25.5 (yeaIS) mean age at 25.6 28.9 27.3 employment (years) mean year of 1963.8 1962.3 1963.0 employment Wears} mean year of 1978.3 1978.1 1978.2 death (years) mean age at death 54.2 58.1 56.4 (yearS) 158 12350 TABLE 4.2.3 VITALSTATUS AND CAUSE OF DEATH ASCERTAINMENT AMONG 749 FEMALE EMPLOYEES, 1947-1990. Vital status Chemical Non chemical Total Alive 234 95.3 465 91 .6 699 93.3 Dead6.7 Total 245 100.0 504 1 00.0 749 1 00 ?two deaths occurred outslde the US. with cause of death ascertained from sources other than death certi?mtes. 1! TABLE 4.2.4 VITAL STATUS AND CAUSE OF DEATH ASCERTAINMENT AMONG 2788 MALE EMPLOYEES, 1947-1989. 'V?Ital status mammal Non chemical I?Fetal No. 0. No. Alive 1 1 91 88.9 1249 86.2 2440 87.5 Dead3.8 348 12.5 Total 1339 100.0 1449 100.0 2788 100.0 'two deaths occurred outside the with cause of death ascertained from sources other thanth certi?cates. 159 12351 TABLE 4.2.5 NUMBERS OF DEATHS AND ST ANDARDIZED MORTALITY RATIOS (SMHs) AMONG 749 FEMALE EMPLOYEES. 1947-1989. All causes 50 66.74 .75 .56-.99 Cancer 17 23.04 .71 .424 .14 Gastrointestinal 2 4.54 .44 .05-1.59 Respiratory 4 4.72 .95 .26-2.43 Breast 3 5.87 .51 .10?1.49 Genital 2 3.37 .59 .07-2 14 3 2.04 1.47 .30-429 Heart disease 10 12.39 .81 .49-129 Cerebrovasoular 3 3.51 .86 .01-4 80 Gastrointestinal 3 3.41 .88 .18-2 57 Injuries 4 6.23 .64 .17-1 64 Suicide 1 1.12352 TABLE 4.2.6 NUMBERS OF DEATHS AND ST ANDARDIZED MORTALITY RATIOS (SMRS) BY DURATION OF EMPLOYMENT AMONG FEMALE EMPLOYEES. 1947-1989. ml Bath -, w, 95? 51 Duration 510 years All causes 50 66.74 .75 56-.99 Cancer 17 23.04 .71 .42-1.14 Cardiovascular 18 22.00 .82 .48-129 Duration >10 years All causes 20 26.62 .75 .46-1.16 Cancer 6 9.42 .64 23-1 .39 Cardiovascular 8 10.27 .78 .34-1.54 Ibbrevietions used are: Obs, observed; Exp. expected; CI, con?dence interval. 161 12353 TABLE 4.2.7 NUMBERS OF DEATHS AND ST ANDARDIZED MORTALITY RATIOS (SMRS) BY LATENCY AMONG FEMALE EMPLOYEES, 1947-1989. Latency>10 years All causes 41 56.94 .72 52-98 Cancer 16 20.93 .76 .44-1.24 Cardiovascular 13 19.66 .65 .35-1.12 Latenoy>15 years All causes 37 49.37 .75 .53-1.03 Cancer 14 1 8.25 .77 .42-129 Cardiovascular 13 17.79 .73 .39-125 Latency>20 years All causes 29 39.20 .74 .49-1.06 Cancer - 11 14.47 .76 .38-1.36 Cardiovascular 10 14.67 .68 .33-125 Abbreviations used are: Obs, observed?xp. expected; CI. confidence interval. 162 12354 TABLE 4.2.8 NUMBERS OF DEATHS AND STANDARDIZED MORTALITY RATIOS (SMRS) BY ANY EMPLOYMENT IN THE CHEMICAL DIVISION AMONG FEMALE EMPLOYEES, 1947-1989. _0 ,7 ,7 A Not employed in CD All causes 39 43.05 .91 .64-124 Cancer 14 15.46 .91 .49-1.52 Cardiovascular 13 13.82 .94 .50-1.61 Heart disease 8 7.69 1.04 .45-2.05 AJI GI 2 2.23 .90 .10-323 AII respiratory 2 2.23 .90 .10-323 Injuries 3 1.48 2.02 .41 -5.90 employed in CD All causes 11 23.69 .46 23-.83 Cancer 3 8.38 .36 .07-1.05 Cardiovascular 5 8.19 .61 .20-1.43 Heart disease 2 4.69 .43 .05-1.54 All GI 1 1.18 .85 .01-4.73 AII respiratory 1 1.28 .78 .01-4.81 Injuries 1 1.98 ?.51 .51 ?2.81 Abbreviations used are?bs, oMerveT?xp. expectedET, comdence interval; CD. Chemical Division. 16.3 12355 TABLE 4.2.9 NUMBERS OF DEATHS AND ST ANDAFIDIZED MORTALITY RATIOS (SMRs), BASED ON U.S. WHITE MALE RATES, AMONG 2788 MALE EMPLOYEES, 1947-1989. wuss of basal? ?es Exp 95%. l_ All causes 347 473.56 .73 .66- .81 Cancer 103 107.80 .95 .77-1.15 Gastrointestinal 24 25.94 .93 .59-1.38 Colon 9 9.11 .99 .45-1.88 Pancreas 3 5.33 1.50 .65-2.96 Respiratory 31 40.53 .76 521.09 Lung 29 38.72 .75 .50-1.08 Prostate 6 5.10 1.18 .43-2.56 Testis 1 .62 1.22 .02-6.60 Bladder 3 2.20 1.36 .27-3.98 13 11.42 1.14 .54-1.84 Cardiovascular 145 203.31 .71 .60-.84 Cl-lD 110 147.04 .75 .61 -.90 Cerebrovasmlar 10 19.92 .50 24-.92 All Gastrointestinal 12 23.99 .50 26?37 All respiratory 13 25.89 .50 27-.36 Diabetes 8 6.53 1.23 .53~2.42 Injuries 38 46.56 .82 .58-1 .12 Suicide 12 17.10 .70 .32-123 Abbreviations used are: (The. observed; "Exp, expected; CI. con?dence interval; CHD. coronary and atherosclerotlc heart disease. 164 12356 TABLE 4.2.10 NUMBERS OF DEATHS AND ST ANDARDIZED MORTALITY RATIOS (SMRS). BASED ON MINNESOTA WHITE MALE RATES. AMONG 2788 MALE EMPLOYEES, 1947-1989. Cause of Deafi'T Obs SMR All causes 347 450.79 77 .69-.86 Cancer 103 9729 1.05 36-12? Gastrointestinal 24 26.78 .90 571.33 Colon 9 9.42 .96 .44-1.81 Pancreas 8 5.58 1.43 .62-2.83 Respiratory 31 30.42 1.02 .69-1.45 Lung 29 28.94 1.00 .67-1.44 Prostate 6 6.07 .99 .36-2.15 Testis 1 .92 1.09 .01 -6.05 Bladder 3 2.18 1.37 284.01 13 12.07 1.09 .57-1.84 Cardiovascular 145 212.19 .63 .58-.80 CHD 110 159.09 .69 57-.83 Cerebrovascular 10 24.66 .60 .32-1 .02 All Gastrointestinal 12 21.13 .57 29-.99 All respiratory 13 21.75 .60 .32-1.06 Diabetes 8 6.52 1.23 .53?2.42 Injuries 38 47.74 .80 .56-1 .08 Suicide 12 15.09 .79 .41 -1 .39 Abbreviations used areTOFs. observed; Exp, interval; CHD, coronary and atherosclerotic heart disease. 165 12357 TABLE 4.2.11 NUMBERS OF DEATHS AND ST ANDARDIZED MORTALITY RATIOS (SMRs) BY LATENCY, BASED ON MINNESOTA WHITE MALE RATES, AMONG MALE EMPLOYEES. 1947-1989. .LATENCY 2 10 YEARS ?ause ?Obsw All muses 299 398.27 .77 .68-.86 Cancer 98 88.71 1.10 .90-1.35 1 Gastrointestinal 24 24.78 .97 ?24.44 Pancreas 5.20 1.54 era-3.03 Respiratory 29 28.81 1.01 .67-1.45 Lung 27 27.44 .98 .65-1.43 Skin 3 1.53 1.96 .39-5.73 Prostate 6 5.94 1.01 .37-220 Bladder 3 1.75 1.72 .34~5.01 11 10.03 1.10 .55-1.96 Cardiovascular 130 195.91 .66 . 55-.79 All Gastrointestinal 8 18.58 .43 .1986 All respiratory 11 20.16 .55 .27-.98 Diabetes 8 5.37 1.49 .64?294 injuries 21 27.61 .76 .47-1.16 Suicide 11 10.19 1.08 .544 .93 Abbreviations used are: Che. observed; Exp, expected; CI, con?dence interval; CHD, coronary and atherosclerotic heart disease. 166 12358 TABLE 4.2.12 NUMBERS OF DEATHS AND STANDARDIZED RATIOS (SMRs) BY LATENCY. BASED ON MINNESOTA WHITE MALE RATES, AMONG MALE EMPLOYEES, 1947-1989. LATENCY 2 15 YEARS Tause of ?eath rifts EB emf We. All causes 266 344 .77 .6837 Cancer 90 80.64 1.12 .90-1.37 Gastrointestinal 24 22.63 1.06 .68-1.51 Pancreas 8 4.72 1.69 .73-3.32 Respiratory 27 26.71 1.01 .67-1.47 Lung 25 25.45 .98 .64-1.45 Skin 3 1.29 2.33 .47?6.80 Prostate 5 5.73 .87 .28-2.04 Bladder 3 1.96 1.53 .37-4.47 9 8.68 1.04 .47-1 .97 Cardiovaswlar 119 178.25 .67 .55-.80 All Gastrointestinal 8 16.17 .49 21-97 All respiratory 9 18.60 .48 22-.92 Diabetes 7 4.54 1.54 .82~3.18 injuries 23 29.21 .79 .50-1.16 Suicide 9 7.47 1.21 .55-229 Abbreviations used are: Obs. observed; Exp. expected; OWdence interval; CHD, coronary and ati'Ierosdero?c heart disease. 167 12359 TABLE 4.2.13 NUMBERS OF DEATHS AND STANDARDIZED MORTALITY RATIOS (SM Rs) BY LATENCY, BASED ON MINNESOTA WHITE MALE RATES, AMONG MALE EMPLOYEES. 1947-1989. LATENCY 2 20 YEARS All arises 216 286.9 .75 .86-.86 Cancer 73 68.74 1.06 .83-1.34 Gastrointestinal 15 19.33 .77 .43-128 7 Pancreas 4 4.06 .99 27-252 Respiratory 25 23.06 1.08 .70-1.60 Lung 23 21.06 1.05 .66-1.57 Skin 2 .98 2.02 .23-7.34 Prostate 5 5.29 .95 .30-221 Bladder 3 1.75 1.72 .34-5.01 7 7.01 .99 39-203 Cardiovascular 99 151.80 1.06 .83-1.34 All Gastrointestinal 8 12.90 .62 27-121 All respiratory 9 16.3 .55 .25-1.05 Diabetes 7 3.65 1.92 .77-3.95 Injuries 13 19.47 .67 .36-1.14 Suicide 7 5.01 1.40 .56-2.80 Abbreviations used are: Obs. observed; Eip, expected?l. con?dence interval; CHD, coronary and atherosderotic heart disease. 168 12360 TABLE 4.2.14 NUMBERS OF DEATHS AND ST ANDAFIDIZED MORTALITY RATIOS (SMFIs) BY DURATION OF EMPLOYMENT. BASED ON MINNESOTA WHITE MALE RATES. AMONG MALE EMPLOYEES, 1947-1989. DURATION 2 5 YEARS Cause of Bath TObs FE 95% DI All causes Cancer Gastrointestinal Colon Pancreas Respiratory Lung Prostate Bladder Brain Cardiovascular CHD Cerebrovasoular All Gastrointestinal All respiratory Diabetes Injuries Suicide assess? A 321 .20 72.21 20.21 7.1 0 4.22 23.72 22.1 0 4.47 1 .68 2.51 8.41 1 59.50 120.20 1 8.44 1 5.20 16.30 4.53 36.60 8.81 .55 1 .77 .79 1 .02 .70-.90 .88-1 .38 068.1 .65 .49-222 .66-3.42 .70-1 .59 .66-1 .56 .23-2.1 5 ?134.29 .24-1 .50 .26-1 .55 .59-.86 .60-.92 .1 2-.71 .1 8-.95 .25-1 .05 .76-3.48 .53-1 .14 .47-1 .94 Abbreviations used are: Obs. observed CHD. coronary and atherosclerotic he 169 Exp. expectedm??denee interval; an dsease. 12361 TABLE 4.2.15 NUMBERS OF DEATHS AND STANDARDIZED MORTALITY RATIOS (SMRs) BY DURATION OF EMPLOYMENT, BASED ON MINNESOTA WHITE MALE RATES, AMONG MALE EMPLOYEES, 1947-1989. DURATION 2 10 YEARS 'EEuse oF?eath 66s Exp 95% I All muses 203 257.30 .79 .68-.91 Cancer 67 59.36 1.13 .67-1.43 Gastrointestinal 20 16.75 1.19 .73-1.84 Colon 7 5.92 1.16 .47-2.44 Pancreas 6 3.50 1.71 .63-3.71 Respiratory 22 19.38 1.13 .71 -1 .72 Lung 20 18.47 1.08 .66-1.67 Prostate 4 4.20 .95 26-244 Bladder 1 1.44 .69 .01 ~3.65 Brain 3 1.89 1.59 .32-4.64 5 6.58 .76 .24-1 .77 Cardiovascular 92 132.1 3 .70 56-85 CHD 75 99.75 .73 57-92 Cerebrovascular 5 15.49 .32 .10-.75 All Gastrointestinal 4 11.96 .33 .09-.86 All respiratory 7 13.80 .51 .20-1.05 Diabetes 8 3.49 2.29 .99-4.51 Injuries 19 23.46 .68 .34-122 Suicide 8 5.68 1.36 .59?2.66 um .uu-v- we.? 170 Abbreviations used are: Obs. observed?xp. expected; 51. con?dence interval; OHD, coronary and atherosclerotio heart disease. 12362 TABLE 4.2.16 NUMBERS OF DEATHS AND STANDARDIZED MORTALITY RATIOS (SMRs) BY DURATION OF EMPLOYMENT. BASED ON MINNESOTA WHITE MALE RATES, AMONG MALE EMPLOYEES. 1947-1989. DURATION 2 20 'Cause of Beath Obs 8MB 95% 5 Ali causes 104 152.36 .68 .56-.83 Cancer 35 37.31 .94 .65-1.30 Gastrointes?nal 10 10.52 .95 .46-1.75 Colon 5 3.77 1.33 .43-3.09 Pancreas 1 2.21 .45 .01-2.52 Respiratory 11 12.69 .87 .43-1.55 Lung 10 12.10 .83 .40-1.52 Prostate 2 2.83 .71 .08-2.55 Bladder 1 .94 1.08 . .01 -5.91 Brain 1 1.03 .97 .01-5.40 4 3.82 1.05 .28-6.02 Cardiovascular 48 80.6 .58 .19-1.36 CHD 39 81.25 .64 .45-.87 Cerebrovascular 1 9.13 .11 .00-.61 All Gastrointestinal 2 6.87 .29 .03-1.05 All respiratory 5 8.61 .58 .19-1 .36 Diabetes 5 1.94 2.58 .83-6.02 Injuries 2 6.61 .30 .03-1.09 Suicide 3 2.54 1.18 .24-3.45 Abbreviations used are: Obs, observed; Exp. expected; CI. con?dence interval; CHD. coronary and atherosclerotio heart dsease. 171 12363 TABLE 4.2.17 NUMBERS OF DEATHS AND STANDARDIZED RATIOS (SMRs), BASED ON MINNESOTA WHITE MALE RATES. AMONG 1339' MALE EMPLOYEES IN THE CHEMICAL DIVISION. tause of?eath Obs 7 7 95% CI All causes 146 172.96 .86 .72-1.01 Cancer 40 36.31 1.10 .79-1.50 Gastrointestinal 9 9.77 .92 .42-1 .75 Colon 4 3.46 1.15 .31 -4.01 Pancreas 4 2.04 1.96 .53-5.01 Respiratory 12 11.26 1.07 .55-1.86 Lung 11 10.70 1.03 .51 -1 .34 Prostate 4 1.97 2.03 .55-4.59 Testis 1 .44 2.28 .03-1266 Bladder 1 .75 1.33 .02-7.40 5 4.76 1.05 .34?2.45 Cardiovascular 54 76.65 .70 .53-.92 CHD 43 57.74 .74 .54?1.00 Cerebrovasouiar 4 8.53 .47 .13-1 .20 All Gastrointestinal 8 8.27 .97 .42-1.91 All respiratory 7, 7.770 .91 .36-1.87 Diabetes 3 2.55 1.18 24-344 Injuries 31 31.72 .96 .66-1.39 Suicide 10 6.99 1.43 .68-2.63 Abbreviations used are: Obs, observed; Exp, expected; Ci. con?dence interval: CHD, coronary and atherosclerotic heart disease. 172 12364 TABLE 4.2.18 NUMBERS OF DEATHS AND ST ANDARDIZED MORTALITY RATIOS (SMRS). BASED ON MALE RATES. AMONG 1449 MALE EMPLOYEES NEVER EMPLOYED IN THE CHEMICAL DIVISION, 1 947-1 989. Time o?'aeath Obs Exp All causes 200 291.25 .69 .59-.79 Cancer 63 67.56 .93 .72-1.19 Gastrointestinal 15 16.46 .91 .51 ?1.50 Colon 5 5.79 .89 .28-2.01 Pancreas 4 3.37 1.19 .32-3.04 Respiratory 19 25.58 .74 .45-1.16 Lung 18 24.44 .74 .44-1.16 Prostate 2 3.45 .58 .07-2.09 Testis 0 .43 .00 .00-8.45 Bladder 2 1.45 1.38 .16-4.99 8 6.89 1.16 .50-229 Cardiovascular 91 129.77 .70 .56-.86 CHD 67 93.84 .71 .55-.91 Cerebrovascular 6 12.93 .46 .17-1.01 All Gastrointestinal 4 14.56 .27 .07-.70 All respiratory 6 16.77 .36 .13-.78 Diabetes 5 4.05 1.24 .40-2.88 Injuries 23 38.28 .60 .38-.98 Suicide 2 9.26 .60 .02-.78 Abbreviations used are: Obs. observed; Eitp, expected; CI. con?dence interval; CHD, coronary and heart disease. 173 12365 TABLE 4.2.19 NUMBERS OF DEATHS AND STANDARDIZED MORTALITY RATIOS (SMRs) BY LATENCY, BASED ON MINNESOTA WHITE MALE RATES. AMONG MALE EMPLOYEES NEVER EMPLOYED IN THE CHEMICAL DIVISION, 1947-1989. LATENCY 2 15 YEARS 'Cause of Beath Obs Exp 95% CI All causes 161 216.10 .75 .63-.87 Cancer 56 50.70 1.10 .83-1.43 Gastrointestinal 15 14.37 1.05 .59-1.73 Colon 5 5.13 .98 .31 2.28 Pancreas 4 2.99 1.34 .36-3.43 Respiratory 17 16.73 1.02 .59-1.67 Luna 16 15.94 1.00 574.63 Prostate 2 3.86 .52 .06-1 .87 5 5.40 .93 .30-2.16 Cardiovascular 75 113.60 .66 .52-.83 All Gastrointestinal 4 9.80 .41 .11-1 .05 All respiratory 4 12.14 .33 .09-.84 Diabetes 5 2.82 1.77 .57-4.14 injuries 7 1 1.17 .63 .25-1 .29 Abbreviations used are: Obs, observed; Exp, expected; CI, con?dence interval; CHD. coronary and atherosclerotic heart disease; CD. Chemical Division. 174 12366 TABLE 4.2.20 NUMBERS OF DEATHS AND STANDARDIZED MORTALITY RATIOS (SMRs) BY LATENCY. BASED ON MINNESOTA WHITE MALE RATES, AMONG MALE EMPLOYEES EVER EMPLOYED IN THE CHEMICAL DIVISION. 1947-1 989. LATENCY 2 15 YEARS Cause of ?eath Obs SMFI 955/70 All causes 105 128.4 .82 .67-.99 Cancer 34 29.95 1.14 .79-1.59 Gastrointestinal 9 8.30 1.08 .49-2.06 Colon 7 3.00 1.33 .36-3.42 Pancreas 4 1.75 2. .61-5.85 Respiratory 10 9.98 1.00 .48-1.94 Lung 9 9.50 .95 .43-1.80 Prostate 3 1.87 1.61 .32-4.70 4 3.28 1.72 .33-3.12 Cardiovascular 44 64.67 .68 .49-.91 All Gastrointestinal 4 6.37 .63 .17-1.61 All respiratory 5 6.49 .77 .25-1 .80 Diabetes 2 1.72 1.17 .43421 Injuries 6 8.54 .70 .26-1 .53 Abbreviations. used are: Obs. observed; Exp. expected; CI. con?dence interval; CHD, coronary and atherosclerotio heart disease; CD. Chemical Division. 175 12367 TABLE 4.221 NUMBERS DEATHS ANO STANDARDIZED MORTALITY RATIOS (SMRS) av DURATION OF EMPLOYMENT, BASED ON MINNESOTA I WHITE MALE RATES. AMONG MALE EMPLOYEES EVER EMPLOYED IN THE CHEMICAL DIVISION. 1947-1999. DURATION 2 10YEARS ?case of Beam Obs Exp SW All causes 90 108.7 .83 .67-1.02 Cancer 27 24.4 1.08 171-1 .58 Gastrointestinal 6 6.92 .87 .22-1 .89 Colon 3 2.47 1.22 243.55 Pancreas 2 1.46 1.37 .75-4.86 Respiratory 8 8.16 .98 .42-1.93 Lung 7 7.78 .90 .36-1.86 Prostate 3 1.55 1.94 .39-5.66 4 2.84 1.41 .38-3.61 Cardiovascular 38 54.60 .70 50-.97 All respiratory 3 5.42 .55 .11-1.62 Diabetes 3 1.51 1.99 .40-5.80 Injuries 7 8.11 .86 .35-1.78 Abbreviations used are: Obs. observed; Exp. expected?l. confidence interval; CHD, coronary and atherosclerotic heart disease; CD.-Chemical Division. 