5/12/2013 Dehovah Lee James Lmkedm Deborah Lee James Board Dwretlor' Adwser/Speaker, 23rd Setrelary of the Au Forte Yemen (0mm; Unwevsny- mum at and mm 591 (amid mm 93 Sum mnnumans Debovzh lee James has sewed semov home'zud and nahnna' setunly management pohty and pvogvam we us Gnvemmenl and pnvale seam lm mmelhzu 35 yeavs She has \ed and enlevpnses mdudmg a 32 mm pnvaxe seamenmyaud a mm mm govemmengenty, me 5 AH Fame Today she serves on sevevzl nonoppmm mgamzaunns, pvovldes suaxegm acme vaner 0"me and speaks on manevs ol mum Sammy, \eadevsmp and omev aveas She '5 DH "mum at @HONDebovahJames Show \ess A Deborah's Activxty AJSE VoHowevs E33 Ethan/n Inadersmp Iadays mmp'cx vapxd'y (hanging wand means 0mm ma Graduzm Managemnm Aamsmn (mm two New mm 0mm mm 5.9 goals oman Hum am am (mum mnvuvsaunns mm mm my Mum ma Experience Member Beard 0! Direcmrs mmon Tame" mzar mm P'owdumn, mag mam Am mp5 lmkedln 3 Wow yam punplu am "mm resuhs hm hummg cm In mu amass, you "m Dnhovah mm My mum men and we mmury am uquaHy Dnhovah mm My mum men and we mmury am uquaHy Dnhovah (mmunlcd See all mm Peop'e N50 Vwevwed Leam the 5m; Deborah has CISSP (elemV 3 Sn 12015) Vxewevs 3,222; . Messagmg 5/12/2013 Deborah Lee James Lmkedm rree upgnde In prem'vm Prlil'v' .M Avg 1 valc' Am Member Beard 0! Direcmrs nohhs Nomrs Sepzmupresm 4 mash."ng Mu'm Am Member Beard OI Direcmrs k'a MKACybev .r,r Mm Am Member Beard 0! Direemrs AllammCounml lu'ZDV'rP'csml -r,r Mn'm Am Member Beard 0! Direemrs TevaTmuk corporauon Ndrzursepesem wines Mn'm Am A Adviser Ham &(ompany -i,r mash."ng Mu'm Am Adviser Ulna Eletnomts, Befl Sepzmupresm 4 mash."ng Mu'm Am . Member dc Advisory Board leanlang -i,r 5m rrmersee bi, Am Member dc Advisory Board EEAUN Heston siubai Siraiegies LLC war P'csml - 11v mash."ng Mu'm Am Show 5 more Education universiry Sehdol of Imemaiional and Pub .e Aflairs ~n-A .gsg,' E. spanks mun; audmads Hum! 59mm Duke universi MI . Messaging mp5 lmkedln 6/12/2018 Deborah Lee James Llnkealn Sles 81 Endorsements Program Management 99. Endorsed byAndrew an: omens who 0 Endorsed by 0! Debcvah'xcolluguexal Unwed am highly at ma SEES Depnnmenl al Defense Government 997 0 Endorsed by" Kennedy and as camels who are a Endorsed by ls al Deborah's (alleagues at Unlmn mum ma SEES uapanmenwl Defense 997 Dex/93h Kumarand 99. mnneamm nm glvuv Knowledge Defense 92:. 99' Slraugk Planning 99' Nalianalgaaumy aa. 9a. lnugmxinn 72 Slraugk Communitaxinns 52 Aeraspaze 24 Business Develnpmenl 19 Analysis 19 la Hnmeland Sammy I3 Federal Government 12 omen Sles Searin Clearanu am Show less A Recommendations Ruelved Stan EIKker (ml, 52a Aw fame Dmlupmem 5543 mm al the my Felt! MalthL 2m: .rahwag may a: 5m Du marardllem. Gwen lal lam glaleml (cl me exemplaly and dedmauon om SECAF demonsllales dally suppon 0! cm Super talented tonal Fume Alvmen' We ave nomad Io serve mm a leadel max 5 mam me mawy (hallenge: we alelamg Mly undelslands wnal All Powel bung; lhem all Very Respeumlly Sm" (may Held, WA Debolah l: a pvoblem solvevand leadel sle: Puer Beck ave mellem and she l5 very was happy heal ml hel a: In: new osmonleadln lode laruar'yi HEeburarn>> 9 may uFeerDujlnn ram. ml. Show more . Messaglng IMww llnkedln m: up mlum 3/4 511212018 Deborah Lee James Lmkemn 1 Language Spamsh Interests Nohlis Lean Toguher Minneapolierl Nobhs 1545mm Duke Universin AnnerMarie Slaughler Em 161mm,." 3 2mm Hum new a 5 Sheryl Sandbar; Dave Go'dberg TeraTh'mk (emulation 'EflfismHoymvs See 3" Linkad an Am WW5: Sew awe mmwmem <