514mm slay Scott Gray - 3rd Ludmud Retlred VP, Enterprise Suslammenl at Lockheed Marlin Alabama Alea -F Experienced viee Presidenl skilled in Business Developmem, Suslainmem, leadelship, Aviation (lisls Managemem, ALquisiunn, Gwemmem operalinns and Ploiessional Developmenl Strong mlliury and lnduslry a Maslerai Seieme (M57 {mused Nallmal Seeulily Sllalegy mam Nalional Wal College and Maslels nl Avialian Managemenl imm University [mm--male Aacnnuunl mummy gee (unuu min El 83 Sum mailman; Show less A Experience vp, Suslaiamem. lmelglalea rigmel Gmup lockheed Marlin any zomr . 5 3 mos Fan Waflh Ix as years 00 expellenee in me aaiaspaee industry saMng in me usur and wall ankhud Manm :unemly saMng as me ei suslammam laieglalaa ngmercmua la ms (apatlly key mzlud: ludmg all aspeds we aim Hz susiammem, rleei Managemem planning Yedmlcal Pym-ms and Sen/lees Suppnn and silalagle Planning and susiammem, laieglallaa, Mods and Navy supply Managemam Position: 00 mutasmg have women lxpulentt pannerlng slraiegle and innovative praellees (usmmus Additionally, saw as mecapmre Lead [or men (summon: an sax susiammemelim a mum um Malalceaeral WM held numerous slaw positions ai me numbavad aim. ma'nr All slaii smalaa, ei me All Farce and Jain! mels oi slaii lave's and (mummified suppan and algamaallens Opualmml meluuea iaeileal, Slval'eglt and all remelirlg mgamzalmns may alsa (nmmandnd me am mm Wing al Andrews AFB MDV meisaamg Wilma. spmal leglsiles and suppnn lame pleslaem. lnee plesmem smalaiy ai slal. smeialy ai Delanse and amerszmarluders 00 me unliea Stalls as me Ruth mm 00 me Stdel'aly anae All qu lei HeadquanevsUS a" rmeemasamgma DC Dultmv hewas iaspaaslale la ma same lei am all remelirlg [mining and spmal npemunns imitation ind-Adz; a as Businass mm me unluaisliy an MS in Managamam liam Aemaauml wall as a MS aegiaa Nanenal Sammy mm me National Walcallege H: is a gradual: 00 me semi Exuulw: renews Harvavd Univusily Dileml Air Mnhility and sor Requiremems 3/ leam lhe skills mail has neeulive Leadership (9 an Megalialiall Skills View; sales a Leadlngandwalking ram Views 79,215 see mum 1/3 514/201 5 'n Starch Sum Gray Lmkealrr Major General USAF mum) Am 19"er32009 ,all mas Education Aeronautical urweralry WNW Masrer cl Saante Avlallou/Alvway Managemem and Opelallous as National War (allege Masrer cl Saante Nallouzl Sammy suralegy 'Sgerl al Alabama as, Eusmess 7' Sles 81 Endorsements Dan 99, Ella" Tummy and yea wave rar 'hls Defense 3, KM McKhalu and :5 arms who am mgmy 5mm um All Fake 9 3, Jay Malar (Rm, USAF 25 umus are mgmy mum at lrruaslr, (ammand 3L7 Gavemmenlconnauing 43 Milimlyoperalians 35 uperarianal Plann'mg 25 ongram Management la lnfavmal'lanAssmanze Gavemmenl CrisisManagemenl a Inlell'lgente Analysis 2 Almy ln'elpelsmlal 5le: lmkedln camn/scowgray7097aafi13/ [named a, Smus ealleagaea ar Mam" [named a, 9 a? Smu's chagucsal Mam" vary :5 Nalionalsezm'lly 35 Earned Value Managemem 3' Aeraspaze 2n Av'lal'lan l5 Aimafl lmelrlaerlee 7 Syarema Engineering 5 raeriea 1 New rremarea 2/3 5/4/2015 us>> Sum Gray Lmkemn quarch one 5m 7mm (MSR 5 Setmilyc'earante 3: Tap Secret 2: MwluaryExperienze .7 Show '63: A Interests Bloomherg 5 Air roree omeers exam e, a Lotkheefl Marlin 2 (Ha gr: Aeronautical univers The Air Force Association Ur>> men The University a! Mahama gr: See 3" Linked an am mm [mm Gmdehnss new Sew: ream Mmedh . Messagmg 0 mp5 camn/scowgray7097aafi13/ 3/3