176 12368 TABLE 4.2.22 NUMBERS OF DEATHS AND STANDARDIZED MORTALITY RATIOS (SMRS) BY DURATION OF EMPLOYMENT. BASED ON MINNESOTA WHITE MALE RATES, AMONG MALE EMPLOYEES EVER EMPLOYED IN THE CHEMICAL DIVISION. 1947-1989. DURATION 2 20YEARS ?Cause of Death Obs Ex SMR Ev. Cl All causes 45 66.29 .68 .50-.91 Cancer 16 16.21 .99 .56-120 Gastrointestinal 3 4.53 .66 .13?1.94 Colon 3 1 61 1.84 .37-5.38 Pancreas 0 96 .00 0-384 Respiratory 5 5 57 .90 29-209 Lung 4 5 31 .75 .20-1.93 Prostate 2 1 10 1.82 .20-6.58 3 1.67 1.79 .36-524 Cardiovascular 18 34.48 .52 .31 -.83 All respiratory 2 3 52 .57 .06-2.52 Diabetes 2 .84 2.37 .27-8.56 Injuries 2 .27 .61 .07-221 Abbreviations used are: Obs, omerved?xp. expecterfCT, con?dence interval; CHO. coronary and atherosderotic heart disease; CD, Chemical Division. 177 12369 TABLE 4.2.23 NUMBERS OF DEATHS AND STANDARDIZED MORTALITY RATIOS (SMFIS) BY DURATION OF EMPLOYMENT . BASED ON MINNESOTA WHITE MALE RATES. AMONG MALE EMPLOYEES NEVER EMPLOYED IN THE CHEMICAL DIVISION. 1 941-1989. DURATION 2 10YEARS cause of Wreath Obs Exp 95% cu__ All causes 1 13 148.60 .76 .63-.91 Cancer 40 34.43 1.16 .83-1.58 Gastrointestinal 14 9.82 1.43 .78-2.39 Colon 4 3.45 1.16 .31-2.97 Pancreas 4 2.04 1.96 .53-5.01 Respiratory 14 11.22 1.25 .68-2.09 Lung 13 10.69 1.22 .65-2.08 Prostate . 1 2.65 .38 .01 -2.10 1 3.47 .27 .01-1.49 Cardiovascular 54 78.31 .69 - .52-.90 All respiratory 4 8.35 .48 .13-127 Diabetes 5 1.98 2.52 .81 -3.87 Injuries 4 7.98 .50 0.14-1.29 Abbreviations used are: Obs, observed; Eip. expecteECl, con?dence interval; CHD. coronary and atherosclerotic heart disease; CD. Chemical Division. 178 12370 TABLE 4.2.24 NUMBERS OF DEATHS AND STANDARDIZED MORTALITY RATIOS (SMRS) BY DURATION OF EMPLOYMENT. BASED ON MINNESOTA WHITE MALE RATES, AMONG MALE EMPLOYEES NEVER EMPLOYED IN THE CHEMICAL DIVISION. 1947-1989. DURATION 2 20YEARS CauseoTDeath Obs Ex- SMFI 95% CI All causes 59 86.1 .69 .52-.88 Cancer 19 21.09 .90 .54-1.41 Gastrointestinal 7 5.99 1.17 .47-2.41 Colon 2 2.15 .93 .103.32 Pancreas 1 1.25 .80 .01-4.45 Respiratory 6 7.12 .84 .31 -1 .83 Lung 6 6.79 .88 .32-1.92 Prostate 0 1.73 .00 .0-2.12 1 2.15 .46 .01 -2.58 Cardiovascular 30 46.14 .65 .44-.93 All respiratory 3 5.43 .59 .12-1.72? Diabetes 3 1.10 2.74 .55-8.00 Injuries 0 3.34 .00 .00-1.14 Abbreviations used areT?bs, observed?xp, expected; 51, con?dence interval; CHD. coronary and atherosclerotic heart disease; CD. Chemical Division. 179 TABLE 4.2.25 AGE ADJUSTED ST ANDARDIZED RATE RATIOS (SRRs) FOR ALL CAUSE, CANCER, AND CARDIOVASCULAR MORTALITY BY DURATION OF EMPLOYMENT. AMONG MALE EMPLOYEES. 1947-1989. Cause of death 95%Cl all causes .81 .63-1 .03 all cancers 1.04 .67-1.61 all cardiovascular .91 .62-1 .34 Abbreviations used are: SRR, amndardized rate ratio CI. confidence interval. less than 10 years of employment as referent category 180 12372 TABLE 4.2.26 AGE ADJUSTED ST ANDARDIZED RATE RATIOS (SRRS) FOR ALL CAUSE, CANCER. LUNG CANCER. GI CANCER. AND CARDIOVASCULAR MORTALITY BY EMPLOYED IN THE CHEMICAL DIVISION. AMONG MALE EMPLOYEES. 19474 989. Cause of death all causes 1.18 all cancers 1.10 lung cancer 1.09 GI cancer 1.16 all cardiovascular 1.05 95%Cl (95.1.47) (74.1.65) (67.2.31) (50.2.89) (76.1.48) Abbreviations used are: standardized rate ratio CI. con?dence interval; GI. gastrointestinal. Never employed in the Chemical Division as referent category 181 12373 TABLE 4.2.27 AGE STRATIFIED. YEARS OF FOLLOW-UP ADJUSTED RATE RATIOS (RRMH) FOR ALL CAUSE, CANCER, AND CARDIOVASCULAR MORTALITY BY EMPLOYED IN THE CHEMICAL DIVISION. AMONG MALE EMPLOYEES. 1947-1989. Age at employment R?w? 95%0! All causes 15?19 years 1.22 (.62. 2.40) 20-29 years .95 (.68. 1.32) 30-39 years .95 (.61 1.50) 40-65 years 1.02 1.72-1.44) All mocers 15-19 years .95 (.21 4.34) 20-29 years .72 (.38, 1.35) 30-39 years 1.10 (52.1.90) 40-65 years .66 (.27, 1.60) All oardiovaswlar 15-19 years 1.40 (.3 . 5.03) 20-29 years .85 (.44. 1.67) 30-39 years .78 (.44. 1 .29) '40-65 years 1.11 (.73. 1.82) Abbreviations used are: RRMH, Mantel-Haenszel age a?us?d rate ratio :0l. con?dence interval. Adjusted for years at follow-up and stratified by four age categories. Never employed in the Chemical Division as referent category 182 12374 TABLE 4.2.28 AGE STRATIFIED. YEARS OF FOLLOW-UP ADJUSTED RATE RATIOS (RRMH) FOR ALL CAUSE. CANCER, AND CARDIOVASCULAR MORTALITY BY DURATION OF EMPLOYMENT IN THE CHEMICAL DIVISION, AMONG MALE EMPLOYEES. 17947-1939. at em 0 ment 95%Cl All causes 15-19 years 1 .30 (.58, 3.28) 20-29 years 1.16 (.81. 1.65) 30-39 years 2.16 (1 .52, 2.70) 40-65 years 1.69 (1.07. 2.60) All cancers 15-19years 2.17 (40.11.61) 20-29'ye'ar's .84 (44.1.51) 30-39 years 1.75 (.95. 3.21) 40-65 years 2.67 (.995.7.14) All cardiovascular 15-19 years .88 (.25. 3.33) 20-29 years 1.38 (.73. 2.60) 30-39 years 3.53 (1.68. 6.21) 40-65 years 1.50 - (.81, 2.79) Abbreviations used are: RRMH, Mantel-Haenszel age adjusted rate ratio con?dence interval. Adjusted for years of follow-up and stratified by four age categories. less than 10 years employment as referent category 183 12375 TABLE 4.2.29 PROPORTIONN. HAZARD REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE ALL CAUSE MORTALITY AMONG 2788 MALE WORKERS. 1 Variable 0 SEE) p-value Year 01 ?rst employment -.55 .009 .0001 .946 Age at first em ployment? .079 .006 .0001 1.082 Duration of employment' -.34 .001 .0001 .907 Months in chemical .001 .001 .24 1.001 division Abbrevi?ons used are: E, regression parameter; SE10), standard error of the slope parameter; RFI. relative risk. relative risk for one unit change in independent variable TABLE 4.2.30 PROPORTIONAL HAZARD REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE CARDIOVASCULAR MORTALITY AMONG 2788 MALE WORKERS. Year of ?rst employment -.075 .016 .001 .928 Age at ?rst employment? .119 .009 .0001 1.126 Duration of employment? .230 .294 .45 .852 33g: in chemical .0002 .001 .85 1.00 Abbrevia?ons used are: E. regression parameter: standard error 01 the slope parameter; RR. relative risk. relative risk for one unit change in independent variable years 184 12376 TABLE 4.2.31 PROPORTIONAL HAZARD REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE CANCER MORTALITY AMONG 2788 MALE WORKERS. Variable 5 SEE) p-value 33* Year of ?rst employment -.031 .019 .11 .969 Age at ?rst employment? .078 .011 .0001 1.081 Duration of employment? -.028 .009 .002 .972 Months in chemical .002 .001 .20 1.002 division Abbreviations used are: 3. regression parameter; 85(3). standard error of the slope parameter; RR, relative risk. relative risk for one unit change in independent variable years TABLE 4.2.32 PROPORTIONAL HAZARD REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE LUNG CANCER MORTALITY AMONG 2788 MALE WORKERS. Variable SEE) p-value an! Year of first employment -.019 .042 .65 .981 Age at first employment' .070 .021 .001 1.072 Duration of employment? -.062 .133 .64 .940 Months in chemical -.026 .016 .11 .975 division Abbreviations used areFE, regression parameter; SW3). standard error of the slope parameter; HR, relative risk. relative risk for one unit change in independent variable years 185 i TABLE 4.2.33 PROPORTIONAL HAZARD REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE GI CANCER MORTALITY AMONG 2788 MALE WORKERS. . Variable i see) p-value ear Year of ?rst employment .015 .038 .71 1.015 Age at ?rst employment? .130 .021 .001 1.139 Duration of employment? .005 .020 .82 1.005 Months In chemical .001 .002 .58 1.001 division Abbreviations used are: GI. Gastrointes?nal?, regression parameter; SEE). standard error of the slope parameter; RR. relative risk. relative risk for one unit change in independent variable years TABLE 4.2.34 PROPORTIONAL HAZARD REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE PROSTATE CANCER MORTALITY AMONG 2788 MALE WORKERS. Year of ?rst employment .010 .081 .90 1.011 Age at first employment? .082 .045 .06 1.085 Duration of employment? -.oro .052 .18 .932 Months in chemical .010 .005 .03 1.010 division Abbreviations used are: 5, regression parameter; SEE-B). standard error oijt'he slope parameter; RR, relative risk. relative risk for one unit change in independent variable years 1 86 12378 TABLE 4.2.35 PROPORTIONAL HAZARD REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE PANCREATIC CANCER MORTALITY AMONG 2788 MALE WORKERS. Variable i SEE) p-vaiue 1 Year of first employment .046 .066 .48 1.047 Age at first. em ployment' .136 .034 .0001 1.146 Duration of employment' -.012 .035 .73 .988 Months in chemical -.002 .006 .73 .998 division Abbreviations used are: E, regression parameter; standard error of the slope parameter; RR. relmive risk. relative risk for one unit change In independent variable i even TABLE 4.2.36 PROPORTIONAL HAZARD REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING MELLITUS MORTALITY AMONG 2788 MALE WORKERS. Variable 5 STETB) - p-value Fi?! Year of first employment -.405 .221 .06 .667 Age at ?rst employment? .092 .044 .04 1.096 Duration of employment' .009 .030 .75 1.009 Months in chemical -.001 .004 .76 .999 division Abbreviations used are: 6. regression parameter; standard error of the slope parameter; RR, relative risk. relative risk for one unit change in independent variable a oyears 187 12379 TABLE 4.2.37 PROPORTIONAL HAZARD REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE ALL CAUSE MORTALITY AMONG 749 FEMALE WORKERS. Variable 8 p-vaiue Year of first employment -.02 .03 .41 .977 Age at first employment? .08 .02 .0001 1.03 Duration of employment? 2-10 years 1.31 .54 .01 3.72 >10 years .05 .57 .14 2.33 Months in chemical ~.003 .004 .48 .997 division Abbreviations used aref?, regression parameter; . standard error of the slope parameter; RR. relative risk. relative risk for one unit change In independent variable years TABLE 4.2.38 PROPORTIONAL HAZARD REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE CARDIOVASCULAR MORTALITY AMONG 749 FEMALE WORKERS. Variable i8 p-value Year of first employment -.034 .048 .48 .966 Age at ?rst employment? .119 .024 .0001 1.126 Duration of employment" -.011 .025 .67 .986 mg: in chemical -.015 .017 .37 .985 Abbreviations used are: E, regression parameter; standard error of the slope parameter; RR, relative risk. relative risk for one unit change in independent variable years 188 12380 TABLE 4.2.39 PROPORTIONAL HAZARD REGRESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE AMONG 749 FEMALE Year of ?rst employment -.043 .053 .42 .958 Age at first employment' .085 .025 .001 1.089 Duration of employment' -.021 .025 .65 .980 Months in chemical .001 .005 .87 1.001 division Thbreviations used are: E. regression parameter; Em. standard error of the slope parameter; RR, relative risk. relative risk for one unit change in independent variable years 189 12381 FREE TESTOSTERONE (ngidl) FIGURE 1. Free testosterone and total serum ?uorine 1990 3M Chemome study AGE-30 Bill-35 AGE-50 ?-25 AGE-50 Nil-TOTAL FLUORINE (ppm) 1 90 1 12382 BOUND TESTOSTERONE Figure 2. Bound testosterone and total serum fluorine 1990 am Chemollte study 100 AGE-30 sums AGE-30 AGE-50 Bill-25 TOTAL FLUORINE (ppm) 191 12383 ESTRADIOL Figure 3. Estradlol and total serum ?uorine 1990 am Chemllte study . so - so -. 4o - AGE-30 sun-25 3? - AGE-TOTAL FLUORINE (ppm). . 12384 (9me Figure 4. hormone and total somm ?uorine 1990 3M Chemollte study _l I 1 0 20 30 TOTAL FLUORINE (ppm) 193 12385 (pg/ml) Figum 5. Follicle stimulating hormone and total serum ?uorine 1990 am Chemolito study TOTAL FLUORINE (ppm - 194 12386 PRQLACTIN 50" Figure 6. Prolactln and total serum ?uorine 1990 am Chemllte study Moderate drinkers Light dm?s Nonreapondants TOTAL FLUORINE (ppm) 195 12387 ?Wm TSH Figure 7. Thyroid stimulating hormone and total serum ?uorine 1990 3M Chemoiite study FLUOBINE (ppm) 196 i 12388 BOUND TESTOSTERONE RATIO Figure 8. Bound to tree testosterone ratio and total serum ?uorine 45.4 40. 1990 am Chemollte study 30? TOTAL FLUORINE (ppm) 197 12389 . 0 on? El 'l'EiiISll mm This was a cross-sectional study of the relationship between selected physiologic parameters and PFOA exposure which was assessed using total semm ?uorine. Participants were recruited from workers employed during November, 1990 in the Chemical Division of the 3M Chemolite Plant in Cottage Grove. Minnesota. All current workers who had worked in high exposure jobs at any time in the ?ve previous years were invited to participde. A sample of workers employed in low exposure jobs was frequency matched to the age distribution of workers in high exposrue jobs. Participants completed a corporate medical history questionnaire and had vital parameters measured by an occupational health nurse. Blood was drawn for assays of total serum ?uorine. seven hormones involved in the hypothalamic- pituitary~gonadal axis. serum lipids, iipoproteins. hepatic function parameters. and hematology indices. Blood was drawn in the morning after workers were assigned to the day shift for at least three days. In 93% of participants serum ?uorine levels were at least 10 times the background levels in the general population and in 3M workers not employed at Chemothe. Many workers who lacked PFOA exposure by job history had elevated PFOA levels. The sources of the unexpected PFOA exposure are unknown. immense The findings trom this study are consistent with the hypothesis that periluorooctancic acid (PFOA) attests the human hypothalamtc-pitultary-gonadal axis. This study showed that relatively low levels of serum PFOA (20pm depressed free testosterone and elevated estradiol but did no effect LH or FSH - levels. The association between free testosterone and PFOA was different in 198 12390 4., - .4 older men than in younger men. In older men. free testosterone (FT) was depressed below 10 at semm ?uoride levels below one part per million (estimated PFOA levels below 1 M). In younger men. FT decreased toward 1O at serum fluoride levels above 15 (estimated PFOA levels below 15 uM). Increasing age may increase men's susceptibility to the testosterone lowering effects of PFOA. The associations between PFOA and the hormone levels may re?ect a true causal relationship. or may be a result of chance, bias. or uncontrolled confounding. There are no human studies of PFOA associated reproductive toxicity available for comparison. Studies of the effects of PFOA in rodents have demonstrated a similar decrease in testosterone. increase in estradiol. and little change in LH The association