5/29/2n15 lesuzn Manone Lmkedln 'n a Search People Also Vrerred Christian Marrone-ird 5" National Securlty and Operalrons Managemem Execullve a vennsme unuemy Waslnnolon 3c New, Area mwmum as sun. mnnadlan: curremly serves as Sr v.ee Presldenl lor Exlemal Allarrs and clnel ol Slall [a me (E0 lor (SKA, a provlder pl nexnoeneranon ll soluuons and prolessronal semees lo we Federal Government oval VESUO employees and reuenuesolss blHlorl ln role Marrone leads several .nlernal and exrernal lunarons lo lnclude Government Relallons, Markeung camrnunrealrons, Seeurny, Change Managemenl and Program Exetullon lunarons Addmonally Marrone serves as a member ol me Aspen Homeland Sammy Group and a Serum rellow lne George Wasnrnown Center <5/29/2018 cnnsiizn Mariana i Llnkedin . mui r._ie QSuvch :ir inn i442 Prommed Thoughrs on New Cybersemrily Gmup by Giuliani C'iriman Marronn a'i Linkndin . 2 2: See all anicles Experiente ,'fi Senior viee Piesidenl ior Exlemal and cniei oi sraii no can Inc lanZDiEersml -2yvs$'im5 VaHs Ehurdi Virginia (urm'uiy sewn; as (ERAS Smiov Vim Vinsidcm [xmmai and (win? oi siaii in this raie cnrisiian ino (a'vVDany iorsirenginenng anus; no gavcm'imm am spearneaos eiieri; io simian lhnugm leadi'vg saluunns ino (riumi polity (halimging gavcm'imm no aisa Suva; as my oi Siari ine and and inaas (ERAS cmenrnen Rnimia'is, Maikuling a Sccunly, (nangn DNicn and program [xcniimm iamim; Addma'iaily, 'in (urrnmiy sewn; as a nernoorai ino Dupan'imm oi Hnmnia'm Sflcumy's Advisory Emmal and in Aspen Homniam Sun/"y rorun gm Dimmer. Deperimeni oi Homeland Sammy .9, varS i ma noneim film", We Presideni for Nalionai Semrily and Acquislion Poiiey z. Aeiospate indusmes hm"; NavZUiirianzum . ii "in; Mania i Corpavale Exetmive "a 3M -'yr7mns Dist/Id oi Eaiumhm [mam ior noinnse Maikcu Division/ cenerai (mum (havgm ml'i dzvuinpmg am nxncuung insenim Slramgiks vim ine Dcpanwiml oi Deinnse and mo plum: Succussmiy named a (nmamhmsivc (ovpamm and Impimimlaunn a susminabin us neiense Mam busirmss 3N Provided niin adwm am guidance an Nanonai Seeaniy as as mir ml'i and mo [xmmivc Branz'i Hm. Speciai Assisiani [a me Secrevary oi Deiense Robert canes Uniieu Slates Deparimeni oi Deiense "mm Nay ZDEIEVSEDZUH am 5 rnos .Adwsm ine Seereiary and Dupmy Stacks/y er miense on (filial Naiionai Seeaniy Issues indudng lwcbudgnl norneiam aoiense programs pcrsormci and madnusam ma'mgn'immahhn nooarirnm animmi ana imaads er Dnaanmnm aeiivniu am a;s.su ine Seereiary mime 202mm nraiegies are io achinvn Administraunn gnals and common missmn new. .Managm ma'iy oi ine Smruary oi Deinnse; Duflgu and prianiiu rnips 2/5 5/29/2n1a Manna Llnkedln L'u :l 'n a Search ml'l agylee .n lne ang nxczullon al lne ovgamzallonal pnannes al lne neaamnenl ar nelense Prommed Aeelng Assislanl geelelaly/ prlnelaal Deputy geelelaly al nelense [or legislaelye Allairs Depallmenl cl Delense Am 2m, May 20mg . yr 2 ma; vinardlnalm leglslamn