5/30/2013 Conrad Chun Lmkemn a Suvch Peop'e N50 Vwevwed Conrad Chun Baemg Vwce Presu em ofCommunitations, 509mg Globa' Sen/mes at the med Smemml 509mg mum"; samm mi ,m Sumo mnnumans To (owned mm amen so max may mum leam nghfights Reach out to Conrad rm mu . cm Experience Vme Preswdenl ul Communication; Seeing Glahal Ser Eoemg 2m mm - 1va ms Dwamrofcommumcalions Eoemg Navzumwauzuw <5/30/2013 Conrad Chun Lmkemn 'n Starch '9524 as - mews ems Vo'unteer Experience Chairman of the Board Muuan/ Spouses Covppvale (aveev Nexwovk mm: mm - 115 .. mes \uvmm', am an mm Mum, 59mins (mama cam Nan-ark Was Gunman 0' me 5am 2m Skas 81 Endorsements (risis Communications Carporale commumeauans Meaia Rel mama", (vmmedge ngram Management 1 Sualegy 1 Slralenglanmng 2 Omev Ma Exenmve Cammu onssuppau 1 Show \esa A 1 Language mam Interests my Uniled States Nava' Atademy The Umled Slates Naval Poslgraflu 1- ,n a: a an: Boeing The Uniled Slates Naval Poslgraflu <5/30/2013 Cnnrad Chun Lmkemn a Search Linked memed am mam A hm PvawLYE'ms 59: mm ,rwdh . Mcssagmg 0 WP5 cumnn/cnnradrchunrhfisfifim2W 3/3