between PFOA and free testosterone may have been mediated by elevated estradiol and prolactin. Elevated estradiol decreases testosterone and other steroid hormone in Leydig cells. LH response to low testosterone is attenuated by estradiol through negative feedback mechanisms at the pituitary and hypothalamic levels Elevated prolactin sensitizes the hypothalamus and pituitary to estrogens feedback. The combined effect of elevated estradiol and prolactin could have reduced the secretion of LH and the subsequent Leydig cell response. Estradiol has direct effects on Leydig cell testosterone in rats, PFOA decreased androstenedione and testosterone, but not 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone The metabolism of 17 alpha-hydrexyprogesterone to androstenedione was inhibited at the step of the 0-17.20 iyase. The activity of the rate limiting 0-17, 20 lyase has been reported to be under estradiol regulation in rat Leydig cells Thus, in PFOA treated rats, elevated levels of estradiol may inhibit the 6-17.20 lyase and thereby reduce testosterone The increase in the estradiol-testosterone ratio observed' in workers rs compatible with this mechanism for decreased free testosterone. The primary source of estradiol in males is the P450 (P450 19) mediated aromatization of testosterone Additional estradiol is secreted directly from Leydig cells. The observed increase in estradiol may be the result of increased production from one of these two. sources or may be the result of inhibition of P450 mediated estradiol metabolism Perfluorooctanoic acid, a 199 12391 prototype peroxisome proliferator, may regulate steroidogenesis by binding to a member of a new family of cytosolic receptors (PPAR) belonging to the nuclear hormone receptor superiamily and transactivating the transcription of genes involved in steroid "942?. PFOA was positively associated with the TBITF and EITF ratios. PFOA binding to sex hormone bindinf globulin (SHBG) may have produced changes in the bound to free testosterone ratio. However, this would result in a change in the that is in the opposite direction to the observed association between PFOA and TBITF. The associations of PFOA with these ratios are consistent with a mechanism that involves decreased production of testosterone and increased production of estradiol. The HPG axis of older men appeared to be more susceptible to PFOA compared to that of younger man. No animal data has=been reported concerning age' related sensitivity to the effects of PFOA. However, the onset of Leydig cell tumors has been reported to occur late in two year rat feeding studies ?22. This finding may represent increased susceptibility tor hormonal alterations in aged rats. Further animal research is needed to de?ne any age related susceptibility factors. Prolactin levels were positively associated with total serum fluoride in participants who reported moderate drinking (1-3 drinks/day). Since the function of prolactin in men is uncertain. the clinical signi?cance of such an association is unclear. Alcohol ingestion is a stimulus for prolactin secretion. The mechanism at this effect appears to be mediated by alterations in calcium mediated signal transduction pathways ?23. This suggests that the elevation at prelactin associated with PFOA and alcohol may bemediated by alterations in caldum mediated events such as transmembrane signal transduction pathways. Thyroid stimulating hormone was positively associated with total semm ?uoride. Animal studies have shown that pertluorodecanoic acid depressed peripheral thyroid hormone levels without producing a hypothyroid response 75' 7" In the-presentstudy. peripheral thyroid horrnoneileveis were not assayed. Therefore. it is not possible to assess whether the observed association between 200 12392 . an an" PFOA and TSH could be a direct hypothalamic effect, a pituitary regulatory effect. or an effect mec?ated by changes in peripheral thyroid hormone levels. in summary, this is the first report of hormonal changes associated with PFOA in humans. The present ?ndings in humans are consistent with those previously reported in animal studies 19.. The consistent ?ndings include low free testosterone. increased estradiol. and unchanged Rodent and human reproductive endocrine systems differ greatly, yet the suggested effects of PFOA are similar. In light of the observed similarities in effect, it is tempting to speculate that PFOA may effect the humans and rodents reproductive endocrine system through the same mechanism. A hypothesis that PFOA alters a calcium mediated cellular signd transduction pathway. such as the or lnosltol triphosphate mediated second messenger response, may provide a unified mechanism for the multiple loci of putative effects. No adverse health effects have been observed in exposed a. The present study did not examine adverse health effects, although several adverse outcomes associated with hormonal alterations are possible. The etiology of a number of cancers including adenocarcinomas of the prostate, endometrium, colon. rectum, pancreas and breast, have been linked to changes in endogenous hormones'm. Cancers in this etiologic category include. Perfluorooctanoic acid is not a genotoxic carcinogen in standard assays 9. However, PFOA is a nongenotoxic rodent carcinogen. In rats exposured to PFOA over a two year period, there was associated increase in Leydlg cell tumors ?25. Leydig cell tumbrs have been observed in association with other peroxisome proliferators in rats m_ it has been hypothesized that chronically elevated LH produced testicular neoplasms 19-122. However, in PFOA treated rats, LH was not elevated. This may be due to estrogens feedback inhibition as discussed previously. or due to insuf?cient experimental induction time Alternatively, another mechanism may have been operative ln producing Leydlg cell tumors. Exogenous estradiol produces Leydlg cell tumors in mice High estradiol levels are associated with Leydig cell tumors in both rats and humans ?27' ?23. The tissue smrounding the Leydlg cell adenomas also produces increased estrogens 127. High estradiol may be a stimulus for Leydg cell 201 12393 proliferation and tumor formation. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that estradiol stimulates secretion in Leydig cells binds to EGF receptors expressed on Leydig cells ?29 and stimulates cell proliferation. The honnonm changes associated with PFOA may be a mechaniSm for nongenotoxic carcinogenesis. The role of PFOA in human nongenotoxic carcinogenesis needs to be clarified. Adequate androgen levels are necessary for maintenance of potency. spermatcgenesls, libido and male reproductive organs. Lowtestosterone and high estrogens may decrease libido. and fertility in males 13". Decreased male fertility may be one potential adverse outcome of PFOA. The reproductive toxicity of PFOA has not been extensively studied. No studies have been conducted in hemans. PFOA was not teratogenic in rats 9' 131. ?32 . No adveme effects on fertility were noted for female rats in a teratogenesis study 9. Male rats were not studied. No other reprodudive studies in animals have been reported. Studies of human reproductive function are needed since human reproductive processes are thought to be more sensitive to xenobiotic insults compared to other animal species Wm Cholesterol, triglycerides. and LDL were not signi?cantly associated with The lack of association of PFOA with cholesterol or triglycerides is consistent with observations in experimental animal models. No animd studies of PFOA's effect on LDL are available The are no studies in humans concerning the relationship of PFOA with LDL. cholesterol, or triglycerides. . In light drinkers. PFOA had little effect on HDL levels. in moderate drinkers. increasing PFOA reduced HDL The putative effects of PFOA and alcohol may be mediated by alteration of a common HDL regulatory process. The findings are limited by the small number of exposed workers. the limited range of total fluoride values, and the limitations of the study design. The conclusion and suggested mechanism must be considered preliminary. 202 12394 The mechanism by which PFOA modi?es the alcohol-HDL relationship could be mediated by alterations in fatty acid metabolism or fatty acid binding. Alcohol intake induces speci?c P450 metabolic enzymes including 2E1 and alters lipid metabolism 134. PFOA induces a speci?c P450 A1 family of metabolic enzymes and alters lipid metabolism in rodents. The joint effect of alcohol and PFOA on P450 mediated lipid metabolism could alter HDL dynamics. The primary structure of PFOA suggests that PFOA could affect the ligand binding of fatty acid in hepatocytes and HDLs. The competition for NEFA binding sites could reduce the e?ect of alcohol on HDL levels. Studies of the joint eltect of PFOA and alcohol on HDL may clarify the regulatory mechanisms for HDL. The decrease in HDL associated with increasing PFOA levels may be clinically significant. In meta-analysis oi 12 prospective studies oi the relationship between HDL levels and coronary heart disease (CHD). Gordon estimated that the change in CHD risk associated with a one change in HDL level is approximately the same as the change in risk associated with a 2-4 change in LDL level ?35. The predicted drOp in HDL tor a moderate drinking participant with a total ?uoride of 20 is .30 A change of this order of magnitude may have a measurable impact on the occurrence of cardiovascular disease. In the retrospective mortality study. there was no increase in mortality from cardiovascular disease. However. there are a limited number of workers with total serum fluorine levels of 20 of more. Any Increase in risk for cardiovascular diseases among a small group of highly exposed workers may not be readily apparentin a study of all Chemolite or CD employees. Further. research is needed to confirm and clarify the association between PFOA and HDL level. Future studies could test the hypothesis that PFOA and alcohol jointly alter NEFA metabolism resulting in a decrease in HDL and an increase in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality risks for exposed workers who drink alcohol. Changes in SGOT (AST) and SGPT (ALT) appear to be associated with total serum ?uoride through an interaction with adiposity. ln obese participants, both SGOT and SGPT increased with increasing PFOA. However, there did not 203 12395 .c appear to be an independent effect of PFOA on SGOT after adjusting for SGPT. The findings are limited by the small number of exposed workers. the limited range of total ?uoride values. and the previously discussed limitations of the study design. The conclusion and suggested mechanisms must be considered preliminary. Compared to SGOT. SGPT is a relatively spedtic marker for hepatocyte disruption ?35. The lack of association of SGOT with PFOA after adjusting for SGPT suggests that the liver is the primary source for the small PFOA associated changes in transaminases. Since SGPT is a enzyme associated with the ER membrane. the increase in SGPT may have been the result of PFOA associated ER proliferation. It may indicate a disruption in the integrity of hepatocyte membranes which allows increased release of cytosolic hepatic enzymes. The tissue specific eiiect suggested for hepatocyte membranes could be due to a higher hepatic concentration of PFOA. .- Liver injury is generally considered to be a multifactorial process. There is evidence that interactions between endogenous and exogenous factors play a role in hepatotoxidty observed in workers ?37. The modi?cation of the capacity- SGPT association by PFOA suggests that the mechanisms of transaminase elevation may be linked. Obesity has been associated with elevation of transaminases as well as clinically important hepatitis 138. ?39. The observation that some obese individuals evidence little adiposity effect while other obese individuals develop hepatic ?brosis has not been explained. It has been hypothesized that metabolic polymorphisms or other hepatotoxin exposure may play a role 14?. Animal studies and limited human data suggest that xenobiotics. such as certain solvents and alcohol, may potentiate the effects of other hepatotoxins ?41-?42. Following=this model, PFOA may directly or indirectly potentiate the hepatotoxic effect of obesity. A mitochondrial site of PFOA action may?occur. The mitochondria plays an essential role in fat metabolism. Disruption of-rnitochondriai function can produce impairment of mitochondrial oxidation of long chain and medium chain fatty acids. Studies of fatty acid metabolism in PFOA exposed humans have not been carried out. Valproic acid, an eight carbon branched chain fatty acid (2 propyi-pentanoic 204 1 i 12396 an. acid) that impairs mitochondrial function and fatty acid metabolism, is an example of a hepatotoxic xenobiotic of similar carbon structure to PFOA 143. Commercial grade PFOA contains isomers with carbon backbones identical to valproic acids structure 39. The valprcate-iike isomers of PFOA could produce toxicity similar to that of valproate. The modification of the association between PFOA and the transaminases by adiposity could be mediated by disturbances of mitochondrial fatty acid metabolism in humans. GGT increased as alcohol use increased. The increase in GGT was smaller as PFOA increased. This association was independent of changes in SGOT, SGPT, and AKPH. Perfluorocctanoic acid may inhibit the hepatotoxic effects of alcohol. The (SGT-alcohol dose response relationship is thought to be smndary to the induction and increased release of GGT. increased serum GGT levels indicate proliferation of the endoplasmic reticulum and induction of cytochrome P450 system, leakage from hepatocytes. or injury to other tissues Periluorooctanoic acid may decrease serum GGT by altering cell membrane permeability. by reducing the alcohol mediated induction of GGT. or by changing alcohol oxidation pathways and reducing the pmduction ct toxic intermediates such as acetaldehyde. Periluorooctanoic acid was negatively associated with AKPH in non-smokers. in workers whosmoke greater than five cigarettes per day, PFOA was positively associated with AKPH. The association of AKPH with PFOA was independent of GGT. transaminases, and hormones. Smoking has been reported to elevate AKPH Themechanism of this effect is thought to be the result of AKPH induction