ang wowmlm I'll sualeg.es and budgnl al lne neaannlenl ar Delense mm I'll Ummfl Slams (angles; .Lm a large slarl ar ang alaresslanals lne aalleles ang anannes ar lne Depannlenl al Delense alsgalale mm (museum; egglne; la lnnayanye ang summons rar lne Seerelany ar nelense mm lne Depannlenl Senlal leaeelsmp I'll wnlle nagse and alnel legeral agene.es an all nlauers penalnmg la lne Slale; Enngrus all law Sennee ang lam [Nels al Slarl engagemene granlallng Sn'llm lama/5mg; agenga mm :angress lne ang nuns; lne Dcpan'llcm D'lreuon Office al leglslallye counsel General Counsel Unlled Slates Depallmenl cl Delense Am ms," was .3 yvs' nla lne ar Allalls ang lne omee al lne Seerelany al Delense mm legal advlm an mes pena.n.ng lo lndufll'lg leaglng lne neaamnenl (a'lmlla'lm mm (angresslanal rmunsls .leg lne a'mual eeyeloprnenl ar lne kaanmcm al Darwin's leglslallye pragmm, (Dardmawlg ang la lne ane al lne mail ar leg.slallan ln lne regeral Gmm'lmn'lv. I'll Nananal Darwin Aalnanzanan Ad mm lne Dcpan'llml sen.al an all Mann/s penamng I'll NDAA vinndudnd legal ang aany al all ananmkm leglslallan, .n la leggese lav an leglslallan lne neaamnenl and me omee al lne Gunmal (nu'lm lne wnlle Hausa unlee ar Managenlenl ang Euflgu ang alner agmcy ln 'llallm la leg.slal.an Special Ass'lslanl me Assislan! Setlelary of uelense [or legislal'lye Aflairs Depallmenl cl Delense Nay anus AW anus Assislana Disuit! Attorney cl lne Allome'y Montgomery Coumy Aug 2am . yr 9 rnas Show less A Education Penn sme Ull'lversily an Stlente '99: lss: Aeuylues and Soelelles Penn Slale roomall, Della vn. lnlernallonal legal Fralemlly Slgma Alpha Pollmal Stlence Honol Soelely, Golden Key Nallanal Honor 500er r--l Temple Uniyelsley James Beasley genaal of law If a, '999 20m: Universley al (R) MGA Masters ln Governmenl 3/5 5/29/2018 'n Searcn Manbne Sles 81 Endorsements Eavernmenl as a, Dunk Blacks and 25 wno arb nos Nananal gecunry 54 a, Dunk Blacks and 7 other: mm are nos neiense 51 a, Dunk Blacks and ulhus arc nos lndoslr, 3 (aunlellelrarlsm Gavernmeanmturemenl Emergency Managemeni Algnanisran 4 policy Analysis 4 Milirary ooerarians 3 erperscnal 5le: leadership 31 Managemenr 4 one leHa legislariye Aflails >3 camnnImus":unmarluneazalflsal [lldn'scd by a by mHNgucs at 5 al Numbland Sbcunry [lldn'scd by a by chagucsal 5 al Numbland Sbcunry an [lldn'scd by Dan 22 25 Legislation Zl Homeland Seconiy '5 cnange Managemenr '2 lnlemallanalRelalions l2 Palilits 'u ooerailanal Planning cornoorerSecorily a Pality a (loud Compullng 5 Army 5 Fokerletlion AlrFalte Mergersa 4 arganlzailanal leadership Experienze Promuled us 5/29/2013 Chnsuzn Mamme Lmkemn 'n a Search Prommed Interests Google mm Corparation mum-m, AemspatelnflusmesAssatiation Bun: wan, u: Allen 5mm gr: Temp'e UniversityrjamesE Beasl u: Penn Svale University m, See 3" Lima am Gudehnes PvawLYE'ms SEW: ream "mm gm . Messagmg :3 mp5 lmkedln camnnImus":nrmarmneazalflsal 5/5