by compounds in cigarette smoke. The joint effect of smoking and PFOA could increase the induction of AKPH. in summary, the associations between PFOA and hepatic enzymes are weak and are not clinically significant. In the retrospective mortality study. there was no increased in mortalltyassocaited with liver disease. Future studies of the effects of PFOA may elucidate possible mechanisms of action of nongenotoxic hepatic carcinogens. The hepmic enzyme results are illustrative of the problem of extrapolating findings observed in rodent animal models to other species. including humans in humans. PFOA does not cause the dramatic hepatic 205 12397 effects observed in rodents. Instead, the observed associations may result from PFOA modi?cation of the hepatic effects of obesity. alcohol consumption, and smoking. Each of these factors are independently associated with hepatotoxicity. Further studies of the joint effects of PFOA and BMI, alcohol, and smoking on hepatic enzymes are needed. PFOA was weakly. but signi?cantly associated with hemoglobin levels. MCV. and MCH. The associations between PFOA and indices appeared to be mediated through interactions with smoking. and perhaps alcohol consumption. The ?ndings in animal studies 9- 15? are consistent with a decrease in red cell volume and alarger decrease in red cell number. Together. these changes produce an increase in cellular hemoglobin concentration. The estimated changes in indices are not of clinical significance over the range of total serum ?uoride. However. these ?ndings suggest that further sttides oi the effect of PFOA on red cell regulation and function are needed. The ?ndings are limited by the small number of exposed workers, the limited range of total ?uoride values. and the previously discussed limitations of the study design. Pharmacological doses of androgens increase number and mass but produce little change in MCV or MCH ?51 ?52 .The mechanisms by which androgens increase hemoglobin appear to mediated by modulating the responsiveness of mum-potential stem cells and by stimulating prodUCtion' ?53'155. in physiologic closes, the effect of testosterone on indices is controversial. Palacios et al. and Cunningham et al. reperted that testosterone is associated with a small increase in hemoglobin. but no change in MCV or MCH ?53- ?57. Mauss et al. reported no change in red cell lndices for physiologic levels ot'testo?erone ?53. In the present study. the testosterone level was not strongly or significantly related to the red cell indices. Estradiol was weakly association with HGB but not MCV or MCH. The effect of physiologic estradiol levels on the male hematological system is poorly understood. Tell et al. reported that the effect of smoking on red cell indices was different in male than in female adolescents 159. This suggests that estrogen levels may play a role in the effect of xenoblotios on red cell 206 i 12398 indlces. Taken together. the evidence suggests that the association between PFOA and indlces was not mediated by the PFOA associated changes in testosterone. but may have been mediated in part by changes in esttadiol. Thyroid hormone was associated with changes in H68 and MCV. A decreased availability of (T4) to myxedma levels produces a mild anemia in humans. The increased cell volume is due to alterations in lipid deposition in membranes that occurs during ineffective 16?. TSH confounded the association between PFOA and MCV. Decrease in T4 could explain some of the increase in and TSH. However. PFOA appeamd to have an independent and opposite effect on MCV. Therefore. the association between PFOA and changes in red cell indices was probably not related to changes in thyroid function. The immune system effects associated with PFOA present a complex picture. As expected, smoking had a strong effect on leukocyte counts. Smoking modi?ed the association between cell count and PFOA for eosinophils. platelets and basophils. However, smoking did not modify the estimated PFOA effect on WBC, PMN. band count, ormonocyte count. Alcohol modi?ed the association between PFOA and cell count for WBC. PMN, and count. Adiposity modi?ed the association between PFOA and count, monocyte count, and platelet count. Taken together. this preliminary data suggests that PFOA is associated with changes in peripheraly leukocyte counts. The negative association with count is consistent with the effects observed in primate studies. PFOA could mdulate cell counts by altering the effects of smoking, alcohol consumption, and adipcsity on peripheral leukocyte counts. The magnitude of the WBC and PMN assodations were not clinically signi?cant from an infectious disease perspective. Increased WBC is positively associated with mortality from all causes. cardiovascular diseases, cancer and myocardial infarction It is unclear lithe alteration in WBC is a consequence of. or the cause of. ongoing pathological processes. Judgment as to the clinical relevance of the PFOA associated changes in WBC must await funher study. 207 12399 Adiposity modi?ed the association between cell count and PFOA for monocytes. Alcohol and cigarette consumption were independent determinants In the present i study. Monocyte counts have been reported to be low in massively obese individuals ?59. The biological basis for these effects are not clear. The univariate and joint effects of adiposity and PFOA on monocyte count may a fruitful area for future research. In the present study. the complex relationships between count, PFOA, alcohol use. cigarette use, and body mass may have been the result of the differential effect on cell subsets. In order to clarify these assodations. speci?c subsets need to be measured. The association of subsets with disease endpoints have yet to be clarified. The interpretation of the observed association requires further research. Smoking was negatively associated with basophil count. As PFOA level increased. the smoking effect was diminished. Taylor et al. reported an increase in blood basophils In smokers compared to nonsmokers 17?. Walter et al. studied smokers and nonsmokers and found that acute smoking causes degranuiation and loss of basophiis. However. chronic smoking Is associated with an elevated basophil count. 17?4?. No attempt was made to prohibit subjects from smoking prior to the time of blood sampling. The negative association observed in this study may re?ect recent smoking by participants prior to blood drawing. The apparent reduction In the degranulating effect of smoking suggests that PFOA may interact with the basophil degranuialtion process. Exposure to PFOA may be associated with changes in immune function beyond simple changes in cell number. The avid oxygen binding by PFCs may alter the effectiveness of peroxidatic killing by PMNs. Cytokine signaling is Important in immune function and could be altered by PFOA exposure ?75. The response to antigen binding depends upon rearrangement of membrane proteins. Changes in the membrane physical characteristics produced by the patent surfactant action of PFOA could alter immune responses. More research is needed in the area of PFOA immunotoxiclty. The findings of the present study need to be confirmed. could be immunophenotyped using well established flow 208 12400 cytometry methods ?75- ?77. The standard immunotoxicoiogic assessment de?ned by the National Toxicology Program 17? should be carried out for PFOA. Smoking has been observed to increase platelet number. survival. adhesiveness, activation. and aggregation when exposed to ADP Adhesiveness may change as a result of the effects of smoking on nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA). Smoking increases NEFA which may compete with PFOA for platelet membrane binding sites. Such competition could alter the smoking associatedincrease in platelet count. This hypothesized mechanism could be tested by in vitro modeling of platelet function in the presence of NEFA and PFOA. The relationship between obesity and platelet count has not been well studied. am has been reported to be negatively associated with platelet count ?35. The mechanism for this effect is not clear. but may be related to changes in NEFA associated with obesity. Thus, the effect modi?cation of the PFOA effect by smoking and obesity may have resulted from a common effect on NEFA. Changes in platelet count have been associated with risk for cadovascular disease 133-187. Direct and indirect mechanisms have been hypothesized for the observed increase in disease occurrence. Thus, PFOA associated changes in platelet count may be a marker for increased cardiovascular disease risk. Further study of potential effects of PFOA on platelet count and function are needed. . MW Smoking and total serum ?uorine were weakly associated in participants. The adjusted estimate for the difference in mean fluorine between smokers and nonsmokers was smell (0.1 ppm) and probably not of biological significance. Smoking intensity was not significantly consisted with total serum fluorine levels. It is unlikely that smoking affects the pharmacokinetics of serum ?uorine or~ PFOA. it is unlikely that smoking was a primary route for absorption of PFOA. Exposure reduction does not need to await the results of future studies. In rodents. removal from exposure results in the reversal of the marked hepatic responses to PFOA Intervention to reduce the PFOA body burdens of employees would prevent any potential adverse effects in the future. The reduction of exposure is especially important since PFOA has an unusually long 209 12401 biological half-life. A signi?cant reduction in body burden will require years of reduced exposure. We: 5.11.1.Selectlon?as Given the occupational study setting, the voluntary participation, and the requirements for blood sample collection, the overall participation was unexpectedly high. Past medical screening programs at Chemolite had participation rates of 60% to 70%. The present study's participation rate exceeded 80%. Given the high participation. non-response bias is likely to be small. Selection bias is an important validity lssuetor sectional studies ?39. Only active Chemical Division workers were included in this study. Workers not included may have had a different response pattern than those who were included. it continued employment depended on response to exposure and the exposure was associated with the endpoint of interest, then selection bias may. have occurred. A finding of the present study was PFOA was associated with decreased free testosterone and incensed estradiol. if workers who had high susceptibility to the cited of PFOA changed jobs,~then the overall slope of the dose response curve could be underestimated. Conversely, if workers with low testosterone associated with PFOA changed jobs less often. than the overall dose response curve may be overestimated. Migration out of the high exposure jobs is unlikely to be the result of subclinical changes in hormone levels. All current Chemical Division employees who worked in high exposure jobs over the last five years were included in the sample. Many workers who had been employed in the high exposure jobs, but who changed jobs were included as participants. 111a vast majority of workers who had significant exposure over the 7 previous ?ve years would be included in the study sample as the tum-over rate in Chemolite employees was low (three percent per year) and the study induded all current employees with appropriate job histories. Selection bias is not a likely explanation for the findings in this study. 210 12402 No worker was unexposed. The lowest potential exposure group had significantly elevated levels of total serum ?uorine. in view of this. the observed effects may represent an underestimate of the true effect. Total senim ?uorine was used as a surrogate variable for PFOA exposure. The use of total serum ?uorine has been validated in past biological monitoring in the Chemolite Plant and other plants using PFOA a. Direct measurement of PFOA using gas chromatographic techniques have been highly correlated with total serum ?uorine in Chemolite workers. Approximately 90% of total serum ?uorine in Chemolite workers was reported to be in the form of PFOA 3-12. The validity of using this surrogate measure was not directly assessed in the current study due to cost. Small amounts of PFCs other than PFOA may have been present in serum. The half-life of PFC commands is directly related to molecular weight. Compounds with six or less carbon backbones are likely to be rapidly excreted by exhalation 19?. Short chain PFCs are unlikely to contribute appreciably to total serum ?uorine. Longer chain PFC. such as per?uorodecanoic acid (PFDA). are not produced at Chemolite. The high toxicity of PFDA excludes it from commercial applications?. '77. 79' 101. Longer chain PFC are unlikely to be a. significant component of total serum ?uorine. Other organic ?uorine containing compounds exist in biol'ogical's'yste?ms and the environment. However, the small amounts absorbed from the environment in the form of drugs or plant products are rapidly metabolized and excreted inorganic ?uorine was not a large constituent of the total ?uorine levels. Serum ionic ?uorine levels in the 1-5 range are associated with death in unintentional occupational exposures ?92. Total serum ?uorine is a good surrogate measure for PFOA in this cohort. The coef?cient of variation for total serum ?uorine was 66%. The repeatability of the assay was-better at total serum fluorine levels above five pprn. At the low end of the spectrum 1 ppm), where the assay is limited by sensitivity, the total serum ?uorine values may overestimate the true value. These measurement encrs are likely to lead to an underestimate of the effect of PFOA on the physiologic endpoints. 211 12403 Commercial PFOA Is a complex mixture of isomers and related compounds 39. . it is clear that structurally related compounds, such as valprolc acid. exhibit 1 toxicity for certain isomeric tonne, but not others ?93. it is widely recognized that different enantomers have different pharmacokfnetio and pharmacodynamic properties Thus, different isomers of PFOA may have different toxicities. if one isomer of PFOA is associated with toxicity. then the use of total serum ?uorine or total PFOA levels could have pmduoed an under- estimate oi the true strength oi assodation. However. in animal studies using straight chain PFOA. the spectrum of toxicities is similarto those observed in studies using mixed isomer of PFOA 37. 33- as. Further research is needed to clarifythe role of PFOA isomers. The toxicokir?retics of PFOA in humans are different from those observed in rodents. Extrapolating the tissue distribution of PEOA from animals to humans may not be valid. No data exist on the relationship between serum and tissue PFOA distribution or body burden in humans. The use of serum levels to extrapolate to the concentrations at the site of PFOA action may have been inappropriate. Obtaining pharmacokinetic data in humans or appropriate animal models is an important area for future research efforts. The temporal variability of physiologic parameters is recognized. The ultraridan. cimdian, and circennualvariability oi the study endpoints was not assessed directly. Instead, blood samples were drawn at the same time of day. on the same shift for all participants. One sample was drawn to estimate mean parameter values. Considerable measurement error is inherent in this procedure for hormones with Short pulsatiie intervals such as LH, FSH. and testosterone. However, studies have shown that one sample is as good as three samples in estimating mean values ?95. The use of a single sample to estimate mean hormone level produced random measurement error and would be expected to attenuate the observed relationships. Mean serum values of the assayed hormones may not represent the biologically important quantities at the site of action. Validation studies of self-reported smoking status, using biochemical. markers such as exhaled carbon monoxide, serum and urine thiocyanate. and serum 212 12404 thiocyanate. have shown that smokers underreport their smoking ?93. Smoking is associated with changes in physiologic parameters such as hematological counts 197499. cholesterol lipoproteins 2?13?, and hepatic enzymes ?43. The strength and direction of the assodation between self-reported smoking information and these parameters can be used to indirectly assess the validity of the smoking information 203. In this study. smoking status and intensity was strongly and signi?cantly associated with leukocyte count, band count, eosinophil count, platelet count, and monocyte count. As expected. smoking intensity was negatively associated with basophil count. No participant reported drinking more than 3 ounces of alcohol per day. This may reflect the company's success in discouraging heavy alcohol consumption in employees, a reporting bias, or the fact that heavy drinkers may not be able to continue employment due to the demands of Chemical Division jobs. Alcohol consumption is associated with changes in physiologic parameters such as hepatic enzymes mean corpuscular volume. triglycerides, and high density lipoprotein 144. As with smoking. the strength and direction of the association between self-reported alcohol consumption information and these parameters can be used to indirectly assess the validity of the alcohol information. increased serum HDL is associated with moderate alcohol intake 144.205.1208. The expected relationship between alcohol intake and HDL was observed in this study in individuals with low PFOA levels. As expected, there was a positive association between alcohol intake and triglycerides. Alcohol has a direct toxic effect upon size, maturation. andnumber 207. The speci?city of MCV is 90% in identifying alcoholics from social drinkers with a positive predictive value of 96% In the present study alcohol consumption of 1 to 3 drinks per day was associated with an increase in MCV of the same order as reported previously Alcohol induces GGT. The sensitivity of detecting alcohol use varies from 52% to 94%. GGT is highly non-specific for alcohol consumption or for hepatic abnormalities A Heavy drinking of two to ?ve drinks per day everyone week or more are necessary to induce GGT GGT may be the only commonly assayed hepatic enzyme to increase with 213 12405 heavy drinking. A significant positive association between GGT and self-reported alcohol use was observed. The presence of these associations Indicates that the misclassi?ca?on of alcohol use was unlikely to produce a bias large enough to explain the observed associations. Alcohol use was weakly associated with hepatic transamlnases. SGOT and SGPT are less sensitive indicators of alcohol use than GGT. in alcohol induced liver disease, SGOT may be elevated and SGPT little changed. SGPT has been shown to decrease in some cases at alcohol lndumd liver disease Considering the relationship known to exist between alcohol use. SGOT and SGPT, little alcohol associated change in transaminases would be expected. The observed weak association is not an unexpected ?nding and therefore probably ones not re?ect misclassi?cation of alcohol use. Nonrespondents to the alcohol item were different than respondents. They were treated as a separate group In the analysis since the difference could not be explained by measured covariates. Although the power of the study is diminished by treating alcohol information as a nominal categorical variable. the potential for bias was reduced. Wm Information on the duration of employment In exposed Jobs was not collected. Plant records did not contain sufficient information to reconstruct exposures more than five years in the past. The duration of exp?dSure may be an important determinant of PFOA effect. Duration of employment may be related to PFOA level since PFOA has the potential for bioaccumulation. The duration of exposure may have been a confounder for peptide hormonal endpoints in this study. in rodents steroid hormonal and hepatic enzyme effects of PFOA exposure occur after two weeks of exposure, whereas peptide honnonal effects may require longer emosures ?9 Leydig cell tumors may require a considerable length of exposure or latency to develop ?22. There are many compounds in complex androgen-estrogen system. The'present study measured only a few of them. Other?biologicaily important steroid 214 12406 hormones include cortisol. androstenedlone, dihydroeplandrostenedione sulfate (DHEAS), estrone. estrioi, estrogenic catechols. and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). A total estrogen index or estrogen to testosterone ratio (511') may be more important than assays of individual compounds 2?2. Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), a major determinant of the estrogen to testosterone balance at the tissue level 2?3. was not assayed. More research is needed to clarify the potential role of these hormones as confounders of the observed associations. The relationship for bound testosterone may have been confounded by steroid hormone binding globulin (SHBG). Sex hormone binding globulin is an important determinant of testosterone and estradiol levels in different tissues as well as their metabolism 2?3. Plasma SHGB levels are positively associated with estrogens'and negatively associated with androgens Thyroid hormone levels aired SHBG 215. The ratios of estradiol to testosterone and testosterone to DHT may be regulated by SHBG levels 213. The association between PFOA and bound testosterone may have been, in part. related to estradiol and thyroid hormone changes in SHBG levels. Adult rats do not express SHBG 213. The decline in total testosterone observed in rats is not the result of changes in the amount or binding characteristic of SHBG. The observed depression of free testosterone in men is analogous to changes in total testosterone in rats and is probably not significantly related to changes in SHGB binding. Major stresses, such as surgicd procedures, have been shown to markedly affect hormones in men 2?7. it is unlikely that major physical stresses were associated with PFOA. Therefore, stress Was not a significant confounder in the present study. Shiftwork has been shown to attest a variety of physiologic endpoints including biochemical parameters. hematologic indices, and hormones Study participants rotated weekly through three shifts. All samples were collected on the day shift atleast three days post shift change. Given the rotating shifts and Standard day shift sampling, hit is unlikely that shlfiwork and PFOA were associated. did not appear to be a significant confounder ot the estimated dose response relationships. - 215 12407 Several dietary factors are determinants of the endpoints considered in this study. The effects of dietary fat and cholesterol on serum Iipoproteins and lipids is widely appreciated Dietary calories. fat, and carbohydrates affect steroid hormones 219' 22?. Diet can also affect the metabolism of steroid hormones 22" 222. Since it is unlikely that diet is associated with PFOA. it is probably not a confounding covariate in this study. Physical activity affects many physiologic parameters including hormones 223. enzymes 23?, iipoproteins and hematologic indioes. For hormones. only maximal exercise produced an effect. No effect was noted for submaxlmal physical activity. it is unlikely that many partidparrts engaged In maximal physical activity. Therefore, in this group. it is unlikelythat physical activity is a determinant of the hormonal endpoints under study. Physical activity may effect HDL levels. but It is unlikely that physical activity was associated with PFOA. Therefore. physical activity was unlikely to be a significant oonfounder in this study. Medication usage and diseases such as diabetes meilitus are important determinants for some of the physiologic parameters measured in this study ?95. Questionnaire items concerning mediwdion use and medicat history were incomplete and were not validated. PFOA exposure has not been associated with any medical conditions 3. if the use of medication or the diagnosis of a medical condition that affects one of the physiologic endpoints is assodated with exposure. then confounding may occur. However, no such relationships have been described. In?ammatory processes which are major determinants "of WBC. were not assessed in this study. There is no evidence that inflammatory processes are related to total semm fluorine or serum PFOA. Therefore, these determinants of leukocyte count are unlikely to confound the estimated relationships. The analytic multivariate approach used in this study assumed that a linear model with additive effects was an adequate model with which to summarize the 216 12408 data. A normal error term was used. Similar models of physiologic variables have been extensively used in the past and their assumptions tested 225. The model form was partially de?ned a priori based on a biological hypothesis. The choice of a ?nal model was based on biological knowledge plus best predictive power. The variable transformations used were not based on a Specific biological mechanism, but instead reflect the basic form of dose response relationships observed in nature. 5W Win This was a retrospective cohort study of mortality in workers employed in a PFOA production plant for greater than six months during the period from January 1, 1947 to December 31 . 1989. Completeness of the cohort was assessed from independent sources. Demographic and work history data were collected from plant records and veri?ed from independent sources where possible. Cohort members were not individually contacted for additional information on confounding variables such as smoking. Vital status was con?rmed for 100% of the cohort. Cause of death was obtained from death certi?cates for 99.6% of deaths and other sources for 0.4% of deaths. Cause of death was coded by IOU-8 categories by a nosologist. Reliability of death certi?cate coding was assessed by random of death cem?cates for recoding. The concordance was 100% for three digit codes. The 749 women were observed tor19.309 person-years, had a mean age at ?rst employment of 27 years and mean follow-up of 26 years. The number of expected events given the age and size of the cohort was small. The study had limited power to dated moderate increases in cause-speci?c mortaltiy. The 2788 men were observed for over 70,000 person years. The mean age at ?rst employment was 27 years.the mean length of follow-up was 25 years and a the mean age of death was 56 years. men were older on average than 217 12409 CD men and had more person-years in the older age groups where mortality was the highest. .lnternalcornparisons were confounded by age as well as other tlme correlated factors such as length of follow-up. In females, 6.7% were deceased compared to 12.5% In the males. Given that the mean age at first employment and mean length of follow-up was similar for males and females. this reflects the expected survival advantage of women. For both males and females the proportion or deaths was smaller In the co cohort. Employment in the Chemical Division did not produce a large survival disadvantage. The all causes. all cancer. and all cardiovascular mortality among women was less than expected in the overall cohort. The were remarkably stable when stratified on ten year exposure groups. and ten. ?fteen. and twenty year latency periods. The all causes was .75 in the total cohort. .75 in those employed for at least ten years or for those employed longer than ten years. and .75 in all three latency periods. Cardiovascular diseases and cancer mortality followed a similar pattern. In males. the all causes. cardiovascular diseases. all gastrointestinal. and all respiratory diseases were signi?cantly less than one. The all causes SMR was .77 using Minnesota mortality rates and .73 using national rates. The low are most likely a result of the healthy worker effect (HWE). As expected. the cancer SMR is less affected by the HWE. The all-causes were .75 for all three latency groups. Latency did not have a strong relationship with the HWE. The all causes SMR was .80 in the greater than five year employment duration group and .68 in the greater than 20 year employment group. The low all causes sum in the greater than 20 year duration group suggests that working for 20 or more years was associated with continued selection based on good health. The all causes decreased with duration of employment in one meta-analysis of retrospective cohort studies 25 .but increased in the meta- analysis by Fox and Collier 227. 218 The SRRs for all causes. all cancer. and all cardiovascular diseases for less that ten years employment to more than ten years employment were not signi?cantly different from one. Because the rates were based on small numbers of events. the 95% Cl were wide. Due to the small number of events in the females. SRRs were not calculated. The SFiFls are slmilarto the for the less than ten year employment and greater than ten year employment groups. The for CD versus non-CD male workers for all causes, all cancer, and all cardiovascular diseases were not significant and were similar to the Working in the CD did not substantially alter the rates of death. The small number of events observed for rare causes of death or speci?c causes of death make it unlikely that moderate increases in rates could be detected in this cohort for the follow-up period'through 1989. More follow-up time will be needed to allow sufficient power to detect moderate increases in rates for speci?c causes of death. The results from the adjusted contrasting the mortality rates for all causes, all cancer. and all cardiovascular diseases between CD and non-OD male workers were similar to those for the SFlFis and None of RRMH point estimates were statistically different from one. The contrast of rates between less than ten years of employment and greater than ten years of employment presented a different picture. All cause were signi?cantly elevated in the oldest two age groups. while the RRMH for cardiovascular diseases was signi?cantly elevated in the 30 to less than 40 year age group. The all cancer displayed a trend toward a statistically significant elevation in the oldest two groups. The RRMH were not adjusted for year of ?rst employment. They may have been substantially confounded by changes of exposure over time since year of first employment. As seen in several PH regression models, year of first employment was signi?cantly associated with the mortatilty. After age and length of follow-up. calendar time is the strongest time factor associated with mortality ?39. Hence. it is likely that the elevated for composite categories of cause of death in the oldest groups were a result of uncontrolled confounding by calendar period. Given the small number of events in strata. it was not feasible to further stratify the data on year of ?rst employment 219 In the PH regression analysis. prostate cancer mortality was positively and significantly related to time in the Chemical Division. Ten years of employment in the CD was associated with a 3 fold increase in prostate cancer mortality compared to men never employed in the CD. This trend was evident in the SMR analysis stratified by CD and non-CD employment. This association was independent of duration of employment and year at first employment. As expected. ageat ?rst employment was positively related to prostate cancer mortality rate. The interpretation of this estimated relative rate is tempered by a number of factors. The estimates were based on six prostate cancer deaths. tour . in the CD cohort and two in the non-CD cohort. A change of one case could significantly alter the estimates. Ascettainment oi all prostate cancer deaths may have been incomplete. Diagnosis may have been more complete in the CD cohort. Given that death certificate cause of death information is known to be imperfect. mlsciassitication of one or more deaths could occur. The use of mortality as the event of interest for etiologic studies of prostate cancer is not the best study endpoint because of the long natural history and low mortality of prostate cancer. The majority of incident prostate cancers do not progress and cause death 229' For localized disease. an 80% ten year survival in untreated patients have been reported 23?. Studies of prostate cancer incidence in this workforce are needed to clarify the suggested increase in prostate cancer risk. The ?ndings of hormonal alterations in PFOA exposed men suggests a possible biologic mechanism for the increase in prostate cancer mortality incidence studies of other diseases that are horrnonaily mediated may be indicated if the PFOA associated hormonal changes are con?rmed. Was The use of death certi?cates to categorize cause of death imperfect 232-235. The size of the potential bias depends on the cause of death. in one study cancer as a cause of death was under-reported by 13% m. Leukemias and were underreported in 19% of autopsy continued cases. Colorectai cancers were underreported in 12% of cases. Therefore, it appears that cancer deaths were not severely misclassified. All cardiovascular diseases as a group may 220 have been inaccurate. individual disease with the whole may be severely misclassi?cated and may produce large biases. For example, specific-causes of death in the cardiovascular group, such as cerebrovascular disease. are inaccurately designated on death certi?cates. Three measures of PFOA exposure based on job history were used in this study. First, the cohort was diohotomlzed into those who ever worked in the CD and those who never worked in the CD. Second, the number of months worked in the CD until 1985 was used as a continuous parameter for PFOA exposure. Third, the total duration of Chemolite employment was used as a continuous parameter for the effect of work in a plant producing PFOA among a large number of products. Each of these surrogate variables may produce a different spectrum of misclassitication. Categoriza?on of workers into ever versus never employed in the CD may not re?ect the biological effective dose of PFOA. Many CD jobs do not entail PFOA exposure. A number of workers were employed in the CD for short periods in the distant past. Their exposure may not have been significant. This categorization may misclassify unexposed workers as exposed. Conversely, PFOA exposure was widespread among Chemical Division (CD) employees working in jobs with no exposure to PFOA. No exposure measurements have been done in non-CD employees. It is possible that non-CD employees had significant body burdens of PFOA. If this was the case. exposed workers would have been classi?ed as unexposed. Such misclassifioation would be expected to bias the effect estimates toward the null. The months of employment in the CD was the best available estimate of PFOA dose. Not all CD jobs have PFOA exposure. The misclassification produced by unexposed workers as exposed could have biased the estimate toward the null. The use of duration of employment at Chemolite as a continuous exposure parameter is less speci?c for PFOA than time In the CD. If another xenobiotic exposure in the plant has modulated disease occurrence rates. the use of duration may produce less than use of duration in the CD. The healthy worker effect strongly effects the validity of many oocrrpatlonal studies ?39- 33". It is a complex bias that results, in part. from the selection of 221 individuals for employment who are healthier than those in the comparison population. The HWE is usually stronger for cardiovascular diseases and respiratory diseases. Because cardiovascular diseases mortality amounts for a signi?cant portion of all causes mortality. the HWE usually reduces the all causes The age at ?rst employment. age at risk. length of follow-up, and duration of employment are four time factors that are associated with changes in the HWE 139. Generally. the HWE diminishes with age and time. Collection of confounder information for individuals is dif?cult in retrospective cohort mortality studies. The present study included workers followed for more than 40 years. it was not feasible to coiled individual information on such covariates as smoking, health status. medical history. or dietary habits. The proportion of workers at Chemolite who smoke has been lower than in other facilities owned by the same corporation. In recent health maintenance studies. the self-reported smoking prevalence is lower than the statewide smoking prevalence. The observation that all respiratory diseases and lung cancer rates are lower than expected may be the result of historically low smoking prevalence. The low smoking prevalence may depress the all causes SMR. all cancer SMR. and all respiratory disease The use of internal comparison groups may reduce this smoking related bias 237. Time factors such as age at risk. age at ?rst employment, year of ?rst employment. and duration of employment are associated with the occurrence of many diseases ?39. The use of an internal comparison group may reduce certain selection effects, but may not control confounding if the exposure de?ned internal comparison groups have different distributions of these time factors. Although the mean age at ?rst employment and mean year of ?rst employment are similar in the CD and non-CD cohorts of men and women, the comparisons of the rates of disease are confounded by differences in the distribution of age at risk. These time factors are strongly consisted. with some being exact linear combinations of others. The relationship between measures of exposure and disease occurrence may be complex functions of these inter-related time factors. Adjustment for time factors may reduce the effects of confounding. but may not control confounding 233. if the disease occurrence relationship is de?nedin terms of cumulative 222 exposure, the true effect of exposure may be biased toward the null by uncontrolled confounding doe to the complex time factors ?99. Some workers were exposed to many other potentially disease causing xencbiotics, such as benzene and asbestos. during their employment at Chemolite. Adjustment for their effects was not possible in this study. Even if information was available, exposures are cfien highly correlated making the separation of individual effects impossible. IE 5' Comparison of and between exposure groups may not be strictly valid. However, if the distribution of the person time in the comparison groups is not strongly discordant. then such a comparison may be useful. In the current study, the person-time distributions are different in the exposed groups. However, the differences appear to be of a magnitude that makes useful comparisons of possible. Although the proportional hazard (PH) model has been used frequently for cohort studies and clinical trials, it has not been widely used in occupational studies. In the past. it has been suggested that Poisson regression was the analytic strategy of choice because computational costs were less and the conceptualization of the model straight forward ?99. However, PH models are now easily run with standard computer packages Their wide application in clinical trials and cohort studies has fostered the understanding of the PH models. Poisson models appear less frequently in the literature and may not be as well understood. Poison regression and PH models have theoretical links and have been shown to give similar results when usedto analyze the same data set Cox PH regression was chosen as the multivariate model to employ In this study. The validity of the proportional hazards assumptions was examined using the two standard techniques. The assumptions did not appear to be grossly violated. However, in analyses involving a small number of events. the assessment of the validity of assumptions may be limited. The use of the factors as continuous variables was based on lack of statistical evidence for a significant nonlinear 223 effect. Although this strate y has been widely used for control of confounding, it has not been extensively validated in simulation studies. 24 This was a cross-sectional study of selected physiologic effects of PFOA, as quantified by total serum ?uorine. Participants were recruited from workers employed during November 1990 In the Chemical Division of the 3M Chemolite Plant in Cottage Grove. Minnesota. All current workers who were employed in high exposure jobs at any time during the previous five years and an age matched sample of workers employed in low exposure jobs were Invited to participate. Participants completed a corporate medical history questionnaire and had vital parameters measured by an occupational health nurse. Blood was drawn for assays of total serum ?uorine, seven hormones Involved in the hypothalamic- pitultary-gonadal axis, serum lipids. lipcprotelns, hepatic function parameters. and hematology indlces. Blood was drawn in the morning after workers were assigned to the day shift for at least three days. In past studies. the majority of total semm ?uorine found in Chemolite workers was in the form of PFOA. Thus. total semrn ?uorine is a valid surrogate measure of PFOA in Chemolite employees. For 93% of workers. total serum ?uorine levels were 20 times greater than community and corporate background levels. Findings in the current study are consistent with other data suggesting that PFOA has along biological half-life in both men and women. The long half-life of PFOA may result In signi?cant bioaccumulation from small frequent doses or large, infrequent doses. The hormonal findings from this study are consistent with the hypothesis that PFOA depresses the human hypothalamic-pituitarygonadal axis. The results show that low levels of serum PFOA (zouM) depressed free testosterone and elevated estradiol with little observed change in LH levels. In older men, free testosterone was depressed below 9 at serum fluorine levels below one (estimated PFOA levels below 1 pill). 225 Mean prolactin levels were positively associated with PFOA in moderate drinkers. but not in light drinkers. Since the function of prolactin in men is uncertain. the clinical significance of this finding is unclear. Mean thyroid stimulating hormone was positively associated with PFOA. Since hormone levels were not assayed. it was not possible to assess whether the observed association between PFOA and TSH was the result of a direct effect on the hypothalamus, pituitary. thyroid gland. or peripheral thyroid hormone metabolism. Cholesterol. triglycerides. and LDL were not significantly associated with PFOA. PFOA was negatively associated with HDL in moderate drinkers. PFOA was not associated with the marked hepatic changes in humans that have been observed in rodents. PFOA appeared to alter the hepatic response to endogenous factors and xenobiotics. PFOA was signi?cantly associated with hemoglobin levels, MCV, and MCH. The estimated changes in are not of clinical significance over the range of observed total serum ?uorine. The changes in leukocyte. counts associated with PFOA exposure presented a complex picture. For example, the negative association between PFOA and was increased by smoking more than to cigarettes per day and decreased by alcohol use and adiposity. The magnitude of these associations are not clinically signi?cant from an infectious disease perspective. However. elevated WHO has been associated with increased all causes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer mortality as well as increased incidence of myocardial infarction. This was a retrospective cohort study of mortality in workers employed in a PFOA production plant. All causes mortality in both male and female Chemolite employees were significantly less than expected based on comparisons to the 226 aw. mortality experience of the Minnesota and United States population. The SMRs for several other causes of death including all respiratory diseases were less than expected. Since the healthy worker effect was apparently strong In the Chemoiite cohort, internal comparisons of were made between Chemical Division (CD) and non-Chemical Division (non-CD) employees. These comparisons did not suggest any significant excesses in mortality in CD or non- CD employees. Generally, the findings from this study provide no evidence that employment at Chemoiite results in elevated mortality rates from any cause. However. pro?ate cancer mortality. may be associated with length of employment in the Chemical Division. Ten years of employment in the CD was associated with a significant three fold increase in prostate cancer mortality. There was no association between prostate cancer mortality and employment (ever/never) in the Chemical Division. Given the small number of deaths from prostate cancer in this study and the natural history of the disease, the association between employment in the CD and prostate cancer must be viewed as hypothesis generating and should not be over interpreted. However. the biological plausibility for any association between CD employment and prostate cancer is increased by animal and human toxicological data suggesting an association between PFOA and steroid sex hormone changes.- Periluorooctanoic acid was associated with reproductive hormonal changes in exposed workers. The clinical significance of these findings are unknown. The associations of PFOA with hormones, HDL. hematology parameters. prostate cancer mortality in men indicates the need for further research. Research is needed in ?ve areas. 227 1. An assessment of the hormonal effect of PFOA in women is needed. A cross- sectlonai study should be conducted using speci?c assays for PFOA and accounting for temporal hormonal variations. 2. The clinical significance of the associations of PFOA with the physiologic parameters need clarification. Since morbidity from diseases such as prostate cancer is reflected in mortality. an update of the retrospective mortality study is needed in five years. Morbidity studies should be conducted of endpoints - may be produced by hormonal changes. Since exposed workers are relatively young and are limited in number. the feasible endpoints tor a short term morbidity study are limited. Pooling of workers from a number of plants could increase the number of exposed workers and allow endpoints with lower incidence to be studied. The?morbidity study should be a long term which would allow the study of endpoints that occur at higher frequency in older age groups. in men. endpoints should include the incidence of benign prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cancer. The feasibility of including inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer as endpoints should also be evaluated. In women. endpoints should include the age of menopause, the incidence of osteoporosis and related fractures, uterine fibroids, and cholelithiasis. if there are a suf?cient number of events. endometrial cancer and in?ammatory bowel disease should be evaluated. If the cross-sectional hormonal study in women ?nds no association between PFOA and hormones, then the morbidity study can be limited to men. 3. Studies of reproductive outcomes in both men and women are needed. Libido. potency. and fertility are directly associated with steroid hormones levels. The feasibility of a retrospective study of reproductive endpoints or a prospective study of time-to-pregnancy needs to be explored. 4. The mechanisms of action of PFOA need to be studied concurrently with morbidity. Mechanistic studies are needed to define the relevance of animal studies for humans and provide a firm biological basis for the ?ndings of the mortality. morbidity. and reproduction studies. In vitro and cell line studies could ciariiy the mechanisms of action of PFOA on the pituitary secretion of LH. FSH, TSH. and prolactin. Pituicyte cultures may be 228 12420 helpful in evaluating the direct effect of PFOA pituitary function. The effect of PFOA on other autocrine or paracrlne factors such as TGF-B, FGF, and TNF could also be evaluated. Human adiptocyte cultures could be used to study the effect of PFOA on arometase activity. Additionally. studies are needed to clarify the relationship between PFOA and the temporal variability of reproductive hormones. 5. Studes are needed to better define the PFOA exposure pro?le of all workers employed at Chemoiite, to ascertain the source of their PFOA exposure and route of continued absorption and to darliy the toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics of PFOA in humans. 229 12421 1. Kirk-Othmer. of Chemical Technology. 2 ed. Vol. 9. New York: lnterscience Publishers. 1966. 506-847. 2. Abe T, Nagase S. 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Quorum-aha.? 11umJgimde?luof MW ?.mnounum Um UM Um OW D133MOW sum macaw may. mew-o: 5! 0mm 95336-1? 258 12450 TABLES OF HORMONE RATIOS BY BODY MASS INDEX, AGE. SMOKING STATUS, AND ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION 259 12451 TABLE A4.1.1 BOUND TESTOSTERONE TO FREE TESTOSTERONE RATIO BY. BODY MASS INDEX. AGE. SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 1990 PERFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA . MEAN SD MEDIAN RANGE TEST BMI I 425 40 37.2 9.06 37.1 22.3-62.5 F-1 47 25-30 55 378 9.31 37.1 19.3-62.4 53-23 .30 17 33.3 9.18 31.2 19 7-524 .AGE <31 20 32.4 6.92 31.2 20.0-43.6 F-.2.39 31-40 49 37.3 9.37 37.1 19.3-62.6 p-.07 41-50 26 37.1 9.30 38.8 19.7-88.8 51-60 19 39.9 9.90 39.9 22.3-62.4 Alcohol - {102/0 66 37.4 9.90 37.2 19.3-62.6 F-2.06 1-3ozld 19 33 9 6.70 32.2 22.7-44.1 p.315 missing a as 5 70 38.6 23.4435 Tobacco maker 27 37.9 7.96 37.2 25.0-58.8 F-.32 I nonsmoket 64 36.7 9.64 36.3 19.3-62.6 p-.57 missing 2 27.5 1.57 27.5 26.4-28.8 113 Tunivariate Anova 260 12452 TABLE A4.1.2 ESTRADIOL TO FREE TESTOSTERONE RATIO BY BODY MASS INDEX, AGE. SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 1990 PERFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA EITF :25 40 207 0.00 1.04 073-00 25.30 50 2.20 0.02 2.17 0.70530 >30m-00 .30 17 2.50 0.00 242 1.44.531 7-230 p.02 AGE ?31 20 1.04 0.00 1.01 1.44327 5.1.10 31-40 40 2.20 0.01 2.17 0.77-4.10 0-32 41-50 20 2.31 1.20 2.04 0.77-5.30 51-60 10 2.40 1.05 2.42 1.07-5.31 Alcohol 010270 06 2.23 0.02 2.10 0.745.111 F001 1-302/0 10 2.21 0.70 2.21 0.70410 0-02 missing 0 2.40 1.00 2.00 1.41-0.30 Tobacco smoker 27 2.10 0.00 2.00 0.74.530 F-.15 nonsmoker 84 2.27 0.02 2.10 0.73-5.31 0-.70 2 1.03 0.32 1.00 1.05-2.11 TOTAL 113 "30051130310 Anova *Student test, Prob>T 261 12453 TABLE A4.?l.3 ESTRADIOL TO BOUND TESTOSTERONE RATIO BY BODY MASS INDEX. AGE, SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 1990 PEFIFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY, 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA 11100 W. RANGE 3 MI .25 40 5.0 2.05 5.7 11.5-13.5 F-3.70 25-30 55 5.3 2.73 5.5 2243.4 p.03 1 7 80? 2091 708 3.7-1 4.4 AGE 31.40 45 5.4 2.75 5.5 11.5-13.5 p.95 41.50 25 5.5 3.53 5.0 1.7-14.4 51-50 19 5.4 2.75 5.0 2.3-11.5 Alcohol 40211! 88 6.3 2.90 5.7 1.2-1 4.4 F200 1.30m 19 5.5 1.95 5.5 3,040.5 p-.95 missing 5 5.5 3.45 5.4 3,943.5 Tobacco smoker 27 5.9 2.73 5.1 11.5-13.5 F-1.01 nonsmoker . 84 5.5 2.84 5.0 2243.4 p.32 missing 2 5.9 1.55 5.9 TOTAL 113 '?univariate Anova 262 12454 TABLE A4.1.4 ESTRADIOL TO LUTENIZING HORMONE FIATIO BY BODY MASS INDEX. AGE. SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 1990 PERFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY, 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA . ?"55 BMI .25 40 7.0 3.11 7.3 2.0-15.4 5-255 25.30 55 7.0 423 5.5 1020.5 p.05 .30 17 3.3 3.92 3.5 3315.4 AGE .31 20 3.7 4.55 7.5 5.2.51 31-40 45 7.3 3.35 7.5 1545.4 p.05 41.50 25 5.4 455 5.1 1510.5 51-50 19 5.3 233 5.2 13-115 Alcohol 41021:! 55 7.2 395 7.0 504 1-302111 10 7.4 4.15 5.7 1545.4 missing a 3.5 3.13 3.7 4315.4 Tobacco smoker 7 27 7.0 4.42 5.2 1515.4 5-.34 nonsmoker 54 7.5 3.77 7.1 1020.5 p.55 2 4.7 3.35 4.7 2.3-7.0 TOTAL 113 _#univariate Anova 263 12455 TABLE A4.1.5 FREE TESTOSTERONE TO LUTENIZING HORMONE RATIO (TFILH) BY BODY MASS INDEX, AGE. SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 1990 PERFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY, 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA TFILH 1 BMI <25 49 3.5 1.74 3.3 1.1-113 5.1.47 25.39 59 3.2 1.74 2.9 9.7-9.1 p.24 .30 17 3.9 1.75 34 1.4-71 AGE 2311 29 4.9 2.55 3.9 39 5-721 31-40 49 3.9 1.43 3.3 3.3 111-5992 41-50 29 2.9 1.39 2.7 2.7 51-60 19 2.5 1.14 2.5 2.5 Alcohol ?192/9 99 34 1.95 3.2 5.39 1-33213 19 3.3 1.44 3.2 9.7-5.4 p.31 3.8 1.43 3.6 2.1-8.2 I Tobacco 911191191- 27 3.2 1.34 3.2 1.1-9.9 5-129 1191191119391 94 3.9 1.97 3.2 11.7-11.3 11-29 missing . 2 2.4 1.38 2.3 1.46.3 TOTAL "3 "innivan'ate Anova I 264 12456 TABLE A4.1.6 BOUND TESTOSTERONE LUTENIZING HORMONE RATIO BY BODY MASS INDEX. AGE. SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 1990 PERFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY, 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT . COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA MEAN SD MEDIAN RANGE BMI .25 40 131 67.9 126 39-296 F-.79 26-30 66 116 60.6 107 24-299 p.46 >30 17 122 43.4 121 66-199 AGE 231 20 147 69.7 136 39-2911 54.72 31-40 49 133 69.0 131 36-299 6.004 41.50 26 101 96.7 93 29-163 51-60 19 96 47.6 96 24-209 Alcohol 4102111 96 122 67.1 121 24-296 F-.32 1-30216 19 114 56.1 92 29-202 p-.57 missing 9 147 63.2 142 77-234 Tobacco smoker 27 116 52.4 114 41-299 F-.54 nonsmoker 84 125 58.8 121 24-298 p.48 1111961110 2 94 34.3 64 39-66 TOTAL 113 #univariate Anova 265? 12457 TABLE A4.1.7 THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE TO LUTENIZING HORMONE RATIO (T SHILH) BY BODY MASS INDEX, AGE, SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 1990 PEHFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA :1.73 3.2 9.3?3.3 5.3.43 25.30 53 3.5 2.30 3.9 9417.9 9-.92 .30 17 5.3 3.34 4.4 1.7-13.5 AGE 231 29 3.7 2.43 3.1 1.9-9.9 F-.14 1 31.40 49 3.3 3.13 3.2 p.33 1 41-159 23 3.4 1.99 2.9 9.3-9.3 1 51-30 19 3.3 2.43 3.3 11.4-11.9 Alcohol ?132141 33 3.5 2.29 3.1 11.4-11.9 7.2.92 1-33213 19 4.7 4.93 3.2 1317.3 9-.09 missing 3 3.3 1.74 3.3 9.3-3.3 Tobacco - 311191137 27 3.9 1.33 2.3 9.4-7.3 7.2.33 nonsmoker 84 4.0 2.89 3.3 0.4-17.0 9-.09 1111931119 2 1.7 3.31 1.7 TOTAL 113 i #univariata Anova I El 266 12458 TABLE A4.1.8 FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONE TO LUTENIZING HORMONE RATIO (FSHILH) BY BODY MASS INDEX, AGE, SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 1990 PERFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA FSHILH BMI ?25 40 1.0 0.42 0.0 0.4-2.3 F-2.54 25-30 50 1.0 037 0.0 0.4-1.0 p.00 .30 17 1.2 0.40 1.1 0.4-2.0 AGE 231 20 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.5-1.0 53.00 31-40 43 0.0 0.40 0.0 0.4-1.0 p.03 41-50 20 1.1 0.45 1.0 0.4-1.0 51-50 10 12 0.40 1.1 0.5-2.3 Alcohol as 1.0 0.42 0.0 0.4-2.3 130210 19 0.0 0.41 0.0 0.4-1.7 F-.48 0.0 024 0.0 0.0-1.3 p.49 Tobacco 011101401- 27 1.0 0.40 0.0 .04-1.0 nonsmokor a4 1.0 0.42 0.0 0.4-2.3 F-0.0 2 0.0 0.43 0.0 0.7-1.0 p.00 TOTAL 113 #uniVariate Anova 267 12459 TABLE A4.1.9 PROLACTIN TO LUTENIZING HORMONE (PILH) BY BODY MASS INDEX. AGE, SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 1990 PERFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA - FILH am a 40 1.34 1.14 1.33 0.30-3.33 F-.73 25-30 53 1.73 1.40 1.43 0.33-3.11 p-.43 .30 17 2.21 1.20 1.33 1.13-4.31 AGE .31 20 2.23 1.70 1.33 1.13-4.31 3.133 31-40 43 1.35 1.33 1.37 0.33-3.11 p.21 41.50 23 1 31 0.33 1.13 0.33-3.70 51-33 13 1.54 0.37 1.33 0.35-3.37 Alcohol 210210 33 1.73 1.04 1.31 0.35-3.33 53.13 1-30210 13 2.37 2.14 1.70 0.33-3.11 p.03 missing 3 1.57 0.71 1.47 0.33-3.00 Tobacco 31110113: 27 1.27 0.73 1.12 0.33-2.74 3.3.23 1303311101133 34 2.07 1.33 1.72 0.35-3.11 02003 missing 2 1.43 0.73 1.43 0.33-2.00 TOTAL 113 7univarfate Anova 1 268 12460 1 TABLE A4.1.10 BOUND TESTOSTERONE TO THYROID ST IMULATING HORMONE RATIO BY BODY MASS INDEX. AGE, SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 1990 PERFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA MEAN SD MEDIAN RANGE TESW BMI d5 40 500 331 413 1m1682 52.42 25-30 58 461 364 329 51-2102 ran-.00 .30 17 296 152 297 87689 AGE <31 20 522 387 416 122-1882 F464 31-40 48 521 388 421 51-2102 9-.05 41-50 26 359 203 345 131-1035 51-60 19 328 231 286 87-1122 Alcohol ?am 86 488 352 353 87-2102 F-2.74 1-30216 19 329 210 278 51-900 pun-.10 ??33an a 553 328 456 184-1154 Tobacco 27 488 232 403 184-1185 F-.07 nonsmoker 84 448 364 321 51-2102 p.80 missing 2 371 199 371 231-511 TOTAL 113 #univariate Anova . 269 12461 TABLE A4.1.11 FREE TESTOSTERONE TO THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE RATIO (TFITSH) BY BODY MASS INDEX, AGE, SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 1990 PERFLUOFIOCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY, 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA W, WW BANG BMI <25 40 19.9 9.92 10.9 11.9-49.7 5.2.49 25.30 59 11.7 7.01 9.7 1.7099 p-.09 .30 17 9.9 5.05 9.0 2.0-1915.9 9.97 10.9 9143.7 F-5.36 31.40 49 19.4 7.92 11.9 1.7999 9.2002 41-50 29 9.7 4.59 9.7 11.7-22.0 51-90 19 9.1 4.49 . 7.9 2021.9 Alcohol <10ch 99 12.4 1.99 10.0 2049.7 F-2.48 1-3ozld 19 95 5.10 9.7 17-20.? p-.12 missing 9 15.3 9.35 12.3 5.0-33.5 Tobacco 7 smoker 27 12.5 5.59 11.9 9.0-27.2 9-.12 nonsmoker 94 11.9 909 9.9 1.7497 p.79 missing 2 13.7 7.99 13.7 9.1-19.4 TOTAL 119 W- #univariate Anova 270 12462 TABLE A4.1.12 ESTRADIOL TO THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE RATIO BY BODY MASS INDEX. AGE. SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 1990 PERFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY, 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA WH MEAN SD MEDIAN RANGE TEST BMI ?25 43 20.7 17.73 23.1 33409.1 5.27 25.30 56 25.4 14.04 213 13-390 - p.76 ,30 17 23.4 13.79 19.4 7.7343 AGE ?31 20 27.3 12.00 24.3 9.7-30.0 F-3.21 31.40 49 29.3 13.40 23 13409.1 p-.03 41.50 26 21.3 13.06 19.0 3352.2 51.50 19 19.2 10.30 16.9 7334.3 Alcohol ([0211! 90 23.1 13.09 21.5 11.3-39.0 F-.57 1530210 19 22.4 15.30 13.0 1354.2 p-.45 missing a 37.3 31.31 23.5 10.44031 Tobacco smoker 27 23.7 15.13 23.4 10.3-59.0 F-.20 Mr 34 25.1 15.35 20.7 13408.1 pan-.65 111199an . 2 27.1 19.40 27.1 13.4-40.3 TOTAL 113 #univariate-Anova? 271 12463 TABLE A4.1.13 THYHOID STIMULATING HORMONE TO 1 STIMULATING HORMONE RATIO (T SHIFSH) BY BODY MASS INDEX, AGE, SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 1990 PERFLUOFIOCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA 5 ?25 40 0.30 0.20 0.34 0.00-1.00 0.30 25.30 00 0.41 0.30 0.31 0.00-2.34 0.30 ,30 17 0.40 120 0.43 0.15-1.20 AGE <31 20 0.40 0.31 0.44 0.12-1.20 F..03 31.40 40 0.40 0.40 0.35 0.00-2.34 p-.43 41.50 20 0.37 0.20 0.30 0.03-1.21 51-00 10 0.33 0.10 031 0.00-0.75 Alcohol ?102/0 00 0.30 0.20 032 .00-120 0.5.30 1.30210 10 0.50 0.54 0.30 0.15-2.34 p.02 1 missing 8 0.40 0.24 0.39 0.00-0.70 1 Tobacco smoker . 27 0.34 1.04 0.20 0.00-0.02 F-2.30 nonsmoker 04 0.43 2.20 0.40 0.00-2.34 p-.12 missing 2 0.21 0.00 0.21 0.17020 7. TOTAL 113 'aTunivariate Anova 1 272 1 I 12464 TABLE A4.1.14 TESTOSTERONE T0 FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONE RATIO BY BODY MASS INDEX. AGE. SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 1990 PERFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY, 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA TFIFSH - TESW BMI ?25 40 4.3 255 3.5 1315.5 5.1.03 25.30 55 35 2.15 3.0 0.7-11.1 p.35 .30 17 4.0 2.55 3.1 AGE ?31 20 5.5 3.34 5.0 1.7-15.5 5.10.35 31.40 45 42 215 3.7 1.7-11.3 11-0001 41.50 25 30 1.52 2.5 0.7-5.5 51-50 13 2.2 1.37 2.0 0.7-5.3 Alcohol 410270 35 2.3 250 3.1 0.7-15.5 F..01 1.35m 19 3.5 215 3.7 1310.1 p-.91 missing 5 4.4 1.57 4.7 2.2-7.3 Tobacco smoker 27 3.5 1.75 3.0 0.7-7.5 F.1.14 1100311101151 34 4.1 2.57 3.5 11.7-15.5 p-28 1111531119 2 2.5 0.51 2.5 22-73 TOTAL 113 #univariato Anova 273 12465 TABLE A4.1.15 BOUND TESTOSTERONE TO FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONE RATIO BY BODY MASS INDEX. AGE. SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 1999 PERFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA TFIF - MEAN SD MEDIAN RANGE TEST ?25 49 155 37.3 133 39-411 F-2.99 2530 53 125 37.3 113 23-297 p-.14 .30 17 122 75.7 115 34-393 AGE . ?31 29 132 99.3 134 39-411 F-3.75 31-40 43 154 74.5 141 45-343 . 41.59 23 191 529 91 39-227 51-50 19 37 53.2 73 23-234 .Alcohol 21cm 33 133 73.5 129 23-411 5-9.9 1-3ozld 19 133 73.3 112 39-325 p.33 missing 3 173 39.3 199 32-393 Tobacco smoker 27 130 74.4 106 39-325 ?Pu-.28 nonsmokcr 34 139 73.5 131 23-411 15-139 missing 2 72 79.9 72 57-99 1 TOTAL "3 #univariate Anova ?274 12466 TABLE A4.1.16 ESTFIADIOL TO FOLLICLE ST IMULATING HORMONE RATIO BY BODY MASS INDEX, AGE, SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 1990 PEHFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA EIFSH BMI ?5 4o 97 9.91 9.9 13-233 9.59 25.30 99 7.9 9.79 9.9 1.4-29.9 'p-.61 >90 17 9.3 7.94 7.9 ass-33.1 AGE ?31 29 19.9 5.99 9.9 mm 31-40 49 9.9 9.91 7.3 1433.1 9-.003 41.50 29 9.9 9.13 4.9 1929.9 51.99 19 4.9 2.27 4.9 1.9-9.3 Alcohol 419279 99 91 5.93 9.9 13-391 F-.01 1-3999 19 93 4.99 7.1 3.1-19.1 p.91 9 19.9 7.94 93 Tobacco smoker 27 9.1 9.92 4.7 9.49 nonsmoker 94 9.5 5.99 7.9 1333.1 p-.72 missing 2 5.1 2.59 9.1 3.2-9.9 TOTAL 113 'Ttunivariate Anova 275 12467 TABLE A4.1.17 THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE TO PROLACTIN RATIO (T SHIP) BY BODY MASS INDEX, AGE, SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 1990 PERFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY, 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA MEAN SD MEDIAN RANGE TEST BMI as 40 0.22 0.17 0.10 0.06-0.03 5.71 25.30 50 025 022 0.10 0.02-1.21 p.20 ,30 17 0a 0.10 0.20 0.07-0.01 AGE ?31 20 0.17 0.00 0.15 0.05-0.30 5.1.30 31-40 48 0.25 023 0.17 0.02-1.21 p.25 41.50 26 020 0.10 022 0.06-0.03 51-60 10 020 0.20 0.20 0.07-0.01 Alcohol 010210 06 024 0.10 0.10 0.04-1.21 F-2.15 1-302ch 10 020 024 0.17 0.02-1.00 p-.15 missing a 021 0.00 020 0.00-0.30 Tobacco smoker 27 0.20 0.25 021 000-121 F.1.00 nonsmoker 84 023 0.10 0.10 0.02-1.00 p.22 missing 2 0.14 0.00 0.14 0.00-0.30 TOTAL 113 #univariate Anova 276 12468 TABLE A4.1.18 FREE TESTOSTERONE TO PROLACTIN RATIO BY BODY MASS INDEX, AGE, SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 1990 PERFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA . 519-1: V- 5? BMI 225 40 2.5 1.47 2.2 0.5-7.9 5.19 25.30 59 2.9 2.13 1.9 05-150 0-.99 .30 17 21 1.12 20 0.9-4.9 AGE ?31 20 2.4 1.57 2.0 0.7-7.9 5.72 31.40 49 25 2.27 2.1 0,545.0 p.54 41.50 29 2.1 1.05 20 07-42 51-60 19 2.0 1.19 1.9 0.9-5.5 Alcohol 210210 56 2.4 1.94 2.0 0.5150 54.19 1-902/0 19 2.0 1.20 1.5 0.5-5.1 p-.37 missing a 2.9 0.75 2.7 1.5-9.9 Tobacco smoker 27 3.2 2.91 2.4 1.1-15.0 5.9.59 0011911101197 94 2.1 1.19 1.9 0.5-7.8 p-.003 missing. 2 2.2 2.20 2.2 0.7-3.8 TOTAL 113 Tunivan?ate Anova 277 12469 TABLE A4.1.19 BOUND TESTOSTERONE TO PROLAOTIN RATIO BY BODY MASS INDEX. AGE. SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 1990 PEHFLUOFIOCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY, 3M OHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA MEAN SD MEDIAN RANGE BMI 45 40 37 43.4 82 20-221 F450 25.30 53 37 35.0 64 22-324 p.55 .30 17 33 30.1 37 23-153 AGE d1 20 75 47.1 33 20-203 5.33 31.40 43 93 31.0 79 22-624 p.43 41.50 26 73 41.3 72 23-163 51.50 19 73 34.4 34-158 Alcohol ?0210 as 37 73.0 72 20-324 51.23 1-302/0 19 68 49.9 43 22-221 p.27 missing 8 95 20.8 100 55-117 Tobacco smoker 27 121 122.0 04 27-024 5.11.31 nonsmoker 64 73 38.7 66 22-208 p-.001 missing 2 60 56.3 00 20-100 TOTAL "3 iunivariate Anova 278 12470 TABLE A4.1.20 ESTRADIOL TO PROLACTIN FIATIO (EIP) BY BODY MASS INDEX, AGE. SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 1990 PERFLUOFIOCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT . COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA EIP ., BMI <25 43 4.7 2.33 4.4 1.1-13.3 5.19 25.30 53 5.1 4.93 3.9 1.1-32.5 9-.82 .30 17 5.1 2.33 4.3 1.9-9.7 AGE ?31 23 4.2 2.23 4.1 F.1.39 31-43; 43 5.7 5.13 4.3 1.1-32.5 p.33 41.50 23 4.7 3.22 4.3 1.1-15.1 51-33 19 4.3 2.33 3.7 Alcohol 21cm 33 3.3 4.11 4.1 1.1325 5.59 1-33213 19 4.2 2.34 3.1 1.1-13.3 p-.45 missing 3 3.5 4.15 4.3 3315.1 Tobacco smoker 27 72 3.37 5.2 1.1-325 13.12.21 nonsmoker 34 43 213 4.3 1.1-13.2 missing 2 4.3 4.34 4.3 TOTAL 113 #univariate Anova 279 TABLE A4.1 .21 FOLLICLE ST IMULATING HORMONE TO PROLACTIN RATIO (FSHIP) BY BODY MASS INDEX, AGE. SMOKING AND DRINKING STATUS 1990 PERFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA - .. ?25 40 0.72 0.51 0.57 0.2-2.1 5.22 25.30 55 0.79 0.52 0.55 0.1-2.5 .50 .30 17 0.74 0.53 0.57 02-25 AGE ?31 20 0.45 025 0.45 0.2-1.0 5541 31-40 45 0.71 0.51 0.54 0.1-2.5 p.002 41.50 25 0.55 0.50 0.73 0.2-2.1 51.50 10 1.05 0.52 051 0.2-2.5 Alcohol <1ozld 55 0.51 0.57 0.55 02-21 15-515 1-302/0 19 0.57 0.22 0.50 0.125 p.05 8 0.06 0.31 0.60 0.2-2.6 Tobacco smoker 27 1.00 0.57 0.75 0.3-2.5 15.7.50 nonsmokar 84 0.55 0.49 051 0.1-2.5 p.005 missing 2 0.75 0.57 0.82 0.3-1.2 TOTAL 113 #unw? ariate Anova 280 12472 TABLES OF HORMONE RATIOS BY TOTAL SERUM FLUOHIDE 281 12473 TABLE A4.2.1 HORMONE RATIOS BY TOTAL SERUM FLUORIDE: ESTRADIOLIFREE TESTOSTERONE ESTRADIOLIBOUND TESTOSTRONE (EITB) STIMULATING HORMONE (EITSH) 1990 PERFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY, 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE. MINNESOTA TOTAL EITF FLUORIDE <1 23 25 1.2 2.2 3.7-5.3 5.1.35 ?1-3 34 21 3.3 1.3 3.3-5.4 p..13 53-13 15 2.2 3.3 2.2 33-32 313.15 3 23 1.1 2.1 1.3-4.3 515-23 5 2.7 3.7 3 1.33.3 TOTAL 113 2.35 .32 2.1 3.7-5.4 EITB (X100) 1. <1 23 7.3 3.5 3.3 1.1-14.4 3.1.17 1 551-3 34 5.3 2.3 5.5 17-133 p.33 53-13 15 3.7 23 5.3 23-123 513-15 3 3.3 2.3 5.3 4311.7 515-23 5 3.3 1.3 53 4.3-3.4 TOTAL 113 3.4 2.3 5.3 1.2-14.4 arrsn 21 23 23.2 21.3 21.3 13.4-133.1 F-0.75 531-3 34 24.3 132 23.3 1.3522 3.53 53-13. 15., 23.7 13.7 21.1 33-533 513-15 3 13.3 1.3 15.3 7.3453 515-23 5 13.3 3.3 13.3 152-315 TOTAL 113 255 15.3 21.3 1.73.1331 #univariate Anova 282 12474 TABLE A4.2.2 HORMONE RATIOS BY TOTAL SERUM FLUOHIDE: BOUND TESTOSTRONE BOUND STIMULATING HORMONE (TBIFSH) BOUND (T FREE (TFIP) 1990 PERFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA MEAN SD MEDIAN RANGE TEST TOTAL FLUORIDE Tarn: <1 23 36.7 6.6 37.1 16.7-62.6 64.64 ?1.3 64 36.6 6.6 35.6 16.2-56.6 P-AS 53-16 15 34.5 7.6 33.3 25 6-436 ?10-15 6 663 7.6 36.6 26.3-47.6 .1526 5 43.6 10.6 36.6 366-624 3.16176 >10 TOTAL 113 36.6 62 37.6 16.7-62.6 1.2.116 In. 5 TBIFSH 21 23 146.3 65.6 126.4 56.7-411.6 5.46 ?1.3 64 136.6 76.3 1142 23.16477 6.61 ,346 15 135.3 61.4 66.6 46.63633 .1645 6 1227 46.3 135.6 34.4.1666 615-26 5 1626 764 1435 67.1.3535 Tom. 113 136.1 77.1 126.6 23.1-411.6 TBIP 21 23 62.1 43.2 67.5 16.62655 F-.4O ?1.3 64 67.5 61.2 63.3 236-6242 9.31 .3-16 15 86.4 51.6 76.6 28.1-2242 .1645 6 51.5 27.6 52.1 22.2-89.3 ?5.26 5 66.3 36.6 63.4 5133-1267 TOTAL 113 64.5 67.3 76.7 16.66242 TFIP <1 23 2.34 1.46 2.01 .7-7.6 5.52 ?1.3 64 2.36 1.67 1.66 .6156 9.72 53-10 15 2.64 1.64 2.46 66.1 >10-15 6 1.46 6.62 1.35 52.3 ?15-25 5 2.26 6.61 2.16 .6-3.5 TOTAL 113 2.35 1.76 1.65 .5-15.6 #univariate Anova 283 12475 TABLE A4.2.3 HORMONE RATIOS BY TOTAL SERUM FLUORIDE: ESTRADIOUPROLACTIN THYROID STIMULATING FOLLICLLE STIMULATING HORMONE (PILH) 1990 PERFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT. COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA TOTAL FLUORIDE 35 1 21 23 5.34 277 4.51 145-1022 55.54 . ?1.3 54 4.75 435 3.77 109-3250 55.53 1 53-10 15 5.57 4.55 4.75 137-1759 510.15 5 3.13 1.05 3.45 1.13-4.07 515.25 5 5.55 1.50 5.17 3.11-7.09 TOTAL 113 4.57 3.94 4.05 109-3250 21 23 0.22 0.11 021 0.07?0.49 55.40 551-3 54 0.24 0.21 0.17 0.04120 p.31 53.10 15 025 0.75 0.20 0.07-0.55 510-15 5 024 0.14 0.25 0.02-0.41 515.25 5 0.29 5.03 027 020-044 Tom 113 024 020 0.19 0.02-1.20 PSI-UP <1 23 0.55 0.47 0.50 0.15-2.55 55.59 551-3 04 0.90 0.52 0.55 0.15-2.17 p.47 53-10 15 0.57 0.55 0.57 0.15-2.55 510.15 5 0.52 0.35 0.47 0.13-1.04 515.25 5 0.55 0.35 0.47 9.33-1.13 TOTAL 113 0.75 0.52 0.50 0.13-2.55 PILH 51 23 1.71 0.55 1.54 . 0.35-3.02 5.1.72 551-3 53 1.55 1.75 1577 0.41-5.39 5.45 53-10 15 - 1.75 1.20 1.45 0.33-4.00 - 510-15 5 3.14 3.00 1.53 1.19-9.11 515-25 5 1.5 0.44 1.33 1.03-2.10 TOTAL. 112 1.57 1.25 1.52 0.35-5.11 #univariate Anova 284 12476 TABLE A4.2.4 HORMONE RATIOS BY TOTAL SERUM FLUORIDE: HORMONE (EILH) STIMULATING FOLLICLLE STIMULATING HORMONE 1990 PERFLUOROOHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA MEAN SD MEDIAN RANGE TEST TOTAL FLUORIDE EILH PPM ?1 23 6.64 4.73 6.26 1.51 -1 6.61 5.32 ?1.3 63 6.65 4.01 6.13 11.35-20.53 p-.45 .340 15 7.24 2.74 7.55 136-1152 .10-15 6 721 2.15 7.03 433-1027 ,1 5.25 5 7.33 2.71 7.03 13.03-12.70 TOTAL 112 7.34 3.31 7.01 ass-20.53 <1 23 10.27 6.65 3.63 13633.12 5.1.00 ?1.3 64 7.71 5.36 6.10 Lao-23.60 p.041 .3411 15 7.74 3.26 6.63 3.71 -1 2.42 510-15 6 6.04 4.24 6.27 30345.30 515-26 5 10.32 6.60 7.03 54621.50 TOTAL 113 3.37 5.31 6.35 Lao-33.12 FSHILH ?1 23 0.31 0.30 0.63 0.42-1.46 5.41 ?1.3 63 1.04 0.44 0.34 .. 0.37-2.25 p-.73 .3-10 15 0.33 0.43 0.31 0.41-1.35 >10-15 6 1.06 0.50 1.03 0.53-1.76 315-26 5 0.91 0.35 0.99 0.55-1.40 TOTAL 112 1.00 0.41 0.34 0.37-2.25 #univariate Anova 285 TABLE A4.2.5 HORMONE RATIOS BY TOTAL SERUM FLUORIDE: FREE STIMULATING HORMONE (T Ffl' SH) BOUND STIMULATING HORMONE (T SH) FREE HORMONE BOUND HORMONE _1 990 PERFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY, 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA MEAN SD MEDIAN BANG TOTAL FLUORIDE . TFIT SH <1 23 12.6 8.5 9.5 41.5-35.1 F..93 5:1-3 64 12.7 75 11.1 1.7-43.7 p..45 >34 0 15 11.9 6.8 1 0.4 32-272 ,1o.15 6 8.5 1.7 7.5 12.0-20.7 $15.25 5 7.5 1.9 7.9 4.6-9.6 TOTAL 113 12.1 7.5 9.9 1.7-43.7 TBIT SH <1 23 456 330 320 170-1367 F..54 ?1.3 64 479 363 370 51-2102 p-.7D >3-1 0 15 416 270 401 95-1185 1.10.1 5 6 . 334 296 226 87-900 3.15.23 5 314 49 317 247-370 TOTAL 113 451 333 353 51-2102 <1 23 3.7 2.3 3.3 12-1 1.3 F..28 64 3.5 1.8 3.2 0.6-9.1 p-.89 53.1 15 3.3 1.0 3.3 1.2-5.6 51 0-15 5 3.1 1.33 2.89 1.4-4.6 ,1 5.26 5 3.0 0.8 3.4 1.9?3.9 TOTAL 113 3.4 1.7 3.2 0.6-11.3 <1 23 127 66 125 39-298 5:1-3 64 121 58 1 14 24-286 p-.93 ,3-1 a 15 115 51 105 52-234 5:10-15 6 118 56 105 61-201 >1 5-26. 5 127 21 125 122-149 TOTAL 1 13 122.1 57.3 1 18 243-298 #univariata Anova 286 12478 TABLE A4.2.6 HORMONE RATIOS BY TOTAL SERUM FLUORIDE: THYROID STIMULATING STIMULATING HORMONE (T THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE (T 1990 PERFLUOROCHEMICAL EFFECTS STUDY, 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT, COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA MEAN SD MEDIAN RANGE TOTAL FLUORIDE - . mm 21 23 0.42 0.24 0.40 0.03-0.39 F-0.23 ?1.3 64 0.40 0.33 029 0.06-2.34 p-.92 >3-1o 15 0.44 0.33 035 0.06?1.20 . >10-15 6 0.49 0.26 0.49 0.19-0.30 $15.25 6 0.49 0.17 0.45 0.27-0.63 TOTAL 113 0.42 0.33 0.35 0.06-2.34 <1 23 0.36 0.22 0.33 0.03-1.00 50.23 ?1.3 64 0.36 0.30 0.23 0.04-1.70 p-.92 >3-10 15 0.33 0.27 0.31 0041.1 now 6 0.46 0.19 0.43 0.22070 9.15-25 5 0.40 0.37 0.40 0.36-0.45 TOTAL 113 0.37 0.26 0.31 0.04-1.70 ,1 . <1 23 4.40 3.27 3.7 1545.6 F-.34 ?1-3 64 3.77 233 3.1 .7-11.1 p.35 >3-1o 15 3.73 1.64 32 1.7-7.3 >10.15 6 3.42 1.63 3.9 .3-5.3 .1525 3.93 215 3.6 1.3-6.6 TOTAL 113 #univariate Anova 287 .47, . 12479 TABLE 4.1.78 LINEAR MULTIVARIATE REGHESSION MODEL OF FACTORS PREDICTING THE HEMAGLOBIN AMONG 111 MALE WORKERS. 3M CHEMOLITE PLANT COTTAGE GROVE, MINNESOTA Varlaebl 6 SE Intercept 14.51 .67 .0001 Total Fluorine (ppm)* -.002 .0009 .02 Alcohol low ozlday) .22 .20 .27 nonresponse (NR) .56 .33 .09 Age (years) .001 .009 .88 (kg/m2) .01 .02 .65 Cigarettes/day .01 .007 .20 Gigs/day Fluorinez? .0003 .0001 .0005 Estradiol (pg/ml) .01 .006 .07 7:15-23 - ?square transformation oi total Meade #Reterence category is moderate drinkers who consume 1-3 oz ethanol/day. Interaction term between cigarettes per day and square transtonnatton of total ?uoride 12480